
    第二题 词汇结构题库
    ★__________before you actAThink
    ★__________by the failure of the projectthe manager could hardly say a wordBShocked
    ★__________is known to the worldMark Twain is a great American writerAAs
    ★__________is known to the worldMark Twain is a great American writerCAs
    ★__________is reported in the newspapers that the talks between the two companies have not made any progressCIt
    ★__________the weather improveswe will suffer a huge loss in the tourist industryAUnless
    ★__________you busy with the Singles DayBAre
    ★__________you busy with the Singles DayCAre
    ★__________you________free tomorrow●NoI free the day after tomorrowCAregoing to bewill be
    ★A new computer__________a lot of moneyCcosts
    ★A pair of spectacles__________what I need at the momentAis
    ★All the trees_______last summerAwere planted
    ★All the trees_______last summerBwere planted
    ★Allan is looking forward to_______you in summer holidayBmeeting
    ★Architect Mayur Kanaiya spoke_______of the Langkawi Sky BridgeChighly
    ★As the American________Newsweek puts it China is now engaged in a railway revolutionCPublication
    ★As the population keeps climbingpeople in the city have to face the reality that housing is in short__________Bsupply
    ★Besidesyou need to protect your passwordbecause all the transaction___through your bank accountAis carried out
    ★Besidesyou need to protect your passwordbecause all the transaction___through your bank accountBis carried out
    ★But the Bridge was first___to the publicalmost one year laterafter a series of tests and evaluationsAopen
    ★Can I help yousir●I’d like to have 100_______I want my students to draw picturesBpieces of paper
    ★Can you manage to deal_______itYesI canAwith
    ★Cleaner heating system will be________in Beijing to control air pollutionCestablished
    ★Cleaner heating system will________in Beijing to control air pollutionAbe established
    ★Do you know the year__________the Labor’s Day was foundedCwhen

    ★Do you recognize the man__________CI spoke to
    ★Each apartment only_______15 to 30 square meters for one unitCtakes
    ★Each apartment only_______15 to 30 square meters for one unitBtakes
    ★Eggsthough rich in nourishment have________ of fatCa large amount
    ★For dayssmog persisted in many areasChina is________to control air pollutionAtaking measures
    ★Give a brief_______to the hostCintroduction
    ★Have you filled in the application form_______your passport yetBfor
    ★Have you filled in the application form_______your passport yetCfor
    ★He was very busy yesterdayotherwise he__________to the meetingCwould have come
    ★He________a book when the telephone rangAwas reading
    ★He________a book when the telephone rangBwas reading
    ★He’s wearing a red shirt and________jeansBfaded
    ★Hence________China’s development in the auto industryBthere is no doubt about
    ★Here is my dog__________name is TomCIts
    ★His mother_______alone since his father diedChas lived
    ★His parents are present there________but their minds are somewhere elseCphysically
    ★His parents are present there________but their minds are somewhere elseAphysically
    ★How often________to the dentistBdo you go
    ★How often________to the dentistCdo you go
    ★I am_______see this new device Aeager to
    ★I can________for eleven o’clockAput you down
    ★I couldn’t forget the days________I spent in that cityCthat
    ★I have an appointment with MrXie at about 10 o’clock tomorrow morningbut would you please_____it to sometime next weekApostpone
    ★I have an appointment with MrXie at about 10 o’clock tomorrow morningbut would you please_____it to sometime next weekCpostpone
    ★I have to______an urgent business trip tomorrowCgo for
    ★I have to______for the book lostCpay
    ★I have to______for the book lostCpay
    ★I hope you’ll_______working with us in the futureAenjoy
    ★I hope you’ll_______working with us in the futureBenjoy
    ★I really like that car you________and I am thinking of buying itArecommended
    ★I really like that car you________and I am thinking of buying itBrecommended
    ★I really like that car you________and I am thinking of buying itCrecommended
    ★I recommended__________an English Chinese dictionarywhich I thought would be of great help to his studiesAbuying

