
    Section Ⅶ Expanding your world

    ①debt n债务欠款
    ②pace n速度进度
    ③dread v畏惧惧怕
    ④overnight adv突然子
    ⑤nevertheless adv然
    ⑥outcome n结果果
    ⑦worthwhile adj重值做
    ⑧blanket n毯子毛毯
    ⑨contest n赛竞赛
    ⑩worthy adj值尊敬值赞赏
    outline n外形轮廓
    permanent adj长久永久
    strains of音乐曲调旋律 
    ①rarely adv少难→rare adj稀少稀罕珍贵
    ②rejection n拒绝否决→reject v拒绝接受
    ③criticism n批评指责→criticise v批评批判挑剔指责→critic n评家批评者→critical
    ④classic n名著典作品adj典型第流→classical adj古典典传统
    ⑤guarantee v保证确保→guaranteed adj必然确定会发生
    ⑥enthusiastic adj热心热衷→enthusiasm n热情热心热忱→enthusiast n热衷……热心者爱者
    ⑦upset adj心烦意乱烦恼v烦恼生气 n混乱困扰→upsetting adj令快(忧虑苦恼)
    ⑧elect v选举推选→election n选举推选→elector n选举权选民→elective adj选举选选举产生选修 n选修课程
    ⑨blessing n幸事幸运→bless v祈求帝祝福
    ⑩appreciative adj感激→appreciate v感激感谢欣赏赏识→appreciation n感激感谢欣赏
    mere adj仅仅→merely adv仅仅
    gentleness n蔼温→gentle adj温温柔柔→gently adv温柔温文静缓
    literary adj文学→literature n文学文学作品文献
    embarrassed adj难堪尴尬→embarrassing adj令尴尬→embarrass v窘迫尴尬→embarrassment n害羞窘迫愧疚难堪
    1regret to do做……感遗憾 
    2take for example……例 
    3havein common with……点 
    5turn down拒绝调低(音量热度) 
    6a total of总总计总数 
    7struggle to do努力做挣扎着做 
    8dream of梦想  
    9in print(指书)已印买(指作品)已印出已出版 
    11play a part起作扮演角色  
    12(be) appreciative of感激……感谢…… 
    13in particular特尤 
    14worthy of note值注意 
    15probe into调查探究  
    16go about着手做处理  
    17close in on逼围住 
    18descend onupon降突然达  
    19apply to申请适  
    20give one hint to……点提示 
    21care about关心担心 
    22interact with……交流……相互作 
    23pick up起拾起跌倒爬起(开车)接取(意中)学会接收信号 
    24be aware of意识知道  
    25respond to回答回应……作出反应 
    ①杰克五岁时病失聪感觉突然失拥切(feel like doingwhat引导名词性句overnight)
    Little Jack became deaf due to illness at the age of five and he felt like losing what he had once owned overnight 
    ②然父母没放弃教育(neverthelessgive up)
    His parents nevertheless didn't give up educating him 
    ③常海伦·凯勒例鼓励孩子(takefor example)
    They often took Helen Keller for example to encourage the boy 
    It is a blessing for him to know about her stories and works 
    Now he begins to become enthusiastic about writing and rarely does he complain about his misfortune 
    Little Jack became deaf due to illness at the age of five and he felt like losing what he had once owned overnight His parents nevertheless didn't give up educating him They often took Helen Keller for example to encourage the boy It is a blessing for him to know about her stories and works Now he begins to become enthusiastic about writing and rarely does he complain about his misfortune  

    The word tea is borrowed from southern Fujian dialect
    茶Tea 词福建南部方言
    (2)Shi Wai Tao Yuan—ShangriLa (Xanadu)
    ShangriLa and Xanadu are near synonyms for the Chinese word Shi Wai Tao Yuan
    世外桃源ShangriLa or Xanadu
    (3)Feng Shui—Feng Shui
    Feng Shui is a transliterated word that is imbued with the collective wisdom of ancient Chinese people in arranging houses for the living and cemeteries for the dead
    风水Feng Shui
    Feng Shui直译词中国古安排住宅坟墓种智慧
    (4)Zhi Laohu—paper tiger
    The word was created by Mao Zedong a great national hero
    纸老虎Paper tiger
    (5)Yin Yang—yinyang
    Yin and yang the two opposing principles in nature the former feminine and negative and the latter masculine and positive
    2404 FourOFour
    家404 FourOFour 应该陌生吧404页面计算机户输入错误链接时返回页面
    通常通俗表达useless person
    404 is used to describe someone who is clueless This usage derives from the WWW error message 404 Not Found meaning the requested document could not be located
    People who is 404 is usually stupid and unable to use computers or other complicated electronic equipment

    There's no rose without a thorn This thought is absolutely necessary to prepare you to experience less pain and more joy in your journey of life
    With a bird'seye view you may realize something meaningful During your school years while joyfully acquiring knowledge you are also under the pressure of homework examinations and ranking You face crises and agony Meanwhile all sorts of intricate affairs may happen between you and your classmates In your youth puberty may fill you with unrealized desires and send you into deeper perplexity
    Entering marriage you are actually in the center of all the contradictions—the matching of different personalities enduring of family members children's schooling financial management and so on you may also fall into marriage crisis As you age your health may deteriorate and various troubles in your career and family may gradually emerge Midlife and oldage crisis will follow leading you to your eternity
    We may therefore conclude that much of our life may not be spent in contentment However the things that discontent are in fact not useless since you may learn more from them than from the things that cheered you up
