
    Unit 2 单元检测卷
    (  )1(2020·安徽)—What do you think of your new house built by the local government
    —Pretty goodI have a ________ of happiness now
    A.warning B.tradition C.feeling D.question
    (  )2The photos that won first prize in the competition will be________ on the wall
    A.put away B.put off C.put up D.put down
    (  )3Children these days have ________ pressure from schools and families
    A.too many B.too much C.many too D.much too
    (  )4Many students in our school ________ the old and they usually offer their seats to them on the bus
    A.worry about B.care for C.agree with D.take care
    (  )5He ________ smoking in order to keep healthy three years ago
    A.set out B.stayed up C.kept on D.gave up
    (  )6—Could you come and help with our book sale Alice
    A.Never mind B.I think so
    C.Sure I’d love to D.Have a good time
    (  )7(2020·湖南益阳)Diana used to ________ to work but now she is used to ________ because the road is crowded and she wants to keep fit
    A.drive walk B.drive walking C.driving walk
    (  )8(2019·黑龙江庆)We all think ________ quite necessary to stop school bullying(校园欺凌).
    A.it B.her C.that D.this
    (  )9People ________ a lot of meetings because of the dangerous illness
    A.turned off B.set off C.put off D.took off
    (  )10(2019·辽宁盘锦)—My best friend went abroadI miss her and feel down today
    —Don’t be sadHere is good news for you ________
    A.cheer up B.cheering up C.cheered up D.to cheer up

    A boy lost his arms in an accident and his father lost his lifeSince then he had to __1__ the arms of his younger brotherExcept for writing with his toes(脚趾头) he could hardly do __2__ in his life
    As the two brothers grew up together they had lots of __3__ and they often argued(争吵).Then one day his younger brother __4__ himHe was very sad and didn’t know __5__ to do
    A girl lost her hands because of a fireThough her elder sister wanted to __6__ her she decided to be completely independent(独立).At school she always studied hardOnce she wrote the following words in her composition I am __7__Though I lost my hands I still have legsThough my wings are broken my heart can still fly
    One day the boy and the girl were both invited __8__ a television interview programThey were both asked to write something on a piece of paper with their toesThe boy wrote My younger brother’s arms are my arms __9__ the girl wrote Broken wings __10__ heart.
    (  )1A.go on B.work on C.look for D.depend on
    (  )2A.anything B.something C.nothing D.everything
    (  )3A.questions B.hobbies C.problems D.differences
    (  )4A.hit B.left C.loved D.hated
    (  )5A.who B.where C.what D.which
    (  )6A.leave B.take care of C.write to D.forget
    (  )7A.sad B.lucky C.excited D.shy
    (  )8A.to B.on C.for D.from
    (  )9A.as B.so C.while D.when
    (  )10A.jumping B.broken C.beating D.flying

    Campbell 18 is the founder of Project 365He makes bears for sick children in hospitals across Australia
    Campbell started his job nine years agoOne day in 2013 he told his parents that he wanted to give Christmas gifts to the children in hospitalsBut his parents didn’t agreeWith nine children in the family they lived a poor lifeAnd it would cost too much to buy presents for sick childrenThe little boy didn’t give up howeverHe decided to make presents by himself
    Campbell made his first teddy bear with his mother’s sewing machine in his bedroomIt was hard for him as he had never done this beforeHe learned how to make a teddy bear by watching videos onlineIt took him five hours to finish his first teddy bearNow he can make a teddy bear in an hourSoon he started a project called Project 365.He tried to make a teddy bear every dayThe boy has made about 1700 bears and raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for his cause
    This year Campbell founded Kindness CruisesHe sends gift cruises to children and grown-ups who fight against illnessHis kindness is helping and encouraging others in need
    (  )1How old was Campbell when he started his job of making teddy bears
    A.5 B.9 C.13 D.14
    (  )2Why did Campbell’s parents disagree to give Christmas gifts to the sick children
    A.Because Campbell was ill too
    B.Because they didn’t know the sick children
    C.Because they didn’t have enough money
    D.Because the nine children in the family also needed gifts
    (  )3How did Campbell learn to make a teddy bear
    A.By using his mother’s sewing machine
    B.By learning from her mother
    C.By watching videos online
    D.By having classes at school
    (  )4Which of the following is TRUE about Project 365
    A.It’s Campbell’s favorite school subject
    B.Campbell sells teddy bears through Project 365 every day
    C.Project 365 raises money for poor children every day
    D.Teddy bears are made for sick children every day in Project 365
    (  )5Whom does Kindness Cruises help
    A.Sick people B.Only sick children
    C.Poor children in need D.Only adults in need

