远卓-人力资源模版库-Staff satisfaction questionnaire001

     Employee Survey

    Please note that individual responses to this survey are treated as strictly confidential please don't write your name on it
    The overall results will be available at the end of the year and will be widely and openly communicated including any issues that are highlighted for improvement and followup action
    Please insert one of the following figures ( 1 2 3 4 5 NA) into the bracket ( ) at the end of each question
    Totally agree 5 Agree4 Partly agreepartly disagree3
    Disagree2 Totally disagree 1 Not applicableNA

    A Work Organisation
    A1 I feel that the amount of work I am expected to do is reasonable ( )
    A2 There are enough qualified employees to handle the work load in my area ( )
    A3 Work assignments are well coordinated between different work group or departments ( )
    A4 In my immediate work area the following aspects are well organised
    a Availability of tools and equipment ( )
    b Maintenance of tools and equipment ( )
    c Scheduling of work ( )
    d Team work ( )
    A5 In my immediate work area we effectively work in teams ( )

    B Working conditions and safety
    B1 In my work area adequate measures are taken to ensure employee safety ( )
    B2 Employees in my work group receive adequate training and instructions on safety matters ( )
    B3 Employees are well informed about what to do in case of an emergency ( )
    B4 There are sufficient efforts at my site to reduce waste( through recycling etc) ( )
    B5 In general the following physical conditions of my work area are good
    a level of noise ( )
    b lighting ( )
    c temperature and climate ( )
    d level of smell ( )
    e working space ( )
    B6 In my work area the health of employees is sufficiently taken care of ( )

    C Communication
    C1 I have a good understanding of
    a The goals of our business ( )
    b The steps we are taking to reach our business goals ( )
    c The goals of my department ( )
    d What is expected from me personally ( )
    a I know the company vision statement ( )
    b The car Refinishes vision statement is clear to me ( )
    c I understand what the vision statement means for my personal work ( )
    d I personally support the company vision statement ( )
    C3 In general I can believe the information I get from the management ( )
    C4 Most employees feel free to voice their opinions openly in this company ( )
    C5 The people in my work group work well together ( )
    C6 The management where I work is good at
    a asking opinions and suggestions of employees ( )
    b acting on suggestions of employees ( )
    c involving employees in decisions that affect them ( )
    C7 I can get the information I need to do my job ( )
    C8 The management where I work gives me sufficient information on the following
    a my benefits ( )
    b personnel policies and procedures ( )
    c job openings ( )
    d updates on work procedures affecting my job ( )
    e company business results ( )
    f company changes ( )
    C9 A good source of information in Car Refinishes isare
    a my supervisor ( )
    b employee meeting with business unit management ( )
    c bulletin boards ( )
    d business unit newsletter ( )

    D Job performance and appraisal
    D1 I understand the standards used to evaluate my job performance ( )
    D2 I feel my performance on the job is evaluated fairly ( )
    D3 My performance reviews are conducted on a regular and timely basis ( )
    D4 My performance reviews have been useful in helping me improve my job performance ( )
    D5 The company does a good job in career opportunities for employees ( )
    D6 The company gave me the training I needed to do my job well ( )
    D7 I am given the chance to learn new skills ( )
    D8 There is a clear link between performance and pay ( )
    D9 The company provided good job security to employees who perform well ( )
    D10 Management where I work takes prompt corrective actions to deal with badly performing employees ( )

    E Supervision
    E1My immediate supervisor has the authority heshe needs to get the job done ( )
    E2 My immediate supervisor
    a Is knowledgeable about hisher job ( )
    b Deals fairly with everyone ( )
    c Solves peoplerelated problems ( )
    d Encourages suggestions from employees ( )
    e Gives regular feedback on my performance ( )
    f Communicates goals or assignments clearly ( )
    g Encourages team work ( )
    h Treats employees with respect and dignity ( )
    i Motivates people ( )

    F Management
    F1 Reporting relationships are clearly defined where I work ( )
    F2 In my opinion the following are well managed
    a The group as a whole ( )
    b Our Business unit ( )
    c China unit operation ( )
    d My department ( )
    F3 In my opinion the management
    a treats employees with respect and dignity ( )
    b applies personnel policies and procedures correctly ( )
    c invests in people education and training ( )
    d shows genuine interests in wellbeing of employees ( )
    e empower employees ( )
    f empower teams ( )
    F4 In my opinion the management of the company
    a provide a clear strategic direction ( )
    b avoids getting too involved in detail ( )
    c works well together as a team ( )

    G Pay and benefits
    G1 I think I am paid fairly
    a for the work I am doing ( )
    b compared with people in other companies who hold similar jobs ( )
    G2 The bonus system used in the company is a fair system ( )
    G3 Overall I am satisfied with the benefits of my job ( )

    H Job content and satisfaction
    H1 I am satisfied with the fact that in my job I
    a get the chance to use my skills and abilities ( )
    b have a variety of tasks to do ( )
    c get the chance to do interesting work ( )
    d get recognition for my work ( )
    e have responsibility ( )
    H2 Taking everything into account I am satisfied with my present job ( )
    H3 The working atmosphere at my department is good ( )
    H4 I feel I have sufficient say in how my job gets done ( )

    I Customer Orientation
    I1 In my work area we get sufficient information on how well we are meeting our customer requirement ( )
    I2 I understand the influence of my work on
    a the work of others ( )
    b our end products ( )
    I3 In my department we learn from our past mistakes ( )
    I4 The company
    a honours agreements with customers ( )
    b does the work right the first time ( )
    c meets customer expectations ( )
    I5 I feel our customers think that
    a we offer products and services of high quality ( )
    b the quality of our products is better than that of our competitors ( )
    c we are customer orientated ( )

    J Company Image and change
    J1 I would prefer to stay with the company even if a similar job with another company were available ( )
    J2 I would recommend the company to others as a good place to work ( )
    J3 The company is considered a good corporate citizen in my local community ( )
    J4 I feel a strong commitment to add to the success of
    a The company ( )
    b My department ( )
    J5 Please give a score to the company from 1 ( very satisfied ) to 5 ( very satisfied ) ( )
    J6 I feel that according to the image or character of the company in my work area
    a decisionmaking is delegated as much as possible ( )
    b taking initiative is encouraged ( )
    c superior performance is adequately recognised ( )
    d people stick to their agreements ( )
    e there is a positive attitude to continuos improvement ( )
    f management sets a good example ( )
    g individual autonomy is allowed ( )
    h skills and abilities of employees are recognised and used ( )
    i contacts between different departments are encouraged ( )
    j bureaucracy is avoided ( )

    K This Survey
    I believe management will act on the results of this survey ( )

    L About yourself ( please tick on the right item)
    Your response to questions is completely confidential We emphasise this again here because the following questions ask about your gender age etc This will allow us to identify statistically if different groups are answering questions in different ways If you feel uncomfortable answering these questions simply leave them blank

    L1 Are you… Female ( ) Male ( )
    L2 How long have you worked for Akzo Nobel
    a Less than 1 year ( )
    b 15 years ( )
    c 610 years ( )
    d 1120 years ( )
    e More than 20 years ( )
    L3Please indicate your age
    a Under 20 ( )
    b 2029 ( )
    c 3039 ( )
    d 4049 ( )
    e Over 50 ( )

    L4 Do you work shifts Yes ( ) No ( )
    L5 Are you homebased Yes ( ) No ( )





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