
    MODULE 1
    Concepts and terminology for describing language
    GRAMMAR 语法

    Active voice 动语态
    passive voice 动语态
    Adjective 形容词
    comparative adjective 形容词较级
    demonstrative adjective 指代形容词
    possessive adjective 格形容词 (代词格)
    A superlative adjective 形容词高级
    Adverb 副词
    Auxiliary verb 助动词
    Article 冠词
    An article can be definite (the) indefinite (a) or zero () eg I was at () home in the sitting room when I heard a noise
    A way of looking at verb forms not purely in relation to time The perfect continuous and simple are aspects The continuous aspect for example suggests that something is happening temporarily
    Base form of the verb 动词基形式
    Clause 句
    A clause consists of a verb and (generally) a subject A clause can be a full sentence or a part of a sentence
    Main clause 句
    When the teacher arrived the students stopped talking
    Subordinate clause 句
    When the teacher arrived the students stopped talking
    Relative clause 定语句
    The students who were sitting near the front stood up

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    Collective noun 集合名词
    Compound noun 复合名词
    Conditional 条件句

    First conditional 第条件句
    Second conditional 第二条件句
    Third conditional 第三条件句
    Conjunction 连词
    A conjunction (or connector) is used to connect words phrases clauses or sentences eg I like tea but I don’t like coffee because it’s too strong for me
    Connector 连词
    Countable noun 数名词
    Demonstrative adjective 指示形容词
    Demonstrative pronoun 指示代词
    Dependent preposition 非独立介词
    Determiner 限定词
    A determiner is used to make clear which noun is referred to or to give information about quantity and includes words such as the a this that my some eg That car is mine

    Direct speech 直接引语
    The actual words someone says eg He said My name is Ron’
    First conditional see conditional forms
    Gerund ing form 动名词形式
    A noun which is made from the present participle form of a verb eg I hate shopping
    Grammatical structure 语法结构
    The arrangement of words into meaningful sentences A grammatical structure is also a grammatical language item eg present perfect simple
    Imperative 祈句
    The form of a verb that gives an order or instruction eg Turn to page 10
    Indirect question
    The words someone uses when they are telling someone what somebody else asked eg Peter asked Sue what she meant
    An indirect question can also be used when someone wants to ask something in a more polite way eg I was wondering if you could help me’ (indirect question) instead of Could you help me’ (direct question)
    See direct question
    Indirect speech see reported statement 间接引语
    Infinitive see verb 定式
    Infinitive of purpose 表示目定式
    This is used to express why something is done eg I went to the lesson to learn English
    inged adjective see adjective 形容词加inged形式
    Intensifier 加强语气词汇
    A word used to make the meaning of another word stronger eg He’s much taller than his brother I’m very tired
    Interrogative 疑问句
    A question form
    Irregular verb see verb 规动词
    Main clause see clause句
    Modal verb see verb 情态动词
    Noun 名词
    A person place or thing eg elephant girl grass school
    A collective noun is a noun which includes a group of people or things eg the police the government 集合名词
    A compound noun is a combination of two or more words which are used as a single word eg a flower 复合名词
    shop a headache
    A countable noun has a singular and plural form eg book􀃆 books 数名词
    An uncountable noun does not have a plural form eg information 数名词
    A proper noun is the name of a person or place eg Robert London专名词
    A singular noun is one person place or thing单数名词
    A plural noun is more than one person place or thing and can be regular or irregular eg boys women 复数名词
    Object 宾语
    This is a noun or phrase that describes the thing or person that is affected by the action of a verb eg I saw Mary in the classroom See subject

    Participle (past and present) 现分词分词
    The form of the verb that is used to make tenses or adjectives eg an interesting film (present participle) I haven’t seen him today (past participle)
    Passive voice 动语态
    In a passive sentence something is done to or happens to the subject of the verb eg The tree was hit by the car
    See active voice
    Past perfect simple and continuous progressive see tense 完成时进行时
    Past simple and past continuous progressive see tense 般时进行式
    Personal pronoun see pronoun 称代词
    Phrase 短语