    A Hi Peter__1__
    B I am going to Gansu to be a volunteer
    A Sounds great What are you going to do
    B __2__I hear most schools are short of teachers there
    A What subject are you going to teach
    B English__3__
    A Will it be hard for you to live there for almost two months
    B Of course__4__
    A And I hear there isn’t enough drinking water in some places
    B That’s true__5__
    A Wish you have a good trip


    1.(2019·广东广州)When she first went to university she felt very l____________ because she knew no one there
    2.Look at the s____________It says NO SMOKING HERE.
    3.He volunteers to help the____________(残疾) people
    4.Our school plans to organize a basketball match to____________ (筹集) money for the kids in need
    5.My watch doesn’t work wellCan you____________(修理) it up
    6.He keeps many ____________(home) dogs and cats
    7.Along the street you can see a lot of traffic ____________(notice).
    8.He is the ____________(own) of the large house
    9.This made a big ____________(different) to these little kids
    10.I passed the math exam I have a strong ____________(feel) of satisfaction

    Can you ____________________ a new way to learn English well
    We often help the teacher____________________ papers
    Let’s____________________the trees until tomorrow because it’s going to rain this afternoon
    These old clothes are too small for himHe wants to_______________ to charities

    Volunteering is fun and rewarding(益) but if you want to be a good volunteer you need to learn more__1__
    *Be well-trainedKnow what you’re doing as a volunteerIf you need to learn about your job__2__If you’re good at your job it will be easier to help others
    *__3__Work as part of a team and make sure everyone works together and shares the workIf someone asks for help just give a handIf you need some help ask politely for it
    *Be understanding__4__
    *Be friendly__5__To be a volunteer you might meet new people who you want to make friends withYou might meet someone who can be your friend for the rest of your life

    1____________ 2____________3____________ 4____________ 5____________  

    spend feel teach give set kind put cheer child habit difficult train
    Amanda is a girl of much__1__She is always ready to help people in troubleNow Amanda is studying in collegeAt the same time she is volunteering__2__at Heart House in her free timeHeart House is an after-school program for __3__It gives help to those children who are not doing well in their studies and tries to change their study__4__
    Amanda goes to Heart House to__5__ the children twice a weekShe has also __6__ up a website for Heart House
    Because of Amanda’s website every week 125 volunteers __7__ about four hours helping the children at Heart House nowWithout Amanda’s website Heart House would have __8__ finding enough volunteers the program leader says
    I always have a strong __9__ of happiness when I teach those kids how to studyThe happy thing is that I can also learn a lot from them tooI won’t __10__ up volunteering after graduationI hope to go on teaching kids in need Amanda says
    1____________ 2____________ 3____________ 4____________5____________
    6____________ 7____________ 8____________9____________ 10____________

    志愿者活动社会成长需做志愿者历?什时间里做?感受? 请My volunteer experience题写篇短文词数60-80开头已出计入总词数

    15 CCBBD 610 CBACD

    15 DACBC 610 BBACD

    15 BCCDA

    15 BDAEG

    A1 onely 2 ign 3 disabled 4 raise 5 fix
    B6 homeless 7 notices 8 owner 9 difference 10 feeling

    1 come up with 2 give out 3 put off planting 4 give them away 5 I hope your dream will come true

    15 DBECA

    1 kindness 2 to teach 3 children 4 habits 5 train 6 set 7 spend 8 difficulty 9 feeling 10 give

    My volunteer experience
    I am a middle school studentI think volunteering is important and necessary for us allI took part in a volunteer activity last summerMy classmates and I worked as cleaners in a parkWe cleaned up the park and watered the flowers and trees We also handed out notices and told people the importance of protecting the enviromentIt was only a project of a week but I learned a lot






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