




    部资料 严禁复印 违者必究

    Interview inspired by intelligence (基面试道)1
    SelfIntroduction (介绍)
    Q andAsession ( 考官提问)

    (Lecture note for the second round test of NGEE )

    Main tasks
    1 Cracking your pronunciation barriers
    2 Broadening your independent topic horizons
    3 Guaranteeing your listening test bottom line
    Interview inspired by intelligence (基面试道)
    What is Interviewing
    An interview IS A meeting in order to get to know each other A conversation about possibilities An
    opportunity to present yourself optimallyAn interview is NOTA life or death situation
    A one way streetAnd
    yet It is an artificial And You will be judged from the first minute 研究生英语复试口语测试重点:

    1 pronunciation

    2 vocabulary
    3 grammar
    4influency and coherence (流利连贯)

    Body language is important Marabian myth

    Body Language 55

    vocal part 38

    The effectiveness of communication
    You find a mirror and you adopt that stance You make sure you get all the details right Make a check list
    But bear in your mind avoiding being
    too aggressive with too much body language Confidence is the utmost factor

    Speak with conviction as if you really believe in what you are saying Persuade your audience effectively
    If your test comprises the reading passage part value it with great emphasis
    SelfIntroduction (介绍) 参考范文:
    Good morning afternoon distinguished professors
    My name is *** an English major from ***University Thank you for having me here
    I’m an optimistic person outward easygoing and rich in curiosity
    Because of my keen interest in journalism and writing I have been an editor of the English
    Journal of my
    department for two years and have published several articles on local newspapers As an
    English major I’ve
    listened to and read quite an amount of news and articles published by the foreign media At first I considered it
    as just a way of improving my English but later I was shocked by the bad image of China presented by the foreign
    media I couldn’t help asking myself why Of course China is not perfect but why they even criticize what we are
    proud of Thereafter I searched for articles and books relevant to this topic and discussed it with my teachers and
    friends I think the problem lies in that they don’t really understand China Our culture customs way of thinking
    and life are alien to them so it is necessary for Chinese people and media to introduce our country to the world in
    an effective and proper way As a college student majored in foreign languages I think I’m in a favorable place to

    promote communications between China and the outside world That’s why I decided to choose international
    journalism and communication as my future domain Moreover Beijing Foreign Studies
    University is my dream
    place for years It boasts the best teaching faculty and facilities for learning foreign languages and the best
    platform for doing further researches concerning international problems Therefore BFSU
    is definitely the first
    and best choice for my postgraduate studies I believe led by the distinguished professors and scholars here I’ll
    go further on international communication studies and contribute to improving China’s
    image to some extent in
    the future Thank you so much again for giving me the chance for this interview

    Good morning distinguished professors
    I’m glad to be here for this interview My name is XXXX and my English name is Vivian I’m an optimistic
    person warmhearted easygoing and rich in curiosity In my spare time I like reading books listening to music
    watching movies and kicking shuttlecock I come from Chong Qing a beautiful mountainous city famous for its
    hot pot I am a student of Chinese Language and Literature Department of Sichuan
    International Studies
    University which is located at the foot of Geleshan I like Chong Qing very much but I
    decided to come to
    Beijing without any hesitate
    I have keen interest in language and I choose linguistic testing as my future domain Beijing Language and Culture University has been my dream place for years cause it boasts the best teaching
    faculty and facilities for studying and the best platform for doing researches concerning language Therefore
    BLCU is definitely the first and best choice for my postgraduate studies I believe led by the distinguished
    professors and scholars here I’ll go further on language studies and contribute to linguistic testing Thank you so
    much again for giving me the chance for this interview
    参考范文三 :
    Good morning afternoon distinguished professors
    My name is XXX Thank you for having me here I’m an optimistic person outward easygoing and rich
    in curiosity Although coming from XXX university’s international accounting major I have
    keen interest in

    psychology I spent my spare time in the library reading books on psychology when I was an undergraduate
    student After the graduation I was employed as an auditor in an accounting firm
    But I decided to quit and
    prepare the entrance examination to the graduate school The people around me feel confused and I couldn’t help
    asking myself why Of course Doing Accounting business will bring more Employment
    opportunities than
    psychology but the most complicated and interesting thing in the world for me is persons mind and their
    behavior which psychology is Committed to study So I am
    so fascinated in psychology As born in a teachers
    family I am deeply influenced by my parent’s careers Becoming a teacher is one of my dream when I was a
    child Now I’d like to fashion psychology among the people So everyone can live a
    scientific optimistic
    life guiding by psychology That’s why I decided to choose Psychology Education as my future domain
    Moreover XXX University boasts the excellent teaching faculty and advanced facilities for
    psychology and education Therefore it is definitely the best choice for my postgraduate studies I believe led by
    the distinguished professors and scholars here I’ll go further on psychology education
    studies and contribute to
    psychology education Thank you so much again for giving me the chance for this interview
    参考范文四 :
    Good morning distinguished professors
    I am glad to be here for this interview OK allow me introduce myself My name is *** 24 I come from ****** the capital of*******Province
    I graduated from the ******* department of*****University in July 2011In the past two
    years I have been
    preparing for the postgraduate examination while I have been …and I was… Now all my hard work has got a
    result since I have a chance to be interview by you
    I am openminded quick in thought and very fond of history In my spare time I have broad interests like
    many other younger I like reading books especially those about *******Frequently I
    exchange with other people

    by making comments on Weibo In addition during my college years I was once a Netbar technician So I have
    a comparative good command of network application I am able to operate the computer
    well I am a football fan
    for years Italian team is my favoriteAnyway I feel great pity for our national team
    I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning Of course if I
    am given a
    chance to study ****** in this famous University I will spare no effort to make some achievements in the field

    Good morning professors First of all please allow me to express my appreciation for the opportunity that
    you give me to join this interview
    My name is *** English name Felix I've got my undergraduate education in Beijing
    Foreign Studies
    University Majoring in *** in School of English and International Studies The major for further education that I
    pursue here in Peking university is ***
    During the four years in BFSU I've been given the traditional education on both English
    Literacy and
    Diplomacy which cultivated me to view the world in an international perspective
    I've been foreign teachers' assistant for about three years and learnt to communicate with them and understand
    their way to think and act This experience gives me much deeper understanding of different cultures
    I served as volunteers for many events held by the government and other organizations such as Fortune
    Global Forum 2005 and EuroAsian Conference organized by the Ministry of
    Communications Thanks to those
    experiences I used my knowledge in real foreign affairs and increased my abilities in related aspects
    No matter how much the life in BFSU brought to me I've been thinking for really a long time about studying
    something else after graduation as the lifelong direction of study and profession After analyzing all the factors
    that intrigue me and inspire me I've chosen a major which contains the factors of both passion and rationality
    This major is Media Management
    I really appreciate it if you could consider my application If I could have the honor to study here I promise
    that I would never fail your expectation I'll try my best to study and learn as much as I
    could so as to make

    contribution to the society and our country 介绍时会词句子: 形容性词
    able 干干 adaptable 适应性强 active 动活跃 aggressive 进取心 ambitious 雄心壮志 amiable 蔼亲 amicable 友 analytical 善分析 apprehensive 理解力
    aspiring 志气抱负 audacious 险精神 capable 力 careful 办理仔细 candid 正直 competent 胜 constructive 建设性 cooperative 合作精神 creative 富创造力 dedicated 奉献精神 dependable diplomatic 老练策 disciplined 守纪律 dutiful 职 welleducated 受良教
    育 efficient 效率 energetic 精力充沛
    expressivity 善表达 faithful 守信忠诚 frank 直率真诚
    generous 宽宏量 genteel 教养 gentle 礼貌 humorous 幽默
    impartial 公正 independent 见 industrious 勤奋 ingenious 独创性
    motivated 目明确 intelligent 理解力强 learned 精通某门学问 logical 条理分明 methodical 方法 modest 谦虚 objective 客观 precise 丝苟 punctual 严守时刻 elastic 实事求 responsible 负责 sensible 明白事理 sporting 光明正 steady 踏实 systematic 系统
    purposeful 意志坚强 sweettempered 性情温 temperate 稳健 tireless 孜孜 倦
    1 The majorsubjects I learned in my university is computer science I specialized in software engineering and
    2 I am now working for XXX Company as a
    3 I just finished my studies in university with my major in I am about to receive my bachelor's degree
    in major
    4 The major area of my study is and I wish to continue my studies in this area (Field of study)
    科生(undergraduate)研究生(graduate student) 学位(degree)学士学位(bachelor's
    位(master's degree)文聘(diploma)证书(certificate)职业学校(vocational school) 等学历(associate
    degree) 名词搭配动词:attendcompleteobtainreceive
    5I am from Harbin the capital city of Heilongjiang province(It is the major
    city in province)It is very famous for it's
    6achievement挖掘历(intern实生)academic scorescholarship

    7I have some practical experience in this area
    8 I do very well in mathematics
    open mindedI am very found of history I work very well with others
    常规问题: 什喜欢学校? 什决定学专业? The reason for my choice
    is that I am deeply impressed by the learning atmosphere I look forward to my further studies in your
    school and I appreciate your considering me as one o
    Q and A session ( 考官提问)

