


    关键词 STC89C52报警电路HCSR501模块晶体振荡器
    The design and implementation of Infrared alarm monitoring system based on SCM

    Along with the fast development of economy science and technologydevelopment speed is surprising With the people's living standards graduallyimprove everyone to his personal property protection consciousness is more and more heavy therefore more and more families have installed alarm monitoring system to the protection of private property and the people's ownpersonal safety
    In many of the alarm system as infrared alarm monitoring system with its high stability and reliability to win broad market This design uses the STC89C52single chip STC89C52 as the core of this system to system design because of the constant temperature at 37 degrees so the body will emit a specific wavelength of infrared the infrared by detection of HCSR501 human body infrared sensor the infrared signal will be converted into voltage signal through the microcontroller to signal after a series of processing will drive controlacoustooptic alarming This design uses HCSR501 human body induction module to detect HCSR501 has the advantages of high sensitivity strong reliability simple and convenient installation and very subtle not easy be found
    In this paper the design of the infrared alarm system alarm monitoring systemsthan ordinary better antijamming performance more convenient installation low cost is the best choice for the modern family antitheft alarm

    Keywords STC89C52 alarm circuit HCSR501 modulecrystal oscillator
    目 录

    第1章 绪 1
    11 引言 1
    12 选题背景 1
    第2章 红外报警监控系统基础知识 2
    21 系统描述 2
    22 STC89C52单片机 2
    221 STC89C52单片机结构 3
    222 STC89C52特点 4
    223 STC89C52单片机基结构 5
    23 HCSR501体感应模块 6
    231 体感应模块工作原理: 7
    232 HCSR501体红外感应模块电气参数 7
    233 HCSR501体感应模块特性 8
    234 体感应模块说明 8
    235 HCSR501体感应器感应范围安装求 9
    第3章 红外报警监控系统设计方案 10
    31 红外报警监控系统设计思路 10
    32 红外报警监控系统涉模块 10
    321 系统电源模块 11
    322 放电路 11
    323 复位电路 12
    324 时钟电路 12
    325 蜂鸣器报警电路 13
    326 LED指示电路 13
    第4章 基单片机红外报警监控系统软件设计 14
    41程序总体流程图 14
    42 程序C语言编程 14
    第5章 软件仿真 18
    51 硬件调试 18
    52 软件调试 19
    53 系统调试 19
    结 20
    致 谢 21
    参 考 文 献 22
    附录A 译 文 23
    STC89C52处理芯片 23
    附录B 外文原文 32

    第1章 绪
    11 引言
    12 选题背景
    第2章 红外报警监控系统基础知识
    21 系统描述


    22 STC89C52单片机

    221 STC89C52单片机结构

    图22 PDIP40引脚图

    图23 PLCC44封引脚图

    图24 LQFP44PQFP44引脚图

    222 STC89C52特点
    (5)片集成512 字节RAM
    (6)2327通IO端口IO 端口驱动力达20mA驱动力超55mA
    (8)EEPROM 功
    (11)载户程序时候选择应外部晶体 时钟者部RC 振荡器
    (13) 外部中断2路降中断低电触发中断断电外部提供低电触发中断唤醒中断
    (14) PWM(4) PCA实现44外部中断定时器
    (16) SPI步通信端口模型模式
    223 STC89C52单片机基结构
    图25 STC89C52基结构图

    23 HCSR501体感应模块

    图26 HCSR501体感应模块实物图
    231 体感应模块工作原理:
    232 HCSR501体红外感应模块电气参数
    15 +70度
    表21 HCSR501电器参数
    233 HCSR501体感应模块特性
    234 体感应模块说明

    235 HCSR501体感应器感应范围安装求

    图27 HCSR501感应范围


    第3章 红外报警监控系统设计方案
    31 红外报警监控系统设计思路
    毕业设计设计求目进行分析选单片机STC89C52STC89C52控电路中集成复位电路时钟电路够系统编程够程度节省硬件软件成够节约量时间简单实总体框图设计思路利软件PROTEL 99 SE设计总电路图图31示:

