人教版 必修第一册 Unit 1 Teenage Life:课堂练习加早读材料(无答案)

    教版(2019) 必修第册 Unit 1 Teenage Life : 课堂练加早读材料
    Every fastfood employee knows that the drivethrough window is the worst position The window sticks with constant ice the roar of engines hurts your 1 your words are lost in the howling wind
    On a 2___afternoon everything changed
    Every once in a while the subzero temperatures seal a vehicle’s windows shut Drivers don’t exactly enjoy having to stand outside in the cold 3 their orders into a speaker box when they expect to drive through on their heated leather seats In such cases most customers tend to show their annoyance to the employees
    This woman was 4
    I’ll get the next car’s 5 as well she said as she came up to the window to pay She stood outside gathering much snow on her hair Though she was obviously freezing her bright
    6 lit up her face like a fire
    You can’t 7 their drinks I said confused and tired
    No but I’ll buy them she said Pay it forward and all that
    Completely puzzled I charged her as 8 and when the next customer arrived at the window I explained what had just happened I watched as his 9 changed — first angry to be out in the cold then 10 at the random act of kindness and finally delighted by his
    I suppose I’ll pay for the next order then he replied nodding and waving at the impatient
    driver 12 him He 13 over the cash and received his prepaid hot drink
    The trend continued Customers arrived annoyed only to leave calm and pleased Some
    were shocked to spend much more than they had expected while others ended up receiving their order for less than half the price
    Five vehicles passed then ten then twenty No one refused to pay Customers stood at my window emptying a fistfull of change to buy drinks for a complete stranger Cars drove off honking (鸣笛) and 14 their thanks
    It only takes one customer one person to change the entire 15 of traffic It only takes one moment one smile to warm up even the coldest of days
    1 A ears B hands C feet D back
    2 A freezing B sunny C warm D usual
    3 A offering B throwing C screaming D cancelling
    4 A polite B angry C popular D different
    5 A number B coffee C fee D order
    6 A eyes B smile C hair D annoyance
    7 A pay B take C buy D give
    8 A instructed B requested C directed D suggested
    9 A gesture B expression C figure D feeling
    10 A inspired B upset C surprised D disappointed
    11 A turn B chance C deed D luck
    12 A beyond B before C beside D behind
    13 A took B looked C handed D thought
    14 A explaining B sending C introducing D casting
    15Ajam Brow Cflow Dline
    16To my___________(annoy)he was late again__________________________
    17He waited with_______(anxious) for his mother at the _________(register)__________
    18It is common to experience a few____________(challenge)situations while we are in our high school___________________________________________________
    19I want to leave a good first__________(impress)on my teachers Because they are_________(impress)____________________________________________________
    20He concentrate his attention______his________(explore)_______________________
    It was late one evening I can’t remember what it was about but my dad and I had a very big quarrel when my mom was away We both said things we didn’t mean and in the end I said I’m leaving And he said Good The sooner the better
    I threw a few things in a suitcase and closed the door angrily behind me not knowing where I was going After walking aimlessly for about 20 minutes I stopped at a local supermarket Then my phone rang It was my mom calling She said Hey Mary Where are you Dad is worried about you
    How can he worry about me I’ve been away for nearly half an hour but he didn’t call I said with annoyance My anger returned and I remembered all the hateful things he’d shouted to me Listen Mom You can tell Dad that I’m fine I’ll call you tomorrow I said and hung up
    I walked around the store trying to get my thoughts together By the time I paid for my purchases it had been much later than I used to be out alone When I left the supermarket a large piece of white paper was in front of me On the piece of white paper were these words Please come home I miss you and I’m worried about you
    Then a car pulled up beside me Hanging out of the window was my dad Beside him smiling gently sat my mom And that’s when I started laughing I laughed so hard that I cried Despite my best efforts to run away from home my father finally managed to track me down I couldn’t leave now not with him sitting there with caring eyes
    21Hearing Mary decided to leave home Mary’s father was very__________
    A worried B angry C nervous D surprised
    22After her mother called her Mary__________
    A became angrier than before B gave in to her father
    C cried and calmed down D agreed to go home
    23 What probably happened at the end of the story
    A Mary returned home happily B Mary still refused to go home
    C Mary’s father became angry again D Mary’s mother hated her father

