
    说明:2024年8月23日整理适国家开放学专科学员台期末机考考试第题 交际语题库
    ★____are the most popular things people buy online●DefinitelyclothesAWhat do you think
    ★___●I mean the best way is using your own mobile phone or computer to operate itAWhat do you mean
    ★_________●OhnoFrankly speakingI seldom do online shoppingBGot any good deals
    ★_________●OhnoFrankly speakingI seldom do online shoppingCGot any good deals
    ★_________●YeahIt is the only professional museum about the railway system in ChinaCDo you know the China Railway Museum
    ★_________you_____free tomorrow●NoI_______free the day after tomorrowAAregoing to bewill be
    ★_________We are leaving on Sunday●Yesthat’s a good ideaAWhy don’t you join us
    ★_________will it take me to walk there●About ten minutesBHow long
    ★Are you good at Building MaterialsRose●_____But I will try to study it well this termCNot very good
    ★Can I help yousir●I’d like to have 100_____I want my students to draw picturesCpieces of paper
    ★Could we make a tentative appointment forsaythis Saturday●___CSorryI don’t knowI am new here
    ★Could we make an appointment for this Saturday●_______CThat’s fine for me
    ★Could you do me a favor●_______ASureWhat do you need
    ★Could you please tell me something about the two_______●_____They arc exchange students of No1 Middle SchoolBGermansAll right
    ★Do you have time this afternoon●_____BI’m afraid notI have an appointment with MrBlack
    ★Do you like reading books●YesEach of us_____to do more reading in and after classAis encouraged
    ★Don’t forget to come to our party this weekend●______ASureSee you
    ★Excuse mecan you tell me where the nearest bus stop is●I’m sorryI have no ideaI___Bam a stranger here
    ★Excuse mecan you tell me where the nearest bus stop is●I’m sorryI have no ideaI___Cam a stranger here
    ★Excuse meI’m afraid you’ve overcharged me●______AOhreally
    ★Excuse meofficerI can’t find the subway entrance_____●See those glass doorsGo in and you will see it on your rightCCan you help me
    ★Excuse meCan you tell me how to get to the Linden Street●______CSorryI’m new here
    ★Excuse meYou must be MrLiu Hua from China●_____AYesnice to meet you

    ★Excuse meYou must be MrLiu Hua from China●_____BYesnice to meet you
    ★Forgotten somethingI can keep an eye on your kids if you want to go and get it●_______Thank you all the sameAWellI can do without it
    ★Goodbyeeveryone_______●ByeSally Don’t forget to writeAStay in touch
    ★Goodbyeeveryone_______●ByeSallyDon’t forget to writeAStay in touch
    ★Goodbyeeveryone_______●ByeSally Don’t forget to writeBStay in touch
    ★Have you had a nice journey●________BSure
    ★Have you had a nice journey●________BYeswe have
    ★Haven’t seen you for agesMike________●Pretty goodEverything goes wellCHow is it going
    ★HelloBill Burton speaking_____●HelloMrBurtonthis is Jenny Jenkins of Bradford and Sons returning your callAWhat can I do for you
    ★HelloI’m Harry Potter●Glad to meet youI’m MillerBut________Ccall me Paul
    ★HelloBill Burton speaking____●HelloMr Burtonthis is Jenny Jenkins of Bradford and Sons returning your callBWhat can I do for you
    ★Heywhat are you doing this weekend●_____BI haven’t decided yetWhat about you
    ★Heywhat are you doing this weekend●_____BI haven’t decided yetWhat about you
    ★How are you●_____CFinethanks
    ★How do you do●_______BHow do you do
    ★I can put you down for eleven o’clockIs that OK●___AHow about 3o’clock in the afternoon
    ★I can put you down for eleven o’clockIs that OK●___BOhI’ll be having an interview that timeHow about 3 o’clock in the afternoon
    ★I have an appointment with MrXie at about 10 o’clock tomorrow morningbut would you please postpone it to sometime next week●_____BAll right
    ★I have many questions about studying abroad●Would you like to make an appointmentALet’s say Wednesday afternoon at two
    ★I wonder if you could help me take my suitcase and box on to the carThey are too heavy for me to carry●_______CMy pleasuresir
    ★I’m going to Hainan for my holiday●______BHave a nice trip
    ★I’m going to Hainan for my holiday●______CHave a nice trip
    ★I’m so excited to meet youMay I introduce myself to you●______BSureplease
    ★I’m so excited to meet youMay I introduce myself to you●______BSure
    ★I’m so excited to meet youMay I introduce myself to you●______BSure
    ★Marry______●What do you want me to doBwill you dome a favor
    ★Shall I keep an eye on your house when you are on holiday●______BI would appreciate that
    ★Soniado you think you are different from Linda●YesI’m______at drawing than herCbetter
    ★Susanwhat do you think of my plan●______AIt’s reasonable
    ★Susanwhat do you think of my plan●______BIt’s reasonable

    ★Thank you for your great help●______CMy pleasuresir
    ★Thanks for all the informationPeterIt sounds like you have an interesting job●______BYesit’s very interestingbut stressfultoo
    ★We have to stay at home for a whole dayWhy not go out and have a walk●_____AIt sounds like a good idea
    ★We have to stay at home for the whole dayWhy not go out and have a walk●_______BIt sounds like a good idea
    ★We’d be pleased if you could join us for dinner●______BYesI’d be pleased to do so
    ★We’d be pleased if you could join us for dinner●______BYesI’d love to
    ★We’d be pleased if you could join us for dinner●______CYesI’d be pleased to accept
    ★We’ve booked a tableWe hope you can join us●_____CHow can I resist such a gracious invitation
    ★Welcome backMrSmith How about your business trip in Japan●____BOhfantastic MrMark is so satisfied with our project
    ★What’s the matter with you●_____CI feel a bit sick
    ★What’s your present job●________BI’m a filmmaker
    ★Which city has________populationBeijingGuiyang or Nanchang●Beijingof courseAthe largest
    ★Why not dine out together and go to the movies●_____BSounds like a good idea
    ★Why not dine out together and go to the movies●_____CSounds like a good ided
    ★Would you care to join for the picnic tomorrow●_____ASo sorryNext time we’ll gothanks anyway
    ★Would you care to join for the picnic tomorrow●_____ASo sorryNext time we’ll gothanks anyway
    ★Would you like a glass of wine●_____I don’t drinkANothanks
    ★Would you like to go for a picnic this Sunday●______BThat’s a good ideaShall I bring anything
    ★Would you please open this suitcase for me I can’t open it●______COKlet me see
    ★Your garden is very beautiful●______AThank you
    第二题 词汇结构题库
    ★__________before you actAThink
    ★__________by the failure of the projectthe manager could hardly say a wordBShocked
    ★__________is known to the worldMark Twain is a great American writerAAs
    ★__________is known to the worldMark Twain is a great American writerCAs
    ★__________is reported in the newspapers that the talks between the two companies have not made any progressCIt
    ★__________the weather improveswe will suffer a huge loss in the tourist industryAUnless
    ★__________you busy with the Singles DayBAre

    ★__________you busy with the Singles DayCAre
    ★__________you________free tomorrow●NoI free the day after tomorrowCAregoing to bewill be
    ★A new computer__________a lot of moneyCcosts
    ★A pair of spectacles__________what I need at the momentAis
    ★All the trees_______last summerAwere planted
    ★All the trees_______last summerBwere planted
    ★Allan is looking forward to_______you in summer holidayBmeeting
    ★Architect Mayur Kanaiya spoke_______of the Langkawi Sky BridgeChighly
    ★As the American________Newsweek puts it China is now engaged in a railway revolutionCPublication
    ★As the population keeps climbingpeople in the city have to face the reality that housing is in short__________Bsupply
    ★Besidesyou need to protect your passwordbecause all the transaction___through your bank accountAis carried out
    ★Besidesyou need to protect your passwordbecause all the transaction___through your bank accountBis carried out
    ★But the Bridge was first___to the publicalmost one year laterafter a series of tests and evaluationsAopen
    ★Can I help yousir●I’d like to have 100_______I want my students to draw picturesBpieces of paper
    ★Can you manage to deal_______itYesI canAwith
    ★Cleaner heating system will be________in Beijing to control air pollutionCestablished
    ★Cleaner heating system will________in Beijing to control air pollutionAbe established
    ★Do you know the year__________the Labor’s Day was foundedCwhen
    ★Do you recognize the man__________CI spoke to
    ★Each apartment only_______15 to 30 square meters for one unitCtakes
    ★Each apartment only_______15 to 30 square meters for one unitBtakes
    ★Eggsthough rich in nourishment have________ of fatCa large amount
    ★For dayssmog persisted in many areasChina is________to control air pollutionAtaking measures
    ★Give a brief_______to the hostCintroduction
    ★Have you filled in the application form_______your passport yetBfor
    ★Have you filled in the application form_______your passport yetCfor
    ★He was very busy yesterdayotherwise he__________to the meetingCwould have come
    ★He________a book when the telephone rangAwas reading
    ★He________a book when the telephone rangBwas reading
    ★He’s wearing a red shirt and________jeansBfaded
    ★Hence________China’s development in the auto industryBthere is no doubt about
    ★Here is my dog__________name is TomCIts
    ★His mother_______alone since his father diedChas lived

