
    名词部分 (28题)
    1 These natural disasters have warned us that everyone should start to protect the _____ immediately
    A amusementB development C environment D government

    2 For my homework I have to write a(n)______ about the wonders of the world
    A musicB picture C compositionD exam

    3 Read the ______ carefully They will help you know how to use the popper
    A instructions B decisions C results

    4 Tom can go to school now His father has paid for him __
    A education B vacationC competion D invention

    5 Cici enjoys dancing It's one of her
    A prizeB prizes C hobby D hobbies
    6 1 have some problems with my English writing Can you give me some____
    A adviceB decisions C information D messages

    7— I'm going to the supermarket Let me get you some fruit
    —OK Thanks for your _____
    A offerB information C message D order

    8 _______ about the sports meeting make us excited
    A News B InformationC Messages D Advice

    9 —Where's Jack
    —He's left a ________ saying that he will be back in a minute
    A message B news C information

    10 I don't know how to deal with my family problem Can you give me some_______
    A adviceB messages C information D instructions

    11 —Dad I've got an A in the math exam
    —Great And I'm sure you will do better because this is a good ______
    A reportB result C startD skill

    12 —How many teachers are there in your school
    — them over two hundred

    A woman The number of isB women The number of is
    C woman A number of is D women A number of are

    13 Stop making so much _ _ The children are sleeping
    A voiceB noise C sound

    14 —Did you hear any strange _____when the quake happened
    —No I was in my garden with my flowers and was enjoying the beautiful _____of my birds at that time
    A voice noise B noise sound 
    C whisper soundD sound voice

    15 He has poor _______ so he can't see the words on the blackboard clearly
    A smell B taste C hearing D eyesight

    16 As young adults it is our___ to try our best to deal with each challenge in our education with the help of our teacher
    A work B job C dutyD task

    17 Work hard and you'll get good _____
    A lessons B notesC gradesD answers

    18 The singer felt very sorry and decided he would never drive again after drinking The traffic accident was really a _________ to him
    AgameB pleasure C skill D lesson

    19 —Mrs Black could you give me some advice on how to write an application letter
    —With pleasure Remember that the letter should be written in the formal ______
    A value B style C effectD mood

    20 Today we have many other _______ to pay besides coins or paper money
    A excuses B ways C chancesD plans

    21 —I'm sorry I went out for a smoke I was very tired
    —There's no ______ for this while you are at work
    A cause B excuseC matter D choice

    22 —Mrs Wang was sent to teach English in a poor mountain village last year
    —She said she would never forget some pleasant ______while working there
    A experiments B expressionsC experiences D emotions

    23 —Excuse me May I know your_______
    —Sure It's No 3 Bridge Street
    A house B addressC way D place

    24 My classmate lent me a(an) so that I wouldn't get wet in the rain
    A candle B umbrella C scarfD Wallet

    25 The two cities have reached an to develop science and technology
    A educationB excitement C agreement D invention

    26 —Jack will your family move to Shanghai
    —Yes That's a very big my parents made
    A decideB decision C education

    27 —I hear you are not allowed to eat in class
    —Right It's one of the in our school
    A plans B orders C rules D suggestions
    28 In order to stay fit people pay more attention to their _ _
    A diet B experience C thoughts D awards

    二 形容词副词(37题)

    29 —Have you ever seen the movie called Los Angles 2011
    —Yes but I think it’s _____ I fell asleep when I saw it
    A exciting B boring C bored D excited

    30 We felt ________ when Liu Xiang won the first prize again in the race
    A brave B proud C successful D worried

    31 —Why are you staying up so late playing computer games again
    —Stop being so ______
    A funny B silly C serious

    32 The bag that my grandpa made for me ____ gets out of style(时) but it is still the best
    A usually B normally C gradually

    33 In America when you’re given a present you can open it ____ You don’t have to wait
    A immediately B properly C carefully D quietly

    34 —Boys and girls we will have a threeday holiday next week
    —Great What ________ news
    A exciting B bad C dissaponted

    35 ________ the movie star goes there are lots of fans waiting to see her
    A Whatever B However C WhereverD Whoever

