
    1—Do you know about the scientist Tu Youyou
    —Yesshe won the 2015 Nobel Prize in medicine because of her great ________
    A.surprise   B.achievement C.education  D.satisfaction
    2Not all the people here want to ________ their lives climbing that mountain
    A.save B.lost C.risk D.have
    3I don't like Zhou Libo's shows ________ many people like them
    A.all in all B.because of C.so that D.even though
    4—What do you think of the film you saw yesterday
    —OhIt's one of ________ films I've ever seen
    A.interesting B.more interesting C.most interesting D.the most interesting
    5—I have great ________ in finishing the work by myselfCould you help me
    —No problem
    A.fun B.success C.advice D.difficulty
    6Many students try to go to Beijing University_____ it is very difficult 
    Aif Bunless Csince Deven though
    7I think the best way to______us against illness is to exercise more 
    Aprotect Bstop Ctake Dhave
    8—Do you know the_______of the stone 
    —YesIt _________about 200 kilos 
    Aweightweighs Bweightsweighs Cweighweighs Dweighweights
    9The population of that city _____18 million and one third_______ from the countryside 
    Aarecome Biscome Carecomes Discomes
    —QomolangmaIt’s higher than any other mountain in the world
    AHow high is the mountain
    BWhere is Qomolangma
    CWhat’s the highest mountain in the world
    DWhen did you reach the top of Qomolangma
    11—________ is the population of your town
    —About sixty thousand
    A.How B.What C.How many D.How much
    12—Why did they start the club
    —The main reason was ________ protect animals
    A.help B.helps C.helped D.to help
    13—Do you know which country has ________ population
    —Of course China
    A.the most B.the least C.the largest D.the best
    14—What do you think of this movie
    —It's ________ more interesting than that one
    A.much B.too C.very D.quite
    15—What do you do thereEric
    —Ohmy job includes ________
    A.do housework and go shopping
    B.doing housework and going shopping
    C.did housework and went shopping
    D.to do housework and go shopping

    Imagine this:you are walking in the desertYour feet are in the __1__ sandWhen you are trying to walkyou find your feet are so heavy __2__ you can hardly move themSo __3__ do people move around in the desert?They move around sitting in the ship of the desert—the camelThe camel is an animal that can move __4__ on the sand
    When a camel __5__it moves both feet on one side of its body and the other two on the otherIt __6__ it is moving like a boatSo it gets the name
    The camel has special feetwhich help it walk freely on the sand__7__ it looks thinit is strong enough to carry as much as of its weightWhat's moreit can walk for miles __8__ any food or waterWhen the sandstorm comesthe camel will close its noseAnd its long eyelashes (眼睫毛) can __9__ its eyes from the sand as well as the sun
    You see__10__ is so amazingIt gives the camel so many things to help it live in the desert
    1Awild B.huge C.wide D.deep
    2Abecause B.that C.if D.but
    3Ahow B.why C.when D.where
    4Asuddenly B.loudly C.easily D.heavily
    5Asleeps B.walks C.flies D.runs
    6Aseems B.sounds C.says D.knows
    7AInstead of B.As soon as C.In order to D.Even though
    8Aby B.for C.with D.without
    9Alead B.achieve C.protect D.develop
    10Anature B.government C.ocean D.human

    Poyang Lake
    It's the largest freshwater lake in China
    It's the second largest lakeafter Qinghai Lakein China
    It lies in the north part of Jiangxi ProvinceChina
    It's 173 km long and 74 km wide
    It's home to over three hundred kinds of birds

    Lake Superior
    It's the largest freshwater lake in North America
    It's the third largest freshwater lake in the worldafter Lake Baikal in Russiaand Lake Tanganyika in Africa
    Canada and America share it
    It's 616 km long and 257 km wide
    There are over 80 kinds of fish in Lake Superior
    1.Poyang Lake is ____.
    A.the largest lake in China B.a freshwater lake
    C.in Qinghai Province D.in the north of China
    2.Poyang Lake is a great place to ____.
    A.go fishing B.go boating C.watch birds D.watch stars
    3.____ is the largest freshwater lake in the world
    A.Poyang Lake B.Lake Superior C.Lake Baikal D.Lake Tanganyika
    4.Which of the following is TRUE about Lake Superior?____
    A.It's in South America
    B.It's 257 km long
    C.It's the deepest lake in the world
    D.It's home to many kinds of fish
    5.What can we learn from the passage?____
    A.The world's largest freshwater lake is in Africa
    B.Lake Superior is much longer than Poyang Lake
    C.Lake Tanganyika is much wider than Lake Baikal
    D.Qinghai Lake is the second largest lake in China

