
    第二题 词汇结构题库

    ★A police officer claimed that the young man had attempted to_________paying his fareAavoid
    ★All students are required to translate this poem_________English into ChineseBfrom
    ★All students are required to translate this poem_________English into ChineseCfrom
    ★Although he did not know London wellhe made his way_________to the airportCeasily enough
    ★As the bus came round the cornerit ran________a big tree by the roadsideAinto
    ★As the busiest woman thereshe made__her duty to look after all the other people’s affairs in that townBit
    ★Be careful_________you cross the roadBwhen
    ★Before the final examinationsome students have shown_________of tensionThey even have trouble in sleepingAsigns
    ★Before the final examinationsome students have shown_________of tensionThey even have trouble in sleepingCsigns
    ★Both the kids and their parents ________ EnglishI thinkI know it from their accentCare
    ★By the year 2020China’s population probably_________14 billionCwill have reached
    ★By the year 2020China’s population probably_________14 billionCwill have reached
    ★By the year 2020China’s population probably_________14 billionBwill have reached
    ★Children should be encouraged to be_________thinkersAindependent
    ★Combining carbon and supercapacitors________a perfect marriageAseems like
    ★Did the medicine make you feel better●NoThe more____________I feelBmedicine I take the worse
    ★Did you notice the guy_________head looked like a big potatoCwhose
    ★Do you know the man________under the apple treeBlying
    ★Don’t put_________in the conflictAourselves
    ★_________extravagant eating and drinking and pay attention to thrift and economyBOppose
    ★Education means different things to different people________their perspectiveCdepending on
    ★Educators need proper teaching resources________students to achieveBin order for
    ★Eggsthough rich in nourishmentshave_________of fatCa large number
    ★English teachers must pay due attention___the relationship between language learning and culture learningCto
    ★Equality in society is absolutely_________equality in access to educationClinked to
    ★Every country should try their best to provide equal opportunities for every citizen to go on_____their educationBwith
    ★Every year thousands of lives_________in road accidents because of careless drivingCare lose

    ★Firemen put their lives_________each and everydayBon the line
    ★For many studentsuniversity is the place________they will be first exposed to different cultures and different peopleBwhere
    ★________he knows a lot about computerCChild as he is
    ★________her and then try to copy what she doesCWatch
    ★Had you come five minutes earlieryou_____the train to ManchesterBut now you missed itBwould have caught
    ★Harrywho had failed in the final examhad a great worry_________his mindAon
    ★Have you ever visited the Summer Palace__there are many beautiful hallsridges and a huge lakeCwhere
    ★He didn’t pass the exam this time_________his headacheBbecause of
    ★He had become________city lifeAfed up with
    ★He has got a remarkable_________from his injuryBrecovery
    ★He is fond of playing_________piano while his brother is interested in listening to_________musicCthe
    ★He never fails_________his mother on her birthdayBto phone
    ★He sounds so angry whenever Is peak my_________Amind
    ★He studied hard at school when he was young________contributed a lot to his successAwhich
    ★He talked loudly in the public_________Aon purpose
    ★He would be studying at the university now if he_________the entrance examinationChad passed
    ★He_________legal profession for 20 yearsAhas engaged in
    ★How can he_________if he is not_________Ahearlistening
    ★How I wish I_________travel abroadAcould
    ★How much has the company_________this yearBbrought in
    ★Howeverin too many countries and societieswomen’s social________is still lowAposition
    ★_________is not the ultimate goal for us college studentsBDiploma
    ★_________is the population of ParisCWhat
    ★_________is the population of ParisAWhat
    ★I also create more________useable art out of the trash I findCpractical
    ★I don’t know the parkbut it’s_________to be quite beautifulAsaid
    ★I feel really terrible because I________at my paper until nowAhave been working
    ★I leave my house around at midnight and walk around the city_________what I findCgathering
    ★I leave my house around at midnight and walk around the city_________what I findBgathering
    ★I think the benefits of opening up space far________the damage that we can seeBoutweigh
    ★I want to buy a_________wallet for himCsmall black leather
    ★I was giving a talk to a large group of peoplethe same talk I______to half a dozen other groups beforeChad given
    ★I wish to_________the position of Social Worker as advertised on seekcomauAapply for
    ★If I_________in your positionI would marry herCwere
    ★If it__go to trialI’m afraid the prosecution will have a field day criticizing our company in the pressBdoes
    ★If it__go to trialI’m afraid the prosecution will have a field day criticizing our company in the pressBdoes
    ★If one enters a private house without asking for permissionhe is likely to______burglaryAbe accused of
    ★If she wants to stay thinshe must make a_______in her dietAchange

