人教版( )必修第二册:Unit5 Music 单元测试卷(无答案)

    Unit5 测试卷
    第I卷 选择题部分

    第二部分 阅读理解(两节满分40分)

    England continues to be one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world London in particular is one of the most visited cities and draws people in with its appealhistoryand pubs England’s smaller citieslike Bath and Oxfordare equally as attractive with a lot of culture and fewer crowds Liverpoolbirthplace of The Beatleshas a rich musical history The countryside has wonderful natural beauty Here are some tips on traveling in England
    Free museums—Public museums offer free admission in every city throughout England and the UK It’s a great way to learn about the country’s most influential artists and history and spend a rainy day without paying a cent
    Book early— Book all transportation well in advance even if you don’t plan to use it Fares can be around £2 with a little planning The Megabus not only runs buses but also provides trains throughout England and is the best choice for cheap travel throughout the country
    Pub food—Eating in England can be quite expensive but for good cheap and filling meals visit the local pubs where you can get a good meal for less than£10 Besides the pubs are a great way to meet people
    Get a Taste of UK card—The Taste of the UK card offers up to 50% off at selected restaurants You don’t need to be an English to get the cardand you needn’t pay the first month’s membership feewhich is perfect for most travelers
    Take a free walking tour—Many major cities in England offer free walking tours They usually last a few hours and are a great way to see the city
    21 Compared with London Oxford is________
    A more appealing B richer in history C larger in size D less crowded
    22 Why is eating in local pubs suggested
    A The chance of meeting stars is high there B The price of food is low there
    C The service is excellent there D The dining atmosphere is perfect there
    23 What can be known from the text
    A Free walking tours are available in only some cities in England
    B The best way to travel around England is by bus
    C All museums in the UK are free of charge
    D Holders of the Taste of UK card can enjoy discounts at all restaurants
    One night I received a Facebook message from Laura a former classmate Hey Steve she said I know you’ve always been an animal lover I’ve just had a baby and I can’t keep my mini pig
    Being fond of animals I knew I wanted the pig I just had to figure out how to make it happen I lived in a twobedroom singlelevel house in Georgetwon Ontario It’s tough to bring a pig back to the house I share with two dogs two cats and my lifelong partner
    But I was not letting that pig go So I told Laura I’d take the animal When I got home with the pig I hid her in the bedroom and began to prepare a dinner for Alisha —her favourite bacon cheeseburgers It’s better to make her happy before introducing the new member to her
    When I led her to the bedroom and showed her the surprise Alisha stood in the doorway like a statue It took her a few seconds to know what I had done She complained about my unreasonable action She insisted there was no more room in the house
    I knew I was wrong but I hoped I could smooth things over Soon enough the lovely pig did the smoothing for me Never had we felt such joy as she brought to us We got her a name Esther
    Esther’s arrival changed our lives A few weeks later we decided to stop eating bacon We figured it was our turn to try to change the world for other animals A few months later we moved to a farm where we cared for abandoned animals — so far six rabbits six goats two sheep one horse three cows and three chickens
    24 Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined words in Paragraph 5
    A clarify B continue C settle Dimprove
    25 Why did the author cook Alisha a meal
    A To please her to accept the pig B To make an apology to her
    C To celebrate Esther’s arrival D To show off his cooking skills
    26 What was Alisha’s reaction the moment she saw Esther
    A She burst into tears B She showed interest in her
    C She quarreled with Steve D She was frozen for a while
    27 What is the best title for the text
    A A Small Pig Making a Big Difference
    B An Abandoned Pig Finding a Warm Home
    C A Little Pig Bringing Happiness to a Family
    D A Lovely Pig Removing a Couple’s Disagreement
    Fabien Cousteau was born with deep love for the ocean His grandfather and his father were ocean explorers and documentary filmmakers Fabien spent his early years on his grandfather's ships Today Fabien follows in his family's footsteps to protect the planet's endangered ocean life With his vast knowledge and experience he tries to strike a balance between environmental problems and market economies
    Fabien is well known for his study of sharks During 20002002 he created a TV special called Attack of the Mystery Shark based on the shark attacks that occurred along the New Jersey shoreline in the summer of 1916 Then in 20032006 with the help of a large crew Fabien created a shark submarine (潜艇) that enabled him to put himself inside the shark world  providing people with a rare view of the mysterious and often misunderstood creatures
    For the next four years (20062010) Fabien was part of a series called Ocean Adventures which offered a rare look into some of the most fantastic ocean species and environments
    In 2010 Fabien started Plant A Fish a nonprofit project for children to help restore local water ecosystems by replanting key ocean species Save the world one fish at a time The project is still in progress now and its final goal is to plant 1 billion fish worldwide
