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 人教版高中英语必修第一册Unit1Teenage Life Using language学案

_____________________________________________________. 3.我喜欢英语多于数学。(prefer ...to... 喜欢...多于...) _______________

2023-03-21    327    0


1.To know how to make reservations and what to reserve before travelling.2.To practise the tip of listening—listening for the key words.3.To know the formal and polite patterns and expressions in making a reservation.4.To role-play a phone call to make reservations with a partner.

2021-03-25    856    0


(2)though /even though /although conj.即使;虽然(+     )  ☞即活用 选词填空(although,though,despite) (1)It is unbelievable

2021-03-25    1191    0


1.Summarise the main idea of the conversation and sort out measures taken before,during and after an earthquake.2.Report safety instructions according to different disasters.3.Arouse the awareness of disaster preventions.

2021-03-25    738    0


1.Get the gist of the text and identify the type and language features of the text.2.Analyse the sample and summarise the key elements in writing a summary.3.Write a summary of the passage“THE NIGHT THE EARTH DIDNT SLEEP”.

2021-03-25    777    0


traveller civilization center honor traveler 英式和美式英语用词的一些常见差异及规律: 有些名词的词尾,英式拼写为-re,美式拼写为-er,例如:metre/meter

2021-03-25    664    0


他们把小偷释放了。 4.我要你把真相告诉我。 5.卫兵命令我们立即离开。 6.每天早晨我们都听到他大声朗读英语。 7.他每个月理一次发。 8.我们不会让她在晚上外出的。 Part Ⅵ Homework 核心素养专练

2021-03-25    1018    0


学习目标1.To know how to get ready for a travel.2.To grasp the tip of listening—listening to the key words.3.To talk about the plans using “be doing”.4.To know how to prepare for a travel.

2021-03-25    1118    0


1.Learn about the basic information of the Tangshan earthquake.2.Identify the language features of literary journalism and the structures of the text.3.Appreciate the figures of speech and writing skills used in the text.4.Grasp and use some words and phrases to describe a natural disaster.课堂探究

2021-03-25    1192    0


1.To get familiar with the development history of the Chinese writing system.2.To apply prediction and scanning strategies for main ideas in reading.3.To identify the main structure of the passage and talk about a topic through the timeline.4.To use some important words and phrases to describe the development of Chinese writing system.

2021-03-25    989    0


1.Identify restrictive relative clauses and explore the structures and the pragmatic function of restrictive relative clauses.2.Sum up the usage of relative pronouns.3.Use restrictive relative clauses to describe pictures of disasters.

2021-03-25    1796    0

 人教版高中英语必修第一册Unit1Teenge Life Language Points学案

M1 Unit 1 Teenage Life Language PointsMotto: Good habits formed at youth make all the difference.年轻时养成的好习惯至关重要。I. Learning aimsMaster the key words, phrases and sentence structures.II. Self- lea

2023-03-22    358    0


1.Haveagoodunderstandingofthebasicusagesofrelativeadverbssuchaswhen,where,whyinattributiveclauses;understandthestructurein/on/atwhichinattributiveclausesisequivalenttowhere/when.  2.Masterthebasicusagesofrelativeadverbsofattributiveclausesintherealsituationthroughself-studyandpractice.3.Describefavouritethingsusingtheproperrelativeadverbsofattributiveclauses.

2021-03-25    769    0

 高中英语人教版 必修第一册期末复习综合练习有答案

高一第一学期英语期末复习综合练习 一、阅读理解题: A George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin. These are some

2023-03-21    325    0


水平面上升。 raise vt.举起,抚养,筹集 区分两者的关键是看有没有宾语,有宾语用     。  ☞即活用 选词填空(rise,raise) (1)Price     every day in this

2021-03-25    837    0


1.Figure out the main structures of the passage by analysing the main idea of each part.2.Identify the useful patterns and expressions about the topic from the reading text.3.Describe the challenges and solutions by using the related vocabulary.

2021-03-25    1098    0


渴望……(从句谓语用should do,should可省略) with anxiety            ☞即活用 (1)Your mother         (非常担心你).You shouldnt have

2021-03-25    1003    0


       (2)          与某人讲理  (3)          ……的原因是……  ☞即活用 (1)He received severe punishment for breaking the

2021-03-25    1375    0


1.The city spent over one billion dollars on its museums and    (体育馆),while it failed to look after its schools. 2.It’s been a difficult time,but,on the p     side,I feel physically fine. 3.The ability to perform well under pressure is the mark of a true c    .

2021-06-24    357    0


2021-2022学年高一数学人教A2019必修第一册第二章 2.1 等式性质与不等式性质 一、单选题 1.下列命题为真命题的是 A.若,则 B.若,则 C.若,则 D.若,则 2.某校对高一美术生划定

2021-07-03    351    0
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