    ★His parents are present there________but their minds are somewhere elseCphysically
    ★His parents are present there________but their minds are somewhere elseAphysically
    ★How often________to the dentistBdo you go
    ★How often________to the dentistCdo you go
    ★I am_______see this new device Aeager to
    ★I can________for eleven o’clockAput you down
    ★I couldn’t forget the days________I spent in that cityCthat
    ★I have an appointment with MrXie at about 10 o’clock tomorrow morningbut would you please_____it to sometime next weekApostpone
    ★I have an appointment with MrXie at about 10 o’clock tomorrow morningbut would you please_____it to sometime next weekCpostpone
    ★I have to______an urgent business trip tomorrowCgo for
    ★I have to______for the book lostCpay
    ★I have to______for the book lostCpay
    ★I hope you’ll_______working with us in the futureAenjoy
    ★I hope you’ll_______working with us in the futureBenjoy
    ★I really like that car you________and I am thinking of buying itArecommended
    ★I really like that car you________and I am thinking of buying itBrecommended
    ★I really like that car you________and I am thinking of buying itCrecommended
    ★I recommended__________an English Chinese dictionarywhich I thought would be of great help to his studiesAbuying
    ★I suppose you know everything about that event________Adon’t you
    ★I suppose you know everything about that event________Bdon’t you
    ★I think that the Great Wallis worth________hundreds of miles to visitBtraveling
    ★I__________any buy online last monthBdidn’t make
    ★I__________buy something tomorrow morningBam going to
    ★I__________two hours on this maths problemAspent
    ★I__________two hours on this maths problemAspent
    ★I________a teacher next termBwill be
    ★I________call youAwas just going to
    ★I’d like to have some big apples instead of small________Aones
    ★I’d like to have some big apples instead of small________Aones
    ★I’d love to________with you my new kitchenwareBshare
    ★I’d love to________with you my new kitchenwareCshare
    ★I’m glad to have this opportunity to__________ideas with you on this problemAexchange
    ★I’m________a business trip for APEC summitsirAon

    ★I’m________a business trip for APEC summitsirAon
    ★If he persists________awkward questionsthen send him to the bossAin asking
    ★If he persists________awkward questionsthen send him to the bossCin asking
    ★If you were olderI________you to go there yesterdayCwould have allowed
    ★In large part its success is due__________your workAto
    ★In learning a foreign languageone should first pay attention________speakingAto
    ★In learning a foreign languageone should first pay attention________speakingBto
    ★It_______fantasticI also want to see it when it’s finishedAsounds
    ★It covered the distance in 28 hours__________the train’s six daysBcompared with
    ★It is a__________to shake hands when you are introduced to a personAcustom
    ★It is called solar cookera newly designed cooking device and there are many kinds of solar cookers_______Bavailable
    ★It is easy to get the software we need_______the market is smallCalthough
    ★It is easy to get the software we need_______the market is smallCalthough
    ★It was_______to see the students’ excitement when they discovered that simple materials could be used to cook food under the sun and the solar cooking really attracts those creative kidsBamazing
    ★It was_______who wrote those words on the blackboardAhe
    ★It’s just another way to__________your colleaguesAconnect with
    ★It’s so true that this device has become an inseparable part of our day to day lifeand we_________itBare addicted to
    ★Jamie wants to speak to me in_______Aprivate
    ★Jamie wants to speak to me_______privateBin
    ★Jamie wants to speak to me_______privateCin
    ★Let’s meet at 730 outside the gate of_______Cthe People’s Park
    ★Li Lei is_______student in our classAthe tallest
    ★Li Lei is_______student in our classBthe tallest
    ★Li Lei is_______student in our classCthe tallest
    ★Lily and Lucy__________both my good friends Bare
    ★Listen to the two girls by the windowWhat language_______Care they speaking
    ★March the 8th is_______DayAWomen’s
    ★Mary told me that she_____to the supermarket before coming homeBhad gone
    ★Miss Liu doesn’t mind_____your homework as long as it is done by yourselfAyour delaying handing in
    ★My agenda is quite full for the whole weekso I can’t_______an appointment with youCmake
    ★My agenda is quite full for the whole weekso I can’t_______an appointment with youCmake
    ★My_______is Energy and EnvironmentAmajor
    ★Nancy is considered to be_______the other students in her class ▲as intelligent as

    ★Nick_______a job in a bankbut to our surprisehe didn’t take itBwas offered
    ★Nick_______a job in a bankbut to our surprisehe didn’t take itCwas offered
    ★Not until that day_______the importance of good manners in a job interviewAdid I realize
    ★Now tell mehow can you separate yourself_______the other personBfrom
    ★Now tell mehow can you separate yourself_______the other personCfrom
    ★Now this tiny housing solution is_______in urban areas in the USand CanadaAgain ground
    ★Of the three choicesthis one is_______Amost harmful
    ★Ohthat museum was the old Beijing Railway StationIt_______the history of China’s railway developmentBshows
    ★One day they crossed the ______bridge behind the palaceAold Chinese stone
    ★One day they crossed the_______bridge behind the palaceBold Chinese stone
    ★Our company is_______of the leading companies in the electric car industryAone
    ★People do not know the value of health__________they lose itCUntil
    ★People who do not have wood must spend large amounts of money_______cooking fuelAon
    ★People who do not have wood must spend large amounts of money_______cooking fuelBon
    ★Seldom_____his wife punish her children for speaking out their own ideas freelyBhave I seen
    ★Seldom_____his wife punishes her children for speaking out their own ideas freelyAhave I seen
    ★Separate passwords for every account make_______difficult for cyber criminals to hack youAit
    ★Separate passwords for every account make_______difficult for cyber criminals to hack youCit
    ★She didn’t know_______to express her ideas in English clearly in publicChow
    ★Small scale home life is part of a hot_______in the USA nowadaysAtrend
    ★Solar cooking is a_______cooking methodAconvenient
    ★Solar cooking is a_______cooking methodBconvenient
    ★Solar cooking is a_______cooking methodCconvenient
    ★Sun Li is _______her around the buildingCshowing
    ★Sun Li_______her around the buildingCis showing
    ★Sunday is the day__________people usually don’t go to workAwhen
    ★Support facilities for electric carssuch as charging stationshave been built or are the process of being built in many cities across the countryCin
    ★The book_______on this subject was written by an old female writerBreferred to
    ★The book_______on this subject was written by an old female writerCreferred to
    ★The bridge______two years agoAwas built
    ★The bridge______two years agoBwas built
    ★The child_______fluent EnglishAspeaks
    ★The courses seem to be popular________the elderlyBwith

    ★The earth_______around the sunBmoves
    ★The family thought it was more______to eat in the kitchenCconvenient
    ★The gallery_______we’ll visit next week is not far from hereAwhich
    ★The harder you study_______you will learnCthe more
    ★The job is great in terms of salaryIt has its disadvantages______Athough
    ★The job is great in terms of salaryIt has its disadvantages______Athough
    ★The market economy is quickly changing people’ side a on_______is acceptedCwhat
    ★The new staff didn’t know how to use the system_______I explained it to him yesterdayAuntil
    ★The party will be a good______for you to get know other colleaguesAopportunity
    ★The Prize in Economics_______in 1968that ismore than half a century agoCwas established
    ★The Prize in Economics_______in 1968that ismore than half a century agoCwas established
    ★The Prize in Economics_______in 1968that ismore than half a century agoAwas established
    ★The problem of pollution in the city can not be_______awayCwished
    ★The technological advances made it possible for the middle classes to enjoy what had once been_______only to the very richAaffordable
    ★The top of the Great Wall is__________for five horses to go side by sideCwide enough
    ★The train______in half of an hour I must go to the train station right nowCwill leave
    ★The train____just three weeks____complete a journey that_____six weeks by seaCtook…totakes up to
    ★The train____just three weeks____complete a journey that_____six weeks by seaBtook…totakes up to
    ★The walls function like a dam to keep the water_______and the structure lies naturally within its surroundingsremaining invisible from a distanceBout
    ★The_______are eating_______at the foot of the mountainBsheepgrass
    ★There are three__________assistants in that’s__________shopAwomenshoe
    ★There is an easy way to cook food using________ from the sunCenergy
    ★There is no doubt_______Herbert is the most industrious student in our classCthat
    ★There is no doubt_______Herbert is the most industrious student in our classCthat
    ★There is no time left for______Bdelay
    ★There_______a book and some magazines on the deskAis
    ★There_______a dolphins how in the zoo tomorrow eveningCis going to be
    ★They all have one thing_________common they have the functions of a phone and a computer in a single pocketsized unitCin
    ★They also have a camera_______allows you to take and share photos and videoAwhich
    ★They also have a camera_______allows you to take and share photos and videoBwhich
    ★They wouldn’t__________me to smokeBallow
    ★This article deals with the natural phenomenon which_______most interesting to everyoneBis
    ★This article deals with the natural phenomenon which_______most interesting to everyoneCis

