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情境选择。( )1.Mike在教室里大声喊你的名字,你对他说:A. Don’t eat. B. Don’t shout.()2.李老师提醒同学们课堂上不要说话,她会说:A. Shh. B. Don’t drink.()3.当别人提醒你不要在图书馆里乱跑时,你会说:A. Don’t run. B. I’m sorry

2022-02-02    889    0

 《Unit2 Beijing is bigger than Tianjin》教学设计

《Unit2 Beijing is bigger than Tianjin》教学设计 教学目标: 1、巩固复习上节课学习的形容词以及形容词的比较级:tall--  taller short—shorter

2010-05-16    15089    0

 四上Unit2 专项练习

四上Unit 2 专项练习1一、 英英互译( ) 1.to telephone someone. A.call( ) 2.the work you do to keep your house clean B.housework( ) 3.to talk to sb. about sth. C.speak( )

2023-01-06    253    0


2017-2018学年上学期英语周周测(U2) 姓名_______ 分数_________ I. 选择填空 (每题2分,共30分) i.根据句意,选择与划线部分意思最接近的选项。 (  ) 1. He finally realized his mistake. A. achieved        B. got to know   C. told            (  ) 2

2017-12-07    1793    0


1.They looked very _____ in the idea. (interest)2.After they got on the bus, they found two _______. (sit)3.Help __________ to the fish, everyone. (you)4.What we have had is just part of the truth. We should try to get __________ information about it. (far)

2021-04-08    724    0

 牛津英语7A Unit2知识梳理

Unit 2 Let’s play sports! 短语归纳: play sports 做运动                    many times a day 一天许多次 play football/tennis 踢足球/打网球      talk about 谈论 after school 放学后                   go swimming 去游泳 a

2016-01-12    4911    0

 8年级上册 Unit2 School life教案

8上 Unit2 School life 第一课时 Welcome to the unit &Comic strip 【学习目标】 预习目标:1. 通过预习,能够完成P19的填空。 2. 完成导学案课前预习部分。

2019-09-16    1367    0

 人教版七年级英语上册 Unit2 This is my sister 教案

This is my sister 课时1 1. Background information: 1)The analysis of the textbook: Grade 7 Unit 2: This is my sister.  student’s book,Go for it!  PEP A. Topic: introduction. B. Function: introdu

2019-06-07    3613    0


小学五年级英语Unit2单元测试卷 测一测小学五年级英语Unit2单元学得怎么样 听力部分 一、Listen and write. 根据录音内容填写下列句子中所缺的单词, 使句子完整. 1. Which

2020-03-16    781    0


好词1.drawbackn. .缺点;不利条件2.experimentn. 实验3.explorevt. 探索4.bann.&vt. 禁止5.argumentn. 争论

2021-05-14    384    0


四年级英语下册Unit 2单元检测卷 学校 班级 姓名 学号 _ ______________

2022-03-11    563    0


Section A1. ever → (反义词) never2. shop → (现在分词) shopping3. full → (反义词) empty4. read → (pt.) readSection B→(v.)act 1. active

2021-06-06    624    0


冀教版 六年级上册Lesson 7 On the School Bus教学分析1、 学生分析六年级学生已经具备了一些听说读写的能力和语言知识,在学习本课之前已经掌握一定的天气用语和相关的表达天气的语言知识,以及有关衣着的词汇和相关的表达穿着的语言知识,因此要考虑到在完成教学目标的前提下,如何设计活动,使学生在巩固以往语言点的同时进行知识拓展,让学生习得更多语言,以使学生的语言得到丰富,

2020-11-19    1053    0

 七年级下学期unit2 的阅读课教学反思

,一切准备就绪之后,在成校长和周老师、刘老师的陪同下我们一起前往赛场。 到达抽签室后抽到了七下unit2 的阅读课,拿到课题签的那一刻我内心十分激动,因为就英语课型而言,阅读课是很好组织的一个课型。一

2023-04-27    238    0


(  )1.(2020•安徽)—What do you think of your new house built by the local government?—Pretty good.I have a ________ of happiness now.A.warning B.tradition C.feeling D.question

2021-05-14    339    0

 高中英语人教版必修一Unit2 English around the world grammar Direct Speech and Indirect Speech(II)教案

年级 第 周 第 课时 教师:备课时间: 上课时间 年 月 日 星期 备课组长签字: Unit 2 English around the worldPeriod 5 grammar Direct Speech and Indirect Speech(II)【学习目标】:1.知识目标:1.了解comman

2023-02-24    248    0

 高中英语人教版 必修第二册Unit2 Wildlife protection Readingandthinking学案

Book2unit2 Reading and ThinkingLearning about protecting endangered animalActivity1: Activate the students’ knowledge of wildlife protection.“When the buying stops, the killing can too.” Can the

2023-02-23    208    0


 8B unit2 Travelling语法讲解 一、专题精讲 知识点1:have/ has been to, have/ has gone to, have/ has been in的区别 (1)have/

2021-05-24    674    0


We are what we eat because what we eat every day has 1. great effect on our health.Therefore,we should make every effort to change our bad eating habits.As we all know,baked or fried foods may be 2. (taste) but eating too much of them will

2021-06-24    364    0

 六年级英语下册 Module5 unit2(1)教案 外研版

Module5 Unit2 He’s riding his bike, but it’s starting to rain. 第二课时(40分钟) 学习内容: SB(学生用书)与AB(课堂活动用书)

2022-09-23    513    0
1 2 3 4 5 ... 21