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    第二部分 阅读理解(两节满分35分)
    第节 (10题题25分满分25分)
    Our first year in New York we rented a small apartment with a Catholic school nearbytaught by the Sisters of Charityhandsome women in long black gowns and hatsI liked them a lotespecially my grandmotherly fourth grade teacherSister ZoeI had a lovely nameshe saidand she had me teach the whole class how to pronounce it:YolandaAs the only immigrant in my classI was put in a special seat in the first row by the windowapart from the other children so that Sister Zoe could tutor me without disturbing themSlowlyshe pronounced the new words I was to repeat:laundromatcornflakessubwaysnow
    Soon I picked up enough English to understand horrible wars were in the airRussian missiles were being collected and brought togethertrained supposedly on New York CityOn the televisionPresident Kennedylooking worriedwas explaining we might have to go to war against the enemiesAt schoolwe had airraid drills:a worrying bell would go off and we’d move into the hallfall to the floorcover our heads with our coatsand imagine our hair falling outthe bones in our arms going softAt homeMami and my sisters and I prayed for world peaceIn class I heard new vocabulary:nuclear bombradioactive falloutbomb shelterSister Zoe explained how it would happenShe drew on the blackboard a picture of a mushroom and a cloud of dusty fallout that would kill us all
    The months grew coldNovemberDecemberIt was dark when I got up in the morningand frosty when I followed my breath to schoolOne morning as I sat at my desk daydreamingout the windowI saw dots in the air like the ones Sister Zoe had drawn—random at firstthen lots and lotsI screamedBombBomb Sister Zoe moved aroundher full black skirt ballooning out as she hurried to my sideA few girls began to cry
    But then Sister Zoe’s shocked look fadedWhyYolanda dearthat’s snow she laughedSnow Snow I repeatedI looked out the window cautiouslyAll my life I had heard about the white snow that fell out of American skies in the winterFrom my desk I watched the fine powder dust the sidewalk and parked cars belowEach flake(雪花) was differentSister Zoe had saidlike a personirreplaceable and beautiful
    语篇解读 文篇夹叙夹议文作移民孩子作者学校总会Zoe老师特关次雪时候作者雪误认炸弹Zoe老师告诉说雪花雪花样取代美丽

    1.According to Paragraph 1which of the following words can best describe Sister Zoe
    A.Devoted      B.Faithful
    C.Ambitious      D.Considerate
    答案 D
    解析 推理判断题根第段倒数第二句推断出Zoe位考虑周老师considerate意体贴考虑周符合题意选D
    2.Why did the writer scream suddenly on that December morning
    A.Because she heard bombs exploding
    B.Because she mistakenly caused a panic
    C.Because she thought bombs were coming
    D.Because she got excited about the snowfall
    答案 C
    解析 细节理解题根第三段第三句推断出作者12月早突然尖原认炸弹落选C
    3.Which of the following might be the best title for the passage
    C.New York Life
    D.Sister Zoe’s Experience
    答案 A
    解析 标题纳题根段句全文容知Zoe告诉作者雪花样美丽取代处雪喻符合题意选A
    Sleep repairs the body and the mind and helps prevent disease by strengthening the immune systemHowevermany adults do not get eight hours of sleep each nightThe average adult today gets only 64 hours of sleepOnly in recent years have health professionals begun to realize the seriousness of sleep deprivation in the working populationA significant number of people work at nightwork long hoursor suffer from sleeplessness or jet lag
    Studies show that the brain is negatively affected by sleep deprivation because certain patterns of electrical and chemical activity that occur during sleep are interrupted and the brain cannot function normallyIn one studythirteen healthy adult subjects(实验象) who usually had normal sleep patterns were kept awake and carefully monitored in a lab during a period of 35 hoursDuring the experimentthe subjects were asked to perform several taskssuch as mathematics and word problemswhile undergoing scans of their brain activityThe researchers found that the temporal lobe(颞叶) of the brainthe region involved in language processingwas active during speech tasks in rested subjects but not in subjects who lacked enough sleepAfter several hours without sleepthere was no activity within this region
    Several studies show that getting fewer than six hours of sleep can damage shortterm memory and reaction time—thus causing a serious risk of accidentIn one study of driversresearchers reported that sleep deprivation had the same effects as being drunkThey found that people who drove after being awake for 17 hours performed worse than those with a blood alcohol level of 05 percentThat’s the legal limit for drunk driving in most western European countriesThe researchers concluded that countries with drunk driving laws should consider similar restrictions against sleepdeprived driving
    语篇解读 文介绍缺少睡眠带影响研究表明缺少睡眠会脑活动产生利影响醉酒样危险

    4.The underlined word deprivation in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to         .