    Possessive s’ and whose 格s
    Ways of showing or asking who something belongs to eg Whose book is it’ It’s Sue’s’
    Preposition 介词
    A word used before a noun noun phrase or pronoun to connect it to another word eg He was in the garden
    A dependent preposition is a word that is always used with a particular noun verb or adjective eg
    interested in depend on bored with
    Present continuous progressive for future see tense 现进行时
    Present perfect simple and continuous progressive see tense 现完成时进行时
    Present simple and continuous progressive see tense 般现时进行时
    Pronoun 代词
    A word that replaces or refers to a noun or noun phrase just mentioned
    Demonstrative pronoun eg this that 指示代词
    Object pronoun eg him 代词宾格
    Personal pronoun eg I (subject pronoun) me (object pronoun) 称代词
    Possessive pronoun eg mine 名词性代词
    Reflexive pronoun eg myself 反身代词
    Relative pronoun eg which 关系代词
    Proper noun see noun
    Punctuation 标点符号
    The symbols or marks used to organise writing into clauses phrases and sentences to make the meaning clear eg full stop capital letter apostrophe and comma
    Quantifier 量词
    A word or phrase such as much’ few’ or a lot of’ which is used with a noun to show an amount eg I don’t have much time I have a lot of books
    Question tag 问号
    A phrase such as isn’t it’ or doesn’t he’ that is added to the end of a sentence to make it a question or to check that someone agrees with the statement eg It’s very cold isn’t it
    Reflexive pronoun see pronoun
    Regular verb see verb 规动词
    Relative clause see clause 定语句
    Relative pronoun see pronoun 关系代词
    Reported statement 间接引语
    When someone’s words are reported by another person eg She said she was sorry See indirect question
    Reporting verb 间接引语中动词
    A verb such as tell’ advise’ suggest’ used in indirect speech to report what someone has said eg Jane advised John to study harder
    Second conditional see conditional forms
    Singular noun see noun
    Subject 语
    This is the noun or phrase that goes before the verb in a sentence to show who is doing the action eg John plays tennis every Saturday See object
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    Subjectverb agreement 谓致
    When the form of the verb matches the person doing the action of the verb eg I walk he walks If a student writes
    Iwalks then it is wrong because there is no subjectverb agreement
    Subordinate clause see clause 句
    Superlative adjective see adjective 形容高级
    Tense 时态
    A form of the verb that shows whether something happens in the past present or future eg
    Past perfect simple and continuous progressive 完成时进行时
    After I had phoned Mary I went out (past perfect simple)
    I had been studying for three hours so I felt quite tired (past perfect continuous progressive)
    Past simple and past continuous progressive 般时进行时
    I was talking (past continuous progressive) to my friend when the taxi came (past simple)
    Present continuous progressive for future 进行时表
    What are you doing at the weekend
    Present perfect simple and continuous progressive 现完成时进行时
    I have known him for a long time (present perfect simple)
    I have been studying for three years (present perfect continuous progressive)
    Present simple and continuous progressive 般现时进行时
    I work at a school (present simple) and I am working in London now (present continuous progressive)
    Third conditional see conditional forms
    Third person 第三称
    A verb or a pronoun which shows that somebody or something is being spoken about eg He she it they
    Time expression 时间表达式
    A word or phrase that indicates a time period such as after by eg I will meet you after the lesson
    Uncountable noun see noun
    Used to 常常做某事
    A structure that shows something happened in the past but does not happen now eg I used to live in London but now I live in Paris
    Verb 动词
    The word which follows the subject of a sentence and is sometimes described as the action’ word eg I like cheese
    He speaks Italian
    An auxiliary verb is a verb used with other verbs to make questions negatives and tenses eg be do have 助动词
    The base form of the verb is the infinitive form of a verb without to’ eg go 动词基形式
    The infinitive form is the base form of a verb with to’ It is used after another verb after an adjective or noun or as the subject or object of a sentence eg 'I want to study’ It’s difficult to understand’ 动词定式
    An irregular verb does not follow the same rule as regular verbs Each irregular verb has its own way of forming the past simple and past participle eg go 􀃆 went (past simple) 􀃆 gone (past participle) 规动词
    A modal verb is a verb used with other verbs to show ideas such as ability or obligation or possibility They
    include can must will should eg I can speak French but I should study even harder 情态动词
    A regular verb changes its forms by adding ed in the past simple and past participle eg walk 􀃆 walked 规动词
    (past simple)
    Verb pattern 动词搭配
    The form of the words following the verb eg he advised me to get there early (advise + object pronoun + to + base
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    LEXIS 词汇
    Affix 词缀
    A meaningful group of letters added to the beginning or end of a word to make a new word Affixation is the process of adding a prefix or suffix to word
    A prefix is a meaningful group of letters added to the beginning of a word eg appear – disappear前缀
    A suffix is a meaningful group of letters added to the end of a word to make a new word which can be a
    different part of speech eg care – careful 缀
    Antonym 反义词
    The opposite of another word eg hot is the antonym of cold
    Collocation 搭配
    Words which are used together regularly eg The teacher made a presentation NOT The teacher performed a presentation
    Compounds 合成词
    Nouns verbs adjectives or prepositions that are made up of two or more words eg assistant office manager bring back longlegged due to
    False friend 容易误认词汇
    A word in the target language which looks or sounds as if it has the same meaning as a similar word in the learners’ first language but does not
    Homophone 音词
    A word which sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning or spelling eg I knew he had won I bought a new book
    Idiom 语
    A group of words that are used together in which the meaning of the whole word group is different from the meaning of each individual word eg She felt under the weather means that she felt ill
    Lexical set 词群
    A group of words or phrases that are about the same topic eg weather – storm to rain wind cloudy etc
    Individual words or sets of words eg homework study whiteboard get dressed be on time
    Multiword verb see phrasal verb
    Part(s) of speech
    A description of the function of a word or a phrase in a sentence eg noun verb adjective
    Phrasal verb multiword verb 短语动词词构成动词短语
    A verb which is made up of more than one word (eg a verb + adverb particle or preposition) which has a different meaning from each individual word eg look after – A mother looks after her children
    Prefix see affix 前缀
    Suffix see affix 缀
    A word which has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word eg nice is a synonym of pleasant

    Spoken language in which the words join to form a connected stream of sounds
    Consonant 辅音
    Any letter of the English alphabet except the vowels a e i o u and sometimes y See vowel
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    Contraction 缩写
    A shorter form of a word or words eg you have you’ve it is it’s
    Diphthong 双元音
    A vowel combination usually involving a quick but smooth movement from one vowel to another eg a􀀀 as in my
    Feature (eg of connected speech) 特征
    A feature of something is an interesting or important part or characteristic of it
    Intonation 语调
    The way the level of a speaker’s voice changes often to show how they feel about something eg if they are angry or pleased Intonation can be rising or falling or both
    Linking 连读
    The way different sounds can link into each other in connected speech eg it’s a good day – 􀀀ts􀀀􀀀ʌde􀀀
    Main stress see stress 重音
    Minimal pair
    Two words which are different from each other only by one meaningful sound and by their meaning eg hear fear
    Phoneme 音位
    The smallest sound unit which can make a difference to meaning eg p in pan b in ban Phonemes have their own
    symbols (phonemic symbols) each of which represents one sound Words can be presented in phonemic script 音位标记
    (usually International Phonetic Alphabet or IPA) eg d􀀀kt􀀀 – doctor Phonemic transcription is used in dictionaries to aid pronunciation
    Rhyme 押韵
    1 Words that sound the same eg hat cat
    2 A song or poem with words that sound the same at the end of each line
    I believe I can fly
    I believe I can touch the sky
    Rhythm 韵律
    A regular pattern of stress and syllable length
    Schwa see stress 中元音
    Sentence stress see stress 句子重音
    Sentence stress is where different words in a sentence are stressed In English these are usually the
    informationcarrying words In the sentence It was a lovely evening and the temperature was perfect the main stress when spoken is probably on the word perfect Stress can therefore be used to show meaningto emphasise a particular point or feeling
    Strongweak forms 重读弱读
    If the word is unstressed the weak form of vowels may be used eg I can ( k􀀀n ) speak Italian French English and Spanish The sound 􀀀 is called the schwa
    If a word is important then the strong form is used and the pronunciation changes eg I can (kaen) speak a little Spanish in an emergency
    Word stress is the pronunciation of a syllable with more force than the surrounding syllables which are said to be unstressed eg umbrella
    Sometimes a word may have two stresses in which case one syllable takes the main stress In the word independent for example pen’ takes the main stress
    Strong forms see stress
    Syllable 音节
    A part of a word that usually contains a single vowel sound eg pen one syllable teacher two syllables – teacher umbrella three syllables – umbrella
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    Unvoiced sound see voicedunvoiced sound
    Voiced soundunvoiced sound 浊音非浊音
    A voiced sound is a way of pronouncing sounds with vibration (voiced) or without vibration (unvoiced) in the throat In English vowels are usually voiced Many sounds differ only because they are either voiced eg b or unvoiced eg
    Vowel 元音
    One of the sounds shown by the letters a e i o u and sometimes y See consonant
    Weak forms see stress
    Word stress see stress


