2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课后阅读作业: 六 Module 2 Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary 要点讲解课

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    课阅读作业 六
    Module 2 Period 2
    Ⅰ 完形填空
    The Fittingin of Suzy Khan
      The first time I saw Suzy Khan I knew I had to help her
    She was really small for her age of 12 The boys in my class
    often   1   about her and laughed their heads off She
    would open a book pretending to read with tears dropping on the open
    All I knew was that she was an orphan( 孤)from Africa She had
    just been adopted by a family in town who  2  that the best way for
    her to learn American ways of life was to be with American kids I looked
    down at this 3 girl and promised myself that somehow I would help
    But how could I help her 4 in with us There had to be a 5 
    One day when I went into the classroom I saw that Suzy had  6 
    her geography book to a picture of a train and in her notebook she had
    made a(n) 7 copy
    I was surprised and thought that she could do something in the 2
    coming  8  show So I took her to see the art teacher Miss Parker
    and showed her what Suzy had  9   Why it’s wonderful said Miss
    Parker who then showed us a poster she had painted  10  the talent
    show I need more of these but I just don’t have enough 11  Could
    you help me Suzy
    On the day of the talent show Suzy’s  12  were everywhereall
    over the hall and all over the school each one different
    And finally said Mr Brown the schoolmaster at the end of the
    show we have a(n)   13   award I’m sure you’ve all noticed the
    wonderful posters Everyone nodded One of our own students  14 
    I could hear everyone whispering Who in our school could draw 
    15 well
    Mr Brown waited a while before saying   16   this student
    worked so hard on the posters she deserves a 17  too Our mystery
    artist is our new studentSuzy Khan
    Mr Brown thanked her for all the wonderful posters and gave her a
    professional artist’s set Thank you she cried
    I 18  at that time when I was looking at her excited face she’d
    probably never 19 anything in her whole life
    Everyone started to 20 their hands Suzy Khan gave them a shy
    smile and the applause was deafening I knew then Suzy was going to be 3
    all right
    语篇概述Suzy 美国家庭收养非洲孤 学校常
    受学欺负 老师利 Suzy 绘画天赋帮赢学
    尊重 帮助 Suzy 成功融入学校生活
    1 A joked    B cared   C forgot   D
    解析选 A词汇复现题文学动作laughed their
    heads off出 学 Suzy 嘲讽态度 符合 joked
    about 开……玩笑
    2 A reported B decided C complained D
    解析选 B词义辨析题文宾语句容 解美国
    汇报抱怨者质疑容 确定答案 B
    3 A rich B proud C tiny D
    解析选 C词汇复现题女孩描述文章第二句话
    She was really small for her age of 12 选 C tiny外 三
    项女孩身份明显符 排
    4 A come B fall C fit D tie
    解析选 C词汇复现题作者作老师 Suzy 想提供帮助
    帮助更融入学校生活考查 fit in 短语 表示融入环4
    境群 短语文章标题处出现The Fittingin of Suzy
    5 A manner B pattern C choice D way
    解析选 D词义辨析题处意总方法解决 表示解决问题
    般方式 way manner 表方式时独特处事方式
    处选 way
    6 A read B taken C opened D put
    解析选 C背景常识题名词 book 进行搭配 文知 Suzy
    摹书幅火车图片 然选项 book 搭配
    7 A free B perfect C final D extra
    解析选 B逻辑推理题处选出形容词 Suzy 画作
    进行描述 文I反应surprised美术老师评价wonderful
    出 Suzy 绘画天赋 选 B
    8 A art B talk C quiz D talent
    解析选 D词汇复现题文两处提 Suzy 参活动 talent
    show 出 处应 talent show
    9 A colored B written C carved D drawn
    解析选 D逻辑推理题文容知 带着 Suzy 火
    车画作美术老师 适合动作画(draw) 色
    (color) 写(write)者雕刻(carve)
    10 A at B after C for D around 5
    解析选 C逻辑推理题美术老师海报举办 talent
    show 画 选介词 for 表示……
    11 A room B time C paper D
    解析选 B逻辑推理题文知美术老师需更 talent
    show 海报 没时间画 请 Suzy 帮忙 没
    时间符合情理 选项排
    12 A gifts B books C photos D posters
    解析选 D背景常识题文提美术老师请 Suzy 帮忙 talent
    show 画海报(poster) talent show 天校园里处 Suzy 海

    13 A special B academic C national D royal
    解析选 A逻辑推理题Suzy 没参加 talent show 赛项
    目 仅仅幕贡献力量 校长希颁发奖鼓励
    Suzy 特殊奖项感谢 Suzy 付出
    14 A painted B found C printed D
    解析选 A背景常识题画海报然动词 paint
    15 A very B that C quite D too
    解析选 B逻辑推理题表示画 特指海报种
    程度 副词含义
    16 A If B Though C Unless D Since 6
    解析选 D逻辑推理题since 引导原状语句 意
    17 A prize B rank C rest D place
    解析选 A逻辑推理题文提 校长颁 Suzy 套绘画工具
    artist’s set 里佳答案 prize(奖品)
    18 A replied B realized
    C remembered D regretted
    解析选 B逻辑推理题 Suzy 兴奋表情 意识
    没真正拥什时想法 意识
    19 A offered B valued
    C owned D controlled
    解析选 C逻辑推理题前提 Suzy 孤 领养 原
    没拥什 获绘画工具非常高兴 动词符
    20 A clap B wave C raise D shake
    解析选 A逻辑推理题文提示词 applause 里家
    Ⅱ 阅读理解
        Two billion children in the developing world can’t
    receive good education—the key to human development 7
    However technology offers an answer which allows the poor in
    developing countries to learn It is a tool which holds the ability to
    change the lives of the poor as it provides a means of learning and
    Educational programs must break away from old systems New
    companies such as One Laptop( 笔 记 电 脑 )Per Child(OLPC) an
    organization founded by MIT Professor Nicholas Negroponte have been
    active in solving the world’s education problem
    The Internet has changed the world allowing educational services
    to help with the global fight against poverty Khan Academy is one such
    service Like OLPC it is an organization founded by Harvard Business
    School graduate Salman Khan with the task of providing a worldclass
    education to anyone anywhere The education it offered includes a
    large number of mathrelated topics
    The GMAT Pill Review is another company that trains MBA