    图31 报警器总电路图
    32 红外报警监控系统涉模块
    321 系统电源模块

    图32 电源指示灯模块

    322 放电路

    图33 放电路
    323 复位电路

    图34 复位电路
    324 时钟电路

    图35 时钟电路
    325 蜂鸣器报警电路

    图36 蜂鸣器报警电路

    326 LED指示电路

    图37 LED指示电路
    第4章 基单片机红外报警监控系统软件设计



    图41 程序流程图

    42 程序C语言编程

    void init() 定时器0初始化函数
    sbit rtP1^1 定义体传感器输入引脚P11
    sbit spkP2^7 定义蜂鸣器输出入引脚P07
    sbit ledP2^0 定义报警指示灯输出引脚P27
    int ijn 定义全局变量
    long int t0 延时程序
    void delay(int n)
    init() 定时器函数初始化
    spk0 关闭蜂鸣器电会响
    led~led 报警指示灯闪
    spk0 蜂鸣器响
    led~led 工作状态灯停闪边工作正常
    } while(1)
    } main
    void init()
    TMOD0X01 设置定时器0模式(16位计算模式)
    TH0(6553610000)256 计数寄存器赋值50ms时间
    EA1 开启总中断
    ET01 开启定时器0中断
    TR01 启动定时器0
    void timer() interrupt 1
    TH0(6553610000)256 重新赋值50毫秒中断
    t++ t累加

    第5章 软件仿真


    图51 KEIL编译结果

    51 硬件调试

    52 软件调试

    53 系统调试

    致 谢
    毕业设计程中导师 教授帮助提供相关资料文选题设计准备完成文撰写修改切切凝聚着导师巨心血衷班建民导师表示衷心感谢时感谢学校提供PC电脑种试验仪器等设施设计已利完成

    参 考 文 献
    [1] 李华编MCS-51单片机实接口技术[M]北京航空航天学出版社1993
    [2] 周航慈单片应程序设计技术[M]北京航空航天学出版社1990
    [3] 赵晓安 MCS51单片机原理应[M]天津学出版社2001
    [4] 立民单片机应技术选编[M]北京航空航天学出版社1996
    [5] 李广第.单片机基础[M].北京航空航天学出版社1999
    [6] 肖景赵键红外线热释电超声波遥控电路[M]民邮电出版社
    [7] 肖金球单片机原理接口技术[M]清华学出版社2004
    [8] 郁文传感器原理工程应[M]西安电子科技学出版社2008
    [9] 文孔庆彦C语言程序设计[M]机械工业出版社2009
    [10] 周景润PROTEUS入门实教程[M]机械工业出版社2009
    [11] 张瑾 电路设计制板:Protel 99SE入门提高[M]民邮电出版社2007
    [12] 郭天祥新概念51单片机C语言教程[M]中国水利水电出版社2009