    As the saying goes It seems to be a perpetual rule that flaps are produced elatedly and masterpieces painstakingly To put it vividly the great historian Sima Qian had a view even two thousand years ago When Emperor Wen of Zhou Dynasty was arrested he produced the classic Zhou Yi JingConfucius wrote The Spring and Autumn Annals while he was experiencing adversityQu Yuan produced his monumental long poem Encountering Sorrow during his exile When Zuo Qiu lost his sight and Sun Zi had his feet chopped off they edited their writings and stratagems After Lü Buwei was forced to live in Shu the valuable The Book of Lü was fortunately handed down to posterity Similarly when Han Feizi was imprisoned in Qin On Difficulty and On Resentment—two precious books—were written by him Three hundred Classic Poems were also produced in rough the same way where the writers' hearts were smouldering in the doldrums with no way out they therefore conveyed everything in words narrating the past and contemplating the future
    Let's treat all the sufferings at every stage of life as assets which can only do us good
    第部分 听力(两节满分30分)
    第节 (5题题15分满分75分)
    1When will the speakers play tennis today
    AIn the morning   BIn the afternoon CIn the evening
    2What did David probably do yesterday
    AHe rested at home   BHe went boating CHe went hiking
    3What's the probable relationship between the speakers
    AHusband and wife   BColleagues CFellow travelers
    4How does the woman feel now
    ANervous   BExcited   CRelaxed
    5What are the speakers mainly talking about
    AThe origin of marathon
    BThe life of a Greek soldier
    CThe war between Athens and Persia

    第二节 (15题题15分满分225分)
    6Why did Mike join a band
    ATo kill time   BTo enjoy music CTo overcome shyness
    7What did the woman probably think of singing in public
    AExciting    BEmbarrassing CMeaningful
    8How much did the woman weigh three months ago
    A130 pounds B143 pounds C160 pounds
    9How did the man's aunt lose weight
    ABy exercising at home
    BBy joining a gym
    CBy running outdoors
    10What suggestion did the man give to the woman
    AChanging her eating habits
    BTrying the program Whole 30
    CGoing to a gym
    11What did Linda think of her trip
    AEnjoyable BFrightening CAnnoying
    12Where did Linda meet the bearded man
    AAt the Grand Canyon BOn her way home CAt a service station
    13What did the bearded man want to do
    AGet a free ride BReturn a blanket CAsk directions

    14Where was Mr Taylor's latest book set
    AIn Egypt    BIn Morocco CIn South Africa
    15What was the worst thing that had ever happened to Mr Taylor
    ASome wild animals attacked him
    BHis car broke down in a desert
    CHe almost died from lack of water
    16What does Mr Taylor usually do in his free time
    AHe writes novels BHe relaxes at home CHe socializes with friends
    17What is Mr Taylor's plan for the future
    AKeeping writing novels BWorking on a history book CTraveling around the world
    18What is the speaker doing
    AGiving a class
    BHosting a radio program
    CReporting International Jazz Day
    19Who helped start the project
    AThe DC city government
    BThe Thai government
    CA nonprofit group
    20Where did the group perform
    AAt the town hall of Bangkok Thailand
    BAt a concert hall near Mahidol University
    CAt the Thailand International Jazz Conference
    1C 2A 3B 4A 5A 6B 7B 8C 9A 10C
    11A 12C 13B 14B 15B 16C 17B 18B
    19A 20C

    Text 1
    MWhat about going to play tennis at the park this afternoon
    WWe'd better do that after supper We'll get burned playing tennis outdoors in such weather
    Text 2
    WDavid did you go boating with your friends yesterday
    MNo I had planned to but I was under the weather (身体舒服) and didn't go anywhere So what did you do yesterday
    WI went hiking with my friends
    Text 3
    MIt's already 600 pm now Let's call it a day
    WBut I haven't finished my work yet I'm afraid I cannot leave now
    MThen I'll go without you See you tomorrow
    Text 4
    MYou don't seem to be able to sit still today What's going on
    WMy boyfriend is taking me to meet his parents tonight And he's on the way to coming here now
    MJust relax I'm sure they'll love you
    Text 5
    WJason do you know how the marathon started
    MYes It was started in honor of (纪念) the legendary run by a Greek soldier from Marathon to Athens in 490 BCHe ran about 26 miles to inform the residents of an Athenian military victory over the Persian army
    Text 6
    WMike I heard you were in a band Why did you join it when you were busy with your study
    MBecause I like the beat of music getting it right and composing my own rhythms
