
    1 an amount of +数名词 许
    2 a flock of (sheep) 群(羊)
    3 a handful of 少量少数(修饰()数名词)
    4 a large(great huge) number of 量许
    5 a large quantity of 许(修饰()数名词)
    large quantities of
    6 a large sum of money 笔钱
    注意:a large sum of通常money
    7 a mass of 量许(修饰()数名词)
    masses of 量许(修饰()数名词)
    8 a packet of 盒捆包
    9 a series of 系列连串套
    10 a variety of 种种种类繁
    11 account for 解释(说明)……原
    12 accuse sb of sth 指控某…
    accuse sb of doing sth 指控某 做某事
    13 act as 担充
    14 act for 代理代表
    15 act in …中表演
    16 act onupon 根……行事……作影响
    17 act out ……表演出
    18 act up 调皮捣乱(机器等)出毛病
    19 adapt (oneself) to (doing) sth
    adjust (oneself) to (doing) sth
    20 add to 增加增添
    21 add up to 加起计总计达意味着
    22 add up 加起
    23 add… to… ……增加……中……增加添……
    24 admit of 容许……
    25 after that 然
    26 agree on sth ……取致意见
    27 agree to do sth 意做某事
    agree to sth 赞某建议
    agree to a plan 意某计划
    agree to the decision 意决定
    agree to their proposal 意提议
    agree to suggestion 意建议
    28 agree with 意某意见
    29 allow for sbsth ……计算考虑
    30 allow of sth 容许……
    31 amount to 计总计等相
    32 answer back 顶嘴嘴答辩
    33 answer for ……负责担保保证
    34 answer to sb(for sth)某(某事)负责
    35 apart from …………外
    36 apologise to sb for (doing) sth
    37 appeal to sb ……吸引力引起某兴趣
    38 apply for 申请请求
    较:apply to 应适
    39 appoint sb as… 命某……
    40 aprove of sth 批准通赞成意
    41 argue sb into doing sth 说服某做某事
    42 argue sb out of doing sth 说服某做某事
    43 argue with sb aboutover sth
    44 arise from… out of… ……引起……产生
    45 arm sboneself with sth 某物武装某()
    46 arrive at sth 达成(协议等做出(决定等)出(结等) reach
    arrive at an agreement 达成协议
    arrive at a decision 做出决定
    arrive at a conclusion 出结
    47 as aconsequence (result) of
    48 as aconsequence 结果
    as a result(作)结果
    49 ask about 询问听
    50 ask after sb 问候问
    51 assist sb in with sth
    52 assist sb to do sth 帮助某做某事
    assist sb in doing sth
    53 associate A with B AB联系起
    54 at one’s own charge (expense) 费
    55 at random 便意
    56 at the opening (closing)ceremony of
    57 at the rate of ……率
    58 attach to 加……喜爱恋参加附着
    59 attempt to do sth 试图做某事
    60 attend a wedding 参加婚礼
    attend a funeral 参加葬礼
    attend the lecture 参加讲座
    attend a class 课
    attend school (university) 学读书(学)
    attend the meeting 出席会议
    61 attend to 注意专心处理付料
    62 awake to sth 觉察意识醒悟
    63 back out (of sth) 退出食言
    较:break one’s appointment 违约
    cry off 食言毁约
    break one’s appointment 违约
    64 back up 退倒车支持支援
    65 base(build)sth onupon sth
    66 be (have) to do with sbsth 关……关系
    67 be addicted to 沉溺
    68 be aimed at 目旨针象
    69 be amazed at ……感惊讶
    70 be anxious about … ……忧虑着急担心
    71 be anxious for … 渴非常希
    72 be armed with ……武装
    73 be ashamed of ……感羞愧惭愧
    74 be associated with ………联系
    75 be awarded a Nobel Prize 获诺贝尔奖
    76 be aware of 意识知道
    77 be based(built) onupon… ……根(基础)
    78 be bent on sthdoing sth 心想做某事
    79 be bored to tearsdeath 非常厌烦
    80 be burdened with sth 负担着……担负着……
    81 be caught in 突然偶然遇
    be caught in a rain 突然遇雨
    be caught in a traffic jam 突然遇交通堵塞
    be caught in the earthquake 突然震
    82 be charged with 承担控告
    83 be composed of ……组成构成
    :be composed of ……组成构成
    consist of ……组成构成
    84 be concerned about for with…
    85 be confident in ……方面信
    86 be connected to ……关系
    87 be content to do sth 愿意做某事
    较:be delighted to do sth 高兴做某事
    88 be content with ……感满意满足……
    89 be curious about ……感奇
    have the curiosity about ……感奇
    90 be determined to do 决心做…
    determine decide to do sth 决心做…
    91 be devoted to (doing) sth 投身
    92 be devoted to sb 喜欢某
    93 be diagnosed with 诊断
    94 be divided by… ……
    95 be divided on… ……分歧
    96 be due todo sth 预定期应该做某事
    97 be dying for sthbe dying to do sth 渴极想
    较:be eager for … long for…
    be dying for… 渴……
    98 be eager for … 渴……
    long for… 渴……
    be dying for… 渴……
    99 be eager to do sth 急着想做某事
    100 be eager to do sth 急着想做某事
    101 be effective in ……方面效
    102 be equipped with
    103 be familiar with ……熟悉
    104 be in(the) charge of
    105 be incontact with ……交
    106 be inpossession of 持拥占占领
    107 be in sb’s possession 某占拥
    be in the possession of sb
    108 be intended for
