
    Unit 1 Making New Friends
    元音字母: Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu
    [eɪ]  Aa  Hh  Jj  Kk         [i]  Ee  Bb  Cc Dd  Gg  Pp Tt  Vv   [aɪ] Ii  Yy  
    [ju]  Uu  Qq  Ww   [e] Ff  Ll  Mm  Nn  Ss  Xx  Zz
    二 写
    1 LookIs that Jane
    2 He comes from Hubei China
    3 Mr Wang this is my mom
    4 What class are you in
    —I’m in Class Ten Grade Seven
    5 On Sunday we go to the West Hill for a picnic
    三 问候语
    1 Good morning afternoon evening
    2 Hello Hi Hello Hi
    3 Nice Glad to see meet you Nice Glad to see meet you too
    4 Welcome to China my home Thanks
    5 How do you do How do you do
    6 How are you Fine thank you And you I’m OK
    7 See you then later See you
    8 Goodbye Bye
    9 Thank you You’re welcome That’s OK Not at all
    四 数字句型
    1 How old are you is he are they I’m He is They are eleven
    2 What’s your telephone number It’s 4567967
    3 What class grade are you in I’m in Class Ten Grade Seven(注意写)
    五 重句型短语
    1 What’s your name My name is Sally
    2 Where are you from I’m from China
    Where do you come from I come from China
    3 Where is he she from HeShe is from Japan
    4 What’s this that in English It’s a an……
    5 What’re these those in English They’re……
    6 How do you spell it ERASER eraser
    7 Can you spell it Yes MAP map
    六 Be动词法
    • amareis单数is复数are
    • 含be动词陈述句变否定句be加not变般疑问句be提前
    • 般疑问句肯定回答:Yes称代词+ be否定回答:No 称代词+be + not
    :They are teachers
    They are not teachers
    Are they teachers
    Yes they are No they aren’t
    七 (1)定冠词a an法
    a an 表示a 辅音音素开头单词前:a book a desk an 元音音素开头单词前:an apple an orange an English book an English boy an old manan actor an English teacher an office worker
    • We are in the same class
    • The girl in a pink skirt is Jane
    • Where is the book
    • This isn’t my bike The blue one is mine
    (3) and 法
    • 数字相加做单数: Two and three is five
    • 颜色相加单数 Black and white is gray
    • 事物相加复数:Lucy and Lily are sisters The pen and the eraser are Jane’s
    八 名词单复数
    1 名词变复数规
    1)般名词词尾加s:carcars photophotos toytoys boyboys
    2)s x ch sh结尾词词尾加es:boxboxes busbuses
    3)辅音字母+y结尾变yi加es:babybabies familyfamilies
    4)fe结尾变fev加es:knife knives
    :footfeet manmen womanwomen snowmansnowmen
    2 集体名词:people clothes police family
    3 成双出现名词:shoes pants(trousers) gloves eyes ears
    词义:An orange is orange

    1Good morning afternoon evening    早午晚
    2 glad nice to meet see you   见高兴 glad nice to meet see you too
    3 welcome to + 点    欢迎…… (回答:Thank you 者Thanks)
    4 this is     …… (介绍第三者语)
    5How do you do (回答:How do you do )
    6 How are you   ? Fine thank you And you     谢谢呢?    
    I’m OK I’m fine too   
    7see you see you later goodbye        见
    8excuse me          扰请问
    9 I’m …… my name is ……   ……
    10 be from come from     
    11in English 英语
    12Can you spell it    Yes No  拼写?  
