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1 考研英语核心必考词精选 赵 亮 2 历年真题出现过 10 次以上的词汇 influence [ˈinfluəns] n.影响(力);势力,权势 vt.影响 [真题连线] That experiences

2019-10-08    2921    0


TPO 高频必背词汇 词汇来源:全部选自 OG 和 TPO 里摘录的高频且必须掌握的词汇。 唯一要求:听到就能迅反应出意思或形象。 1、对话场景词汇: A:Office Hours—Student &

2018-11-28    3556    0


大学英语四级考试(cet4)翻译汉译英常用词汇 1. 名词性短语 one after another 一个接一个地依次地 a couple of 一对,一双,几个 heart and soul 全心全意地,完全地

2020-07-09    1646    0

 四级5套听力强化练习 听力原文

Section A1. W: I hear that your brother is planning to transfer to another university.M: Not if I can talk him out of it. And believe me, I’m trying.Q: What does the man imply?2. W: We should probably think about selecting someone to lead our study group you know,somebody really organized.M: Then you can count me out.Q: What does the man mean?3. W: I’m sorry. I need to work late tonight. So you should probably cancel our reservation at therestaurant.

2019-12-13    1980    0


classify = categorizefriction = conflictdiscrete = separatelikewise = sameinhospitable=not suitablepropagate = multiplydormant = inactivedispute = argumentcontemporary = existingfleeing=running away fromspawn = createimitate = copymyriad of = manychance = unplannedpeculiar = distinctivecompile = put togetherdetectable = measurablehomogeneous = uniformentomb = trapcomparably = similarlyspark = bring about = usher inshield = protectdisaster = catastrophesubtle = slightmaneuver = trick = strategyherald = announceimmunity = protectionoverlie= covercustomary =usualdampen = moistenincise = carvechampion = supportautonomous = independentprone = likelyboost = raiseconceal = hidedense =thickensuing =subsequentpenchant = inclinationarduous = difficultintegral = essentialcumbersome = burdensomefade from = disappear fromentity = object

2019-02-21    1832    0


2018-2019 年高考历史高频知识点总结 (原创)古代中国的政治制度 一:商周时期的政治制度 1.商的政治制度:中央:相、卿士(参与商王决策);卜、祝、史(负责祭祀占卜和记录王朝大事);师(执掌军

2020-03-06    2725    0


vitamin n.维生素 vivid a.鲜艳的;生动的,栩栩如生的 vocabulary n.词汇,词汇量;词汇表 vocal a.声音的;有声的;歌唱的 n.元音;声乐作品 vocation n.职业;召唤;天命;天职;才能

2019-12-30    7070    0

 新东方四级试卷附赠:英语广播原声听力100篇 听力原文

News Item 001-世界 4.22 亿成年人患有糖尿病The World Health Organization reports 422 million adults are living with diabetes(糖尿病), a four-fold(四倍的)increase over 1980 figures. Lisa Schlein reports.“The release of this report in advance of World Health Day is meant as a call to global action to halt(遏止)the rise oftype 2 diabetes, which is killing one and one half million people a year. The World Health Organization estimates 43 percentof these deaths occur prematurely(过早地), before the age of 70. The WHO says the highest rates are in the Middle East,Southeast Asia and the western Pacific. The WHO report says the dramatic rise of this deadly disease is largely due to theincreasing number of overweight and obese(肥胖的)people. Lisa Schlein, Geneva(日内瓦).”

2018-09-06    33810    1

 copy-hsk六级词汇 共5000个

《跟徐老师学汉语》之 HSK 六级词汇篇 HSK 六级词汇 共 5000 个 A 1.āyí 阿姨 2.a 啊 3.āi 唉 4.āiyō 哎哟 5.ái 挨 6.áizhèng 癌症 7.ǎi 矮 8.ài

2019-01-08    3276    0


1 专升本英语词汇表(附音标) A a/an [强ei;弱[] art. 1.(非特指的)一(个)2.(同类事物中的)任何一(个) [相当于 any] 3. 每一(个) ability [[5biliti]

2020-01-09    18215    0


一 动词搭配abandon oneself to 沉溺于account for 说明accuse... of 指控…犯罪act as 担当add up to 总计,总共take advantage of 利用allow for 考虑到amount to 合计,相当于 apply for 申

2020-07-08    1550    0


词汇配对 400-800 编著:阅读组 2018 年 TOEFL All in One 1 / 20 401. dissuade =discourage v. 劝阻 402. distinct= clear

2018-12-03    1275    0


词汇配对增补 编著:阅读组 2018 年 TOEFL All in One 1 / 39 801. markedly= distinctly ad. 显着地 802. mask =cover v. 遮避;掩护;伪装

2018-12-03    1196    0


专业八级核心词汇 abhor vt 憎恶 痛恨 abjure vt 发誓放弃 避免 公开放弃 abortive adj 早产的 流产的 失败的 adj 夭折的 异 常终止的 中断的 abound vi

2019-11-01    1934    0


第 1 页 共 81 页 高中英语词汇 3500 词 A a (an) [ə, eɪ(ən)] art. 一(个、件……) abandon [əˈbændən] v.抛弃,舍弃,放弃 ability [əˈbɪlɪtɪ]

2019-11-06    8039    0

 7天搞定托福单词 (无老师Toefl词汇红宝书正式版)

无老 师 Toefl Toefl Toefl Toefl 词汇 红 宝书—— 7 7 7 7 天搞定托福单词 无老师的 Blog Blog Blog Blog : www.ibtsat.com www

2019-01-09    11378    0


1388 国开电大本科《理工英语 4》历年期末考试(第二大题词汇与结构) 试题及答案汇编(珍藏版) 2021 年 7 月试题及答案 二、词汇与结构(共计 30 分,每小题 2 分) 6-20 题:阅读下面的句子,从

2022-02-24    1244    0


1389 国开电大本科《管理英语 4》历年期末考试(第二大题词汇与结构) 试题及答案汇编(珍藏版) 2021 年 7 月试题及答案 二、词汇与结构(每小题 2 分,共 30 分) 6-20 题:阅读下面的句子,从

2022-02-27    2208    0


英语诗歌 80 篇电子书下载(文本及听力) 特别英语小故事 18 篇电子书(文本及听力下载) 新四级听力听写练习电子书(文本及 MP3 下载) 英语标准美文 100 篇电子书下载(文本及 MP3) 英语名篇名段背诵精华

2019-09-26    3838    0


网技术和资源,解决部门信息分割、数据交换不畅、信息发 布不快、服务覆盖不全等防灾突出问题。深圳市气象部门创 新建设了‚基于影响的气象灾害四级防御协同化平台‛‚突 发事件分区预警信息发布系统‛‚ @深圳天气‘两微一端’指 尖上的气象台‛等防灾服务三驾马车,实现了防灾服务中三

2019-07-15    1866    0
1 2 3 4 5 ... 20