

    Product advertising is an important part of marketing It ains at increasing sales by making a product or service known to a wider audience and by emphasizing its positive qualities A company can advertise in various ways depending on how much it wishes to spend There are different media for advertising including television radio newspapers magazines the Internet and direct mail The design and organization of advertising campaigns is usually the job of an advertising agencyA good advertising program tells potential customers why they need the product how it is used and the benefits derived from its use A successful program also tells the consumer how the product is better than similar offerings by competi tors
    Corporate advertising is not directly concerned with increasing the sales of a particular product or service but more with the brand image and reputation a company wants to present to the general public or within an industry Corporate advertising comes in three different types image advertising opinion advertising and investment advertising Image advertising attempts to promote the importance of a company Opinion advertising presents the impression of doing a public service by addressing the importance of a company Investment advertising is designed to attract potential investors
    1 Generally an advertising agency is responsible for designing and organizing a product' s advertisement T
    2It is not necessary to consider the budget of an advertisement in choosing a media for advertising F
    3 There are only three types of media used in advertising F
    4 Product advertising is different from corporate advertising T
    5 This passage is mainly about the history of advertising F
    Dear Sir or Madam
    We have received an order for US3200 000 worth of goods from Delta Co Ltd 1258Hus ten Avenue New York USA who has given us your bank as a reference Could you please confirm that they have sufficient funds to cover this amount and that they have a reliable credit rating
    We would be most grateful for your assistance and any advice you give us will be kept strictly confidential
    A stamped and addressed envelope has been included for your reply Thank you in advance
    Sincerely yoursJohn Taylor
    1 John Taylor' s company has received US83200000 worth of goods from Delta CoLtd F
    2 The letter is written to a reference bank T
    3 John Taylor wants to know if Delta Co Ltd is trustworthy as a corporate partner T
    4 The advice that the bank gives won't be kept in confidence F
    5 John Taylor' s company has paid for the bank' s reply F
    Online Shopping
    Daniel is interested in Kevin's new mobile phone which he's bought on the Internet
    Daniel Hi Kevin You' ve bought a new mobile phonehaven' t youWhere did you buy it
    Kevin Oh yesI ordered it online three days ago and it arrived yesterday Have a lookpl ease
    Daniel It looks wonderfulActually I have been thinking about online shopping for a longtime But as you knowI' m not quite familiar with how to do it and
    Kevin It' sa piece of cakeI'll show you how to do it First of allyou should find a good ecommerce site
    Daniel Such as
    Kevin Such as Amazon com Ebay cometc which are famous worldwide In China Tao bao is the most popular one
    Daniel And then
    Kevin Then type the name of your desired product in the search box or select the category of the product you would 1 ike Then compare the prices features and shipping conven iences offered from several sites If you have any questionyou can ask the sellers Nextadd the items to your shopping cart and place the order After completing electronic paymentyou just wait for the delivery goods as requested
    Daniel UhI think it is timeconsuming
    Kevin I somewhat agree with you but not completelyAs you knowthere is so much to choose from and it takes time to make compari sons However onl ine shops give us the opportunity to shop 24 7 and it' s very convenient for you
    Daniel GreatMaybe from now onI should try to buy goods onl ine
    Kevin Why notGo ahead
    1 Daniel has been shopping online for along time F
    2 Amazon com Ebay and Tao bao are all famous ecommerce sites all over the world F
    3 You can compare the pricesfeatures and shipping conveniences offered from several sites if shopping online T
    4 There is so much to choose from online shops so it costs our time to make comparisons T
    5 Kevin believes online shopping offers us more convenience T
    Nowadays more and more attention is being paid toBusiness Ethics But what does itmeanWhat is the importance of ethics in business
    Business ethics is not about personalitythough a good personality is valuableEthicsis the primary element and prerequisite for a successful businessNo matter what you doyoushould think of business as a matter of integrityNowadaysthe slip in ethics and the absenceof social responsibilityespecially integrityhave led to a crisis in businessseriouslyinfluencing social development
    Events resulting from a loss of trust are being seen now and then and they affect societyin many unfortunate waysMost people know the importance of business ethics but still somepeople don't honor themWe often hear media reports on problems in businesssuch as addingharmful materials to productsThese behaviors cause much damage to consumerswho spend moneybut do not get quality goodsespecially when these commodities do great harm to their health Itis difficult for people to forget the case in which some children consumed unsafe milk powderproduced by a few immoral businesses and their health suffered serious damage as aresultPeople can't bear this kind of behavior and the businesses responsible must be closeddown and the related personnel be punished
    1Lack of business ethics has seriously influenced social developmentT
    2Business is to be treated with social responsibility and integrityT
    3People who don't honor business ethics are likely to make a profitF
    4People can easily forget those bad behaviors by bad businessesF
    5Recentlypeople are paying less attention to professional ethics the business worldF
    Dear Sir or Madam
    We have received an order for US3200000 worth of goods from Delta CoLtd1258Husten AvenueNew YorkUSAwho has given us your bank as a referenceCould youplease confirm that they have sufficient funds to cover this amount and that they have a reliablecredit rating
    We would be most grateful for your assistanceand any advice you give us will be keptstrictly confidential
    A stamped and addressed envelope has been included for your replyThankyou in advanceSincerely yours
    John Taylor
    1John Taylor’s company has received US3200000 worth of goods from Delta CoLtdF
