
    Ⅵ 完形填空(20题题1分满分20分)
    A heartwarming scene has moved people a lot in a university in Hunan where students carry a disabled classmate to school every day
    Li Jiqin a freshman this year was unable to 31 at a young age His mother carried him to school but now it has become 32 for her to carry a son who weighs 75 kilograms
    On Sept 7 the first day when Li his mother and sister arrived at the university teachers realized his 33 and decided to help him
    When the teacher Chen Huiling 34 volunteers from Li’s classmates to help carry him up and down stairs to classrooms all 30 men classmates from Li’s 35 agreed
    Every day when Li goes to the teaching building a 36 classmate carries him on the back with two carrying his schoolbag and other things  37 his weight the classmate carrying him might sweat a lot after spending around 3 minutes climbing stairs to classrooms on the fourth or fifth floor Li was 38 and felt warmth from the class
    Li chose to study computer science and technology because of his 39 and physical condition He’d like to be a 40  hoping to work to support the family in the future
    31 A hear B speak C see D walk
    32 A easy B hard C nice D kind
    33 A name B dream C situation D future
    34 A asked for B cared for C waited for D sent for
    35 A school B grade C group D class
    36 A dangerous B strong C strange D weak
    37 A Because of B Except for C Instead of D Thanks to
    38 A friendly B relaxed C excited D thankful
    39 A appearance B weight C interest D idea
    40 A programmer B doctor C pilot D pianist
    Once a man and a woman planned to go and spend the day at a friend’s house far away from 41  own
    So one pleasant morning they started out to make the 42  On their way the woman remembered that they had to cross a 43  which was very old and was said to be dangerous and she began to worry about it
    What shall we do about that bridge she said to her husband I shall 44  dare to go over it and we can’t get across the river in any other way Oh said the manI 45  that bridge It is a bad place If it breaks 46  we will fall into the water and be drowned (溺水) 
    Or even said his wife if you 47  on a rock and break your leg what would become of me and the baby I don’t know said the man What would become of any of us 48  I couldn’t work and we may all starve (挨饿) to death So they went on 49  until they got to the bridge To their surprise they saw a new bridge had been built and they crossed over it in perfect 50  Just then they found they shouldn’t have worried so much
    41 A them B their C his D her
    42 A plan B call C visit D way
    43 A street B road C river D bridge
    44 A never B always C nearly D easily
    45 A repair B remember C forget D see
    46 A up B down C out D in
    47 A sit B stay C lie D fall
    48 A and B but C for D yet
    49 A worrying B talking C fighting D walking
    50 A danger B safety C peace D difficulty
    36~40 BADCA 41~45 BCDAB 46~50 BDCAB

    Ⅵ 完形填空(20题题1分满分20分)
    My best friend Linda is a kind girl She likes fashion clothes very much 31  she often visits clothing stores
    One day Linda was enjoying a nice sweater in a clothing store when a nice girl came up  32  her Excuse me she said Could you give me a  33  she continued I find a nice Tshirt and I’m sure my sister must look  34  on it But she isn’t here and can’t try it on You and she have almost the same  35  If you don’t mind I’d like you to try it on Linda was  36  but the girl didn’t seem suspicious (疑) so Linda agreed
    That was a really nice Tshirt and it  37  Linda very well How nice you look on it the girl said Why don’t you buy it too 
    Linda loved the Tshirt but the  38  of it was a little high She thought for a while and then decided to buy it Then she  39  the store with the Tshirt happily
    Later Linda knew that the girl just helped sell clothesbut she didn’t  40  After all (毕竟) she got a nice Tshirt
    31 A if B but C so D because
    32 A to B with C on D of
    33 A sweater B hand C photo D number
    34 A interesting B boring C attractive D ugly
    35 A face B hair C height D shape
    36 A confident B surprised C proud D shy
    37 A fitted B looked C listed D supported
    38 A size B price C color D space
    39 A left B reached C found D called
    40 A pay B want C regret D spend
    Once there was an old couple who had been married for more than 60 years They kept no 41  from each other except that the old woman had a shoe box under her bed She told her husband never to 42  or ask questions about it
    For all these years the husband had never  43  the box But one day his wife got very sick and the doctor said she would never get  44 