    附录A 译 文


    MCS51单片机产物兼容 8K字节系统编程Flash存储器 1000次擦写周期全静态操作:0Hz~33Hz 三级加密程序存储器 32编程IO口线 三16位定时器计数器 八间断源全双职工UART串行通道 低功耗空闲掉电模式 掉电间断唤醒 门狗定时器 双数值指针 掉电标识符
    STC89C52 种低功耗高性CMOS8位微控制器具 8K 系统编程Flash 存储器高密度非易失性存储器技术制造工业80C51 产物指令引脚完全兼容片Flash允许程序存储器系统编程适常规编程器单芯片拥灵巧8 位CPU 线系统编程Flash患STC89C52众嵌入式控制应系统提供高矫捷超解决方案 STC89C52具标准功效: 8k字节Flash256字节RAM 32 位IO 口线门狗定时器2 数值指针三16 位 定时器计数器6量2级间断结构全双职工串行口 片晶振钟表电路外AT89S52 降0Hz静态逻辑操作支持2种软件选择节电模式空闲模式CPU 停止工作允许RAM定时器计数器串口间断继续工作掉电保护体式格局RAM容生存振动器冻结单片机切工作停止直间断者硬件复位止8 位微控制器 8K字节系统编程 Flash AT89S52
    P0 口:P0口8位漏极开路双IO口作输出口位驱动8TTL逻辑电P0端口写1时引脚作高阻抗输入
    访问外部程序数值存储器时P0口作低8位址数值复种模式 P0具部拉电阻
    P1 口:P1 口具部拉电阻8 位双IO 口p1 输出缓器驱动四 TTL 逻辑电P1 端口写1时部拉电阻端口拉高时作输入口作输入时外部拉低引脚部电阻原输出电流(IIL)
    外P10P12分作定时器计数器2外部计数输入(P10T2)时器计数器2 触发输入(P11T2EX)具体表示 flash编程校验时P1口吸收低8位址字节
    P10 T2(定时器计数器T2外部计数输入)钟表输出
    P11 T2EX(定时器计数器T2捕捉重载触发信号方控制)
    P15 MOSI(线系统编程)
    P16 MISO(线系统编程)
    P17 SCK(线系统编程)
    P2 口:P2 口具部拉电阻8 位双IO 口P2 输出缓器驱动四 TTL 逻辑电P2 端口写1时部拉电阻端口拉高时作输入口作输入时外部拉低引脚部电阻原输出电流(IIL)
    访问外部程序存储器者16位址读取外部数值存储器(例执行MOVX @DPTR) 时P2 口送出高八位址种应中P2 口强部拉发送1 8位址(MOVX @RI)访问外部数值存储器时P2口输出P2锁存器容flash编程校验时P2口吸收高8位址字节控制信号
    P3 口:P3 口具部拉电阻8 位双IO 口p2 输出缓器驱动四 TTL 逻辑电P3 端口写1时部拉电阻端口拉高时作输入口作输入时外部拉低引脚部电阻原输出电流(IIL) P3口作AT89S52特殊功效(第二功效)表示flash编程校验时P3口吸收控制信号
