
    UNIT  Hello Again

    1 学品关单词 pencil铅笔 pencil box铅笔盒 pen钢笔 ruler直尺 crayon彩色蜡笔(粉笔铅笔) blackboard黑板 desk 书桌 chair椅子 schoolbag书包
    2 称代词 you he she
    3 物代词 your her his
    4 疑问代词 what什 whose谁
    5 方位介词 between……中间 beside……旁边 behind……面
    6 数词 forty四十 fifty五十 sixty六十 seventy七十 eighty八十 ninety九十
    7 teacher教师老师 hello喂(表示问候等) hi嗨(非正式语 hello) name名字名称 friend朋友 pupil学生
    1 学品关单词 eraser橡皮 book书 dictionary词典字典 notebook笔记 knife刀
    2 称代词 I they we
    3 物代词 its their our
    4 方位介词 at…… in……部……里面 on……面 under
    ……面 in front of……前面 near……附
    5 表示整十数词 ten十 twenty二十 thirty三十
    1— How are you
    — Fine thanks 谢谢
    解读句问回答句型句中be动词根语变化变化果语第三称单数时候 are改is句回答应该OK ()Fine thank you(谢谢)等
    举反三 — How are your parents父母
    — Fine thanks 谢谢
    — How is your friend朋友
    — He is very well thanks 谢谢
    2 Jenny this is Steven 詹妮斯蒂芬
    举反三 This is my new friend Lucy 新朋友露西
    3 — Is this your pencil Jenny铅笔詹妮
    — No it isn’t
    解读句般疑问句询问某物否某回答时Yes it isNo it isn’t
    举反三 — Is this your pen钢笔
    — Yes it is
    — Is this Jim’s book 吉姆书
    — No it isn’t
    4 How many books are there on my desk Jenny书桌少书詹妮
    解读询问某物数量句型how many数名词数量提问数名词复数形式
    举反三 — How many boys are there in your class班里少男生
    — Twenty 二十
    5 Where are they里
    解读询问某里句型果面语第三称单数形式时 be动词is句回答应该语 + be动词 + 介词短语 +
    举反三 — Where is your brother 哥哥里
    — He is on the playground 操场
    — Where are your friends朋友里
    — They are in the library 图书馆里
    6 — Whose pencil is this谁铅笔
    — It’s Danny’s pencil 丹尼铅笔
    解读句询问某物属句型句子中名词复数形式时 be动词are
    举反三 — Whose desk is this谁书桌
    — It’s my brother’s 哥哥
    — Whose books are these 谁书
    — They are my friend’s 朋友
    1 Welcome back to school欢迎回学校
    解读 welcome to + 点表示欢迎某 welcome单独表示欢迎
    拓展表示欢迎应该说Thank you
    2 Nice to meet you 见高兴
    Nice to meet you too 见高兴
    解读第次朋友见面时候Nice to meet you方应该说Nice to meet you too说Glad to see you (见高兴)Glad to see you too (见高兴)
    3 What’s in it 里面什
    4 What can you see什
    5 Let’s put eight books on the eight books 八书放八书吧
    6 Can you say the numbers from thirty to forty三十数四十
    7 He is reading a book 正读书
    解读句现进行时描述某正做某事结构语 + be动词 + 现分词 +
    UNIT  Days and Months