    From June 1 to July 2 2014 Fabien and his team spent 31 days underwater to research how climate change and pollution are affecting the oceans Fabien's Mission 31 broke new ground by going deeper longer and further exposing (显露) the world to the adventure and the mystique (神秘) of what lies beneath
    Fabien is currently working on a documentary film about the adventures of Mission 31 as well as building an Ocean Learning Center to provide children around the world with the opportunity to learn about oceans and engage with ocean explorers directly through social media
    28 What is Not Fabien’s job
    A Ocean explorer B Documentary filmmaker
    C Environmentalist D Media manager
    29 How is Paragraph 2 developed
    A By providing facts B By offering analyses
    C By making comparisons D By drawing conclusions
    30 We can learn from the text that ________
    A Fabien's Plant A Fish project has already achieved its final goal
    B Fabien's Mission 31 broke the records of former ocean explorations
    C Fabien's TV special about sharks is based on his childhood experiences
    D It took Fabien four years to produce Ocean Adventures all on his own
    31 In which part of a website can we read the text
    A Modern Technology B Space Exploration
    C Outstanding Figures D Fantastic Wildlife
    Anger itself is neither good nor bad It’s what we do when we’re angry that matters Anger is a tool that helps us to read and respond to the social situations that bother us But how can we keep it under control
    It’s normal to think that getting angry is bad and many times we punish ourselves for doing so But contrary to popular beliefresearch indicates that anger increases optimismcreativity and efficiency(效率)In additionstudies suggest that anger can lead to more successful negotiations at workas well as in our personal lives
    In factsuppressing(抑制)anger can be very bad for your health In this senseDr Ernest Harburg performed a study by monitoring a group of adults and their capacity(容量)for anger What he found is that the men and women who suppressed their anger as a response to an unfair attack had a higher risk of developing bronchitis(支气炎)or suffering from heart attacksand were more likely to die before their colleagues who let their anger surface(显现)when they felt bothered
    When anger ariseswe feel the need to either prevent or put an end to this powerful feeling for the benefit of our welfare or the welfare of those we care about But this act of kindness mercy love or justice isn’t beneficial in this way Howeverit’s certainly a good thing to be cautious when anger begins to surface Expressing your anger can be appropriate with certain people at certain times The question lies in how to do it without losing contro1The key to expressing your anger is finding the appropriate tone for expressing what it is that upsets you But to avoid unnecessary shouting hitting or other violent reactions it’s worth taking a moment to step back and think even though we may be in the middle of an argument with someone
    32 What do people generally think of anger
    A It is an important too1 B It increases our happiness
    C It is a bad feeling state D It helps in social situations
    33 What does Dr Ernest Harburg’s study imply about anger
    A It must be kept under contro1 B It should be avoided
    C It can cause sudden death D It needs a way out
    34 What does the author suggest we do when we’re angry
    A Express it reasonably B Pretend to ignore it C React to it violently D Find out its cause
    35 Which of the following can be the best title for the text
    A Ways to Control Anger B Showing Anger Fitly Counts
    C Benefits of Mild Anger D Anger Does Affect Health
    A Pen That Draws in Any Color
    The Scribble is a magical pen that can scan colors and instantly reproduce the colors Hold the Scribble’s scanner up to any color and within a second that color is stored in its memory 36
    Who can use the Scribble
    Children will love the Scribble because it can create different colors replacing even their biggest box of crayons Besides anyone working with color in their professional lives such as artists will be able to scan and reproduce colors instantly
    Green One of the most important characteristics of the Scribble is that since it can reproduce any color it replaces marking pens greatly reducing the huge amount of plastic waste
    What’s inside the Scribble
    There will be two different versions of the Scribble the Scribble K and the Scribble S The K will be able to reproduce exact colors on paper It includes a color sensor and a rechargeable battery 38 The S looks exactly the same as the K but it is intended for use on screen
    How did we create the Scribble
    We’ve been in the design process for two years and the Scribble has gone through various design changes to get it to where we are now Because of its small size we have created some ideas never seen before in the color reproduction industry 39
    Thank you for your support
    40 Thank you also for your support Make sure to bookmark our website and check back often to see the progress as well as the updated times for production and delivery of your Scribble
    A What do we need the Scribble for
    B What’s the Scribble’s best colour
    C It’s the best birthday gift you may choose for your kids
    D Thank you so much for your concern about the Scribble
    E There is 1 GB of internal memory that will store over 100 000 colors
    F We created the Scribble for YOU and want you to be a part of the process
    G Once stored that color can be used to draw on paper or on a digital screen