    WDo you like performing in front of other people
    MCertainly I love having people cheer for me after I've worked hard and I've done my best You know what I dream of singing fulltime in the future What about you
    WI love singing but I never dare sing in front of others
    MYou may love it if you give it a try
    Text 7
    MMichelle it seems you've lost a lot of weight
    WYes Now I just weigh 130 pounds I've lost 30 pounds in the past three months
    MHow did you manage to do that Do you often go to the gym now
    WNo I don't go to the gym
    MThen do you often work out at home I heard many women love doing that My aunt has a running machine at home and she's succeeded in losing some weight too
    WNo I don't work out at home Have you heard about Whole 30 That's what I've been trying
    MYes I know that It requires people to change their eating habits to lose weight
    WThat's what I do
    MBut I heard many people regained their weight when they stopped trying the program I think it's better that you join a gym if you don't want to regain your weight
    WThanks for your advice I'll think about that
    Text 8
    MLinda did you have a good trip to the Grand Canyon with your family
    WYes Mr Brown I really enjoyed my time at the Grand Canyon But I almost lost my favorite blanket on our way there
    MWhat happened
    WIt flew out the window and was gone I was really sad Soon after we stopped at a service station And some motorcyclists stopped there too And one of them walked toward us I was really frightened
    WThe man looked huge and frightening He had a really big beard
    MWhy did he come to you
    WIt turned out that he was a really kindhearted man He came to us and asked if the blue Ford was ours My mom nodded The man then pulled my blanket from his jacket pocket and handed it to her He then returned to his motorcycle
    MHe's a really good man I'm glad you've got your favorite blanket back Now what about going to the classroom with me
    WOK Mr Brown
    MAnd do you mind telling the story to the whole class
    WNot at all
    Text 9
    WSo Mr Taylor your books are all set in different countries aren't they
    MYes Everything in my novels happens in different countries I know I was born in South Africa and I still live there I began by writing a novel about a family living in Egypt My most recent book was about Morocco I spent several months there last year
    WYour books are all adventure stories Has anything really dangerous ever happened to you
    MWell I've had a few experiences with wild animals But the worst thing was definitely when I was driving along a desert and my car suddenly stopped and wouldn't start again Fortunately I had plenty of water
    WSounds very frightening What do you do in your spare time
    MWell I actually find it hard to relax I'm pretty sociable and I know lots of people so I usually arrange to do something with them
    WGreat Do you have any special plans for the future
    MWell I've traveled all over the world and there are many places I still want to visit My main aim is to write the history of my local area I've decided to stop writing novels because I want to do something different
    Text 10
      April is Jazz Appreciation Month and April 30 is International Jazz Day On this day musicians educators and fans celebrate the music at festivals shows and other events around the world In tonight's program I'd like to talk about an international jazz exchange project between two citiesWashington DC and Bangkok The exchange project started with support from the DC city government Will Stephens a lawyer and musician is in charge of a nonprofit group The money he received from the city helped send musicians from Washington DC to Thailand In January Stephens traveled to Thailand with four other musicians The group performed at the Thailand International Jazz Conference a large and important jazz education meeting hosted by Mahidol University Just over ten years the conference hosts thousands of educators students and listeners each year The trip gave musicians a chance to see similarities and differences in jazz culture between the two countries Stephens noted important differences He said that a lot more women were studying jazz in Thailand than in the United States
    第二部分 阅读(两节满分50分)
    第节 (15题题25分满分375分)
      阅读列短文题 ABCD 四选项中选出佳选项
    Smart Home Products for Living a Connected Life
    What makes something a smart home product Generally it's defined by its ability to connect to a WiFi network allowing users to interact with it from their smartphones We've rounded up some cool diverse(形形色色) offerings that you'll love to have in your home
      Nest Cam IQ