    ★This box is_______that oneBas heavy as
    ★This box is_______that oneCas heavy as
    ★This is the_______photo I have ever takenCbest
    ★To solve this problemNew York city planners are challenging tradition and starting to_______more micro unitsAdesign
    ★Tom is_______than any other players in the school teamAtaller
    ★Tom is_______than any other players in the school teamCtaller
    ★Tony has many Chinese_______Bstamps
    ★Tony has many Chinese_______Cstamps
    ★Tony is going camping with________boysCtwo other little
    ★Travelers_____the efficient networkand find that their hometowns are not that far awayBbenefit from
    ★We all need to_______this headdown syndromeCbreak out of
    ★We are all for your suggestion that the trip________put offCbe
    ★We are all for your suggestion that the trip________Bbe put off
    ★We are all for your suggestion that the trip________Cbe put off
    ★We must find a way to cut prices________reducing our profits too muchAwithout
    ★We must find a way to cut prices________reducing our profits too muchBwithout
    ★We support the view that poor management will________business failureBlead to
    ★We support the view that poor management will________business failureClead to
    ★We________two railway tickets online this MondayBbooked
    ★We________two railway tickets online this MondayCbooked
    ★We’ll send you to the hotel and you can________a rest thereCtake
    ★What’s the________of your cityCpopulation
    ★Which city has______populationBeijingGuiyang or Nanchang●Beijingof courseAthe largest
    ★Which city has______populationBeijingGuiyang or Nanchang●Beijingof courseAthe largest
    ★Why don’t you______to his attention that you are busy to do it Cit
    ★With comfortable seats and quiet cabinsthis highspeed line________a pleasant journey for thousands of travelersCoffers
    ★Would you mind_______your radio a littlepleaseCturning down
    ★Yesterday he sold out all his books at_______he thought was a reasonable priceCwhat
    ★Yesterday was Dad’s birthday I gave_______a scarf as a presentBhim
    ★You can ask these experts________advice in job huntingCfor
    ★You can ask these experts________advice in job huntingBfor
    ★You can buy almost everything________you have access to the Internet and enough moneyCas long as
    ★You can choose______book you like among theseCwhichever

    ★You can go to Mobile Joker Store______is the nearest mobile phone store from hereAwhich
    ★You knowonline shopping has so many______Aadvantages
    ★You knowonline shopping has so many_______Aadvantages
    ★You knowthis bridge________Hong KongZhuhai and MacauBconnects
    ★You knowthis bridge________Hong KongZhuhai and MacauCconnects
    ★You will soon________the world outside the smartphone is much more enjoyableBrealize
    ★You will soon________the world outside the smartphone is much more enjoyableBrealize
    ★You will soon________the world outside the smartphone is much more enjoyableCrealize

    第三题 阅读理解选择题题库
    ★A 4 year Kidwho does not know what an Email or a Chat App isprays to GodHeyLordPlease make me a smartphoneThis young kid is asking such a wish from Godbecause he sees that his parents at home are completely glued to(专注)this magical device called smartphone and has no time to look up at himThe smartphone is getting more attention in the house than the childHis parents are present there physicallybut their minds are somewhere else
    It’s so true that this device has become an inseparable part of our day to day lifeand we are addicted to itWe will start feeling restless if we do not look to our phone after a few minutesWe react faster to a phone beep or a message compared to a call by a family member from a different roomWe all need to come out of this headdown syndromeWe all need to connect and communicate in real worldWe need to put this technology to good use and not become a slave
    So what shall we do It’s simple the solution is calleddigital breakThis meanswhen you return home from workyou simply turn off or mute(静音)all your digital devices for a few hours every dayor at least once in a whileWhat do you do then You can share your time with the familychatting with your wife or husbandplaying games with your kidsdoing things with other family membersetcin real lifeYou will soon realize the world outside the smartphone is much more enjoy able
    [单选题]◆Why did the 4 year Kid ask for a smartphone from God(红色字体题正确答案)
    ABecause he wanted to send emails to his friends
    BBecause he wanted to chat with his friends
    CBecause his parents always glued to smartphone when they were at home

    [单选题]◆We are addicted to the smartphonewhich doesn’t mean __________(红色字体题正确答案)
    Awe are becoming its slave
    Bwe start feeling restless if we do not look at our phone after a few minutes
    Cwe react faster to a phone beep than to a call from family member in a different room

    [单选题]◆How can we solve the problem of addiction to the smartphone By turning off or mute it for a few hours every dayand__________(红色字体题正确答案)
    Aplay games with your kids
    Bshare time with your family
    CBoth A and B

    [单选题]◆Why is it called headdown syndrome when we are addicting to the smartphone(红色字体题正确答案)
    ABecause we are looking down when we read
    BBecause we are looking up when we read
    CBecause we are heading down when we read

    [单选题]◆According to the passage how often we need a digital break(红色字体题正确答案)
    AA few hours every dayor at least once in a while
    BA few hours every weekor at least once every ten minutes
    CA few hours every dayor at least once every ten minutes

    ★Air pollution

    People and air pollution are often in the same placesThis means that cities with large populations have the biggest problem of dirty airAir pollution is caused by many different thingsA major kind of air pollution is the gas from carsStatistics(统计资料)show that 93 percent of all auto trips are within cities

    Another major kind of dirty air is the burning of coal and oil for energyThis energy is needed to make electricityOf coursemuch more electricity is used in the city than in the country

    On the averagewe throw away more rubbish than the year beforeThe burning of rubbish makes air pollution even worseMany major industries are also responsible for the dirty air in the around citiesThe fumes(烟)from ironsteelchemicaland petrol production add particles(微粒)to the air

    The effects of air pollution range from mild headaches to deathThe levels of pollution found in heavy traffic may cause headaches for loss of clear visionWherever coal and oil are used for fuelfumes may kill trees and plants and cause metal to corrode(腐蚀)In some of the larger citiesthese fumes endanger the lives of human beings by contributing to lung diseases and causing early death
    [单选题]◆The key point of the passage is that________
    Athe cause of air pollution is people
    Bthe causes and the effects of air pollution are both found in cities
    Cthe effects of air pollution range from headaches to death

    [单选题]◆What is the purpose of this passage
    Ato persuade people to stop polluting the air
    Bto tell the causes of air pollution
    Cto tell why cities are bad places to live

    [单选题]◆Why is air pollution more grave in the city than in the country

    ABecause there are larger populations in cities
    BBecause the air in the city is dirty
    CBecause there are much more gas fumes from cars and burning of coal and oil for energy in the city than in the country

    [单选题]◆The fumes from coal and oil may cause metal________
    Ato corrode
    Bto twist
    Cto turn black

    [单选题]◆In larger citiesthe fumes from coal and oil may contribute to________
    Aheart disease
    Bloss of clear vision
    Clung diseases

    ★An e book(also referred to as an electronic booke Bookor ebook)is a digital version(版)of a print book that you download and readBut if you want to read an e bookyou must have an E book Readerwhich is a kind of free software used by your computerMake sure you have installed the appropriate Reader before you download your e book from the InternetThe software allows you to turn the words on the screen into the size you likeIt also helps you turn pages and change your viewing options(计算机屏幕阅读选择)E books area fun alternative to regular booksYou can download them to any computers and create your own library of hundreds of titlesIf you load them onto your portable computeryou can take them with you when you travelSome e books are even interactiveBest of allwhen you order an e booktheir is no waiting and no shipping chargesThe amount of time it takes to download your e book depends on the speed of your connection and the size of your e book
    [单选题]◆From this passagewe learn that an e book__________
    Acan be found in any library Bcan be read directly from the Internet Ccan be read when special software is installed

    [单选题]◆The E book Reader is used for__________ Areading an e book you’ve downloaded Bturning a print book into a digital version
    Cdownloading an e book from the Internet

    [单选题]◆From this passagewe can learn that__________ Ayou can read an e book on a laptop when you travel
    Byou can order an e book using the E book Reader
    Cthe e books ordered have to be shipped to you

    [单选题]◆Which of the following statements is TRUE
    AAn e book is ordered in the same way as a print book is
    BThe size of the words in an e book can not be changed
    CThe downloading time is decided by the e book’s size

