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    A young prince had just recently became King In order to rule his kingdom he decided ____1____ all the wisdom(智慧)of the world Therefore he ordered all the wise men from his kingdom and abroad to look for books for him to read and learn ____2____
    Five years passed quickly The wise men returned with their camels carrying 5000 books full of wisdom Seeing so many books the king was ____3____ shocked that he didn’t know ____4____ to start He needed to find ____5____ useful way to read them quickly So he ordered the wise men to condense(简缩)the books and bring them back to him
    ____6____ five years passed The wise men again went to see the king This time they ____7____ 500 books ____8____ were condensed but the king still thought there were too many Five more years passed The wise men brought back 50 books At this time the king ____9____ with many problems but he still felt there were too many books
    During the next few years the wise men worked ____10____ to condense the 50 books into one book and present ____11____ to the king The king took no ____12____ in reading this book nor did he have time to learn from it ____13____ problems broke out in his kingdom —— his enemies endlessly attacked and diseases affected his people He did not have the wisdom to solve these problems Finally the king was killed by a ruler in the neighbour country and his country was destroyed
    Waiting for wisdom to come to you ____14____ just a way of being lazy If there is no action there can be no gain If we don’t set out to find wisdom we ____15____ make a difference
    1 A to learn B learning C learned D learn
    2 A about B from C with D for
    3 A very B to C so D such
    4 A when B how C which D what
    5 A an   B a C the D
    6 A The other B Other C Others D Another
    7 A bringing B brought C to bring D bring
    8 A who B whom C which D why
    9 A troubled B troubling C was troubled D is troubling
    10 A hardly B hardworking C hardest D hard
    11 A one B it C this D that
    12 A interesting B interest C interested D interestingly
    13 A Many B Much C More D Most
    14 A has been B is C was D be
    15 A mustn’t B needn’t C can’t D shouldn’t

    In the British cartoon Peppa Pig is a 4yearold pig who is interested in jumping in puddles This lovely cartoon ____16____ has become very popular worldwide Now it has been a top cultural icon in China
    Since it was shown in China in 2015 Peppa Pig has ____17____ billions of fans on the Internet In the year 2017 Peppa Pig emojis(表情包)became some of the most popular emojis of fans on the Internet ____18____ In July the phrase Peppa Pig Girl became one of the hottest words It ____19____ a girl who might look a bit silly and lazy but still feels ____20____ about their lives In November a video about Peppa Pig in Chongqing dialect(方言)became a great hit on Chinese video website Bilibili ____21____ videos about Peppa Pig in 15 Chinese dialects can be seen such as Shanghainese and Sichuanese In early 2018 Peppa Pig tattoos(纹身)became popular on Chinese social media Douyin
    The craze for Peppa Pig somehow ____22____ in 2018 when it disappeared In April 2018 Peppa Pig was said to be banned(禁止)from Douyin ____23____ the tattoos included unhealthy and violent(暴力)content Many people believed Peppa Pig tattoos would have a bad influence on children and some people said it was ____24____ Chinese Internet rules
    Still Peppa Pig is coming back On January 18th 2019 a film What is Peppa achieved a huge success on the Internet It was moving and humorous showing us a story of family bonds(联结) As the film is becoming the hottest topic the influence of Peppa Pig is even ____25____

    16 A book B film C video D character
    17 A gone B got C taken D worked
    18 A girls B teenagers C users D adults
    19 A refers to B looks like C cares for D thinks of
    20 A worried B surprised C unhappy D confident
    21 A Until B Then C However D If
    22 A grew B lived C ended D started
    23 A so B unless C although D because
    24 A for B against C through D by
    25 A greater B higher C worse D sharper

    三阅读 (两节满分45分)
    第节 阅读理解(20题题2分满分40分)

