
    第二题 词汇结构题库

    ◆3D printers have spread from labs to industrial factories_________they are being cheaper and cheaperAso
    ◆3D printing is just at the beginning stageIt is not_________Amature
    ◆50 miles southwest of the country_________the famous beautiful mountainClies
    ◆When offered a choice of two jobs the man decided to take the one which was more challenging
    ◆________a choice of two jobsthe man decided to take the one which was more challengingAWhen offered
    ◆A highquality company must promote originality and encourage innovation
    ◆All students are eager to know whether they will pass the exam or not
    ◆All the lights had been turned off before we left the office
    ◆All the people in the classroom are frustrated except for the few who have passed the test
    ◆Although she said that she would go there with me she still had a doubtful look on her face
    ◆Anyone who had been in your position would have done the same
    ◆As there is no car now we have to go home on foot
    ◆Absolutelythat movie_________and I must admit that its director is brilliantCtook my breath away
    ◆All students are eager to know________they will pass the exam or notAwhether
    ◆All the people in the classroom are frustrated________the few who have passed the testBexcept for
    ◆Although plastic surgery is created to improve the looks of a personthere are a certain percentage of______Aconsequences
    ◆Although plastic surgery is created to improve the looks of a personthere are a certain percentage of______Cconsequences
    ◆Animal farming_________about half of all humancaused greenhouse gasesAaccounts for
    ◆Animal farming_________about half of all humancaused greenhouse gasesBaccounts for
    ◆Anyone who had been in your position________the sameAwould have done
    ◆A highquality company must promote originality and encourage ___________Binnovation
    ◆_________by the promise of these tiny tubespeople are already working to turn the Space Elevator into a realityCFueled
    ◆Between the two buildings_________Cstands a tall tree
    ◆Between 1975 and 1996the number of overseas visitors expanded_________27 on average each yearBby

    ◆By no means_________ready to quit her studyCis she
    ◆Can you give me some advice how I can improve my English
    ◆Contraction should not be used in formal writing
    ◆Could you please tell me where the nearest post office is located
    ◆Clever children________knowledge easilyCabsorbed
    ◆Combining carbon and supercapacitors_________a perfect marriageAseems like
    ◆Combining carbon and supercapacitors_________like a perfect marriageAseems
    ◆Considering the needs of the new generationwe propose the concept of the_______networkBwearable
    ◆Considering the needs of the new generationwe propose the concept of the_______networkBwearable
    ◆Cosmetic surgery involves_________reshaping the body featuresAin
    ◆Doctor Black is reputed to be the best heart surgeon in the country
    ◆Doctorplease let me know_________you can reconstruct my faceCwhether
    ◆Doctorplease let me know_________you can reconstruct my faceBwhether
    ◆Doctor Black is reputed to be the best heart ___________in the countryCsurgeon
    ◆Elisabeth asked Michael if it was the place where he bought the flowers
    ◆Energy can be transformed from one form into another in different ways
    ◆Energy can be transformed_______one form_______another_______different WaysCfromintoin
    ◆Everyone has periods in their lives_________everything seems so hardAwhen
    ◆Everything we do has the potential_________creating some badCfor
    ◆Energy can be transformed_______one form_______another_______different WaysCfrom into in
    ◆Flowers grow well in a warm climateSimilarlytechnology________in a harmonious societyCflourishes
    ◆Flowers grow well in a warm climateSimilarlytechnology________in a harmonious societyCflourishes
    ◆No sooner had he graduated from the college than he went into an IT company
    ◆_________he knows a lot about computerCChild as he is
    ◆_________home than it began to rainCNo sooner had Helen reached
    ◆No sooner had Helen reached home than it began to rain
    ◆He is a hardworking student and lays a solid foundation of every subject
    ◆He seems able to handle the tough problems
    ◆Henry said that either his father or his uncle was going to attend the class meeting
    ◆Had I known the resultI_________you to tell meBwould not have asked
    ◆He is still a_________in handling such thingsAgreen hand
    ◆He is still a_________in handling such thingsCgreen hand
    ◆He remotely controls my mobile phone_________he can set up it for meBin order that