    1 表示月份单词 Jan 月(缩写) Feb 二月(缩写) Mar 三月(缩写) Apr 四月(缩写) May 五月 Jun六月(缩写) Jul 七月(缩写) Aug 八月(缩写)
    Sept 九月(缩写) Oct 十月(缩写) Nov 十月(缩写) Dec十二月(缩写)
    2表示天气状况形容词 hot热 cold 冷寒冷 sunny 阳光充足 warm暖温暖 cloudy 云 windy 风 cool 凉凉爽
    3 how 样 month月份 weather天气 rain雨雨 snow 雪雪
    1 序数词 first第 second第二 third第三 fourth第四 fifth第五 sixth第六 seventh第七 eighth第八 ninth第九 tenth第十 eleventh第十 twelfth第十二
    2名词 flower花花卉 holiday假期 moon月亮月球 race赛赛跑 spring春天 Tuesday星期二 wind风 worker工 year年
    3 at for be(am is are原形) every fun趣事趣愉快 international国际 know知道认识 look national全国性国家 often时常 or者 round圆 wait等 we which white白色白色 will(表示)会
    1 What’s your favourite month 喜爱月份
    解读句型询问某喜爱月份句子句中sb’s根询问象选名词格形容词性物代词根询问事物改变句子中名词句答语Sb’s favourite month is + 月份It’s + 月份者直接回答月份
    举反三 — What’s her favourite month 喜爱月份
    — Her favourite month is April 喜爱月份四月
    2 — Whose birthday is in July 谁生日七月
    — My birthday is in July 生日七月
    解读询问谁生日某月回答句型根月份换表示月份词句回答Sb’s birthday is in …者直接名词格回答句子根询问事物改变句子中名词
    举反三 — Whose birthday is in June谁生日六月
    — My father’s birthday is in June 爸爸生日六月
    3 — When is the Spring Festival 春节什时候
    — It is in January or February 月二月
    举反三 — When is Children’s Day 童节什时候
    — It’s June 1 六月日
    4 — When is your birthday生日什时候
    — My birthday is May 20 生日五月二十日
    举反三 — When is Jim’s birthday吉姆生日什时候
    — It’s June 1 六月日
    5 — What day is it天星期
    — It’s Tuesday 天星期二
    举反三 — What day is it today 天星期
    — It’s Monday (天)星期
    6 — How’s the weather today 天天气样
    — It’s warm and windy 天气暖风
    解读询问天气句子义句What’s the weather like果询问某天气状况加 in + 点点状语
    举反三 — How is the weather today in Beijing 北京天天气样
    — It’s cold and snowy 天气寒冷雪
    1 The boy in red shorts is the third 穿红色短裤男孩第三名
    解读in + 颜色表示穿着某种颜色衣服
    举反三 The girl in white is my sister 穿白色衣服女孩妹妹
    I am often in white 常穿白色衣服
    2 Do you see the cloud and the rain云雨
    解读句含实义动词般疑问句般疑问句通常be动词助动词者情态动词开头回答时yesno朗读时升调含实义动词句子变般疑问句时句子前加do 者does面动词原形
    举反三 Do you like this film 喜欢部电影
    Does he like singing 喜欢唱歌
    3 I like to play with you 喜欢玩
    解读句表示喜欢做某事句型 like to do sth表示某次喜欢 like doing sth表示种长久喜欢形成种爱
    举反三 I don’t like playing games But this time I like to play with them 喜欢玩游戏次喜欢玩
    4 Which month is the best for my birthday 月份作生日呢
    举反三 Which book is the best for the children 孩子说书
    Which season is the best for the plants 植物说季节
    5 In every month I will be big and round 月里会变圆
    举反三 Jim will go to Beijing tomorrow 吉姆明天会北京
    In ten years I will be a teacher 十年成名老师