    Many of us enjoy watching animals in the wild They usually make us pleased cheer us up and sometimes even make us frightened But do you know they can teach us Wild geese for example teach a very good lesson about teamwork
    In fall Canada wild geese fly south to get away from Canada’s cold winter weather They lift off in no order Yet very quickly they form a V shape with one bird leading the flock Scientists have discovered that wild geese flying in a V shape can help them to save energy In this way they can fly 70 percent farther without rest than those flying alone
    What can human learn from this
    Be an encourager We have found that wild geese make sound in flight to encourage those that have fallen behind to keep up with the speed Team members should regularly communicate with each other while working towards a common goal
    Take turns The wild goose out in front has the hardest job as it has to break up the air currents(气流) When it gets tired it moves behind and another goose moves to the front By sharing the role the flock can travel a long distance Teams can get advantages from the same idea Based on their experience and skills people can take turns sharing the leadership role
    Set a good example When wild geese are on the ground if something frightens the leader it might fly off So does the flock But if the leader stays calm the flock will do the same Wild geese and people usually imitate their leaders When leading we must remember that our actions and feelings will be passed on to our followers
    Whether it is in our personal lives or our work we need other people We are encouraged by their enthusiasm(热情)and energy If we face the difficulties alone the risks are greater Like wild geese when we work together our burdens are lighter
    26 According to the passage animals usually make people feel ______
    A interested and relaxed B pleased and cheerful
    C frightened and worried D surprised and excited
    27 How do wild geese encourage each other during the flight
    A By making sound B By following the leader
    C By flying in a V shape D By taking turns to fly in front
    28 What does this refer to in the third paragraph
    A how wild geese tried to encourage his companies
    B why wild geese fly south in fall
    C when wild geese tried to get away from the cold
    D how much money you’ll pay for the ticket
    29 What can we infer(推断)from the passage
    A Taking turns to be the leader while flying is to search for more food
    B It seems that working together can only be needed on our jobs
    C By helping and sharing our problem in life can be less difficult
    D It is always useless for leaders to set an example to group members
    30 What is the passage mainly about
    A Art of leadership B Life of Wild Geese
    C Lessons from Wild Geese D Secrets of Flight

    Have you ever seen a car without a driver It sounds crazy but these computerdriven driverless cars will soon be filling roads near you Companies like Google and Tesla have been designing and testing these cars and the technology is there —— they just need to see if they’re value for money work out insurance(保险)issues and run final tests to check they can run alongside humandriven cars on the road
    So how do they work The cars have sensors all around which can detect other cars and obstacles(障碍物)in the road Sensors on the wheels also help when parking so the car know how far it is from the outside of the road or other parked cars Road signs are read by cameras and satellite navigation systems are used so the car knows how to get to your destination All you have to do is type in the address Finally a central computer system takes in all the information it receives from the sensors and cameras and processes this to work out when to speed up brake and go
    Sound like your idea of heaven Sitting back looking out of the windows and even watching film or reading a book while driving’ would be possible with this new technology You wouldn’t have to worry about remembering directions to where you’re going In addition computers are generally more efficient drivers than humans They would also drive more safely than people —— they are not influenced by music or friends they would obey the speed limit and they have quicker reaction times in case of an emergency
    However there are many disadvantages of driverless cars Computers would have difficulties making ethical(伦理学)decisions If a child ran into the road would the computer choose to hit the child or change the direction immediately and potentially kill the car’s passengers which might cause more death Moreover I personally find driving fun —— I’d miss never being behind the wheel myself There would also be many legal decisions to be made —— should children or drunk people be allowed in a driverless car by themselves Or would there need to be a responsible adult with a driving license in the car at all times
    Although being driven around by a machine would perhaps mean that no one needs a driving license saving money for everyone many people would be put out of a job when driverless cars appear Bus taxi and train drivers as well as driving instructors would be made unnecessary
    I’m not convinced I’d want a driverless car but it’s only a matter of time before they’ll become more affordable and common on our roads

    31 When using a driverless car you need only ______
    A read the road signs carefully B check the cameras
    C put the address into the computer D remembers the directions
    32 What does the second paragraph mainly tell us
    A How driverless cars work
    B How a central computer system runs
    C Ways in which the sensors help driverless cars
    D The helpful system that driverless cars have
    33 What can we know from the passage
    A The writer is eager to have a driverless car
    B Some problems won’t be solved in the future
    C Engineers are active in improving driverless cars
    D More factors should be considered before driverless cars go on roads
    34 The underlined word potentially in Paragraph 4 means ______
    A possibly B successfully C especially D naturally
    35 Which of the following would be the best title for the passage
    A Driverless cars Are You Ready for Them
    B Driverless cars Are They Your Favourite
    C Driverless cars A Model of New Technology
    D Driverless cars Just Enjoy Them