    Candidates should already be familiar with common functions such as asking telling replying thanking and suggesting
    Appropriacy noun appropriateinappropriate adj 适合
    Language which is suitable or correct in a particular situation See register
    Colloquial 口语
    Language used in informal conversations or writing
    Declining refusing an invitation 拒绝邀请
    To refuse or decline an invitation eg I’m sorry but I can’t
    Enquiring 求
    To ask for information eg What time does the train leave
    Express 表达式
    To show or make known a feeling or an opinion in words
    Expressing ability eg I can swim 表达力
    Expressing intention eg I’m planning to visit him next year 表达意图
    Expressing necessity eg He needs to get a new passport 表达需求
    Expressing obligation eg You must wear a seatbelt 表达职责
    Expressing permission eg Can I have a look at your book 表达许
    Expressing preference eg I’d rather have coffee than tea 表达喜
    Expressing probability eg He should be in later 表达性
    Formal (language) see register
    Formality (level of) see register
    The reason or purpose for communication eg making a suggestion giving advice
    Functional exponent
    A phrase which is an example of a function and shows the purpose of the speaker eg Let’s This phrase is one way to make a suggestion It is an example (or exponent) of the function of suggesting See function
    Greeting 问候
    To welcome someone often with words eg Hello how are you
    Inappropriate see appropriacy
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    Informal (language) see register
    Informality (level of) see register
    To order or tell someone to do something eg Please turn to page 12 and do exercise 1
    Negotiating 协商语
    To have a discussion with someone to reach an agreement eg If you help me now I’ll help you next week
    Neutral 中性语
    A style of speaking or writing that is neither formal nor informal but inbetween It is appropriate for most situations
    Predicting 预测
    To say what you think is likely to happen eg I think the story will end happily
    The formality or informality of the language used in a particular situation Formal register or language is used in serious or important situations eg in a job application Informal register or language is used in relaxed or friendly situations eg with family or friends
    Requesting making a (polite) request 提出求
    To ask someone politely to do something eg Please could you open the window
    Speculating 推测
    To guess something eg I think it might be an easy test

    Concepts and terminology for describing language skills

    Accuracy 准确性
    The use of correct forms of grammar vocabulary and pronunciation In an accuracy activity students typically give more attention to correctness See fluency
    Authenticity see authentic material
    Context 文
    1 The situation in which language is used or presented in the classroom
    2 The words or phrases before or after a word which help a student to understand that word
    Deduce meaning from context 文中推断意思
    To guess the meaning of an unknown word by using the information in a situation andor around the word to help eg
    I drove my van to the town centre and parked it in the central car park Van must be some kind of vehicle because you drive it and park it
    Develop skills 开发技
    To teach students how to do activities like listening and help them to understand how to listen
    Draft noun + verb redraft verb 草拟草案
    A draft is a piece of writing that is not yet finished and may be changed A writer drafts a piece of writing That is they write it for the first time but not exactly as it will be when it is finished When the writing is changed it is redrafted
    Edit 编辑
    To correct mistakes in a piece of writing and perhaps shorten or change the words of some parts of the text to make it clearer or easier to understand
    Extensive listeningreading 泛读泛听
    Listening to or reading long pieces of text such as stories You may listen to or read some parts in detail and may skim other parts See intensive listeningreading

    Extract 摘录
    Part of a text
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    Fluency oral fluency 流利度
    The use of connected speech at a natural speed without hesitation repetition or selfcorrection In a fluency activitystudents typically give more attention to the communication of meaning rather than correctness See accuracy
    Infer attitude feeling mood 感情情绪
    To decide how a writer or speaker feels about something from the way that they speak or write rather than from what they actually and openly say or the words they use
    Intensive listeningreading 精读精听
    Reading or listening to focus on how language is used in a text See extensive readinglistening
    Interaction noun interact verb interactive strategies 互动
    Interaction is twoway communication’ Interactive strategies are the means used especially in speaking to keep people involved and interested in what is said eg eye contact use of gestures functions such as repeating
    asking for clarification 类
    Layout 布局
    The way in which parts of a text are organised and presented on a page Certain texts have special layouts eg letters and newspaper articles
    Listenread for detail 阅读获更细节
    To read or listen to a text in order to get meaning out of every word
    Listenread for gist 旨性阅读
    To read or listen to a text to understand its general meaning or purpose See skim
    Listenread for mood 情感阅读
    To read or listen to a text in order to identify the feelings of the writer or speaker See infer attitudefeelingmood
    Notetaking noun take notes verb
    Notetaking is one of the subskills of writing To take notes means to write down ideas in short form
    Oral fluency see fluency
    Paragraph noun + verb 段落
    A paragraph is part of a longer piece of writing such as an essay which starts on a new line and usually contains a single new idea When a writer is paragraphing heshe is creating paragraphs See topic sentence

    Paraphrase noun + verb 转述
    To say or write something in a short and clear way using different words If a learner is not sure of the exact language they need to use they can paraphrase ie explain their meaning using different language
    Prediction noun predict verb
    A technique or learner strategy students can use to help with listening or reading Students think about the topic before they read or listen They try to imagine what the topic will be or what they are going to read about or listen toThis makes it easier for them to understand what they read or hear
    Process noun
    A series of actions performed in order to do make or achieve something
    Process writing 写作流程
    An approach to writing which looks at writing as a process and includes different stages of writing such as planning
    drafting redrafting editing proofreading 草拟修改编辑校正

    Productive skills 输出技
    When students produce language Speaking and writing are productive skills See receptive skills
    To read a text checking to see if there are any mistakes in spelling grammar etc
    Redraft see draft
    Receptive skills 输入技
    When students do not have to produce language instead they read or listen to a text See productive skills
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    Scan 速读
    To read a text quickly to pick out specific information
    Skill subskill 技
    The four language skills are listening speaking reading and writing Each skill can be divided into smaller
    subskills that are all part of the main skill eg identifying text organisation (reading) identifying word stress (listening)
    Skim 跳读
    To read a text quickly to get a general idea of what it is about
    Subskill see skill 技
    Summary noun summarise verb 纳
    To take out the main points of a long text and rewrite them in a short clear way using full sentences
    Text structure 文结构
    The way a text is organised For example an essay typically has an introduction main section and conclusion
    Topic 话题
    The subject of a text or lesson
    Topic sentence 题句
    A sentence that gives the main point or subject of a paragraph This is usually the opening sentence in a paragraph