    P30 RXD(串行输入口)
    P31 TXD(串行输出口)
    P32 INTO(外间断0)
    P33 INT1(外间断1)
    P34 TO(定时计数器0)
    P35 T1(定时计数器1)
    P36 WR(外部数值存储器写选通)
    P37 RD(外部数值存储器读选通)
    继电器典型实例(现代动化控制设备中存电子电气电路互相联结问题方面电子电路控制信号够控制电气电路执行元件(电动机 电磁铁电灯等)方面电子电路电气提供良电隔离 保护电子电路身安全电子继电器便完成桥梁作)
    该设计体现智方面断改变模拟量达控制电器电动机工作目具体:808608098255等核心芯片路模拟量模拟现实物理量通0809进行采集根模拟量输入进控制LED指示灯继电器电机动作熟悉微型计算机出现量类社会带入新时代单片微型计算机(简称单片机)中扮演着十分重角色工业控制数采集仪器仪表动化等许领域起着十分重作熟悉80C51系列单片机核心系统介绍结构原理应技术容包括单片机基础知识结构原理指令系统汇编语言程序设计单片机部行口应中断技术定时计数技术串行通信技术系统扩展技术ADDA转换器接口单片机应开发技术等知识 着电子技术计算机技术发展单片机技术已成计算机技术独特分支民工业测控等领域广泛应单片机具体积功强性高价格低方便系统设计灵活等特点目前单片机控制系统正空前速度取代着传统电子控制系统学单片机掌握设计技术已成代学生工程技术员必备技企业迫切需量熟练掌握单片机技术开发应维护理单片机控制系统高级工程技术员
    系统采双CPU 控制机机CPU单片机CPU负责采集七路数时应答CPU发送命令CPU进行数处理数显示键盘输入系统报警语音播报通道电压值CPUCPU通讯中采国际标准RS232C接口线少(两根)系统实现种具语音播报语音提示高性高智实型远距离路数采集系统
    3控器通串行传输线路路数进行 采集显示采集方式包括循环采集(1路2路……7路1路……)选择采集(选路)二种方式显示部分时显示址相应数
    行性调研目分析完成项目性进行方面工作参考国外关资料否进行类似工作果分析进行方面工作什优点缺点什值鉴果没需作进步调研时重点应放否实现环节首先理进行分析探讨实现性 求客观条件否具备(环境测试手段仪器设计资金等)然结合实际情况决定否立项问题
    旦总体方案决定步工作该项目细化需明确部分硬件完成 部分软件完成硬件结构软件方案会相互影响简化电路结构降低成减少障率提高系统灵活性通性方面考虑提倡软件实现功软件完成应考虑软件代硬件实质降低系统实时性增加处理进行代价软件设计费研制周期增加系统软硬件功分配应根系统求实际情况合理安排统考虑确定软硬件功基础设计者工作开始涉毓具体问题仪器体积具体技术指标相应硬件实现方案软件总体规划等确定员分工安排工作进度规定接口参数必须考虑硬件软件具体设计问题
    附录B 外文原文