    109 be jealous of 嫉妒
    110 be judged by ……判断
    111 be my guest 请便便
    112 be not oneself 感觉身体舒服
    113 be open to
    114 be opposed to 反
    115 be out for sth 试图某物
    be out to do sth 试图做某事
    116 be related to ……关联系……亲戚关系
    117 be remembered foras…
    118 be set in ……背景
    119 be supposed to do sth应应该做某事
    120 be sure to do sth 定必定(会做发生)
    121 be to blame (for sth) 该负责应受责备
    122 be trapped by ……困
    123 be uncertain of about ……没握
    124 be willing to do like to do 愿意做某事
    125 beget bored with (doing) sth ……感厌烦
    126 bearkeep in mind that… 记住……记心中
    127 bearkeep sth in mind 记住……记心中
    128 become of sbsth (某物)遭遇
    129 begin as sth 起初
    130 begin with ……开始
    131 be have oneself 表现体举止规矩
    132 believe in sbsth 信信赖信仰
    133 believe it or not 信信
    134 belong to 属
    135 bend one’s mind efforts to sth
    较:bend over 弯腰俯身
    bury oneself in sth 专心致志某事
    136 benefit from ……吸取教训……中获益
    profit by from
    137 beyond(without) compare 伦
    138 blame sb for sth 某事责备某
    139 blame sth on sbsth ……咎……
    140 block off(路障)封锁堵住
    141 block one’s wayexit 挡住某路
    block one’s view 挡住某视线
    142 block out 挡住遮住(光线声音)
    143 block sth up 塞住封住(孔洞)
    144 blow out 吹灭熄灭
    145 blow up 爆炸炸毁……充气
    146 break away (from sbsth) 挣脱脱离背叛
    147 break down(机器等)出障坏掉
    148 break into 强行进入闯入突然开始
    149 break in 强行进入破门入
    break on sth 断搅扰
    150 break off 断开折断停顿中断突然终止
    151 break out of sth 逃离(某)摆脱(某状况)
    152 break out(战争瘟疫等)突然爆发发生
    153 break through 突破克服
    154 break up with sb ……绝交断绝关系
    155 break up 破碎碎散开解散驱散
    156 bring back ……送回回忆起
    157 bring down 垮击败降低减少
    158 bring in 提出(新法案)引进请赚挣(钱)
    159 bring on 引起导致
    160 bring out 显现表现出生产
    161 bring sbsth forth 生产产出
    162 bring sth about 导致引起
    163 bring sth forward (时间日期)提前
    164 bring sth on sb 某遭受愉快事某招致(快)
    165 bring sth to light 揭露(发)披露
    166 bring to 苏醒
    167 bring up 抚养养育教养
    168 bringcall sth to mind ()想起()记起
    169 bringput sth to an end 某事结束
    bringput an end to sth
    170 build up 建立增进(健康)
    171 bump into sb 碰见偶然遇见
    172 bump sb off 谋杀杀害
    173 bump sth up 增加提高
    174 burden sb with sth 某负担着担负着……
    175 burn down(火势) 减弱烧毁
    burn down… to the ground ……烧成
    176 burn up 烧毁烧掉(vtvi)
    177 burst (sth) open 猛然开
    178 burst in on sbsth 断扰乱
    179 burst into tears 突然哭起
    burst into flames 突然燃烧起
    burst into laughter 突然笑起
    180 burst into… 闯进突然破门入(vt)
    181 burst in 闯入突然破门入(vi)
    182 burst out doing sth 突然开始做某事
    burst out laughing 突然开始笑起
    burst out crying 突然开始哭起
    183 burst out 声喊(战争疾病)突然发生
    184 bury oneself in sth 专心致志某事
    185 by appointment 约定
    186 by means of (doing) sth 通助……手段
    187 calculate the distance between…
    188 call at sp (火车)停停留拜访(某)
    189 call back …回(某)回电话
    190 call for 需求接(某)
    191 call in 请令收回求退回
    192 call off …走取消停止进行
    193 call onupon 拜访(某)号召呼吁
    194 call out 声嚷喊召唤……行动
    195 call up 某电话回忆起想起
    196 calm (sb)down ()静镇静
    197 cancel out 抵消消
    198 care about 关心关怀意
    199 care for 顾喜欢想(否定句疑问句)
    200 carry about 身携带
    201 carry away 走带走
    202 carry back 回运回
    203 carry off 赢获掠夺走
    204 carry on with sth 继续做……
    carry sth on sth 继续做…
    carry on doing sth 继续做……
    205 carry out 贯彻执行进行(实验)
    carry out a promise 履行诺言
    carry out a plan 执行计划
    carry out an order 执行命令
    carry out a survey 进行调查
    carry out an experiment 进行实验
    206 carry sb back to sth 回忆起想起
    207 carry sb through (sth)帮助某渡难关
    208 carry sth through 成功完成
    209 cash a cheque 兑现支票
    210 cast away 抛弃
    211 castthrow light onupon sth
    212 catch at 试图抓住渴取
    213 catch one’s breath 屏住呼吸屏息
    214 catch one’s eyeattention 引注目
    215 catch on 受欢迎变流行(时髦)
    catch on to sth 理解懂
    216 catch sb doing sth 发现某正做某事
    217 catch sight of 见发现
    218 catch upon sth (额外时间)补做赶做
    219 catch up with 赶追
    220 catchtake fire 着火
    221 catch(takeget) hold of 抓住握住
    222 cause damage to… ……造成破坏
    223 change(turn) (A) into B (A)变成B
    224 change A for B A换成B
    225 change one’s mind 改变意
    226 charge sb with (doing) sth
    227 charge sth with… 某事物充满……(情感)
    228 check in (旅馆机场等)登记报
    229 check off 查误做记号
    230 check on 检查核
    231 check out 结账退房办清手续离开