    1Q How do you plan to study for your graduate programme
    A In my opinion the study method is of great importance for research So firstly I will choose
    a certain
    approach in my study area with your guidance Then I will draw a pragmatic Research plan and time
    schedule I hope I can form a systematical view of my major Thirdly I will make myself be familiar with
    the latest development of this area by reading books and journals I do hope I will get somewhere in this
    If necessary I will continue my research and study to earn the doctor’ s degreePHD
    although I am a girl
    2 Q As we learn from your resume registration form the major of your undergraduate study is …Why do you
    change your major
    3 Q Do you have any questions for us
    事方物件 Personevents places objects 常规问题解决道: 问题:
    例问 Who is the person you admire most and explain why include details and explanations
    Talented tolerant considerate
    These reasons above make me think my mother is the person I admire most and she has had such an influence

    on me that I want to become the best as the best can be
    Mother 作语面加题目干原状语句引出 123 概括原
    A good teacher makes herself available to all students however knows which students need extra
    A good teacher is an effective communicator however who knows when she needs to change her
    communicating techniques to be sure students can grasp instructional concepts
    A good teacher allows students to ask questions however does not answer questions without drawing
    from other students' learning experience first
    A good teacher has classroom rules and procedures which help students know what is expected from them
    and how the students can help themselves
    Agood teacher encourages cooperation and sets an example with other students and faculty
    Agood teacher respects all students and encourages good performance
    Demonstrate an empathy with student thinking anticipate misconceptions and allow students to develop
    understanding in a variety of ways
    Observe students in class for signs that they are failing to keep up are bored or are not understanding
    Show flexibility in responding to student needs
    Genuinely want students to learn understand and develop critical thinking abilities as well as master
    content or learn skills
    Encourage students to take an active role in working through difficulties and take time to work through
    concepts in detail with those who have difficulties

    Teachers who show enthusiasm for subject professional area and teaching role motivate students as they
    look forward to coming to that class
    Highly effective teachers are viewed as easy going relaxed with an open manner This brings a
    relaxed atmosphere to the classroom
    Communicate effectively
    Are resourceful and positive and adopt a problemsolving approach
    Are creative and imaginative and have an open attitude to change
    A LIFE TIME This must be a philosophy of a good teacher Shehe should be patient and
    kind flexible
    and resourceful tolerant and open minded with a good sense of humor Enthusiastic and enjoys teaching
    should be honest imaginative and creative Efficient Selfdisciplined Helpful Humble and
    modest Leader
    Have a vision Effective leaders and their organizations have an agenda A vision A vision is a direction—an
    attractive and attainable picture of the future As a leader if you don't know where you are going you are
    irrelevant to you followers With a vision you can inspire and lift individuals and groups to new
    heights—an important function of any leader The visionary process is made up of fundamentally three
    steps discovering the vision disseminating the vision and finally driving the vision forward
    Seize opportunity Look for experiences that are new and different Develop relationships with people who are
    different from the people you ordinarily have relationships with especially those that come from different
    backgrounds and age groups See movies and plays read books and visit museums These will broaden
    your outlook and develop a deeper well from which to draw from We must learn to observe closely and
    accuratelyAbove all we must stay comfortable with not knowing but finding out

    Learn to delegate Only do what can’t be done by someone else Reward results
    Communication is key Be accessible to everyone in the organization Companies need to
    realize that the old
    model of the leaders sitting on top of the pyramid and the managers executing orders does not work in
    today’s environment The person at the top cannot be the only leader There have to be
    various people
    within the company acting in this role There are many companies stuck in a rut where the managers are
    waiting to be told what to do That doesn’t work
    Be proactive Promote continuous exploration of yourself and other leaders within the organization Be
    accountable for what you do If there is an issue in the company don’t say you didn’t know anything about it
    Look at the organization and constantly ask what can be improved
    A business leader has to keep her organization focused on the mission That sounds easy but it can be
    tremendously challenging in today’s competitive and everchanging business environment
    A leader also
    has to motivate potential partners to join the cause
    ——Meg Whitman (MBA79) President and CEO eBay Event
    室 书听音乐 户外 运动公园 传统风俗题
    美德 谦虚 节日 春节 职业抱负 回忆录 休闲娱乐题 读书
    书名作者定语句动语态 吸引容时间序果序 启示
    老海 The Old Man and the Sea

    When I have time I read books My favorite book is the Old Man and the Sea which is written by Ernest
    Hemingway one of the greatest American writers
    The book told us a story about an old man called Diego who did fishing in Cuba Though he came across
    lots of difficulties on the sea and came back without a single fish he was optimistic and still held the hope
    Diego is like a mirror which reflects what Hemingway wanted to tell all of us Never give up and the
    final success will come right after the last try I’ve stuck on that wisdom all the time ever since I read this
    book for that story makes me believe there is no stronger thing ever than a strong human belief
    介绍听音乐处 (123)
    Hero Mariah Carey Relaxing and comforting Ease my pressure on study
    Learn how to sing an English song
    Inspiring gives me so much strength that I need when I am facing up with any difficulty in my entire life
    Music is a worldwide language without any translation by listening to the music we can share our emotions
    with different people around the world What else can we say about music
    Classic Mozart Chopin
    Pop music RapHip hopHeavy metal
    Operas and musicals Cats the Phantom of the Opera Notre Dame de Paris
    美德 美德什
    处 123
    总结深化谈影响 谦虚美德

    做听众 长处补短处

    Modest and humble
    A good listener with tolerance only welleducated people can show tolerant to others and understand
    different opinions
    Always see the best sides of and learn something from others With modest and humble we can make progress everyday Virtues
    Easy going and down to earth Environmental protector Animal protection advocate
    节日题 春节
    春节(笔记) 春节时间形式 家团圆包饺子包完饺子放鞭炮全家祝福年 团圆根祝福风俗
    时间描述动作连贯 意义阐释体现亲情
    Spring Festival Chinese Lunar New Year compared with Christmas in western countries Family get together make dumplings sit around the table toast to each other make a wish for the coming
    year wish everybody good luck
    Means a lot the whole world to Chinese people
    Other Festivals
    Midautumn Day
    Family reunion
    Mooncakes like a moon representing the family reunion in Chinese traditional means
    点 名胜古迹
    In the city you live which part is your favorite Which park or public area do you usually go Introduce your favorite area in your city
    What place you never visited before you want to visit most

    Places like
    Summer Palace
    Forbidden City Sample answer Summer Palace
    It is one of the finest sights in the city The summer palace is an immense park that attracts people from all
    around the world to see it The park used to be a summer residence for emperors empresses and their families
    The park is divided into four sections court reception residences temples and strolling or sightseeing areas
    The Forbidden City (Imperial Palace)
    In the heart of Beijing it is the largest and most complete imperial palace and ancient building complex in
    China and the world at large Its construction began in 1406 and was completed 14 years
    later having a history so
    far of some 580 years Twentyfour emperors from the Ming and Qing (16441911)
    dynasties lived and ruled
    China from there Most of the buildings in the Forbidden City were rebuilt many times although they maintained
    the original architectural style
    Meanings of both of them
    Records the history path to tell us the legends of our ancestors especially good for our young people to get
    familiar with our past
    Symbols of Chinese traditional and rich culture The traditional constructions tell the intelligence of our great
    It stands there to make us understand our past what we must do are to absorb the essence and discard the
    Object 物体(重性珍贵性性)
    Magazine Novel and Poem
    Economist 济学 Harvard Business Review 哈佛商业评
    New Yorker 纽约客 Readers’Digest 读者
    Times 时代周刊 London Book Review 伦敦书评
    Newsweek 新闻周刊
    ScientificAmerican 科学美国
    Elle Cosmo politician Bazaar

    出版周期长态度观点突出 Long Periodicals Pointy attitude

    Certain fixed loyal reader groups
    重复阅读性保持价值 Strong readability and the value of storage
    高品质 Paper and pictures in high quality
    提高口语必背 26 句型:
    1 So + 形容词 + be + 词 + that + 句子 (致) 例 So precious is time that we can’t afford to waste it 时间珍贵起浪费
    2Adj + as + Subject(词)+ be S + V(然)
    例句:Rich as our country is the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory
    **by no means in no way on no account 点 然国家富生活品质绝令满意
    3The + ~er + S + V ~~~ the + ~er + S + V
    The + more + 形 + S + V ~~~ the + more + 形 + S + V ~~~(愈愈) 例句:The harder you work the more progress you make 愈努力愈进步
    The more books we read the more learned we become 书读愈愈学问
    4 By +Ving ~~ can ~~ (着够) 例句:By taking exercise we can always stay healthy 着做运动够始终保持健康
    5 On no account can we + V ~~~ (绝) 例句:On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge 绝忽略知识价值
    6 The reason why + 句子 ~~~ is that + 句子 (原)
    例句:The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can provide us with fresh air

