
    Unit 1 Can you play the guitar 单项选择题训练
    姓名:__________ 班级:__________ 学号:__________
    1— Are you good _________ swimming
    —Yes and I think I can help kids _________ it
    A with in                                  B with with                                  C at with
    2I can sing the song but he ____
    A doesn't                                  B does ​                                  C  can                                  D can't
    3— Excuse me ______ is Beihai Park from here — It's about 15 minutes by underground
    A How long                        B How much                        C How far                          D How many
    4Please call me             3458762
    A in                                      B at                                      C with                                      D about
    5—Can you play the drums ________ the piano
    —I can play the drums
    A and                                        B but                                        C or                                        D so
    6Mike can play chess _________he can't play cards
    A and                                        B but                                        C or                                        D so
    7Lisa wants to _______ us her new pictures
    A show                                       B teach                                       C draw
    8He can swi m very well ______ he doesn’t want to join the club      
    A and                                         B but                                        C                                         D or
    9—I don't know how to do Chinese kung fu
    —Let me ________ you
    A think                                  B watch                                  C show                                  D thank
    10We need you _____ the old people
    A help                             B to help                             C helping                             D to helping
    11They need two _________ for their music club 
    A musicians                         B dancers ​                         C runners  ​                         D swimmers
    12Gina likes playing         erhu and she wants to buy      good one  
    A athe                               B :a                               C thethe                               D aa
    13— Can you sing or dance
    — ____________
    A Yes I can                      B No I can't                      C Yes I can sing                      D I can dance
    14—Helen who            fix up the computer in our class
    —I think Jeff can
    A should                                  B would                                  C must                                  D can
    15Can Peter         English songs
    A speak                                  B sings                                  C speaks                                  D sing
        What do you do after class at your school You may say you go 1  and do 2  homework But I think we can have 3  other things to do after class
        We can 4  different clubs like the art club and the music club What can you do If you swim well you 5  in the swimming club Maybe(许) you can't play the violin 6  the guitar well but you can 7  to play them at the music club 8 some people there can help you I like books and I often go to the 9 club Do you like books Come 10 me
    1 A to school
    B to club
    C home
    2 A your
    B my
    C our
    3 A little
    B many
    C much
    4 A join
    B come
    C go
    5 A can come
    B can be
    C can go
    6 A and
    B but
    C or
    7 A know
    B learn
    C let
    8 A Then
    B But
    C Or
    9 A art
    B music
    C reading
    10 A with
    B at
    C on
    The crow (乌鸦) is an ordinary (普通) bird It is about twenty inches (英寸) long and black all over Crows are dirty birds because they live on old bad food Crows eat a lot of waste food In this way they are more useful to us than any other bird They clean up the dirty things in our streets Crows are always hungry They look for food all day long and in the evening you can see them in large numbers flying back to their nests (窝) in the trees They sleep there at night Crows are much noisier than other birds Very often a large number of crows will get together on one house and talk Sometimes they talk together and sometimes they do it by talking like human beings (类) It is easy to tell from(区) crows' sounds whether they are pleased or angry Perhaps crows talk a lot because they are friendly birds A pair of crows will live together all their lives and if one of them dies the other one becomes very sad and quiet for the rest of its life and sometimes it dies too
    (1)A crow is            inches long
    Aabout twenty Bthirty           Cten Dless than twenty
    (2)Why are crows dirty( )
    AThey are black all over the body
    BThey like to eat dirty food
    CThey usually talk
    DThey don't have baths
    (3)Crows are always         
    Ahungry Bpleased Csad Dkind
    (4)Why are crows more useful to us than any other bird  ( )
    AThey are usually noisy
    BThey are usually dirty
    CThey are flying in large numbers
    DThey eat a lot of waste food
    (5)You can tell from crows' sounds         
    Awhether they are hungry or full
    Bwhether they are pleased or angry
    Cwhether they are ill or healthy
    Dwhether they are living or dead
        Many people like to watch TV Watching TV is one of the most important activities of the day TV brings the outside world closer to people's homes Some people say the world is smaller than before because of TV What's going on in other countries How do people live in places far away Is there a good sports game somewhere What's life like in the deepest part of the sea
        If you want to answer these and other kinds of questions just turn on the TV Turn it on and watch You can see a lot and learn a lot Of course people can also learn through reading or listening to the radio But with TV they can learn better and more easily Why Because they can hear and see too
        TV helps to open our eyes TV also helps to open our minds TV often gives us new ideas We learn newer and better ways of doing something
    (1)Some people say the world is smaller than before because ________
    ATV makes the Earth smaller and smaller
    Ball people like to watch TV
    Cwatching TV is one of the most important activities of the day
    DTV brings the outside world closer to people
    (2)We can ________ when we watch TV
    Ago to live in other countries
    Banswer TV many questions
    Cget a lot of information
    Dask TV some questions
    (3)People learn better through TV than through radio because ________
    ATV sets are bigger than radios
    Bpeople can't only hear but also see
    Cwithout TV people can't open their eyes
    Dit's easier to turn on the TV than to turn on the radio
    (4)The sentence TV also helps to open our minds means ________
    Aour minds can only be opened by TV
    Bsomething is wrong with our minds
    Cwe can learn more with TV than without TV
    DTV is new to us
    (5)This passage tells us ________
    Ait's good to watch TV
    Bnot to watch TV any more
    Cstudents should not watch TV at any time
    Dto stop reading to watch TV
    We ________ students for the school ________
    ________ you ________ ________ your friends
    Linda and Alan are ________ ________
    Playing games is________ ________ ________
    Speak  busy  because  sing  make   show   play  good  piano    fifteen  with  he
        My best friend Bob is a music teacher He is good ________ his students and his students like ________ very much He can ________ well He can also play the ________ the drums and the guitar He is very ________ this month because he wants to play the piano in the school ________
        The school show is on the ________ of this month He ________ the piano from seven to ten every night I like his music ________ I think he plays the piano very ________
    A May I help you
    B Yes ________ I want to join a club
    A What ________ do you want to ________  
    B Sorry I don't know
    A What ________ you do
    B I can ________ the guitar ________ I can't play ________ well
    A Can you ________  
    B Yes I think I can sing very ________  
    A OK you can join the ________ club
    B Thanks a lot
    A Not at all

    Dear sir
    I want to ……

        I hope to get your letter soon
                                                                                                                         Zhang Hong
    1 C 2 D 3 C 4 B 5 C 6 B 7 A 8 B 9 C 10 B 11 A 12 B 13 D
    14 D 15 D


    四1 needshow 2 Aregoodwith 3 Chinesespeakingstudents 4relaxingandeasy

    Dear sir
        I want to join your School Trip to help kids with sports music and English My name is Zhang Hong I'm 15 years old I'm a student in No 4 Middle School I like playing the guitar painting and playing on computers I can swim play the violin and speak English well I think I can be good with the kids
        I hope to get your letter soon
                                                                                                                                                                   Zhang Hong




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