    STC89C52 processing chip

    Prime features
    With MCS 51 SCM product compatibility 8K bytes in the system programmable Flash memory 1000 times CaXie cycle the static operation 0Hz ~ 33Hz triple encryption program memory 32 programmed IO port three 16 timercounter the eight uninterrupted dualcareer UART serial passage low power consumption leisure and fall after fall electric power mode can be awakened and continuous watchdog timer and doublenumber pointer power identifier
    Efficacy characteristics
    STC89C52 is one kind of low power consumption high CMOS8 bit microcontroller 8K in system programmable Flash memory Use highdensity nonvolatile storage technology and industrial 80C51 product instruction and pin fully compatible The Flash memory chips allows programs in the system also suitable for programmable conventional programming In a single chip have clever 8 bits CPU and online system programmable Flash increase STC89C52 for many embedded control system to provide high vigorous application and useful solutions STC89C52 has following standard efficacy 8k byte Flash RAM 256 bytes 32 IO port the watchdog timer two three pointer numerical 16 timercounter a 6 vector level 2 continuous structure the serial port working within crystals and horological circuit In addition 0Hz AT89S52 can drop to the static logic operation support two software can choose power saving mode Idle mode the CPU to stop working and allows the RAM timercounters serial continuous to work Protection asana pattern RAM content is survival vibrators frozen SCM until all the work under a continuous or hardware reset 8bit microcontrollers 8K bytes in the system programmable Flash AT89S52 devices
    Mouth P0 P0 mouth is a twoway open drain IO As export each can drive eight TTL logic level For P0 port to write 1 foot as the high impedance input
    When access to external programs and numerical memory also known as low P0 mouth eight addressnumerical reuse In this mode with the internal P0 resistor
    In the flash when programming also used for P0 mouth absorb instruction bytes In the process the output command byte calibration When the program requires external calibration on pullup resistors
    Mouth P1 mouth P1 is an internal resistance of the eight twoway IO buffers can drive P1 output four TTL logic level To write 1 P1 port the internal resistance to port can push as input mouth When used as input external and internal foot because of low resistance will output current (IIL)
    In addition P10 and P12 respectively timercounter 2 external counting input (P10 T2) and when the trigger editorcounter P11 input (2) specific T2EXare shown below In programming and calibration flash P1 mouth absorb eight address low byte
    Efficacy the foot
    P10 T2 (timercounter T2 external counting input) clock output
    P11 T2EX (timercounter T2 captureoverloaded triggered signals and direction control)
    P15 MOSI (with) online system programming
    P16 MISO (with) online system programming
    P17 SCK (with) online system programming
    Mouth P2 P2 mouth is an internal resistance of the eight twoway IO buffers and P2 output can drive four TTL logic level To write 1 P2 port the internal resistance to port can push as input mouth When used as input external and internal foot because of low resistance will output current (IIL)
    In the external program memory access or use 16bit external numerical memory address read (for example MOVX execution DPTR @) P2 mouth send out high 8 address In this application P2 mouth on the internal use strong pull send 1 In using 8bit address (such as MOVX @ RI) access to external numerical memory P2 mouth output P2 latches content In programming and calibration flash P2 mouth also absorb high eight address byte and some control signal
    P3 a P3 mouth on the inside of the eight twoway pullup resistors IO buffers can drive p2 output four TTL logic level For P3 port to write 1 the internal resistance to port can push as input mouth When used as input external and internal foot because of low resistance will output current (IIL) P3 mouth AT89S52 special functions (also as the second efficacy) are shown below In programming and calibration flash also absorb some P3 mouth control signals
    Port pin second efficacy
    P30 RXD (serial input)
    P31 TXD (serial export)
    P32 INTO the discontinuous (0)
    P33 INT1 (1) the discontinuous
    P34 (timecounter TO 0)
    P35 T1 (1) timecounter
    P36 WR (external numerical memory write for)
    P37 RD (external numerical memory read for)
    In addition also absorb some used in mp3 mouth FLASH memory programming and calibration of program control signals
    RST reset input when the vibrator RST pin appeared two machine cycle above high level will be reset the chip
    ALEPROG when access to external program memory or numerical memory ALE (address latch allow) output pulses are used to latch address of low eight bytes Normally ALE with clock frequencies are 16 output pulse signal with fixed so it can be used for the purpose or output clocks Timing Those who want an attention is whenever access to external numerical memory will skip a ALE pulse
    For FLASH memory programming this pin is used for input programming pulse () PROG
    If necessary but through special effect to the zone registers (SFR) 8EH D0 position the unit can be banned ALE operations This position is a bit MOVX and MOVC instructions will be activated ALE In addition the foot will be weak execute external program MCU hign should be banned a void Set ALE
    PSEN program storage PSEN allowed (output is outside of the program memory read choose communication by external program memory when taking AT89C52 instructions (or) each machine cycle PSEN twice two pulse output is useful during this period when access to external numerical memory will skip PSEN twice
    EAVPP external access permission to make the CPU only access to external program memory (address for 0000H FFFFH) EA end must remain low level (ground) Should notice is if a LB1 is encrypted reset when programming will latch EA end
    As for the high level of the EA (VCCS) the CPU is the implementation of the program memory internal instructions
    FLASH memory when programming this pin plus + 12 v programming allow power Vpp of course that is the part is used to Vpp voltage 12V programming