    7 Nothing is + ~~~ er than to + V
    Nothing is + more + 形容词 + than to + V
    例句:Nothing is more interesting than to read books
    8An advantage of ~~~ is that + 句子 (优点)
    例句:An advantage of using the solar energy is that it wont create (produce) any pollution
    9 There is no denying that + S + V (否认)
    例句:There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from good to better
    否认生活品质已日渐臻善 没读书更意思事
    10 There is no one but ~~~ (没)
    例There is no one but longs to have some sincere friends

    11 be + forcedcompelledobliged + to + V ()
    例句:Since the examination is around the corner I am compelled to give up playing computer games
    12 It is conceivable that + 句子 (想知)
    It is obvious that + 句子 (明显)
    It is apparent that + 句子 (显然)
    例句:It is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life
    13 For the past + 时间…+ 现完成式(年直)
    例句:For the past few years musicsportsreading has played a key role in my daily life
    14 Since + S + 式S + 现完成式
    例句:Since I read Hemingway when I was 19 I have been attracted by his witty and charming way of writing
    especially his Iceberg Theory
    19 岁年开始读海明威智慧富魅力写作手法吸引特
    15 be closely related to ~~ (息息相关) 例句:Taking exercise is closely related to health 做运动健康息息相关
    16 Due toOwing toThanks to + NVing ~~~ () 例句:Thanks to his encouragement I finally realized my dream

    Leave much to be desired (令满意)
    例句:The condition of our trafficenvironment leaves much to be desired
    18 …have a great influence on ~~~ (影响) 例句 Stayup has a great influence on our health 熬夜健康影响
    do good to (益)do harm to (害) 例句:Reading does good to our mind读书心灵益
    Overwork does harm to health工作度健康害
    20 Pose a great threat to ~~ (造成威胁) 例句:Pollution poses a great threat to our existence 污染生存造成威胁
    21 do one’s utmost to + V do one’s best (全力)

    例句:We should do our utmost to achieve our goal in life
    22 It pays to + V ~~~ (值)
    例句:It pays to help others since what you have done may not only help someone who is in difficulty but also
    get a friend as well
    23 be based on (基础)
    The friendship is based on sincerity

    Whether you can speak deeply upon an issue is based on what you know about this matter and how many
    related books and resources you have seen
    问题法深入否取决问题认知度少相关书籍资 料
    24 Spare no effort to + V (遗余力)
    We should spare no effort to protect our cultural legacy especially those old buildings which can tell us the
    ancient legends
    25 bring home to + + 事 (明白事)
    We should bring home to young people the value of keeping our own traditions and culture
    26 Get into the habit of + Ving make it a rule to + V (养成惯)
    We should get into the habit of keeping good hours
    应该养成早睡早起惯 问问题:
    Educational background
    1Are you with a job or are you studying
    2What’s your major Why do you choose it as your major
    3What do you learn from the major
    4What are the main courses subjects you should learn
    5What do you like dislike of your major
    6Is there anything you don’t like about your studies
    7How do you like your major
    8 What do you like most about your studies
    9 How do you like your life in the people's university
    10 What do you think of the training you got in the university
    11What is your plan after graduation

    1What is the most special building in your hometown
    2What does it look like
    3What is the history of your hometown
    4What are the people like in your hometown
    5What kind of food and dishes do people eat in your hometown
    6Can you describe the street in your hometown
    7Where do you live
    8Whether Chinese people are very rich now
    9 Do you like your hometown and tell me why or why not
    10 Do you think your hometown is a good place for a young person to live
    11What is the climate like in your hometown
    12 How would you compare the climate in your hometown with other cities
    13What’re the advantages and disadvantages of the weather in your hometown
    14What’s your favorite weather in your hometown Spare time & Hobby
    1What do people do in their spare time
    2What do you like to do in your spare time (What’s your hobby Why)
    3Do you think spare time is important to you Why
    4Do you like doing these things with a group of friends or by yourself (Do you like to be with a group of people or alone when you're free)
    5How do you spend your weekends
    6Is it dangerous for people to spend too much time on hobbies
    7How did you become interested in your hobby
    8Do you think hobbies are beneficial to social life (What benefits do hobbies have on a person's life)
    9What’s the interest advantage
    10Why do people like to watch games
    11What is the most important thing at your weekend Is the weekend of two days enough
    12What's your definition of a hobby
    Can you tell me something about your family What do your family members do for a living
    2 What do you and your family like to do together
    1 Do you like watching films
    2 What kind of movies do you like What type of films do your friends like What kind of films does the people
    who as old as you like
    3 Do you often go to the cinematheatre Which cinema do you often go to

    4 Who’s your favorite film star Can you describe himher to me
    10 What qualities do you think are important for a successful or good film
    There are many good films such as Gone with the Wind Sound of Music I think these films are successful
    because the noble ideas and tender sentiments are really able to touch the heart of the
    audience So for a good film
    the plot the skill of the director the performance of actors and actress are all important factors In addition to the
    talent of a director and a movie star a film’s social message is of great importance too
    Such as marriage divorce
    children and money they are always true to life Besides I think the script plays a big part of a film Without a
    good script even if the director the leading actor and actress are firstrate the film can’t
    possibly be firstrate If a
    story is too shallow the film stars won’t have any chance to show their talent Also people such as supporting
    actors and actresses cameramen and composers are important too
    Describe the most unforgettablerecent success in your life
    You should say What it is When and where did you do it How did you get it Why it is important for you
    I would like to tell you something about my excellent diploma project In March this year I
    started to prepare
    for my diploma project The grade of the diploma project was very important for me to apply for the University of
    Sydney so I must try my best to do it well At that time my buddy and I were practicing in the Great Wall
    Securities Company of Shenzhen so our tutor suggested us to develop a System of
    Internet Stocks Analysis
    However our major was Computer Science and we didn’t know a little about securities so it was a great attempt
    and challenge to us At first I had no confidence but my parents and my tutor all encouraged me As is a common
    saying that Could you see the rainbow without experiencing the rainstorm I understood that it was necessary to
    experience a certain difficulty on the way to success So I made up my mind to grasp the nettle Then I went to the
    Book Shopping Center went to the library and surfed the Internet to collect information It took me a month to

    read a great number of books and some famous softwares taking the essence and discarding the dregs The
    process of developing software was filled with not only difficulty but also delight We had
    no experience in
    developing software so we had to do everything gropingly During this time our tutor gave much good advice to
    us With her great help and our great effort we overcame the main difficulty at last We
    were very excited and felt
    on top of the world Through hard working for two months we completed the System of
    Internet Stocks Analysis
    in the end The competitive examination was another difficulty Four learned professors continually put complex
    questions to me At the beginning I was quite nervous But I had profound understanding
    on my diploma project
    so soon I was composed myself and answered every question carefully Finally the professors were satisfied with
    smile Fortunately my diploma project got a grade of excellent The process of getting
    success was very
    unforgettableAnd I knew that the hard working and the strong will are the most important things to success
    (Pig I would like to tell you something about my excellent thesis In March this year I
    started to prepare for
    my thesis The grade of the thesis was very important for me to apply for the University of
    Sydney so I must try my
    best to do it well My topic was about the cost of the law that means to analyze the law through economic method
    It was a great attempt and challenge to me because my major was Law and I didn’t know
    much about Economics
    However as is a common saying that Could you see the rainbow without experiencing the rainstorm I
    understood that it was necessary to experience a certain difficulty on the way to success
    So I made up my mind to
    grasp the nettle Then I went to the Book Shopping Center went to the library and surfed the Internet to collect
    information It took me a month to read a great number of books and some famous
    dissertations taking the essence
    and discarding the dregs When I had a clear idea I started writing During this time my tutor and my mother gave
    much good advice to me With their great help I completed the thesis at last The
    competitive examination was
    another difficulty Three learned professors continually put complex questions to me At the beginning I was quite

    nervous But I had profound understanding on my thesis so soon I was composed myself and answered every
    question carefully Finally the professors were satisfied with smile Fortunately my thesis
    got a grade of excellent
    The process of getting success was very unforgettable And I knew that the hard working and the strong will are the
    most important things to success)
    Education School
    1What kind of teaching material do you think is a good one Is it necessary to improve the teaching
    2 What do you think of the popularity of English in China
    I think it's the inevitable I mean the world is getting closer and closer so it's inevitable that the world begins
    to use a common language That means you can get a larger range of knowledge if you
    understand English If you
    want to do well in business you should at least know a little English Some of the best industries in the future will
    be involved in the international trade so if you are good at English you will have more and
    better opportunities
    Therefore the popularity of English in China is really for practical reasons
    3 How can education be reformed to meet the future challenges
    I think that we should pay more attention to the higher education That means the government should put a
    great deal of money on the improvement of the facilities in the university and allocate
    more funds on the
    academic research We should attract better professors to enhance the quality of education Moreover I think there
    should be more opportunities for longdistance learning programs from various universities
    around the world so
    that manyChinese can get the benefit of overseas education without traveling so far to other countries
    1What was your favorite story in your childhood
    It is an interesting question Let me see In my childhood the story the wolf is coming
    impressed me It’s
    about a little shepherd who always told a lie that the wolf was coming so at last his sheep were all bitten by the
    wolf This story will affect me all my life It reminds me that we should be honest and

