
    第二题 词汇结构题库
    ★________does your team have a meeting▲How often
    ★_________improve your serviceyou need to make market surveys so as to know what your customers are thinking and demandingBIn order to
    ★_________is very important that you don’t make any mistakes when you calculate those figuresAIt
    ★_________is very important that you don’t make any mistakes when you calculate those figuresBIt
    ★_________is very important that you don’t make any mistakes when you calculate those figuresCIt
    ★________is very important that you don’t make any mistakes when you calculate those figures▲It
    ★_________the expansion of international tradethe container service has become popularCWith
    ★________the past few yearsChina’s economy has developed rapidly▲For
    ★________we are too late for the meeting▲What if
    ★_________your check is received within a week we shall have no alternativeAUnless
    ★_________your check is received within a week we shall have no alternativeCUnless
    ★_________your customers what they need and more than they expect will lead customers to return to youAGiving
    ★18 of the EU members have replaced their national currencies by Euro notes and coins______2002Csince
    ★A conversation______between the teacher and his studentBgoes on
    ★A modern European style cafe is in the_________areaCdowntown
    ★A week agoI sent him a statement_________the amount overdueBshowing
    ★Accounting could ________to about 7000 years agoBdate back
    ★Accounting could________to about 7000 years ago▲date back

    ★Actuallybuyers are the group of people________want to buy certain goods or servicesBwho
    ★Actuallybuyers are the group of people________want to buy certain goods or servicesCwho
    ★After I read it in________I will tell you my opinion▲detail
    ★After I read it in________I will tell you my opinionAdetail
    ★After thatwe have to post_________lettersAa series of
    ★After thatwe have to post_________lettersCa series of
    ★All the directors agreed to hold a press ________for the company next monthAconference
    ★All the directors agreed to hold a press________for the company next month▲conference
    ★As a rulethe buyer is responsible for_________a ship or booking the shipping spaceAchartering
    ★As alwaysI am ________about the issueBconcerned
    ★At collegemy brother studies English and ________teacher is Mr GreenChis
    ★At university I have never________my assignments in lateBhanded
    ★At university I never________my assignments in late▲handed
    ★At university I______never_______my assignments in lateBhave…handed
    ★Automobile ________has declined 71in the last few monthsBproduction
    ★Basicallyabout 98 of world trade is________by sea transportation▲carried out
    ★But the charge will be ________and it also slows down deliveryChigher
    ★But the charge will be_________and it also slows down deliveryChigher
    ★China held the 22nd________APEC economic leader’s meeting in Beijing in 20Cinformal
    ★Could you use cardboard boxes_________the shoesCto pack
    ★Do you think you could cut it_________30Aby
    ★Domingo Caféa modern European style caféis in the________areaBdowntown
    ★Don’t worry so much_________is my jobBworrying
    ★Don’t worry so much_________is my jobCworrying
    ★Don’t worry so much________is my job▲worrying
    ★Every boy and every girl ________the right to join the team nowAhave
    ★Every business has its ups and downsand so_________every personBdoes
    ★Every business has its ups and downsand so_________every personCdoes
    ★Every business has its________▲ups and downs
    ★Every business has its________Aups and downs
    ★Every successful businessperson learned ________failureCfrom

    ★Every successful businessperson learned________failure▲from
    ★Few people realized the value of a brand_________Bdid they
    ★For Europeansred can______dangerCwait for
    ★For larger sums we take legal steps to________the money▲recover
    ★For larger sums we take legal steps to______the moneyBrecover
    ★For larger sums we take legal steps to______the moneyCrecover
    ★Goods are carried by several ________of transporton road or railby sea or airAmeans
    ★Goods are carried by several_________of transporton road or railby sea or airAmeans
    ★Have you ________your sister recentlyAheard from
    ★Have you got some water to drink●Here you areThere_________still some in the bottleCis
    ★He arrived late for the party________made us all very disappointed▲which
    ★He didn’t seem to _______although the time was limited and the job would not be finished on timeBtake any actions
    ★He didn’t seem to_________any actionsBtake
    ★Helen is_________honest manCan
    ★How many children_________in the picture●ThreeAare there
    ★How much is the________of this package to Australia▲fee
    ★However nowadayspeople________often find such advertisements on a websiteBmore
    ★I ________every weekend for the last few monthsChave worked
    ★I believe team work _______importantBis
    ★I believe team work _______importantBis
    ★I believe team work________important▲is
    ★I believe team work_______importantBis
    ★I bet that Mike wished you ________him that earlierChad told
    ★I found_________difficult to talk in publiAit
    ★I have finished ________your project planCreading
    ★I have finished________your project plan▲reading
    ★I have to_________the profit from last monthBwork out
    ★I hope our plan will_________by the boardCbe approved
    ★I tried again and found I________solve it by myself▲could
    ★I want to ________a job as a teacherClook for
    ★I was in_________of the northwest region of ChinaAcharge
    ★I was the________of the Students’ UnionBchair
    ★I was the________of the Students’ UnionCtreasurer
    ★I_________packing in wooden casesAprefer

