
    Exercise for 6BU2
    I Phonetics(语音)7分
    A Write the words according to the English sounds(根音标写单词)5分
    1 These suitcases are too heavy to carry We need ________ [trɔliz]
    2 Mauritius is a popular tourist________ and it is far away from China [destɪ’neɪʃn] 
    3 Listen The plane is________ You should hurry to the departure gate [bɔːdɪŋ]
    4 People in________ live very peacefully and they enjoy their life together with the nature [ˈswɪtsələnd]
    5 If they want to have the right of________ and education they have to settle down first [sɪtɪzənʃɪp]

    B Choose the best answers(选择恰答案)2分
    6 Which is the underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others
    A worry B London C cloth D other
    7 The Japanese government must decide what to do about the radiation releases from the plant
    A [ˌdʒəpæ’niz] B [ˌdʒæpə’niz] C [ˌdʒæpə’nis] D[ˌdʒəpæ’nis] 

    II Vocabulary and Grammar 词汇语法(41 分)
    A Choose the best answer(选择恰答案)
    8 Atlantic Ocean is ocean in the world
    A second big B the second biggest C the the second biggest D the second biggest
    9 Japan is the east of China while Mongolia lies the north of China
    A on on B to on C on to D to in
    10 There are more than tourists in this place of interest
    A two hundred B hundreds of C two hundreds D two hundreds of
    11 Bill won’t make any progress he studies harder than before
    A if B when C because D unless
    12 Jane takes every opportunity to pratcice English in and out of class
    A speak B speaking C to speak D to speaking
    13 Will John be to play the leading role
    Let him try After all he still has to practice
    A enough fit enough time B fit enough time enough
    C enough fit time enough D fit enough enough time
    14 I think Mary’s idea is better than yours
    A far B many C more D much more
    15 I you many times that smoking in the bedroom is dangerous and it may cause a fire
    A tell B told C have told D am telling
    16 Please put up the map a little so that every student in the classroom can see it
    A high B higher C highest D the highest
    17 The visitors Japan arrived Beijing last Tuesday morning
    A from in B of to C from to D of on
    18 You’ve tried on several hats
    Sorry to take up too much time of yours But of them looks nice on me
    A neither B none C any D both
    19 Can you tell me _
    A where do you live B who you are waiting
    C where you live in D how he solved the math problem
    20 May I ask for leave tomorrow You’ll have to take an exam tomorrow
    A Sure Go ahead B Yes you may C You’d better not D I’m afraid it’s too early

    B Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms
    21 Food here is cheaper than in Britain on the other hand is dearer(cloth)
    22 the country is in trouble because people are spending more than they produce(economy)
    23 In this foreign country you can see all Muslim (穆斯林) mums with (scarf)
    24 According to the timetable the first train at 700(departure)
    25 The policeman looked at that strange man and asked for his ID card(worry)
    26 Some parents are in favor of letting their children watch TV every day for there are some programmes (information)
    27 This church might be the best shelter he could find(desert)
    28 These painting and photos show our colorful school life(exhibition)

    C Complete the sentences as require
    29 Mr Liang and Mr Xia had to stick to the main route to walk out the forest(反义疑问句)
    Mr Liang and Mr Xia had to stick to the main route to walk out the forest ?
    30 I have talked with my friends on WeChat since this morning(划线部分提问)
    ______ ______ have you talked with your friends on WeChat
    31 Emma Stone succeeded in winning the best actress of the 89th Academy Awards(义句转换)
    Emma Stone ______ ______ in winning the best actress of the 89th Academy Awards
    32 People used to eat more bread than they do nowadays (义句转换)
    People didn’t eat as ______ ______ as they used to
    33 The volunteers took good care of the old in turn( 改动句)
    The old ______ ______ good care of by the volunteers in turn
    34 became has foreigners attracted Shanghai more and more since city it modern a

    D Fill the blanks with verbs in their proper forms
    35 The local government has promised that the collapsed (倒塌) hospital _______ soon(rebuild)
    36 Tom may I borrow your book Chicken soup for the Soul? Sorry I _______ it to Mary(lend)
    37 Jane _______ kites with her parents every week when she was five(fly)
    38 He _______ a phone call when I met him the other day(make)
    39 Sam asked Jerry if he _______ the ticket for the film in three days(get)