    Background to language learning

    Achievable target goal 达目标
    An aim that is not too difficult for the learner to reach
    Acquisition noun acquire verb 获取
    To learn a language without studying it just by hearing andor reading and then using it This is the way we all learn our first language
    Attention span 注意力集中时限
    How long a student is able to concentrate at any one time
    Auditory learner see learning style 听觉学者
    Cognitive (processes) 认知程
    The mental processes involved in thinking understanding or learning
    Confidence 信心
    The feeling someone has when they are sure of their ability to do something well Teachers often do activities that help students to feel more confident about their own ability
    Conscious (of) 意识
    To know that something exists or is happening or to have knowledge or experience of something to be aware
    Deductive learning 演绎式学方法
    An approach to learning in which students are first taught the rules and given all the information they need about the language Then they use these rules in language activities See inductive learning
    Demotivate see motivation 失学动力
    Developmental error see error 发展性错误
    Error 错误
    A mistake that a learner makes when trying to say something above their level of language or language processing
    A developmental error is an error made by a second language learner which could also be made by a
    young person learning their mother tongue as part of their normal development eg I goed there last week (I went there last week)
    See slip
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    Expectation noun 期
    A belief that something will happen eg He has an expectation that he will win
    Exposure noun expose verb 暴露
    When learners listen to or read language without being consciously aware of it
    Factor 素
    A fact or situation which influences the result of something eg the factors which decide whether someone learns a language successfully or not
    First language see mother tongue L1 母语
    Focus on form 注重形式
    To pay attention to language by identifying and practising it
    Goals 目标
    Aims that a student or teacher may have
    Guidance 指示
    Help given by a teacher with learning or with doing a task
    Ignore (errors) 忽略错误
    To choose not to pay attention to something such as an error made by a student A teacher may do this if they want to help the student with fluency not accuracy
    Independent study 独立学
    Studying without a teacher present This can be done at home in a library etc
    Inductive learning 引导式学
    An approach to learning in which students are not first taught the rules of grammar They work out the rules for themselves by using the language See deductive learning
    Interference 干涉
    When the learner’s mother tongue influences their performance in the target language A learner may make a mistake because they use the same grammatical pattern in the target language as they use in their mother tongue
    The L1 grammatical pattern is not appropriate in L2
    Interlanguage 中间语
    Learners’ own version of the second language which they speak as they learn Interlanguage is constantly changing and developing as learners learn more of the second language
    Kinaesthetic learner see learning style 运动感觉学者
    L1L2 母语第二语言
    L1 is the learner’s mother tongue or first language L2 is the learner’s second or other language
    Language awareness 语感
    Understanding the rules of how language works
    Learner autonomy noun autonomous adj learner independence 学性
    When a student does not need a teacher to learn but can set their own aims and organise their own study they are autonomous and independent Many activities in coursebooks help students to be more independent by developing 独立
    learning strategies and learner training 学技巧
    Learner characteristics 学者特性
    The typical things about a learner or learners that influence their learning eg age L1 past learning experience
    learning style 学类型
    Learner independence see learner autonomy 独立学
    Learner training 培训
    The use of activities to help students understand how they learn and help them to become independent learners
    Learning resources 学资源
    The materials or tools which help students learn eg books computers cassettes etc
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    Learning strategies 学技巧
    The techniques which a student consciously uses when learning or using language eg deducing the meaning of words from context predicting content before reading
    Learning style 学类型
    The way in which an individual learner naturally prefers to learn something
    Auditory learner 听觉学者
    A learner who remembers things more easily when they hear them spoken aloud This type of learner likes the teacher to say a new word aloud as well as writing it on the board
    Kinaesthetic learner 运动感觉学者
    A learner who learns more easily by physically doing things This type of learner likes to move around or
    move objects while learning
    Visual learner 视觉学者
    A learner who finds it easier to learn when they can see things written down or in a picture This type of
    learner likes the teacher to write a new word on the board as well as saying it aloud
    Linguistic 语言学
    Connected with language or the study of language
    Maturity noun mature adj 成熟
    Fully grown or developed If a learner is mature in attitude they behave in an adult way A learner’s maturity (physical emotional and mental) influences a teacher’s approaches andor decisions
    Memorable 难忘
    Describes something which is easy to remember
    Memorise 记忆
    To learn something so that you can remember it later
    Mother tongue 母语
    The very first language that you learn as a baby which is usually the language spoken to you by your parents Also
    called L1 or first language
    Motivation noun motivate verb 动力
    Motivation is the thoughts and feelings which make us want to do something and help us continue doing it
    Demotivate verb demotivated adj 失动力
    To make someone lose motivation
    Unmotivated adj 没动力
    Without motivation having no motivation
    Natural order 然序
    The order in which learners naturally learn some items in their first or other languages Some language items are learnt before others and it can be difficult for teachers to influence this order
    Needs 需求
    The language language skills or learning strategies a student still has to learn or the conditions they need to help them learn
    Participation noun participate verb 参
    To take part in something eg a lesson or classroom activity
    Personalisation noun personalise verb 性化
    When a teacher helps a student to connect new words topics texts or grammar to their own life
    Pick up see acquisition 语言学
    Processing language 语言处理
    The way in which the brain works on language consciously or unconsciously in order to learn or understand it
    Proficient 精通
    To be very good at something because of training and practice eg speaking English
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    Silent period 沉默期
    The time when students who are beginning to learn a first or second language prefer to listen (or read) for some time
    before producing the language
    Slip 失误
    When a student makes a language mistake that they are able to correct themselves without help from the teacherSee error
    Target language culture 目标语言文化
    The traditions and culture of the country whose language is being studied
    Work language out 弄明白第二语言法
    When students try to understand how and why particular language is used See inductive learning
    Unmotivated see motivation
    Visual learner see learning style