    A.weakness      B.loss
    C.discomfort      D.pain
    答案 B
    解析 词义猜测题根第段知睡眠助增强免疫系统现数成年缺乏睡眠推知画线处指直年健康专家意识睡眠缺乏严重性推知画线词意思缺少损失选B
    5.The passage mentions all of the following as causes of sleep deprivation EXCEPT        
    A.jet lag
    B.long work hours
    C.boring work
    D.working at night
    答案 C
    解析 细节理解题根第段句A significant number of people work at nightwork long hoursor suffer from sleeplessness or jet lag知句中提ABD没提C选C
    6.The purpose of the study described in Paragraph 2 was to determine        
    A.how many hours people can survive without sleep
    B.how people react when their sleep is interrupted
    C.the changes in brain activity that occurs during sleep
    D.the effects of sleep deprivation on brain activity
    答案 D
    解析 推理判断题根第二段第句Studies show that the brain is negatively affected by sleep deprivation because certain patterns of electrical and chemical activity that occur during sleep are interrupted and the brain cannot function normally知研究目确定缺少睡眠脑活动影响选D
    7.Why does the author mention blood alcohol level in Paragraph 3
    A.To show how sleep deprivation reduces the blood alcohol level
    B.To show that sleep deprivation has the same dangerous effects as being drunk
    C.To suggest that sleepdeprived drivers are also likely to drink
    D.To argue against raising the legal limit for drunk driving
    答案 B
    解析 推理判断题根段前两句Several studies show that getting fewer than six hours of sleep can damage shortterm memory and reaction time—thus causing a serious risk of accidentIn one study of driversresearchers reported that sleep deprivation had the same effects as being drunk知作者提血液酒精浓度表明缺少睡眠醉酒样危险选B
    The Leaning Tower of Pisa was not leaning when it was built in 1173 and it was straight like a poleIt started to shift direction soon after construction because of poor foundation in addition to the loose layer of subsoil(底土).At the beginningit leaned to the southeast before the shaky foundation started to shift leaning towards the southwestAfter the period of structural strengthening in the beginning of 21st centurynow the Leaning Tower of Pisa leans at an angle of 397 degrees
    In 1178the shift in direction was observed for the first time when the construction had progressed further to the third floorThe tower was very heavy for the threemeter foundation that was built on a weak area of land
    For compensating(补偿) the leaning positionthe builders started to construct the upper floors with one side higher than the other oneThis caused the tower to lean in the other directionThis unusual structure led to the tower being actually curvedIn spite of these effortsthe tower kept on leaning
    The government of Italy started to plan a prevention of the complete collapse of the tower in 1964Howevera request was put forward by the authorities to keep the leaning position because of the tourism industry of the region
    After nearly two decades of careful planning by engineershistorians and mathematiciansthe stabilization efforts for the Leaning Tower of Pisa started in 1990The tower was closed for the general public and the people living nearby moved awayFor reducing the total weight of the towerits seven bells which represented the seven musical notes were removedThe tower was reopened for the general public on December 152001
    In May 2008after removing another 70 metric tons of earththe engineers announced that the tower had been finally stabilized and it would remain stable for at least 200 years
    语篇解读 文介绍萨斜塔倾斜原目前状况
    8.Why did the Leaning Tower of Pisa begin to lean
    A.It was too high like a pole
    B.Its foundation was far from strong
    C.The work of repair was delayed
    D.Its foundation shook badly
    答案 B
    解析 细节理解题根第段中because of poor foundation in addition to the loose layer of subsoil(底土)知塔开始倾斜原基土壤牢固选B
    9.When did people notice the Leaning Tower of Pisa shift its direction
    A.As soon as it was constructed
    B.At the end of the construction
    C.Soon after the construction
    D.In the course of the construction
    答案 D
    解析 推理判断题根第二段中the shift in direction was observed for the first time when the construction had progressed further to the third floor知建设程中发现萨斜塔倾斜选D
    10.Which of the following is the RIGHT order according to this passage
    a.People noticed the tower began to shift its direction
    b.The repair work was carried out last time
    c.The Leaning Tower of Pisa was repaired for the first time
    d.The Leaning Tower of Pisa was built
    e.The tower was opened to the visitors again
    f.The government started to make a plan for the tower
    A.cdafbe      B.feadcb
    C.debfca      D.dafceb
    答案 D
    解析 细节排序题根题目中列举事实发生时间知D项序文章容保持致选D