    It was a week before I saw Captain Nemo again Every morning I noticed fresh air coming into the rooms and I knew that the Nautilus had surfaced(浮出水面) I would go out and see the sunrise Then I received a note from Captain Nemo He invited me and my friends to go hunting with him in the forests of Crespo Island Ned was excited He thought there he could find a chance to escape When I saw Captain Nemo the next day I asked him why he was so interested in Crespo Island I thought you preferred the sea to being on the island
    I do replied the Captain But these forests are under the sea During breakfast he explained that he had made diving suits that used special air tanks These tanks would allow us to stay under the water for ten hours He had also made lights that worked in electric batteries When Ned realized that we were not going onto land for our hunting trip he decided not to come at all
    Conseil and I put on our diving suits and so did Captain Nemo and one of his men We stepped into a room and closed the door The room filled with water and another door opened We must go through it and we were in the sea floor It was an amazing experience
    We were about ten metres under the water The light from the sun reached us Everything looked very colorful We walked over the fine sand and enjoyed the colours of the shells fish and seaweed Conseil and I followed Captain Nemo and his man as they crossed a large grassy area We were going deeper and deeper Two hours later we were a hundred metres under the water The suits worked very well and it was easy to walk and breathe
    At one hundred metres deep we could still see quite well and Captain Nemo stopped and pointed to some dark shapes This was the forest The trees in the forest were giant seaweed and all their branches were vertical(垂直) We could not stop looking at them Fish swam around the branches like birds in a forest Small shrubs grew under the large seaweed trees Some of them had flowers
    We walked through this forest for about an hour and then we lay down to rest I was not hungry but I was very sleepy We all slept and when we woke up we walked further

    36 What do you think the Nautilus is
    A A kind of ship under the sea B A kind of fish in the sea
    C A kind of plane in the sky D A kind of car on land
    37 What do dark shapes in Paragraph 5 refer to(指)
    A Trees B Seaweed C Rocks D Fish
    38 What’s the correct order of the following events
    ①They lay down to rest
    ②They visited the forests
    ③Captain made diving suits and lights
    ④They crossed the large grassy area
    ⑤Captain Nemo invited some people to go hunting
    A ⑤③④②① B ③⑤④①② C ③⑤①②④ D ⑤③①④②
    39 What can you infer from the passage
    A Ned and Nemo were close friends
    B I enjoyed the trip very much
    C There were four people visiting the forest
    D It took them about 30 minutes to walk through the forest
    40 What is the best title of the story
    A A Visit to a Sea Forest B Danger under the Sea
    C Captain Nemo and the Nautilus D The Creatures under the Sea

    Here are special moments in 40 years of reform and opening up in China
    Shenzhen Special Economic(济)Zone
    Shenzhen Special Economic Zone one of China’s first special economic zones is established in 1980 The move allows Shenzhen to enjoy more market — oriented and flexible economic policies
    Hong Kong’s return to China
    In 1997 Hong Kong returns to China Since then one country two systems Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong and a high degree of autonomy have been effectively implemented
    Macao’s return to China
    In 1999 Macao returns to the motherland from the control of Portugal Under the one country two systems policy Macao enjoys a high degree of autonomy
    Third Plenary(全体会议)Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist party of China
    In 1978 the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist party of China decides to implement reform and up to the outside world The Focus of the whole party shifts to economic policies

    Deng Xiaoping’s speeches during his southern tour
    From January 18 to February 21 1992 Deng Xiaoping tours southern cities including Wuchang Shenzhen Zhuhai and Shanghai and delivers a series of important speeches on reform and openingup
    Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge
    Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge The world’s longest crosssea bridge opens to traffic in October 2018 As the first road link to span the Pearl River Estuary The bridge will improve the development of Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area
    Fuxing Bullet Trains
    China’s first selfdeveloped bullet train Fuxing is launched in June 2017 Its core technologies including its power supply operation management and security monitoring are all homegrown
    First spacewalk
    On Sept 27 2008 astronaut Zhai Zhigang accomplishes the first space walk making China the third country to independently master the key technologies for doing spacewalks