    Liu Yunkang was bitten (咬) by people's pet dogs three timesbut this time was different
    I am lucky to be bitten by a panda laughed the 59-year-old farmer from Sichuan
    At noon on Fridaya wild panda came downIt walked about 200 meters before crossing the river to reach the mountains on the other side said Yang Guoxianga 65-year-old farmer who was the first to see the panda while planting potatoes Because the panda was dirty and couldn't walk fastfarmers thought it might be sick and decided to help it
    The panda became stressed and bit Liu's left leg when the farmers got too close Then it walked into the mountains
    The bite was made by two teeth and wasn't serious But in factpandas are very powerful (力量) when they are angry They can kill a sheep From the bitepeople thought that the young panda's mother drove it away to live by itself It did not come down to look for food because there were many kinds of bamboo in the mountains
    6How many times was Liu Yunkang bitten by a panda
    A Never B.Once C.Twice D.Three times
    7What was Yang Guoxiang doing when she saw the panda
    A.Walking near the mountains B.Looking for food to eat
    C.Planting potatoes D.Crossing the river
    8Why did the panda come down from the mountains
    A.It was sick and needed some help
    B.It wanted some water to clean itself
    C.It was hungry and looked for food
    D.It wanted to reach the mountains on the other side
    9What can we learn from the passage
    A.Pandas can bite people when they are angry
    B.The panda lived with its mother
    C.The panda was too young to look after itself
    D.The panda liked to be close with people
    10What is the best title for this passage
    A.Where Pandas Live B.How Pandas Bite People
    C.Don't Make Pandas Angry D.Some Unlucky People

    1.Where is the Saharathe famous d______
    2.China is about 9600000 s____________ kilometers in size
    3.It's very important for everyone to p_________ the environment
    4.The road is only one track _________(宽).
    5.Mr Black likes the_______ (古代) history of China

    His father weighs_____ ______ _____ ______ _____him
    People will _____ _____ _____200 years
    The tree is____ _____ _____ than that one
    It eats two kilos of food____ _____.
    Pandas can stand____ ______ ____.

    What should we do to protect animals or plants that are in dangerSetting a law (法律)is a good way
    In Japanthere is a law called the Law for the Protection of Cultural PropertiesThis law saves animals and plants that are few in number
    To protect animals and plantsJapan has other lawstooOne is the Law for the Conservation of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and FloraThis law protects 51 kinds of endangered animals and plants in Japan
    Another law is the Wildlife Protection and Hunting LawThis law doesn’t allow people to hunt (猎)or kill birds or animalsThere are also the Nature Conservation Law and Natural Parks LawThese laws help protect the areas where the animals and plants live
    Howeverthere are people who still hunt or kill animals to make moneySuch people are called poachers (偷猎者)Unless all the people around the world play a part in saving themthese plants and animals won’t die or disappear (消失)
    1Which law protects birds and animals
    2Does the Law for the Conservation of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora protect the endangered animals in England
    3Why do the poachers hunt or kill animals
    4How many kinds of laws are mentioned in the passage
    5What’s the passage mainly about


    参考词汇:哺乳动物 mammal 象牙 ivory

    15BCDDD 610DAABC 1115BDCAB
    二15DBACB 610ADDCA
    三15BCCDB 610BCDAC
    四1desert 2 square 3 protect 4wide 5 ancient
    五1three times as much as 2 live up to 3 two meters taller 4 a day 5 on two legs

    1Wildlife Protection and Hunting Law 2Noit doesn’t 3To make money 4Five5
    5Japanese laws to protect animals and plants

    Dear schoolmates
    Elephants are the largest mammals on landThey can live as long as 80 yearsHoweverthese days the number of elephants is becoming much smallerBecause people cut down foreststhey are losing their homesAlsopeople kill them for their ivoryElephants are inv great dangerI think we should try our best to protect themFirstwe should help make rules to stop people from killing elephantsSecondwe shouldn't cut down treesThirdwe shouldn't buy anything made of ivory
    I believe everyone's contribution (贡献) can make a big difference
    Wang Peng





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