    The Nest Cam IQ is a beautifully designed home security camera that can recognize faces It can warn you if there's a stranger in your home The device also supports twoway communication via builtin microphones and a powerful speaker
      Logitech Harmony Elite

    The Logitech Harmony Elite is one of the best universal remote controls available on the market It can control just about every piece of electronics you own(it supports over 270000 devices)in every room of your house or apartment including TVsstreaming devices and sound systems
      Apple HomePod

    The Apple HomePod has better audio quality than any other smart speaker available today Available in white or space gray the Siripowered device also allows you to control a number of devices with your voice
      August Smart Lock Pro

    The August Smart Lock Pro is compatible(兼容)with most locks A mobile app allows you to manage access to the lock check its usage history and get informed when someone opens the door You can control it and check on the state of your door with voice commands
    21What can the Nest Cam IQ help you do
    AProperly use your smartphone camera
    BControl electronics with your voice
    CCheck the locks of your house
    DKeep your home safe
    22Which device can help you operate almost all your electronic equipment remotely
    ANest Cam IQ    BApple HomePod
    CAugust Smart Lock Pro    DLogitech Harmony Elite
    23Which column of a website is the text most probably taken from
    ATechnology    BNews CSociety     DEducation
    [语篇解读] 文应文文章介绍四款智生活品
    21D 细节理解题根关键词Nest Cam IQ定位Nest Cam IQ部分中The Nest Cam IQ is a beautifully designed home security camera that can recognize faces It can warn you if there's a stranger in your home The device also supports twoway communication via builtin microphones and a powerful speaker知Nest Cam IQ款设计精美家庭安全摄头识脸家里陌生时发出警告该设备支持通置麦克风强扬声器进行双通信Nest Cam IQ保障家安全选D
    22D 细节理解题根题干中关键词operateremotely定位Logitech Harmony Elite部分中The Logitech Harmony Elite is one of the best universal remote controls available on the market It can control just about every piece of electronics you own(it supports over 270000 devices)in every room of your house or apartment including TVs streaming devices and sound systems知Logitech Harmony Elite目前市场通遥控器控制拥电子设备(支持超27万台设备)包括电视流媒体设备音响系统Logitech Harmony Elite帮助您远程控制电子设备选D
    23A 推理判断题阅读全文知文讲智生活品生活带便利科技关会出现科技专栏选A
    The Pillow
    At the age of sixteen I joined a volunteer group with my dad I went on my first volunteer project in West Virginia On the night we arrived we discovered that our family was in a trailer(拖车) that was in poor condition A crew had been working on it for two weeks but every time they finished one problem another surfaced
    We decided the only reasonable solution was to build a new house—something unusual but necessary under these circumstances The family was overjoyed at their new house that was twenty by thirty feet with three bedrooms a bath and a kitchen
    On Tuesday of that week while we were having lunch together I asked the family's three boys Josh Eric and Ryan What do you want for your new room Expecting toys and other gadgets that children usually ask for we were surprised when Josh responded I just want a bed
    The boys had never slept in a bed They were accustomed to plastic mats That night we had a meeting and decided that beds would be the perfect gift On Thursday night a few adults in our group drove to the nearest city and bought beds and new bedding
    When we saw the delivery truck coming we told the family about the surprise We could hardly contain ourselves It was like watching excited children on Christmas morning
    That afternoon as we fitted the frames of the beds together Eric ran into the house to watch us Too dirty to enter his room he observed with wideeyed enthusiasm from the doorway
    As my father slipped a pillowcase onto one of the pillows Eric asked What is that
    A pillow he replied
    What do you do with it Eric continued to ask
    When you go to sleep you put your head on it I answered softly Tears came to our eyes as my sister handed Eric the pillow
    Ohthat's soft he said hugging it tightly
    Now when my sister or I start to ask for something that seems urgent my dad gently asks Do you have a pillow
    We know exactly what he means
    24The writer's first volunteer project was     
    Aworking on a poor trailer
    Bhelping a poor family
    Cdonating beds and bedding
    Ddealing with a housing problem
    25On hearing Josh's answer the writer was shocked because     
    Athe family lived in a trailer
    Bhe expected to get some toys
    Che didn't know what a bed was
    Dthe boys had no bed to sleep in
    26From the passage we can learn that Eric had never seen     before 
    Aa trailer   Ba truck   Ca pillow   Da house
    27By saying Do you have a pillow the writer's father means that     