    ★I_________packing in wooden casesBprefer
    ★I’d like to know ________we can go to the parkBwhen
    ★I’d like to know what time we can get the container_________it is in the portBwhen
    ★I’d like to know what time we can get the container_________it is in the portBwhen
    ★I’d like to know________we can go to the park▲when
    ★I’ll get your RMB for you while you’re_________these formsAfilling out
    ★I’ll_________the remittance for you in our recordsCcheck up
    ★I’m interested in________you have said▲what
    ★I’m particularly proud of________I organized the financesAhow
    ★I’m particularly proud of________I organized the financesChow
    ★I’m sure you can________things outCstraighten
    ★I’ve learned________todayAsomething new
    ★I’ve learned________todayAsomething new
    ★If she wants to call ________I’ll be here all dayAanyone
    ★If she________Flight 907she’ll have to change planes▲takes
    ★If you had contacted us ________we could have changed the packingBearlier
    ★If you need any helpplease feel free_________contact meCto
    ★If you want to pay_________something in another currencyyou have to change your money into the other moneyBfor
    ★In this way you will stay________in these changing timesBcompetitive
    ★It is a fact_________his wifeJosephine Dicksonalways had some minor accidentsAthat
    ★It is better to tell someone to get it ________Bfixed
    ★It is better to tell someone to get it_________Bfixed
    ★It seems that the new project in Nanjing will be even________than your current projectBgood
    ★It was not until 1938 in Britain ________the first Holidays with Pay Act was passedAthat
    ★It was not until 1938 in Britain ________the first Holidays with Pay Act was passedAthat
    ★It was not until 1938 in Britain________the first Holidays with Pay Act was passed▲that
    ★It’s a fine day ________expectedBas
    ★It’s a fine day ________expectedBas
    ★It’s a fine day________expected▲as
    ★It’s a good idea to ________the important information for several times if necessaryArepeat
    ★It’s better to ask for help_________you meet a problemBwhen

    ★ListeneverybodyI have_________to tell youAsomething important
    ★Many companies spend a lot of money and time_________their trademarksAregistering
    ★Markets are the system that_______some people’s demands and some other people’s suppliesBbridges
    ★Markets are the system that_______some people’s demands and some other people’s suppliesCbridges
    ★My aunt provides good services so many_______customers come every dayCregular
    ★My piano is not so expensive as________▲his
    ★My sister_________stories when I was youngAused to tell
    ★Not only Tom but also Alice and Mary_________busyCare
    ★Nowwe have enlarged and________our domestic market and European marketAconsolidated
    ★Nowwe have enlarged and________our domestic market and European marketBconsolidated
    ★Our factory has bought several ________recentlyAmachines
    ★Prices may change quickly if supply or demand ________Achanges
    ★Prices may change quickly if supply or demand________▲changes
    ★She is a good girl________▲isn’t she
    ★She is a good girl________Cisn’t she
    ★She phoned her friend to say she was unable to ________her appointmentBkeep
    ★She thinks that I________not suitable for this job▲am
    ★Small holes should be made in the_________cloth to let the moisture outBwaterproof
    ★Sometimes buyers only purchase some________tangible or intangibleBassets
    ★Sunday_________the first day of the weekAis
    ★The committee would________him general manager of the firm▲appoint
    ★The committee would________him general manager of the firmBappoint
    ★The company will employ the most suitable people to________▲attend an interview
    ★The company will employ the most suitable people to________Aattend an interview
    ★The company will employ the most suitable people to________Aattend an interview
    ★The company will select some people to_______an interviewAattend
    ★The company’s Human Resources department will then select the most suitable people to_______an interviewAattend
    ★The exchange of information is basic ________businessCfor