    ★If she wants to stay thinshe must make a_______in her dietBchange
    ★Important_________his discovery might beit was regarded as a matter of no account in his timeCas
    ★In______the northerners have a particular liking for dumplings while the southerners are fond of riceCgeneral
    ★In______the northerners have a particular liking for dumplings while the southerners are fond of riceCgeneral
    ★Is the library________now Noit’s________Copenclosed
    ★Is the library________now Noit’s________Aopenclosed
    ★It is high time that we_________him the truthAshould tell
    ★It is no use_________to remember only grammar rulesAtrying
    ★It is not until you have lost your health________you know its valueCthat
    ★It is said that________boys in your school like playing football in their spare timethough others prefer basketballBquite a few
    ★It is said that the________developments strongly support this argumentCsubsequent
    ★It was getting_________so he had to stop to have a restCdarker and darker
    ★It was getting_________so he had to stop to have a restBdarker and darker
    ★It was not until 1920________regular radio broadcast beganCthat
    ★It was not until 1920_________regular radio broadcast beganBthat
    ★It was_________he said_________disappointed meCwhatthat
    ★It was_________he said_________disappointed meBwhatthat
    ★It’s a good ideaBut who is going to_________the planAcarryout
    ★It’s bad_________for you to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowedCbehavior
    ★It’s bad_________for you to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowedAbehavior
    ★It’s high time that he settled down in the country and_________a new lifeBstarted
    ★It’s high time that he settled down in the country and_________a new lifeAstarted
    ★Jane’s dress is similar in design_________her sister’sCto
    ★Jane’s dress is similar in design_________her sister’sAto
    ★John’s father________mathematics in this school ever since he graduated from Harvard UniversityChas taught
    ★John’s father________mathematics in this school ever since he graduated from Harvard UniversityChas taught
    ★John is sensitive_________racial discriminationBto
    ★Living the country life helps us_________some of the simpler thingsAappreciate
    ★_________many timeshe finally understood itBHaving been told
    ★Mary charged John________stealing her lambCwith
    ★Mark Twain is a_________writerAproductive
    ★Mike is better than Peter_________swimmingBat
    ★Mike is better than Peter_________swimmingCat
    ★Must we clean the room before we leave●Noyou_________Cneedn’t
    ★_________no need_________the radio as I’m used to studying with it onAThere’sturning off
    ★Nancy is _________girlAan eighteenyearold

    ★Nearly 30 years agoChina________its Compulsory Education Lawensuring quality and equality in educationBimplemented
    ★Neither John_________his father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning trainAnor
    ★Neither John_________his father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning trainBnor
    ★Never before________see such a terrible car accident on the roadCdid I
    ★No matter_______the little sisters managed to round the sheep up and drive them back home safelyChow hard it was snowing
    ★Ohthere aren’t as many job in_________the country as in the cityAvacancies
    ★On averagea successful lawyer has to talk to several_________a dayBclients
    ★On averagea successful lawyer has to talk to several_________a dayCclients
    ★Only in this way________to make improvements in the operating systemCcan you hope
    ★Original and good research has a trickledown ________ on societyAeffect
    ★Our house is about a mile from the railway station and there are not many houses_________Bin between
    ★Our house is about a mile from the railway station and there are not many houses_________Ain between
    ★Pay attention not to tell the plaintiff’s lawyer too much________we may lose the caseBotherwise
    ★Playing in the street________dangerous.Ais
    ★Politics is________a dirty businessCinherently
    ★Professor Smith promised to look_________my paperthat isto read it carefully before the defenceBover
    ★She did not take_________account how much she has paidCinto
    ★She has two best friends_________of them is in the countryCNeither
    ★She has two best friends_________of them is in the countryCNeither
    ★She said she would go and she_________goAdid
    ★She’s been interested in computer science________she was eightBsince
    ★Someone got in and walked_________with the bags while we were outBoff
    ★Success can breed successif you________itCtake advantage of
    ★________the lawyer will come this afternoonBMaybe
    ★________the War of Independencethe United States was an English colonyABefore
    ★________these honours he received a sum of moneyABesides
    ★________these honours he received a sum of moneyCBesides
    ★________tomorrow’s lessonsFrank has no time to go out with his friendsBNot having prepared
    ★________trash separatedpollution caused by incineration can be avoidedBWith
    ★Team spirit_________their final successAcontributes to
    ★The________increased the contradictions between the two countriesCincident
    ★The atmosphere_________certain gases mixed together in definite proportionsAconsists of
    ★The baby is hungrybut there’s_________milk in the bottleBlittle
    ★The baby is hungrybut there’s_________milk in the bottleAlittle
    ★The benefits of university_________a positivediverse environment must be seen by studentsBas
    ★The computer system_____suddenly while he was searching for information on the InternetAbroke down
    ★The computer system_____suddenly while he was searching for information on the InternetCbroke down
    ★The customer sued the company_________late delivery of the goodsAfor