    UNIT  All about Me

    1 表示身高词 tall高
    2 询问日期疑问词 when 什时候时
    3 名词 birthday生日
    4 形容程度副词 too 太
    5 表示方式介词 by (交通工具等)
    6 动词 live住生活
    7 表示身体部位词 foot脚(复数feet)
    8 系动词 am(I)
    9 表示出行方式短语 on foot步行
    1 表示球类名词 basketball篮球 pingpong乒乓球
    2 形容词原级 easy容易 young年轻 较级 taller更高 高级 best
    3 点相关名词 park公园 house房子 restaurant餐馆饭店
    4 表示事物名词 computer电脑 donut面包圈 monster怪物 road路 family家
    5 表示长度名词 metre米
    6 表示较连词 than
    7 表示出行方式短语 by bike骑行车 by bus 公汽车 ride a bike骑行车
    1 — How old are you Danny丹尼
    — I’m nineteen years old 19岁
    举反三 — How old are you
    — I’m ten 10岁
    — How old is your sister 妹妹
    — She is eight years old 八岁
    2 — When is your birthday生日什时候
    — My birthday is December 17 生日12月17日
    举反三 — When is your birthday 生日什时候
    — My birthday is in July 生日7月
    — When is Jim’s birthday 吉姆生日什时候
    — His birthday is December 12 生日12月12日
    3 — How tall are you 高
    — I’m 14 metres tall 14米高
    举反三 — How tall are you 高
    — I’m 15 metres 15米高
    — How tall is your sister 妹妹高
    — She is 12 metres 12米高
    4 — Where do you live Steven斯蒂芬住里
    — I live in a house beside the park 住公园旁边房子里
    举反三 — Where do you live now 现住里
    — I live in Shanghai 住海
    — Where does your sister live妹妹住里
    — She lives in Beijing 住北京
    5 — What’s your address址什
    — My address is 942 Ninth street 址第9街942号
    举反三 — What’s your address 址什
    — It’s 102 Green Street 格林街102号
    — What’s Jim’s address 吉姆址什
    — His address is 119 Centre Street 址中心街119号
    6 — How do you go to school Kim 样学金
    — I live near the school So I go to school on foot 住离学校步行学
    解读句how引导句子询问某出行方式 中问句中助动词根语时态变化变化
    举反三 — How do you go to school样学
    — I go to school by bikeI ride my bike to school 骑行车学
    — How does she go to work 样班
    — She goes to work by bikeShe rides her bike to school 骑行车班
    7 — Do you walk to school Danny 步行学丹尼
    — Yes I doNo I don’t
    举反三 — Do you go to school by bike骑行车学
    — Yes I doNo I don’t
    — Does your sister go to school by bike妹妹骑行车学
    — Yes she doesNo she doesn’t
    8 — What do you like to do喜欢做什
    — I like to fly kites with my friends 喜欢朋友放风筝
    举反三 — What do you like to do 喜欢做什
    — I like to watch TV 喜欢电视
    — What does your father like to do 爸爸喜欢做什
    — My father likes to play basketball 爸爸喜欢篮球
    1 I don’t know 知道
    举反三 I don’t know your name 知道名字
    2 Me too
    举反三 — I can speak English 会说英语
    — Me too
    3 I am taller than Anna 安娜高
    举反三 I am younger than you 年轻

    UNIT  My Favourites

    1 颜色相关词 colour颜色涂色 brown 棕色棕色 blue蓝色蓝色
    2 形容词性物代词 our  their
    3 学科相关单词 subject 学科科目 Chinese 汉语语文 English 英语 science科学 math数学 PE体育 art美术艺术 music 音乐
    4 连词 and  but
    5 表示喜欢某物程度单词 favourite 喜爱特喜欢(事物)
    6名词 clothes衣服
    1 表示三餐名词 breakfast 早餐 lunch午餐 dinner 晚餐
    2 表示身体部位名词 finger 手指 head 头 nose 鼻子
    3 表示食物名词 dumpling 饺子 hamburger 汉堡包 hot dog 热狗
    4 动词 draw 画画 love 爱喜欢 sing 唱歌
    5 形容词 great 棒 hungry 饿 interesting意思
    6副词 also  always 总直 sure 确信 o’clock ……点钟
    7 名词 people  picture 图片 song 歌曲
    8 称代词宾格 them
    1 — What’s your favourite colour喜爱什颜色
    — My favourite colour is red 喜爱颜色红色
    举反三 — What’s your favourite colour喜爱颜色什
    — It’s red红色
    — What is Jim’s favourite colour 吉姆喜爱颜色什
    — His favourite colour is blue 喜爱颜色蓝色

      2 I like skirts 喜欢裙子
    解读句子中like表示喜欢果语第三称单数形式 like第三称单数形式likes
    举反三 I like this book 喜欢书
    Jim likes this film吉姆喜欢电影
    They like apples喜欢苹果
    3 — What’s your favourite food for lunch午餐喜爱吃什
    — I like milk hamburgers hot dogs noodles soup fruit vegetables chicken dumplings … 喜欢牛奶汉堡包热狗面条汤水果蔬菜鸡肉饺子……
    举反三 — What’s your favourite food喜欢食物什
    — I like noodles 喜欢面条
    — What’s his favourite food喜欢食物什
    — He likes eggs 喜欢鸡蛋
    4 — What’s your favourite subject 喜爱学科什
    — My favourite subject is English 喜爱学科英语
    举反三 — What’s her favourite subject 喜欢学科什
    — Her favourite subject is English 喜欢学科英语
    — What’s your sister’s favourite subject 妹妹喜欢学科什
    — Her favourite subject is English 喜欢学科英语
    5 I like to draw pictures That’s my favourite school work 喜欢画画喜爱学校活动
    解读句表达某喜欢做某事句子句子语第三称单数时候 likelikes
    举反三 I like to fly kites 喜欢放风筝
    He likes to speak English 喜欢说英语
    My sister likes to play football 妹妹喜欢踢足球





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