    ◆He remotely controls my mobile phone_________he can setup it for meBso that
    ◆He would much_________it if you could do him the favorCappreciate
    ◆He_______his baggage among hundreds of othersAidentified
    ◆Helen is fond of light music_________her brother is keen on rock and rollCwhile
    ◆Here motely controls my mobile phone_________he can set up it for meBso that
    ◆He is a hardworking student and___________a solid foundation of every subjectAlays
    ◆I accepted my eyebrow surgery the gracious and patient doctor was really helpful during my recovery period
    ◆I apologize for not keeping my promise
    ◆I arrived in Beijing at 10 o’clock on July 8
    ◆I can recommend him to you for the job for he is a very good software engineer
    ◆I remembered investigating the problem before they asked me
    ◆I told the foreign guests that it was in the house where we used to live that the exhibition was held
    ◆I walked as fast as I could but I couldn’t catch up with him
    ◆I was about to leave the office when the telephone rang
    ◆I wonder how many years ago your father retured
    ◆I’m looking forward to hearing from you
    ◆I’m writing on your gift my mother to express her thanks for your gift
    ◆I’ve made more mistakes than you have
    ◆If you want to download this file you need to connect your mobile phone to Internet first
    ◆In tests this kind animals navigate back home after being placed in a field a mile away
    ◆In this COVID19 emergency medical team there are ten women nurses
    ◆It is considerate of you to turn off the TV set while others are going over their lessons
    ◆It is known to all that a lot of actor industry celebrities accepted plastic surgery
    ◆It is only through practice that one will learn English well
    ◆It is said that this kind of kiwi fruit is highly priced however they taste delicious
    ◆It looked as though the hurricane had an awful lot of force
    ◆It seems to me that the curtains do not match the decoration
    ◆It’s free from the Google Play store and our Remote Service is offered free of charge
    ◆It’s required that the student finish the term paper tomorrow
    ◆It’s very smart of you to think of such a terrific idea
    ◆I accepted my nose surgerythe________and patient doctor was really helpful during my recovery periodCgracious
    ◆I am really_______by fresh ingredientsintricate cooking and diverse traditions of Chinese foodCfascinated
    ◆I am really_______by fresh ingredientsintricate cooking and diverse traditions of Chinese foodAfascinated
    ◆I couldn’t stand London Bloody_________placeCawful
    ◆I think the benefits of opening up space far_________the damage that we can seeBoutweigh
    ◆I was a little scared that it was my first time that I_________had my cosmetic surgeryBhad
    ◆I was about________the office when the telephone rangAto leave

    ◆I wonder how many years ago________Cyour father retired
    ◆If Gardener_________who will take care of usAleaves
    ◆If you have any_________news of my husbandplease let me knowAdefinite
    ◆If you want to download this appyou need to connect your mobile phone_________Internet firstAto
    ◆In this COVID19 emergency medical team there are ten________Bwomen nurses
    ◆It is_________an interesting story that I want to read it again Bsuch
    ◆It__________me that I had a choiceChit
    ◆It is difficult for her to make the final decision now_________she is in a delicate situationCsince
    ◆It is hard for any woman to resist_________herself more beautyCmaking
    ◆It is hard for any woman to resist_________herself more beautyCmaking
    ◆It is known to all that a lot of South Korean_________accepted plastic surgeryCcelebrities
    ◆It is said that this kind of kiwi fruit________however they taste deliciousB is highly priced
    ◆It is the ability to do the job_________matters not where you come from or what you areCwhat
    ◆It seems to me that the curtains do not________the decorationCmatch
    ◆It’s very smart________of such a terrific ideaBof you to think
    ◆I apologize for not___________my promiseBkeeping
    ◆Janet believes that some illegal traders only________making moneyBcared about
    ◆________language maths and historythe children are also taught music and artBIn addition to
    ◆In addition to language maths and history the children are also taught music and art
    ◆Lucy I need to tell you something urgent
    ◆Although more than one hundred elements are known only twentyfive of them are common and important
    ◆_____more than one hundred elements are knownonly twentyfive of them are common and importantAAlthough
    ◆Many houses are reported to have been destroyed in the storm
    ◆Mary is not old enough to join the army
    ◆Most of their equipment has been shipped has been shipped ahead of schedule
    ◆Mr Brown lost his job last month so the family had to cut down on expenses
    ◆Mr Bultmann would much appreciate it if you could do him the favor
    ◆Mr Smith will be in charge of the office next week when the manager is away
    ◆Many houses are reported________in the stormCto have been destroyed
    ◆Modern Meadow is a start up that engineers tissues to create labgrown________meatAedible
    ◆Most of their equipment________has been shipped ahead of scheduleBhas been shipped
    ◆MrBrown lost his job last month so the family had to________on expensesCcut down
    ◆My assistant will now_________the machine in actionCdemonstrate
    ◆My assistant will now_________the machine in actionAdemonstrate