    Awhat they want to get may be unnecessary
    Bthey should not waste money on small things
    Cthey should do more volunteer work for the poor
    Dwhat he will buy is not what they want but a pillow
    [语篇解读] 文篇记叙文文章讲述作者十六岁时父亲起做志愿者时见闻家庭贫穷深深震撼没睡床没见枕头
    24B 推理判断题第段第三句中we discovered that our family was in a trailer第二段第二句中The family was overjoyed at their new house知作者第志愿者项目帮助贫困家庭选B
    25D 细节理解题第三段句中we were surprised when Josh responded I just want a bed第四段第句The boys had never slept in a bed推知听Josh回答作者震惊男孩没床睡觉选D
    26C 细节理解题第七段第十段Eric话知Eric知枕头什知Eric前未见枕头选C
    27A 推理判断题根文容Eric家连枕头没见结合段容推断父亲认求东西起急需实际必需选A
    A rainy day can be a chance to recharge While you are relaxed on the sofa with a movie the raindrops falling on your windows might one day provide the power for your TV This is the idea behind an invention that harvests energy from water
    The technology is based on the triboelectric effect(摩擦起电效应) An engineer at the University of Hawaii David Ma knew that it's possible to generate electricity by rubbing two things together So he thought Why don't we use water
    A drop of water sliding across a surface coated with two different materials would generate enough friction(摩擦) to create an electrical charge By placing metal wires that the drop of water touched as it moved it should be possible to harvest electricity he reasoned
    It worked In fact the researchers lit up 15 LED bulbs with a single moving water drop
    This is not the first time that scientists have got electricity from watergenerated friction Earlier experiments though harvested the charge produced in a surface by a sliding drop of water There the surface had acted as an electrode(电极) This is different The energy of friction is being harvested from the water itself
    It turns out Ma says the charge in the water drop is much more than the charge produced in the other electrode In fact his team's model generated almost 100 times more power than previous experiments from a single drop of water
    The technology could someday power phones sensors or other small electronics says Christopher Oshman an engineer at the Colorado School of Mines This work is a step toward harvesting the energy of moving objects all around us including ourselves to power the electronic devices we use every day he says
    Ma has shown that the technology can work in a lab Oshman says Next the Colorado researcher would like to see it tried on a larger scale such as on an umbrella
    28How does the author introduce the topic of the text
    ABy telling a story
    BBy raising a question
    CBy giving an example
    DBy imagining a situation
    29What does the underlined word it in Paragraph 3 refer to
    AThe wire   BThe drop of water
    CThe surface   DThe electricity
    30What is unique about Ma's technique compared with earlier experiments
    AThe water itself acts as an electrode
    BIt is based on the triboelectric effect
    CIt produces electricity from watermade friction
    DIt uses a surface covered with two different materials
    31What does Oshman say about Ma's technology
    AIt has a promising future
    BIt will do well on an umbrella
    CIt works well in the real world
    DIt will replace batteries someday
    [语篇解读] 篇说明文文章讲夏威夷学工程师David Ma认摩擦两件东西发电研究员颗移动水滴点亮15LED灯泡项技术天手机传感器型电子产品提供动力
    28D 推理判断题根第段A rainy day can be a chance to recharge While you are relaxed on the sofa with a movie the raindrops falling on your windows might one day provide the power for your TV This is the idea behind an invention that harvests energy from water知雨天充电机会沙发电影放松时落窗户雨滴许天会电视提供量项水中获取量发明背理念作者通想象情景引出文章题选D
    29B 词义猜测题根画线词句中By placing metal wires that the drop of water touched as it moved知通放置金属丝水滴移动时接触金属丝文中it should be possible to harvest electricity he reasoned表示水滴应该获电力it指水滴选B
    30A 细节理解题答案定位倒数第四段Earlier experiments though harvested the charge produced in a surface by a sliding drop of water There the surface had acted as an electrode This is different The energy of friction is being harvested from the water itself(然早期实验通水滴滑动收集表面产生电荷里表面起着电极作摩擦产生量水身获)知早期实验相Ma技术独特处水身起着电极作选A
    31A 推理判断题答案定位倒数第二段The technology could someday power phones sensors or other small electronics says Christopher Oshman an engineer at the Colorado School of Mines This work is a step toward harvesting the energy of moving objects all around us including ourselves to power the electronic devices we use every day he says(科罗拉矿业学院工程师Christopher Oshman说项技术天手机传感器型电子产品提供动力说项工作收集周围移动物体量包括天电器提供动力迈出步)推断出Oshman认Ma技术光明未选A
    Women may have good reason to drink coffee as much as they like According to recent research women who drank three or more cups of coffee a day were 30 percent less likely to have memory decline at age 65 than those who drank one cup or less daily And the benefit increased with age Women over age 80 who drank three or more cups of coffee a day were about 70 percent less likely to have memory decline than those who drank one cup or less the researchers said