    ★The introduction is always________the book▲in the front of
    ★The marketing department_________the sales for the last six monthsAhas summarized
    ★The meeting suggested_________the loan firstAto reply
    ★The next shareholder’s meeting was________at the end of this yearAscheduled
    ★The population of the world_________still_________nowCisgrowing
    ★The qualityspecifications and prices are________in our contractBclarified
    ★The question______we should use this brand name will be decided by our marketing teamBwhether
    ★The question______we should use this brand name will be decided by our marketing teamCwhether
    ★The reexamination results indicate that onethird of the goods are not________standard▲up to
    ★The reexamination results indicate that onethird of the goods are not________standardBup to
    ★The seminar is about________the new staff membersBtraining
    ★The tenday display and sale_________finished tomorrowBwill be
    ★The tenday display and sale_________finished tomorrowCwill be
    ★The third part is the________resultsBexpected
    ★The third part is the________resultsCexpected
    ★The trip from Beijing to Tianjin is________than I thought▲farther
    ★The whole family_______enjoying the beautiful music nowAare all
    ★The woolen gloves should_________in twenty boxesAbe packed
    ★The woolen gloves should_________in twenty boxesCbe packed
    ★The_______will receive a job offer within three weeksAinterviewee
    ★Then people_________are interestedcan apply for the jobAwho
    ★Then people_________are interestedcan apply for the jobCwho
    ★Then peoplewho are interestedcan________the job▲apply for
    ★There are some visitors_________to our marketing department next weekBcoming
    ★There are some visitors_________to our marketing department next weekCcoming
    ★There are twenty_______in our schoolBgirl students
    ★There is a little ________that he will get a promotion in that companyBchance
    ★There is a little________that he will get a promotion in that company▲chance
    ★There was___in the meeting room as the general manager predicted the company’s sales targetAsilence
    ★There______many people running in the park every morningCare
    ★Thereexamination results indicate that onethird of the goods are not______standardAup to

    ★These police often_______the children across the streetAhelp
    ★They_____have no good plan for advertising on TVCseem to
    ★This is a real bank_____is operated by students between 10 and 12 years oldBwhich
    ★This story is about some American students_______learned business skills by operating their own banksCwho
    ★This story is about some American students______learned business skills by operating their own banksAwho
    ★Those numbers come to mean the world to you____they give you the record of how much money you’ve earned or lostAbecause
    ★Those numbers come to mean the world to you____they give you the record of how much money you’ve earned or lostCbecause
    ★Two telephones_______were sent to me yesterday▲bills
    ★Two telephones_______were sent to me yesterdayAbills
    ★We are an authorized foreign exchange bank and can_______17 kinds of currencies into RMBCconvert
    ★We are entitled to cancel it if you fail to_____the contractAhonor
    ★We are usually very prompt_______settling your accountsAin
    ★We are usually very prompt_______settling your accountsBin
    ★We can’t go _____it is rainingBbecause
    ★We can’t go________it is raining▲because
    ★We don’t________smoking in the library▲allow
    ★We don’t________smoking in the libraryAallow
    ★We had plenty of meat but________salt▲no
    ★We had plenty of meat but_______saltBno
    ★We try our best to_________your requirementBmeet
    ★We try our best to_________your requirementBmeet
    ★We usually ship the goods by regular_________Cliner
    ★We will apply this invention________he production▲to
    ★We’ll let you know when we_________a decisionAmake
    ★We’ll let you know when we_________a decisionCmake
    ★We’ll let your know when we_________a decisionBmake
    ★We’re sorry to tell you that your remittance_________yetBhasn’t arrived
    ★We’re sorry to tell you that your remittance_________yetChasn’t arrived
    ★When a company needs to_new peopleit may advertise the job in a newspaper or on a website▲employ
    ★When a company needs to_new peopleit may advertise the job in a newspaper or on a websiteAemploy
    ★Wherever you goexchanging money______you in touch with international financeBputs

    ★Would it possible to________the meeting for two days?▲put off
    ★Would you like to________a personal interviewBarrange
    ★You are planning to export this product to Europe_________Baren’t you
    ★You are planning to export this product to Europe_________Caren’t you
    ★You can take several________of transportation to reach there▲means
    ★You can________it and let us know your decision later▲think about
    ★You can________it and let us know your decision laterBthink about
    ★You look much_________after vacationCbetter
    ★You won’t choose this brand name_________Awill you




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