    ◆_____no modern telecommunicationswe would have to wait for weeks to get news from around the worldAWere there
    ◆Neither of the young men who had applied for a position in the company was accepted
    ◆Never before that accident did I feel so great my responsibility was
    ◆No one thought that John’s proposal was worth considering
    ◆Now that the initial shock was wearing off he was in considerable pain
    ◆Nowadays many companies are suffering from a shortage of skilled staff
    ◆Nowhere else in the world can you find more attractive scenery than in Switzerland
    ◆No one had enough foresight to_________the winnerApredict
    ◆No one had enough foresight to_________the winnerApredict
    ◆Now that the________shock was wearing offhe was in considerable painAinitial
    ◆Nowhere else in the world________more attractive scenery than in SwitzerlandCcan you find
    ◆Nowadays many companies are ___________from a shortage of skilled staffAsuffering
    ◆Our part of the mission is nearly complete and the new crew will_________for usAtake over
    ◆Unfortunately Prof Bradley was out when we called
    ◆________ProfBradley was out when we calledBUnfortunately
    ◆________people are no longer worried about whether their food is safe or not_____they enjoy a better lifeAOnly if……can
    ◆Please write down the summary about the conversation we heard today with time order and causeeffect
    ◆Richard ___________ works in isolation but I have no doubts about his abilitiesCfor instance
    ◆Richard for instance works in isolation but I have no doubts about his abilities
    ◆As still young Mr Rogers has had amazing achievement in physic
    ◆Having been given such a good chance he planned to learn more
    ◆_______such a good chance he planned to learn moreCHaving been given
    ◆________such a good chancehe planned to learn moreCHaving been given
    ◆Since the bus is overcrowded we _had better walk home___
    ◆Smart wearable bands should not imitate but instead __insist on_______ their own unique design
    ◆So far as I’m concerned some other arrangement would have been satisfactory
    ◆So little did I know about chemistry that the lecture was completely beyond me
    ◆Some of the experiments described in our textbook are difficult to perform
    ◆She is_________tall as you areCas
    ◆She’s been interested in computer science_________she was eightAsince
    ◆She’s not very optimistic_________the development of 3D printingBabout
    ◆So far as I’m________some other arrangement would have been satisfactoryCconcerned

    ◆So little_________about chemistry that the lecture was completely beyond meAdid I know
    ◆So_________that millions of people queue to buy itApopular is the smart phone
    ◆Some experts think reading is the fundamental skill upon_________school education dependsCwhich
    ◆Some illegal traders care about nothing but_________Bmaking money
    ◆Some illegal traders care about nothing but_________ Bmaking money
    ◆Someone invented the 3D printer many years ago_________I don’t remember whoBbut
    ◆Spaceships are stocked with a variety of_________foodsBinstant
    ◆Spaceships are stocked with a variety of_________foodsAinstant
    ◆Success can breed successif you_________itCtake advantage of
    ◆There is no doubt that in Africa French is one of most widely used languages
    ◆Looking into the future we are full of confidence
    ◆_______that in Africa French is one of most widely used languagesCThere is no doubt
    ◆_______the new law is used one dayI hope it will not punish people using 3D printers for personal purposesCIf
    ◆_______the future we are full of confidenceBLooking into
    ◆_______thinking is the heart of the artistic designACreative
    ◆_______this multimedia pro duet has some shortcomingsit has also some good pointsAWhile
    ◆That’s the hotel where we stayed last year
    ◆The basketball team is made up of 10 players
    ◆The best way to understand the principle is to see how it actually works in practice
    ◆The book is much more difficult than the one I read last week
    ◆The company demonstrated a working prototype in September at its annual Technology Innovation Conference in Beijing
    ◆The country needs a defence capability as insurance against the unexpected
    ◆The customer complained to the storekeeper about the poor quality of the refrigerator
    ◆The difficulty of a project was defined in terms of how long it took to complete
    ◆The faint sound is virtually undetectable to the human ear
    ◆The first thing that you should do is to observe the object carefully
    ◆The minister said that the COVID19 patients would be sent to hospital and cured free of charge
    ◆The municipal government gives citizens free access to all the parks
    ◆The new system of taxation will take effect next year
    ◆The output of our company this month is twice as much as that of last month
    ◆The parents will never forget that it was he who had saved their child’s life
    ◆The performance of the first three clowns was very funny
    ◆The reason why I plan to go there is that she will be disappointed if I don’t
    ◆The whole experience was definitely more positive than negative
    ◆The whole nation is involved in the campaign to stop drug abuse
    ◆There was an car accident happened killing 16 people and with more than 23 injured
    ◆These platforms are going to get cheaper while becoming more capable and more compact