    The wife said it was time that he should know what was in the box She asked her husband to  45  the shoe box to her bedside
    When her husband opened it he found two beautiful dolls and some  46  in it which was 25000
    When we were to be married she said my grandmother told me that the secret of a happy family was never to fight with each other She told me if I got  47  with you I should just keep quiet or knit(编织) one doll  
    The old man was so moved  48  there were only two dolls in the box He thought he had only made his wife angry 49  in all those years
    My dear he said but what about the money Where did it come from
    Oh she said that’s the money I 50  from selling the dolls  
    (  )41 A excuses B questions C secrets D problems
    (  )42 A search B watch C sell D open
    (  )43 A thought about B looked after C searched for D gave up
    (  )44 A happier B smaller C better D worse
    (  )45 A return B carry C pass D take
    (  )46 A paper B money C medicine D food
    (  )47 A angry B tired C crazy D hungry
    (  )48 A so B and C because D but
    (  )49 A once B twice C three times D four times
    (  )50 A borrowed B got C lent D brought
    31~35 CABCD 36~40 BABAC 41~45 CDACD 46~50 BACBB

    Ⅵ 完形填空(20题题1分满分20分)
    One day I was looking around and climbing by a  31  when I saw a beautiful tarantula (狼蛛) crossing the path I just stopped and decided to watch its nature carefully
    Behind me there was a family going up the same track And they also  32  the tarantula Without doubting it a kid shouted Quickly Dad kill it  
    His brother also said that encouraging their dad to kill the tarantula But I 33  their dad saying Wait This is the last space that the tarantula has to live in Do you  34  want to kill it 
    Well it’s dangerous and we all have kids here
    Why not stand still and let it  35  safely Then you can go up and 36  the rest of the forest  
    After a while they agreed to stand still and watch Soon the tarantula crossed and hid into the bushes and rocks I shared that sometimes we get into fear but we need to keep calm(镇静) and  37  our point of view  38  we are kind to a small creature(生物) then we can start to be kind to bigger ones
    The dad thanked me and shared his opinions about the experience He said You’re right I was about to make a  39  The children even said goodbye to the tarantula and they  40  something too I remained there watching the family pass with a new viewpoint of life
    31 A lake B path C field D building
    32 A expected B knew C noticed D picked
    33 A questioned B ordered C suggested D stopped
    34 A nearly B simply C really D always
    35 A jump B sleep C live D cross
    36 A show B admire C follow D protect
    37 A change B improve C make D express
    38 A Before B Though C If D When
    39 A joke B difference C mistake D plan
    40 A learned B lost C felt D won
    John was a newcomer He always shut himself in his own small space and he never 41 to others As his teacher I tried to start a conversation with him but didn’t 42  It seemed as if he just didn’t want to break his 43 
    After the Thanksgiving holiday we received the news of the yearly Christmas collection of money for the poor in our school Christmas is a season of 44  I told my students Some poor students in our school might not have a 45 holiday By giving a little money you will help buy some toys food and clothing for these needy students We will start the collection tomorrow  
    The next morning 46  I found out almost everyone had forgotten this matter except John He came up to my desk with his head down  47  he dropped two coins into the small box I don’t need milk for lunch he said in a low voice
    After school I couldn’t help sharing what had 48 in the morning with our headmaster I may be wrong but I believed John might be ready to become part of our class I am glad to hear that he nodded And I just received a list of the poor families in our school who most need help Here take a look at it  
    As I sat down to read I found John was at the top of the list At that moment I felt I really  49 John for the first time a cold face with a warm heart From this 50  I also learnt that whether rich or poor every child has a kind heart
    41 A turned B spoke C belonged D listened
    42 A work B stop C change D stay
    43 A promise B silence C heart D sadness
    44 A receiving B giving C spending D enjoying
    45 A free B popular C happy D long
    46 A instead B besides C however D therefore
    47 A Angrily B Carefully C Certainly D Personally
    48 A happened B appeared C remained D arrived
    49 A praised B supported C knew D accepted
    50 A interview B result C report D experience