    2What is the most memorable thing in your childhood
    I remember that when I was young one day I went out by myself and got lost When I was helpless an old
    man gave me a favor and sent me home It impressed me deeply And I often tell to myself that I should try my
    best to help others Festival
    What do you do during the spring festival
    I usually spend the time with my parents We eat delicious food visit family and friends and watch TV to
    welcome the New Year I also like to try and contact my school friends and see how they're
    doing and what they're
    up to We give presents each other and we buy ourselves new clothes to wear for the New
    Year Music
    What role do you think music play in our life
    Just as other kinds of art music has become an indispensable part of human civilization It brings us
    nutritious spiritual food and enriches our leisure life In addition music can elicit the imagination of us And it
    teaches us how to distinguish beauty from the nature Listening to the music I am sure you will soon be refreshed
    from a day’s hard worke a clean and safe work place TV programs
    How does the TV set change in China Compared to ten years ago and how will it develop Ten years ago Chinese TV set’s manufacture mostly depended on foreign technique so if the people had
    enough money they would like to buy imported TV because Chinese TV was really not so
    good in quality
    However now Chinese TV set is not only low in price and good in quality deeply loved by
    Chinese people but
    also is exported to many foreign countries and gain high evaluation From this we can see that today the
    manufacturing technique of Chinese TV set has made great progresses and even formed
    its own characteristic
    such as digital TV set And I think in the future ten years web TV will be developed gradually Internet will be
    brought in to the TV or endow TV the function of Internet and people can even use TV to
    get on line

    What kind of person you dislike
    I dislike the person who has the following shortcomings He often deceives others and speaks of other’s evils
    or boasts of his own merits In addition he makes more friends with those who can offer
    help The friendship
    often breaks up if the friends are of no use to him I am sick of this kind of person
    例题:(选 iBIT 新托福考试口语试题)
    1Does TV have the positive or negative effect on the modern society Choose one and explain why
    Idiot box
    Overindulgent in watching TV will cause such symptoms like eye irritation obesity and dizziness
    Poor sight
    Watching TV will have a bad influence on children and younger generations both physically and
    Poor sight
    2 Obesity
    Coach Potato Psychologically Isolation Loneness
    Too much adult materials like violence and crime
    2Do you think the high school should teach music and art as other basic science Explain why
    Music teaches us not only how to sing but also the rhythm which is fascinating and useful Learn how to appreciate the arts like music songs operas and exhibitions and shows The appreciation of beauty
    3Do you think using mobile phone should be banned in some certain place Explain why
    Places like airport and gas station in case there is anything dangerous happens
    Places like classroom library music hall cinema and theatre Simply because we will disturb others when the
    places are supposed to be quite
    Places like hospital using mobile phone will disturb the peace and interrupt the patience

    4Which one acts more influence on you newspaper TV or people like your teachers parents or classmates
    Explain why
    Good characterspersonalitiesqualities
    Learn a lot from newspaperTV
    5Do you think government should sponsor to build up museum and theatre Give reasons and details to
    support your opinion
    (Aor B) Yes
    Building museum and theatre will promote city image
    Along with the city image promotion museum and theatre will contribute to the cultural diversity
    Besides it provides another place for recreation for people to go
    Also it helps teach children to get familiar with diversified culture like Greek and Roman
    The government should attach the importance of the development of economy
    Not necessaryAccessible and convenient internet
    Together with the economical development people are able to travel to the places like
    Paris Rome and
    Greece to see the places of interest in person and visit the theatre and listen to opera
    6Do you prefer eating at home or eating out and explain why (A over B) Eating at home is much better than eating out in the following aspects
    Alot cheaper more nutritious than to eat out which does good to our health
    Good for family since when we are around table taking about something happened during the day it is the
    happiest moment in the whole day
    However eating out will provide you with different choices which means you can have something Italian or
    All in all due toowing to the reasons that I’ve stated above make me eat at home a lot
    7Do you prefer to study in a big city or a small one and explain why (A over B)
    I would like to study in a big city rather than a small one with the following reasons Big citydiversified culture
    Big cityadvanced and developed equipment and study materials
    Big citydifferent friends coming from different cultural backgrounds
    8Do you prefer to live alone or live with a roommate Explain why

    Living alone
    More private space that I can do anything I want anytime
    I will be more independent like I can learn how to arrange my life from food to laundry Living with a roommate
    Learn a lot about how to get along with each other like taking care of other people
    Share laughter and sadness with him or her
    9Should the universities and colleges open to every student or just a part of students Explain why
    Every student has the right to receive higher education to pursue a fancy job and better life especially to those
    who are poor but very intelligent and diligent
    It is the obligation of the universities and colleges that open to every student as education is supposed to treat
    every human being equal
    Making possible that every student can be accessible to the higher education contributes to the development of
    our society like science and technology and economy
    10Whether parents should lead their children to watch TV or the children should choose what they want to
    watch by themselves Explain why
    Parents should lead their children to watch TV
    Children are too naïve to tell the difference between good and evil when they are facing
    TV which is full
    of flooded with adult materials like violence and crime
    Children are too young to arrange their timetable They need the guidance of parents
    Besides the current and urgent topic for them is to concentrate on study too much
    TVwatching will
    disturb their study and come up with bad marks
    11Should schools open up music class Explain why Yes
    Enrich the curriculum
    Singing a song is fascinating and happy Enhance the study efficiency (higher efficiency)
    Music teaches rhythm which does good to our future Learn to appreciate beauty
    12Do you prefer to study in class or selftaught Explain why

    Study in class
    Classmates discussion debating makes us understand a topic deeply since if you want to persuade someone
    you have to provide sufficient and enough reasons
    Teachers guiding and helping Whenever I come across a difficulty I can discuss with my teacher
    In the light of my own interests without the compulsory but quite boring subject Master more for the study is more direct
    13Is attending colleges easier to be successful in career than not Explain why
    Attending colleges makes us study more knowledge specially to make sure we understand more about the
    More knowledge offers us skills and talents to deal with the problems that may appear in our future
    When we are at work the urgent and important topic we must face is how to solve the problems and the
    solutions to those problems can be settled by not only professional knowledge but also wisdom which will be
    nourished by the knowledge we’ve got from colleges
    14Do you prefer indoor activities or outdoor activities in your spare time Explain why Indoor activities
    Reading a book读书题
    Listening to music or opera 听音乐题
    Watching DVDs Outdoor activities
    Jogging tennis basketball football
    Hang out with friends like going to a bar restaurant cafe or karaoke
    Go shopping
    Enjoy the sunshine more fresh air happy with friends
    15 When people take a journey some prefer to arrive at the destination fast and directly others prefer to
    enjoy the scenery along the road which one do you prefer Explain your thoughts with
    Get to the destination directly and fast for the following reasons

    Purpose is the destination we should have a good rest on the journey and save our energy
    Arriving at our destination directly is the most efficient way to go spending too much time
    on the journey is
    a kind of waste of time though there may be some beautiful scenes along the road
    16Do you think it is necessary to keep the old buildings in the city Why or why not Explain your ideas
    with details
    19th January People say that childhood is the best time in one person’s life Do you agree or disagree with
    the statement Explain your ideas with details and examples Yes
    Not so much pressure compared with adulthood we can play around the whole day without worrying about the
    We are young and naïve believing anything under the sun is good and beautiful
    17Some get advice from family and friends others learn it through personal experience which one do you
    prefer Explain your own thoughts with examples and details Friends and family
    Advice from friends Friends who are older than us are experienced and they can give some suggestions
    derived from their experience Sometimes learning from others is wiser than learning from the same mistakes
    made by us since in that case we can take some precautious methods to prevent anything wrong
    Some say parents are our first teachers What they’ve said to us and tell us do good to our present and future
    We should be all ears to them
    As a wise person is to learn something from the mistakes made by others rather than to make them in person
    18Do you agree or disagree with the statement that students should wear uniform in school Explain your
    own thoughts in details Yes
    Uniform is a symbol of a student
    Wearing uniform contributes a lot to the discipline of the students

    Wearing uniform gives a student a sense of school belonging and do good to their focus on study
    19 Do you think that our life is easier than our grandparents or more difficult Explain your
    own thoughts in details
    Not exactly
    Along with the improved living standard we are facing up with more pressure from our peers and society
    which requires us to be equipped with more advanced knowledge and challenges us more
    More challenges more risks and more pressure
    Interview inspired by intelligence (基面试道)1
    SelfIntroduction (介绍)
    Q andAsession ( 考官提问)


    (Lecture note for the second round test of NGEE )

    Main tasks
    1 Cracking your pronunciation barriers
    2 Broadening your independent topic horizons
    3 Guaranteeing your listening test bottom line
    Interview inspired by intelligence (基面试道)
    What is Interviewing
    An interview IS A meeting in order to get to know each other A conversation about possibilities An
    opportunity to present yourself optimallyAn interview is NOTA life or death situation
    A one way streetAnd
    yet It is an artificial And You will be judged from the first minute 研究生英语复试口语测试重点:

    1 pronunciation

    2 vocabulary

    3 grammar
    4influency and coherence (流利连贯)

    Body language is important Marabian myth

    Body Language 55

    vocal part 38

    The effectiveness of communication
    You find a mirror and you adopt that stance You make sure you get all the details right Make a check list
    But bear in your mind avoiding being
    too aggressive with too much body language Confidence is the utmost factor

    Speak with conviction as if you really believe in what you are saying Persuade your audience effectively
    If your test comprises the reading passage part value it with great emphasis
    SelfIntroduction (介绍) 参考范文:
    Good morning afternoon distinguished professors
    My name is *** an English major from ***University Thank you for having me here
    I’m an optimistic person outward easygoing and rich in curiosity
    Because of my keen interest in journalism and writing I have been an editor of the English
    Journal of my
    department for two years and have published several articles on local newspapers As an
    English major I’ve
    listened to and read quite an amount of news and articles published by the foreign media At first I considered it

    as just a way of improving my English but later I was shocked by the bad image of China presented by the foreign
    media I couldn’t help asking myself why Of course China is not perfect but why they
    even criticize what we are
    proud of Thereafter I searched for articles and books relevant to this topic and discussed it with my teachers and
    friends I think the problem lies in that they don’t really understand China Our culture
    customs way of thinking
    and life are alien to them so it is necessary for Chinese people and media to introduce our country to the world in
    an effective and proper way As a college student majored in foreign languages I think I’m
    in a favorable place to
    promote communications between China and the outside world That’s why I decided to choose international
    journalism and communication as my future domain Moreover Beijing Foreign Studies
    University is my dream
    place for years It boasts the best teaching faculty and facilities for learning foreign languages and the best
    platform for doing further researches concerning international problems Therefore BFSU
    is definitely the first
    and best choice for my postgraduate studies I believe led by the distinguished professors and scholars here I’ll
    go further on international communication studies and contribute to improving China’s
    image to some extent in
    the future Thank you so much again for giving me the chance for this interview

    Good morning distinguished professors
    I’m glad to be here for this interview My name is XXXX and my English name is Vivian I’m an optimistic
    person warmhearted easygoing and rich in curiosity In my spare time I like reading books listening to music
    watching movies and kicking shuttlecock I come from Chong Qing a beautiful mountainous city famous for its
    hot pot I am a student of Chinese Language and Literature Department of Sichuan
    International Studies
    University which is located at the foot of Geleshan I like Chong Qing very much but I
    decided to come to
    Beijing without any hesitate
    I have keen interest in language and I choose linguistic testing as my future domain Beijing Language and Culture University has been my dream place for years cause it boasts the best teaching

    faculty and facilities for studying and the best platform for doing researches concerning language Therefore
    BLCU is definitely the first and best choice for my postgraduate studies I believe led by
    the distinguished
    professors and scholars here I’ll go further on language studies and contribute to linguistic testing Thank you so
    much again for giving me the chance for this interview
    参考范文三 :
    Good morning afternoon distinguished professors
    My name is XXX Thank you for having me here I’m an optimistic person outward easygoing and rich
    in curiosity Although coming from XXX university’s international accounting major I have keen interest in
    psychology I spent my spare time in the library reading books on psychology when I was an undergraduate
    student After the graduation I was employed as an auditor in an accounting firm But I decided to quit and
    prepare the entrance examination to the graduate school The people around me feel confused and I couldn’t help
    asking myself why Of course Doing Accounting business will bring more Employment opportunities than
    psychology but the most complicated and interesting thing in the world for me is persons mind and their
    behavior which psychology is Committed to study So I am so fascinated in psychology As born in a teachers
    family I am deeply influenced by my parent’s careers Becoming a teacher is one of my dream when I was a
    child Now I’d like to fashion psychology among the people So everyone can live a scientific optimistic
    life guiding by psychology That’s why I decided to choose Psychology Education as my future domain
    Moreover XXX University boasts the excellent teaching faculty and advanced facilities for learning
    psychology and education Therefore it is definitely the best choice for my postgraduate studies I believe led by
    the distinguished professors and scholars here I’ll go further on psychology education studies and contribute to
    psychology education Thank you so much again for giving me the chance for this interview
    参考范文四 :

    Good morning distinguished professors
    I am glad to be here for this interview OK allow me introduce myself My name is *** 24 I come from ****** the capital of*******Province
    I graduated from the ******* department of*****University in July 2011In the past two years I have been
    preparing for the postgraduate examination while I have been …and I was… Now all my hard work has got a
    result since I have a chance to be interview by you
    I am openminded quick in thought and very fond of history In my spare time I have broad interests like
    many other younger I like reading books especially those about *******Frequently I
    exchange with other people
    by making comments on Weibo In addition during my college years I was once a Netbar technician So I have
    a comparative good command of network application I am able to operate the computer
    well I am a football fan
    for years Italian team is my favoriteAnyway I feel great pity for our national team
    I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning Of course if I
    am given a
    chance to study ****** in this famous University I will spare no effort to make some achievements in the field

    Good morning professors First of all please allow me to express my appreciation for the opportunity that
    you give me to join this interview
    My name is *** English name Felix I've got my undergraduate education in Beijing
    Foreign Studies
    University Majoring in *** in School of English and International Studies The major for further education that I
    pursue here in Peking university is ***
    During the four years in BFSU I've been given the traditional education on both English
    Literacy and
    Diplomacy which cultivated me to view the world in an international perspective
    I've been foreign teachers' assistant for about three years and learnt to communicate with them and understand
    their way to think and act This experience gives me much deeper understanding of different cultures
    I served as volunteers for many events held by the government and other organizations such as Fortune
    Global Forum 2005 and EuroAsian Conference organized by the Ministry of
    Communications Thanks to those

    experiences I used my knowledge in real foreign affairs and increased my abilities in related aspects
    No matter how much the life in BFSU brought to me I've been thinking for really a long
    time about studying
    something else after graduation as the lifelong direction of study and profession After analyzing all the factors
    that intrigue me and inspire me I've chosen a major which contains the factors of both
    passion and rationality
    This major is Media Management
    I really appreciate it if you could consider my application If I could have the honor to study here I promise
    that I would never fail your expectation I'll try my best to study and learn as much as I
    could so as to make
    contribution to the society and our country 介绍时会词句子: 形容性词
    able 干干 adaptable 适应性强 active 动活跃 aggressive 进取心 ambitious 雄心壮志 amiable 蔼亲 amicable 友 analytical 善分析 apprehensive 理解力
    aspiring 志气抱负 audacious 险精神 capable 力 careful 办理仔细 candid 正直 competent 胜 constructive 建设性 cooperative 合作精神 creative 富创造力 dedicated 奉献精神 dependable diplomatic 老练策 disciplined 守纪律 dutiful 职 welleducated 受良教
    育 efficient 效率 energetic 精力充沛
    expressivity 善表达 faithful 守信忠诚 frank 直率真诚
    generous 宽宏量 genteel 教养 gentle 礼貌 humorous 幽默
    impartial 公正 independent 见 industrious 勤奋 ingenious 独创性
    motivated 目明确 intelligent 理解力强 learned 精通某门学问 logical 条理分明 methodical 方法 modest 谦虚 objective 客观 precise 丝苟 punctual 严守时刻 elastic 实事求 responsible 负责 sensible 明白事理 sporting 光明正 steady 踏实 systematic 系统
    purposeful 意志坚强 sweettempered 性情温 temperate 稳健 tireless 孜孜 倦

    1 The majorsubjects I learned in my university is computer science I specialized in software engineering and
    2 I am now working for XXX Company as a

    3 I just finished my studies in university with my major in I am about to receive my bachelor's degree
    in major
    4 The major area of my study is and I wish to continue my studies in this area (Field of study)
    科生(undergraduate)研究生(graduate student) 学位(degree)学士学位(bachelor's
    位(master's degree)文聘(diploma)证书(certificate)职业学校(vocational school) 等学历(associate
    degree) 名词搭配动词:attendcompleteobtainreceive
    5I am from Harbin the capital city of Heilongjiang province(It is the major
    city in province)It is very famous for it's
    6achievement挖掘历(intern实生)academic scorescholarship
    7I have some practical experience in this area
    8 I do very well in mathematics
    open mindedI am very found of history I work very well with others
    常规问题: 什喜欢学校? 什决定学专业? The reason for my choice
    is that I am deeply impressed by the learning atmosphere I look forward to my further studies in your
    school and I appreciate your considering me as one o
    Q and A session ( 考官提问)

    1Q How do you plan to study for your graduate programme
    A In my opinion the study method is of great importance for research So firstly I will choose
    a certain
    approach in my study area with your guidance Then I will draw a pragmatic Research plan and time
    schedule I hope I can form a systematical view of my major Thirdly I will make myself be familiar with
    the latest development of this area by reading books and journals I do hope I will get somewhere in this
    If necessary I will continue my research and study to earn the doctor’ s degreePHD
    although I am a girl
    2 Q As we learn from your resume registration form the major of your undergraduate study is …Why do you
    change your major