    ◆They talked to each other as though they had been friends for years
    ◆They want the multimedia laboratory to be set up as soon as possible
    ◆This candidate will have studied Spanish for six years by the time he takes his examination
    ◆This disease lowers the body’s resistance to infection
    ◆This girl used to be very shy but now she’s gone to the opposite extreme
    ◆Tim can’t figure out_the maths problem he is working at
    ◆Two little pandas have just_been bought for the zoo
    ◆The________on international economic problems met in Geneva last MondayCconference
    ◆The atlas is normally kept by the big window but now it is______to the wall right next to BroccoliBstuck
    ◆The BBC has just successfully demonstrated a_________radio transmission systemCdigital
    ◆The best way________the principle is to see how it actually works in practiceBto understand
    ◆The book is________more difficult than the one I read last weekBmuch
    ◆The box is_________hold these thingsBtoo small to
    ◆The Cheetah robot made by MIT’s scientists can jump over hurdles while________Brunning
    ◆The Cheetah robot made by MIT’s scientists can jump over hurdles while_________ Brunning
    ◆The company________a working prototype in September at its annual Technology Innovation Conference in BeijingAdemonstrated
    ◆The current death rate is reduced_________10 compared with that of the year of 1980Cby
    ◆The municipal government gives citizens free________all the parksBaccess into
    ◆The new system of taxation will take________next yearAeffect
    ◆The output of our company this month is________that of last monthAtwice as much as
    ◆The plastic surgeon may provide several plans for your facial_________Creconstruction
    ◆The plastic surgeon may provide several plans for your facial_________Breconstruction
    ◆The plastic surgeon may provide several plans for your facial_________Breconstruction
    ◆The problem is uneven distribution_________870 million suffering from hungerCleaving
    ◆The reason why he didn’t come to school was_________he was illCthat
    ◆The scientist spoke confidently_________impressed me mostCwhich
    ◆The speed with which digital cameras can takeprocess and________an image is phenomenalCtransmit
    ◆The technology has several advantages______earlier attempts to engineer meat in vitroAin comparison to
    ◆The technology has several advantages______earlier attempts to engineer meat in vitroBin comparison to
    ◆The whole experience was________more positive than negativeAdefinitely
    ◆These platforms are going to get cheaper while becoming more capable and more________Bcompact
    ◆There are_________calls for lawmakers to consider copyright lawsBincreasing
    ◆There are________calls for lawmakers to consider copyright lawsAincreasing
    ◆There was an car accident happened______16 people and with more than 23________Bkillinginjured
    ◆There will be a space hotel in Barcelona Island_________you can experience space travel by viewing lifelike galaxies through cabin windowsBwhere
    ◆They are trying to make a new productthe world’s smallest_________robotChumanoid
    ◆They are trying to make a new productthe world’s smallest_________robotAhumanoid
    ◆They are_________make an announcement later on todayBexpected to
    ◆They built a robot capable of_________spoken commandsBunderstanding

    ◆They should never try to pursue profit_________health and life of peopleCat the expense of
    ◆They want the multimedia laboratory________as soon as possibleBto be set up
    ◆This 3D printer_________to produce snacksAwas designed
    ◆This candidate________Spanish for six years by the time he takes his examinationBwill have studied
    ◆This girl used to be very shybut now she’s gone to the opposite________Cextreme
    ◆This is a highly_________new heating systemBefficient
    ◆Thisthey arguewill be essential to_____the needs of a booming population in decades to come and avoiding starvationBmeeting
    ◆Tom asked me to go to play football and__________Bso I did
    ◆Tom can speak French_________BSo can Jack
    ◆Touch_________3D maps help the blind too muchBresponsive
    ◆Touch_________3D maps help the blind too muchAresponsive
    ◆The parents will never forget that it was ___________who had saved their child’s lifeAhe
    ◆The reason why I plan to go there is ___________if I don’tCthat she will be disappointed
    ◆Two little pandas have just___________for the zooBbeen bought
    ◆They talked to each other ___________they had been friends for yearsBas though
    ◆We consider it no use learning_these figures by heart
    ◆We have great interest in folk music so both_Jack_and_I are going to the concert this evening
    ◆What our team leader said yesterday didn’t apply to you
    ◆When an element is caused to __combine______ with oxygen it is oxidized
    ◆While reading an article we should focus our attention on_the meaning of the whole article rather than that of the new words
    ◆With all this work on hand he _shouldn’t have gone______ to the cinema last night
    ◆With the introduction of the computer libraries today are quite different from what they were in the past
    ◆We_________to deliver the goods within a weekCguarantee
    ◆We_________to deliver the goods within a weekBguarantee
    ◆We consider it no use________these figures by heartAlearning
    ◆We trust this new product of ours will_________to your marketAappeal
    ◆We’ll never forget_________in New York last yearBour meeting a few friends
    ◆What our team leader said yesterday didn’t________youCapply to
    ◆What’s_________issue here is the difference between cosmetic and plastic surgeryAat
    ◆When an element is caused to________with oxygen it is oxi dizedCcombine
    ◆When we were students we_________often stay up all nightBwould
    ◆While reading an articlewe should________our attention________the meaning of the whole article rather than that of the new wordsApayabout
    ◆With all this work on handhe________to the cinema last nightCshouldn’t have gone
    ◆You need not be afraid of any difficulties Be bold and overcome them
    ◆You can schedule your tasks to improve efficiency

