2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课后阅读作业: 二十三 Module 6 Period 3 Grammar 语法专题课

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    课阅读作业 二十三
    Module 6 Period 3
    Ⅰ 阅读理解
    As is known to us all baths and bathing have long been
    considered of medical importance to man In Greece there
    are the ruins of a water system for baths built over 3 000
    years ago The Romans had warm public baths In some baths
    as many 3 000 persons could bathe at the same time
    Treating disease by taking a bath has been popular for centuries
    Modern medical bathing first became popular in Europe and by the late
    1700’s had also become popular in the United States
    For many years frequent bathing was believed to be bad for one’s
    health Ordinary bathing just to keep clean was avoided and perfume
    was often used to cover up body smells
    By the 1700’s doctors began to say that soap and water were good
    for health They believed that it was good for people to be clean Slowly
    people began to bathe more frequently During the Victorian Age of the
    late 19th century taking a bath on Saturday night became common 2
    In the United States ordinary bathing was slow to become popular
    During the 18th and early 19th centuries many Americans were known
    as The Great Unwashed In one American city for example a person
    was only allowed to take a bath every thirty days That was a law
    Frequency of bathing today is partly a matter of habit People know
    that bathing for cleanliness is important to health Doctors know that
    dirty bodies increase the chance of diseases As a result in the United
    States people generally bathe often Some people bath once a day at
    least They consider a daily bath essential to good health
    语篇概述文章讲述洗澡起源 前喜欢洗澡
    医生说洗澡利健康时 洗澡快开始流行起 直现成
    1 A water system for baths was built by   over 3 000 years ago
    A the Greeks        B the Romans
    C the Americans D the Europeans
    解析选 A细节理解题文章第段第二句知 3 000
    2 In the 18th century doctors believed that being clean was   
    A good for health B unimportant
    C harmful D important
    解析选 A细节理解题文章第四段第句知 答案选 A
    3 The underlined word perfume in the third paragraph probably 3
    A a strange smelling substance
    B good health
    C a sweet smelling substance
    D large wealth
    解析选 C词义猜测题根第三段第二句知 香水掩盖
    4 Which of the following gives the main idea of the passage
    A Everybody in America takes a daily bath
    B A bath a day keeps the doctor away
    C Bathing has become easier and cheaper
    D Taking baths has become popular in the world
    解析选 D旨意题段知 现洗澡全世界
    This may be one of the few occasions where death
    doesn’t seem to be such a horrible thing Yang Jiang a
    renowned Chinese author and translator passed away on
    May 25 in Beijing at the age of 104 It is a great loss for Chinese
    literature But for her it’s probably like going home
    After losing her daughter Qian Yuan in 1997 and her husband—the
    wellknown writer and poet Qian Zhongshuin 1998 Yang described the 4
    toll death has affected her life
    We three have separated leaving only me behind to clean up the
    scene Yang wrote in her book We Three( 仨 ) which was
    published in 2004 I am alone missing us three
    The spouse(配偶)of an influential scholar like Qian Zhongshu who
    wrote the masterpiece Fortress Besieged(围城) could have easily
    been overshadowed But Yang was not Even Qian himself described her
    asthe most chaste wife as well as the most talented girlin China a
    place where it was once believed to be impossible for a woman to be
    both a wife and a gifted scholar
    One of Yang’s bestknown novels is 1998’s Baptism( 洗 澡 )
    Withher patent style of irony and wit Yang described how Chinese
    intellectuals( 知 识 分 子 )adjusted to the new social order brought by
    theCultural Revolution(1966—1976) commented David Derwei Wang
    a professor of Chinese literature at Harvard University Even when
    political fervor and human cruelty is being observed Yang Jiang never
    loses her sense of humor and compassion he said in a blurb for her
    Yang was also a devoted translator Having studied in Britain and
    France she was fluent both in English and French But after considering
    several English and French translations of the Spanish classic Don
    Quixote(唐吉诃德)unsuitable she started learning Spanish from 5
    scratch at the age of 47 and became the first person to translate Don
    Quixote into Chinese
    语篇概述杨绛先生逝世 终爱丈夫女
    5 What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 mean
    A She likes going to heaven
    B She misses her husband and daughter
    C She doesn’t want to live
    D She misses her own home
    解析选 B句意理解题根文章第二段知 1997 年女钱瑗
    世 1998 年著名作家诗丈夫钱钟书世 杨绛说两离世
    倍受击 根第三段中I am alone missing us three 知
    选 B
    6 Qian Zhongshu thought   of his wife Yang Jiang
    A badly   B nothing   C highly   D poorly
    解析选 C推理判断题根文章第四段中 Even Qian himself
    described her asthe most chaste wife as well as the most talented
    girlin China a place where it was once believed to be impossible for a
    woman to be both a wife and a gifted scholar 知 钱钟书认杨绛
    7 During theCultural Revolution Yang Jiang   
    A became very cruel 6
    B wrote the novel Baptism
    C became a professor at Harvard University
    D kept a sense of humor
    解析选 D细节理解题根第五段中 Even when political
    fervor and human cruelty is being observed Yang Jiang never loses her
    sense of humor and compassion 知 政治狂热性残