    13That’s OK That’s all right You’re welcome  Not at all    谢
    14…… years old                  ……岁
    15telephone number     电话号码 QQ number QQ号码 ID number 身份证
    16the same (相) 反义词 different ()
    例 We are in the same grade but we are in different classes
    1 What is your name 名字什?
    2 Where +be + 语 + from 某里?(回答:语+be+点)
    Where are you from I am from Quan Zhou
    3 How old + be + 语?    某岁? (回答: 语 + be + 数字 )
    例: How old are you I’m fourteen
    4 What is your telephone number 电话号码少
    (回答:My telephone number is……者It’s ……)
    5 What class grade +be + 语 + in       某班级年级?
      例:What class are you in
    I am in Class Five (注意:Class Five需写)
    What grade are you in
    I am in Grade Seven(注意:Grade Seven需写)
    6   What’s this that (in English)     什?
    (回答:It’s aan + 单数名词 ……)
      What’re these those (in English) 什?
    (回答:They’re + 复数名词 ……)
    7  How do you spell it    拼写? ERASER eraser (注意拼读方法)

    Unit 2 Looking Different
    1 Who is your favorite actor
    2 We are in the same school but we are in different grades
    3 What dodoes +语+look like ……长样?
    What does he look like He is not very tall but very strong
    She is tall and has short brown hair
    4 We don’t look the same but we are good friends
    We look the same but we are in different clothes
    5 What color isare +语?It’s They’re +颜色
    What color is her hair It’s blond
    6 This is my cap This cap is mine
    Is this your cap Is this cap yours
    Whose cap is this Whose is this cap It’s Sally’s
    Whose are these bananas They’re their bananas theirs
    7 His pants are blue and mine are white(minemy pants)
    My Tshirt is green and his is brown(hishis Tshirt)
    8 I have small eyes but he has big ones(ones指代eyes)
    My jacket is blue and white That one is blue (one指代jacket)
    二 重点短语
    1 give sb sth give sth to sb 某物某
    Please give it to her
    2 look the same 长相相 look different 长相起样
    3 look like起
    He looks like his father He and his father look the same
    4 next to ……旁边
    The boy next to me is my good friend
    5 in +颜色 穿着……颜色衣服
    in +aan +颜色+衣服 穿着……颜色……
    The boy in a yellow Tshirt and gray pants is my good friend
    6 (1)both两者(Be动词实义动词前)
    They both have brown hair and black eyes
    They are both office workers
    (2)all 三者三者
    They are all kind to me
    7 数字+(形状)+颜色+n two big red apples
    She has short blond hair
    三 动词原形动词第三称单数形式
    ()动词前第三称单数形式(hesheit单单名字单事物):动词单三形式 实义动词变第三称单数规:
    2) 动词osshch x结尾加es:dodoes gogoes teachteaches
    3) 辅音字母+y结尾变yi加es studystudies flyflies trytries
    1)语第三称单数:变否定句时动词前加doesn’t 动词现原形变般疑问句时句首加does动词现原形
    般疑问句肯定回答:Yes 称代词+does
    否定回答:No 称代词+doesn’t :
    She has small eyes
    She doesn’t have small eyes
    Does she have small eyes
    Yes she does No she doesn’t
    2) 语第三称单数外称变否定句动词前加don’t变般疑问句句首加do肯定回答Yes称代词+do否定回答No称代词+don’t
    They have small eyes
    They don’t have small eyes
    Do they have small eyes
    Yes they do No they don’t
    四 表示属关系
    1 名词性物代词形容词性物代词+名词
    形容词性物代词 my your his her our their its
    名词性物代词 mine yours his hers ours theirs its
    • Whose is this pen Is it yours
    • No it’s not mine My pen is blue
    2 名词格表示生命名词:
    • 单数s结尾复数+’s:Jane’s book Women’s Day
    • s结尾复数+’ : Teachers’ Day
    • Lucy’s and Lily’s bags分 Lucy and Lily’s room
    Those are Jane’s shoes Those shoes are Jane’s
    3 of 表示属关系没生命物体a map of China a photo of my family

    1sb + has have (an a) + adj + 五官     sb’s 五官 is are + adj (描述长相)
    例:Lily has a small nose Lily’s nose is small
    2 I know I see      明白
    3That’s right     