    ◆You can stay in my room unless you promise not to use the computer
    ◆Young people are doing their best with the limited resources available

    ◆You can have eggs_________or hardboiledBfried
    ◆You can schedule your tasks to improve________Aefficiency
    ◆You can turn on the toy robot by_________this buttonApressing
    ◆You will get your cosmetic surgery on your nosePlease tell me if you like this medical plan_____Aor not
    ◆You will quickly get used to_________this new digital cameraBusing
    ◆You will quickly get used to_________this new digital cameraBusing
    ◆You____the Inceptionsince I remember once you discussed its main plot with CathyCmust have watched
    ◆You can stay in my room___________you promise not to use the computerCunless
    When offered a choice of two jobs the man decided to take the one which was more challenging
    No sooner had he graduated from the college than he went into an IT company
    No sooner had Helen reached home than it began to rain
    In addition tolanguage maths and history the children are also taught music and art
    Althoughmore than one hundred elements are known only twentyfive of them are common and important
    As still young Mr Rogers has had amazing achievement in physic
    Having been given such a good chance he planned to learn more
    There is no doubt that in Africa French is one of most widely used languages
    Looking into the future we are full of confidence
    Unfortunately Prof Bradley was out when we called
    A highquality company must promote originality and encourage innovation
    All students are eager to know whether they will pass the exam or not
    All the lights had been turned off before we left the office
    All the people in the classroom are frustrated except for the few who have passed the test
    Although she said that she would go there with me she still had a doubtful look on her face
    Anyone who had been in your position would have done the same
    As there is no car now we have to go home on foot
    Can you give me some advice how I can improve my English
    Contraction should not be used in formal writing
    Could you please tell me where the nearest post office is located
    Doctor Black is reputed to be the best heart surgeon in the country
    Elisabeth asked Michael if it was the place where he bought the flowers
    Energy can be transformed from one form into another in different ways
    He is a hardworking student and lays a solid foundation of every subject
    He seems able to handle the tough problems
    Henry said that either his father or his uncle was going to attend the class meeting
    I accepted my eyebrow surgery the gracious and patient doctor was really helpful during my recovery period

    I apologize for not keeping my promise
    I arrived in Beijing at 10 o’clock on July 8
    I can recommend him to you for the job for he is a very good software engineer
    I remembered investigating the problem before they asked me
    I told the foreign guests that it was in the house where we used to live that the exhibition was held
    I walked as fast as I could but I couldn’t catch up with him
    I was about to leave the office when the telephone rang
    I wonder how many years ago your father retured
    I’m looking forward to hearing from you
    I’m writing on your gift my mother to express her thanks for your gift
    I’ve made more mistakes than you have
    If you want to download this file you need to connect your mobile phone to Internet first
    In tests this kind animals navigate back home after being placed in a field a mile away
    In this COVID19 emergency medical team there are ten women nurses
    It is considerate of you to turn off the TV set while others are going over their lessons
    It is known to all that a lot of actor industry celebrities accepted plastic surgery
    It is only through practice that one will learn English well
    It is said that this kind of kiwi fruit is highly priced however they taste delicious
    It looked as though the hurricane had an awful lot of force
    It seems to me that the curtains do not match the decoration
    It’s free from the Google Play store and our Remote Service is offered free of charge
    It’s required that the student finish the term paper tomorrow
    It’s very smart of you to think of such a terrific idea
    Lucy I need to tell you something urgent
    Many houses are reported to have been destroyed in the storm
    Mary is not old enough to join the army
    Most of their equipment has been shipped has been shipped ahead of schedule
    Mr Brown lost his job last month so the family had to cut down on expenses
    Mr Bultmann would much appreciate it if you could do him the favor
    Mr Smith will be in charge of the office next week when the manager is away
    Neither of the young men who had applied for a position in the company was accepted
    Never before that accident did I feel so great my responsibility was
    No one thought that John’s proposal was worth considering
    Now that the initial shock was wearing off he was in considerable pain
    Nowadays many companies are suffering from a shortage of skilled staff
    Nowhere else in the world can you find more attractive scenery than in Switzerland
    Please write down the summary about the conversation we heard today with time order and causeeffect
    Richard for instance works in isolation but I have no doubts about his abilities
    Since the bus is overcrowded we had better walk home
    Smart wearable bands should not imitate but instead insist on their own unique design