    36 If everyone pours less polluted water into Dianchi Lake it will be _______
    A deeper and deeper B cleaner and cleaner
    C dirtier and dirtier D wider and wider

    37 —Look how beautiful the car is
    —Yes but it’s too _________ for me
    A expensive B high C cheap D low

    38 His grandparents live ____ in a small house but they don’t feel _______
    A lonely alone B alone lonely 
    C lonely lonely D alone alone

    39 —Who is suitable for the new chairperson of the Students’ Union
    —David He is ______ enough to come up with new ideas
    A imaginative B humorousC modest D outgoing

    40 Sally used to be but now she enjoys meeting and talking to new friends
    A active B shy C honest D outgoing

    41 —It’s going to rain Let me fetch an umbrella for you
    —Thank youYou are so
    A lucky B kind C relaxed D interesting

    42 After a three hours' long walk the boys look rather_____
    A excited B bored C tired D stressed
    43 Some students are so ______ that they often make mistakes in their homework
    A carful B serious C careless D successful

    44 He said he would come to see us the next afternoon
    A sometime B some timeC sometimes D some times

    45 In China it is a custom to give kids lucky money_____ during the Spring Festival
    A finally B luckily C simplyD especially

    46 Everybody should remember it is not ______ to swim in the river alone
    AhealthyB safeCpossible Dcomfortable

    47 Stay away from junk food please It’s bad for us_________ for children
    A recently 
    B especially 
    C probably 
    D nearly

    48 —I’m really _________ before the exam
    —Take it easy You’re the best
    A surprised 
    B nervous 
    C comfortable
    D confident

    49 —Mr Smith I don’t think we can get there on time by bike
    —You mean it’s ______ for us to take a taxi
    A necessary 
    B important 
    C possible
    D difficult

    50 —What do you think of Liu Huan
    —Oh he is my favourite singer I think no one can sing_____
    A good 
    B well 
    C better 
    D best

    51 Elephants eat______ but they can move _______when necessary
    A noisy silent 
    B noisily silently 
    C noisily silence
    D noisy silence

    52 The Internet is really to us We can easily find the information we need
    A safe 
    B hard 
    C boring
    D useful

    53 He was late this morning because the bus was too for him to get on
    A quiet 
    B tidy
    C crowded 
    D noisy

    54 I ________ go to the theatre because I don’t like operas at all
    A always
    B often 
    C sometimes 
    D never

    55 I don’t have any close friends here I feel ______ from time to time
    A alone 
    B happy 
    C lonely 
    D proud

    56 My cousin wants to keep slim She does exercise every morning and ______ eats meat
    A seldom 
    B always 
    C usually
    D often

    57 Mr Zheng is such a __________ person that he has donated much money to the chools in his hometown
    A selfish 
    B patient 
    C humorous 
    D generous

    58 He was late this morning because the bus was too ____ for him to get on
    A quiet 
    B tidy
    C crowded 
    D noisy

    59 —So where do you want to go Tina
    —Let' s go to the Blue Lagoon The soft music makes me
    A exhausted and sleepy 
    B calm and comfortable
    C active and energetic 
    D tense and disgusted

    60 We can do a lot to stay healthy ___ we should eat a balanced(衡) diet
    A At a time 
    B In fact 
    C First of all
    D All together

    61 —Terra you shouldn’t be so ____ You always leave your things here and there 
    — Sorry mom I’ll put them away soon 
    A terrified 
    B cheerful 
    C careless
    D frightened

    62 — How do you like the game show
    —_______ I can't stand it
    A Funny
    B Important 
    C Perfect 
    D Awful

    63 —I wore sports shoes to the ball yesterday evening by mistake
    —Oh dear you must be very _____ at the ball
    A embarrassed
    B satisfied 
    C tired 
    D surprised

    64 —Wuhu is a beautiful city
    — Yes and I feel ______ to live there 
    A comfortable 
    B worried 
    C afraid
    D tired 

    65 —I think winter is a beautiful season_______ when it snows
    —Me too
    A specially 
    B especially 
    C probably 
    D properly





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