    Actual problem ability contacting actual solving by the fact that graduation practice improves theory Going deep into waiting for relevance hardware knowledge to interface technology understands rise Have 8279's control words interposition mechanics programming principle and PC interface method in hand Deepen the characteristic and operating principle understanding the successive approximation law modulus converter's have the ADC0809 interface method and AD input program design in hand and test method It is known to all that not caring now is enterprise a factory is still a family having realized an automation mainly be that a little intellectualized equipment has been used such has been provided immense going to the lavatory to the user Thought and operation intellectualized being to have let treatment element replace person come to control the outside equipment job
    The relay is that a representative example (modern times automates to have circuital mutual a electron and electricity linkup problem in control system one side needs to make the electronic circuit pilot signal be able to control the circuital electricity implementation component (electric motor electromagnet electric lamp etc) Electricity being going to be an electronic circuit again on one hand provide fine electricity isolation to protect the electronic circuit and person's safety the electron relay just can accomplish this one bridge effect) Should design the aspect being to have embodied a little intelligence Come to reach the purpose reaching electrical equipment the electric motor job under the control of changing simulation amounts unceasingly Be concretely The chip centering on 8086 0809 8255 grades uses single file to simulate the amounts coming to simulate real physics the amounts to carry out acquisition by 0809 in the light of different entering and the person size simulating amounts and then the action controlling LED guiding lights relay electric motor
    Know well that the microcomputer appearing draws Da Liang Shi Yong with human society as well as having entered a new times The monolithic microcomputer (be called the monolithic machine for short) is all playing very important role in a lot of fields such as being acting as very important role among them automating in industrial control data collect and instrument appearance Have known well that the C51 series monolithic machine is core with 80 system has introduced whose structure principle and applied technique Main content including monolithic machine ABC structure and principle instruction system assembly language programming monolithic machine inside parallel application interruption technology regular time counting technology serial communicate by letter technology system extended technology AD and DA converter interface monolithic machine apply and develop technology and so on knowledge With the development of electron technology and computer art the monolithic machine technology already becomes a distinctive branch of computer art industry test control waits for a field to have got broad application in civil sum
    The monolithic machine is had volume is small the function is strong reliability is tall price hangs down usage designs that convenient and systematic nimbly to wait for a characteristic At present monolithic machine navar is substituting tradition electronic control system with unparalleled speed Technical ability that the engineers and technicians who studies the monolithic machine and grasps the person designing that the usage technology already becomes the present age college student and a few must prepare for many enterprise requires that a great quantity is skilled urgently grasping the monolithic machine technology can develop apply the engineers and technicians who manages monolithic machine navar high level and defend together This system has adopt the monolithic machine to realize the multipath longrange data collect and monitor this practice has used two machine the far end monolithic machine has controlled the multipath data collect implement the monolithic machine has controlled the far end monolithic machine local place communication has carried out two machine with RS232C standard debugging passing soft hardware owing system jobs evidence system such as treatment data display keyin and system warning being able to realize a data is feasible
    In computer extensive use data collect significance is very notable today Simulations and figures such as the data being collected being being to refer to the secondary sensor and other wait for measuring equipment is measured the process collecting information voluntarily in the element The data collect system is certainly definition consumer measurement system coming true nimbly coming soft hardware product combining with computerbased measurement It is the bridge that the computer and the outside physics world link Various type signal collect difference difficult to exchange degree is very big Noise also may bring about a few when reality is collected inconvenient Some basal principle needs to pay attention to when data collect still has more actual problems needing to solve
    System adopt capital pair of CPU control the lead plane uses with being from the machine CPU the monolithic machine Data being responsible for collecting seven roads from CPU respond to the order that host CPU dispatches at the same time Host CPU carries out a data handling the data display keyin system give an alarm pronunciation broadcasts the voltage value reporting passage In host CPU and the communication from CPU adopt the international standard RS232C interface and use gleam to be short most (need only two System has realized remote multipath one kind of the pragmatic type having pronunciation broadcasting newspaper highperformance high intelligence that pronunciation hint data collect systemIndustry measurement system often must handle to coming from many signal source signals carrying out digitization coming to realize this handling but adopt several kinds way And then simulate multipath multiplex implement (MUX) making one's option in the entering signal coming from 8 simulation sensors MUX makes a present of the output signal giving signal adjustment an amplifier the signal adjusts an amplifier that the output signal is made a present of giving a modulus converter (ADC) But IC adopt integrated multipath multiplex implement and ADC at present commonly also can a purchase the component parting for
