冀教版七年级上册英语试题:Lesson 42 Happy Holidays!作业

    作业纸 Lesson 42 备课
    I) 基础题
    1 The kangaroo comes from A_______________
    2 The eraser is mine not y__________
    3 I h________ to see you soon
    4There are many beautiful ___________(beach) in Sanya
    5December January and February are summer _________(month)
    in Australia
    6That movie is __________(excite) We are ____________(excite)about it
    three swim excite rain aunt
    1My _______ birthday is coming I’ll buy her a nice gift
    2I don’t like ________ days They often make me sad
    3The _________ Sunday in June is Father’s Day
    4We are ____________ about the good news
    5The teacher tells us not to go _____________ alone in the river
    1 In Canada _______is the coldest season
    A spring B summer C fall D winter
    2 I feel ______ to watch the ________movie
    A excited excited B excited exciting
    C exciting exciting D exciting excited
    3 What’s your dream I hope ______ a teacher
    A being B am C to be D is
    4Danny ____go to the zoo
    A hopes to B hope to C hopes me to D hope me to
    5 What does he usually do _____Monday night
    A at B on C in D to
    1tohope I Christmas go to Australia next year
    2 weather Canada the is in cold in and snowy winter months
    3Children’s Li Ming Day Beijing Zoo goes to on the
    III 拔高题:阅读理解
    What is a museum A museum is a good place to keep old and beautiful things A museum may be a place to learn about science and a place to find out about art or people or animals
    What is inside a museum Some museums have old cars and airplanes Many museums have pictures and statues Others have rocks and old bones One museum even has a real old street inside It has shops and people’s statues doing business It looks so real that one might feel that he was back to the old times
    Many cities have museums Some very small towns have museums too Indianapolis has a children’s museum Children do not have to pay to get in Children often go to the museum They like to look at the dinosaur bones They can see a white bear ten feet tall
    On Saturdays Indianapolis children can hear talks about animals and trees They see movies They even learn to make things there
    1 What is NOT true about a museum
    A It’s a good place to do some shopping
    B People can learn about the history of a place there
    C People can learn about science there
    D It’s a good place to learn about art
    2 People cannot ________ in a museum
    A see movies B listen to talks C make things D play with bears
    3 In Indianapolis
    A there is only one museum for children
    B it’s free for children to visit the children’s museum
    C people do not have to pay to visit the children’s museum
    D museums are all the same
    4 In the children’s museum in Indianapolis children like to see
    A the dinosaur bones B all old bones C old streets D airplanes
    5 The main idea of the passage is that
    A old cars and airplanes are kept in museums
    B animals and trees are found in museums
    C there are all kinds of museums
    D children like museum
    Sam likes eating fish very much He often buys fish in the shop and takes them home One day his wife sees the fish and thinks Good Now I can ask my friends to have lunch and we can eat the fish They like fish very much
    When Sam comes home from work in the evening the fish is not there and his wife says Oh your cat eats it And then she gives him some bread for his supper Sam is angry(生气) lie takes the cat and his wife to a shop near his house and weighs (称) the cat Then he turns to his wife and says My fish weighs one kilo This cat weighs one kilo too My cat is here you see then where is my fish
    1 Who likes eating fish
    A Only Sam B Only Sam's wife
    C His wife' friends D Sam his wife and her friends
    2 Who eats Sam's fish
    A Sam's cat B Sam's wife
    C His wife and her friends D Sam and his cat
    3 What does Sam buy the fish for He buys fish for
    A his cat B his wife's lunch
    C their supper D his wife's friends' lunch
    4 Sam thinks the cat must weigh _____ after eating the fish
    A one kilo B two kilos C three kilos D four kilos
    5 Who does Sam weigh in the shop
    A His wife B His cat C His cat and fish D His wife's friends





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