    Background to language teaching
    Activitybased learning 基教学活动学
    A way of learning by doing activities The rules of language are looked at either after the activity or not at all
    Communicative Approach 沟通交流方法
    A way of teaching which is based on the principle that learning a language successfully involves communication rather than just memorising a series of rules Teachers try to focus on meaningful communication rather than focusing on accuracy and correcting mistakes all the time See GrammarTranslation method
    Concept checking 概念检查
    The technique of asking concept questions or other techniques to check that students have understood a new structure or item of lexis A concept question is a question asked by the teacher to make sure that a student has understood the meaning of new language eg the new language structure – used to – He used to live in Paris
    Concept question – Does he live in Paris now Answer – No
    Concept questions see concept checking
    Contentbased learning 基容学
    When a subject eg maths or history is taught through the second language
    Contextualise 文关系
    To put new language into a situation that shows what it means eg The music in the disco was very loud See set the scene context
    Definition noun define verb 定义
    An explanation of the meaning of a word eg in a dictionary
    Elicit 提取
    When a teacher asks careful questions to get students to give an answer
    Emphasis noun emphasise verb 强调
    When special force is given to a word when it is said because the word is important eg I want to start the lesson at six o’clock not seven
    Functional Approach 功功学法
    A way of teaching which uses a syllabus based on functions rather than on grammatical structures
    Gesture noun + verb
    A movement with part of the body eg hand head
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    GrammarTranslation method 语法翻译教学法
    A way of teaching in which students study grammar and translate words into their own language They do not practise communication and there is little focus on speaking A teacher presents a grammar rule and vocabulary lists and then students translate a written text from their own language into the second language See communicative approach 交流学法
    Guided discovery 指导性探索活动
    A way of teaching in which teachers provide examples of the target language and then guide the students to work out the language rules for themselves
    Icebreaker 破冰活动
    An introductory activity that a teacher uses at the start of a new course so that students can get to know each other
    Illustrate meaning 举例说明意思
    To show what something means eg I was nervous when I got on the plane because I hate flying
    Introductory activity 介绍性活动(包括课程预热导入)
    An activity which takes place at the beginning of a lesson Introductory activities often include warmers and leadins
    Lexical Approach 词汇教学法
    A way of analysing language that is based on lexical items such as words multiword units collocations and fixed expressions rather than grammatical structures Some ELT books and materials organise their syllabuses around the Lexical Approach
    Meaningful 意义
    1 something which shows the meaning of language
    2 something which has a value for students in the real world
    Mime noun + verb 哑剧表演
    Body movements used to convey meaning without using words
    Presentation noun present verb 介绍新词汇
    To introduce new language
    Presentation Practice and Production (PPP) 介绍新词汇练教学法
    A way of teaching new language in which the teacher presents the language gets students to practise it in exercises or other controlled practice activities and then asks students to use the same language in a communicative way in their practice
    Situational presentation 情景演示
    A way of presenting new language through a simple story or situation The teacher may use pictures or other aids to help them create the situation
    Structural Approach 结构教学法
    A way of teaching which uses a syllabus based on grammatical structures The order that the language is presented is usually based on how difficult it is thought to be
    Taskbased Learning (TBL) 基务学
    A way of teaching in which the teacher gives students meaningful tasks to do The teacher may ask students to think about the language they have used to do the tasks but the main focus for students is on the task itself Project work is taskbased
    Teaching strategy 教学技巧
    The procedure or approach used by a teacher in the classroom eg a teacher may choose to give thinking time to students before they speak
    Testteachtest 测试教授测试教学法
    A way of teaching new language The teacher asks students to do a task without giving them any help to see how well they know a certain piece of language (this is the first test) The teacher then presents the new language to the students (teach) then asks the students to do another task using the new language correctly (this is the second test)
    Total Physical Response (TPR) 完全肢体语言进行应答
    A way of teaching in which the teacher presents language items as instructions and the students have to do exactly what the teacher tells them eg Open the window Stand up This method is very meaningful and good for beginners when they start to learn a new language as they have a silent period and can make fast progress
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    Warmer noun warm up verb 课程预热
    An activity that a teacher uses at the beginning of a lesson to give the class more energy See energy levels


    Brainstorm noun + verb 头脑风暴
    To think of ideas (usually quickly) about a topic (often noting these down) This is often done as preparation before writing or speaking
    Categorisation noun categorise verb 分类
    To put things into the group (category) to which they belong For example students might categorise a list of different foods into groups such as fruit and vegetables
    Chant noun + verb 反复吟唱
    To repeat a phrase sentence or poem usually with others in a regular rhythm
    Choral drill see drill
    Communicative activity
    A classroom activity in which students need to communicate to complete the activity
    Controlled practice see practice 制约形练
    Drill 反复练
    A technique teachers use for encouraging students to practise language It involves guided repetition or practice In a choral drill the teacher says a word or sentence and the students repeat it together 集体练
    In an individual drill the teacher says a word or sentence and one student repeats it alone 练
    In a substitution drill the teacher provides a sentence and a different word or phrase which the student must use (or substitute) in exactly the same structure 换练 eg
    Teacher I bought a book Pen
    Student I bought a pen
    In a transformation drill the teacher says a word or a sentence and the student answers by changing the sentence into a new grammatical structure eg 转换练
    Teacher I bought a pen
    Student I didn’t buy a pen
    Teacher I went to the cinema
    Student I didn’t go to the cinema
    Extension task 扩展务
    An activity which give students further practice of the target language or the topic of the lesson
    Freer practice see practice 练
    Gapfill 填空
    An activity in which students fill in the spaces in sentences or texts This is often used for restricted practice or for testing a specific language point This is different from a cloze test which can focus on reading ability or general
    language use See cloze test
    Guided writing 指导性写作
    A piece of writing that students produce after a lot of preparation by the teacher The teacher may give the students a plan to follow or ideas for the language to use
    Individual drill see drill 练
    Informationgap activity 补充信息练
    A classroom activity in which students work in pairs or groups Students are given a task but they are given different information and to complete the task they have to find out the missing information from each other
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    Jigsaw listeningreading 组合式听力阅读练
    A text which is divided into two or more parts Students have to listen to or read their part then share their information with other students in order to complete the task In this way the text is made into an informationgap activity
    Jumbled paragraphs pictures sentences 段落图片句子排序
    A text in which the paragraphs or sentences are not in the correct order or a series of pictures that are in the wrong order The students have to put the text or pictures into the correct order
    Label 添加标签
    To match the name of an object to the object Students are often asked to label pictures of objects with the correct name
    Less controlled practice see practice 半练
    Mind map see word map
    Picture stories 图片演示
    Stories that are in pictures instead of words
    Controlled practice restricted practice
    When students practise the target language in restricted situations in which they have little or no choice of what language they use The teacher focuses on accurate use of the target language 目标语言
    Less controlled freer practice
    When students practise the target language more freely with more choice of what they say and what
    language they use Prioritising see rank ordering 优先级排序
    Problem solving 问题解决
    Students work in pairs or groups to find the solution to a problem Problemsolving activities usually help to develop fluency
    Project work 特定项目工作
    An activity which focuses on completing a task on a specific topic Students often work in groups to create something such as a class magazine Students sometimes have to do some work by themselves sometimes outside the classroom
    Rank ordering 优先级排序
    An activity in which students have to put things into order of importance for a given situation eg they have to decide which four things to take on holiday with them (passport toothbrush money etc) from a list of ten This is also known as prioritising
    Restricted practice see practice
    Revision noun revise verb 复
    When a student or teacher looks at language or skills that have already been taught again in order to remember this language better Teachers often do this in the classroom to help students to prepare for a test
    Roleplay 角色扮演
    A classroom activity in which students are given roles to act out in a given situation
    Substitution drill see drill 换练
    Survey 调查
    Students find out information from others by asking questions or using questionnaires in order to practise
    Target language 目标语言
    1 The language which is the focus of the lesson or a part of the lesson It could be grammar lexis functions or pronunciation
    2 The language being studied L2
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    Task 务
    An activity which students complete which has a definite result For example problemsolving activities or
    informationgap activities are tasks 信息填空
    Tasktype 务类型
    A set of questions that are all of one kind which are used to assess students eg multiple choice gapfill matching
    Transformation drill see drill 转换练
    Visualize visualization 形象化
    To form a mental picture of something Visualisation can help students to remember new words or can be used for creative storytelling
    Word map 词汇群
    A way of recording vocabulary on the same topic in a diagram This is also known as a mind map