    2The letter is written to a reference bankT
    3John Taylor wants to know if Delta CoLtdis trustworthy as a corporate partnerT
    4The advice that the bank gives won't be kept in confidenceF
    5John Taylor’s company has paid for the bank’s replyF
    Product advertising is an important part of marketing It aims at increasing sales by making a pro duet or service known to a wider audience and by emphasizing its positive qualitiesA company can advertise in various ways depending on how much it wishes to spend There are different media for advertising including televisionradio newspapers magazines the Internet and direct mail The design and organization of advertising campaigns is usually the job of an advertising agencyA good advertising program tells potential customers why they need the product how it is used and the benefits derived from its use A successful program also tells the consumer how the product is better than similar offerings by competi tors
    Corporate advertising is not directly concerned with increasing the sales of a particular pro duet or service but more with the brand inage and reputation a company wants to present to the general public or within an industry Corporate advertising comes in three di fferent types image advertisingopinion advertising and investment advertising Image advertising attempts to promote the importance of a company Opinion advertising presents the impression of doing a public service by addressing the importance of a company Investment advertising is designed to attract potential investors
    1 Generallyan advertising agency is responsible for desi gning and organizing a product' s advert isement T
    2It is not necessary to consider the budget of an advertisement in choosing a media for advertising F
    3 There are only three types of media used in advertising F
    4 Product advertising is different from corporate advertising T
    5 This passage is mainly about the history of advertising F
    Shipping Advice
    August 82016
    Dear Mr Anderson
    I would like to inform you that the fol lowing consignment has been shipped Details of the shipment are below
    Shipper Far East Logistics Co Ltd
    Room 1205JIN YUAN TOWER
    TEL 0532 82732189
    FAX 0532 82732190
    Contact person Ms Li Hua hua
    Vesselvoyage Pacific 041P
    Port of 1oading QINGDAO
    DEP August 62016
    Port of di scharge SANFRANCISCO
    ETA August 282016
    Final destination SEATTLE USA
    No of packages & containers 1000 CTNS lined with foamed plastic in 1X40’STD CTNR
    Weight (Kilos) 3214 OKGS
    Container No CE500001
    Seal No ST211111
    P0 No TD9990
    Item Air conditionersHSU12HQAR2DB
    Quantity 1 000 pieces
    We have enclosed the commercial invoice copy of BLpacking list and export permit for your preparation for payment and collection of goods
    Yours sincerelyLin Hanxue (Ms) Logistics officer
    1 The letter is to inform Mr Anderson that his consignment has been shippedT
    2 The shipper of the consignment is Li Hua huaF
    3 The final destination of the consignment is San FranciscoF
    4 The items in the container are air conditioners and TV setsF
    5 The commercial invoicecopy of BLpacking list and export permit are enclosed for preparation for payment and collection of goodsT
    Business Ethics
    Nowadays more and more attention is being paid tobusiness ethics But what does it meanWhat is the importance of ethics in business
    Business ethics is not about personality though a good personality is valuable Ethics is the primary element and prerequisite for a successful business No matter what you doyou should think of business as a matter of integrity Nowadays the slip in ethics and the absence of social responsibility especially integrity have led toa crisis in business seriously influencing social development
    Events resulting froma loss of trust are being seen now and then and they affect society in many unfor tunate ways Most people know the importance of business ethics but still some people don' t honor them We often hear media reports on problens in business such as adding harmful materials to products These behaviors cause much damage to consumers who spend money but do not get quality goods espec ially when these commodities do great harm to their health It is difficult for people to forget the case in which some chi ldren consumed unsafe milk powder produced by a few immoral businesses and their health suffered serious damage as a result People can' t bear this kind of behavior and the businesses responsible must be closed down and the related personnel be puni shed
    1Lack of business ethics has seriously influenced social developmentT
    2 Business is to be treated with social responsibility and integrityT
    3 People who don' t honor business ethics are likely to make a profitF
    4 People can easily forget those bad behaviors by bad bus inessesF
    5 Recently people are paying less attention to professional ethics the bus iness worldF
    Principles of Marketing
    Marketing is the part of your business where money is made In order to succeed in business the following two principles of marketing should be kept in mind
    First customers are the mainstay of any business Attracting customers to a business makes the difference between succeeding and failing Therefore the business needs to direct all activities towards satisfying the customers’ needs If customers are satisfied there is a chance that they will be retained for a long time and possibly permanently Undoubtedly they are likely to talk to other potential customers
    Another principle for a business is that profitable sales volume is more important than maximum sales volume The profitable sales volume is the volume of sales that actually will earn a business the most profit And the maximum sales volume simply refers to the biggest sum of retail sales Since the aim of most businesses is to make as much profit as possible businesses value profits more than the volume of sales A large volume of sales may result in a low profit margin therefore it is important for marketers to focus on their profitable sales volume
    Decide if each of the following statement is TRUE (T) or FALSE (F)
    1 In order to succeed in business three principles of marketing should be kept in mind(F)
    2 If customers are satisfied they will be likely to encourage more people to buy the products or services( T)
    3 The profitable sales volume is the volume of sales that will bring a business profit(T)
    4 The maximum sales volume refers to the biggest sum of retail sales( T )
    5 Profitable sales volume is as important as the maximum sales volume( F)




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