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 译林(2020)选择性必修第一册:Unit 1 Food matters Revision单元复习题(无答案)

选择性必修一 U1 Food matters 句子填空: 1. Food is as fundamental to man _____ the people are to the state. 2.

2023-02-09    462    0


the couple1) couple [英]['kʌpl] [美]['kʌpḷ] 耦合1.Influence of Distributed Delay on Turing Pattern Formation in Coupled Reaction Diffusion Systems;耦合反应扩散体系中分布式延迟对图灵斑图的影响2.Rigid-body Element Analysis of Seepage Flow Field of Fissure Network coupled with Stress Field in Fissured Rock Masses;裂隙岩体裂隙网络渗流场──应力场耦合的刚体元分析

2021-03-17    532    0


break out1) break out 破土;把舱内货物移到舱口;打开旗号2) break out 移货至舱口待卸3) break out 突然暴发;逃脱4) break-out ['breikaut] 漏钢

2021-03-17    584    0


sociology. 一方面就上世纪中叶以来建筑学学科对该内容的相关研究进行了部分的梳理和审视;另一方面则以人类、社会等学科视野,对该内容也进行了别样的审视。 6)  view [英][vju:]  [美][vju] 

2021-03-17    516    0


neither nor1) neither too hard nor too soft 软硬适中1.Moderate hardness for smooth and clear writing 软硬适中,书写流利清晰2.This kind of food is neither too hard nor too soft, just suitaBle for the old and young. 这种食品,软硬适中,对老幼都适宜。

2021-03-17    479    0


Implications for Teaching Vocabulary;  从CET四级词汇测试特点看大学英语词汇教学 7. Effective Approaches to English Vocabulary

2021-03-17    517    0


degree promoted the students.  192 1年初 ,留法勤工俭学生面对勤工俭的艰难出路提出是先求学还是先找工作的问题 ,由此引发蒙达尼派与勤工派的激烈论争。 4. Debate

2021-03-17    601    0


would rather than1) would rather 宁愿1.I would rather go to the movies 我宁愿去看电影.(宁可)2.He would rather Be deaf than Blind. 我宁愿聋而不愿瞎。

2021-03-17    507    0


Sowing, Drilling of Youyan 7 Which is Effective; 油七号起垅撒播、条播种植效果的研究 8. The Date and the Relevant Issues

2021-03-17    516    0


西班牙内战的爆发又对初次掌权的人民阵线政权提出了难题:国内左右翼政党的意见分歧使勃鲁姆难以定夺对西政策,伦敦决心置身事的态度也令巴黎不敢轻举妄动,几经考虑后,法国提出了“不干涉政策“。 本文档由香当网(https://www

2021-03-17    822    0


flow1) flow [英][fləʊ] [美][flo] 流1.Properties for the space of curves and the translation flow; 曲线空间及平移流的性质2.Real-time identifying UDP-based skype voice flow algorithm; 一种实时检测基于UDP的Skype语音流的算法

2021-03-17    651    0


muddy1) muddy [英]['mʌdi] [美]['mʌdɪ] 淤泥质1.Study on definition of muddy coast and silty coast; 关于淤泥质海岸与粉沙质海岸界定的探讨2.In the present paper,wave attenuation over muddy seabed in the Lian-Yun-Gang port is comprehensively investigated by means of experiment,observation and theoretical analysis.

2021-03-17    511    0


cut off1) cut off 切除1.Analyzes the operating mode of the medium pressure absorber after its circulating water had to be cut off due to its tube leaking,proposes relative optimizing measures to decrease ammonia content in its vented air, playing the role of decreasing ammonia consumption and stabilizing the production.分析中压氨吸收器因列管泄漏其循环水被迫切除后系统运行模式,提出相应的优化措施,降低中 压放空气中的氨含量,达到降低氨耗,稳定生产的作用。

2021-03-17    557    0


slap1) slap [英][slæp] [美][slæp] 松动拍击2) slap [英][slæp] [美][slæp] 拍打;松动;猛然;恰好;活塞敲击3) slap [英][slæp] [美][slæp] 拍,掌击

2021-03-17    476    0


Brief Analysis of the Origins of English Idioms;  浅析大学英语常见习语语源 3. National characteristics in English-Chinese idioms

2021-03-17    482    0


1) erase [英][ɪ'reɪz] [美][ɪ'res] 擦除1.This article will analyze erase failure at cold temperature and related reliability problem to find out a way to improve passing yield also to make sure the high reliability.而擦除失效和可靠性问题是NOR型闪存存在的主要问题。

2021-03-17    510    0


activities of the knowledge holder. “所知”作为一种兼有学科和学派意义的原创性哲学理论,提供了一种考察问题的新的哲视角。 2)  the known  所知 1. On “‘The

2021-03-17    583    0


Information at Home and Abroad on Internet  互联网上国内外内分泌资源的获取 16. Handing CAAC exhibitions in China and abroad

2021-03-17    518    0


Yangtze River Estuary Since the Last Deglaciation; 长江口滨泥质区末次冰消期以来沉积特征与沉积环境演化 9. THE DEVONIAN SEDIMENTARY ICHNOFACIES

2021-03-17    617    0


English Teaching;  神经生理学记忆理论在大学英语教学中的运用 4. phenomenology of memory  记忆现象 记忆现象 5. There are two kinds of

2021-03-17    750    0
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