    第二节 (5题题2分满分10分)
    How to Practice Writing
    Almost every student wants to succeed in their writingdon’t they?Actuallyit isn’t that hard  11  
    Write every dayYou may prefer to write a new short scene every dayor work on a longterm writing projectYou might have a daily minimum of one paragraphor an entire pageBut if you take any advice from this pagestick to one important habit:  12   If you can’t find room in your scheduletry getting up early or going to bed lateeven if you can only spare fifteen minutes
    Write your way through writer’s block  13   Getting anything on the page at all can help you get startedWrite about how you’re stuck and can’t think of anything to writeor describe an object in the room in painfully exhaustive detailA few minutes of this will often put you in writing mode and lead you to another idea
    Look onlinein bookstoresor in libraries for collections of writing prompts(提示).These are designed to give you a starting point to work fromand are often ridiculous to spark your imagination and get you started
      14   If you’ve been writing for a whilechances are good that you keep getting drawn back to a particular styletopicor formatPracticing a favorite type of writing is a great way to keep yourself motivatedbut make an effort to vary your writing exercises once in a whileTry these challenges as exerciseswhether or not you’re interested in polishing the end result[KS5UKS5UKS5U]
    If your writing projects or your narrators all sound similartry a different style  15  
    If most of your writing is for a blogor for one long projecttake a break from it
    A.Challenge yourself
    B.Write every single day
    C.Trade feedback with a group of supportive writers
    D.Here are some important points that you may find helpful
    E.Imitate another authoror combine the styles of two authors
    F.Handing new and difficult challenges is vital for improvement in any field
    G.Don’t be so afraid to write something bad that you end up staring at a blank document
    语篇解读 文篇说明文文章介绍练写作方法应该注意关键点
    11.答案 D
    解析 根空格前两句文描述知空格处承启D项里关键点许会帮助符合语境选D
    12.答案 B
    解析 根段首句Write every day段句中even if you can only spare fifteen minutes知段提出建议天写怕写十五分钟B项段容相呼应符合语境选B
    13.答案 G
    解析 根句Getting anything on the page at all can help you get started段首句中writer’s block知G项害怕写’东西致终盯着空白文档符合语境选G
    14.答案 A
    解析 空格处旨句根段句中Try these challenges as exercises知these challenges指文提挑战段讲应挑战A项符合语境选A
    15.答案 E[KS5UKS5U]
    解析 根句中try a different style知E项模仿作者者两作者风格结合起符合语境选E
    第三部分 语言运(两节满分45分)
    第节 完形填空(20题题15分满分30分)
    For most peopleretirement is the time during which they will spend the rest of their lives at homebored to deathBut being an active individualI   16   to sit at home and live a dull life
    That is why I came to China soon after I retired in 2010 and taught   17   at a high school in XingtaiHebei ProvinceAs Mother’s Day approached that yearI decided to hold a party for the students and their   18 
    With the help of the Chinese teachersI   19  to hold a competition for the most   20   and original gift that a student can create for his or her momTo be honestI was  21   of persuading my students to inform their parents about the partyHoweverI was pleasantly   22   that most of the parents took time off their busy schedule to come
    My plan included   23   each student to stand up in front of the class and   24   express his or her feeling toward his or her motherSome of my students were   25   enough to make their speeches in both English and ChineseMy shy students   26   their timidity(胆怯) to stand elegantly and expressed their   27   for their mothers The mothers could not   28   their tears from being overjoyed by the tender(温柔) words of their childrenI felt extremely proud of my studentsI was again surprised   29   I asked the students to present their handmade   30   to their mothersI was deeply moved by their  31  At the end of the   32  most parents expressed their gratitude(感激) to all of us
    That night strengthened my attitude toward life and   33  I realized that I don’t have to   34  I can share my knowledge of English with my students through   35   at schools and make a positive difference in their livesAge is not a limit
    语篇解读 生百味篇数说退休百聊赖家里度余生作积极作者讨厌种聊退休生活作者退休高中继续教学英语知识继续社会作贡献证明社会作贡献没年龄限制

    16.Adecide      B.want
    C.hate      D.fail
    答案 C
    解析 根文说数退休家百聊赖文But知样选喜欢(hate)C项正确
    17.Ahistory      B.English
    C.art      D.Chinese
    答案 B
    解析 根段中I can share my knowledge of English with my students知学校教英语(English)选B项
    18.Aparents      B.teachers
    C.friends      D.schoolmates




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