    4 look the same    look like 起相 look different  起
      例: Jim and Lilei look the same Jim looks like Lilei
    5look at  + N    某物 look for +N 寻找某某物 look after +N 顾某
    6both 两者…… all 三者者三者……
    Both all位 be动词情态动词位行动词前
    例: We are both students We both have black eyes We can both speak English
    7 give sth to sb give sb sth    某物某
    8have different looks   look different 着长相 (起相) 
    have the same looks look the same 着相长相 (起相)
    9over there    边
    10 in + 颜色       in aanthe +颜色+衣服    表示穿着……颜色衣服
    The girl in red is my sister The girl in a red coat is my sister
    11  too + adj     太……
    12 pants shoes 做语谓语动词复数
    a pair of pants shoes 作语时谓语动词单数形式
    例: His shoes are black A pair of shoes is under the bed
    13 in the morning afternoon evening 早午晚 at night 晚
    14  go shopping do some shopping 购物
    类似 go swimming go fishing go skating 等等
    15  help sb (to) do sth help sb with sth 帮助某做某事
    注意:sb 代词时必须宾格
    16  high school 中学
    17 think of 认想 think about think of考虑思考 I think + 句 认……
    I think he you are right 否定式常否定句翻译时否定面句
    例:I don’t think he can come 认会(说:认会)(否定转移)

    1       What dodoes + 语 + look like     询问长相
    例: What does your English teacher look like 英语老师长什样?
    2      What’s and      ……加……什?(回答:It’s )
    例:What’s red and yellow It’s orange What’s two and five It’s seven
    3 Whose + 东西 + is this that  谁…?
    Whose + 东西 +are these those 谁…?
    例:Whose coat is this   It is mine
    Whose shoes are these They are hers
    4 Who is the letter from 封信谁? It’s from Lily 莉莉
    5 What color be + 东西? (回答:It’s +颜色 者 They’re + 颜色)
    例:What color is your dress It’s black

    Unit 3 Getting Together
    1 Could you please + 动词原形……?表示委婉请求
    Could you please tell me your name
    Sure No problem My name is Sally
    2 tell sb sth tell sth to sb 告诉某某事
    3 tell sb about sth 告诉某关某事
    Please tell me your name Please tell your name to me
    Please tell Maria about it 请件事告诉玛丽亚吧
    4 help sb do sth help sb with sth 某方面帮助某帮助某做某事
    Please help us find him
    Could you please help me with English
    注:would will could can may情态动词面动词原形称时态变换
    Could you please help me study English
    5 want to do sth would like to do sth 想做某事
    want sth would like sth 想某物
    want sb to do sth 想某做……
    He wants to visit Beijing He would like to visit Beijing
    I wantwould like an orange
    Jane wants Kangkang to sing some songs with her
    6 show sth to sb show sb sth 某物展示某
    Maria shows a photo of her family to Kangkang
    7 My English is very good I can speak English very well
    8 live in+ 点 居住某
    live with + sb 某住
    He live in China with his parents
    9 know a lot about…… 知道许关……事
    He knows a lot about China
    10 say表示说话容speak表示说某种语言力
    What does he say in the letter
    He can speak some English
    11 事物喜欢程度
    like……very mucha lot非常喜欢
    like……a little 点喜欢
    don’t like……at all 点喜欢
    Many students in our class like English a lot but I like it a little
    He doesn’t like chocolate at all
    12 a lotvery much放句末修饰动词非常 例:I like the boy a lot very much
    a lot oflots of+数名词复数数名词
    I have a lot of English books These books help me a lot with my English
    13 every day 天 each other 相互彼  help each other talk to each other
    14 some of them中 many of them中
    eat out 馆子外面吃饭
    15 play with sb 某块玩耍
    16 like to do like doing sth 喜欢(做)某事
    like doing  表示:长期喜欢爱意思
    like to do  表示:时喜欢常指某具体动作翻译成:想做某事
    :She likes swimming喜欢游泳(常性爱)
    She likes to swim this afternoon天午想游泳(特指某次动作)
    1 like to do 般 would 搭配表示意愿
    例:I would like to swim with you 愿意游泳
    Would you like to skate 愿意滑冰?