    E Translation
    40 姓李家已感两星期(完成时态)
    41 张提醒写着 记带走美元
    42 广州吃著名
    43 独居住觉孤独
    44 球撞太重掉水里

    F Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box Each word orphrase can only be used once(列单词词组填入空格空格限填单词词组词填次)(4分)
    A plans B generous C share with D once E act as
    Although Americans treat friends warmly in their personal everyday lives they don’t show much politeness if it requires much time But in China we are usually ___1___ with our time As hosts we will appear at an airport even in the middle of the night to meet a friend We may take days off from our work to___2___guides (people who take tourists to a place) to our friends It is opposite in America Americans cannot manage the time to do a great deal with a visitor outside their daily ___3___ They will probably expect the visitors to get themselves from the airport to the hotels And they expect the visitors will phone them from there However___4___ the visitors arrive at their homes the welcome will be full warm and real
    Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 读写)
    A Read and tell whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F) (判断列句子否符合短文容符合T 表示符合F表示)
    Some people remember the things by writing notes to themselves Then they leave the notes in obvious(明显) places such as on the table or on the floor in the middle of the living room I don’t think I like to write notes to myself Most of the time I lose them or forget to look at them until it’s too late I prefer to use an alarm clock to tell me what I should do I have ten alarm clocks in my house They could tell me about things For example if I have to make a telephone call at a certain time I’ll set an alarm clock to go off a few minutes early and put the clock by the telephone Or if I want to watch a certain television program I’ll set an alarm clock at the right time and put the clock on top of the TV set I can remember almost anything if I use my clocks However sometimes an alarm clock goes off and I don’t know what it means I always remember setting it but I do not know why I set it If the clock is by the telephone I know I may have set it to tell me to call someone but I can’t be sure I might have set it to tell myself that somebody was to call me at a certain time
    1 Some people like to write notes to themselves so that they can remember what to do at a certain time
    2 The writer does not like to write notes to himself
    3 The writer often uses a computer to help him remember things
    4 Sometimes an alarm clock can do the housework for the writer
    5 The writer prefers remembering the things by writing notes to using alarm clocks

    B Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择恰单词词语完成短文)

    Banbury House
    Enjoy mixing with other students in pleasant accommodation 30 minutes from the station and close to all main bus lines single and double rooms students provide own food but all cleaning services offered Please bring you own bed things Tel59768339 MrTyler
    1 The four texts above are most probably __________
    A letters B postcards C invitations D advertisements
    2 I f you interested in sports you can choose ___________
    A Sturtin Hostel B Three Seasons C Banbury House D First house
    3 Which number would you call if you want to live near the city center
    A 59768339 B 59759876 C 59787633 D 59226600
    4 Which of the following is Not correct about the First Shop
    A students must pay for all washing and cleaning services
    B it has large canteen and three bathrooms on each floor
    C The First Shop is far away from the underground station
    D I cannot offer help in finding a suitable person to share a room with
    5 The underlined word accommodation in the text probably means a place to ________
    A live B work C study D play

    C Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择恰单词词语)
    A report from the Statistics Department (统计局) shows that population of Hong Kong will ___84___ from 7 million to 889 million in 30 years’ time The population over 65 years old will reach 28 compared with the present rate of 13
    Hong Kong people prefer not to have children nowadays and they live much longer than before These ___85___ have destroyed the population structure and ___86___ a worrying situation Hong Kong has become the city with the lowest birth rate around the world for years Hong Kong people live even longer than Japanese Hong Kong males and females can live to 831 and 901 years respectively () on average
    Under these circumstances the working population is getting smaller and the amount of medical spending in the future is getting ___87___ The Hong Kong government has encouraged people to give birth and worked on the medical plan for the future ___88___ over 80 of Hong Kong people think that government has not done enough They said that the government should think of a complete population plan
    1 A reach B run C climb D raise
    2 A reasons B ideas C suggestions D hopes
    3 A found out B led to C taken place D broken out
    4 A lower B higher C smaller D larger
    5 A In fact B However C Therefore D Then