    [单选题]◆The passage is mainly about__________ Aa better way to download an E book
    Ba new kind of bookthe E books
    Cthe new version of E books
    ★An old lady in a plane had a blanket(毯子) over her head and she did not want to take it offThe air hostess spoke to herbut the old lady saidI have never been in a plane beforeand I am frightenedI am going to keep this blanket over my head until we are back on the ground againThen the captain cameHe saidMadamlam the captain of this planeThe weather is finethere are no clouds in the skyand everything is going very wellBut she continued to hide
    So the captain turned and started to go backThen the old lady looked out from under the blanket with one eye and saidI am sorryyoung manbut I don’t like planes and lam never going to fly againBut I’ll say one thingShe continued kindlyYou and your wife keep your plan every clean 特提醒:题5题需拉动答题框右边滚动条5试题显示出做答
    [单选题]◆An old lady had__________ Aglasses Ba blanket over her head Ca coat
    [单选题]◆She didn’t want to__________ Atakeoff the blanket
    Bturnoff the light Ctakeoff the hat
    [单选题]◆__________spoke to her AThe air hostess
    BThe man next to her Cher husband
    [单选题]◆The old lady had never been__________before Aabroad Bhome Cin a plane
    [单选题]◆The woman didn’t like planes and she was never going__________ Ato fly again Bto travel Cto go abroad

    ★Building a house costs quite a lot of moneySuppose you plan to build a houseYour first step will be to find a right piece of landYour choice will depend on many different thingsYou will probably try to find a sunny placewith pleasant surroundings(环境)near shops and bus stopsnot too far from your friends and the place where you work

    Next you will find a good builderand together with the builder you will workout a planThe builder will draw the planIt will show the number of rooms

    their position and sizeand other partswhich must be noticedsuch as windowsdoorsand electric outletsThe builder will workout how much money is needed to build your houseHe will workout the cost of the woodbricksthe glassand everything else that must be used in building the houseLater onwhen he starts to buildthis estimate(预算)must be corrected and revised(修订)His estimate is based on existing pricesbut prices of such things may changeand many other things may happen between the time when he makes the estimate and the time when he builds the house

    When the builder gives his estimateyou may wish to change your plan(You may also wish to change your builderif his estimate is too high)You may find that the house you wanted at first costs too muchor that you can spend a little more and add something to your planThe builder’s estimate depends on the planbut the final plan depends on the builder’s estimate
    [单选题]◆The best title of this passage is__________(红色字体题正确答案)
    ABuilding a House Costs Much Money
    BEstimate Is Important
    CPlanning a House

    [单选题]◆The first thing for a person to build a house is__________(红色字体题正确答案)
    Ato get as much money as possible
    Bto find a suitable piece of land
    Cto workout a plan

    [单选题]◆The phrasedraw the planin Paragraph 2 means__________(红色字体题正确答案)
    Amaking a picture of a building or a room
    Bmaking a plan
    Cworking out a plan

    [单选题]◆When the builder starts to build a househis estimate will have to be corrected and revised because________(红色字体题正确答案)
    Ait is wrongly worked out by a workman
    Bthe future owner of the house thinks the estimate is so high that he can not afford the building
    Cthe prices of building materials and the expenses of labor maybe different from the original prices and expenses

    [单选题]◆What is the relationship between the estimate and the plan(红色字体题正确答案)
    AThe plan depends on the estimate
    BThe plan has nothing to do with the estimate
    CThe estimate and the plan depend on each other

    ★Car crashes are the top killer of American teenagersMost of the crashes result from distracted drivingnot paying attention to the road

    Ryan Did one was a fifteenyearold passenger in a car that hit a treeHe was one of the nation’s more than thirty thousand victims of traffic crashes in 2008Nearly four thousand deathsabout twelve percent involved drivers age fifteen to twenty

    Ryan’s fatherThomas Did oneis a police captain in MarylanIt was an inexperiencedimmature driver driving at night with a carload of kids

    He was distractedhe was going too fastand it ended up causing one death and some seriously injuredHe shares the story of his son’s death to help educate teens and their families about distracted driving

    Jim Jennings from the Allstate Insurance Company says the number one cause of distracteddriving accidents is the mobile phoneHe says talking on the phone or reaching for it is like drinking four beers and drivingIf you’re texting while drivingyou are twentythree times more likely to get into an accident than somebody who isn’t

    Government and private groups are using public service announcements and events to bring more attention to the problemFor examplethe insurance industry recently held a safety event for teen driversAt firstnineteenyearold Kevin Schumann easily avoided largeinflatable dolls thrown in front of the car to represent childrenHe also avoided orange cones representing the edge of the roadThenas part of the testhe started textingHe hit several cones and at least one dollThat’s what really opened up the experience for me to prove how bad it is to really text and drive

    Debbie Pickford of Allstate Insurance says teens are especially at risk from distracted driving and not just because they lack experience on the roadsAccording to the researchteens don’t really have fully developed brains until they’re twentyfive years oldYou put those two things together and you get a muchmuch higher riskA new law proposes a graduated driver licensing systemGraduated means teenagers start with restrictions like on night driving and numbers of passengersThey could not get a full driver’s license until age eighteen
    [单选题]◆According to the passage__________is the most likely to lead to a traffic accident while you are driving
    Atexting on the mobile phone
    Breaching for a cell phone
    Ctalking on the mobile phone

    [单选题]◆We can learn from the second paragraph that__________
    Adrivers who resulted in nearly 4000 deaths are teenagers
    Bover 30000 victims have died from traffic crashes so far
    Cit was at night that Ryan Did one died from a car accident

    [单选题]◆A safety event held by insurance industry was meant to__________
    Aattract more teenagers to take part in it
    Bdraw enough attention to teenagers’ distracted driving
    Cmake more teenagers practice avoiding large barriers

    [单选题]◆The passage is probably followed by a concluding paragraph about__________
    Amuch higher risk
    Bteen brain development
    Cmeasures to be taken

    [单选题]◆Of all the followingwhich is the best title for the passage
    ACar Crashesthe Top Killer
    BDistracted DrivingLet’s Avoid
    CDrunken DrivingDangerous Enough

    ★Cars are an important part of life in the United StatesWithout a car most people feel that they are poorAnd even if a person is poor he doesn’t feel really poor when he had a car

    Henry Ford was the man who first started making cars in large numbersHe probably didn’t know how much the car was going to affect American cultureThe car made the United Stated a nation on wheelsAnd it helped make the United States what it is today

    There are three main reasons why the car becomes so popular in the United StatesFirst of allthe country is a huge one and Americans like to move around in itThe car provides the most comfortable and cheapest form of transportationWith a car people can go anyplace without spending a lot of money

    The second reason cars are popular is the fact that the United States never really developed an efficient and inexpensive form of public transportationLongdistance trains have never been as common in the country as they are in other parts of the worldNowadays there is a good system of airservice provided by planesBut it is too expensive to be used frequently

    The third reason is the most important onethoughThe American spirit of independence is what really made cars popularAmericans don’t like to wait for a busor a train or even a planeThey don’ t like to have to follow an exact scheduleA car gives them the freedom to schedule their own timeAnd this is the freedom that Americans want most to have

    The gas shortage has caused a big problem for AmericansBut the answer will not be a bigger system of public transportationThe real solution will have to be a new kind of carone that does not use so much gas
    [单选题]◆We can learn from this passage that Americans__________
    Aspend a lot of money traveling by car
    Btravel a lot in their cars
    Cseldom travel by plane

    [单选题]◆Which of the following statements is TRUE
    AIn the United States even the poor own cars
    BIn the United States all the poor have no cars
    CAn American will feel poor unless he has a car

    [单选题]◆In the writer’s opinioncars are popular in the United States mainly because__________
    AAmericans like to plan their own time
    BThe United States does not have enough public transportation
    CAmericans will not feel poor when they travel in their cars

    [单选题]◆A nation on wheels in the second paragraph means that__________
    Aeveryone in the United States owns a car
    Bthe United States produces most of the cars in the world
    Ccars play an important part in American’ life

    [单选题]◆The real solution to the gas shortage problem is__________
    Ato make less cars
    Bto develop a public transportation system
    Cto make gassaving cars

