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History Derived From the Memory about WWⅡ;  从对二战的记忆思历史记忆的重要性 12. Memory “lingered”;  记忆“纠缠”现象——引发应激障碍的创伤性记忆

2021-03-17    757    0


try1) try [英][traɪ] [美][traɪ] 尝试1.A Study of Developing Students Intelligence——A Try at Teaching Descriptive Geometry with Module;努力开发学生智能的实验研究——在画法几何教学中进行模块式教学的尝试2.In a word,it is a bold try for buildinng a new forestry system and management model. 股份合作制林场是林业体制和经营模式改革的大胆尝试。

2021-03-17    539    0


mud1) mud [英][mʌd] [美][mʌd] 泥浆1.Examination and investigation of drilling mud for the strata that always sop in water in diggings in Anhui province;安徽某矿区强水敏性地层钻进泥浆的试验研究2.The purge and utility of mud in drilling cast-in-place pile; 钻孔灌注桩中泥浆的净化和利用

2021-03-17    628    0


guidebook1) guidepost [英]['gaidpəust] [美]['gaɪd,post] 导向柱2.Holder for sliding guide die sets for press tools-Punch holder for back pillar sets 冲模滑动导向模座后侧导柱上模座3.Holder for ball slide die sets for press tools-Punch holder for back pillar sets 冲模滚动导向模座后侧导柱上模座

2021-03-17    641    0


and holism . 从景观的人性化、时间性、生态性以及整体性四个方面阐述对现代景观环境的思,设计需要虑的内容及方法。 3. Starting from the Phenomenology view

2021-03-17    523    0


heavy1) heavy [英]['hevi] [美]['hɛvɪ] 重1.Results Research findings indicated that inhibition rates of heavy metals(individual or combined) on the seed germination were much lower than those on the root elongation.结论根伸长抑制率比种子发芽抑制率更能准确反映重金属的毒理效应。

2021-03-17    420    0


short1) short [英][ʃɔ:t] [美][ʃɔrt] 短路1.An improved bridge-type superconductor current limiter which can limit instantaneous and steady short current was presented,and the resistance-type,bridge-type and improved bridge-type superconductor current limiters were simulated.笔者提出了改进型桥路模型,该模型可限制瞬态短路电流和稳态短路电流。

2021-03-17    409    0


out) out [英][aʊt] [美][aut] 出(外)2) out [英][aʊt] [美][aut] 过于1.He had been impatient, over-enthusiastic, in a hurry. 他确实过于性急,过于热切,过于匆忙了。2.To work too long or too hard. 工作过度工作过久或过于努力

2021-03-17    340    0


clothing.  中国旗袍展现传统服装的风貌。 13. The 20th century is kept firmly at bay.  20世纪的风貌被完好地保留下来。 14. Earth has not

2021-03-17    543    0


make fun of1) to tease; to make fun of; to poke fun at 调笑1."No. I drank champagne and romped and tried to flirt, and was altogether abominable," said Meg self-reproachfully.“不,我还喝了香槟酒,疯疯傻傻,调调笑笑。总之,可恶极了。”麦格后悔地道。

2021-03-17    444    0


seed at the 12-20 mm level necessitates drilling rather than broadcasting. 将种子深度定为12-20毫米,采用直播比撒播优越。 10

2021-03-17    397    0


river1) river [英]['rɪvə(r)] [美]['rɪvɚ] 河流

2021-03-17    420    0


rhetoric functions of from-an English preposition;  英语介词from的语义、修辞功能 2. The words'in','from','out' and 'of

2021-03-17    424    0


hybrid rice1) hybrid rice 杂交稻1.Evaluation of the effect of planted hybrid rice on methane emission from paddy field; 种植杂交稻对甲烷排放的影响及评价2.A 100-mu area demonstration of hybrid rice Teyou 233 and its super-high yield cultivation technology;杂交稻特优233百亩连片生产示范与超高产栽培技术

2021-03-17    495    0


Language Explanation in Nanjing Museum;  南京博物院开展手语讲解的几点思 14. An essay on the calligraphy and drawing exhibition

2021-03-17    539    0


Contemporary University Students; 当代大学生艰苦奋斗精神的分析与思 11. Party s Leaders Should Enhance the Spirit of Arduous

2021-03-17    510    0


pre-school teachers institute; 转变旧观念,迎接新挑战——对幼师音乐教育现状的思 5)  usher in the New Year and send off the Old; ring

2021-03-17    340    0


working1) working [英]['wɜ:kɪŋ] [美]['wɝkɪŋ] 加工1.On working and Making Use of Books with CD-ROMs; 关于带盘图书的加工利用2.They have good working effect, easy technology effect, saving time and labor and so on. 本文介绍了某种射流泵泵体加工的系列专用夹具。

2021-03-17    280    0


rather than1) translate the content rather than the form 得意忘象1.As early as in ancient time when the Buddhism was translated into China,translators,some famous Buddhists,advocated to translate the content rather than the form when translating,and contributed a great lot to make Buddhism understood with fidelity and accepted widely in China.早在我国古代,为使众人正确理解佛教的根本宗旨和思想精神,一批佛经翻译家提出并实践了“得意忘象”的翻译思想,纠正了“格义”翻译法所造成的对佛经的误解,为佛教在中国的传播做出了巨大的贡献。

2021-03-17    330    0


response1) response [英][rɪ'spɔns] [美][rɪ'spɑns] 响应1.Spatial simulation of the responses of species extinction to human-caused habitat destruction at different time scales;物种灭绝对不同时间尺度栖息地毁坏响应的空间模拟

2021-03-17    389    0
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