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高二语文《大学》节选(人教版高二选修) 教案教学设计   教学目标 1. 借助工具上古疏通文意,掌握常见的文言词汇及重要意义。 2. 理解文章中的思想,并探讨这些思想的现代意义。 3. 理解《大学》

2023-08-13    280    0

 人教版高中语文选修-语言文字应用《第二节 句子“手牵手”-复句和关联词》教学设计2

建这么个没用的碑,还拿这笔钱救济伤残人。 句子不成立了 (4)不但能救得杨过和小龙女性命,而且能解你体内毒。 (递进关系) 能救得杨过和小龙女性命,能解你体内毒。 (5)可惜师伯那时不在,否则令狐大哥也不会身受重伤了。 (转折关系)

2023-03-19    397    0

 人教版高中语文选修-语言文字应用《第二节 句子“手牵手”-复句和关联词》教学设计

一﹑导入:同学们,请看这样一组对话:这里的表达有没有不合适的地方? 小明:“妈妈,我这次又考砸了,语文才打了五十九分。 妈妈:儿子,没事儿。只要好好听课,好好完成作业,学习成绩就能提高。 二﹑比较分析后归纳单句和复句的定义

2023-03-16    226    0

 人教版高中语文选修-语言文字应用《第三节 有话“好好说”-修改病句》教学设计2

始发表演说。 “诸位先生们:今天是个什么天气?今天是演讲的天气。到会的人十分茂盛,看样子大概有五分八啦!没到的请举手!” “今天校长请我光临贵校,本人深感侥幸。在诸君面前演讲,真是鹤立鸡群哪!” (学生们哄堂大笑)

2023-03-16    296    0

 人教版高中语文选修-语言文字应用《第三节 有话“好好说”-修改病句》教学设计

病句是指不符合语言的组织规律、不符合客观事物的事理、不符合人们的语言习惯的句子。“辨析并修改病句”是属于纯洁语言一类的考点,一直是语文高考的必考点之一。在语言发展极快,新词与语病都层出不穷的今天,尤其需要规范语言,使其健康发展。 病句的类型主要有:

2023-03-19    257    0

 人教版高中语文选修-语言文字应用《第三节 淡妆浓抹总相宜 -语言的色彩》教学设计2

柴的人只听得懂“价”这个字,于是就告诉秀才价钱。秀才于是讨价还价了:“外实而内虚,烟多而焰少,请损。” 故事结果会如何呢? 卖柴的人因为听不懂秀才的话,于是担着柴走了。 (2)语体色彩分类 一是口语语体和书面语体不同:

2023-03-19    302    0

 人教版高中语文选修-语言文字应用《第二节 句子“手牵手”-复句和关联词》教学设计1

《句子“手牵手”——复句和关联词》教学设计教学目标:1.认识复句并准确区分复杂单句与复句的区别。2.正确把握复句内部结构,掌握正确划分复句层次的方法。3.理解并掌握常见关联词的使用方法。教学重点:准确把握复句的内部关系,并熟悉常见关联词的使用方法教学难点:掌握层次分析法教学方法:知识点讲析 重点示例举偶 难点研讨分析教学过程:一、 导入诗歌导入----《见与不见》

2023-03-17    349    0

 心理活动课教案《点燃智慧 开启记忆之门》

心理活动课教案《点燃智慧 开启记忆之门》 [适用年级]  高一年级 [设计理念] 高一新生普遍缺乏关于记忆的科学知识与方法,因此,通过激发学生积极参与活动的兴趣与热情,使学生在亲身经历中体会到记

2009-10-16    17818    0


预习本单元词汇,完成下列测评项目。 1.He made wonderful scientific___________(发现). 2.He ___________(使……扬名)himself by his courage at that time. 3.I keep my reference books near my desk for___________(方便). 4.He ate a light lunch in___________(期望)of a good dinner. 5.The manager received twenty ___________(申请书)for the position. 6.Success in money-making is not always a good___________ (标准) of real success in life.

2021-03-18    618    0


1.The Taiwan S    seperates Taiwan Island from the mainland.2.Only a few of them thought highly of the plan. The m    were against it.3.Now in China, an increasing p    of the population have their own cars.4.—What’s your n   ?—I’m British.5.My father h    three men to help him with the harvest last summer.6.He has twenty heads of ___________(牛) on his farm.7.He has six pieces of ___________ (行李).

2021-03-18    641    0


词汇梳理   1. discovery n. 发现;发觉 【观察示例】 The country became rich following the discovery of oil. 在发现石油以后,这个国家变得很富有。 The researchers have made a number of important discoveries. 研究人员已有许多重要发现。

2021-03-18    715    0


1 The first use is to produce commercial quantities of plants.The second is to research on new plants species and do medical research on animals.2 Cloning plants is straightforward,but the cloning of animals is very complicated.3 The first clone from an adult animal was Dolly the sheep.She died in 2003.4 Cloning is controversial in some countries for moral and religious reasons.

2021-03-18    695    0


 预习本单元词汇,完成下列测评项目。1.He was not__________(觉察到)of her presence until she spoke to him.2.Children must learn not to __________(打断谈话).3.__________(假定)it rains tomorrow, what shall we do?4.Who will learn a language __________(不管)of method, materials, or teacher?5.This dictionary is __________(特别地)intended for foreign learners of English.6.He was tried for theft but got off because there wasn’t sufficient__________ (证据) against him.

2021-03-18    628    0


1.The _____(改编)of the play for radio was easily done.答案:adaptation2.Two men formed a   阴谋)to rob the bank.答案:plot3.He did not _____(犹豫)to ask her to sit beside him.答案:hesitate4. ______(使人心烦的)financial problems depressed him.答案:Troublesome

2021-03-18    675    0


1.The Taiwan S    seperates Taiwan Island from the mainland.答案:Strait2.Only a few of them thought highly of the plan.The m    were against it.答案:majority3.Now in China,an increasing p    of the population have their own cars.答案:percentage4.—What’s your n   ?—I’m British.

2021-03-18    913    0


extinct longer than 10,000 years.(教材 P15) 出门测 考察范围:高二春季-Book 8 Unit 2 词汇-语法练习 姓名: 得分: (满分 20 分) 一. 单句语法填空

2021-05-14    464    0


Ⅰ.词汇点兵  预习本单元词汇,完成下列测评项目。 1.The brothers     (与……不同) widely in their tastes. 2.This question is quite     (简单),while that one is much more complicated. 3.It is quite     (令人不安) to hear the bad news. 4.Smoking is     (禁止) in public places. 5.His suggestion sounds quite     (合情合理) to most of us.

2021-03-18    704    0


☞Suggested answers to Exercise 1:1 The mother was upset because a family of snakes had made their home near the house.2 The writer was happy because it gave her an opportunity to help her mother and invent something to catch the snakes without hurting them at the same time.3 These are the three creative steps she writer took to trap the snakes by cooling them and making them sleepy so she could catch them.

2021-03-18    885    0


《淘金记》:含着眼泪的笑 版本:人教版高中语文选修·影视名作欣赏 课时安排:一课时 教材分析 默片时代的《淘金记》是卓别林“含泪的笑”的经典之作,它也证明了卓别林所坚持的“悲剧和喜剧实际上是不可分的

2023-03-17    372    0

 人教版三年级语文下教案与教学反思(教案+反思)(精品)3 荷

3 荷 教学导航 [教学目标] 1.会认5个生字,会写11个生字。 2.有感情地朗读课文,背诵2—4自然段,积累优美语言。 3.理解课文内容,感受荷的美丽,培养热爱美的情趣和热爱大自然的感情。 4

2020-01-12    1575    0
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