**市备课中考交际英语 - 学生用

    1— May I turn down the radio a bit
    — ______ if you insist
    A No B My pleasure
    C All right D That ’ s right
    2— Do you mind my smoking here
    — ______
    A No please don’t B I don ’ t want you to
    C I ’ m afraid I don ’ tD I ’ d rather you didn ’ t
    — Would you do me a favor of posting this letter
    — _______
    A It ’ s my pleasure B No trouble
    C Yes that’ s right D With pleasure
    3— Let me carry the bag for you professor
    — Thank you______
    A Go ahead B Here you are
    C I can manage D Take it
    4— Sir can I ask a favor
    — ______
    A I m’sorry but what B Sure what is it
    C Yes you could D I ’ d love to
    5— How do you want the beef
    — _______
    A Small B Thin C Hot D Medium
    6— Can I help you sir
    — ______
    A Yes you can B No I don ’ t need any help
    C Of course if you like
    D No thanks I ’ m being served
    7— It ’s several blocks away Let me draw you a map
    — _______
    A Thanks B That’ ll be OK
    C Oh I would really appreciate that
    D Oh you don ’ t have to
    8— ______
    — Oh look at my poor sense of direction
    A Let me help you B This way please
    C Here it is D No hurry
    9— Happy Father’ s Day Dad
    — ______
    A You are welcome B That ’ s all right
    C Thank you D The same to you
    10— Have a sweet dream Honey
    — ______
    A Thanks anyway B I will C All right D You too
    英语交际型试题考查考生英语知识理解应力 考查考生中西方文化差异掌握情况英语驾驭力 中考英语试题中 交际语考查点相集中 考查社会交中日常交际语 考查方式应答提问辅 跨文化交际中差异明显交际项目重点考查象命题方式种
    考点 1 惯应答类
    1.常感谢应答语: You are welcome .Don ’ t mention it. It is my pleasure(My pleasure). Not at all.That ’s all right . I’ m glad(happy)that I ’m glad you like(enjoy)it .
    2.常道歉应答语: Never mind .It doesn’t matter .Not at all.That ’s all right .That is nothing .
    3.常见祝愿祝贺语: Good luckBest wishes to you .Have a nice time .Wish you a pleasant journey . CongratulationsMerry ChristmasHappy birthday to you .
    应答语:Thank you . The same to you. You too .
    4.接受请求邀请应答语: With pleasure.I ’d be happy(glad)to .Yeshelp yourself .No problem .Good ideaSounds goodWhy not
    拒绝请求邀请应答语:rather you Thank you but No wayForget it SorrybutI ’d
    问候语: How is it going How are you goingdoingPretty wellfine I’m (doing) good(It)Everything is going well(Thank youand youself) not too badI don’t know介绍应答语:Very glad(pleased)to see you.
    接电话惯语: This is Li Ming speaking .
    道惯语: Bye. So long . See you
    服务员应答语: YesSir . Yes Madame.Take your time .
    考点 2 破交际定势类
    汉语英语交际文化方面许处 存诸差异 差异考查重中重 力求英语思维 避免母语交际定势干扰 根英语文化交际惯
    应答 :中国听方夸奖赞美时 惯说表示谦虚话英美总先接受方夸奖表示谢意: You’ve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner Mrs . Wang.王太太您提供顿极中式晚餐
    I ’ m glad you enjoyed it .高兴喜欢
    典例:—— Thank you very much for the gifts you sent me
    —— _________
    A No thanks B I’ m glad you like it
    C Please don ’ t say so D No it’ s not so good
    考点 3 语言结构类
    类题求考生根话情景掌握正确语言结构做出选择惯法变异句( 省略句 )居说话刚刚提出说法意见持肯定态度时说: Yes I think(suppose believe)so.YesI’ m'afraid so .刚刚提出说法意见持否定态度说:No I don’t think(suppose) so .No I don ’t believe so.No I elieve(suppose)not .No I hope not. No I am afraid not .Do you mind 常表示请求方允许果意 No go ahead. No of course not . No not at all.等回答果意I ’ m sorry I do .回答
    考点 4 情景语类
    根交际情景 说话者会采交际语表达态度情感
    表示肯定没握会说: I am afraid that It depends.
