

    1 题选出答案2B铅笔答题卡应题目答案标号信息点涂黑

    5 Who is the woman looking for?
    ATom BMike C Peter
    6What does Betty like doing in her free time
    A Playing basketball BListening to music CPlaying the piano
    7 When did the girl go to the new museum
    A Three days agoBTwo days agoC Yesterday
    8 What does the man want to eat
    A Noodles B BreadCDumplings
    9Whose book is this
    A Bob’sB David’s CJohn’s
    10 Wheredoes theman want to go
    AThe libraryBThe cinema CThe stadium
    11 Which festival does the boy like
    A ChristmasBMay Day CChildren’s Day
    12 How will the woman get to the train station
    A On foot BBy bus CBy taxi
    13 Which is Daming’s favorite subject
    A Maths BHistory CPhysics
    14 How long does Bruce play football every day
    A An hour BTwo hours CThree hours
    C)听面长话独白段长话独白问题题中A BC
    15 What is Lingling doing
    A She’s cooking the meal
    B She’s sweeping the floor
    C She’s making big red lanterns
    16 Who is working in the office
    A Tony B Lingling’s mother CLingling’s father
    17 Why does Tony want to join Lingling
    A He is interested in Spring Festival
    B He wants lo skate with Lingling
    C He likes to do homework with Lingling
    18When will David travel to Tianjin

    A This summer B This autumn CThis winter
    19 How high is the Tianjin Eye
    A About 50 metres B About 120 meters C About 200 metres
    20 Why does Li Ming advise David to visit the Tianjin Eye at night
    AThe ticket ischeap
    B The lights are beautiful
    CThe ride takes two hours
    列题ABCD 四选项中选出填入空白处佳选项
    21 I’m going to havepinic onSundav
    A.the an B an theC.a D.an
    22 We haven’t gotmeat for dinner Let’s buy____chicken
    A some some Bsome any Cany anyDany some
    23 Theofthis activity is to raise money fora new hospital
    A silence Bpurpose Cculture Dlanguage
    24 We shouldmaking a noise in the library
    A avoid Bprefer Cpractise Denjoy
    25 —DianaI forget new words quickly How can I remember them
    —Don’t worry It’sto forget new wordsI suggest you read the words and try to
    use them
    A rude Bexciting Cperfect Dnatural
    26 Jenny will get upthan usual in order to catch the first bus
    A early Bvery earlyCearlier Dearliest
    27 You walk on the wet hill path because youfall and hurt yourself
    A must might not B mustn’tmight
    C needn’t need D must must
    28 —What is your plan for next weekend Lingling
    —Ivolunteer work in the museum
    A was doing B did C have done D am going to do
    29 The Hong Kong—Zhuhai—Macao Bridge in 2018 We are proud ofit
    A is completed B is completing C was completed D completes
    30 The government is setting up nature parks protect pandas
    A to help B help C helped D helps
    31 While the lightsto red a car suddenly appeared round the corner
    A change B have changed C were changing D will change
    32 Ifyou want to join the Music Club the form please
    Agoout B fillout Cgetup D warm up
    33 She was tired she continued herwork
    A so B until C but D that
    34 —Could you tell mefor the fruit
    —By paying over the Internet
    A how much will I pay B how much I will pay
    Chow will I pay D how I will pay
    35—Will youjoin in the discussiontomorrow

    —Maybe I’ll have a meeting
    A Well I’m not sure B That’ll be great
    CCertainly DYou’re welcome
    阅读面短文掌握意然题A B CD四选项中选出佳
    Miss Chan our class teacher is my favorite teacher We are going to36this school
    and I will miss her very much
    Miss Chan is very patient Whenever we37questions in class she explains to us
    very carefully She is also38because she cares much about us She often says to us Tell
    me immediately if you feel unhappy Share your39 with me and do not just try to solve it
    Miss Clran is very generous(慷慨).One day she gave each of us a bookThree Days to
    See and told40 We should read more She once chose our monitor as the most helpful
    student and gave him a set of stationery(文具)as a 41 When she is free she 42
    helps us with our studies and we’ve made great progress
    Not only do all of us like Miss Chan but Miss Chan also likes my class because she thinks
    all of us are 43 She always says she thinks herself very 44 to be the teacher of my
    class In fact Miss Chan is the most thoughtful (体贴) teacher I have ever met She always
    thinks about our feelings I hope I will go to a high school with 45 as good as Miss Chan
    36 A leave B know C meet D choose
    37 AspellBtrain Cask Dremember
    38 Asurprised Bhumorous Cstrange Dkind
    39 Achance Bproblem Cadvantage Dskill
    40 Athem Byou Cus Dhim
    41 Agift Bmark Csmile Djoke
    42 A seldom B often C never D hardly
    43Adifficult Bcareless C unableD excellent
    44 Alucky Bsilly Cangry D worried
    45 Astars Btourists Cteachers Dscientists
    四阅读理解(题15题题 2分 30分)
    阅读面材料题 A B C D四选项中选出佳选项