    candidates( 应考)worldwide to prepare for the GMAT exam on both
    the Quant and Verbal section Founded by Stanford graduate Zeke Lee
    the company offers services which are priced at about 75 less than
    other similar programs It allows students from developing countries
    who might not be able to afford similar courses to have access to these
    Whether paid or free these services provide educational 8
    opportunities to those who would never have had the chance in the past
    As a result of the technology revolution(革新) business schools may see
    more students from different corners of the world Because of the
    Internet people in developing nations have access to better and more
    affordable educational opportunities More and more people will try to
    improve their lives through educational opportunities outside of their
    homelandan idea usually uncommon in developing countries
    语篇概述发展中国家众童优质教育资源 世界
    1 According to the text technology can   
    A improve people’s reading ability
    B solve the problems facing the whole world
    C help the poor to reduce poverty
    D cause poverty in developing countries
    解析选 C细节理解题根第段It is a tool which holds the
    ability to change the lives of the poor as it provides a means of learning
    and communicating 知 科技提供学交流方法
    2 We can learn from the text that Khan Academy aims to   
    A help the poor pay for good courses
    B provide every child with a computer
    C help train MBA candidates 9
    D make everyone receive a good education
    解析选 D细节理解题根第三段第二三句知 该组织
    3 Which of the following about GMAT Pill Review is TRUE
    A It only accepts students from developing countries
    B It was started by Professor Nicholas Negroponte
    C It charges students about 25 percent of other similar programs
    D The education it offers includes a lot of mathrelated topics
    解析选 C细节理解题根第四段第句知 GMAT Pill
    Review 全世界范围招生 A 错误 第四段第二句知
    Zeke Lee 创办 学费样学校便宜 75 B 项错误 C 项
    正确 D 选项叙述 Khan Academy 错误
    4 In the past people in developing countries ________
    A had no educational opportunities in their homeland
    B seldom thought of receiving foreign education to change themselves
    C always believed education was of great importance
    D wouldn’t leave their homeland to reduce poverty
    解析选 B推理判断题段句知 现越
    越通国外教育机会改善生活 点
    发展中国家常见推断出 发展中国家
    B 10
    Farmers especially in developing countries are often
    criticized for cutting down forests But a new study
    suggests that many farmers recognize the value of
    keeping trees
      Researchers using satellite images found at least ten percent tree
    cover on more than one billion hectares of farmland That is almost half
    the farmland in the world Earlier estimates were much lower but
    incomplete The authors of the new study say it may still underestimate
    the true extent worldwide
      The study found the most tree cover in South America Next comes
    Africa south of the Sahara followed by Southeast Asia North Africa and
    West Asia have the least
      The study found that climate conditions alone could not explain the
    amount of tree cover in different areas Nor could the size of nearby
    populations meaning people and trees can live together There are
    areas with few trees but also few people and areas with many trees and
    many people The findings suggest that things like land rights markets or
    government policies can influence tree planting and protection
        Dennis Garrity who heads the World Agroforestry Center says
    farmers are acting on their own to protect and plant trees The problem
    he says is that policy makers and planners have been slow to recognize
    this and to support such efforts 11
      The satellite images may not show what the farmers are using the
    trees for but trees supply nuts fruit wood and other products They
    also help prevent soil loss and protect water supplies Even under
    drought(干旱)conditions trees can often provide food and a way to earn
    money until the next growing season
      Some trees act as natural fertilizers They take nitrogen(氮气)out of
    the air and put it in the soil Scientists at the Center say the use of
    fertilizer trees can reduce the need for chemical nitrogen by up to
    threefourths Trees also capture carbon dioxide a gas linked to climate
    5 Through the study the researchers found that   
    A there are more trees on farmlands than expected
    B fewer trees are being cut down in developing countries
    C most farmers still don’t realize the value of trees
    D trees play a key role in preventing climate change
    解析选 A细节理解题根第二段第三句知 早先估计树
    林面积低完整 说现农场树林预料
    选 A
    6 Which of the following has the least tree cover
    A Southeast Asia 12
    B West Asia
    C South America
    D Africa south of the Sahara
    解析选 B细节理解题根第三段第三句知 West Asia
    少选 B
    7 In Dennis Garrity’s opinion    
    A most farmers care about nothing but their own interests
    B there are usually few people living in areas with few trees
    C government plays a small role in tree planting and protection
    D government should support farmers in planting and protecting trees
    解析选 D细节理解题根第五段知 政府应该支持农民种
    树 保护树 选 D
    8 The sixth paragraph mainly tells about ________
    A how farmers plant trees
    B what products trees can bring
    C the importance of trees to farmers
    D the environmental value of tree cover
    解析选 C旨意题根第六段知 段讲树木农
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