
      the mummy's speech colleagues fellow classmates hello my speech today is entitled perception of tsinghua university read and understand youth i come from nine provinces of wuhan's first middle school with this in mind today as the summer teacher representatives speak here i feel honored standing at the chinese university in the face of the young adolescents in such a grand atmosphere so precious friends before i can hardly contain nervous and excited on the occasion of the centennial celebration at tsinghua university tsinghua university on endeavourers summer camp but suddenly in this noble and sacred centennial hall north really let me by surprise so i had to choose from the north in respect of his profound eyes stared down in the arms of his generosity and sharing my tsinghua and understanding of youth tsinghua university i came with my students ancient and famous we journey in question finally came in spite of very tired but we are excited that we can be proud of let's do this not to appreciate this very mien of tsinghua university the royal park to see the scenery we can view on the summit of mount tai thin jet sunrise can also enjoy going to northwest territories north of the line although this is perfuse moonlight let our minds in spite of this ticket is enough to make us of tsinghua university architecture but the real attraction of our teachers and students is intrinsic and tsinghua university here is the talk there with no am invited liang qichao has served in this passion to the gentleman penghu islands thanks to the speech the number of sleeping in the wake of the chinese young university library qian zhongshu sweep and as we stay immortal works handed down stroll along the banks of the pond zhu ziqing is perfuse portrays moonlight's picturesque how many young people have in this overview describing the type and the world how many show people have fun so the man go away but their back but feels so clear their image their spirit and their minds into the air at this university together with tsinghua university's campus brick form the profound history of tsinghua university thick fragrant with humanity thereby accumulation into chinese culture selfstrengthening houdezaiwu spiritual treasures and cast into the emblem high suspended in the solemn hall warning and stimulate every tsinghua students we came with a thirst for knowledge with a passion for life even with the pursuit of a dream selfstrengthening houdezaiwu tsinghua motto inspired us and motivated young people read the tsinghua university motto it is possible to read the tsinghua university section the gentleman when constantly terrainkun for each degree course undaunted overcome self alwaysup spirit of quality is the cornerstone of access to knowledge treasure love of nature society everyone around love to love oneself is the i heard it was the understanding of our highest morality it is still in the ground rather than from boda is contained it will let us journey full of value and full of happiness read more to tsinghua university read youth students youth is what youth is the dream season dream is a symbol of youth let's take this dream as we wrap up the luggage far and this in fact our dreams already sprouting our trip has set off in pursuit like the followers of the faith like the revolutionary pilgrimage to yan'an here the masters and deeds or carelessly can make our lives much perplexity and sobering and tsinghua students sincere exchanges or allow us to study of cleared things up and all outstanding classmates or will give us an insight into the emotional confusion i call all to the classmates colleagues to modest state of mind heart careful understanding and experience of every activity every person who in good faith in the face wikipedia intercourse to enrich our soul let our dreams more fullness since we came to the dream it is necessary to take a dream and go dream is beautiful dream trip to rugged learn how to be strong in the face of hardship firm before the pressure at the insist temptations in front of stand alone no dreams of youth leaving the might of the imagination the lack of a strong will although a limb robust adolescents is to teeter's of years in addition to the tireless pursuit of the dream youth should be full of emotion when parents do not hesitate to support us silently endured in their hometown on pain of our thoughts we are fortunate in this and when the teacher who accompanied our perception of this inspirational journey we hope to do this students you have to know that when you leave home whistle how many parents tears into the eye s content on we do perhaps slightly esoteric but full of emotion and effective action has been to support help our parents teachers and even stranger is very realistic a grateful heart should be one of the signs of youth youth is the dream the pursuit of beauty and emotion success is inevitable it consists of a dream which by the pursuit of perfect incubator from emotion let us seize the youth juvenile laugh on youngthe others are rich young and strong prosperous as more youth boat into a flourishing became popular will become the great motherland and majestic scenery this scenery unforgettable finally i wish you all a dream and happy every day




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