    System function 1 realizes the scene analog signal producing an implement is to pass the
    selfrestraint one sine wave generator make use of sillster to change oscillating frequencymessenger frequency changes in 200 Hz ~ 2 kHz range 1 v shifting last (200 Hz correspondence exporting 1 ~ 5 corresponding vs direct current pressure again after frequency voltage 2 kHz are corresponding 5 vs) 2 road data collect implement data collect implement the first roads entering selfrestraint 0 V ~ 5 V direct current pressure 2nd ~ 7 roads import 5 V 4 V 3 V 2 V 1 V 0 V direct current pressure coming from the directcurrent source respectively (every road imports but not demanding accuracy from mark pressure implement creation) The analog signal changes every road respectively becoming 8 binary digit signals in classics and the circuit varying string use serial code to send in the transmission circuit
    3 the master control implement collects and shows by the fact that the serial transmission circuitis in progress to every road data Collect way collecting (namely 1 roads 2 roads including cycling 7 roads 1 roads ) And choose acquisition (let choose a single file) two species way Demonstrate the can demonstrate address at the same time and corresponding data of part 4 the lead plane realizes pronunciation handling a hint and broadcasts every passage the voltage function malfunction give an alarm functionDesign that front preparation job develops person after receiving some item missions need in general carrying out the following job first before the concrete design being in progress 1 feasibility the purposesurveying feasibility surveying is to analyse the possibility accomplishing this project The job carrying out this aspect's may consult home and abroad in connection with the data looks at if somebody had carried out the similar job If having may analyse others then is the job how to carry out this aspect what merits and demerits to have what have to be to be worth drawing lessons If not needing then doing surveying going a step further in priority now Ying Fang whether can realize this link first analyse discuss the possibility coming true from being in progress theoretically what be demanded if objective condition have (means the instrument design that the fund waits if the environment tests) and then be tied in wedlock reality the problem to whether can set up a project to decide again 2 the system overall plan designs design surveying the queen being a system overall plan if being able to set up a project will work next step in the feasibility being in progress
    May consult this on one hand detailed more concrete data on the priority Ying Fang technology degree of difficulty working in that project now the function consulting home and abroad the samekind product brings forward the rational but feasible technology index compile and compose out design specification accomplish system overall plan design thereby according to the systematic different part and the function needing to come true
    Design plan thin melt 3ascertains soft hardware function once the overall plan decides down job next step is to will owe a project thin melt needs namely making clear that which part uses hardware to come to be completed which part uses software to come to be completed Therefore since the hardware structure and the software scheme may influence each otheraspect thinks from flexibility and General Availability facilitating the circuit structure cost reduction cutting down a fault rate raising system the function encouraging a software to be able to come true comes to be completed as far as possible from the software But also should think that the essence replacing a hardware with the software being to reduce system real time nature increases by handling the price being in progress being's the software designs that cost lead time will also increase by and therefore the systematic soft hardware function assignment responds to according to the systematic request and reality but the rational arrangement unification think On the basis ascertaining the soft hardware function designer's job starts the concrete problem dealing with one Yu right away if the instrument volume and the master plan with the hardware realization scheme software that the concrete technology index responds to relatively etcBehind ascertaining personnel division of work laying on job schedule regulation the interface parameter will must think that hardware the software concre have designed a problem is discussing this wants to emphasize an once too the front here designing a problem concretely that this several parts work above is essential otherwise the entirety may lead to a design plan changes possibility leads to even a scheme to have no way to realize the dissipation bringing about manpower and material resources to a concrete application system design To some extent with regard to this designs that De Lai talks should pay attention to twice as much A monolithic machine application system hardware design includes two most content
    The monolithic machine system expansion part designs that first It expands including that memory expanding and preparing an interface That the expansion interface pointing to EPROM EEPROM and RAM expand the memory expansion is to point to 8255 8155 8279 and other function component expansion Two is every function module design Controlling the function module the manmachine conversation function module exchanging the sincere message function module if the signal measures the function module the signal and so on demands to deploy ancillary equipment such as corresponding AD DA keyboard display printer according to system function ascertain the circuital overall plan needs the demonstration carrying out the detailed technology together Socalled circuital hardware population is designed is to be to be to realize the electricity company line principle picture owing possessions needed by all fundamental project functions hardware The first time contact this aspect job design personnel sometimes be anxious to ask begin to make plate and debug in designing