    Achievement test see test 测验
    Assessment noun assess verb 评估
    Continuous assessment 连续评估
    A type of testing which is different from a final examination Some or all of the work that students do during a course is part of the final mark
    Formal assessment evaluation 正式测试
    When a teacher judges students’ work through a test and then gives a formal report or grade to students to say how successful or unsuccessful they have been
    Formative assessment evaluation 格式化评估
    When a teacher gives students feedback on their progress during a course rather than at the end of it so that they can learn from the feedback See summative test
    Informal assessment evaluation 非正式评估
    When a teacher decides whether a student is doing well or not or whether a course is successful or not but without a test or an official report or grade
    Peer assessment evaluation 伴互评
    When students give feedback on each other’s language
    Selfassessment evaluation 评估
    When students decide for themselves if they think their progress or language use is good or not
    Assessment criteria 测评标准
    The qualities against which a student’s performance is judged for assessment For example assessment criteria for judging students’ writing may be accuracy of grammar use of vocabulary spelling and punctuation organisation of ideas
    Cloze test 完型填空
    A type of task in which students read a text with words missing and try to work out the missing words The missing words are removed regularly from the text eg every seventh word A cloze test is used for testing reading ability or general language use This is different to a gapfill activity which can focus on testing a specific language point See
    gapfill 填空
    Continuous assessment see assessment
    Diagnostic test noun diagnose verb see test 诊断性测试
    When a teacher collects information about students’ performance and abilities See assessment
    Formal assessment see assessment
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    Formative assessment see assessment
    Informal assessment see assessment
    Item 条目
    1 A piece of language eg a vocabulary or a grammar item
    2 The parts of a test to which a student has to respond
    Learner profile 学者描述
    A description of a student including their ability and their needs
    Matching task 配练
    A type of task in which students are asked to pair related things together for example match two halves of a sentence or a word with a picture
    Multiplechoice questions 选题
    A type of task in which students are given a question and have three or four possible answers They choose the correct answer
    Objective test see test 客观性测试
    Open comprehension questions 开放性问题
    A type of task in which students read or listen to a text and answer questions using their own words
    Oral test 口试
    A test of speaking ability
    Peer assessment see assessment
    Placement test see test 入门测试
    Portfolio 文档
    A collection of work that a student uses to show what they have done in preparation for a particular course or exam
    Proficiency test see test 熟练度测试
    Progress test see test 进展性测试
    Selfassessment see assessment 评估
    Sentence completion 完成句子
    A type of task in which students are given parts of a sentence and are asked to complete the sentence using specific target language
    Sentence transformation 句子转换
    A type of task in which students are given a sentence and have to complete a second sentence so that it means the same as the first eg
    It’s too cold to play tennis
    It ____________ to play tennis (enough)
    It isn’t warm enough to play tennis
    Subjective test see test 观性测试
    Summative test see test 综合测试
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    Test 测试
    A formal assessment of a student’s language
    An achievement test is used to see how well students have learnt the language taught in class
    Achievement tests are often at the end of term or end of the year and test the main points of what has been taught in that time
    A diagnostic test is used to identify problems that students have with language The teacher diagnoses the language problems students have It helps the teacher to plan what to teach in future 诊断性测试
    An objective test is marked without using the examiner’s opinion eg truefalse questions multiplechoice 选题
    questions There is a clear right answer
    A placement test is used at the beginning of a course to identify a student’s level of language and find the best class for them 入门测试
    A proficiency test is used to see how good students are at language or use of the language The contents of a proficiency test are not chosen according to what has been taught but according to what is needed for a particular purpose eg English for hotel receptionists English for studying at university 熟练度测试