    Caffeinated tea had the same effect on women the study found although more was needed to get the same caffeine boost Count roughly two cups of tea for a cup of coffee said study leader Karen Ritchie of INSERM the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research
    But the researchers didn't find a similarly protective effect on men although other studies have found a benefit to males
    How might caffeine help ward off cognitive(认知) decline It is a cognitive stimulant said Ritchie It also helps to reduce levels of the protein called beta amyloid(β淀粉样蛋白) in the brain she said whose accumulation is responsible for Alzheimer's disease but which also occurs in normal aging
    Ritchie said she wasn't sure why men in the study didn't benefit from caffeine Our hypothesis is that either women metabolize caffeine differently from men or there may be an interaction of the caffeine with the sex hormones she said
    The French study confirms previous research said William Scott a professor of medicine at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine who has researched caffeine's beneficial effects against Parkinson's disease also a neurodegenerative disorder
    As for caffeine only protecting women Scott noted that just 2800 of the 7000 study participants were men and the results might have differed if more men were included
    A study published in February in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition looked at 676 healthy men and found that regular coffee drinkers had a lower rate of cognitive decline over a 10year followup than those who didn't drink coffee Those who drank three cups daily had the least signs of decline
    Both Scott and Ritchie agreed that more studies are needed Ritchie's research will next look at the relationship between caffeine and Alzheimer's
    32As it is indicated in the 1st paragraph how does coffee influence women's memory
    AThe older the women were the more remarkable their memory were
    BThe more coffee the women drank the more slowly their memory declined
    CThe older the women were the more slowly their memory declined
    DThe more coffee the women drank the more remarkable their memory were
    33According to Ritchie Alzheimer's disease results from     
    Athe lack of caffeine in the brain
    Bthe accumulation of beta amyloid
    Chigh level of proteins in the brain
    Dabnormal metabolism in normal aging
    34William Scott would most probably agree that caffeine helped     
    Areduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease
    Binterfere with the process of cognitive decline
    Cbalance the production of female hormones
    Dprotect both men and women from diseases
    35What is the author's attitude towards the research of caffeine's beneficial effect on men
    ADoubtful   BConvinced CIndifferent    DCautious
    [语篇解读] 篇说明文文章介绍项新研究研究员发现咖啡帮助防止认知力降尤女性
    32C 细节理解题根第段中According to recent research women who drank three or more cups of coffee a day were 30 percent less likely to have memory decline at age 65 than those who drank one cup or less daily And the benefit increased with age知常喝咖啡女性着年龄增长记忆力降越慢选C
    33B 细节理解题根第四段中It also helps to reduce levels of the protein called beta amyloid in the brainshe said whose accumulation is responsible for Alzheimer's disease but which also occurs in normal aging知β淀粉样蛋白积累阿尔茨海默氏病关选B
    34B 推理判断题根倒数第三段As for caffeine only protecting women Scott noted that just 2800 of the 7000 study participants were men and the results might have differed if more men were included知威廉·斯科特认果纳入更男性结果会推知会认咖啡助干预认知力降程选B
    35B 推理判断题根倒数第二三段引William Scott观点2月发表欧洲床营养学杂志(European Journal of Clinical Nutrition)项研究发现推知作者相信咖啡男性益选B
    第二节 (5题题25分满分125分)
    Organic produce has become increasingly popular in recent years 36  In fact organic farmers are allowed to use a wide variety of chemical sprays and powders on their crops 
     37  It means that these pesticides(杀虫剂) if used must be got from natural sources not synthetically(工合成)manufactured Also these pesticides must be applied using equipment that has not been used to apply any synthetic materials for the past three years  38  What's more most organic farmers and even some traditional farmers use mechanical and cultural tools to help control pests 
    Many people believe organic produce is healthier and safer Nobody bothered to look at whether natural chemicals are harmful  39  But when the studies were done you found that about half of the natural chemicals studied could cause cancer This is a case where everyone makes the same dangerous mistake We think that natural chemicals were better and safer than synthetic materials but we were wrong  40  
