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 15鸟语 语文PPT课件

1. 嘴巴小,尾巴翘, 不会走,只会跳, 飞到树上喳喳叫。猜谜语 2. 苏教版 语文 四年级 下册15 鸟语第一课时第二课时 3. 你有没有仔细聆听过鸟儿的叫声,你知道鸟儿是在说什么吗?我们不妨走进课

2019-04-25    1424    0

 16 猫 语文PPT课件


2019-12-02    1083    0

 人教版语文五年级上册 3 桂ppt

人们往往把思乡之情赋予一件事物,今天,我们就看看作者琦君是怎样把思乡之情赋予“桂雨”的吧! 2. 人教版 语文 五年级 上册3 桂雨第一课时第二课时 3. 琦君 原名潘希真。现当代女作家。浙江省永嘉县人。

2019-09-17    2758    0

 人教版 语文选修中国现代诗歌散文欣赏 4.4 《半棵树》 课件(共38张PPT)

我已在佛前/求了五百年/求它让我们结一段尘缘/佛于是把我化作一棵树/长在你必经的路旁/阳光下慎重地开满了/朵朵都是我前世的盼望(席慕蓉《一棵开花的树》) 3. 半棵树   ——牛汉 4. 教学目标1.品读诗歌,理解内容

2019-08-07    1122    0


预习本单元词汇,完成下列测评项目。 1.He made wonderful scientific___________(发现). 2.He ___________(使……扬名)himself by his courage at that time. 3.I keep my reference books near my desk for___________(方便). 4.He ate a light lunch in___________(期望)of a good dinner. 5.The manager received twenty ___________(申请书)for the position. 6.Success in money-making is not always a good___________ (标准) of real success in life.

2021-03-18    618    0


1.The Taiwan S    seperates Taiwan Island from the mainland.2.Only a few of them thought highly of the plan. The m    were against it.3.Now in China, an increasing p    of the population have their own cars.4.—What’s your n   ?—I’m British.5.My father h    three men to help him with the harvest last summer.6.He has twenty heads of ___________(牛) on his farm.7.He has six pieces of ___________ (行李).

2021-03-18    641    0


词汇梳理   1. discovery n. 发现;发觉 【观察示例】 The country became rich following the discovery of oil. 在发现石油以后,这个国家变得很富有。 The researchers have made a number of important discoveries. 研究人员已有许多重要发现。

2021-03-18    715    0


1 The first use is to produce commercial quantities of plants.The second is to research on new plants species and do medical research on animals.2 Cloning plants is straightforward,but the cloning of animals is very complicated.3 The first clone from an adult animal was Dolly the sheep.She died in 2003.4 Cloning is controversial in some countries for moral and religious reasons.

2021-03-18    695    0


 预习本单元词汇,完成下列测评项目。1.He was not__________(觉察到)of her presence until she spoke to him.2.Children must learn not to __________(打断谈话).3.__________(假定)it rains tomorrow, what shall we do?4.Who will learn a language __________(不管)of method, materials, or teacher?5.This dictionary is __________(特别地)intended for foreign learners of English.6.He was tried for theft but got off because there wasn’t sufficient__________ (证据) against him.

2021-03-18    628    0


1.The _____(改编)of the play for radio was easily done.答案:adaptation2.Two men formed a   阴谋)to rob the bank.答案:plot3.He did not _____(犹豫)to ask her to sit beside him.答案:hesitate4. ______(使人心烦的)financial problems depressed him.答案:Troublesome

2021-03-18    675    0


1.The Taiwan S    seperates Taiwan Island from the mainland.答案:Strait2.Only a few of them thought highly of the plan.The m    were against it.答案:majority3.Now in China,an increasing p    of the population have their own cars.答案:percentage4.—What’s your n   ?—I’m British.

2021-03-18    913    0


extinct longer than 10,000 years.(教材 P15) 出门测 考察范围:高二春季-Book 8 Unit 2 词汇-语法练习 姓名: 得分: (满分 20 分) 一. 单句语法填空

2021-05-14    464    0


Ⅰ.词汇点兵  预习本单元词汇,完成下列测评项目。 1.The brothers     (与……不同) widely in their tastes. 2.This question is quite     (简单),while that one is much more complicated. 3.It is quite     (令人不安) to hear the bad news. 4.Smoking is     (禁止) in public places. 5.His suggestion sounds quite     (合情合理) to most of us.

2021-03-18    704    0


☞Suggested answers to Exercise 1:1 The mother was upset because a family of snakes had made their home near the house.2 The writer was happy because it gave her an opportunity to help her mother and invent something to catch the snakes without hurting them at the same time.3 These are the three creative steps she writer took to trap the snakes by cooling them and making them sleepy so she could catch them.

2021-03-18    885    0


《淘金记》:含着眼泪的笑 版本:人教版高中语文选修·影视名作欣赏 课时安排:一课时 教材分析 默片时代的《淘金记》是卓别林“含泪的笑”的经典之作,它也证明了卓别林所坚持的“悲剧和喜剧实际上是不可分的

2023-03-17    372    0


1. 室内陈设色彩设计 ——简一产品应用设计与色系搭配 2. 色彩的常识配色与调和室内色彩搭配禁忌目录一二三色彩的常识室内色彩设计案例四简一产品搭配应用五室内陈设色彩设计 3. 室内设计和色彩 构成室

2020-09-28    1042    0


1. 保胎药的临床应用 2. 流产和早产是妊娠期最常见的两大并发症 ——各种类型的药物进行保胎治疗 流产和早产的界定在国际上还没有统一 ——国内以28孕周,有些国家以20孕周为界 20-28周的晚期流产诊疗同早产

2019-02-12    1765    0


1. 产品介绍药业有限公司 2. 主要内容1置换液的 基本信息与应用2CRRT的基本认识3枸橼酸的基本信息与应用 3. 血液滤过置换基础液 4. 主要内容1. 置换液的基本概念2. 置换液的配方选择3

2019-07-01    1515    0


1. ● 培训讲座电气测量技术基础知识与应用美国福禄克公司 2. 主要内容电能质量测量与分析 ★ 测量仪器,FLUKE ★ 对于谐波测量仪器,A级一致性意味着什么? ★ IEC61000-4-30:“标记”的重要性

2019-04-03    2346    0


1. 3、荷 叶圣陶 2. 检查预习: 读准字音:饱胀 破裂 仿佛 蜻蜓 轻声:莲蓬 舞蹈 衣裳 连读:挨挨挤挤 翩翩起舞 3. 有的才展开两三片花瓣。有的花瓣儿全展开了,露出嫩黄色的小莲蓬。有的

2019-01-15    3096    0
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