    232 cheer (sbsth) up()高兴起
    233 cheer sb on …加油
    234 classify …into … ……分类成……
    235 clean (sth) up 扫清干净清理
    236 clean sb out 耗光(某)钱洗劫
    237 clean sth down 彻底扫……彻底干净
    238 clean sth off (sth) ……刷掉擦掉
    239 clear away 清掉收拾掉
    240 clear off 离开逃离逃跑(云雾)消散
    241 clear out ……清空清理丢掉迅速离开
    242 clear the table 收拾餐桌
    243 clear the way for sth …清障碍扫清道路
    244 clear up (天 )转晴变干净整理解决消
    clear up a mystery 解开谜团
    clear up difficulty 消困难
    clear up misunderstanding 消误会
    245 close down 停(歇)业关(倒)闭
    246 close in on (sbsth) (进攻)逼
    247 close in (白昼)逐渐变短 (天气)变坏
    248 close off 隔离封锁
    249 close up (伤口)愈合(尤指时)关门停业
    250 collect one’s thoughts (力)镇定
    collect oneself (力)镇定
    251 combine…with… …………结合起
    252 come go to ruin 变成废墟
    fall into ruin
    253 come about 发生
    254 come across with sth 提供供予
    255 come across 偶然遇见碰见理解
    256 come along 着进步进展
    257 come aroundround 苏醒恢复知觉
    come aroundround to sp 短暂访问
    258 come at 扑袭击考虑思考达
    259 come back 回度流行
    260 come by 获
    261 come down to… 达处处
    262 come down with 付出出(钱) 感染(病)
    263 come down降降低倒塌坍塌
    come down to sb 流传
    264 come into+名词 进入某种状态 :
    come into action 开始行动投入战斗
    come into beingexistence 开始存产生形成
    come into effect force 开始生效开始实行
    come into fashion 开始流行
    come into operation 开始运转实施生效
    come into poweroffice 权执政
    come into sightview 映入眼帘见
    come into use 开始
    265 come off it 胡扯胡说住口
    266 come off(计划等)成功举行发生脱落
    267 come of ……代出身…………结果
    268 come onupon sb 偶然遇见偶然发现
    269 come on 赶快加油加劲吧开始
    270 come out (日月星等)出现出版发行
    271 come over 远处便访
    come over to…
    272 come to +名词 ……达……出…… :
    come to a decision 做出决定
    come to an agreement 达成协议
    come to a conclusion 出结
    come to an understanding 达成谅解
    273 come to a stopan end 停止结束
    274 come to do sth 开始(认识理解)
    275 come to understand 开 始明白
    276 come to know 开始解
    277 come to realize 开始意识
    278 come to light 暴露知
    279 come to oneself 苏醒醒
    280 come to life 苏醒栩栩生
    281 come to terms with… 甘心忍受
    282 come to 总计计达……步结
    283 come true 实现
    284 come up to sth 达(某点)符合
    285 come up with 想出找出提出赶
    286 come up 走长出发芽
    287 come up to sb 走某
    288 comment on upon… …进行评
    289 commit suicide 杀
    290 commit the a crime 犯罪
    291 compare…to… ……作………………进行较
    292 compare…withto… …………进行较
    293 comparenotes with ……交换意见笔记
    294 compared towith………相
    295 complain of 抱怨…
    296 consist in 存
    297 consist of ……组成构成
    298 contribute to 利贡献捐款……投稿
    299 convince sb of sth 某相信信服……
    300 convince sb to do sth 说服劝说某做某事
    301 cool offdown ()变凉冷
    302 count on sbsth 赖指
    303 count sb in 某算入包括
    304 count sb out 某算入包括
    305 cross one’s fingers 交叉手指(表祝福)
    306 cross one’s mind 掠心头出现脑海
    307 cross outoff 删掉画掉
    308 cry off 食言毁约
    309 cry out for 迫切需
    310 cry out 喊喊
    311 current affairs 时事
    312 curriculum vitae CV n 简历履历*
    313 cut down 砍砍伐削减减少
    314 cut in line 插队
    315 cut in 超出抢道 插入插话
    cut in on sbsth 断(谈话)插嘴(马达)发动
    316 cut off 切割砍剪掉停止中断(供)
    317 cut out 剪裁删停止做(食)
    318 cut the cost of … 降低……成
    319 cut through 抄路穿走路
    320 cut up 切碎剁碎伤心悲伤
    321 date from 始追溯起源
    date back to
    322 deal in sth 营买卖(某产品)
    323 deal sth out 分发分配予(判决处罚)
    324 decide onupon sth 决定选定
    325 declare against 声称反
    326 declare for 声明支持表示赞成
    327 dedicate sthoneself to (doing) sth
    :devote oneselfsth to(doing) sth
    328 delight in (doing) sth ……乐
    329 deliver a speechlecture发表演讲
    330 depend onupon it that…请相信……
    331 depend onupon sb to do sth
    depend onupon sb doing sth
    332 depend onupon 赖相信信赖
    trust (in) have trust in
    rely on 信赖信
    333 despose of sbsth 掉消销毁应付
    334 devote oneselfsth to (doing) sth
    335 die away (声音灯光)逐渐减弱逐渐消失
    较:wear off 逐渐消失逐渐停止
    336 die down 逐渐变弱(声音情绪等)逐渐息
    337 die of ……死死(情感素)
    die of illness 疾病死死疾病
    die of hunger 饥饿死死(饥饿)
    die of grief 悲伤死死(悲伤)
    较:die from ……死死(某种具体疾病)
    338 die off 相继死
    339 die out (物种)灭绝绝种(观念俗)消失
    340 differ from ……
    341 differ in ……(方面)
    342 dip into 浏览手伸进……里(取东西)
    343 disapprove of sth 赞成意



    344 disgree with 意赞成
    345 distinguish A from B
    346 distinguish between A and B 区辨A B)
    347 divide A from B AB分开