    ★Dick lived in EnglandOne day in January he said to his wifeI’m going to fly to New York next week because I’ve got some work thereWhere are you going to stay therehis wife askedI don’t know yetDick answeredPlease send me your address from there in a telegramhis wife saidAll rightDick answered
    He flew to New York on January 31st and found a nice hotel in the center of the cityHe put his things in his room and then he sent his wife a telegramHe put the address of his hotel in it
    In the evening he didn’t have any workso he went to a cinemaHe came out at nine o’clock and saidNow I’m going back to my hotel and have a nice dinner
    He found a taxi and the driver saidWhere do you want to goBut Dick didn’t remember the name and address of his hotel
    Which hotel are my things inhe saidAnd what am I going to do tonightBut the driver of the taxi did not knowSo Dick got out and went into a post officeThere he sent his wife another telegramand in i the wrotePlease send me my address at this post office 特提醒:题5题需拉动答题框右边滚动条5试题显示出做答
    [单选题]◆Dick flew to New York because__________ Ahe went there for a holiday Bhe got work there Che went there for sightseeing
    [单选题]◆Why did his wife want a telegram from him ABecause she didn’t know his address yet BBecause she wanted to go to New Yorktoo CBecause she might send him another telegram
    [单选题]◆Where did Dick stay in New York AIn the center of the city
    BIn a hotel CIn a restaurant
    [单选题]◆Who would send him the name and address of his hotel AHis wife BThe police office CThe taxi driver
    [单选题]◆Dick wanted to go back to__________in a taxi Athe restaurant
    Bhis own home Chis hotel
    ★Highspeed rail is a type of rail transport that operates significantly faster than traditional rail trafficusing an integrated system of specialized rolling stock and dedicated tracksWhile there is no single standard that applies worldwidenew lines in excess of 250 kmhr and existing lines in excess of 200 kmhr are widely considered to be highspeed

    with some extending the definition to include much lower speeds(eg160 kmhr)in areas for which these speeds still represent significant improvementsThe first such system began operations in Japan in 1964 and was widely known as the bullet trainHighspeed trains normally operate on standard gauge tracks of continuously welded rail on gradeseparated rightofway that incorporates a large turning radius in its design

    Many countries have developed highspeed rail to connect major citiesincluding Austria BelgiumChinaFranceGermanyItalyJapanPolandPortugalRussiaSouth KoreaSwedenTaiwanturkeyUnited KingdomUnited States and UzbekistanOnly in Europe does HSR cross international bordersChina has 16000 km of HSRaccounting for 60 percent of the world’s totalWhile highspeed rail is usually designed for passenger travelsome highspeed systems also offer freight service
    [单选题]◆Highspeed rail is a type of rail transport that operates significantly__________than traditional rail traffic
    Cas fast as

    [单选题]◆According to the passagewhich of the following is true
    Athere is no single standard that applies worldwide
    Bthere is a standard that applies worldwide
    Cthere are two standards that apply worldwide

    [单选题]◆When did the first such system widely known as the bullet train begin operations in Japan
    Ain 1964
    Bin 1966
    Cin 1946

    [单选题]◆The underlined word freight at the end of the paragraph means__________

    [单选题]◆The best title of this passage would be __________
    ATraditional Rail Traffic
    Bthe Bullet Train
    CHighspeed Rail

    ★Housing is the living places for human beingsAs the population keeps climbingpeople in the city have to face the reality that housing is in short supplyTo solve this problemNew York city planners are challenging tradition and starting to design more micro units

    Microsalso known ashostelstyleapartmentsusually offer less than 200 square feet(185 square meters)in areaCould you imagine living in 150 square feet(14 square meters)These units usually have only room for a beda table minfridge and the basic living essentials

    Why is the micro apartment so appealingThe reasons are rather straightforwardIt is perfect for single people who don’t have a lot of thingsIt can also meet the need of people who are short on cash but determined to live in their own places

    Micro apartments are very common in cities like Tokyo and Hong Kongwhere there are so many people livingNow this tiny housing solution is gaining ground in urban areas in the USand Canada

    The micro apartment is an experiment in simplicity in American cultureSo smallscale home life is part of a hot trend in USreal estateSome people are proud of itSome of them can find the humor and fun in their small placesBut not everyone is in favor of the trend
    [单选题]◆According to the passagethe next big trend in USreal estate is__________(红色字体题正确答案)
    Abig house
    Bmicro apartment
    Ctraditional house

    [单选题]◆As the population keeps climbingpeople in the city have to face the reality that__________(红色字体题正确答案)
    Ahousing is in short supply
    Bhousing is very sufficient
    Chousing is a luxury goods

    [单选题]◆Why is the micro apartment so appealing(红色字体题正确答案)
    AIt meets the need of someone
    BIt’s very strange
    CIt’s excellent

    [单选题]◆Micro apartments are very common in some cities like__________(红色字体题正确答案)

    [单选题]◆How do people think of the micro apartment(红色字体题正确答案)
    AEveryone likes it very much
    BSome people think it’s humorous and fun
    CNot everyone is in favor of the trend

    ★In Englandpeople often talk about the weather because they can experience(历)four seasons in one dayIn the morning the weather is warm just like in springAn hour later black clouds come and then i trains hardThe weather gets a little coldIn the late afternoon the sky will be sunnythe sun will begin to shineand it will be summer at this time of a day
    In Englandpeople can also have summer in winteror have winter in summerSo in winter they can swim sometimesand in summer sometimes they should take warm clothes

    When you go to Englandyou will see that some English people usually take an umbrella(伞) or a raincoat with them in the sunny morningbut you should not laugh at them

    If you don’t take an umbrella or a raincoatyou will regret(悔) later in the day 特提醒:题5题需拉动答题框右边滚动条5试题显示出做答
    [单选题]◆Why do people in England often talk about the weather ABecause they may have four seasons in one day BBecause they often have very good weather CBecause the weather is warm just like in spring
    [单选题]◆From the story we know that when__________comethere is a heavy rain Asunshine and snow
    Bblack clouds Csummer and winter
    [单选题]◆People can also have summer in winterMeansit is sometimes too__________in winter Awarm Brainy Ccold
    [单选题]◆In the sunny morning some English people usually take a raincoat or an umbrella with them because______ Atheir friends ask them to do so
    Bit often rains in England Cthey are their favorite things
    [单选题]◆The best title(标题) for this passage would be__________ ABad Seasons BStrange English People CThe Weather in England
    ★London’s River Thames has twentyseven bridgesBut Tower Bridgethe first bridge over the Thames as you travel to London from these ais the most famous of them allWhat makes Tower Bridge so excitingWhy do visitors come from all over the world to see it

    The thing that is surprising about Tower Bridge is that it is open in the middleIt does this to let the big ships through to the Pool of LondonIf you are lucky enough to see the bridge with its two opening arms high in the airyou will never forget it

    On its north side stands the Tower of London itselfAlthough they look the same agethe Tower is almost a thousand years oldand Tower Bridge is only about one hundredit was built in the 1890sBy l 850everyone agreed that a bridge across the Thames near the Tower was most necessaryBut the designers argued about the new bridge for another thirty yearsThis took so long because they had two big problems
    [单选题]◆Tower Bridge is__________(红色字体题正确答案)
    Aabout one thousand years old
    Bthe oldest and the most famous bridge in London
    Cthe first one you can see when you go from the sea to London

    [单选题]◆The Tower of London is__________(红色字体题正确答案)

    Aacross from the Thames
    Bon the north of Tower Bridge
    Cin the middle of Tower Bridge

    [单选题]◆Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage(红色字体题正确答案)
    AYou can see the bridge with its two opening arms high in the air at anytime
    BBy 1850 everybody thought it most necessary to have a bridge built across the Thames near the Tower
    CIt took the designers thirty years to argue about the bridge before it was built

    [单选题]◆Why is the bridge open in the middle(红色字体题正确答案)
    ATo make it special
    BTo attract (吸引) more people from the world to see it
    CTo let the big ship through to the Pool of London

    [单选题]◆How long was the Tower Bridge built (红色字体题正确答案)
    AA thousand years
    BA hundred years
    CFive thousand years

    ★Mobile phone has become a problem for middle schoolsSome middle schools in Australia have banned(禁止)students from carrying mobile phones during school hoursMobile phone use among children has become a problem for the school this yearSeveral children have got mobile phones as Christmas giftsteachers said mobile phone use is a distraction(娱乐)to students during school hours and it also gives teachers so much trouble in their classroomsTeachers were also saying that sometimes students might use phone messages to cheat during exams

    She said some schools had tried to ban mobile phonesSome parents felt unhappy because they couldn’t get in touch with their children

    Many teachers said students should not have mobile phones at schoolbut if there was a good reasonthey could leave their phones at school officeThey also said there were many reasons why the students should not have mobile phones at schoolthey were easy to lose and were a distraction from studies

    Many people say that they understand why parents would want their children to have phonesbut they think schools should let the students know when they can use their mobile phones
    [单选题]◆Some middle schools in Australia have banned students from carrying mobile phones_______
    Abecause they are students
    Bwhen they are free
    Cwhen they are at school

    [单选题]◆We know from the passage that some children get mobile phones from__________
    Athe makers and sellers
    Bthe passersby and strangers
    Ctheir parents and friends

    [单选题]◆What does the underlined wordcheatmean in the first paragraph


    [单选题]◆Some parents felt unhappy because they couldn’t__________during school hours
    Ause their mobile phones
    Bget in touch with their children
    Chelp the teachers with their work

    [单选题]◆The passage tells us that__________
    Astudents shouldn’t have mobile phones at school except for some special reasons
    Bit is impossible to ban students from using mobile phones at school
    Csome parents felt unhappy because they couldn’t use their phones at school