    31~35 BCDCD 36~40 BACCA 41~45 BABBC 46~50 CBACD
    Ⅵ 完形填空(20题题1分满分20分)
    Once there was an ant named Tip Tip was interested in everything  31  him One day Tip saw many ants collecting  32  Why do we have to do that Tip thought
    After a day of hard work Tip’s mother got home When his mother  33  him the delicious food he asked Mum why do you get food for winter now Tip’s mother  34  Son we get food now  35  we can’t go outside in winter It is very cold in winter and sometimes it rains or even snows If we go out we will be in  36  danger Tip was very curious (奇) about winter He  37  what rain or snow was really like
    One day it was raining Tip was  38  enough to come to a hill From the hill he saw the outside world The rain was so heavy and the outside world looked like a sea Tip was very afraid and returned home quickly Finally Tip  39  his mother
    From then on Tip kept being curious  40  he listened to his mother and was more careful
    31 A from B with C around D behind
    32 A water B money C food D air
    33 A lifted B served C lent D helped
    34 A answered B asked C cried D advised
    35 A so B until C when D because
    36 A unhealthy B exciting C dirty D great
    37 A wondered B checked C dreamed D minded
    38 A useful B brave C peaceful D funny
    39 A agreed with B talked with C argued with D shared with
    40 A Then B Still C However D Luckily
    Four boys sat in the headmaster’s office waiting for their punishment When the headmaster came in he told the boys You have  41  a lot of work for our janitor (门) by writing on the walls today But he won’t do the cleaning You boys will clean the  42  every day after school for the next week  
    After school that day the boys went to the janitor’s office to get the tools and  43  their cleaning work It took a long time and they worked all week
    On the last day when they  44  finished the job and turned to leave the janitor said Hey boys let me tell you  45  In the country where I grew up we had few  46  We hardly had books or teachers Even to  47  a new pencil was a big thing  
    You used pencils to write on the walls A pencil is a lot like a person For a person there is the point on the outside  48  it’s what’s in the inside that does all the work he explained Every once in a while you have to get a painful sharpening(磨砺) That’s what you’ve had this week he said From now on  49  leaving your mark on the walls leave your mark on life Write your own  50  using what’s inside you  
    The boys understood and they never wrote on any walls again
    41 A kept B caused C found D listed
    42 A windows B roads C walls D floors
    43 A began B continued C stopped D finished
    44 A usually B especially C possibly D finally
    45 A something B anything C nothing D everything
    46 A banks B schools C libraries D factories
    47 A raise B break C make D get
    48 A or B so C but D unless
    49 A because of B according to C instead of D as for
    50 A name B number C mistake D story
    36~40 DABAC 41~45 BCADA 46~50 BDCCD

    Ⅵ 完形填空(20题题1分满分20分)
    Susan started to work in a zoo three years ago There are about 150  31  animals in the zoo like lions and tigers
    Susan gets special  32  in working with these dangerous animals Early every morning she takes some  33  to feed them and during the day she takes visitors around the zoo After that she cleans the cages Six other people do the same work
    Fariq a sixyearold tiger lives in a cage On 19th August Susan went in to  34  his cage as usual She was getting ready to  35  when Fariq walked to her Suddenly Fariq ran to bite her leg Susan knew her life was in danger but she didn’t panic (恐慌) She knew she had to do something to save her own life She shouted and tried to open the tiger’s  36  After a few minutes the tiger opened his mouth and Susan was able to  37  of the cage
    Outside the cage other workers  38  Susan Her leg lost a lot of blood She was taken to the  39  quickly and had to stay there for a few weeks
    Now Susan can walk again and she really wants to get back to work That might seem  40  but I’m so happy when I’m with animals she says She has never thought about leaving the zoo For Susan working with dangerous animals is the best job in the world
    31 A cute B small C dangerous D pretty
    32 A training B pay C chance D attention
    33 A food B lessons C hands D rides
    34 A build B break C paint D clean
    35 A smell B leave C pick D climb
    36 A nose B eyes C mouth D ears
    37 A take care B get out C look out D throw away
    38 A invited B helped C kissed D stopped
    39 A school B home C zoo D hospital
    40 A crazy B wrong C clever D late