    348 divide sth amongbetween… ……间分配
    349 divide up 分割瓜分划分分配
    350 divide…into… …分成
    351 do cause damage to 损害……造成损害
    352 do away with 废取消结束干掉杀死
    353 do good to sbdo sb good
    354 do harm to sb (do sb harm) 某害
    355 do sb a favor do a favor for sb 帮助某
    356 do the bed 铺床
    do the room 收拾房子
    do the dishes 刷碗
    357 do up 扣(纽扣)系(鞋带)
    358 do up one’s shoeshair 系鞋带梳头
    359 do up the button 扣纽扣
    360 do without 没……行
    361 do with 付处理做完结束
    362 draw back 退缩撤回移开退
    363 draw in (天黑)渐早(白昼)变短
    364 draw near 逼)
    365 draw on (时光)渐渐荏苒动利
    366 draw out (天黑)渐晚(白昼)渐长
    367 draw up 拟定起草(车)停止
    368 dream up 空想象虚构出
    369 dress down 穿着便训斥责骂
    370 dress up 穿盛装扮装扮装饰
    371 drink to sbsth ……干杯
    372 drive away 驱车离开驾车送走
    373 drive off 驱车离击退赶走
    374 drive sb mad (crazy insane) 某发疯
    375 drop backbehind (sb) 落落……面
    376 drop in at sp 便拜访某
    377 drop in on sb 便拜访某
    378 drop off 减少降低睡某车
    379 drop out 退出离队退学辍学
    380 eat out 馆子吃饭外餐
    381 eat up 吃完吃光耗费花费损耗
    382 edit sth out (of sth) (书节目中)删
    383 end (up) with ……结束
    384 end in sth ……(结果)告终……结尾
    385 end up doing sth 做某事结束
    386 enquire (inquire) about sbsth 询问听
    387 enquire (inqurie) after sb 某问
    388 enquire (inqurie) in to sth 调查查问
    389 enqurie (inquire) sth of sb
    390 exist in 存…
    391 face the music 承担批评接受惩罚
    392 face up to 敢面
    393 fall apart 破碎破裂崩溃
    394 fall back onupon 求助诉诸
    395 fall back 退退
    396 fall illasleep silent 生病睡着沉默
    397 fall in with ……致意赞
    398 fall into ruins 成废墟
    399 fall into 陷入(某种状态)开始(交谈讨等)
    400 fall off 减少降
    401 fall onupon (责)落……身……负担
    402 fall out 掉落脱落
    403 fall over ……绊倒
    404 fall through 落空失败成泡影
    405 fall todoing sth 开始做某事
    406 fall to pieces 破碎崩溃瓦解
    407 fasten tie … to… ……栓……
    408 feast on sth 宴饮情享受……
    409 feed ons th(动物)……食
    较:feed … on 喂养饲养(作语)
    410 feel bluedown 感沮丧情绪低落
    411 feel one’s way 摸索着前进
    较:fight one’s way 挣扎着前进
    412 fight back 忍住抑制住 (情感)
    fight back against sbsth 奋力抵抗击
    413 figure out 弄懂弄清楚弄明白计算出
    414 fill (sth) up with sth 充满装满填满
    较:fill with sth ()填满充满装满
    415 fill inout 填写(表格)
    416 find fault with sbsth 找某茬
    417 find out 查明弄清楚
    418 finish(up)with sth ……结束
    419 fit in 挤时间做某事见某
    fit in with sbsth (……)合适应
    420 fix a datetime for sth ……确定日期时间
    421 fix on sbsth选定决定
    422 fix sb up (with sth) 某提供
    423 fix sth on sth 集中(注意力目光思想等)
    424 fix sth up 安排准备修缮整新
    425 forget about 忘记
    426 forget it 没关系算吧休息住嘴
    427frankly speaking 坦率说
    428 gain +抽象名词
    指努力取价值想东西 成验荣誉等引申 增加达
    gain confidence 增加信心
    gain strength 增加力量
    gain experiencet 增加验
    gain weight 增加体重
    429 get (sth) across (to sb) (……)(某)理解
    430 get about around 流传传播四处走动
    431 get ahead (of sb) 走某前面
    432 get along (on) 进展活
    433 get along(on) with sth 睦相处
    434 get along(on) with sb 应付付
    435 get aroundround 说服……争取
    436 get at 获悉解查明发现
    437 get away (from …)离开脱身逃离
    438 get down to (doing) sth 开始认真做某事
    439 get down 写记吞咽
    440 get into 养成(某种惯)
    441 get in 收割收进达进入选
    442 get it 理解明白
    443 get out of 逃避摆脱戒抛弃(惯)
    444 get out 出泄露知道
    445 get over 克服解决
    446 get rid of 摆脱掉
    447 get through to sb 达某处
    get through to sth 进入(阶段赛)
    448 get through(with)sth 完成结束
    449 get through(考试等)通接通电话
    get through to sb 理解明白
    450 get up 起身站起()起床
    451 give away 赠送捐赠颁发分发
    452 give back return
    453 give in 屈服步
    give in to sbsth 呈交
    454 give off 发出放出(光热气味)
    455 give out 完耗分发散发
    456 give sb a callring 某电话
    457 give sb a heavy blow 某沉重击
    458 give up 放弃抛弃停止中止
    459 givelend sb a (helping) hand 帮助某
    460 glance at 匆匆瞥
    461 glare at 怒视
    462 go a long way toward doing sth
    463 go about 走动(消息等)流传
    go about doing sth 着手做开始做
    464 go after 追赶某面追求谋求
    465 go against 某利违背违反反
    466 go ahead 干(进)行(请求表示意)
    467 go along 继续进展发展
    468 go aroundround to (to sbsp)
    469 go aroundround 旋转转动足够分配
    470 go at 攻击某拼命干
    471 go away 走开离开离家外出(尤指度假)
    472 go back on 违背背叛
    473 go back(to…)返回回
    474 go blank (脑)变片空白
    475 go by(时间)逝遵循
    476 go down 沉沉没降减少
    477 go for 适某物取某物选择某物
    478 go in for 参加(考试竞赛)
    479 go into 事参加调查研究