    ASo what does organic mean
    BThat was because it was thought that they caused little risk
    CHowever organic does not mean pesticidefree or chemicalfree
    DIt should be noted that we don't know which system is more harmful
    EThere are many choices and decisions that we as consumers are asked to make
    FThus we should be more cautious in our acceptance of natural as being harmless
    GAnd the land being planted cannot have been treated with synthetic materials for that period either

    [语篇解读] 机农产品年越越受欢迎机产品意味着农药化学品事实农民机作物种化学喷雾剂粉末
    36C 考查段中承启句根文Organic produce has become increasingly popular in recent years年机农产品越越受欢迎文In fact organic farmers are allowed to use a wide variety of chemical sprays and powders on their crops实际允许农民作物种化学喷雾剂粉末知处应填然机意味着农药化学品选C
    37A 考查段首题句根文中It means that these pesticides if used must be got from natural sources not synthetically manufactured意味着果农药必须然源中获合成制造知A项机意味着什呢符合语境选A
    38G 考查段中句逻辑关系根文中What's more most organic farmers and even some traditional farmers use mechanical and cultural tools to help control pests知更重数机农民甚传统农民机械培养工具帮助控制害虫G项期间种植土合成材料处理符合语境选G
    39B 考查段中解释句逻辑关系根文中But when the studies were done you found that about half of the natural chemicals studied could cause cancer知研究完成发现约半天然化学物质会导致癌症B项认没什风险切题选B
    40F 考查段尾总结句根文中We think that natural chemicals were better and safer than synthetic materials but we were wrong知认天然化学品合成材料更更安全错F项应该更加谨慎接受然’害切题选F

    第三部分 语言运(两节满分30分)
    第节 (15题题1分满分15分)
    Cassidy and his friends were waiting for other members of their running group They met
     41  every Thursday but on this day last January it would not be their  42  run 
    The first  43  that something was unusual was the man who ran  44 past them 
    Running at such a fast pace Cassidy said to his friends in  45  
    Cassidy  46  why the man was so swift when another man ran by  47  Help He took my phone 
    At that they ran tracking the  48  down the streets  49  he disappeared in a construction site Cassidy ran around to the far side of the site to cut the thief off while the others
     50  the neighborhood hoping he had thrown away the phone in a backyard 
    No  51  So they decided to ask the citizens whether they'd seen the guy They knocked on one door after another To their  52  as one owner opened the door the suspect rushed out and right  53  the arms of the policewho'd already joined the search 
    Running is typically a useless sport where you turn fat cells into heatbut occasionally it can be  54  Cassidy told the Philadelphia Inquirer and here was one of those  55   
    41Aroughly    Beventually    Cregularly   Dcuriously
    42Aexhausting   Bflexible    Cnormal    Dsafe
    43Aclue   Bsight    Crisk    Ddecision
    44Aslowly    Bdesperately    Csteadily    Daimlessly
    45Apanic    Badmiration    Crelief    Danger
    46Atried out    Blet out     Cpicked out    Dfigured out
    47Aadding     Bcomplaining    Cwhispering   Dscreaming
    48Amember     Bathlete    Csuspect    Dcolleague
    49Aafter    Buntil    Cas    Dwhether
    50Asearched    Bserved    Cwarned    Dharmed
    51Aluck     Bdoubt    Cway    Dwonder
    52Asorrow    Bsurprise     Cembarrassment  Ddisappointment
    53Aover    Bthrough    Coff    Dinto
    54Auseful    Buseless    Ctiring    Dtough
    55Apurposes    Bopportunities    Cplans    Dtricks
    41C 根面时间状语every Thursday知周四跑步应该定期集合regularly规律roughly粗略eventually终curiously奇选C
    42C 根句中表转折连词but知年1月天通常跑步时间normal正常般exhausting令疲倦flexible灵活safe安全选C
    43A 句意第寻常线索男身边拼命跑clue线索sight视野景象risk风险decision决定选A
    44B 根面句子Running at such a fast pace知刚刚跑快slowly缓慢desperately拼命steadily稳定aimlessly漫目选B
    45B 方跑快钦佩告诉伴admiration羡慕钦佩in admiration羡慕in panic慌张in relief欣慰in anger生气选B
    46D 根面追呼救声Help He took my phone知Cassidy搞明白什跑快figure out弄懂明白try out试let out发出(声)pick out辨认出挑选选D
    47D 紧急状况喊救命应scream尖词add添加补充complain抱怨whisper耳语选D
    48C 根they ran tracking知开始追赶嫌疑犯(suspect)member成员athlete运动员colleague事选C
    49B 处表示着街道直追赶直消失建筑工until直……after……as……时候whether否选B
    50A 处表示Cassidy跑前面堵截偷搜索街区search搜查serve服务warn警告harm伤害选A
    51A 根面句子So they decided to ask the citizens whether they'd seen the guy知询问市民否见知没找No luck幸luck幸运doubt怀疑way方法wonder奇迹选A
    52B 根as one owner opened the door the suspect rushed out知房东开门时嫌疑犯正跑出令吃惊to one's surprise令某吃惊sorrow伤心embarrassment尴尬disappointment失选B
    53D 根前面right面the arms of the police说明正跑警察怀里into进入……里面over超……面through穿off离开选D
    54A 根前面容Running is typically a useless sport where you turn fat cells into heatbut知跑步通常项没运动脂肪转变成热量时处usefuluselesstiring令疲倦tough艰难粗糙选A
    55B 处表示天跑步抓贼机会purpose目opportunity机会plan计划trick计谋诡计选B
    第二节 (10题题15分满分15分)