    2 like doing 表示爱
    例:I like watching TV 喜欢电视
    Do you like singing 喜欢唱歌?
    17 Help yourselfyourselves to sth 便吃(喝)……
    18 be kind to sb 某友
    They are all kind to me 友
    It’s very kind of you 真
    19 be glad to do sth 高兴(乐意)做……
    I am very glad to be here 乐意里
    Glad to meet you 高兴见
    20 let sb do sth 某做某事(let:役动词)
    Let me see想想
    Let us help you find him 帮助找
    21 I am home 家
    Maria isn’t at homein now 玛丽亚现家
    Welcome to my home 欢迎家
    It’s time to go home 该回家
    二 重点句型
    1 实义动词变般疑问句回答:
    Does he speak English Yes he does No he doesn’t
    Do you like Chinese Yes I like it very much a lot a little
    No I don’t like it at all
    2 询问职业工作点:
    What does your mother do(书面)
    What is your mother(口语) She is an English teacher
    Where does she work She works teachesstudies ……
    in a school hospital restaurant on a farm in an office
    3 介绍家
    This is a photo of my family
    The young woman in red is my mother
    Is the young woman in red your mother(变般疑问句)
    Who is the young woman in red(划线部分提问)
    My grandparents my cousin and I are on the sofa
    I have a big family 家庭
    I love my family 爱家
    4 餐表达语
    1) Would you like something to drink 想想喝东西?
    Yes a glass of apple juice please No thanks
    something to drink 喝东西 something to eat吃东西
    2) What would you like to have eat drink 想吃(喝)什?
    I’d like some rice and chicken Let me see 想想
    3) Would you like to have dinner with me 想进晚餐?
    Yes I’d love to Yes I’d like to
    I’m sorry I have to…
    4) What do you usually have for breakfast 通常早餐吃什?
    I usually have milk and bread for breakfast
    have … for breakfast lunch dinner 早午晚餐吃……
    5) May I take your order sir 请问点菜?
    Fish with vegetables and rice please
    6) May I help you Can I help you What can I do for you 请问吃喝买什?
    5 委婉请求提建议五种表达
    Would you like sth to do … 愿意想……?
    What How about sth doing … ……样?
    Why not do … Why don’t you do … 什……?
    Let’s do … 干……吧
    肯定回答Yes I’d likelove to Good idea OK All right I’d love that
    Thanks that would be very nice
    否定回答 No thanks I’m sorry I can’t I have to do…
    I’d like that but I’m sorry I have no time
    三 称代词格宾格:

    Do you know them Yes They are my new classmates
    Do they go home with us 块回家?
    四 数名词数名词
    1 数名词:数目计数名词单数复数分
    banana egg apple orange noodles vegetable hamburger
    2 数名词:具体数目表示前面加aan没复数形式
    milk chicken bread Coke coffee rice juice fish tea water chocolate
    3 数名词表示数量:数词+量词+ of + 数名词数名词复数
    :a glass of milk 杯牛奶 ten bottles of apple juice十瓶橙汁a pair of shoespants
    ten loaves of bread 十条面包 five kilos of apples 五公斤苹果
    some a lot of +数名词复数 数名词
    4 many +数名词复数
    much +数名词
    五 书信格式
    1 称呼:顶格写常Dear … 开头表示亲切客套面逗号
    2 正文:称呼行开始写开头空两格
    3 结束语:正文面客套话写右角首字母写末尾逗号常Yours
    4 签名:指写信签名写结束语面

    1 Could you (please)……           (接动词原形) 愿意做某事?
    May I …… (接动词原形) 做某事?
    2 What does he say in the letter 信里说什? 
    What does he say on the photo 电话里说什?