    Cambridge ESOL
    First Certificate in English (FCE) and IELTS are examples of proficiency tests
    A progress test is used during a course in order to assess the learning up to that point 课程进展形测试
    A subjective test is marked using the examiner’s opinion about the quality of the answer The answer is not simply right or wrong eg marking written stories compositions interviews conversations storytelling 观性测试
    A summative test is used at the end of a course See formative assessmentevaluation 综合测试
    Truefalse questions
    A type of task in which students read or listen to a text and decide whether statements are correct (true) or not correct (false)
    Tutorial 组指导
    When a teacher talks to a student individually or a small group of students to give feedback on their progress in the class
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    MODULE 2
    Lesson planning
    Achieve aims objectives 目标
    When a teacher succeeds in teaching what heshe has planned to teach
    Aim 目标
    What the teacher tries to achieve in the lesson or course
    The main aim is the most important aim eg the teacher’s main aim in a lesson could be to teach the
    present perfect in the situation of travel 目标
    A subsidiary aim is the secondary focus of the lesson less important than the main aim It could be the
    language or skills students must be able to use well in order to achieve the main aim of the lesson or a skill or language area which is practised while focusing on the main aim 补充性目标
    A personal aim is what the teacher would like to improve on in hisher teaching eg To reduce the time I 目标
    spend at the whiteboard
    Analyse language 分析语言
    To think about language eg what the form of the structure is and why it is being used in this way in this situation
    Anticipate language problems 预见会出现语言问题
    When teachers are planning a lesson they think about what their students might find difficult about the language in the lesson so that they can help them learn more effectively at certain points in the lesson
    Arouse generate interest 激发兴趣
    To make students interested in a task
    Assumptions 假设
    When teachers think about what they believe their students will or will not know or how they will behave in a particular lesson For example a teacher plans to teach present simple using the context of jobs and daily routines The teacher makes the assumption that students will know basic job vocabulary and so will not spend time in the lesson
    presenting these words
    Class profile 班级描述
    A description of all the students in a class including their age ability etc
    Components (of a lesson plan) 构成教案元素
    The main parts of a lesson plan eg aims procedure timing aids interaction patterns anticipated problems
    assumptions 假设
    Consolidate 巩固
    To return to something to understand and remember it more completely For example students can consolidate a grammar point by doing extra practice
    Enable …做某事
    To make someone able to do something A teacher can enable students to become independent learners by teaching them how to study by themselves
    Encouragement noun encourage verb 鼓励
    When a teacher helps students to succeed by giving them confidence eg Of course you can do it You are doing very well’’ See confidence
    Feedback noun + verb conduct elicit or give feedback 反馈
    1 To tell students how well they are doing This could be at a certain point in the course or after an exercise that students have just completed
    2 To communicate to a speaker that you understand (or not) what they are saying
    Peer feedback 伴出反馈
    Feedback given to a student by another student in the class
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    Focus on 聚焦
    To direct someone’s attention to something To make someone notice something
    Highlight 强调
    1 To mark words on paper or on a computer screen using a colour so that they are easier to notice
    2 To focus on something so that students realise it is important eg to highlight a mistake by underlining it
    Leadin noun lead in verb 导入
    The activity or activities used to prepare students to work on a text or main task A leadin often includes an introduction to the topic of the text or main task and possibly study of some new key language required for the text or
    main task
    Main aim see aim 目标
    Pace 节奏
    The speed of the lesson Teacher can vary the pace in a lesson by planning different activities in order to keep the students’ attention
    Peer feedback see feedback
    Personal aim see aim 目标
    Preteach (vocabulary) 课前准备
    Before introducing a text to students the teacher teaches vocabulary from the text which they think the students do not already know
    Procedure 程
    The details of what is going to happen in each stage of a lesson
    Raise awareness 提高学意识
    To help students understand something that they may not already know For example if you teach learning strategies it can raise students’ awareness of how they learn 学技巧
    Recycle 循环练
    To teach words or structures that have been taught before for revision and more practice
    Reflect on teaching 课反思
    To think about a lesson after teaching it
    Reinforce 加强性练
    To make a student’s understanding of the target language more complete by going over it again See consolidate
    Scheme of work 工作计划
    A basic plan of what a teacher will teach for a number of lessons
    Sequence noun + verb 序
    A sequence is a series of things eg activities in a lesson Students can sequence pictures in a story ie put them in order
    Set a question task test 设置问题务测试
    To give students a task or test to do or a question to answer
    Set the scene the context 设定场景文
    To explain or present the context of something students will read hear talk or write about to make the situation clear for them
    Specification noun to specify (aims) verb 目标具体化
    A clear and exact description of what the teacher wants students to learn Aims are specified at the beginning of a lesson plan
    Stage step 步骤
    A section of a lesson Lessons work through different stages such as leadin presentation controlled practice etc
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    Stimulate (discussion) 激励
    To encourage students to talk about something This can be done in different ways such as through a text or a picture
    Studentcentred 学生中心
    When the students are at the centre of the activities and have the chance to work together and think for themselves
    See teachercentred
    Subsidiary aim see aim
    Syllabus 课程提纲
    This describes the language and skills to be covered on a course and the order in which they will be taught
    Teacher talking time 教师教授时间
    The total time in a lesson that a teacher speaks compared with the total time the students speak
    Teachercentred 教师中心
    When the teacher is at the centre of most stages of the lesson controlling the lesson from the front of the classroom
    See studentcentred
    Timing 时间设定
    The likely time which different activities or stages in a lesson plan should take When teachers plan lessons they think about how long each activity will take and they usually write this on their plan
    Variety noun vary verb 样性
    To introduce different things such as different types of activities or tasks language skills interaction patterns
    pacing or timing into a lesson Good teachers try to include variety in their lesson so that students stay interested

    Reference resources

    Bilingual dictionary 双语字典
    This uses translation from the target language into another language for definitions and examples See
    monolingual dictionary
    Consult 商讨
    To get advice or information from someone or something eg a dictionary or grammar book
    Headword 标题字
    A word whose meaning is explained in a dictionary It usually appears in bold at the top of a dictionary entry
    Monolingual dictionary 种语言字典
    This uses only the target language for headwords definitions examples etc See bilingual dictionary
    Phonemic chart 音位表
    A poster or large diagram of the phonemic symbols
    Reference materials resources 参考资料
    The materials which teachers and students can use to check information eg grammar books dictionaries or CDRoms

    Teaching materials and aids
    Activity book see book 课堂活动参考书
    Adapt (material) 改编材料适应课堂教学
    To change a text or other material so that it is suitable to use with a particular class
    Audio script see tapescript 录音文资料
    Authentic material 原版资料
    Written or spoken texts which a first language speaker would read or listen to They may be taken from newspapers
    radio etc The language is not made easier
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    Board game 棋盘游戏
    A game played by two or more players on a board and often using dice Teachers can use these for controlled language practice
    An activity book or workbook has extra practice and is often used for homework It usually accompanies a
    coursebook 课
    A coursebook or textbook is used regularly by students in the class It generally contains grammar
    vocabulary and skills work A coursebook unit is a chapter of a coursebook
    A teacher’s book accompanies the coursebook and contains teaching ideas tapescripts and answers to 教师书
    coursebook activities
    Brochure see leaflet 手册
    Chart 图表
    A drawing or graph that can be placed on the classroom wall and can show information such as irregular verb forms
    or prepositions
    Coursebook see book
    Coursebook unit see book
    Crossword puzzle 横填字游戏
    A word game in which students complete a grid Students write the answers to definitions in the squares on the grid It is often used to revise vocabulary
    Dialogue 话
    A conversation between two people
    Dice 骰子
    Small blocks of plastic or wood with six sides and a different number of spots on each side They are used in board games
    Exploit (material) 材料开发
    To use material for a particular purpose
    Flashcard 卡片
    A card with words sentences or pictures on it A teacher can use these to explain a situation tell a story teach vocabulary etc
    Flipchart 翻转卡片
    A pad of large sheets of paper fixed to a stand which teachers use for presenting information to the class
    Graded reader 分级读物
    A story book with language that has been made easier for students
    Graph 图表
    A drawing that uses a line or lines to show how two or more things are related to each other
    Grid 格子
    A pattern of straight lines that cross each other to make squares
    Handout worksheet 补充资料
    A piece of paper with exercises activities or tasks on it that a teacher gives to students for a range of reasons during a class
    Language laboratory 语言实验室
    A room in a school where students can practise language by listening to tapes and by recording themselves speaking
    Leaflet brochure 册子
    A piece of printed paper that gives information or advertises something This is one example of realia
    Learning centre see selfaccess centre 语言中心
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    Overhead projector (OHP) 投影仪
    A piece of equipment that makes images appear on a wall or screen It can be used in a classroom instead of a whiteboard or blackboard
    Overhead transparency (OHT) 投影仪塑料卡片
    The plastic sheet a teacher can write on and use on an overhead projector (OHP)
    Puppet 木偶
    A model of a person or animal that a teacher can move by putting their hand inside it which is often used when teaching young learners
    Realia 实物教具
    Real objects such as menus timetables and leaflets that can easily be brought into the classroom for a range of purposes
    Resources see teaching aids reference materials resources learning resources 资源
    Rubric 书面指令
    Written instructions for a task
    Selfaccess centre learning centre 学中心
    A place with learning resources such as books computers and cassettes where students can study by themselves
    Supplementary material 补充材料
    The books and other materials which teachers can use in addition to a coursebook eg pronunciation practice materials
    Tapescript audio script transcript 听力视频材料文资料
    The written version of the words students hear when doing a listening activity These can often be found in a teacher’s book 教师书
    Teacher’s book see book
    Teaching aids 教具
    Any materials or resources a teacher uses in the classroom eg OHP charts See realia and learning resources
    Textbook see book
    Transcript see tapescript
    Video clip 录视频
    Part of a video that can be used in class
    Visual (aid) 视工具
    A picture or a diagram that can help teachers illustrate meaning
    Workbook see book 练册
    Worksheet see handout
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    MODULE 3
    Teachers’ and learners’ language in the classroom
    Candidates should be familiar with common terms such as ask tell reply
    Ask for clarification 求类
    To ask for an explanation of what a speaker means eg What I mean is… What do you mean
    Clarify 阐明
    To make clear what you mean
    Convey meaning 表达意思
    To express or communicate meaning Teachers focus on conveying meaning when they present new language
    Facial expression 面部表情
    A teacher can show how they feel through their face eg smiling showing surprise
    Hesitate 犹豫
    To pause before or while doing or saying something Students often hesitate if they are trying to find the correct words to say because they are nervous or need more time to think
    Model noun + verb 例子
    A clear example of the target language for students to write down and save as a record If a teacher is focusing on the target language of a lesson they usually choose a model sentence which they write on the board The teacher often models the language as well by saying it clearly before drilling the students
    Narrate 叙述
    To tell a story or talk about something that has happened Teachers often narrate stories to young learners
    Praise 表扬
    To tell someone they have done well eg That’s excellent Well done
    Prompt 提示
    To help learners think of ideas or to remember a word or phrase by giving them a part of it or by giving another kind of
    clue See word prompt
    Response noun respond verb 回答
    A reply or reaction to communication such as a laugh a smile saying something Teachers and students may respond to each other in writing speech or in the form of a facial expression
    Word prompt 单词提示
    When a teacher suggests a word that the student hasn’t remembered eg
    Student I want to …… in an office
    Teacher Work
    Student Yes I want to work in an office
    A teacher can also use a word prompt to correct a student eg
    Student He don’t like that
    Teacher Grammar
    Student Sorry – he doesn’t like that
    See prompt