    ★I suppose you know everything about that event________Adon’t you
    ★I suppose you know everything about that event________Bdon’t you
    ★I think that the Great Wallis worth________hundreds of miles to visitBtraveling
    ★I__________any buy online last monthBdidn’t make
    ★I__________buy something tomorrow morningBam going to
    ★I__________two hours on this maths problemAspent
    ★I__________two hours on this maths problemAspent
    ★I________a teacher next termBwill be
    ★I________call youAwas just going to
    ★I’d like to have some big apples instead of small________Aones
    ★I’d like to have some big apples instead of small________Aones
    ★I’d love to________with you my new kitchenwareBshare
    ★I’d love to________with you my new kitchenwareCshare
    ★I’m glad to have this opportunity to__________ideas with you on this problemAexchange
    ★I’m________a business trip for APEC summitsirAon
    ★I’m________a business trip for APEC summitsirAon
    ★If he persists________awkward questionsthen send him to the bossAin asking
    ★If he persists________awkward questionsthen send him to the bossCin asking
    ★If you were olderI________you to go there yesterdayCwould have allowed
    ★In large part its success is due__________your workAto
    ★In learning a foreign languageone should first pay attention________speakingAto
    ★In learning a foreign languageone should first pay attention________speakingBto
    ★It_______fantasticI also want to see it when it’s finishedAsounds
    ★It covered the distance in 28 hours__________the train’s six daysBcompared with
    ★It is a__________to shake hands when you are introduced to a personAcustom
    ★It is called solar cookera newly designed cooking device and there are many kinds of solar cookers_______Bavailable
    ★It is easy to get the software we need_______the market is smallCalthough
    ★It is easy to get the software we need_______the market is smallCalthough
    ★It was_______to see the students’ excitement when they discovered that simple materials could be used to cook food under the sun and the solar cooking really attracts those creative kidsBamazing
    ★It was_______who wrote those words on the blackboardAhe
    ★It’s just another way to__________your colleaguesAconnect with
    ★It’s so true that this device has become an inseparable part of our day to day lifeand we_________itBare addicted to
    ★Jamie wants to speak to me in_______Aprivate

    ★Jamie wants to speak to me_______privateBin
    ★Jamie wants to speak to me_______privateCin
    ★Let’s meet at 730 outside the gate of_______Cthe People’s Park
    ★Li Lei is_______student in our classAthe tallest
    ★Li Lei is_______student in our classBthe tallest
    ★Li Lei is_______student in our classCthe tallest
    ★Lily and Lucy__________both my good friends Bare
    ★Listen to the two girls by the windowWhat language_______Care they speaking
    ★March the 8th is_______DayAWomen’s
    ★Mary told me that she_____to the supermarket before coming homeBhad gone
    ★Miss Liu doesn’t mind_____your homework as long as it is done by yourselfAyour delaying handing in
    ★My agenda is quite full for the whole weekso I can’t_______an appointment with youCmake
    ★My agenda is quite full for the whole weekso I can’t_______an appointment with youCmake
    ★My_______is Energy and EnvironmentAmajor
    ★Nancy is considered to be_______the other students in her class ▲as intelligent as
    ★Nick_______a job in a bankbut to our surprisehe didn’t take itBwas offered
    ★Nick_______a job in a bankbut to our surprisehe didn’t take itCwas offered
    ★Not until that day_______the importance of good manners in a job interviewAdid I realize
    ★Now tell mehow can you separate yourself_______the other personBfrom
    ★Now tell mehow can you separate yourself_______the other personCfrom
    ★Now this tiny housing solution is_______in urban areas in the USand CanadaAgain ground
    ★Of the three choicesthis one is_______Amost harmful
    ★Ohthat museum was the old Beijing Railway StationIt_______the history of China’s railway developmentBshows
    ★One day they crossed the ______bridge behind the palaceAold Chinese stone
    ★One day they crossed the_______bridge behind the palaceBold Chinese stone
    ★Our company is_______of the leading companies in the electric car industryAone
    ★People do not know the value of health__________they lose itCUntil
    ★People who do not have wood must spend large amounts of money_______cooking fuelAon
    ★People who do not have wood must spend large amounts of money_______cooking fuelBon
    ★Seldom_____his wife punish her children for speaking out their own ideas freelyBhave I seen
    ★Seldom_____his wife punishes her children for speaking out their own ideas freelyAhave I seen
    ★Separate passwords for every account make_______difficult for cyber criminals to hack youAit
    ★Separate passwords for every account make_______difficult for cyber criminals to hack youCit
    ★She didn’t know_______to express her ideas in English clearly in publicChow

    ★Small scale home life is part of a hot_______in the USA nowadaysAtrend
    ★Solar cooking is a_______cooking methodAconvenient
    ★Solar cooking is a_______cooking methodBconvenient
    ★Solar cooking is a_______cooking methodCconvenient
    ★Sun Li is _______her around the buildingCshowing
    ★Sun Li_______her around the buildingCis showing
    ★Sunday is the day__________people usually don’t go to workAwhen
    ★Support facilities for electric carssuch as charging stationshave been built or are the process of being built in many cities across the countryCin
    ★The book_______on this subject was written by an old female writerBreferred to
    ★The book_______on this subject was written by an old female writerCreferred to
    ★The bridge______two years agoAwas built
    ★The bridge______two years agoBwas built
    ★The child_______fluent EnglishAspeaks
    ★The courses seem to be popular________the elderlyBwith
    ★The earth_______around the sunBmoves
    ★The family thought it was more______to eat in the kitchenCconvenient
    ★The gallery_______we’ll visit next week is not far from hereAwhich
    ★The harder you study_______you will learnCthe more
    ★The job is great in terms of salaryIt has its disadvantages______Athough
    ★The job is great in terms of salaryIt has its disadvantages______Athough
    ★The market economy is quickly changing people’ side a on_______is acceptedCwhat
    ★The new staff didn’t know how to use the system_______I explained it to him yesterdayAuntil
    ★The party will be a good______for you to get know other colleaguesAopportunity
    ★The Prize in Economics_______in 1968that ismore than half a century agoCwas established
    ★The Prize in Economics_______in 1968that ismore than half a century agoCwas established
    ★The Prize in Economics_______in 1968that ismore than half a century agoAwas established
    ★The problem of pollution in the city can not be_______awayCwished
    ★The technological advances made it possible for the middle classes to enjoy what had once been_______only to the very richAaffordable
    ★The top of the Great Wall is__________for five horses to go side by sideCwide enough
    ★The train______in half of an hour I must go to the train station right nowCwill leave
    ★The train____just three weeks____complete a journey that_____six weeks by seaCtook…totakes up to
    ★The train____just three weeks____complete a journey that_____six weeks by seaBtook…totakes up to
    ★The walls function like a dam to keep the water_______and the structure lies naturally within its surroundingsremaining invisible from a distanceBout