that the overall plan mounts more reluctant flower time he urges a field excessively This method not only no appropriate and sometimes be an effect lose more than gain Circuital every part is a rapid and intense relevance is in harmony each other because of the hardware system comes to talk right awayany part of circuit's considers insufficiency that the city brings the effect hard to predict to effect hard to predict other part makes the system entirety structure be destroyed gently then weight is that population is big fruit the hand doing poorly done work over again bringing about from this being to be imaginable lead to hardware Therefore we hope that the designer is not more stingy than on the overall plan the institute spends time Judging from time the good sometimes in initial scheme design stage one design plan of hardware design most amount of work sometimes is able to have the effect getting twice the result with half the effort Job next step is only capable to do proceeding as planned and without a hitch very much revise even if needing to do a part once the overall plan ascertains that downa few being in progress also only here on the basis perfect the entirety working but being able to not bring about doing poorly done work over again When the overall plan in the hardware being in progress is designed the what be related that to concrete circuit may use the job that others carries out in this respect for reference Sometimes have certain rationality because of the circuit have debuged and testing process others (this also may exactly be experience location although these circuits are often no completely consistent with the circuit providing on the textbook and the handbook) Revise if carrying out a few combining with self design purpose here on the basisbe that one kind is simple and convenient rapid method of work The circuit needs self design certainly a little bit copying completely is not very possible pi deceives to comfort the emergency quail saying the male plait fertilizer guaranteeing requiring the principle working to the person to have more incisive analysis and understand that knows whose applicability according to whose job mechanism ascertains the possibility that the person transplants and the place needing to revise thereby To the circuit that some critical Buddhist monks understand no completelyneed careful analysis And carry out an experiment before design first to ascertain this circuital part correctness job carrying out the ordeal especially dummy load part needing the aspect carrying out this more in aspect such as reliability and accuracy That is makes the hardware design as far as possible rational is based on experience systematic wiring design should pay attention to several the following aspect 1 chooses as far as possible standardizing the modularized model is circuital improve the success rate designing that and architectural flexibility 2 goes down in allowable condition of condition select and use a function as far as possible strong high circuit of integration level or chip Because of adopt this component to may replace some parts of circuit not only component quantity connector assembly and mutual company line fall off messenger system reliability increases by and cost sometimes is lower than using the circuit that the component realizes muchly to be than3 pays attention to choosing the strong plentiful of marketplace source of goods component of General Availability problem should pay attention to this aspect especially more to the occasion needing mass production Whose merit is Once certain kind of component has no way to gain also can use other component to substitute directly or to do slightly to the circuit changing the queen using other component to replace 4 is in when population structure thinks to hardware system same need to pay attention to the General Availability problem To a more complicated system the designer sometimes hopes with whose modularization be that the centring bend controls an element the halving piece importing an interface exporting the interface manmachine interface carries out a entire system designing and then adopt certain edge taking over way that whose combination is become The way in such circumstances linking up appears very important right away may select and use GPI way sometimes if adopt STD highway structure PC highway structure GPIB highway structure etcBecause of the edge to these highways structure takes over the comparison applying at presentMany manufacturer already develops out being suitable to the interface board in these highways structure exporting board AD board if importing board and so on Under necessary situation select and use readymade module board being the systematic part be able to shorten lead time greatly raise working efficiency although cost is partial to height a little bit Certainly in some special case and minor systematic occasionthe consumer must design an interface by self define company line way Need to pay attention to the interface agreement now the module designer should observe that interface way one by one once the interface way ascertains that down allowing some leeway to prepare for future to revise expanding on the basis satisfying the application system functional requirement In fact the circuit designs a success but not doing the condition that any revises is very few's do poorly done work over again all round if being forced to be in progress in leeway later stage designing that has not had any left for the first time probably because of to some extent little changing or expansion Select and use 2764 the above chips for example when carrying out ROM expansion to the full such escalates not only in the future going to the lavatory the meeting also reduces cost During the period of the expansion carrying out RAM go to the lavatory for using system promotion or increasing memory systematic RAM space should reserve enough location do not insert a chip well even though designing one RAM socket more than normal During the period of the expansion carrying out the IO mouth also should be given to a certain margin out such has gone to the lavatory extremely to the passage or controlled member increasing a little measurement for a short time




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