    ★People and air pollution are often in the same placesThis means that cities with large populations have the biggest problem of dirty airAir pollution is caused by many different thingsA major kind of air pollution is the gas from carsStatistics(统计资料)show that 93 percent of all auto trips are within cities

    Another major kind of dirty air is the burning of coal and oil for energyThis energy is needed to make electricityOf coursemuch more electricity is used in the city than in the country

    On the averagewe throw away more rubbish than the year beforeThe burning of rubbish makes air pollution even worseMany major industries are also responsible for the dirty air in the around citiesThe fumes(烟)from ironsteelchemicaland petrol production add particles(微粒)to the air

    The effects of air pollution range from mild headaches to deathThe levels of pollution found in heavy traffic may cause headaches for loss of clear visionWherever coal and oil are used for fuelfumes may kill trees and plants and cause metal to corrode(腐蚀)In some of the larger citiesthese fumes endanger the lives of human beings by contributing to lung diseases and causing early death
    [单选题]◆The key point of the passage is that__________
    Athe cause of air pollution is people
    Bthe causes and the effects of air pollution are both found in cities
    Cthe effects of air pollution range from headaches to death

    [单选题]◆What is the purpose of this passage
    Ato persuade people to stop polluting the air
    Bto tell the causes of air pollution
    Cto tell why cities are bad places to live

    [单选题]◆Why is air pollution more grave in the city than in the country
    ABecause there are larger populations in cities
    BBecause the air in the city is dirty
    CBecause there are much more gas fumes from cars and burning of coal and oil for energy in the city than in the country

    [单选题]◆The fumes from coal and oil may cause metal__________
    Ato corrode
    Bto twist
    Cto turn black

    [单选题]◆In larger citiesthe fumes from coal and oil may contribute to__________
    Aheart disease
    Bloss of clear vision
    Clung diseases

    ★When DrRobert Metcalf first used a solar cookerthe future changed for millions of AfricansHe knew that billions of poor people around the world depend on the use of wood for cookingAs they take more and more firewood from wild areasThey are destroying habitats around the worldWood collection is one reason why many animals have become endangered

    But sunshine can be an alternative to fire DrMetcalf saysSince his first solar cooked mealhe has helped people around the world to use simple new technologies to cook their food

    Each morning in villages across East Africasmall children and their mothers wake up and walk several miles to collect firewood to cook their foodIt takes much of the dayand the heavy firewood they carry home on their heads lasts only a few days

    This is why DrMetcalf spends each summer in AfricaHe teaches women and children in villages how to cook with the sunSo farmore than thirty thousand African families now have solar cookersand new programs will introduce solar cookers to millions of families

    To find waterwomen and children may have to walk long distance to dig holes in dry riverbeds or to gather water from streams and shallow wells

    They fill their buckets(桶)and carry them home on their headsThe buckets often weigh as much as forty poundsNot only is finding water hard workbut the water is often polluted with germs(细菌)that make people sick

    DrMetcalf and others developed a simplereusable tool that people can use to make sure their water is safe to drinkThe tool is calked a WAPIwhich stands for Water Pasteurization IndicatorThe pasteurization process is named after Louis Pasteurwho developed it in the 1800s
    [单选题]◆Why did Metcalf help Africans use solar cookers
    AHe wanted to help them to fight poverty
    BHe found it a dangerous job to collect firewood
    CHe realized using firewood is not good for the environment

    [单选题]◆The underlined word it in the third paragraph probably refers to__________
    Acollecting firewood
    Bcooking food
    Ccooking with the sun
    [单选题]◆Each summer Metcalf stays in Africa to__________

    Ado research on water
    Btake care of sick people
    Cspread the technique of using solar cookers

    [单选题]◆Water Pasteurization Indicator was developed to__________
    Akill the bacteria in water
    Bhonor Louis Pasteur
    Cmake waste water reusable

    [单选题]◆It can be inferred from tile passage that__________
    AAfricans find it hard to learn to use solar cookers
    Bwomen and children in Africa usually lead a hard life
    Cthe water Africans drink is not clean though it is easy to get

    第四题 阅读理解判断题题库
    ★2018 Was A Milestone Year For weather

    In Octoberthe Intergovernmental group on weather Change came to a similar agreementIf the Earth warms up another half a degreethe world’s weather will change greatlyThe report noted that the world’s governments probably have about more than ten years to greatly lessen greenhouse gas sending out

    But the weather is already changingThere was yet another study made by the American Weather Society this year that examined the most terrible weather happening in 2017It found huge rainstorms around the world by a warmer weather

    To have more water in the air is simply moving heavier rainsan expert saysThe physics of what’s driving heavier rainseven when it’s not a stormis nearly the same in many placesaround the world

    The physics isn’t hard to understandheat water in a pot on your stove and watch as it turns to gas and risesRising hot air causes stormsand the water comes back downJust ask people who lived through storm in HoustonFlorida or Puerto RicoThe past two years have seen strange strong storm seasons in the Atlantic
    [判断题]◆In September of 2018the Intergovernmental group on weather Change came to a similar agreement

    [判断题]◆It found huge rainstorms around the world by a warmer weather

    [判断题]◆To have more water in the air is simply moving heavier rainsan expert says

    [判断题]◆Rising hot air causes stormsand the water comes back down

    [判断题]◆The past three years have seen strange strong storm seasons in the Atlantic

    ★A 4 year Kidwho does not know what an Email or a Chat App isprays to GodHeyLordPlease make me a smartphoneThis young kid is asking such a wish from Godbecause he sees that his parents at home are completely glued to this magical device called smartphone and has no time to look up at himThe smartphone is getting more attention in the house than the childHis parents are present there physicallybut their minds are somewhere else

    It’s so true that this device has become an inseparable part of our day to day lifeand we are addicted to itWe will start feeling restless if we do not look to our phone after a few minutesWe react faster to a phone beep or a message compared to a call by a family member from a different roomWe all need to come out of this headdown syndromeWe all need to connect and communicate in real worldWe need to put this technology to good use and not become a slave

    So what shall we doIt’s simplethe solution is called digital breakThis meanswhen you return home from workyou simply turn off or mute all your digital devices for a few hours every dayor at least once in a whileWhat do you do thenYou can share your time with the familychatting with your wife or husbandplaying games with your kidsdoing things with other family membersetcin real lifeYou will soon realize the world outside the smartphone is much more enjoyable
    [判断题]◆The kid is 5 years old

    [判断题]◆The kid asked God for a smartphone

    [判断题]◆Smartphones have become an inseparable part of our daily life

    [判断题]◆We all need to connect and communicate in virtual world

    [判断题]◆The only solution to the headdown syndrome is called digital break

    ★In recent yearsthe Chinese auto industry has seen rapid growthwith the demand on private cars rising sharply in Chinese cities since 2002

    By 2009China has replaced the USto become the world’s largest auto marketAs an important part of the world car industrythe global auto industry will shift further to ChinaThis brings historical opportunity to China’s auto market
    Currentlyboth the development of China’s auto market and the changes in consumer demand for vehicles are everincreasingChina’s auto industry will continue to grow in the next decadeIt means there is still huge room for its developmentChina has an urban population of more than 600 millionIt also has a huge agricultural vehicle market in the rural areasHencethere is no doubt for China’s development of auto industryThat is also the reason why the world’s auto producers are paying more attention to the Chinese market
    [判断题]◆The demand on private cars increased greatly in Chinese cities since 2002

    [判断题]◆China has become the world’s largest auto market

    [判断题]◆China’s auto industry tends to decrease in the next decade

    [判断题]◆China has an urban population of less than 600 million

    [判断题]◆The reason why the world’s auto producers are paying more attention to the Chinese market is that China’s auto industry developed very quickly

    ★Millions of people around the world cook their food over a smoky fire every dayIt is often difficult to find wood for the firePeople who do not have wood must spend large amounts of money on cooking fuelHoweverthere is a much easier way to cook food using energy from the sunSolar cookersor ovenshave been used for centuries  

    Solar ovens consist of a system of reflectors and a cooking potThe rest is up to your imagination Once you have collected or bought your solar ovenyou can use it to prepare hot meals in the backyardat a campground or wherever your heart desires

    Of all the inventions that could benefit humankinda reliable solar cooker remains one of the most necessaryCountless people across the developing world still cook their food by burning wood or even cow dungcausing breathing problems and severe pollution in some regions

    The searching for a practical solar cooker has gone on for decades and produced dozens of modelsBut none of them have caught on importantly for use in the developing world because they can’t store heatWithout the ability to store heata cooker cannot be usedfor exampleon cloudy days

    But now a group based at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology(NTNU)is reporting a discovery in solar cookersThey say it will lead to the production of practical solar cookers within a year and a half and it can store enough heat during a sunny day to work for an entire additional dayeven if it is cloudy  

    [判断题]◆People who do not have wood must spend small amounts of money on cooking fuel