    Years ago I volunteered at a homeless shelter in Los Angeles handing out food Once I got talking with Albert a tall and skinny young guy in line He said he liked my socks Want to see mine he joked lifting his leg He was barefoot I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach
    The next day after work I stopped at Ross and filled up my truck with socks The following early morning I drove over to Santa Monica's Palisades Park which is a common destination for homeless people
    I took one of the bags from my trunk It was still dark out I headed for a group of three men standing around a tree probably using it as a windbreaker Two were asleep under heavy blankets and the third was digging through his collection As I walked toward him he watched me perhaps questioning my motives I thought you guys might need some fresh new socks I said handing him a pair He looked confused at first but took them and said Thank you I gave him two more pairs for his friends
    I moved on An hour later I had given out all the socks Most people were sleeping and I felt like Santa I knew that when they wake up they would find a very meaningful present
    That was nine years ago Every week I’ll hand out as many socks as I can If I’m on vacation or on a business trip for more than a week I bring a bag of socks with me and hand them out to the homeless on the streets in other states and countries
    It’s extremely satisfying to operate under the radar(雷达) to help make some people’s lives a little bit easier Part of me hopes to see Albert out there one of these days but even if I don’t I like to think one of the pairs will find him
    24 What does the underlined part in Paragraph I most probably mean
    A Sorry B Homesick C Regretful D Embarrassed
    25 What is Ross most probably
    A A garage B A store C A public park D A homeless shelter
    26 What made the author feel especially satisfied with giving out socks
    A Playing Santa in public B Helping others silently
    C Spending early morning at a park D Making weekends as holidays
    27 Which of the following could be the best title
    A Satisfactory Return from Kindness
    B The Easy Way Out of Helping the Poor
    C A Unique Experience at a Homeless Shelter
    D Helping the Homeless in an Unexpected Way
    When the explorers first set foot upon the continent of North America the skies and lands were alive with an astonishing variety of wildlife Native Americans had taken care of these precious natural resources wisely Unfortunately it took the explorers and the settlers who followed only a few decades to decimate a large part of these resources Millions of waterfowl ( 水 禽 ) were killed at the hands of market hunters and a handful of overly ambitious sportsmen Millions of acres of wetlands were dried to feed and house the everincreasing populations greatly reducing waterfowl habitat ( 栖 息 )
    In 1934 with the passage of the Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act (Act) an increasingly concerned nation took firm action to stop the destruction of migratory ( 迁徙) waterfowl and the wetlands so vital to their survival Under this Act all waterfowl hunters 16 years of age and over must annually purchase and carry a Federal Duck Stamp The very first Federal Duck Stamp was designed by JN Ding Darling a political cartoonist from Des Moines lowa who at that time was appointed by President Franklin Roosevelt as Director of the Bureau of Biological Survey Hunters willingly pay the stamp price to ensure the survival of our natural resources
    About 98 cents of every duck stamp dollar goes directly into the Migratory Bird Conservation Fund to purchase wetlands and wildlife habitat for inclusion into the National Wildlife Refuge System — a fact that ensures this land will be protected and available for all generations to come Since 1934 better than half a billion dollars has gone into that Fund to purchase more than 5 million acres of habitat Little wonder the Federal Duck Stamp Program has been called one of the most successful conservation programs ever initiated

    28What was a cause of the waterfowl population decline in North America
    ALoss of wetlands BPopularity of water sports
    CPollution of rivers DArrival of other wild animals
    39What does the underlined word decimate mean in the first paragraph
    AAcquire BExport CDestroy DDistribute
    30What is a direct result of the Act passed in 1934
    AThe stamp price has gone down
    BThe migratory birds have flown away
    CThe hunters have stopped hunting
    DThe government has collected money
    31Which of the following is a suitable title for the text
    AThe Federal Duck Stamp Story
    BThe National Wildlife Refuge System
    CThe Benefits of Saving Waterfowl
    DThe History of Migratory Bird Hunting

    Four Ways to Beat Summer Weight Gain
    When we think of summer most of us think of outdoor fun So it seems like we should naturally lose weight over the summer In reality summer isn’t all beach volleyball and water sports Therefore we can gain weight easily in the summer   32    Here are four ways to beat summer weight gain
    1 33   When we don’t have a plan it’s easy to spend summer moving from the couch to the computer with regular stops at the fridge Avoid this by aiming for a specific goal like volunteering or mastering a new skill Just be sure to plan for some downtime (停工期) so you can relax a little
    2 Stay busy When we’re bored it’s easy to fall into a trap of doing nothing and then feeling low on energy In addition to helping you avoid the cookie jar getting loads of stuff(事情) to do can give you a sense of accomplishment    34
    3 Beat the heat Don’t let summer heat put your exercise plans on hold    35   if a gym isn’t your scene try howling or an indoor climbing wall If you love being outdoors try swimming or a regular run in the early morning or evening
    4    36   with school out we lose our daily routines(日常工作) If you don’t have a specific job or an activity to get up for it’s easy to sleep late watch too much TV and snack more than usual Make sure your summer days have some structure– like getting up at the same time each day Plan activities for specific times like exercising before breakfast
    A Get going with goals
    B Relax by walking outside
    C Stick to a schedule
    D That’s especially true if a dream summer job falls through(落空)
    E We usually stay at home in summer
    F Move your workout indoors
    G However it’s easy to avoid this problem if we know what to look out for