    ★The_______are eating_______at the foot of the mountainBsheepgrass
    ★There are three__________assistants in that’s__________shopAwomenshoe
    ★There is an easy way to cook food using________ from the sunCenergy
    ★There is no doubt_______Herbert is the most industrious student in our classCthat
    ★There is no doubt_______Herbert is the most industrious student in our classCthat
    ★There is no time left for______Bdelay
    ★There_______a book and some magazines on the deskAis
    ★There_______a dolphins how in the zoo tomorrow eveningCis going to be
    ★They all have one thing_________common they have the functions of a phone and a computer in a single pocketsized unitCin
    ★They also have a camera_______allows you to take and share photos and videoAwhich
    ★They also have a camera_______allows you to take and share photos and videoBwhich
    ★They wouldn’t__________me to smokeBallow
    ★This article deals with the natural phenomenon which_______most interesting to everyoneBis
    ★This article deals with the natural phenomenon which_______most interesting to everyoneCis
    ★This box is_______that oneBas heavy as
    ★This box is_______that oneCas heavy as
    ★This is the_______photo I have ever takenCbest
    ★To solve this problemNew York city planners are challenging tradition and starting to_______more micro unitsAdesign
    ★Tom is_______than any other players in the school teamAtaller
    ★Tom is_______than any other players in the school teamCtaller
    ★Tony has many Chinese_______Bstamps
    ★Tony has many Chinese_______Cstamps
    ★Tony is going camping with________boysCtwo other little
    ★Travelers_____the efficient networkand find that their hometowns are not that far awayBbenefit from
    ★We all need to_______this headdown syndromeCbreak out of
    ★We are all for your suggestion that the trip________put offCbe
    ★We are all for your suggestion that the trip________Bbe put off
    ★We are all for your suggestion that the trip________Cbe put off
    ★We must find a way to cut prices________reducing our profits too muchAwithout
    ★We must find a way to cut prices________reducing our profits too muchBwithout
    ★We support the view that poor management will________business failureBlead to
    ★We support the view that poor management will________business failureClead to
    ★We________two railway tickets online this MondayBbooked

    ★We________two railway tickets online this MondayCbooked
    ★We’ll send you to the hotel and you can________a rest thereCtake
    ★What’s the________of your cityCpopulation
    ★Which city has______populationBeijingGuiyang or Nanchang●Beijingof courseAthe largest
    ★Which city has______populationBeijingGuiyang or Nanchang●Beijingof courseAthe largest
    ★Why don’t you______to his attention that you are busy to do it Cit
    ★With comfortable seats and quiet cabinsthis highspeed line________a pleasant journey for thousands of travelersCoffers
    ★Would you mind_______your radio a littlepleaseCturning down
    ★Yesterday he sold out all his books at_______he thought was a reasonable priceCwhat
    ★Yesterday was Dad’s birthday I gave_______a scarf as a presentBhim
    ★You can ask these experts________advice in job huntingCfor
    ★You can ask these experts________advice in job huntingBfor
    ★You can buy almost everything________you have access to the Internet and enough moneyCas long as
    ★You can choose______book you like among theseCwhichever
    ★You can go to Mobile Joker Store______is the nearest mobile phone store from hereAwhich
    ★You knowonline shopping has so many______Aadvantages
    ★You knowonline shopping has so many_______Aadvantages
    ★You knowthis bridge________Hong KongZhuhai and MacauBconnects
    ★You knowthis bridge________Hong KongZhuhai and MacauCconnects
    ★You will soon________the world outside the smartphone is much more enjoyableBrealize
    ★You will soon________the world outside the smartphone is much more enjoyableBrealize
    ★You will soon________the world outside the smartphone is much more enjoyableCrealize




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    说明:2024年8月16日整理,适用于国家开放大学专科学员一平台期末机考考试。 本大题共包含15小题,每小题2分,共计30分。阅读句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳...

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