    [判断题]◆There is a much easier way to cook food using energy from the sun

    [判断题]◆Solar cookersor ovenshave not been used for centuries

    [判断题]◆Solar ovens consist of a system of reflectors and a cooking pot

    [判断题]◆Without the ability to store heata cooker can be usedfor exampleon cloudy days

    ★One of the masterpieces of modern architecturethe fantastic Hangzhou Bay Bridge has been opened to the public since May 2008

    The Bridge is an Sshaped stayedcable bridge with six lanes in both directions and is linking Ningbo’s Ci xi county in the south to Jiaxing in the northIt shortens the highway travel distance between Ningbo and Shanghai by 120 kilometersand reduces the driving time from 4 to 25 hours
    It is the longest seacrossing bridge in the world 36 kilometers (22 miles) longThis fantastic bridge crossing the Hangzhou Bay is expected to have al0Oyear lifespanand has a price tag of 118 billion yuan(US170 billion)
    The to llfeeis80yuanper vehicleAs the bridge has six lanes in both directionsyou can be quite sure that you will have a smooth ride
    The speed limit is 100 kilometers 62 miles
    The first preparations for planning the bridge started a decade agoclose to 600 experts spent nine years on designing the Hangzhou Bay BridgeChief Commander of the Bridge Project is Mr Wang YongThe bridge was linked in 2007 and an opening ceremony was held on 26th JuneBut the Bridge was first open to the publicalmost one year laterafter a series of tests and evaluations 特提醒:题5题需拉动答题框右边滚动条5试题显示出做答
    [判断题]◆The fantastic Hangzhou Bay Bridge has been opened to the pubic since May 2010(红色字体题正确答案)

    [判断题]◆It is the longest seacrossing bridge in the world 36 kilometers (22 miles) long(红色字体题正确答案)


    [判断题]◆The toll fee is100 yuan per vehicle(红色字体题正确答案)

    [判断题]◆The speed limit is 100 kilometers 62 miles(红色字体题正确答案)

    [判断题]◆Chief Commander of the Bridge Project is MrYang Yong(红色字体题正确答案)

    ★People in Los Angeles are known for their love of carsThe city is very largeand its public transportation is slowSo people drive everywhereBut nowa group of bicyclists are trying to get people out of their cars and on bikes.
    Devon Fitzgerald says he has to be careful when he rides his bike in the streetsA lot of people are in a rushand it’s very difficult to keep carefulfor they would rather care for their speed than your safetyAlthough riding a bike to work can be dangeroushe prefers it to a carIt’s much simpler than driving a carFor exampleI don’t have to worry about parking
    Roger Rosas drives to workYou always have to make sure you look to the other side because someone would rush across by bikeOr you can easily get into an accident
    To make bicycling safersome people who live and work near each other are riding to work togetherwhich they call a bike trainNona Varnado helped create the group LABike TrainsYou’re in a big groupIf you’re afraid of riding aloneyou can now ride with experienced ridersNona said that people would feel safer by riding together in a group.
    [判断题]◆People in Los Angeles are known for their love of bicycles(红色字体题正确答案)

    [判断题]◆Devon Fitzgerald finds it dangerous to ride his bike in the streets(红色字体题正确答案)

    [判断题]◆Devon Fitzgerald likes riding a bike better because it’s much cheaper(红色字体题正确答案)

    [判断题]◆Riding in a bike train can help people feel safer (红色字体题正确答案)

    [判断题]◆Devon Fitzgerald helped to create LABike Trains(红色字体题正确答案)


    ★Solar cooking is a convenient cooking methodTodaythe useful solar cooker really works and it is attracting more and more people’s attention

    Taiwanese people have realized the risk associated with their energy sourcesabout 97 of the energy sources are importedThis has caused a solar cooking education movement in Taiwan

    A local environmental group in Taipei held a solar cooker design competition in some elementary schools last year

    About 500 students (ages 812 years) were taught solar cooking principles before the competitionAfter learning basic solar cooking skillsthe students were divided into small teams and asked to design and build their own solar cookers in weeksThey were encouraged to be creative and use recycled materials such as driftwoodold fish tanksCDsumbrellaswoksand mirrors

    The challenge of the competition was to solar cook a small amount of dried mung beansWhile waiting for the beans to cookeach group was asked to describe their designbuilding processexperimentation and cooperation within the group

    It was amazing to see the students’ excitement when they discovered that simple materials could be used to cook food under the sun and solar cooking has really attracted creative kids
    [判断题]◆There is little convenience in burning woods for cooking(红色字体题正确答案)

    [判断题]◆Taiwan imported most of its energy sources(红色字体题正确答案)

    [判断题]◆Energy crisis is not the reason for solar cooking education movement in Taiwan(红色字体题正确答案)

    [判断题]◆The students were not required to find new ways to make use of solar energy(红色字体题正确答案)

    [判断题]◆The students were disappointed at the competition in the end(红色字体题正确答案)

    ★The top USelectric car makerTesla Motorshas started selling its popular Model S cars in China through its Chineselanguage websiteTesla launched its Chineselanguage website at the end of December 2013hoping to attract new orders from Chinese buyersIt follows the opening of Tesla’s showroom in Beijing last month

    And industry experts think it could be just the beginning of Tesla’s drive into the Chinese market
    As an innovative companyTesla has a bright future in China because of an increasing demand for luxury carsSupport facilities for electric carssuch as charging stationshave been built or are in the process of being built in many cities across the country
    Tesla has made itself as one of the leaders in the electric car industryIt designsproduces and sells vehiclesIt aims to massproduce fully electric cars at prices affordable to average buyersBut there are some difficulties the company still has to overcome in China
    One of the major problems is that Tesla does not have a name in ChineseIt’s also not yet clear what the government tax rate will be for their carsThis means even interested buyers can’t know the full price for a Tesla car
    The Tesla showroom in Beijing has openedand its Chinese website is now availableBut so far there are no marketing and public relations teams for Tesla Beijingso it remains something of a mysteryExperts believe with a growing demand for luxury cars in Chinaand the government’s push for clean electric carsTesla has a big chance to win in the world’s second largest economy
    [判断题]◆Tesla launched its Chineselanguage website at the end of December 2013hoping to attract new orders from Chinese buyers(红色字体题正确答案)

    [判断题]◆As an innovative companyTesla has a bright future because of an increasing demand for economic cars in China(红色字体题正确答案)

    [判断题]◆Tesla has made itself one of the leaders in the auto car industry(红色字体题正确答案)

    [判断题]◆Tesla has opened a show room in Shanghai(红色字体题正确答案)

    [判断题]◆Tesla has a big chance to sell well in China(红色字体题正确答案)

    ★The world’s longest highspeed railway routerunning from Beijing to Guangzhouhas been in operation for a few yearsIt cuts travel time between the two cities from 22 hours to only 8 hoursWith comfortable seats and quiet cabinsthis highspeed line offers a pleasant journey for thousands of travelers

    The high speed railway connects Beijing with five provincial capitalsPart of the linefrom Zhengzhou to Guangzhou

    was in operation before the whole line was connectedThe opening of the Beijing to Zhengzhou section has connected the entire lineIt covers a total length of 2298 kilometers

    The BeijingGuangzhou line connects one third of China’s population and more than 40percent of its economic powerTravelers benefit from the efficient networkand find that their hometowns are not that faraway

    As the American publication Neusueek puts itChina is now engaged in arailway revolutionThese 350 kilometer per hour highspeed railway trains have made the country’s vast territorysubstantially smallerand changed the country economically
    [判断题]◆The world’s longest highspeed railway routerunning from Beijing to Guangzhouhas been in operation for a few years

    [判断题]◆It cuts travel time between the two cities from 22 hours to only 6 hours

    [判断题]◆The opening of the Beijing to Zhengzhou section has linked with the total route

    [判断题]◆The BeijingGuangzhou line connects one third of China’s population and more than 40 percent of its economic power

    [判断题]◆These 350 kilometer per hour highspeed railway trains have made the country’s vast territoryconsiderably smallerand changed the country economically

    ★When a few college students jokingly declared Nov11 a National Singles Day in the 90s in Chinathey would never be able to imagine that they were creating the biggest online shopping spree in the worldIt started as a way for young people to make fun of themselves as being single and invite other single friends to have fun at barsrestaurants and karaoke roomsThey chose 1111 because 1 is the loneliest numberetcThen businesses began to take notice

    In 2009online retail giant Ali baba announced it would be selling everything at half price on taobaocom on Nov11It was the first time for Chinese single men and womenand indeed married peopletooto enjoy the huge discounts in online shopping on the Singles DayOver the last few yearsAli babaJD and other Chinese ecommerce companies all expanded their oneday discountsand sales grew dramatically