    It was our national holiday I was pleased that I would have 7 days off So I decided to visit my grandma in 41_____ countryside with my parents
    On the morning of Oct 1 I 42 ___ (wake) up by my mother She told me to set out early or we might be blocked (堵) on the way 43_______ (hear) this I thought she was frightening me
    However when we got to the expressway I began to realize 44______I thought was wrong There were so many cars on the road that we found 45 very hard to move forward More than five hours 46_______ (pass) but we still had over 700 km to go Hungry and thirsty I could hardly stand it any longer I really wanted to cry47__________ (fortunate) my mother and father kept on comforting me patiently Eventually we arrived at Grandma’s but it was already 1100 p m
    48___ a boring and unpleasant journey Never will I forget it I think it is a bother to go home during such 49___ (holiday) for many people It’s high time that our government 50______ (do) something to solve this problem




    93早读 I want to have a good command of English
    1:①In order to exchange ideas our school has organised a lecture to be held on campus If you want to attend the lecture you need to register your personal information by filling in the formal registration form which is specially designed by our designer You need to fill in your namesex ( male or female) age and nationality Exchange students are also welcomebut they must state which nation they come from

    ②Actually youth life is also full of opportunities and challenges As freshmen there are some problems that confuse us that is we are confused by some confusing problems We went to college after graduating from senior high school We must quit some bad habits and adapt to the new school life There are more extracurricular activities in university for us to sign up for We have the responsibility to become useful talents for the country and should be responsible for mankind With the advance of society we should learn advanced scientific knowledge and speak fluent foreign languages According to the schedule we are going to study Chinese literature this term I've written to an editor for help He recommends that we should choose a good research topic and a paper title Obviously he will provide us with a good solution

    ③My partner likes to take notes on flash cards and is curious to improve his spoken English He has an outgoing personalitylooking forward to organising a spoken English contest Howeverhe thinks that he should revise his learning strategy and lifestyle His goal is to get a good job in a company or organisation

    ④Bob graduated from junior high school and now he is a senior high school student This guy has become my best partner He is always anxious to explore new things He has an outgoing personality and is eager to make a good impression on everyone He is a very confident student and will never be frightened by difficulties I am really impressed with his confidence In classhe concentrates on listening to the teacher Sometimeshe makes you feel awkward and even annoys you What if he makes you annoyed I'll have to leave him alone at last

    2:A thousandmile start with a small step
    ①exchange A for BA换成B exchange sth with sb某交换某物
    ②The old man struck a match to light the candle strikestick
    match n匹配赛火柴 v匹配
    ③lecture nv演讲说 give a lecture on about sth做演讲 attend a lecture参加
    A series of lectures系列 a lecture hallroom报告厅 listen to a lecture听
    ④be annoyed atwith sb aboutby sth某事某生气
    be annoyed that 感生气
    l was annoyed with him because he kept interrupting me
    恼 火四停断(话)
    ⑤ be anxious about sth 某事担心
    be anxious for sb 某担心
    be anxious for sth 想某物
    be anxious to do sth 期做某事
    He was anxious for his familywho were travelling abroad 担心国外旅行家
    The manager is anxious to make sure that the situation is under control
    ⑥I'm concentrating my effortsattentionmind on writing my article
    拓展: focusfix one’ s attention on 集中注意力… put one’s mindheart in (into) 专心… be absorbed in 心意… apply oneselfone’ s mind to 专心…… pay attention to 专心
    ⑦Tricycles are worth using if you want to explore the narrow alley(hutong) of old Beijing
    We explored several solutions to the problem
    ⑧debate n 讨辩 常见搭配 under debate have a debate with sb onoverabout sth
    The students are ________________their teacher ___________ this question
    v 辩争讨 常见搭配 debate with sb onabout sthdebate sth with sb
    He likes to debate problems with his friends
    ⑨prefer vt ___________(pt)___________(pp)____________(ving)____________(n)
    常见搭配 prefer to dodoing sth prefer sb to do sth prefer A to B prefer to do rather than do eg I prefer to walk there rather than go by car I would rather ___________than ___________I would ________________ rather than _________________




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