    3 Q Do you have any questions for us
    事方物件 Personevents places objects 常规问题解决道: 问题:
    例问 Who is the person you admire most and explain why include details and explanations
    Talented tolerant considerate
    These reasons above make me think my mother is the person I admire most and she has had such an influence
    on me that I want to become the best as the best can be
    Mother 作语面加题目干原状语句引出 123 概括原
    A good teacher makes herself available to all students however knows which students need extra
    A good teacher is an effective communicator however who knows when she needs to change her
    communicating techniques to be sure students can grasp instructional concepts
    A good teacher allows students to ask questions however does not answer questions without drawing
    from other students' learning experience first
    A good teacher has classroom rules and procedures which help students know what is expected from them
    and how the students can help themselves
    Agood teacher encourages cooperation and sets an example with other students and faculty
    Agood teacher respects all students and encourages good performance
    Demonstrate an empathy with student thinking anticipate misconceptions and allow students to develop
    understanding in a variety of ways

    Observe students in class for signs that they are failing to keep up are bored or are not understanding
    Show flexibility in responding to student needs
    Genuinely want students to learn understand and develop critical thinking abilities as well as master
    content or learn skills
    Encourage students to take an active role in working through difficulties and take time to work through
    concepts in detail with those who have difficulties
    Teachers who show enthusiasm for subject professional area and teaching role motivate students as they
    look forward to coming to that class
    Highly effective teachers are viewed as easy going relaxed with an open manner This brings a
    relaxed atmosphere to the classroom
    Communicate effectively
    Are resourceful and positive and adopt a problemsolving approach
    Are creative and imaginative and have an open attitude to change
    A LIFE TIME This must be a philosophy of a good teacher Shehe should be patient and
    kind flexible
    and resourceful tolerant and open minded with a good sense of humor Enthusiastic and enjoys teaching
    should be honest imaginative and creative Efficient Selfdisciplined Helpful Humble and
    modest Leader
    Have a vision Effective leaders and their organizations have an agenda A vision A vision is a direction—an
    attractive and attainable picture of the future As a leader if you don't know where you are going you are

    irrelevant to you followers With a vision you can inspire and lift individuals and groups to new
    heights—an important function of any leader The visionary process is made up of
    fundamentally three
    steps discovering the vision disseminating the vision and finally driving the vision forward
    Seize opportunity Look for experiences that are new and different Develop relationships
    with people who are
    different from the people you ordinarily have relationships with especially those that come from different
    backgrounds and age groups See movies and plays read books and visit museums These
    will broaden
    your outlook and develop a deeper well from which to draw from We must learn to observe closely and
    accuratelyAbove all we must stay comfortable with not knowing but finding out
    Learn to delegate Only do what can’t be done by someone else Reward results
    Communication is key Be accessible to everyone in the organization Companies need to realize that the old
    model of the leaders sitting on top of the pyramid and the managers executing orders does not work in
    today’s environment The person at the top cannot be the only leader There have to be various people
    within the company acting in this role There are many companies stuck in a rut where the managers are
    waiting to be told what to do That doesn’t work
    Be proactive Promote continuous exploration of yourself and other leaders within the organization Be
    accountable for what you do If there is an issue in the company don’t say you didn’t know
    anything about it
    Look at the organization and constantly ask what can be improved
    A business leader has to keep her organization focused on the mission That sounds easy but it can be
    tremendously challenging in today’s competitive and everchanging business environment A leader also
    has to motivate potential partners to join the cause
    ——Meg Whitman (MBA79) President and CEO eBay Event

    室 书听音乐 户外 运动公园
    传统风俗题 美德 谦虚
    节日 春节 职业抱负
    回忆录 休闲娱乐题
    读书 书名作者定语句动语态
    吸引容时间序果序 启示
    老海 The Old Man and the Sea
    When I have time I read books My favorite book is the Old Man and the Sea which is written by Ernest
    Hemingway one of the greatest American writers
    The book told us a story about an old man called Diego who did fishing in Cuba Though he came across
    lots of difficulties on the sea and came back without a single fish he was optimistic and still held the hope
    Diego is like a mirror which reflects what Hemingway wanted to tell all of us Never give up and the
    final success will come right after the last try I’ve stuck on that wisdom all the time ever since I read this
    book for that story makes me believe there is no stronger thing ever than a strong human belief
    介绍听音乐处 (123)
    Hero Mariah Carey Relaxing and comforting Ease my pressure on study
    Learn how to sing an English song
    Inspiring gives me so much strength that I need when I am facing up with any difficulty in my entire life
    Music is a worldwide language without any translation by listening to the music we can share our emotions
    with different people around the world

    What else can we say about music
    Classic Mozart Chopin
    Pop music RapHip hopHeavy metal
    Operas and musicals Cats the Phantom of the Opera Notre Dame de Paris
    美德 美德什
    处 123
    总结深化谈影响 谦虚美德 做听众 长处补短处 谦虚进步
    Modest and humble
    A good listener with tolerance only welleducated people can show tolerant to others and understand
    different opinions
    Always see the best sides of and learn something from others With modest and humble we can make progress everyday Virtues
    Easy going and down to earth Environmental protector Animal protection advocate
    节日题 春节
    春节(笔记) 春节时间形式 家团圆包饺子包完饺子放鞭炮全家祝福年 团圆根祝福风俗
    时间描述动作连贯 意义阐释体现亲情
    Spring Festival Chinese Lunar New Year compared with Christmas in western countries Family get together make dumplings sit around the table toast to each other make a wish for the coming
    year wish everybody good luck
    Means a lot the whole world to Chinese people
    Other Festivals

    Midautumn Day
    Family reunion
    Mooncakes like a moon representing the family reunion in Chinese traditional means
    点 名胜古迹
    In the city you live which part is your favorite Which park or public area do you usually go Introduce your favorite area in your city
    What place you never visited before you want to visit most Places like
    Summer Palace
    Forbidden City Sample answer Summer Palace
    It is one of the finest sights in the city The summer palace is an immense park that attracts people from all
    around the world to see it The park used to be a summer residence for emperors empresses and their families
    The park is divided into four sections court reception residences temples and strolling or sightseeing areas
    The Forbidden City (Imperial Palace)
    In the heart of Beijing it is the largest and most complete imperial palace and ancient building complex in
    China and the world at large Its construction began in 1406 and was completed 14 years
    later having a history so
    far of some 580 years Twentyfour emperors from the Ming and Qing (16441911)
    dynasties lived and ruled
    China from there Most of the buildings in the Forbidden City were rebuilt many times although they maintained
    the original architectural style
    Meanings of both of them
    Records the history path to tell us the legends of our ancestors especially good for our young people to get
    familiar with our past

    Symbols of Chinese traditional and rich culture The traditional constructions tell the intelligence of our great
    It stands there to make us understand our past what we must do are to absorb the essence and discard the
    Object 物体(重性珍贵性性)
    Magazine Novel and Poem
    Economist 济学 Harvard Business Review 哈佛商业评
    New Yorker 纽约客 Readers’Digest 读者
    Times 时代周刊 London Book Review 伦敦书评
    Newsweek 新闻周刊
    ScientificAmerican 科学美国
    Elle Cosmo politician Bazaar
    出版周期长态度观点突出 Long Periodicals Pointy attitude

    Certain fixed loyal reader groups
    重复阅读性保持价值 Strong readability and the value of storage
    高品质 Paper and pictures in high quality
    提高口语必背 26 句型:
    1 So + 形容词 + be + 词 + that + 句子 (致) 例 So precious is time that we can’t afford to waste it 时间珍贵起浪费
    2Adj + as + Subject(词)+ be S + V(然)
    例句:Rich as our country is the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory
    **by no means in no way on no account 点 然国家富生活品质绝令满意
    3The + ~er + S + V ~~~ the + ~er + S + V
    The + more + 形 + S + V ~~~ the + more + 形 + S + V ~~~(愈愈) 例句:The harder you work the more progress you make 愈努力愈进步
    The more books we read the more learned we become 书读愈愈学问
    4 By +Ving ~~ can ~~ (着够) 例句:By taking exercise we can always stay healthy 着做运动够始终保持健康
    5 On no account can we + V ~~~ (绝) 例句:On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge 绝忽略知识价值
    6 The reason why + 句子 ~~~ is that + 句子 (原)

    例句:The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can provide us with fresh air

