

    . 单项选择(20)
    ( )1____ he is a student he plays the piano_____ than any other person in the city
    A Although well B Because well C But better D Although better
    ( ) 2 If you want to be thinner and healthier you should eat _____ junk food and take ____ exercise
    A Less less B more more C more less D less more
    ( )3 I don’t like to do _______ she _____
    A The same things like does B the different things from does
    C The same things as did D the same things as does
    ( ) 4 We have a lovely room It’s one of ________rooms in the hotel
    A nice B nicer C nicest D the nicest
    ( ) 5 She studies _______ than me
    A careful B more careful C carefully D more carefully
    ( ) 6 The screen is the biggest ______ the three
    A at B in C of D on
    ( ) 7 Lady Gaga is _______ for her beautiful voice
    A popular B famous C special D different
    ( ) 8 What does your daughter look like She is a pretty girl ________ long hair
    A at B for C with D of
    ( ) 9 Bob is _______ of the two
    A tall B taller C the taller D the tallest
    ( ) 10 Amy wants to find a friend who ________ her
    A Similar to B is similar to C similar as D is similar as
    ( ) 11 The talk show on TV is very popular It often makes people ______
    A laughing B laugh C to laugh D laughed
    ( ) 12 He _____ a good friend who ____ a mirror
    A likes like B likes likes C is like likes D likes is like
    ( ) 13 It is important for us _____ English well
    A learn B learning C learned D to learn
    ( ) 14 Jim reads books _____ than anyone I know
    A quiet B quietly C quietlier D more quietly
    ( ) 15 _____ you are ______ mistakes you’ll make
    A The more careful the less B The more carefully the less
    C The more careful the fewer D The more carefully the fewer
    ( )16Which subject is ______ math physics or chemistry
    A very interesting B more interesting
    C most interesting D the most interesting
    ( )17 He is _______ to buy this expensive car
    A enough rich B rich enough C so rich D too rich
    ( ) 18 ______ do you _______ the talent show
    A What like B What think of C How think of D How think
    ( ) 19The food there was terrible I ______ it
    A liked B like C can’t stand D couldn’t stand
    ( ) 20 I hope _____ come to my village soon
    A you to B her to C you can D she to
    二. 完形填空(30)
    My twin sister Colleen and I are in the same school She is my hero(英雄) She is smarter _21___ and more athletic than me She also has an idea of what she wants to do in life She is never late __22____ school and hardly ever does __23__ wrong
    It will be hard next year when we go to senior school I am not sure if we’ll go to the __24___ school but I hope we do I won’t be happy without her She _25___ the world to me She is my best friend and always cares __26__ me I don’t think anyone else can takes care of me as much _27__ she does I wish I could be like her and hope she gets everything she wants __28__ she deserves(应) the best I want to make her _29___ that she is my hero and I love her Thanks for always _30____ there
    ( ) 21 A more beautiful B beautifully C beautiful D the most beautiful
    ( )22 A to B from C for D at
    ( )23 A something B anything C everything D nothing
    ( )24 A different B popular C important D same
    ( )25 A buys B takes C means D likes
    ( )26 A after B with C about D of
    ( )27 A as B so C like D though
    ( )28 A because B though C but D however
    ( )29 A to know B know C knows D knowing
    ( )30 A be B being C is D are

    Dear Nancy
    You asked about places to go and things to do in our town The Downtown Mall is always _31____ It’s a __32___ place in the oldest part of town There are some good stores and restaurants there __33___ Trendy Clothing Store is in Downtown Mall It’s a fun place to shop and it has the _34____ quality clothes The shop assistants are friendly __35___ people My favorite __36____ in town is Nick’s Restaurant It is close to home It is cheap and the hamburgers there are great I like Dragon City Restaurant_37____ You can eat wonderful noodles there The Big Cinema is the best cinema in town It has the biggest screen and the most _38____ seats Though it doesn’t have __39____ movies the tickets are the cheapest
    Anyway there are lots of things to do and to see here Come for a __40____ soon
    ( )31 A funny B fun C dull D expensive
    ( )32 A fishing B skating C reading D shopping
    ( )33 A So that B For example C such as D In fact
    ( )34 A better B best C worse D worst
    ( )35 A with B for C to D at
    ( )36 A school B Restaurant C hospital D park
    ( )37 A too B also C either D neither
    ( )38 A dangerous B comfortable C important D boring
    ( )39 A the newest B newest C the newer D newer
    ( )40 A visit B see C walk D dinner

    三. 补全话(5)
    A:Who is your best friend Connie
    B Helen
    A Why
    B Because she likes to do the same things as I do 41________
    A Are you good at drawing too
    B Well I like drawing 42____________
    A 43___________
    B She is more outgoing than me I’m a little bit quiet 44__________ Who is your best friend
    A Harry
    B Is he like you
    A No he isn’t 45________And I am more outgoing But people say we look the same
    A And both of us are very outgoing
    B But I am not good at it
    C She is good at drawing
    D What else do you like about Helen
    E What about you
    F They are both outgoing
    G Harry is more outgoing than me
    四. 阅读理解(40)
    Peter’s uncle lives in the country He is a man full of humor (幽默) One day Peter went to see his uncle His uncle drove his car to the station to meet him On their way home they saw many people His uncle waved (挥手) to everybody Peter was surprised and saidUncleyou wave to everybody Do you know all of them
    NoPeter answered his uncle When I wave to someone who knows me he’ll feel happy When I wave to someone and he doesn’t know me he will feel surprised and then he will have something to think abouthe will make his road seem shorter So I can make everybody happy
    (    ) 46 Peter’s uncle lives________
    A in the city   B at the station   C in a town    D in the country
    (    )47 Peter’s uncle is________
    A a strange man    B a kind man   C a humor  man   D a happy man
    (    ) 48 Peter and his uncle went home________
    A by car          B on foot       C by hike         D by train
    (    )49 Peter’s uncle ________there
    A doesn’t know anybody                B knows some of those people
    C knows everybody                     D doesn’t know those people
    (    )50 Peter’s uncle wanted to________
    A make everybody happy                B make everybody unhappy
    C make someone happy                  D make someone unhappy