    ★The film brought the hours back to me________I was taken good care of in that remote villageAwhen
    ★The global economy requires an educated workforce able to apply the existing technology and______new science and technologiesCto develop
    ★The governments should_____more educational funds for training teachers and improving school facilitiesCset aside
    ★The indebtedness arising________the transactions between the plaintiff and the defendant shall be under the legal power of Chinese lawsBout of
    ★The new order means_________overtimeCworking
    ★The new order means_________overtimeBworking
    ★The old houses are being pulled down to_________a new office blockAmake room for
    ★The old houses are being pulled down to_________a new office blockBmake room for
    ★The plaintiff ________ proving his innocenceChad trouble
    ★The plastic surgeon may provide several plans for your facial_________Breconstruction
    ★The problem is not_________so easy as you thinkIt’s far from being settledAnearly
    ★The productivity_________economic growthBfosters
    ★The reason why he didn’t come to school was________he was illCthat
    ★The red flower goes from one to_________in the classCanother
    ★The sports meeting was put off till the next week_________rainCbecause of
    ★The students were all entertained in a Mexican restaurantat Professor Brian’s________Cexpense
    ★The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket________the desertAcovering
    ★The young actor who had been thought highly of_________to be a great disappointmentBturned out
    ★The young lady coming over to us_________our English teacherthe way she walks tells us thatAmust be
    ★The young lady coming over to us_________our English teacherthe way she walks tells us thatCmust be
    ★The young_________interested in pop musicBare
    ★There aren’t_________many job vacancies in the country as in the cityCas
    ★There is ________ evidence to be sorted outCplenty of
    ★There is no time to waste because the future of schools and students is_________the lineCon
    ★There is still a lot of work_________on teacher trainingBto be done
    ★There’s lots of fruit_________the treeOur little cat is also in the treeCon
    ★There’s lots of fruit_________the treeOur little cat is also in the treeAon
    ★They all left for home________the work uncompletedAremaining
    ★They have learned about_________in recent yearsBhundreds of English words
    ★This is a highly________new heating systemBefficient
    ★This kind of material expands_________the temperature increasingBwith
    ★This overcoat cost_________What’s morethey are_________small for meBtoo muchmuch too
    ★Tim speaks Italian_________Chinese and GermanBas well as
    ★Today’s weather is________worse than yesterday’sBmuch
    ★Tom asked me to go to play football and________Bso I did
    ★Tom can speak French________BSo can Jack
    ★Tomwhat did you do with my documents I have never seen such a_________and disorderBmess
    ★Touch_________3D maps help the blind too muchAresponsive

    ★Two days is not enough for him to finish the workHe needs_________dayCa third
    ★Two days is not enough for him to finish the workHe needs_________dayBa third
    ★Two thousand dollars_________enough for the carAis
    ★Was_________that I saw last night at the concertCit you
    ★We should sort things_________to deal with the prosecutionBout
    ★We trust this new product of ours will________to your marketAappeal
    ★We_________to deliver the goods within a weekBguarantee
    ★We’d better_________MrDevisAwait for
    ★What he said_________correctCis
    ★What is the train_________to BirminghamCfare
    ★What is the train_________to BirminghamCfare
    ★When Lily came home at 5 pm yesterdayher mother________dinner in the kitchenBwas cooking
    ★When we were students we________often stay up all nightBwould
    ★Will you_________me a favorpleaseBdo
    ★With his work completedthe manager stepped back to his seatfeeling pleased______he was a man of actionBthat
    ★With these suggestionsyour child can grow up to be a_______and successful adult that you can be proud ofBrespectable
    ★Would you like something_________Bto drink
    ★_________you goat once you will be lateAUnless
    ★_________you pick up the caseyou will never give upAOnce
    ★You_________been to the Great wallAmust have
    ★You have been to Beijing for many timesand you_________been to the Great wallAmust have
    ★You know that I’m a person of_________temperSometimes I just can’t control my mouthChot
    ★You should be responsible_________your behaviorBfor
    ★You should take_________to give Mary the solutions she needsBinitiative
    ★You shouldn’t_________your time like thatBobyou have to finish your school work tonightCkill
    ★You shouldn’t_________your time like thatBobyou have to finish your school work tonightCkill
    ★You will get your cosmetic surgery on your nosePlease tell me if you like this medical plan_____Aor not
    ★You will quickly get used to________this new digital cameraBusing
    ★You’d better________your lawyerAconsult
    ★Your paper is good________some grammar mistakes.Capart from




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