    How are you It has been a month since my family left Hong Kong for England and we
    are fine
    England is very different from Hong KongThe weather is terrible and it rains a lot The
    buildings are funny They are in rows and not high I love them because the rooms are much
    larger I’m having a wonderful at my new school and my new home
    Mum and Dad are happy with their new jobs But my brother Jack doesn’t like moving to
    England because he misses his friends so much
    I’ve made lots of new friendsat school My teachers are really nice too and my English
    has improved a lot After schoolwe can take part in relaxing activities such as sport watching
    films or playing computer games There’s a park near the school where I often go with theother students at the weekend
    We are travelling back to Hong Kong for the summer holiday I will visit you and bringyouapresent
    Write back soon
    46 Where did Sandy’s family live before
    A Hong Kong B Sydney C New York D London
    47 Sandy loves the buildings in England because their rooms are
    Acheaper Bwarmer Cnewer Dlarger
    48 How many people are there in Sandy’s family
    A 2 B 4 C 6 D8
    49 Who does not like moving to England
    A Dad B Mum C Jack D Sandy
    50 What is the letter mainly about
    A Sandy’s summer holiday B Sandy’s parents
    C Sandy’s new classmates D Sandv’s new life
    One dayTom’s teacher Miss Mak held a class meeting There will be a flag day next
    Saturday Does anyone want to join this meaningful event (活动) asked Miss Mak Tom was
    inierested in raising money for homeless children but he was not brave enough to talk to the
    strangers so he kept quiet in his seat
    Tom you haven’t sold flags before said Miss Mak suddenly Would you like to have a try

    On the flag dayTom and Angela sold flags in a busy street Excuse me Could you pleasebuy said Angela softly to the first person she met The man smiled and put fivedollar coininto Angela’s collection bag Then she said thanks and put a flag under his shoulderI did it said Angela happily It’s your turn now
    Feeling nervous Tom began to shake Soon he saw a young lady walking towards him
    The lady was smiling and holding a few coins in her handShe askedAre you selling flags
    for Fund for the Homeless Childred Tom’s face became red and said yes Then the lady made
    the donation(捐赠) and Tom gave her a flag You made it laughed Angela
    In the next couple of hours Angela and Tom sold flags quickly and bravely Al last their
    collection bags were so heavy that they had to hold them with both arms They felt very proud
    51 Why did Tom keep quiet in his seat
    A He had other plans
    B He didn’t like Miss Mak
    C He was not interested in the activity
    D He was not brave enough to talk to the strangers
    52 When Miss Mak asked Tom to have a try he finally
    Alaughed Bnodded Crefused Dcried
    53 Where did Tom and Angela sell flags
    A In a busy street B In their school
    C In a tall building D In a small garden
    54 How much did the first man pay Angela for the flag
    A Five dollars B Ten dollars
    C Fifteen dollars D Twenty dollars
    55 How did Tom and Angela feel after they sold the flags
    A Bored B Shy C Confident D Sad
    There are many ways to help improve your health like eating healthy food taking exercise
    and getting medical help But the easiest and cheapest way to improve your health is just tosleep eight hours or more every night The general sleeping rule is that the younger you are Thelonger sleep you need But regardless of()age some people need to sleep more while forsome a few hours is enough
    The problem with sleep is that more and more people in the world are not sleeping enough
    According to the World Health Organization over half the people in the world may besleepdeprived Having less sleep not only makes people feel tired but also causes accidentsIn the UnitedStates alone sleepy drivers cause at least 100000 traffic

    accidents a year Alsosleep problems can cause medical problems such as high blood pressure(血压)
    Why are so many people sleepdeprived Part of the reasons may be cultural In the American culture people put a higher value on work than on sleep In fact peopele who sleep a lot
    are usuallv seen as lazy Also you can sometimes hear some people say proudly that they don’t have much time to sleep they only sleep four or five hours a night It seems that the less you sleep the more work you’ll do
    How do we teach these people to learn the value of sleep Perhaps they may listen to the
    advice of Dr James Maas an expert(专家) in sleepHe saysSleep is like a credit (信卡) cardWhen you sleep less you are only borrowing time You always have to pay it back The more
    hours you don’t sleep the more hours you should t sleep to pay back the hours on your sleep
    credit card’
    For those who value work more than sleep they should listen to what a famous persononce said Don’t think youwill be doing less work because you sleep during the night That is a foolish(愚蠢) idea which is held by people who have no imagination You will be able todo more
    56 According tothe writer the easiest and cheapest way to improve health is to
    A eat healthy food every day
    B take excrcisc asmuch as possible
    C get medical help whenever necessary
    D sleep eight hours or more every night
    57 What does slecepdeprived mean in Paragraph 2
    A Having a good sleep B Excited about sleep
    C Having less sleep D Interested in sleep
    58 According to Dr James Maas what is sleep like
    A An hour B A report
    C A credit card D A piece of paper
    59 What do the words of the famous person mean in Paragragh 5
    A Sleeping during the night is foolish
    B Sleeping during the night is helpful
    C People have no courage
    D People always do less work
    60 What is the best title of the passage'
    A The Value of Sleep
    B The Value of Study
    C The Ways of Eating Less
    D The Ways of Making Money