    480 go off with 抢走拐走
    481 go off 爆炸(铃)突然响变质变坏
    482 go on (时间)流逝进行发生继续
    483 go on(maketake) a voyage (to sp)
    484 go one’s own way 意孤行行素
    485 go out(灯)熄灭公布发表
    486 go over 仔细检查反复研究
    487 go through with sth 做完完成
    488 go through 历受仔细查检查
    489 go up 升涨兴建建造炸毁烧毁
    490 go with sth ……相匹配(match)
    491 go without saying 显易见言喻
    492 go without 没……勉强应付没……行
    493 go wrong (机器)发生障出毛病走错路
    494 grow into 逐渐成长
    495 grow out of 产生源
    496 hand sth in (to sb) 提交呈交交
    497 hand sth out (to sb) 分发提出
    498 hand sth over (to sb) ……移交某
    499 handpass sth down (to sb) 某物传
    500 hang aboutaround 闲荡等逗留
    501 hang back 忧郁踌躇前
    502 hang on to sth 紧紧抓住保留卖掉放弃
    503 hang on 挂断电话等
    504 hang out (俚语)闲逛
    505 hang up 挂断电话
    506 have (got) sth on 穿着带着
    507 have a go(at sthat doing sth)
    508 have an eye for ……鉴赏力眼力识力
    509 have something a lot to do with
    较:have nothing to do with ……关
    510 help (sb) out 帮助某摆脱(困境)
    511 hold back 拦阻阻挡抑制控制(感情等)
    512 hold down 压制控制保住(工作职位)
    513 hold off 推迟战胜克服
    514 hold onto 抓紧放开保住送(卖)某物
    515 hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸
    516 hold on 挂断电话等
    517 hold out 伸出维持坚持抱(希)
    518 hold over 搁置推迟
    519 hold sbsth in highlow regard
    520 hold up 支撑住举起抬起阻碍延迟
    521 hold with sth (否定句疑问句)意赞成
    522 hold doing sth (否定句疑问句)意赞成
    523 hold (keep stick) to 坚持忠
    524 impress on sb 某留印象
    525 in a whisper 声
    526 in addition 外
    527 in ruins 成废墟
    528 in vain 徒然 白费力气
    529 insist on (doing) sth 坚持坚决求
    530 intend sth for … 某物供……
    531 intend to do sth 算做某事
    532 involve sb in sth 某牵涉(扯)某事里
    533 join battle (with sb) 开始(某)交战
    534 join hands(with sb) 某拉起手携手
    535 join in sth(doing sth)参加加入(活动)
    536 join up (with sb) 某联合会合
    537 join up 入伍参军
    538 joke with sb about sth 某事某开玩笑
    539 judge sbsth (to be)+adjn
    540 judging fromby ……判断根……判断
    541 keep(sbsth) off sbsth
    542 keep an eye on sbsth 留神留意
    543 keep an eye openout for 密切注意提防
    544 keep at sth 继续做坚持干
    545 keep down 限制控制降低生升起
    546 keep off sth 回避某话题阻挡挡住
    547 keep on good terms (with sb)
    548 keep on 继续
    549 keep out (of sth) 进入避免某事
    550 keep pace with sbsth ……驾齐驱
    551 keep sb from (doing) sth 阻止某做某事
    552 keep sbsth out of sth 进入
    553 keep sth back 抑制(感情泪水等)隐瞒
    554 keep sth from sb 某事告诉某瞒着某
    555 keep sth to oneself …说出
    556 keep to 偏离(题)跑题
    557 keep up 维持保持熬夜睡觉维护
    558 knock aboutaround 漫游流浪
    559 knock down 撞倒击倒倒
    knock over 拆毁拆掉(建筑物)
    560 knock off 停止中断班收工降价减价
    561 knock onat 敲门(窗等)
    562 knock out 昏睡失知觉目瞪口呆
    563 know sb by sight 某面熟
    564 know sb inside out …极熟悉
    较:know sb very well 某非常解
    565 large(great huge) numbers of 许
    566 laugh at sbsth 嘲笑讥笑……发笑
    567 laugh sth off …笑置付笑
    568 lay aside …放边积蓄
    569 lay down 放制定规定辞(职)放弃
    570 lay down one’s arms 放武器
    571 lay off 停止做扰解雇
    572 lay out 铺开展开安排布置设计
    573 lay sth inup 贮存贮备(食物)
    574 lead toresult in 导致造成通
    575 leave off 漏掉未包括停止
    576 leave out 省删遗漏忽略考虑
    577 leave sbsth behind ……抛面
    578 leave sth aside 予考虑搁置边
    579 leavelet sb alone 扰惊动

    580 leavelet sth alone 碰动
    581 let alone 更说
    582 let down 失放降
    583 let in …进进(水气)
    584 let off 发射(枪炮)放(焰火)
    585 let on 泄露泄密假装装作
    586 let out 泄露……出放掉(水空气)
    587 let up 减轻减弱送进放松(努力)
    588 let us say let’s say 譬说方说
    589 lie about (东西)四处乱放乱搁
    590 lie behind ……(潜)原
    591 lie down 躺卧
    592 lie in (问题) 睡懒觉起晚
    593 lie up (长期)卧床
    594 lift off(火箭等)发射起飞升空
    595 light (sth) up 点根烟吸起点燃亮
    596 line sbsth up 站成排列成行
    597 link up 连接联系
    598 listen (out)for sth 留心听(某种声音)倾听
    599 listen in (onto sth) 窃听偷听监听
    600 listen to sbsth 听听信
    601 live on 继续活着继续存
    live on sth ……生……生活
    602 live out 实践
    603 live through 历……幸存受住
    604 live up to one’s expectations
    605 live up to sth 达符合辜负
    606 lock (sth) up 锁门窗
    607 look ahead(to sth) 展未
    608 look at 查检查思考考虑研究
    609 look back(on sth) 回顾回首
    610 look in (on sb)(某处)作短暂拜访
    611 look into sth 调查研究
    612 look onupon sbsth as … ……作……
    613 look on 旁观
    614 look sb in the eye(s)face
    615 look through sth 快速查浏览
    616 look to sb for sth 赖指
    look to sb to do sth 赖指
