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8BU6 知识点默写 A.课文知识点 1. France is ____________. 法国在召唤。 本句中call 表示“召唤,号召”。Call 作为动词,常见的搭配有以下几种: 2. __________

2021-04-12    563    0


8BU1 知识点默写 A. 课文知识点 1. Why ________ you so __________ ______ trees, Doctor Ray? 您为什么 对树木 这么感兴趣呢? 对……感兴趣

2021-04-12    511    0


2020学年八年级第二学期期末基础复习题(五) I.Choose the best answer 1. Leave him _______ and he will think about it by_________

2021-05-29    580    0


2020学年牛津上海英语八年级第二学期期末词性转换练习 Date___________ Class____________ Name___________ Final Revision U1-U3

2021-05-14    374    0


( ) 1. a double-decker/ single-decker bus A. 没有学生( ) 2. use a public transportation card B. 一些男孩( ) 3. a fare box C. 从乘客那儿收钱( ) 4. an air-conditioned bus D. 大部分女生

2021-04-05    732    0


6B Module 2 Unit 5 exercise 4 ⅠTranslation 1. 不得不练习英语 __________________________________________ 2. 那就是我将要做的

2021-04-05    581    0


I. Fill in the blanks with the proper words1. Miss Guo is asking some questions about________weather. (wind, windy)2. I can see people windsurfing in the sea when there is________. (a strong wind,a typhoon)3. Do you know the __________ kinds of windy weather. (different,difference)

2021-04-05    603    0


I. Fill in the blanks with the proper words1.My father’s job is ________ make Shanghai a safe place. (to help, helping)2.Joe and Jessica ________ bore in 1976. (was, were)3.What’s wrong with you? You look ________ today. (happy, sad)4.The king always took _________ advice. (his, him)

2021-04-05    623    0


1. I ________ enjoyed the great party. (real, really)2. ________ of the two families have a happy life. (All, Both)3. Don’t forget __________ out fires after the barbecue. (putting, to put)4. I’m sorry. I _________ my exercise book at home. (forgot, left)

2021-04-05    553    0


I. Fill in the blanks with the proper words1.I will buy several silk ________ as presents for my friends. (scarf, scarves)2.Have you got ________ for everyone in the hall? (enough chairs, chairs enough)3.They arrived ________ the station before the train left. (at, in)4.This book is ________ to read twice. (good enough, enough good)

2021-04-05    673    0


I. Fill in the blanks with the proper words.1.There will be _________ exhibition in our city next Monday. (a, an)2.________ city is the capital of France? (What, Which)3.________ does your sister live in? (Where, Which city)

2021-04-05    495    0


I. Fill in the blanks with the proper words1. Harbours________ (provide,project) shelters for boats and ships.2. People take away the shelter and food,________ (because,so) animals die .3. Many animals die ________(because,so) people take away the shelter and food .4. Many years ago, people in the countryslde cooked food with__________. (wood,wooden)

2021-04-05    662    0

 牛津译林八年级英语上册8A UNIT6 Grammar 1练习

牛津译林八年级英语上册8A UNIT6 Grammar 1 Ⅰ.根据中文、英文解释或所给单词,用正确形式填空 1. The meeting __________ (开始) at 9:00 a.m.

2021-08-30    581    0

 牛津译林八年级英语上册8A UNIT6 Grammar 2练习 (一)

牛津译林八年级英语上册8A UNIT6 Grammar 2 Ⅰ.根据中文、英文解释或所给单词。用正确形式填空 1.My cousin __________ (完成)school next month.

2021-08-30    615    0

 牛津译林八年级英语上册8A UNIT6 第4课时练习

牛津译林八年级英语上册8A UNIT6 第4课时练习 Ⅰ.单项选择: (    )1. The Zhalong Nature Reserve is an important          area

2021-08-30    647    0


2020-2021学年第二学期一年级英语期中试 (完时间40分钟,満分100分) 学校_______________________ 班级__________ 学号_________ 姓名______________

2020-10-12    655    0


do Jack's family go on a trip to some place? 4. 香港在上海的南面。 Hong kong lies _______ _______ Shanhai. 5. 中秋节还要多久才到?

2022-09-18    582    0


1、 Please_________ (bring/take)me a new book about the space when you come tomorrow.2、 When the red light is on, you can’t____ (across/cross) the road. Just wait on the pavement.

2022-09-18    431    0


动词大多是不及物动词,如:work, sing, swim, fish, jump, arrive, come, die, disappear, cry, happen等。1. Leaves fall in autumn. __________________________.2. The accident happened yesterday afternoon. __________________________. 3. The building disappeared in the fog. __________________________.4. Mary has already arrive. __________________________.

2021-04-05    888    0


7你们上次见面是什么时候? When did you last see each other? 8我上一次是两年前在上海见到他的。I last saw him in Shanghai two years ago. = I

2021-05-24    495    0
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