    表示耐烦催促语:Well well . Come on.Hurry up
    表示惊奇握语: No wonder No doubt :
    What do you want to do nextWe have half an hour until the basketball game .接准备做什 篮球赛前半时
    It ’ s up to you . Whatever you want to do is fine with me .取决想做什意
    1(2017中考英语重庆卷35)Have you played baseball before We need one more player
    ______ I like ball games so I believe it will be to learn baseball
    A Sometimes    B Not really
    C Never mind    D That ’ s cool
    2(2017中考英语重庆卷26)Honey let ’ s go out for dinner
    ______ I don’ t have to cook
    A Forgot it B That’ s great C Why D Go ahead
    3(2017中考英语浙江卷 18)— According to my grandma it is a good idea to eat chicken soup when you have a cold
    — _______ scientists agree with her
    A Sooner or later B Once in a while
    C To be exact  
    D Believe it or not(信信 确实)
    4(2017中考英语浙江卷13)— Would she mind playing against her former teammates
    — ______ She is willing to play against any tough players
    A . I think so    B. I’ m not surprised
    C. Of course    D. Not likely
    5(2017中考英语天津卷7) ——Professor Johnson I ’ m afraid I can ’ t finish the report within this week
    ______ How about next week
    A Good for you B It won’ t bother me
    C Not at all    D That ’ s OK
    6(2010中考英语天津卷2)— Excuse me I wonder if you can help me
    —Sure ______
    A What help    B What is this
    C What is it    D What do you want
    7(2017中考英语四川卷 13)
    I ’ m sorry. That wasn’t of much help .
    Oh ______ . As a matter of fact it was most helpful .
    A . sure it was      C. of course not
    B . it doesn’ t matter  D . thanks anyway
    8(2017中考英语四川卷1)— Here’ s your change
    —— ______
    A Thank you      C No problem
    B Don ’ t mention it   D With pleasure
    9(2017中考英语陕西卷25)—— What a fine day Shall we go picnicking
    —— ______ But we need to be home before six o ’clock for the football match
    A Have a nice time B Pardon me
    C That ’ s great D You are right
    10(2017中考英语陕西卷 13)– What’ s the noise It sounds as if it comes from upstairs
    —______ It must be the windowcleaner working next door
    A I ’ m not sure    B I hope not
    C I ’ d rather not D I don ’ t think so
    11(2017中考英语山东卷 34)— Her father is very rich
    —______ She wouldn ’t accept his help even if it were offered
    A What for    B So what
    C No doubt    D No wonder
    12(2017中考英语山东卷 21)— Do you think you could do without help
    — _______ _ This is not the first time for me
    A Take care  B Hurry up
    C Not exactly   D Don ’ t worry
    13(2017中考英语辽宁卷 21)— I’ ll do the washingup Jack would you please do the floors
    A . Yes please B .  No I don ’ t
    C Yes sure        D No not at all
    14(2017中考英语江西卷 21)— Do you enjoy your present job
    — ______ _ I just do it for a living
    A Of course B Not really
    C Not likely D Not a little
    15(2017中考英语江苏卷 27)Do you think their table tennis team will win the first place at the coming Asian Games
    ______Ours is much stronger than theirs
    A Of course     B It depends
    C Don’ t mention it  D By no means(绝)
    16(2017中考英语纲全国 I 卷 35)— Was he sorry for what he ’ d done
    — ______
    A No wonder B Well done C Not really D Go ahead
    17(2010中考英语纲全国I 卷 31)
    Everybody is going to climb the mountain Can I go toomum
    —______ Wait till you are old enough dear
    A will you B Why not
    C I hope so D I’ m afraid not
    18(2017 中考英语纲全国 II卷18) –Can I help you Are you looking for anything in particular today ?
    ______ _ we’ re just looking
    A Yes please BNo thank you 
    C Yes you can  D No you needn ’t
    19(2017中考英语安徽卷35) ___________
    —— That would be great Please drop me off at the library .
    A . Could you bring me the bill
    B. Would you like me to give you a lift
    C. Could you tell me the postcode for Paris
    D. Would you like to have my email address
    Do you know if Linda is willing to take charge of the program
    ______ does it
    A It takes no time
    C. It doesn’ t hurt to ask
    B It counts for nothing
    D. It doesn’ t make sense(没意义讲通)
    21 (2018九年级期中)Thank you for your help
    A Of course     BWith pleasure
    C Don’ t mention it  D By no means(绝)
    22 (2018九年级期中)How was your interviewer yesterday?
    ______ I failed
    A Of course     B What a pity
    C Don’ t mention it  D By no means(绝)





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