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1.Learn about the basic information of the Tangshan earthquake.2.Identify the language features of literary journalism and the structures of the text.3.Appreciate the figures of speech and writing skills used in the text.4.Grasp and use some words and phrases to describe a natural disaster.课堂探究

2021-03-25    1191    0


1.Get the gist of the text and identify the type and language features of the text.2.Analyse the sample and summarise the key elements in writing a summary.3.Write a summary of the passage“THE NIGHT THE EARTH DIDNT SLEEP”.

2021-03-25    777    0


traveller civilization center honor traveler 英式和美式英语用词的一些常见差异及规律: 有些名词的词尾,英式拼写为-re,美式拼写为-er,例如:metre/meter

2021-03-25    664    0

 高中英语人教版 必修第二册Unit2 Wildlife protection Readingandthinking学案

Book2unit2 Reading and ThinkingLearning about protecting endangered animalActivity1: Activate the students’ knowledge of wildlife protection.“When the buying stops, the killing can too.” Can the

2023-02-23    283    0


引导的特殊疑问句用来询问原因。其回答通常用because 引导,汉语中通常总是说“因为…所以…”,而英语中不能再同一句中同时使用because和so,二者只能用其一。 3,cute与smart辨析 两个

2021-05-28    449    0


他们把小偷释放了。 4.我要你把真相告诉我。 5.卫兵命令我们立即离开。 6.每天早晨我们都听到他大声朗读英语。 7.他每个月理一次发。 8.我们不会让她在晚上外出的。 Part Ⅵ Homework 核心素养专练

2021-03-25    1018    0


八年级英语下册导学案 课题 Unit 4 section A 3a-3c 课型 讲授课 主备 审核 学习 目标 掌握并灵活运用本课的重点词汇 relation communication argue

2021-05-28    397    0


学习目标1.To know how to get ready for a travel.2.To grasp the tip of listening—listening to the key words.3.To talk about the plans using “be doing”.4.To know how to prepare for a travel.

2021-03-25    1118    0


1.Haveagoodunderstandingofthebasicusagesofrelativeadverbssuchaswhen,where,whyinattributiveclauses;understandthestructurein/on/atwhichinattributiveclausesisequivalenttowhere/when.  2.Masterthebasicusagesofrelativeadverbsofattributiveclausesintherealsituationthroughself-studyandpractice.3.Describefavouritethingsusingtheproperrelativeadverbsofattributiveclauses.

2021-03-25    768    0

 英语人教版 选择性必修第二册Unit 1 Science and Scientists词汇语法等 学案

人教版(2019版)高中英语选择性必修 第二册第一单元学案 【词汇语法等】 UNIT ONE 1. have/develop cholera ['kɒlərə]: 染上霍乱 2.severe [sɪ'vɪə(r)]:

2023-03-04    295    0


1.Identify restrictive relative clauses and explore the structures and the pragmatic function of restrictive relative clauses.2.Sum up the usage of relative pronouns.3.Use restrictive relative clauses to describe pictures of disasters.

2021-03-25    1796    0

 高中英语人教版 必修第三册Unit2 Morals and Virtues DiscoveringUseful Structures学案

结构表达情感及描述情景。 Step 1【Revision & Introduction(复习导入)】 1. 复习句子成分:过去分词作定语,状语,宾语补足语和表语。 任务:分析下列句子中斜体部分在句子中所作的成分。

2023-03-22    454    0

 人教版高中英语必修第一册Unit1Teenge Life Language Points学案

M1 Unit 1 Teenage Life Language PointsMotto: Good habits formed at youth make all the difference.年轻时养成的好习惯至关重要。I. Learning aimsMaster the key words, phrases and sentence structures.II. Self- lea

2023-03-22    358    0


八年级英语下册导学案 课题 Unit4 Section B 1a-1e 课型 讲授课 主备 审核 学习 目标 (1)熟练掌握下列词汇: Member,compete , pressure, opinion

2021-05-28    405    0


名词性从句(主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、同位语从句)中的主要从句之一,它是中学英语学习的重点语法项目,也是历年高考英语试题中的重要考点。在使用同位语从句时,应注意以下五个方面: (一)同位语从句在句中的位置

2021-03-18    821    0


for three years. 我学习英语已经三年了。 ②I’ve studied English since three years ago. 我三年前就学习英语了。 ③I’ve studied English

2021-05-14    497    0

 高中英语人教版 必修第二册Unit 2 Wildlife Protection Reading and Thinking 导学案

导学案 课程基本信息 学科 英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季 课题 A DAY IN THE CLOUDS Reading and Thinking(Period 1) 教科书 书 名:人教版必修二教材

2023-02-23    260    0


A. read B. count C. write D. ride Step 2 明确目标 1. 复习所学单词与短语 2. 熟识现在完成时的构成与用法 3. 延续性动词与短暂性动词在现在完成时中的用法

2021-06-06    683    0


1.Master the usage of such important words and expressions as ruin,shock,trap,bury,effort,asif,etc.;learn to express yourself by using them.2.Learn the method of constructing knowledge trees through self-study &cooperative exploration.3.Enjoy the fun of expressing yourself in English and participate in class with passion.

2021-03-25    837    0


1.Figure out the main structures of the passage by analysing the main idea of each part.2.Identify the useful patterns and expressions about the topic from the reading text.3.Describe the challenges and solutions by using the related vocabulary.

2021-03-25    1098    0
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