    Learners’ mistakes and correction strategies
    Correction code 错误代码
    A series of symbols a teacher may use to mark students’ writing so that they can correct mistakes by themselves eg
    P punctuation mistake T tense mistake
    Echo correct 复述错误
    When a student makes a mistake the teacher repeats the mistake with rising intonation so that students can correct themselves eg
    Student He don’t like it
    Teacher Don’t
    Student He doesn’t like it
    Overapplication of the rule 语法规运度
    When a student uses a grammatical rule too much making an incorrect word or structure by following a regular pattern eg a student says There were three girls (correct plural form) and two mans (incorrect plural form)
    Overgeneralisation see overapplication of the rule 概括度
    Reformulation noun reformulate verb 错误重述
    When a teacher corrects what a student has said by repeating the sentence correctly but without drawing the students’ attention to their mistake This is usually the way parents correct’ their young children’s language mistakes
    Repetition 复述
    To say something again often for practice This is often done in drills
    Selfcorrection 更正
    When students are able to correct language mistakes they have made when asked without help from the teacher or other students
    Time line 时间轴
    A diagram that shows learners the relationship between tense and time It is often used in language teaching to present the use of a new tense or to correct learners when they use tenses wrongly eg
    Past Now Future

    Present perfect tense
    See tenses

    Classroom management
    Active role passive role 动角色动角色
    When students think about their own learning and what their own needs are and try to help themselves learn more they are taking an active role A passive role is the opposite of an active role
    Classroom management 课堂掌控
    The strategies used by a teacher to organise the classroom and the learners such as seating arrangements different types of activities teacher roles interaction patterns
    Closed pairs 两组练
    When students do pairwork with the person sitting next to them and no one else listens See open pairs
    Cooperation noun cooperate verb cooperative adj 合作
    Working together and helping each other In some group work activities students will cooperate to find the answer or solve a problem
    Discipline noun + verb 纪律
    The way a teacher keeps control of students in the classroom
    Dominate verb dominant adj 导性位
    To have a very strong influence over what happens If a particular student is dominant in class then other students get less chance to participate actively If a teacher dominates the lesson is teachercentred
    Energy levels 精力水
    The feeling in a classroom If are interested and working hard then the energy levels are high if students are bored or tired then the energy levels are low
    Get students’ attention 学生集中注意力
    To make students listen to the teacher possibly after they have been doing group or pairwork
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    © UCLES Cambridge ESOL 2005 28

    Grade (language) 分级语言
    To use language that is the correct level for the students and is not too difficult See graded reader
    Group dynamics 群体动力
    The relationship between members of the class
    Interaction patterns 互动模式
    The ways in which students work together in class such as open class pairwork group work and individual work
    Involvement 参
    Taking part in an activity being involved in it
    Learning contract 学协议
    An agreement between the teacher and the students about their roles and responsibilities (ie what the teacher will do and what the students will do to help the students to learn)
    Mingle noun + verb 交互式练
    A mingle is an activity which involves students walking round the classroom talking to other students
    Mixed ability mixed level 学力混合
    The different levels of language or ability of students studying in the same class
    Monitor 课堂监控
    To watch over students in order to make sure that they are doing what they have been asked to do and help them if they are having problems
    Nominate 点名
    To choose and name one student to speak or do a particular task
    Onetoone 教学
    A teaching situation which involves only one teacher and one student
    Open class 面全班
    When the teacher leads the class in an activity and each student is paying attention to what is happening When students respond they do so in front of everyone in the class
    Open pairs 两组
    In open pairs one pair does a pairwork activity in front of the class This technique is useful for showing how to do an activity andor for focusing on accuracy See closed pairs
    Passive role see active role
    Rapport build rapport 教师学员谐关系
    The relationship between the teacher and students Teachers try to build or create a good rapport or relationship with their students
    Routine 常规
    Something which is done regularly such as a teacher setting writing homework every Friday Teachers try to develop some routine habits in the classroom eg always asking students to record new words with their meaning and an example sentence
    Seating arrangement 位子安排
    The way the students sit in the classroom eg in rows in a circle around the teacher in groups around different tables
    Seating plan 位子安排计划
    A plan of where the students should sit in the classroom
    Teacher role 教师角色
    The way a teacher chooses to manage the classroom eg a teacher can choose to take a controlling role giving directions or instructions at the front of the class or to take a less controlling role monitoring students as they work
    Teaching space 教学空间
    The areas in the classroom that can be used for teaching eg the board the walls the desks the open floor





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