    In 2014Ali baba Group scored 571 billion on November 11setting a new record for the ecommerce giant since it started the Singles Day sales five years agoThat was much higher than the combined 37 billion online sales of Thanksgiving DayBlack Friday and Cyber Monday from desktop computers in the USA
    [判断题]◆In 2009 Ali baba began to sell everything at half price at taobaocom on Nov11

    [判断题]◆Some companies like Ali baba expanded their two days discounts and sales grew dramatically

    [判断题]◆In 2014Ali baba scored 471 billion on November 11

    [判断题]◆Thanksgiving Day has got the best selling

    [判断题]◆They chose 1111 because 1 is the loneliest number

    第五题 翻译题题库
    ★A beautiful little room with love and happiness is a great place to liveB间充盈爱幸福美屋宜居方
    ★A major advantage of the rail route is speedA条铁路优点速度快
    ★All the transaction is caned out through your bank accountA交易通银行账户完成
    ★Burn less natural gas to cook or heat your homeA较少天然气煮饭供暖
    ★China is taking steps to control air pollutionA中国正采取措施控制空气污染
    ★China’s auto industry will continue to grow in the next decadeA未10年中国汽车工业继续增长
    ★Each apartment only takes is to 30 square meters for one unitA套公寓单元面积1530方米
    ★From the East Coast to the West Coast it is about 3000 miles wideA美国领土东西宽度约3000英里
    ★I am eager to see this new deviceA急切想新设备
    ★I have less and enjoy moreC拥更少享受更
    ★I have to go for an urgent business trip tomorrowC明天急事出差
    ★I really like that car you recommended and I am thinking of buying it A真喜欢推荐辆车正考虑购买
    ★I think all this sunshine is just too good to be trueA觉样阳光明媚天气太简直难置信
    ★I will bring my new kitchenware for our picnicA会野餐带新厨具

    ★I wonder if you could help me take my suitcase and box to the car C请问帮巴手提箱盒子搬车?
    ★I’d like you to meet the famous bridge designerMrLiu HuaB想您介绍著名桥梁设计师刘华先生
    ★I’d love to share with you my new kitchenwareB乐意分享新厨具
    ★I’m glad to have this opportunity to exchange ideas with youA高兴机会交换意见
    ★I’m not very familiar with Chinese customs formalitiesB中国海关通关规太熟悉
    ★I’ve always dreamed of going to Beijingseeing famous places with unique buildingssuch as the Forbidden CitySummer PalaceetcA直梦想着北京著名原点独特建筑紫禁城颐园等
    ★If you travel alone and want to know better family life in Britainyou’d better stay in B & BsC果独旅行想更解英国居民生活住B&Bs
    ★It can also meet the need of people who are short on cash but determined to live in their own placesA满足需缺钱决心拥家
    ★It has a total length of 49968kmof which 35578km will be built over these B总长度49968公里中35578公里横跨海面
    ★It is getting more popular due to its high efficiency and its environmental friendlinessA高效环保特点太阳锅越越受众欢迎
    ★It is getting popular due to its high efficiency and its environmental friendlinessA效高环保越越受欢迎
    ★It seems that there’s nothing impossible with the little mobile phoneA台智手机
    ★It’s a great example of treading lightly on the landA桥缓步行走非常体验
    ★It’s a great experience of treading lightly on the land A桥缓步行走绝仅体验
    ★It’s more economical than the traditional cookerC传统炊具更济
    ★It’s very important to maintain your current weight through exercise and healthy eatingC通锻炼健康饮食保持目前体重非常重
    ★John and his brother differ in personality even if their differences in age are not significantB约翰哥哥年纪相差性相
    ★No wonder I got lostI was heading in the wrong directionA怪迷路原走错方
    ★No wonder I got lostI was heading in the wrong directionA怪迷路原走错方
    ★No wonder I got lostI was heading in the wrong directionA怪迷路原走错方
    ★People who do not have wood must spend large amounts of money on cooking fuelC没足够木材花费量金钱购买烹饪燃料

    ★Since the earth looks like a ballthe sun can shine on only half of it at a timeB球球太阳次半
    ★Since the earth looks like a ballthe sun can shine on only half of it at a timeC球球太阳次半
    ★Solar ovens consist of a system of reflectors and a cooking potA太阳灶反射镜烹饪锅系统组成
    ★Some of her pictures were shown in an art exhibition(展览会)in Shanghai when she was 4 years oldC四岁时候画海艺术展览会展出
    ★Some of the bridges are more than 30 meters long and can support the weight of 50 peopleC桥长达30米承受50重量
    ★Ted and William have lived under the same roof for five yearsA泰德威廉已屋檐生活五年
    ★That’s why tiny little apartments with a bedrooma kitchen and a bathroom come into beingC卧厨卫微型公寓形成原
    ★The Asian elephant can be tamed and trainedA亚洲象驯化
    ★The businesses began to take notice Single’s Day B商家开始关注双十
    ★The highspeed railway trains have made our country smallerC高速铁路列车国家变
    ★The micro apartment in simplicity in American culture B微型公寓美国文化中简约种尝试
    ★The mobile phone store is about five hundred yards past the gymon your leftB手机商店概离健身房500步左手边
    ★The Smartphone is getting more attention in the house than the childA家里智手机正孩子更关注
    ★The study shows that our computers are superior to those of our competitors in terms of functions and speedA研究表明计算机功速度两方面优竞争手
    ★Then you can enjoy the fun and benefits of the InternetB然享受互联网乐趣处
    ★There is a much easier way to cook food using energy from the sunB更容易方法太阳做饭
    ★This brings historical opportunity to China’s auto marketA中国汽车市场带历史性机遇
    ★Though technically quite advanced todaythe Internet is far from being popular with average household users in some developing countriesA互联网技术现已先进发展中国家未受家庭户广泛青睐
    ★Todaymany people in the world’s largest cities already live in tiny apartments A现世界城市许已住公寓里
    ★Use of the overcharge on your account and we have contacted the store on your behalf and are awaiting their replyC承蒙告知您帐户扣款事已代您商店联系正等回复

    ★Visitors can enjoy a very close experience with the forest and wildlife on the curving bridgeB弧形桥面游客够距离体验森林野生动物
    ★Visitors can enjoy a very close experience with the forest and wildlife on the curving bridgeC蜿蜒桥面游客够距离体验森林野生动物
    ★We all need to come out of this headdown syndromeA需摆脱种低头综合征
    ★We start feeling restless if we do not look at our phone after a few minutesA果分钟没手机会开始焦躁安
    ★When in doubtit’s best to delete or if appropriatemark as junk itemB旦疑问立刻删者果合适话标垃圾信息
    ★When in doubtit’s best to delete or if appropriatemark as junk itemB旦疑问立刻删者果合适话标垃圾信息
    ★While most bridges cross above waterthe sunken bridge at Fort de Roovere in the Netherlands sinks just below itB数桥建水面荷兰Fort de Roovere座沉桥建水面
    ★Would you please tell me if there is a hospital nearbyC请问附医院?
    ★You can buy almost everythingas long as you as you have access to the Internet and enough moneyC网络足够钱通网络买东西
    ★You can buy almost everythingas long as you have access to the internet and enough moneyA网络足够钱通网络买东西
    ★You can buy almost everythingas long as you have access to the Internet and enough moneyC网足够钱买东西
    ★You will soon realize the world outside the smartphone is much more enjoyableA快会意识智手机外世界会更加趣




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    本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。◆-_____________.-Imean the best way is usin...

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    本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。★______●Besides Bank of China,you can get t...

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    ★_________●I agree with you.B.I think we should bring back death penalty for serious crimes.★____...

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    -Anything else I can do for you?(红色字体为本题正确答案)-______Thank you!A.Yes.B.That’s all.C.My pleasure.

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    ★-Do you think I can use your car for one day?-________.A.I’m afraid not.B.No, you can’tC.I won’t...

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    本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。★-Albert,this is Jim.●_____Jim?B.How do you...

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    本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。★Anything else I can do for you?●______Than...

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    ★_______?●I have worked for IBM for 3 years.B.What is your working experience?★_______?●It costs ...

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    -Anything else I can do for you?(红色字体为本题正确答案)-______Thank you!A.Yes.B.That’s all.C.My pleasure.

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    [单选题]◆Why did the 4 year Kid ask for a smartphone from God?(红色字体为本题正确答案)A.Because he wanted to se...

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    ★__________before you act.A.Think★__________by the failure of the project,the manager could hardl...

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    ★Abeautiful little room with love and happiness is a great place to live.B.一间充盈爱和幸福的小美屋就是宜居的好地方。★...

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    ◆―3D printing is one of the latest technological innovations.―_________Maybe its functions are qu...

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    ◆A major advantage of the rail route is speed.A.这条铁路的主要优点是速度快。B.影响这条铁路的最大问题是速度。C.最重要的问题是提高铁路的速度。◆...

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    说明:2024年8月16日整理,适用于国家开放大学专科学员一平台期末机考考试。 本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳选...

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