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operation.   A. to eat no   B. eating not  C. not to eat   D. not eating  12. I saw him _______ out of

2022-08-05    402    0

 二轮复习之语法填空 专题11 语法填空之连词专项(含答案)

could ask for their names. 23.________you start eating in a healthier way,weight control will become much

2023-02-19    311    0


popular D. different 29. —Do you have any good eating habits, Kate? —Of course. I eat a lot of _______, such

2021-05-07    326    0


back a bit because I see the results of his eating habits. 2.(2018·全国卷Ⅰ书面表达) As to presents,I propose

2023-03-15    303    0


environments lead to unhealthy behaviors such as poor eating habits, which ________ increase the risk of heart disease

2010-06-22    708    0


the same brand. You should know your parents’ eating habits. A plant can also be considered as a good gift

2021-04-05    630    0

 新人教版五年级下册英语全册导学案 (2)

learn P52 Learning aims(学习目标) 1.掌握新单词: climbing, eating, playing, jumping, drinking, sleeping. 2.掌握句型:

2020-09-05    1031    0

 人教版英语选修8unit3 reading the problem of the snakes教案

Do research Look for _methods_ of removal; the habits of snakes 3 Think of a creative solution Identify

2020-10-06    1124    0


at / had ( )4. The husband and wife have strange habits. He’d like to sleep with lamp _______ at night

2021-04-12    840    0


Grandpa? In the dining room.What’s he doing? He’s eating fish.Where’s Simon? In the living room. What’s

2020-04-30    810    0


swim ( )6. We can _____ ice-cream in summer. A. eating B. eats C. eat D. to eat ( )7. I usually plant

2020-05-11    918    0


根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Having a healthy family life can lower risk of heart attack and

2019-04-10    1247    0

 牛津初中英语7A Module 2 unit4 Food 教学案例

ask “How can they keep healthy ? 1. a healthy diet 2.Do more exercise →a healthy lifestyle. 设计说明:以播放同学

2014-04-08    557    0


(1)能够准确熟练地拼读、认读单词,能够理解并用正确的语调熟练朗读课文。 (2)能够听、说、读、写以下词汇: healthy(健康的),strong(强壮的;有力的),before(在···之前),after(在···

2021-04-23    558    0


best time students form good study habits. with good study habits, in order to improve learning efficiency

2013-02-20    469    0


best time students form good study habits. with good study habits, in order to improve learning efficiency

2013-02-21    659    0


here has the lively form which the children grow healthy and strong, here has the children yearning magnificent

2013-09-04    532    0


warm our hearts and minds. let us protect your healthy growth, formed in the autumn fruit.   life's journey

2013-09-09    652    0

 必修3Unit1 Festival around the world单元复习卷

different. If we judge according to our own cultural habits, we may make the mistake of "reading" the other

2019-06-14    1303    0

 2017年中秋节祝福 英文

2017年中秋节祝福 英文   ul heart, a healthy body, the work of a heart, a love you, a trusted friend to help

2017-02-20    855    0
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