    617 look up to sb 钦佩敬仰尊敬
    618 look up 转改善
    look up from sth 抬头拜访查阅(找)
    619 loose conduct 行检点品行端
    620 lose break contact with ……失联系
    621 lose control be out of control 失控制
    622 lose heart 灰心泄气
    623 lose it 禁住(哭笑等)变疯狂
    624 lose one’s breath 喘气
    :out of breath 气接气
    625 lose oneself in sth 沉迷专心致志
    626 lose out (赛竞赛中)失败输掉取代
    lose out to sb sth 输某事
    627 losekeep one’s temper (with sb)
    628 major in sth攻修
    629 make (both) ends meet 收支相抵
    630 make (it) up (with sb)
    631 make(leavecreate)a good impression(on sb)
    632 make a fool of sb fool sb愚弄某
    633 make a joke of about sth 某事开玩笑
    634 make anosomemuch difference
    635 make believe (that…)假装
    636 make contact with ……联络
    637 make for ……走前进利助
    638 make it big 获成功
    639 make it 成功准时达
    make it to sp 够出席(场)规定(时间)
    640 make light of sth 轻视……等闲视
    641 make much little of 认……重重视轻视
    642 make off with sth 抢走偷走携……逃
    643 make off 匆忙离开仓皇逃跑
    644 make one’s way (to towards sp)
    645 make oneself at home 便拘束
    646 make out 填写开列出辨认出
    647 make sense of sth 理解弄懂
    648 make sense 道理意义讲通
    649 make sth from sth ……制造
    be made from
    650 make sth of sth ……制造
    be made of
    651 make sth out of sth ……做成…………改制成……
    652 make sth over(to sbsth) 转移交
    653 make the adjustment to… 适应……
    654 make the bestmost of 充分利
    655 make toward(s) ……移动……走
    656 make up for 弥补补偿
    657 make up one’s mind 定决心
    658 make up 组成构成虚构编造
    659 make way for sbsth ……路
    660 make…into… ……制成…………转变成……
    661 march on 继续行进快速……行进
    662 match up to ……相符符合
    663 mean business 认真说话算话
    664 mean on harmnot mean any harm
    665 mean well 意出意
    666 meet one’s eyes 某视目光相遇
    667 up (with sb)(安排)见面会面
    668 meet with sb 某会晤(sth)遭遇历
    较 meet sb 接某
    669 mind out (for sth) 心注意
    670 mind your own business 闲事
    671 mindwatch your step
    672 minor in sth 辅修兼修副修
    673 miss out on 错(机会)遗漏
    674 miss sbsth out 包括……遗漏
    675 mistake sbsth for sbsth ……错成……
    676 multiply …by … …………
    677 never say die 气馁泄气言放弃
    678 not feel oneself 感觉身体舒服
    679 not to worry 担心没关系
    680 note down 记录记
    681 object to sb(doing) sth 反赞成
    682 occupy sb(in) doing sthwith sth
    683 occur to sb 某突然想
    684 open up 畅欲言开张开业
    685 operate on 某做手术
    686 owe it to … that … 功幸亏
    687 owe sth to sbowe sb sth
    688 pack (sth) up 包行李收拾行装
    689 pardon me 什请说次起
    690 pass asfor sbsth 作认
    691 pass away 世亡
    pass on 消失消逝
    692 pass by (sbsth) 路(…旁边)
    693 pass off(疼痛)消退消失发生举行
    694 pass on from one generation to the next
    695 pass out 分发分配昏倒失知觉
    696 pass over 置理忽视略谈
    697 pass sth down 世代相传流传
    698 pass sth on (to sb) …传递…
    699 pass through 路通历(受)
    700 pay a call at sp 访问(某
    701 pay a call on sb 拜访(某)
    702 pay a visit to sbsp 参观访问
    pay sbsp a visit
    703 pay back 偿报复
    704 pay off 清(债务)付清工资解雇
    705 pay out 付巨款
    706 pay up 全部付清
    707 pick off 剪
    708 pick on sbsth 某找扭
    709 pick one’s pocket 扒窃掏包
    710 pick out 挑出选出辨认出
    711 pick up speed 加速
    712 pick up 拾起捡起(偶然)获(知识等)
    车接() 搭载(客)
    713 piece together 拼凑拼合
    714 place an order for 订购
    715 plan out 精心安排筹划
    716 play a joke on sb 开某玩笑
    play a trick on sb
    717 plug one's ears 塞住耳朵
    718 point out 指出
    719 point to 指着暗示预示
    720 provide for 赡养提供生计
    721 provide sth for sb 某提供某物
    provide sb with sth
    722 pull apart 分开拉开(架动物)
    723 pull back 撤退撤离退出退
    724 pull down 拆毁虚弱沮丧
    725 pull in(火车)进站(船)岸
    较:pull out (火车)驶离车站出站
    726 pull off 赢成功(车)驶路边短暂停车
    727 pull on 便穿
    728 pull oneself together 镇定(冷静)
    729 pull out of (火车)驶出()脱离退出
    730 pull out (火车)驶出()脱离退出
    731 pull sb up ……拉……拉
    732 pull through()康复渡难关
    733 pull together 齐心协力通力合作
    734 pull up 停车停止斥责训斥
    735 push (sth) over (车船等)闪边
    736 push one’s way 挤奋力前
    737 push open 推开
    738 put an end to sth 结束…
    739 put aside 忽视理睬积蓄攒钱
    740 put at 计算估算
    741 put away …收起放积蓄攒钱
    742 put back 放回推迟延迟
    743 put byput aside 储蓄贮存
    744 put down 写记放镇压定
    745 put forward 推荐建议提出提议
    746 put in 花费耗费(时间等)
    747 put off 推迟延迟分心
    748 put on weight 增加体重发胖
    749 put out 熄灭扑灭关掉生产制造
    750 put sb up 某提供食宿
    751 put sbsth to test 受考验受检验