    A Are they yours
    B Where are you going
    C Have you lost anything
    D Tony is looking for his gloves
    E Look Here's my name Tony
    F When do people often lose things
    G They’re green
    A Tony You’re in a hurry 61
    B Hello Ms Li I’m going to the Lost and Found Office
    A 62
    B Yes I’ve lostmy gloves
    A What colour are they
    B 63 My aunt gave me asabirthday present
    A Look l founda pair on the floorjust now 64
    B Let me see … Oh They’re mine 65 Thank you Ms Li
    A You’re welcome Look at this nice watch Is it yours too Tony
    B No it isn’t
    A Please be careful with your things
    B OK I will
    He took out his camera and started
    Last week my friend Davidwith a new book
    the train was late
    It’s great to you
    Grandmother likes making clothesbuying them in the shops
    Friends are an important part of our lives We spend time with them have fun together
    and share our opinions feelings and even secrets Life would be boring without friends
    Friends influence who we are help us leam support(支持)us in good and bad times and care
    for us even when we are not happy

    Often we have many happy moments with our friends We need someone toshare things
    with tomake them more enjoyable Being lonely for long periods of time is not a great feeling
    That is why it is important to spend time making friends and nurturing (维持)a close group of
    It is important to have a friend to talk towhether() it isabout a sad or happy subject
    In good times it is wonderful to be able to celebrate with someone It is also important to have
    someone support you if you have just hadan unpleasant experience Friends arc important
    pillars(中心物)of support
    Friends teach us important lessons No one person is the same As time goes by welearn
    to respect one another’s differences This acceptance of others’ differences is important as we
    meet more and more people in our lives such as new family members neighbours and newfriends
    71 Lifewithout friends
    72 Being lonely for long periods of time
    73 It is important to have a friend to talk to whether
    74 You need someone to support you if
    75 No one person is the same so we should
    The villagers in Mhangeni Africa faced a very big challenge(挑战)They didn’t have aschool for their kids
    Then the village elder thought of an i 76 He said that there was an old abandoned
    (废弃)farmhouse It could be changed into classrooms after cleaning and furnishing(装设备)it All the villagers were p77 with his suggestion and started the project immediately
    The parents repaired the broken walls Some villagers d 78the house into threeclassrooms by using pieces of wood The others helped make desks and chairs for the studentsStill there was much more work to do But the rains were coming They had to s 79working for the school as it was now the best time for them to plant
    So the children of Mhangeni decided to finish the house by t 80 Theyhad to hurryas summer had ended and other schools had already opened They didn’t want to delay(耽搁)their studies Everv day they were busy with cutting the grass and clearing the bushes(灌木)
    The news about the porject s 81 and many people knew it Two teachcrs

    whoworked for the country’s Department of Education arrived to help out and two foreign visitorswere also touched (感动) by the children’s a 82 They donated money for them to buy textbooks and stationery
    After 10 days of hard work the new school was r 83 The kids were very happy but
    a bit worried—they were behind in their studies
    Besides(…外)this they also faced many d 84 There were not enoughclassrooms to hold all the students And two or three students had to share one book
    However the children are happy to study in school—e 85 in their new schoolwhich they helped to build Though their school might not be modern their dream of having aschool near their homes has come true
    (l) 男孩舒服开始呕吐位穿着漂亮女士帮着擦拭面男孩表达感谢
    参考词汇:开始呕吐 begin to vomit
    挤座位 push towards the seat
    争吵havea quarrel
    WhenI took the underground back home from school I noticed


    1A 2B 3A 4C5A 6B 7C 8C 9A 10B
    11B12C 13A l4A 15C 16C 17A 18A 19B 20B
    21C 22D 23B 24A 25D 26C 27B 28D 29 C 30A
    31C 32B 33C 34D 35A
    36A 37C 38D 39B 40C 41A 42B 4A 45C
    46A 47D 48B 49C 50D 51D 52 B53A 54A 55C
    56D 57C 58C 59B 60A
    61 B 62C 63G 64A 65 E
    66 take photos 67 came round 68Once again 69 hear from 70 instead of
    71 would be boring
    72 is not a great feeling
    73 it is abouta sad and happy subject
    74 you have had an unpleasant experience
    75(learn to) respect one another’s differences
    76 idea 77 pleased 78 divided 79 stop 80 themselves
    81 spread 82 actions 83 ready 84 difficulties 85 especially






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