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formal debate or an oral defense of a thesis.  辩论练习学术上的辩论练习,包括正式辩论或对一论点的口头辩论 8. Of, relating to, or used

2021-03-17    609    0

 2020-2021 学年度下期六年级语文下册期末复习测试含答案(部编

2020-2021 学年度下期六年级语文下册期末复习测试含答案(部编) 期末测试卷 一、 写同音字。 (6 分) cù ( )酸 急( ) zhàn ( )放 ( )士 xuē 皮( ) 剥( )

2021-06-12    884    0


部编语文七年级下册暑期强化训练营(三) 一 、基础回顾 下列句子中加点字的字音或字形完全正确的一项是(   ) A.我站在高山之巅(diān),望黄河滚滚,奔向东南。惊涛澎湃,掀起万丈狂澜(lán);浊流宛转,结成九曲连环。

2022-09-08    386    0


in one's view1) view [英][vju:] [美][vju] 观点1.This paper deals with the research thinking and means of Reader phenomenon at the view of mass media theories and the cult.本文主要结合大众传播理论和期刊发展的文化环境因素,就"《读者》现象"研究的思路和方法提出一些具体的观点和看法。

2021-03-17    522    0


biscuit) biscuit [英]['bɪskɪt] [美]['bɪskɪt] 饼干1.Research on techniques of production of oat biscuit with milk; 牛奶伴侣燕麦饼干的生产工艺研究2.SSL influenced quality of biscuit; SSL对饼干生产影响研究3.Application of xylo-oligosaccharide in biscuit product; 低聚木糖在饼干生产中的应用研究

2021-03-17    602    0


market1) market [英]['mɑ:kɪt] [美]['mɑrkɪt] 营销1.Cosmetic market: three channels of three cosmetic brands; 化妆品卓越营销:3个品牌3条路2.Analysis on the Market Intemationalization of Sports Utilities in China; 我国体育用品企业国际营销模式的探索

2021-03-17    768    0


go out1) go out 走出去1.How Can Our Shoes Products Go Out; 我国鞋产品如何更好走出去2.Therefore, China need making scientifc fessible strategies and specific measures to help the native banks to "go out .根据中国加入WTO的承诺,近两年来我国银行业加快了对外开放的步伐,事实证明,银行走出去,既是一国/地区对外贸易扩张的金融基础,更是本国/地区企业走出去从事跨国经营的坚强后盾。

2021-03-17    741    0


brick英音:/brɪk/美音:/brɪk/1. n. 砖,砖块;砖形物;[口]心肠好的人2. vt. 用砖砌3. adj. 用砖做的;似砖的

2021-03-17    484    0


rise1) rise [英][raɪz] [美][raɪz] 兴起1.On the Rise of Modern Chinese Outlook of Value Management and its Reason; 当代中国价值观管理兴起及其原因探析2.A Tentative Study of the Rise of A Shatuo Regime——the Later Tang Dynasty; 试论沙陀政权后唐的兴起

2021-03-17    546    0


英语(七年级下册) Unit 1 Dream homes Reading (II) Homes around the world I. Teaching aims and learning objectives

2021-03-08    772    0


1.beat(n.)节拍;拍子→beat(v.)击败→beat(过去式)→beaten(过去分词)2.intend(v.)计划;打算→intend to do sth.计划干某事3.fetch(v.)(去)取来;拿来→fetches(第三人称单数形式)4.handbag(n.)(女用)小提包

2021-03-20    560    0


sink1) sink [英][sɪŋk] [美][sɪŋk] 汇1.In this paper,the relationships between landscape pattern and water quality at western reservoir area in Shenzhen City were studied with grey connection method,and the influences of 'source' and 'sink' landscape patterns on non-point pollution were probed.利用灰色关联分析方法研究了深圳市西部水库流域景观格局指数与水质指标的关联关系,并探讨了"源"、"汇"景观格局对非点源污染的影响程度。

2021-03-17    521    0


Fluid Coupling by Accurately Controlling  液力偶合器精确控制下原始特性修正 11. Oil Pump Flow Rate Selection of Variable Speed

2021-03-17    540    0


are named after computer hardware and software.  硬科学和软科学是借用计算机中的硬件和软件来命名的。 12. Note: There are four classes

2021-03-17    485    0


break out1) break out 破土;把舱内货物移到舱口;打开旗号2) break out 移货至舱口待卸3) break out 突然暴发;逃脱4) break-out ['breikaut] 漏钢

2021-03-17    587    0


try on1) try on 试穿;耍弄(花招)2) try [英][traɪ] [美][traɪ] 尝试1.A Study of Developing Students Intelligence——A Try at Teaching Descriptive Geometry with Module;努力开发学生智能的实验研究——在画法几何教学中进行模块式教学的尝试

2021-03-17    573    0


互相评改作文,以分享感受,沟通见解。”可以说,“语言简明”是写作的基本功。 二、 教材分析 七年级下册教材在前三单元的写作训练上侧重对学生写人记事能力的培养和写作技巧的点拨与提升,而在后三个单元的写作

2021-03-23    666    0


tourist1) tourist [英]['tʊərɪst] [美]['turɪst] 游客1.Analysis and design idea of kaifeng city landscape based on tourist apperceiving image;

2021-03-17    594    0


My name is Broody. I'm a middle school student. I want to tell you 36 about my new —__37 .The rooms are not big 38 comfortable. There are five rooms in my flat. They are one bathroom, one living room, one kithcen and two bedrooms. I'm very happy now, for I have 39_ own room in our tlat.

2021-03-25    698    0


1. 正确、流利、有感情的朗读诗歌及背诵;2. 掌握马致远的文学常识,了解元散曲的文体知;3. 理解《天净沙 .秋思》所描写的景物和蕴含的思想感情;4. 能用自己的语言描绘小曲所展示的画面

2021-03-15    544    0
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