    752 put sth into operation 实施运转
    753 put through 完成(电话语)接通…
    754 put together …放起装配组装
    755 put up with 容忍忍受
    756 put…intopractice …付诸实践
    757 put…into use …投入
    758 quarrel with sb aboutover sth
    759 raise one’s spirits 振奋鼓起勇气
    760 range from A to B AB间变动(化)
    range between A andB AB间变动(化)
    761 rank high low 排名高排名低
    762 rank third 位居第三
    763 react against 反抗反
    764 react to sth …做出反应回应
    765 react with… …发生反应
    766 read aboutof 读获悉
    767 read between the lines 领悟隐含意义
    768 read one’s thoughtsmind
    769 reason with sb 某讲道理规劝
    770 refer to sbsth as… 称某物…
    771 refer to 提谈查阅参考指
    772 relate to sbsth 涉…相关
    773 remember me to sb 代某问
    774 remind sb ofabout sth 某想起
    775 remind sb to do sth 提醒某做某事
    776 reply to 回答答复回应…做出反应
    777 rest onupon 赖凝视凝
    778 result from 起
    779 result in 导致造成
    780 return to normal 恢复正常
    781 ring off 挂断电话
    782 ring out 发出清脆响声
    783 rise come to fame 成名
    784 risk doing sth 险做某事
    785 risk one’s life (to do sth)
    786 round sth off 圆满完成圆满结束
    787 round up …聚拢起聚集围捕围剿
    788 ruin sth bring sth to ruin …变成废墟
    789 rule out 排(性)拒绝考虑
    790 run across sbsth 偶然遇见(见)
    come across meet …by chance
    happen to meet
    791 run after 追求追赶追逐
    792 run away from school 逃学
    drop out of school
    793 run away from 避开躲避回避
    794 run into 偶然遇见碰撞…
    795 run off(液体)溢出流出复印复制
    796 run out(of sth)完耗
    797 run over 溢出撞辗
    798 rush sb off one’s feet 某忙乐
    799 rush through 掠快速通
    800 save one’s life 救某命
    801 search for sbsth 搜寻寻找
    802 search sbsp 搜查某身搜查某
    803 see (to it) that 注意留神务确保
    make sure(that)…
    804 see about sth 安排处理查询
    805 see sb through sth 帮助某度…
    806 see through 透识破
    807 see to sth 负责料处理
    808 seek advice help from of sb
    809 seek after 追求
    810 seek for 寻找
    811 seek out 找出找
    812 sell sth off 甩卖抛售变卖
    813 send in 寄(处理)呈送(报)
    814 send off 罚某场寄出发出
    815 send out 分发散发发出(光信号声音)
    816 send sb down 判某入狱开勒令退学
    817 send signals by … 通……发送信号
    818 set about (doing) sth 开始做着手做
    set about (doing) sb 攻击抨击
    819 set aside 留出搁放边
    820 set back 推迟耽搁延误花费
    821 set fire to ( set…on fire) 放火烧火烧
    822 set foot inon 进入踏
    823 set forth 出发动身启程陈述阐明
    824 set in(疾病坏天气等)开始
    825 set off 出发动身爆炸
    826 set one’s mind to do sth心想做某事
    827 set out 出发动身
    828 set out to do sth 开始安排摆放陈列陈述
    829 set sail (fromfor) 起航启程
    830 set sb down 某车写记
    831 set sth aside …放边(搁旁)
    832 set up 建立设立创建安装调试
    833 settle an argument about…
    834 settle down 定居
    835 settle for 勉强意接受
    836 settle in ()惯(环境等)定居
    837 settle up 付清结账
    838 show off 炫耀衬托出夺目
    839 show up 出现出席露面难堪尴尬
    840 shut (sth) down ()停业倒闭关闭停止运转
    841 shut sbsth off (from sth) …隔离(绝)
    842 shut up ()住口()闭嘴…关起
    843 sign for 签收
    844 sign insign sb in 签某签
    845 sign off 结束写信(广播电视)结束广播
    846 sign outsign sb out 签退某签退
    847 sign up (for sth) 报名参加
    848 sit aboutaround 闲坐
    849 sit back 歇息积极参
    850 sit by 袖手旁观
    851 sit down 座坐
    852 sit in on 旁听(课程)列席(会议)
    853 sit out 坐旁参
    854 sit through 坐(会议等)结束
    855 sleep in 睡头睡懒觉
    856 smooth away 消排(障碍)
    857 smooth sth over 消缓(矛盾)
    858 sort out 整理理斥责惩处
    859 speak for sb 代代表某讲话…辩护
    860 speak highly of 赞扬
    861 speak illwell of 说某坏话话
    862speak up 声说(for sbsth)…辩护
    speak up for sbsth …辩护
    863 specialize in sth 专攻专门事专门研究
    864 spring from 突然出现起源…造成
    865 spring up 迅速出现突然兴起
    866 stand by 袖手旁观支持…站起
    867 stand for 代表象征支持赞
    868 stand in (for sb) 代顶(某)
    869 stand out 突出杰出显著显眼
    870 stand the test 起考验
    871 stand up for sb 支持维护
    872 stand up to sbsth 起(检验审查等)
    873 stay away (from sbsth)
    874 stay in 呆家里外出
    875 stay out of sth 介入干涉避开远离
    876 stay out 外出家
    877 steal a glance look (at sbsth)
    878 step up 走前增加提高
    879 stick (sth) out (of sth) 伸出探出突出
    880 stick around 走开呆原(附)
    881 stick at sth 坚持懈坚持做某事
    882 stick by sb 坚持忠背弃某
    883 stick by sth 信守遵守贯彻(承诺计划等)
    884 stick out 醒目显眼引注目
    885 stick sth down 写记
    886 stick to sth 坚持做某事维持固守忠
    887 stick up for sbsth 维护支持捍卫
    888 stick up 竖立突起
    889 stick with sbsth紧 离开某坚持
    890 struggle one’s way 艰难行进
    891 suffer from 忍受遭受