    酷暴露出时 杨绛没丢掉幽默感恻隐心
    8 According to the passage we know that Yang Jiang was   
    A a writer and translator B a famous translator
    C a wellknown writer D a renowned poet
    解析选 A细节理解题根文章第段中 YangJiang a
    renowned Chinese author and translator 知选 A
      There are some great differences between the traditional
    family and the modern family
        The first important difference is in the man’s role The
    traditional husband was the head of the household because he
    was the only one who worked outside the home If the wife worked for
    money then the husband was not considered to be a good provider In
    many families today both husband and wife work for money Therefore
    they share the role of head of household In addition the traditional
    husband usually made big decisions about spending money However 7
    the modern husband shares these decisions with his working wife Also
    the traditional husband did not help his wife with housework or meal
    preparation Dinner was ready when he came home In contrast the
    modern husband helps his working wife at home He may do some of
    the household chores and it is not unusual for him to cook
        The second difference is in the woman’s role In the traditional
    family the woman may have worked for money during her first years of
    marriage However when she gave birth she would usually give up her
    job Her primary role would be to take care of her family and home In
    contrast in many families today the modern woman works outside the
    home even after she has children She’s doing two jobs instead of one
    so she is busier than the traditional mother was The traditional wife
    learned to live within her husband’s income But the modern wife does
    not have to because the family has two incomes
      The final difference is in the role of the children In the traditional
    family the children were taken care of by the mother because she didn’t
    work outside However today preschool children may go to a childcare
    center or to a babysitter regularly because the mother works The
    schoolage children of a traditional family were more dependent Their
    mother was there to help them get ready for school and to make their
    breakfast In contrast modern children are more independent They
    have to get up early and get ready for school by themselves and they 8
    may even have to make their own breakfast
    9 The main idea of the passage is   
    A the changes of the society
    B the changes of the children
    C the changes of the family
    D the changes of the adults
    解析选 C旨意题文章第段点出文题 传统家庭
    色转变加说明 全文讲家庭变化
    10 In the past if the husband let his wife get a job    
    A people would not think highly of his wife
    B people would think little of him
    C people would refuse to be friends with him
    D people would look up to him
    解析选 B细节理解题文章第二段第三句知 果妻子
    工作赚钱 会轻视丈夫
    11 The husband in the modern family   
    A is still the boss of the family who decides all of the important things
    B lets the wife make all of the decisions alone
    C shares big decisions with his working wife
    D no longer works for money because the wife is working 9
    解析选 C推理判断题文章第二段倒数第五句知 现代
    家庭中 丈夫妻子作出重决定
    Ⅱ 语法填空
    阅读面材料 空白处填入适容(1 单词)括号单
      Once upon a time there was a girl who was beautiful but lazy and
    careless Nowhere can people find a girl like her 1 ________ was so
    illtempered when spinning(纺织) If there was a little knot in the cotton
    she at once pulled out all of it and 2 ________ (throw)it about on the
    ground beside her She had a servant who was hardworking By 3
    ________ (gather)together the discarded(丢弃)cotton cleaning it and
    spinning it well she made a beautiful dress out of it for 4 ________
      A young man who looked forward to 5 ________ (marry)a good
    wife courted( 求 婚 )the lazy girl and the wedding was about to take
    place 6 ________ the eve of the wedding the hardworking girl was
    dancing in the hall merrily in her 7 ________ (beauty)dress and
    the bride said Ah it is because I discarded the cotton 8 ________ the
    girl can make such a beautiful dress
      The young man heard this and asked the bride what she meant by
    it So she told him that the girl was wearing a dress 9 ________
    (make)from the cotton which she had thrown away When the young 10
    man heard this he knew it was a lazy girl whom he was going to marry
    while in the hall 10 ________ (stand)a poor hardworking girl So he gave
    up the bride and went to the other girl and chose her as his wife
    1 解析who考查引导词who 引导定语句 修饰 a girl
    2 解析threw考查动词时态列连词 and 连接两列谓语
    pulled threw
    3 解析gathering考查非谓语动词v ing 形式作介词 by 宾
    语by doing sth 通做某事
    4 解析herself考查代词女仆扔掉棉花做条漂亮
    5 解析marrying考查非谓语动词look forward to 中 to 介
    词 接动名词作宾语
    6 解析On考查介词短语on the eve of……前夕
    7 解析beautiful考查形容词修饰名词 dress 应形容词
    8 解析that 考查强调句型句强调句 强调 because I
    discarded the cotton
    I met Li Ming at the railway station yesterday
    ① 强 调 语 ______________ met Li Ming at the railway station
    ②强调宾语 ______________ I met at the railway station yesterday
    ③强调点状语 ______________ I met Li Ming yesterday 11
    ④强调时间状语 ______________ I met Li Ming at the railway station
    答案:①It was I thatwho ②It was Li Ming that ③It was at the
    railway station that ④It was yesterday that
    9 解析made考查非谓语动词made from 分词短语作
    置定语修饰 dress
    10 解析stood考查动词时态根文中时态应般时
    关闭 Word 文档返回原板块




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