    第三部分 语言运(两节满分45分)
    第节 完形填空(20题题15分满分30分)
    On June 18th 15yearold Clara Daly was seated on an Alaska Airlines flight from Boston to Los Angeles Suddenly a flight attendant asked a(n) 41 question over the loudspeaker Does anyone on board know American Sign Language Clara 42 the call button The flight attendant came over and explained the 43 We have a passenger on the plane who is blind and deaf she said The passenger seemed to 44 something but he was traveling alone and the flight attendants couldn’t 45 what he needed
    Clara had been 46 ASL for the past year to help with her dyslexia (诵读困难) and knew she’d be able to finger spell into the man’s 47 So she unbuckled (松开) her seat belt walked toward the front of the plane and 48 by the seat of Tim Cook then 64 Gently 49 his hand she signed How are you Are you OK Cook asked for some water When it arrived Clara returned to her seat She 50 again a bit later because he wanted to know the time On her third 51 she stopped and stayed a while He didn’t need anything He was 52 and wanted to talk Clara says
    So for the next 53 that’s what they did She talked about her family and her 54 for the future Cook told Clara how he had 55 become blind over time and shared stories of his days as a traveling salesman 56 he couldn’t see her she looked attentively at his face with such kindness a passenger reported Clara was 57 a flight attendant told Alaska Airlines in a blog interview You could 58 Tim was very excited to have someone he could speak to and she was such a(n) 59
    Cook’s reaction 60 trip I’ve ever had
    41 A strange B urgent C puzzling D related
    42 A controlled B fixed C fastened D pressed
    43 A dilemma B arrangement C situation D requirement
    44 A lose B want C offer D seek
    45 A understand B imagine C accept D translate
    46 A teaching B evaluating C studying D promoting
    47 A ear B heart C mind D palm
    48 A knelt B sat C lay D settled
    49 A waving B shaking C pulling D taking
    50 A got away B ran off C came by D carried on
    51 A departure B visit C round D attempt
    52 A lovely B friendly C lively D lonely
    53 A hour B meeting C day D flight
    54 A friends B experiences C plans D changes
    55 A suddenly B gradually C naturally D accidentally
    56 A Even though B Now that C If only D In case
    57 A determined B ambitious C independent D helpful
    58 A recognize B predict C tell D guess
    59 A angel B guide C pioneer D genius
    60 A Hardest B Best C Longest D Busiest

    第II卷 非选择题部分
    第三部分 语言运(两节满分45分)
    There has been a recent trend in the food service industry toward lower fat content and less salt This trend which was started by the medical community(医学界) 61 a method of fighting heart disease has had some unintended side 62 (effect) such as overweight and heart diseasethe very thing the medical community was trying to fight
    Fat and salt are very important parts of a diet They are required 63 (process) the food that we eat to recover from injury and for several other bodily functions When fat and salt 64 (remove) from food the food tastes as if is missing something As 65 result people will eat more food to try to make up for that something missing Even 66 (bad) the amount of fast food that people eat goes up Fast food 67 (be) full of fat and salt by 68 (eat) more fast food people will get more salt and fat than they need in their diet
    Having enough fat and salt in your meals will reduce the urge to snack(吃点心) between meals and will improve the taste of your food However be 69 (care) not to go to extremes
    Like anything it is possible to have too much of both 70 is not good for the health
    第四部分 写作(两节满分35分)
    第节 短文改错(10题题1分满分10分)
    文中10处语言知识法错误句中两处错误涉单词增加删修改 增加缺词处加漏词符号(∧)面写出该加词 删余词斜线 (﹨)划掉 修改错词划横线该词面写出修改词 注意1处错误修改均仅限词 2允许修改10处者(第11处起)计分
    It is good and necessary to talk about learning habits Our good learning habits will make us study more efficient First time is precious for us so in my opinion make a suitable timetable is important for us to make good use of our time Beside the timetable should be updated according the progress of our study from time to time What's more once the timetable is made we should follow them strictly Therefore I often don't follow my timetable because of some reasons For example playing football and watching TV take off much of my spare time so I thought we should have our parents supervise us every day To have a good learning habit are simple Just make a good use of our time

    第二节 写作(满分25分)
    假定学生会席李华 学生会举办英语戏剧节(English Drama Festival)外教Miss Brown力帮助活动圆满结束请写封感谢信容包括:
    1 表达感谢
    2 外教帮助
    3 学收获
    1 词数80左右
    2 适增加细节 行文连贯




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