    892 suit yourself 意便便
    893 switch off 关掉
    894 switch on 开
    895 switch over 换台转换频道
    896 take (great) pains to do sth 费力做某事
    897 take … for granted
    898 take after sb (外貌行)(某)…相
    899 take apart 拆卸拆开拆散(机器等)
    900 take care (that…to do sth) 心心
    901 take care(告语)走保重
    902 take charge of 接监控
    903 take down 拆掉拆拆卸写记
    904 take in 留宿收容欺骗吸入吞入
    905 take it that… 假定假设设想
    906 take measuressteps to do sth
    907 take note of 注意…铭记心
    较 take notes 做笔记做记录
    908 take notice of 注意
    909 take one’s time(to do sth)慢慢做
    910 take on 雇聘呈现具
    911 take over 接收接占风取代
    912 take possession of 持拥占占领
    913 take sb by the arm 拉某胳膊
    914 take sb in one’s arms 拥抱某
    915 take sbsth by surprise 突袭某惊诧
    916 take shelter 躲避
    917 take sth as it comes 然安现状
    918 take sth into account 考虑顾
    take account of sth 考虑顾
    919 take sth into consideration 考虑顾
    920 take to (doing) sth 喜欢耽惯
    921 take turns(to do sthdoing sth) 轮流做
    922 take up arms 起武器
    923 take up 事开始学开始做
    924 take…seriouslycalmly
    925 talk back(to sb) 顶嘴反驳
    926 talk sb intoout of sth
    927 talk sbsth down 贬低
    928 talk sbsth up 分夸奖吹捧
    929 talk sth over 详细讨详谈
    930 talk sth through 某事说透
    931 teach sb a lesson 某教训
    932 tear at 力撕
    933 tear into 攻击袭击痛斥抨击
    934 tear sth apart 撕碎撕毁
    935 tear sth down 拆毁拆
    936 tear sth into pieces 某物撕成碎片
    937 tear sth up 撕毁撕碎(文件等)
    938 tell against sb …利
    939 tell of sth 公布说明
    940 tell on sb 告发…报告告…状
    941 tell sb off (for sthdoing sth)
    942 tell sth apart …区开
    较 tell A from B AB区开
    943 tend (to) sbsth 料护理招侍候
    944 tend to do sth 倾易
    945 tend totowards sth
    946 think about (doing) sth 思考考虑
    947 think aloud 言语
    948 think back(to sth)回想回忆
    949 think littlepoorly of 轻视认…
    950 think nothing of (doing) sth
    951 think nothing of it
    952 think nothing of
    认… 样…放心
    953 think of sbsth as… …作视…
    954 think sth through 充分考虑
    955 think up 想出发明
    956 through thick and thin 顾艰难
    957 throw (sth) up 呕吐
    958 throw cold water on sb
    959 throw doubt onupon …怀疑
    960 throw sth away 扔掉抛弃失浪费
    961 throw sth off 匆匆脱掉扯掉
    962 throw sth on 匆匆穿
    963 tie in with sth …相配…相符致
    964 tie sb down (to sthto doing sth)
    965 tie up 捆(系栓)紧搁死(资金)占
    966 to … degree 达……程度
    967 to a certain extent 某种程度
    968 to say nothing of 更说
    not to mention 更说
    969 treat sb to sth …招…款
    970 trial and error 反复实验断探索
    971 trick sb into (doing) sth 诱某做某事
    972 trip over (……)绊倒
    973 try for sth 试图获力争赢
    974 try one’s luck (at sth) 碰运气
    975 try out for sth 参加…选拔(试验)
    976 try sbsth out 试(某)试验测试
    977 tune in (to sth) 收听收理解体谅
    978 turn (sb) against sb
    979 turn (sbsth) aroundround
    980 turn a blind eye to sth …佯装见
    981 turn back() 返回()折回
    982 turn off 转入岔道厌烦失兴趣关掉
    983 turn one’s attention to 注意力转
    984 turn on 攻击开接通…定
    985 turn out (to be) 证明结果熄灭关掉
    986 turn over 翻身翻转变换(频道)
    移交送交 仔细考虑营业额
    987 turn sb away (from sth) 某拒门外
    988 use sth up 吃光
    989 use your headloaf 动动脑子仔细想想
    990 vary from … to… …间变化
    vary between…and… …间变化
    991 vary in …(方面)相异
    992 vary with …变化
    993 vote against 投票反
    994 vote for 投票赞成
    995 vote sbsth down 投票否决
    996 vote sth through 投票通
    997 wait at table 伺候进餐
    998 wait in 家等候
    999 wait on 伺候服侍招拜访
    1000 wait up 熬夜睡觉(等回家)
    1001 wake up to sth 意识认识
    1002 wash away 走掉
    1003 wash down 配着食物喝
    1004 wash off 洗掉洗掉
    1005 wash out 洗掉清洗(某物部)
    1006 wash up 饭洗刷(餐具等)…岸
    1007 waste not want not 勤俭节约吃穿缺
    1008 waste one’s breath 白费唇舌
    1009 watch out (for sbsth)
    1010 watch over 监督保护
    1011 watch your head 心碰头
    1012 wave sb off 挥手送
    1013 wave sth asideaway
    1014 wear (sth) away 变薄磨光
    1015 wear off 逐渐消失逐渐停止
    1016 wear on(时间)消逝
    1017 when it comes to (doing) sth
    1018 wind sb up 开玩笑惹恼某
    1019 wipe out 彻底毁灭消灭
    1020 work at 事研
    1021 work itthings 办成办妥
    1022 work out 锻炼身体做运动
    1023 work permit 工作许证
    1024 work with … ……起作
    1025 wrap sth in ……某物包起
    1026 wrap up 圆满完成结束()穿暖
    1027 wrestle with something
    1028 write sth down 写记
    1029 write sth off 注销勾销




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