    3 do sth with sb    某起做某事  (with )
    4 No problem       没问题
    5 speak + 语言    说某种语言 speak English speak Chinese
    6 the Great Wall 长城
    7 comego to + 点:某home here there 副词前面加to
    例:go home come here go there
    go to do sth 做某事 例: They go to play basketball
    8 like doing sth        喜欢做某事   like to do sth 想做某事
    9 help sb with sth  help sb (to) do sth     帮助某某事
    10 at home 家 be home家 in one’s home 某家里
    11 have a seat sit down         请坐
    12 office worker    办公室职员 cook 厨师 cooker炊具
    13 on a farm          农场 on the sofa       沙发
    14 a photo of  one’s family      某全家 Family Tree 家谱 (首字母写)
    15 in a hospital 医院(纯属点概念) in hospital 病住院
    例:He is ill in hospital 生病住院
    He is in a hospital医院里 (定生病医院)
    16 look after sb 顾某
    17 teach sb sth teach sth to sb 教某某东西
    teach sb to do sth 教某做某事
    18 help oneself ( to sth )        请便(吃……) Help yourself yourselves (to fish)
    19 I’d like sth I would like sth      想……
    20 Would like to do sth want to do sth      想做某事
    21 Would you like something to eat (drink) 想吃(喝)东西?
    to eat to drink 修饰something作置定语
    22 Here you are         Here we are
    23 What about … How about  …             ……样?
    接代词名词接动名词( What about doing sth )
    24 all  right      
    25 a cup of tea  杯茶 two cups of tea 两杯茶
    26 milk for me        牛奶
    27 Why not ……(接动词原形) Why don’t you …… (接动词原形)   
    回答:Good idea          意
    28 May I take your order    点菜?
    29 wait a moment    just a moment           等请稍侯 wait for sb 等某
    30 Can I help you May I help you What can I do for you 需点什帮忙?
    31 eat out   出吃饭
    32 let sb do sth     某做某事
    33 have dinner breakfast lunchsupper    吃正早午晚 餐
    34 a kind of   种…… all kinds of         种样……
    35 be friendly to sb be kind to sb   某友
    36 such as    例 例:I like fruits such as oranges bananas and apples
    37 be glad to do sth 例: I am glad to meet you I am glad to be here

    Unit 4 Having fun
    1 buy sth for sb buy sb sth 某买……
    Linda wants to buy a toy car for her cousin Linda wants to buy her cousin a toy car
    2 try on sth try sth on试穿 try itthem on(固定搭配)
    Maria tries on the coat in a clothes shop
    3 The coat looks very nice on you 穿件外套真漂亮
    4 That’s fine We’ll take it 买
    5 I am just looking 便
    6 Are you kidding means 开玩笑 in Chinese
    7 think 想认 think about 考虑 think of 想法认
    Kangkang thinks it’s Li Ming’s
    I’ll think about it 考虑 think about a plan 考虑项计划
    What do you think of this yellow skirt
    8 Thank you all the same 然感谢
    9 get some wate 取水 fly a kite kites 放风筝 sing some songs 唱歌
    get up 起床 meet friends at home 家朋友见面
    go home 回家 have a picnicgo (out) for a picnic 野餐
    go fishing 钓鱼 go shoppingdo some shopping 购物
    go to the zoo动物园 go to the West Hill 西山 visit a friend 拜访朋友
    do one’s homework 做作业 take one’s order点菜 call … back 回电话
    take some bread 带面包 see the Monkey Show猴子表演
    10 ask sb to do sth 请某做某事
    Could you ask her to call me back this evening 晚回电话?