    7 Nothing is + ~~~ er than to + V
    Nothing is + more + 形容词 + than to + V
    例句:Nothing is more interesting than to read books
    8An advantage of ~~~ is that + 句子 (优点)
    例句:An advantage of using the solar energy is that it wont create (produce) any pollution
    9 There is no denying that + S + V (否认)
    例句:There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from good to better
    否认生活品质已日渐臻善 没读书更意思事
    10 There is no one but ~~~ (没)
    例There is no one but longs to have some sincere friends
    11 be + forcedcompelledobliged + to + V ()
    例句:Since the examination is around the corner I am compelled to give up playing computer games
    12 It is conceivable that + 句子 (想知)
    It is obvious that + 句子 (明显)
    It is apparent that + 句子 (显然)
    例句:It is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life
    13 For the past + 时间…+ 现完成式(年直)
    例句:For the past few years musicsportsreading has played a key role in my daily life
    14 Since + S + 式S + 现完成式
    例句:Since I read Hemingway when I was 19 I have been attracted by his witty and charming way of writing
    especially his Iceberg Theory
    19 岁年开始读海明威智慧富魅力写作手法吸引特
    15 be closely related to ~~ (息息相关) 例句:Taking exercise is closely related to health 做运动健康息息相关
    16 Due toOwing toThanks to + NVing ~~~ () 例句:Thanks to his encouragement I finally realized my dream

    Leave much to be desired (令满意)
    例句:The condition of our trafficenvironment leaves much to be desired
    18 …have a great influence on ~~~ (影响) 例句 Stayup has a great influence on our health 熬夜健康影响
    do good to (益)do harm to (害) 例句:Reading does good to our mind读书心灵益
    Overwork does harm to health工作度健康害
    20 Pose a great threat to ~~ (造成威胁) 例句:Pollution poses a great threat to our existence 污染生存造成威胁
    21 do one’s utmost to + V do one’s best (全力) 例句:We should do our utmost to achieve our goal in life 应全力达成生目标
    22 It pays to + V ~~~ (值)
    例句:It pays to help others since what you have done may not only help someone who is in difficulty but also
    get a friend as well
    23 be based on (基础)
    The friendship is based on sincerity

    Whether you can speak deeply upon an issue is based on what you know about this matter and how many
    related books and resources you have seen 问题法深入否取决问题认知度少相关书籍资 料
    24 Spare no effort to + V (遗余力)
    We should spare no effort to protect our cultural legacy especially those old buildings which can tell us the
    ancient legends
    25 bring home to + + 事 (明白事)
    We should bring home to young people the value of keeping our own traditions and culture
    26 Get into the habit of + Ving make it a rule to + V (养成惯)
    We should get into the habit of keeping good hours


    Educational background
    1Are you with a job or are you studying
    2What’s your major Why do you choose it as your major
    3What do you learn from the major
    4What are the main courses subjects you should learn
    5What do you like dislike of your major
    6Is there anything you don’t like about your studies
    7How do you like your major
    8 What do you like most about your studies
    9 How do you like your life in the people's university
    10 What do you think of the training you got in the university
    11What is your plan after graduation Hometown
    1What is the most special building in your hometown
    2What does it look like
    3What is the history of your hometown
    4What are the people like in your hometown
    5What kind of food and dishes do people eat in your hometown
    6Can you describe the street in your hometown
    7Where do you live
    8Whether Chinese people are very rich now
    9 Do you like your hometown and tell me why or why not
    10 Do you think your hometown is a good place for a young person to live
    11What is the climate like in your hometown
    12 How would you compare the climate in your hometown with other cities
    13What’re the advantages and disadvantages of the weather in your hometown
    14What’s your favorite weather in your hometown Spare time & Hobby
    1What do people do in their spare time
    2What do you like to do in your spare time (What’s your hobby Why)
    3Do you think spare time is important to you Why
    4Do you like doing these things with a group of friends or by yourself (Do you like to be with a group of people or alone when you're free)
    5How do you spend your weekends
    6Is it dangerous for people to spend too much time on hobbies
    7How did you become interested in your hobby
    8Do you think hobbies are beneficial to social life (What benefits do hobbies have on a person's life)
    9What’s the interest advantage

    10Why do people like to watch games
    11What is the most important thing at your weekend Is the weekend of two days enough
    12What's your definition of a hobby Family
    Can you tell me something about your family What do your family members do for a living
    2 What do you and your family like to do together
    1 Do you like watching films
    2 What kind of movies do you like What type of films do your friends like What kind of films does the people
    who as old as you like
    3 Do you often go to the cinematheatre Which cinema do you often go to
    4 Who’s your favorite film star Can you describe himher to me
    10 What qualities do you think are important for a successful or good film
    There are many good films such as Gone with the Wind Sound of Music I think these films are successful
    because the noble ideas and tender sentiments are really able to touch the heart of the audience So for a good film
    the plot the skill of the director the performance of actors and actress are all important factors In addition to the
    talent of a director and a movie star a film’s social message is of great importance too Such as marriage divorce
    children and money they are always true to life Besides I think the script plays a big part of a film Without a
    good script even if the director the leading actor and actress are firstrate the film can’t possibly be firstrate If a
    story is too shallow the film stars won’t have any chance to show their talent Also people such as supporting
    actors and actresses cameramen and composers are important too
    Describe the most unforgettablerecent success in your life
    You should say What it is When and where did you do it How did you get it Why it is important for you
    I would like to tell you something about my excellent diploma project In March this year I
    started to prepare
    for my diploma project The grade of the diploma project was very important for me to apply for the University of

    Sydney so I must try my best to do it well At that time my buddy and I were practicing in the Great Wall
    Securities Company of Shenzhen so our tutor suggested us to develop a System of
    Internet Stocks Analysis
    However our major was Computer Science and we didn’t know a little about securities so it was a great attempt
    and challenge to us At first I had no confidence but my parents and my tutor all
    encouraged me As is a common
    saying that Could you see the rainbow without experiencing the rainstorm I understood that it was necessary to
    experience a certain difficulty on the way to success So I made up my mind to grasp the
    nettle Then I went to the
    Book Shopping Center went to the library and surfed the Internet to collect information It took me a month to
    read a great number of books and some famous softwares taking the essence and
    discarding the dregs The
    process of developing software was filled with not only difficulty but also delight We had no experience in
    developing software so we had to do everything gropingly During this time our tutor
    gave much good advice to
    us With her great help and our great effort we overcame the main difficulty at last We were very excited and felt
    on top of the world Through hard working for two months we completed the System of
    Internet Stocks Analysis
    in the end The competitive examination was another difficulty Four learned professors continually put complex
    questions to me At the beginning I was quite nervous But I had profound understanding
    on my diploma project
    so soon I was composed myself and answered every question carefully Finally the professors were satisfied with
    smile Fortunately my diploma project got a grade of excellent The process of getting
    success was very
    unforgettableAnd I knew that the hard working and the strong will are the most important things to success
    (Pig I would like to tell you something about my excellent thesis In March this year I
    started to prepare for
    my thesis The grade of the thesis was very important for me to apply for the University of
    Sydney so I must try my
    best to do it well My topic was about the cost of the law that means to analyze the law through economic method
    It was a great attempt and challenge to me because my major was Law and I didn’t know
    much about Economics

    However as is a common saying that Could you see the rainbow without experiencing the rainstorm I
    understood that it was necessary to experience a certain difficulty on the way to success
    So I made up my mind to
    grasp the nettle Then I went to the Book Shopping Center went to the library and surfed the Internet to collect
    information It took me a month to read a great number of books and some famous
    dissertations taking the essence
    and discarding the dregs When I had a clear idea I started writing During this time my tutor and my mother gave
    much good advice to me With their great help I completed the thesis at last The
    competitive examination was
    another difficulty Three learned professors continually put complex questions to me At the beginning I was quite
    nervous But I had profound understanding on my thesis so soon I was composed myself
    and answered every
    question carefully Finally the professors were satisfied with smile Fortunately my thesis got a grade of excellent
    The process of getting success was very unforgettable And I knew that the hard working
    and the strong will are the
    most important things to success)
    Education School
    1What kind of teaching material do you think is a good one Is it necessary to improve the teaching
    2 What do you think of the popularity of English in China
    I think it's the inevitable I mean the world is getting closer and closer so it's inevitable that the world begins
    to use a common language That means you can get a larger range of knowledge if you
    understand English If you
    want to do well in business you should at least know a little English Some of the best industries in the future will
    be involved in the international trade so if you are good at English you will have more and
    better opportunities
    Therefore the popularity of English in China is really for practical reasons
    3 How can education be reformed to meet the future challenges
    I think that we should pay more attention to the higher education That means the government should put a
    great deal of money on the improvement of the facilities in the university and allocate
    more funds on the

    academic research We should attract better professors to enhance the quality of education Moreover I think there
    should be more opportunities for longdistance learning programs from various universities
    around the world so
    that manyChinese can get the benefit of overseas education without traveling so far to other countries
    1What was your favorite story in your childhood
    It is an interesting question Let me see In my childhood the story the wolf is coming
    impressed me It’s
    about a little shepherd who always told a lie that the wolf was coming so at last his sheep were all bitten by the
    wolf This story will affect me all my life It reminds me that we should be honest and
    2What is the most memorable thing in your childhood
    I remember that when I was young one day I went out by myself and got lost When I was helpless an old
    man gave me a favor and sent me home It impressed me deeply And I often tell to myself that I should try my
    best to help others Festival
    What do you do during the spring festival
    I usually spend the time with my parents We eat delicious food visit family and friends and watch TV to
    welcome the New Year I also like to try and contact my school friends and see how they're
    doing and what they're
    up to We give presents each other and we buy ourselves new clothes to wear for the New
    Year Music
    What role do you think music play in our life
    Just as other kinds of art music has become an indispensable part of human civilization It brings us
    nutritious spiritual food and enriches our leisure life In addition music can elicit the imagination of us And it
    teaches us how to distinguish beauty from the nature Listening to the music I am sure you will soon be refreshed
    from a day’s hard worke a clean and safe work place TV programs
    How does the TV set change in China Compared to ten years ago and how will it develop Ten years ago Chinese TV set’s manufacture mostly depended on foreign technique so if the people had

