
    A man has four sons He wants his sons to learn not to judge (评判) things too quickly     46    The first son goes to see the tree in the winter the second in the spring the third in the summer and the youngest son in the autumn
       47   The first son says The tree is bare The second son says It has many small white flowers and looks beautiful The third son says It has many small green pears and is full of life The last son says    48   
    The man then tells his sons You are all right Each of you sees the pear tree in different seasons so you see different things This is also right in life   49    If you give up in winter you will miss the vitality of spring the beauty of summer and the harvest of autumn    50   
    A It is full of pears I pick one and it tastes good
    B So he lets each of them look at a pear tree
    C Don’t let one bad season destroy your happy life
    D You cannot judge yourself or others only by one season
    E When they all come back he asks them to say what they saw

    答案 4650  B E A D C

      The Atlantic Ocean (西洋) is the second largest ocean on the earth  It is more than 6000 kilometres wide _____41_____ The ocean is so largebut it has very few islands The other that it is the world's saltiest ocean
          There is so much water in the Atlantic that it is hard to imagine how much there is But if no more rain fell into it and no more rivers ran into it it would take the ocean about 4000 years to dry up The water is a little more than 3 kilometres deep_____42_____ The deepest point is about 9 kilometres
          _____43_____ Fish is an important kind of food for people there One of its most famous fishing places the Grand Banks is near America
         We now have many fast ways of travelling _____44_____Long ago people used more than two months to travel across it Now a fast modern ship can make the trip in less than four days Planes from New York to London in only eight hours _____45_____

    A The Atlantic Ocean provides much food for the people near the ocean
    B Some places it is much deeper
    C Two things make the Atlantic Ocean unusual
    D And the flight from South America to Africa only takes four hours
    E They make this big ocean become smaller to us

    答案 CBAED
    20192020 学年七年级第二学期天河区期末考试
    Norway(挪威) is close to the North Pole It's very cold there in winter and the sun only shines for about 2 to 5 hours every day
    To most people in Norway skiing is the best way to have fun in winter 46 Even children learn to ski soon after they learn to walk

    Long long ago in Norway there were no buses or trains The people had to find a way to walk over the deep snow Skis were the right answer Norwegians began skiing
    47 The whole families mothers fathers and children may go together on ski trips across the snowy countryside For the Norway's young men and woman they practise a lot 48 They have become the best skies in the world and won many prizes
    Norwegians love winter but they are happy to see summer come 49 In summer they swim and sunbathe Some people go hiking and mountain climbing The short summer months are busy ones for Norwegian farmers too 50 That is why Norway is often called the Land of the Midnight Sun

    A They enjoy outdoor activities at this time of the year
    B Today Norwegians ski just for fun
    C Almost everyone skis
    D In the northern part of Norway the sun doesn't set at all for many days in summer
    E Some of them become good at it

    答案 CBEAD

    As teenagers you have many dreams These dreams can be very big like winning the Nobel Prize Or they can be small 46________
    Once you have a dream what do you do with it Do you ever try to make your dream real
    Follow Your Heart written by an Australian writer Andrew Mathews tells us that making our dreams real is the biggest challenge(挑战) in our lives You may think you’re not very good at school subjects or it is impossible for you to become a writer 47
    48_______ The first thing you must do is to remember what your dream is Don’t let it leave your heart Keep on telling yourself what you want Do this step by step and your dream will come true faster because a big dream is in fact made of many small dreams
    There will be difficulties on the road to your dreams 50______You need to decide what the most important is Studying instead of watching TV will help you save time while saving ten yuan instead of buying an ice cream means you can buy a new book

    A These kinds of ideas stop you from pursing (追求) your dream the book says
    B You may just want to become one of the ten top students in your class
    C But the biggest difficulty comes from yourself
    D Never give up
    E In fact everyone can make his dream come true

    答案 BAEDC
    You Can Be a Poet
    Poets write about the world in a special way 41 You can be a poet too Just remember these points
    ● A good poet observes (观察) things carefully When you were going to school this morning what did you notice 42 If you are inside you can choose somebody or something in your house If you’re outside you can probably see trees plants and insects
    ● 43 When you imagine you create something in your mind Then when you write about it others can enjoy your imagination too
    ● Make your poet better 44 You can also use funny words or write a surprise ending
    ● Practice reading your poem aloud with a partner While reading be sure to speak slowly clearly and with expression
    A A good poet has a good imagination
    B They want to share the beauty and joy of life
    C Try them and you can become a good poet
    D You can draw pictures to make it interesting
    E Many poets write about the things they see around them

    答案 BEADC

    Mother’s love is true love It gives everybody everything in all her life When you are still a baby 46 When you are ill she stops her work to look after you day and night 47 she feels very happy When you are old enough to go to school mother still takes good care of you all the time 48 she always tells you to put on more clothes She usually knows about your study and spends much money on your school things When you do well at school 49
    Mother is always ready to give everything to her children 50 We will remember mother’s love forever

    A When you are growing up day by day
    B On cold winter days
    C What true love it is in the world
    D she always holds you in her hands
    E you will see the sweet smile on her face

    答案:4650 DABEC

    Mr Black works in a hospital in a town As a good doctor people in the town like him He's often kind to the patients and looks them over carefully 76
    One morning Mr Black got to the hospital and saw there was a fat woman in the waiting room He called her into his office and asked 77
    It was my birthday yesterday sir said the woman 78 But I couldn’t push my way in it
    It doesn’t matter madam said Mr Black 79 You’ll be able to wear your coat if you do all as what I say
    80 said the rich womanHe bought me not a coat but an expensive car
    A My husband gave me a present
    B So he's always busy and has little time to rest
    C You're wrong sir
    D But you must lose some weight
    E What's the matter madam
    答案:7680 BEADC
    Dear Ann
         Thank you for asking me to come and visit you and your family next month It’s a great idea
         I am really interested in visiting new places 51_______________ I also like visiting art galleries(美术馆)there are so many interesting things to see there I know there is one in your hometown 52_______________ You say that there isn’t a sports centre in your town but is there a swimming pool I enjoy swimming a lot and I love diving Is there also a place to eat fish and chips 53_______________
          The only problem is that I don’t know what to take with me warm clothes and shoes 54_______________ In my town it rains a lot and that’s why I always carry an umbrella with me And what about other things For example a camera
          Please send me some photos of your town and a street map
         One last questionhow old is your sister Gina 55_______________ Would she like the new Celine Dion CD
    See you soon

    A Can we visit it
    B Fish and chip shops are great
    C I want to bring her a present
    D What’s the weather like in your area
    E I like museums and old churches very much

    答案:5155 EABDC 





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