    So far as I’m concerned some other arrangement would have been satisfactory
    So little did I know about chemistry that the lecture was completely beyond me
    Some of the experiments described in our textbook are difficult to perform
    That’s the hotel where we stayed last year
    The basketball team is made up of 10 players
    The best way to understand the principle is to see how it actually works in practice
    The book is much more difficult than the one I read last week
    The company demonstrated a working prototype in September at its annual Technology Innovation Conference in Beijing
    The country needs a defence capability as insurance against the unexpected
    The customer complained to the storekeeper about the poor quality of the refrigerator
    The difficulty of a project was defined in terms of how long it took to complete
    The faint sound is virtually undetectable to the human ear
    The first thing that you should do is to observe the object carefully
    The minister said that the COVID19 patients would be sent to hospital and cured free of charge
    The municipal government gives citizens free access to all the parks
    The new system of taxation will take effect next year
    The output of our company this month is twice as much as that of last month
    The parents will never forget that it was he who had saved their child’s life
    The performance of the first three clowns was very funny
    The reason why I plan to go there is that she will be disappointed if I don’t
    The whole experience was definitely more positive than negative
    The whole nation is involved in the campaign to stop drug abuse
    There was an car accident happened killing 16 people and with more than 23 injured
    These platforms are going to get cheaper while becoming more capable and more compact
    They talked to each other as though they had been friends for years
    They want the multimedia laboratory to be set up as soon as possible
    This candidate will have studied Spanish for six years by the time he takes his examination
    This disease lowers the body’s resistance to infection
    This girl used to be very shy but now she’s gone to the opposite extreme
    Tim can’t figure out the maths problem he is working at
    Two little pandas have just been bought for the zoo
    We consider it no use learning these figures by heart
    We have great interest in folk music so both Jack and I are going to the concert this evening
    What our team leader said yesterday didn’t apply to you
    When an element is caused to combine with oxygen it is oxidized
    While reading an article we should focus our attention on the meaning of the whole article rather than that of the new words
    With all this work on hand he shouldn’t have gone to the cinema last night
    With the introduction of the computer libraries today are quite different from what they were in the past
    You need not be afraid of any difficulties Be bold and overcome them

    You can schedule your tasks to improve efficiency
    You can stay in my room unless you promise not to use the computer
    Young people are doing their best with the limited resources available




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    说明:试题随机组合。AA good boss is the one who can____________his employees to work harder and harder.A.ex...

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    国开电大专科《理工英语1》一平台机考题库第一大题 词汇与结构说明:试题随机组合。AAll the trees_______last summer.A.plantedB.were plante...

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    本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。★_________●Actually I prefer working on...

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    本大题共包含15小题,每小题2分,共计30分。阅读句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。★_________a vacation is always a good wa...

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    ★_____in the late 1970s_____American manufacturing factories realized that quality control was a ...

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    ★_________a good listener is very important when you are looking after them.A.Being★_________a go...

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    首字母A◆A new computer______a lot of money.A.spendsB.takesC.costs[答案]C◆A pair of spectacles_______wh...

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    第二大题 词汇与结构◆3D printers have spread from labs to industrial factories,_________they are being che...

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    ________,after introduction,you can ask about their journey.(红色字体为本题正确答案)A.Breaking the ice B.Bro...

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    本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。◆-_____________.-Imean the best way is usin...

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    1.Write a composition of at least 100 words about★an unforgettable traveling in your memory. Your...

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    ★Can you tell me about the trash collection?●_________A.OK,let me show you.★Can you turn down the...

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