    D Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(短文空格处填入适词容通限填词首字母已):( 5 分)
    An extract from The Greatest Tales of Sherlock Holmes
    I think I will tell you what happened last night My husband went to bed at about half past ten The servants had already gone to their rooms Only my housekeeper s___1___ in her room at the top of the house until I needed her
    I sat until after eleven in this room deep in a book Then I walked round to see that all was right before I went upstairs I went into the kitchen the storeroom the living room and f__2__ the dining room As I came near the window I suddenly felt the wind blow on my face and I realize that it was open I pulled the curtain to one side and found myself face to face with a broadshouldered elderly man who had just walked into the room By the light of my bedroom candle I saw two other men entering behind the first I was so s__3__ trembling (发抖) I stepped back quietly but the man was on me in a moment He caught me first by the wrist and then by the throat I struggled to scream but he hit me heavily over the eye and I fell to the ground
    I must have been unconscious for a few minutes When I w__4__ up I found that they had tied me tightly to the c__5__ standing in front of the dining table At that moment my unfortunate husband came into the room He had clearly heard some strange sounds and he came prepared When he rushed at one of the burglars another man hit him heavily as he passed My husband fell without a groan(呻吟)and never moved again (To be continued)

    E Answer the questions (根短文容回答列问题):(5分)
    Peter was a carpenter of our village Once I asked him to make a dining table for my wife He made it just the right size to fill the space between the two windows When I arrived home that evening Peter was drinking a cup of tea and writing out his bill for his work
    My wife said to me quietly That’s his ninth cup of tea today But she said loudly It’s a beautiful table dear isn’t it
    I won’t decide about that until I see that bill I said
    Peter laughed and gave me his bill for the work It said
    One dining table June102016
    Cost of wood 2700
    Paint 550
    Work 8 hours (2 an hour) 1600
    Total 5850
    When I was looking at the bill Peter said It’s been a fine day hasn’t it Quite sunny
    Yes I said I’m glad it is only the l0th of June
    Me too said Peter You wait it’ll be a bit hotter by the end of the month
    Yes Hotter and more expensive Dining tables will be 20 more expensive on June 30 won’t they Peter
    Peter looked hard at me for half a minute There was a little smile in his two blue eyes I gave his bill back to him
    If it isn’t too much trouble Peter I said Please add it up again You can forget the date
    I paid him and he was happy to get it
    1 The dinner table was made by Peter wasn’t it
    2 How long did it take the carpenter to make the table
    3 Why did the writer ask Peter to add the bill up again
    4 What number can be filled in the blank in the last paragraph
    5 Which character do you think was clever Why

    V Writing (写作):(12分)
    Write a passage of at least 60 words about the topic My pocket money (零花钱题写篇少60字短文标点符号计数出现真实姓名)
    How much pocket money do you have every month
    How do you usually spend your pocket money
    How can you manage (理) your pocket money better

    15 trolleys destination boarding Switzerland citizenship
    67 BA
    820 C B A D B DA C B A B DC
    2128 clothing economically scarves departs worriedly informative deserted exhibits
    2934 didn’t he How long managed to do much bread were taken
    Shanghai has attracted more and more foreigner since it became a modern city
    3539 will be rebuilt have lent flew was making would get
    The Lis have been ill for two weeks
    The signs says Remember to bring some US dollars
    Guangzhou is famous for its local snacks
    I live alone but I don’t feel lonely
    The ball struck him so hard that he nearly fell into the water

    F 1B 2 E 3 A 4 D
    A 1T 2T 3F 4F 5F
    B 1D 2A 3B4D5B
    D 1 stayed 2 finally 3 scared 4 woke 5 chair
    1 Yes it was
    2 It took him 8 hours to make the table
    3 Because he added the date into the bill
    4 485
    5 I think the author writer was clever because he checked the bill and found the mistake

    My pocket money
    Monthly I get 600 yuan as pocket money from my parents by doing some housework I usually spend it in three ways Firstly part of them is used to buy some stationery As people always said if the labor wants to be good on his work he must have a nice tool at first I will buy some pens to practice my handwriting Even though we finish our papers by computers more and more I still the handwriting is a good way to train my personality and complete my knowledge about traditional culture Secondly I know some pathetic boys who cannot go to school just because of lack of money I am willing to donate my money to them Only when the money is able to show the value to people money is the real money Otherwise they are the well printed paper Thirdly the rest of it is saved in my personal bank for some specific purposes in the future The best way to manage my money better is to make a plan in advance and do as I planned strictly

    part I (Introduction) 600monthdoing housework
    part II (Main body) how to spend 1buy pens to practice handwriting
    2donate part of it
    3save the rest of it
    part III (Conclusion) how to manage better make a better plan and do after it strictly





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