    41 What happened to Shenzhen in 1980
    A She became a special economic zone B She held the third plenary session
    C She was the neighbour of Hong Kong D She opened the gate to welcome Macao
    42 How many events can you find during 19781999
    A Six B Three C Eight D Five
    43 What does 2008 First spacewalk mainly want to tell us
    A Zhai Zhigang’s achievement B China’s breakthrough in outer space
    C China’s greater technologies D The third country of the world
    44 What have the two events of 2017 and 2018 told the world
    A China has had the longest crosssea bridge in the world
    B China has developed its first bullet trains named Fuxing
    C China is keeping pace with()the developed countries
    D China’s opening up policy is better than others
    45 The text is likely to appear in ______
    A A story book B A science fiction C A website D A magazine

    Are you familiar with making dough figurines(面) ____46____ But it was popular many years ago
    ____47____ At the time Datong people were controlled by foreign ethnic groups During fights against rulers the rebel group put notes inside the dough figurines to pass secret information
    Now it is listed as a provincial intangible cultural heritage(省级非物质文化遗产) People seldom see the dough figurines now ____48____
    Gao Shan is 43 this year He has been making dough figurines for over 10 years Gao learned the traditional skill from his grandfather in his childhood He said It is magical ____49____ I am excited to see the beautiful and colorful figures are created in minutes
    Before making the figurines Gao would spend time researching the characteristics of the figures The traditional art shows Chinese people’s wisdom Every figurine has its own story Making dough figurines is part of my life ____50____ He said with a smile

    A Now many young people don’t know the folk art
    B And I hope my work will encourage more people to take part in
    C The custom of making dough figurines can date back to the late Yuan Dynasty
    D These small figures dance among my fingers
    E But folk artists make the art pass down from generation to generation(代代相传)

    第节 单词拼写(6题题1分满分6分)
    51 You must be c______ with the pot It’s very hot
    52 Yesterday he lied to me again I won’t t______ him any longer
    53 Mark Twain is a very famous American w______
    54 They lost the game by 99100 It’s really a p______
    55 He can’t hear anything because he is d______
    56 Sam is very l______ while his brother is hardworking

    第二节 完成句子(7题题2分满分14分)
    57 记离开课室时关灯
    Remember to ______ ______ the lights when you leave the classroom
    58 移动支付方便快捷
    The mobile payment is ______ ______ convenient ______ ______ fast
    59 港珠澳桥真项伟工程
    ______ ______ the project of HongkongZhuhaiMacau Bridge is
    60 嫦娥四号探测器2018年12月8日成功发射太空
    Change 4 probe ______ ______ into space successfully on December 18th 2018
    61 广州住十年
    I ______ ______ ______ in Guangzhou for 10 years
    62 法想象热爱中国诗词
    You can’t imagine ______ ______ ______ ______ Chinese poems
    63 回会告诉
    I will tell him ______ ______ ______ he ______ back

    第三节 书面表达 (1题满分15分)
    假李华学校师生更解盛唐艺术生活开展系列梦回唐(Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty)题文化节邀请学校交流生介绍该文化节请根容提示写篇演讲稿
    唐诗新说唱(Singing of Poetry)
    茶道(Art of Tea)
    注意:1参考词汇:唐Tang Dynasty 唐装Chinese costumes

    Hello everyone I’m so excited to tell you that our school is going to hold a Cultural Festival of the Tang Dynasty next week I’d like to tell you more about the activities __________________________________________________________

    1~5 ABCBB 6~10 DBCCD 11~15 BBCBC
    16~20 DBCAD 21~25 BCDBA
    阅读理解 (40分)
    26~30 BADCC 31~35 CADAA 36~40 ABACA 41~45 ADBCC
    46~50 ACEDB
    第节 单词拼写 (6题题1分满分6分)
    51 careful 52 trust 53 writer 54 pity 55 deaf 56 lazy
    第二节 完成句子 (7题题2分满分14分)
    57 turn off 58 not only but also 59 How great 60 was sentlaunched
    61 have lived 62 how much she loved 63 as soon as comes
    第三节 书面表达 (满分15分)





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