    We start to grow(生长) from the moment we were born We keep growing and growing until(直) we become adults We become bigger taller and heavier
    As we grow important parts of our bodies change Our bones (骨头) grow bigger and longer to make us taller and stronger Our muscles (肌肉) are bigger in order to(便) support our bigger bodies Our skin (皮肤) also grows as our bodies get bigger
    While the parts of our bodies grow they do it at different speed(速度) For example one’s nose might have finished growing but the other parts of the face are still changing
    Similarly each child grows at his or her own speed so we see children in all kinds of shapes and sizes Not one of them is the same as another except for() some twins Some grow faster than others so they look bigger and taller Some grow at a slower speed and may be smaller and shorter
    Our genes(基) also determine how much we grow It is unlikely (太) to have short parents for tall children Parents who are tall are just unlikely to have very short children
    No matter how quickly and how much we grow each person is different That is the beauty of human growth
    (   )51 Our bodies never stop growing     
           A until we begin primary school
           B from the day we were born until we become adults
         C until we finish high school
           D until we are the same size as our parents
    (   )52 Why does our skin grow
         A Because it can make us taller
           B Because it can make us stronger
         C Because our genes are different
           D Because our bodies grow
    (   )53 The fourth paragraph mainly tells us     
          A how some children grow faster
          B not every child grows at the same speed
          C some twins grow at their own speed
          D why some children grow shorter than others
    (   )54 What’s the meaning of the underlined word determine in Chinese
         A 决定  B 猜测  C 解  D 测量
    (   )55 Which of the following sentences is NOT true
          A Every child grows differently but some may be the same
          B Our muscles grow together with other body parts
          C The body size of parents does not influence the body size of their children
           D The parts of our bodies grow at different speed

    Disney Park in Florida is close to the beach Here’s some advice for visiting Disney Park in Florida
    ★You can purchase tickets online or at a Disney store  
    ★Free parking (停车) You can drive there if you like
    ★Get to the park early or it will be crowded
    ★Free drinking water You just need to take your water bottle 
    ★If you love Disney characters visit allearsnet before you go there Then you can easily find where all the characters appear in the park  
    ★Lunch is usually served (供饭菜) until 345 pm The money you need to pay depends on which character you would like to eat with
    ★You can get into the park for free on your birthday
    (   )56 The underlined word purchase means    
           A show                       B check        
           C buy                          D sell
    (   )57 The sixth piece of advice is about    
           A playing                    B eating       
           C sleeping                    D parking
    (   )58 People can visit allearsnet before going to the park so that they can easily find    
                  A drinking water           B lunch tables
                  C parking places           D Disney characters
    (   )59 Which of the following is NOT free
                  A Parking                    B Drinking water
                  C Eating with  Disney characters
           D Visiting the park on your birthday
    (   )60 Which of the following is TRUE
           A The park is far from the beach
           B People have to go to the park by boat
           C People cannot have lunch after 245 pm
           D The writer gives seven pieces of advice

    Life in the twentyfirst century will be very different from life today Between then and now many changes will take place but what will the changes be
    The population is growing fast There will be many people in the world and most of them will live longer than people live now
    Computers will be much smaller and more useful and there will be at least one in every home And computer studies will be one of the important subjects in schools then
    People will work fewer hours than they do now and they will have more free time for sports watching TV and travelling Travelling will be much easier and cheaper And many more people will go to other countries for holidays
    There will be changes in our food too Maybe no one will eat meat every day instead they eat more fruit and vegetables Maybe people will be healthier
    Work in the future will be different too Dangerous and hard work can be done by robots Because of this many people will not have enough work to do This will be a problem
    (  )61There will be _________ in the future
    A small population   B few changes      C more people       D few people
    (  )62In the future the computer will be _________
    A much bigger and few people will use it      B much smaller and more useful
    C smaller and not many people will use it      D bigger and a lot of people will use it
    (  )63In the future more people _________
    A will go to other countries for holidays      B will study at school
    C will go earlier                                          D will work for many hours
    (  )64People will prefer _________ to _________ in the future
    A fruit and vegetables meat                        B meat fruit and vegetables
    C fruit and meat vegetables                        D meat and vegetables fruit
    (  )65The robots will _________ in the future
    A do the dangerous work                           B do all the work
    C do only housework                                 D do the easy work for people

    五. 词汇(10)
    A 根首字母句意补全单词
    66 It’s raining outside Take your u_______ please
    67 There are many d________ between the two pictures
    68 You can buy clothes the most c_______ in Miller’s Clothes Store So many people go there
    69 These two skirts are both beautiful I can’t decide which one to c_____
    70 What h_____ to you I broke my arm
    B 词适形式填空
    71I don’t like this answer It’s _________(meaning)
    72The weather is getting _______ and _______(warm)
    73 Li Na won the game She is the ______(win)
    74 The storybook is _________________(interesting) of the five
    75 I’m planning _______(take) a vacation in Australia

    六. 书面表达





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