    enough money they would like to buy imported TV because Chinese TV was really not so good in quality
    However now Chinese TV set is not only low in price and good in quality deeply loved by
    Chinese people but
    also is exported to many foreign countries and gain high evaluation From this we can see that today the
    manufacturing technique of Chinese TV set has made great progresses and even formed
    its own characteristic
    such as digital TV set And I think in the future ten years web TV will be developed gradually Internet will be
    brought in to the TV or endow TV the function of Internet and people can even use TV to
    get on line
    What kind of person you dislike
    I dislike the person who has the following shortcomings He often deceives others and speaks of other’s evils
    or boasts of his own merits In addition he makes more friends with those who can offer
    help The friendship
    often breaks up if the friends are of no use to him I am sick of this kind of person
    例题:(选 iBIT 新托福考试口语试题)
    1Does TV have the positive or negative effect on the modern society Choose one and explain why
    Idiot box
    Overindulgent in watching TV will cause such symptoms like eye irritation obesity and dizziness
    Poor sight
    Watching TV will have a bad influence on children and younger generations both physically and
    Poor sight
    2 Obesity
    Coach Potato Psychologically Isolation Loneness
    Too much adult materials like violence and crime

    2Do you think the high school should teach music and art as other basic science Explain why
    Music teaches us not only how to sing but also the rhythm which is fascinating and useful Learn how to appreciate the arts like music songs operas and exhibitions and shows The appreciation of beauty
    3Do you think using mobile phone should be banned in some certain place Explain why
    Places like airport and gas station in case there is anything dangerous happens
    Places like classroom library music hall cinema and theatre Simply because we will disturb others when the
    places are supposed to be quite
    Places like hospital using mobile phone will disturb the peace and interrupt the patience
    4Which one acts more influence on you newspaper TV or people like your teachers parents or classmates
    Explain why Influence
    Good characterspersonalitiesqualities
    Learn a lot from newspaperTV
    5Do you think government should sponsor to build up museum and theatre Give reasons and details to
    support your opinion (Aor B)
    Building museum and theatre will promote city image
    Along with the city image promotion museum and theatre will contribute to the cultural diversity
    Besides it provides another place for recreation for people to go
    Also it helps teach children to get familiar with diversified culture like Greek and Roman
    The government should attach the importance of the development of economy
    Not necessaryAccessible and convenient internet
    Together with the economical development people are able to travel to the places like
    Paris Rome and
    Greece to see the places of interest in person and visit the theatre and listen to opera
    6Do you prefer eating at home or eating out and explain why (A over B) Eating at home is much better than eating out in the following aspects
    Alot cheaper more nutritious than to eat out which does good to our health

    Good for family since when we are around table taking about something happened during the day it is the
    happiest moment in the whole day
    However eating out will provide you with different choices which means you can have something Italian or
    All in all due toowing to the reasons that I’ve stated above make me eat at home a lot
    7Do you prefer to study in a big city or a small one and explain why (A over B)
    I would like to study in a big city rather than a small one with the following reasons Big citydiversified culture
    Big cityadvanced and developed equipment and study materials
    Big citydifferent friends coming from different cultural backgrounds
    8Do you prefer to live alone or live with a roommate Explain why
    Living alone
    More private space that I can do anything I want anytime
    I will be more independent like I can learn how to arrange my life from food to laundry Living with a roommate
    Learn a lot about how to get along with each other like taking care of other people
    Share laughter and sadness with him or her
    9Should the universities and colleges open to every student or just a part of students Explain why
    Every student has the right to receive higher education to pursue a fancy job and better life especially to those
    who are poor but very intelligent and diligent
    It is the obligation of the universities and colleges that open to every student as education is supposed to treat
    every human being equal
    Making possible that every student can be accessible to the higher education contributes to the development of
    our society like science and technology and economy
    10Whether parents should lead their children to watch TV or the children should choose what they want to
    watch by themselves Explain why
    Parents should lead their children to watch TV
    Children are too naïve to tell the difference between good and evil when they are facing
    TV which is full
    of flooded with adult materials like violence and crime
    Children are too young to arrange their timetable They need the guidance of parents

    Besides the current and urgent topic for them is to concentrate on study too much
    TVwatching will
    disturb their study and come up with bad marks
    11Should schools open up music class Explain why Yes
    Enrich the curriculum
    Singing a song is fascinating and happy Enhance the study efficiency (higher efficiency)
    Music teaches rhythm which does good to our future Learn to appreciate beauty
    12Do you prefer to study in class or selftaught Explain why Study in class
    Classmates discussion debating makes us understand a topic deeply since if you want to persuade someone
    you have to provide sufficient and enough reasons
    Teachers guiding and helping Whenever I come across a difficulty I can discuss with my teacher
    In the light of my own interests without the compulsory but quite boring subject Master more for the study is more direct
    13Is attending colleges easier to be successful in career than not Explain why
    Attending colleges makes us study more knowledge specially to make sure we understand more about the
    More knowledge offers us skills and talents to deal with the problems that may appear in our future
    When we are at work the urgent and important topic we must face is how to solve the problems and the
    solutions to those problems can be settled by not only professional knowledge but also wisdom which will be
    nourished by the knowledge we’ve got from colleges
    14Do you prefer indoor activities or outdoor activities in your spare time Explain why Indoor activities
    Reading a book读书题
    Listening to music or opera 听音乐题
    Watching DVDs Outdoor activities

    Jogging tennis basketball football
    Hang out with friends like going to a bar restaurant cafe or karaoke
    Go shopping
    Enjoy the sunshine more fresh air happy with friends
    15 When people take a journey some prefer to arrive at the destination fast and directly others prefer to
    enjoy the scenery along the road which one do you prefer Explain your thoughts with
    Get to the destination directly and fast for the following reasons
    Purpose is the destination we should have a good rest on the journey and save our energy
    Arriving at our destination directly is the most efficient way to go spending too much time on the journey is
    a kind of waste of time though there may be some beautiful scenes along the road
    16Do you think it is necessary to keep the old buildings in the city Why or why not Explain your ideas
    with details
    19th January People say that childhood is the best time in one person’s life Do you agree or disagree with
    the statement Explain your ideas with details and examples
    Not so much pressure compared with adulthood we can play around the whole day without worrying about the
    We are young and naïve believing anything under the sun is good and beautiful
    17Some get advice from family and friends others learn it through personal experience which one do you
    prefer Explain your own thoughts with examples and details
    Friends and family
    Advice from friends Friends who are older than us are experienced and they can give some suggestions
    derived from their experience Sometimes learning from others is wiser than learning from the same mistakes
    made by us since in that case we can take some precautious methods to prevent
    anything wrong

    Some say parents are our first teachers What they’ve said to us and tell us do good to our present and future
    We should be all ears to them
    As a wise person is to learn something from the mistakes made by others rather than to make them in person
    18Do you agree or disagree with the statement that students should wear uniform in
    school Explain your own thoughts in details Yes
    Uniform is a symbol of a student
    Wearing uniform contributes a lot to the discipline of the students
    Wearing uniform gives a student a sense of school belonging and do good to their focus on study
    19 Do you think that our life is easier than our grandparents or more difficult Explain your
    own thoughts in details
    Not exactly
    Along with the improved living standard we are facing up with more pressure from our peers and society
    which requires us to be equipped with more advanced knowledge and challenges us more
    More challenges more risks and more pressure




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    考研复试指导之如何突破专业课难关  近几年,考研复试在硕士研究生的考生成绩中所占的比重逐年增加,其竞争也越来越激烈。即使考生在考研初试中取得了很高的分数,如果对复试掉以轻心的话就有可能在复试中...

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    考研复试面试礼仪介绍  一、着装、面容  考生的着装以干净整洁、文雅、大方为主。考研面试不像找工作面试,不需要打扮你打扮得太正式,这样反而给人留下死板不太变通的印象。因此,根据自己报考的专业选...

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    应聘人员复试测评表日期面试人综合印象及决定 签字: ...

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    应聘人员复试表   应聘职位   面试人员 姓 名   日 期 需要人数   初试合格 人 复试人数 人 需要人数 人 姓名       ...

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    应聘人员复试表应聘职位 面试人员 姓 名 日 期 需要人数 初试合格人复试人数人需要人数人姓名   专业知识   管工理作或看   法   工及作领积导极能性力       发展能力       要求待遇  

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