    When waiting for the train a young girl playing with her ball suddenly found it out of her hands  56 (roll) off the platform and landing on the tracks Not only was she troubled but the whole family were a bit upset Overhearing their conversation I knew that the ball  57 (give) to her from her grandfather  58 is no longer alive It was not replaceable as it held precious memories  
    I told them I could help get it for them I wasn't sure how but I'm  59 (create) and felt confident I would figure it out  
    They were hesitant to give me their contact information I'm a nice lady but still a stranger and it felt odd to them that I would want to take time out of my life  60 (help) them My work colleague who was with me convinced them She is really good  61  helping people You really can trust her  
    As always in these  62 (situation) you have to let one phone call lead to another until you can talk to someone who  63 (have) the magic key to open the door But  64 (lucky) it took only 3 calls  
    A few days later I received a lovely email from the mom thanking me for my help as they now have  65  special ball with all its memories back to the little girl  
    56rolling 考查非谓语动词find复合结构中it作宾语roll动关系现分词作宾补填rolling
    57had been given 考查时态语态give动作发生knew前完成时giveball间动关系填had been given
    58who 考查定语句先行词grandfather关系词定语句中作语引导非限制性定语句填who
    59creative 考查形容词设空处表语形容词作表语填creative
    60to help 考查定式take time to do sth花时间做某事填to help
    61at 考查介词be good at擅长填at
    62situations 考查名词复数these名词复数填situations
    63has 考查时态定语句先行词someone结合文知般现时填has
    64luckily 考查副词修饰整句话应副词填luckily
    65the 考查冠词处表示特指特指特殊球填the
    第四部分 写作(两节满分40分)
    第节 应文写作(满分15分)
    假设李华美国朋友Tom月北京学十月份北京参加暑期中学生英语演讲赛(speech contest)资料搜集语言运等方面遇困难请根点Tom写封电子邮件
    One possible version 
    Dear Tom 
    It has been a month since you studied in Beijing How are things going these days I'm writing to tell you that I am going to take part in an English speech contest for middle school students in October The opportunity is of great importance to meso I am busy making preparations for it to have a good performance  
    However I still have some difficulty in collecting useful materials MeanwhileI find it hard to use English properly I would appreciate it if you could lend me a hand I miss you so much that I hope to see you in Beijing after the English contest 
    I am looking forward to the cheerful moment that we will spend together  
    Li Hua 
    第二节 概写作(满分25分)
    Look inside any family home in the evening and you might see a typical(典型) scene Mom and Dad each on their own laptop or tablet streaming movies catching up on work or maybe answering emails on their smartphones Meanwhile one child is chatting online with one school friend while texting another The other is playing a video game with a friend on the other side of the city at the same time Each member of the family is totally buried in his or her own piece of technology
    According to some experts the effect of technology on human relationships is worrying as technology becomes a substitute(代物) for the facetoface human relationship It appears to be the case that many people would rather spend time with their electronic gadgets(电子产品) than with one another Young people say it is difficult to get their parents' attention and they have to compete with smartphones tablets and other technology
    However a report from the Pew Internet and American Life Project offers a more helpful and encouraging view suggesting that far from replacing human contact technology can actually better family relationships Just over half of the 2253 people surveyed agreed that technology had enabled them to increase their contact with distant family members and 47 percent said it had improved the communication with the people they lived with Moreover even the closest members of families need time away from each other at some point to seek their own interests Family members who might otherwise have sat in separate rooms can now be in the same one while still occupying a different mental space
    Look back at our typical family scene above Is it any different from four people reading their own books Or is it driving families apart Where technology will lead us remains to be seen Yet there is no need to worry As a matter of fact how it affects our family relationships depends on our attitude toward technology
    One possible version
    Nowadays family members are often found lost in their own electronic products Some experts fear that technology can affect family relationships for lack of facetoface communication However a report has found technology benefits family bonds because it makes members closer and provides private mental space as well Actually not technology itself but people's attitude towards it influences family relations 





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