
     Module 1 My First Day at Senior High
    . Words and phrases
    1 Xi’an is the capital city of Shaanxi ________ (省)
    2 Could you give me some _______ (信息) about this book
    3 Our English teacher thinks reading __________ (理解)is very important
    4 You must follow the _______(说明)on the medicine bottle
    5 I know the ______(方法)of solving this problem
    6 What’s your ______(态度) ____ this event
    7 The __________(描述)of that beautiful place is attractive
    8 You are so ________(讨厌)I feel _____(厌烦) when you come again
    9 This is an __________(尴尬)I am so ________(尴尬)
    10 Many kinds of animals _______________(消失) now
    11 There are different ______________(学校体系) in China and America
    12 Our English textbook ________(包括) seven modules
    13 He didn’t pass his final examso his mother felt _______(失) and thought that he was _________(失)
    14 Most of our new teachers are _____________(热心)
    15 _____________________________(换句话说)I don’t like you at all
    16 I’m ______________________(盼) some new clothes
    17 We always have a final exam ______________________ a term(学期末)
    18 My cousin ______________________(学)this September
    19 Our class _______________________(分成) three groups
    20 Premier(总理) Zhou ______________________(参加) students’ movement when he was young
    二. Language points
    1 favourite wonderful senior excellent较级高级
    eg Orange is my favourite(喜欢) fruit
    Your work is excellent(棒极)
    2 种学科:
    science subjects理科 Liberal arts 文科
    academic subjects学术学科 social subjects社会学科
    academic changes学术交流 academic discussion学术讨
    academic report学术报告 academic research学术研究
    3 ①sbsth be familiar to sb ……某说熟悉
    sb be familiar with sth 某精通熟练掌握某物
    eg SHE are familiar to us
    Michel Jackson is familiar to everyone in the world
    Tom is familiar with several foreign languages and I admire him
    ②be similar to……相似
    be similar in ……方面相似
    eg Your bag is similar to mine in style
    We are similar in age
    ③be different from……
    the same as……样
    4 Describe your attitude to studying English
    ……态度attitude to 介词towards
    5 far from + 点 :远离……离……远
    far from + ndoingadj 远非完全绝
    far from it然点相反
    eg 1) The market isn’t far from here It’s only half an hour’s bicycle ride
    2) He is far from a fool
    3) Are you angry —— Far from it
    6 表示写记短语:
    writesetnoteputget down
    7 be enthusiastic aboutoverfor ……狂热痴迷迷恋
    enthusiastic adj热心
    Eg 1) The pop group SHE got an enthusiastic reception(接)
    2)I’m proud to have so many enthusiastic teachers
    3) It seems that you’re not very enthusiastic about the idea
    8 amazing adj令惊奇
    常句型搭配It’s amazing that…
    Eg 1) It’s amazing that you got high marks in this exam
    2) It’s amazing that he is your father I thought he was your brother because he looks so young
    9 表示种方法常见表达:(注意方法前介词)
    with this method
    by this means(单复数形)
    in this waymanner
    10 nothing like 完全根
    Eg It looks nothing like a horse
    She’s nothing like her brother He’s dark but she’s white
    11 I don’t think …否定转移句型形式否定句意义否定
    think 面宾语句否定转移句型两条件:
    1) 语第称 I 者 we
    2) 句中谓语thinkbelievesupposeexpectimagine五词
    Eg I don’t think I will be bored in Ms Shen’s class
    I don’t believe he can pass the exam
    We don’t suppose the situation can become better(认情况会转)
    ① A is times as + adj原形 + as B
    Eg Our garden is three times as big as yours
    ② A is … times + 较级 + than B
    Eg Our garden is three times bigger than yours
    ③ A is … times + the sizelength…(较方面) +of B
    Eg Our garden is three times the size of yours
    13 look forward to该词组动词短语意期盼
    to 介词面 npron(代词)doing 做宾语
    eg I’m looking forward to the winter holiday
    We look forward to your coming back soon
    The match we were looking forward to came at last
    三. Important sentences
    1 I live in Shijiazhuang a city not far from Beijing
    2 Today is my first day at Senior High school and I’m writing down my thoughts about it
    3 The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrooms are amazing
    4 Every room has a computer with a special screen almost as big as a cinema screen
    5 We are using a new textbook and Ms Shen’s method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school
    6 I don’t think I will be bored in Ms Shen’s class
    7 In other words there are three times as many girls as boys
    8 They say that girls are usually more hardworking than boys
    9 I’m looking forward to doing it
    四. Grammar
    IThe present simple tense(般现时)
    1 表示时间变化变化事实真理格言警句等
    Eg The earth goes around the sun
    Practice makes perfect熟生巧
    The earth is fortynine times as big as the moon
    2 表示常性发生动作惯存状态常often usually always
    sometimes seldom every dayweekyearnight once a weekyearmonth等连
    Eg We have three meals a day
    He always works at night
    We go to the park sometimes
    3 表示预定安排发生会轻易改变未动作类法常come go move stop leave arrive be finish start begin等连
    Eg The train arrives at 8 o’clock
    School begins on September 1st
    4 表时间条件状语句中般现时表示常见引导时间状语句词汇:when while whenever before after till until as soon as引导条件状语句:if unless as long as()
    Eg I will tell him that as soon as I see him
    We have to wait here before he comes
    Do you know when he will come ——When he comes I will tell you
    5 表示计划行动系列活动尤指旅途中:
    Eg We arrive at London at 1000 next Tuesday and arrive in Paris at 1300 After that we find a hotel to live in and have dinner at 1800…
    see hear smell feel look seem(表示感官动词)
    hate love like want wish(表示情感动词)
    be exist remain(表示存状态动词)
    have possess belong consist(表示占属动词)
    Are you seeing someone off
    He is looking for his pen

    IIThe present continuous tense(现进行时)
    1 表示正进行发生动作
    2 表示目前段时间正进行说话时没进行动作
    Eg Right now I’m learning Chinese (说话时候正学汉语干事)
    I’m having math class now and I’m learning English this term
    3always forever all the time 等副词连表示动作反复者惯时句子包含说话者强烈感情
    Eg You’re always changing your mind(说话者种现象满)
    He is always telling lies to others(说话者高兴)
    He is always helping others(说话者欣慰)
    4see return leave start visit go come fly stay等动词进行时表
    Eg He is leaving on Tuesday
    The meeting is starting at 1900
    I’m visiting you next Monday
    5 表示已定安排:
    Eg I am meeting Peter tonight He is taking me to the theatres
    It is 800 now and I’m doing my homework at 1000

    IIIAdjectives ending in –ing and –ed(inged结尾形容词)
    1 I wasn’t _____(bore) with the lesson
    2 I was very ________(interest) in her teaching method
    3 The computer screen is absolutely ________(amaze)
    4 He was __________(disappoint) because he got _______(disappoint) marks in the final exam
    5 —I’m very ___ with my own cooking It looks and smells delicious
    —Yes it has a pleasant smell
    A pleasant B pleased




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