    Many people are afraid to fail because we forget that failure is part of the human life Every person is able to  41  failure and finally succeed
    Most parents try hard to  42  their children from knowing that they have failed One way is to lower standards(标准) When a child finishes making a table his mother describes it as Fantastic 43  the table isn’t good at all Another way is to blame(责备)others If John fails science his mother will say his teacher is  44  or foolish
    There’s a  45  with the two ways It makes a child unprepared for life in the real world Young children need to learn that  46  can be best at everything no one can win all the time and that it’s possible to enjoy a game even when you don’t win  
    Failure never gives people  47  It hurts both children and their parents But it can be really  48  to your life when you learn to use it You must learn to ask Why did I fail Don’t blame someone else Ask yourself what you did wrong and 49  you can improve If someone else can help don’t be  50  about asking them Success just repeats what has been done
    41 A fight B accept C keep D realize
    42 A allow B tell C stop D get
    43 A because B though C so D unless
    44 A patient B great C careful D unfair
    45 A secret B method C problem D connection
    46 A somebody B everybody C anybody D nobody
    47 A sadness B pleasure C pain D money
    48 A harmful B bad C hard D good
    49 A how B why C when D where
    50 A early B shy C easy D quick
    36~40 BCBDC 41~45 DACBB 46~50 CDAAC

    Ⅵ 完形填空(20题题1分满分20分)
    It was in summer when I was 11 years old my home was burned to the ground in the middle of the night
     31  my mother father grandmother brothers and I escaped (逃走) along with our dogs However we had nothing left but the night clothes we were  32  in
    I spent the rest of that night in my friend’s house I was so  33  that I couldn’t sleep at all I wondered what our  34  would be like tomorrow
    The next day my mom brought me some  35  such as Tshirts and jeans given to her by another friend
     36  the summer days went on my dad was able to rent(租) us a dusty old house nearby
    When we moved in families friends and our community continued to  37  all they could to help us get back on our feet
    There were more clothes furniture food money and even some  38  for me to read
    Looking back now I am  39  for all we went through that summer because it taught me so much about life love and people
    It showed me that when you had nothing left but love you saw that love was  40 
    May you always have enough love for all the days of your life
    31 A Suddenly B Slowly C Luckily D Silently
    32 A sleeping B working C walking D reading
    33 A excited B scared C cool D tired
    34 A country B home C life D food
    35 A presents B glasses C cups D clothes
    36 A When B As C After D Since
    37 A take away B put away C give away D pass away
    38 A pictures B books C stamps D films
    39 A sorry B interested C afraid D thankful
    40 A happy B simple C enough D terrible
    Once a very poor young man was traveling across the country trying to make a new start for himself Along the way he ran out of his  41  and was made to spend the night in his car  
    One morning after a week of sleeping in his car he walked nervously into a diner(饭馆) and ordered a big breakfast After eating his first good meal in a week he had to pretend (假装) that he had  42  his wallet The waiter who was also the owner  43  behind the chair where the young man had been sitting He bent down(弯腰) and  44  a 20 bill that looked as if it had fallen on the floor Sir you  45  have dropped this the owner said The young man couldn’t believe his luck He quickly  46  for the breakfast bought gas and continued with his travel
    On the way out of town suddenly he  47  maybe nobody had dropped the money Maybe the owner just wanted to offer help Right then he just made a  48  If I had some money one day I would help others  
    Now the young man is older Although he isn’t very  49  each year he personally hands his money out to those homeless people Many years ago the owner of the diner helped  50  out the man said It makes me realize it’s much more meaningful to give than to receive in life  
    41 A gas B water C food D money
    42 A lost B kept C found D broken
    43 A sang B shouted C walked D smiled
    44 A took away B picked up C made up D looked for
    45 A can B must C should D need
    46 A sent B left C paid D looked
    47 A reminded B forgot C remembered D realized
    48 A decision B choice C peace D mistake
    49 A rich B poor C healthy D hungry
    50 A us B them C me D him
    36~40 CBBDA 41~45 ACBDC 46~50 DBDAB





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