    11 need sth to do sth 需(做)某事
    We need to help them with their English 需帮助学英语
    What do we need We need two kilos of apples and some rice
    12 have has to do sth 必须做……
    Kangkang has to cook康康必须做饭
    Kangkang doesn’t have to cook (变否定句)
    13 save 节省攒钱挽救
    Big sale Buy more and save more 降价买省
    Ben can save ¥ 5
    14 here 里 there 里
    Here you are Here it is Here we are
    The clothes are there madam 夫服装边
    no not anyaan
    He has no books
    He doesn’t have any books
    He has no book
    He doesn’t have a book
    Where is Baby Monkey’s home It’s there
    15 be free have time 时间空
    Are you free this Sunday
    Do you have (any) time this Sunday
    I’m sorry I have no time
    I’m sorry I don’t have any time
    16 It’s time to do sth for sth 该做某事做某事时候
    It’s time to have breakfast It’s time for breakfast
    17 Thank you for your help Thank you for helping me 谢谢帮忙
    18 this Sunday morning afternoon evening at eight o’clock 八点整
    in the morning afternoon evening on Sunday moring星期天早
    19 on one’s way home回家路 on one’s way to school 学路
    Buy some eggs and rice on your way home
    The Baby Monkey can’t find his way home
    二 重点句型
    1 购物表达语
    1) Can I help you May I help you
    Yes please I want to buy some clothes for my daughter I like the red coat
    I’m just looking thanks
    2) What can I do for you I want a Tshirt for my son
    3) Can I try it on Why not try them on
    Sure No problem (Maria tries on the dress)
    4) That’s fine We’ll take it
    5) 280 yuan Are you kidding I’ll think about it Thank you all the same
    6) Could you help me do some shopping
    Sure What do we need
    7) Is that all Yes I think so ?—想
    8) It’s too heavy 太重 Let me help you 帮助吧
    2 询问事物观点法
    How do you like this pair of pants 认条裤子样?
    What do you think of the pants
    They’re too long I don’t like it at all How about the blue one
    3 询问数量
    how much +数名词 + …?
    how many+复数名词(复数) +…?
    We need two kilos of apples How many apples do you need
    We need five bags of rice How many bags of rice do you need
    We need five bags of rice How much rice do you need
    4 询问价格(price)
    How much is are ……? It’s They’re ……
    How much is the bread It’s three yuan a loaf
    How much are the shoes They are 280 yuan
    5 询问重量(quantity)
    How heavy is it It’s one kilo a bag千克袋
    6 电话简单交际语
    1) Who is this please This is Sally
    2) May I speak to Maria Sorry she isn’t inat home now
    3) Are you free this Sunday Yes What’s up
    4) Would you like to go to the West Hill with us
    Would you like to go with us
    5) Could you ask tell him to call me back this evening Sure
    7 委婉请求建议
    1) Would you like to fly a kite with me OhYes I’d lovelike to
    2) HowWhat about flying a kite with me I’m sorry I can’t I have to cook
    3) Why not fly a kite with me I’d like that but I’m sorry I have no time
    4) Let’s fly a kite Good idea OK That would be very nice
    8 时间表达方法:
    1) 直接表达时+分 400 four o’clock 1205 twelve o five230 two thirty
    2) 30分钟:分+ past+ 时表示点分
    :815 a quarter past eight 930 half past nine
    3) 超30分钟:(60分)+ to+(时+1)表示差分点
    :355 five to four 540 twenty to six
    9 询问时间(time)
    What time is it please What is the time please It’s seven o’clock
    10 询问喜欢动物
    What are your favorite animals
    ElephantsMonkeysPanadasTigers They’re sovery kindclevercutestrong
    三 someany 法
    some 肯定句语气委婉疑问句any否定句疑问句中
    She wants some oranges Does she want any oranges
    What about Why not have Would you like some chicken

    1       try  on    试穿…… try on the dress 试穿件连衣裙
        注意:代词放中间:try it on try them on
    2       weI will take it    买 ( 里take 相buy)
    3       buy sth for sb buy sb sth               某买某物
    4        I’m just looking    
    5 three hundred and sixtyfive 365
    (百位数十位数间加and 十位数位数间加)
    6        a pair of          双……
    7        running shoes    跑鞋
    8        Are you kidding             开玩笑吧
    9       think about      考虑
    10     thank you all the same      然谢谢
    11     Is that all ? That’s all 吧
    I2 I think so 认样 I don’t think so 认样
    13 东西某时说: Here you are Here be + 东西 Here it is
    14     Don’t worry 担心 worry about be worried about  担心……
    ① worry about + 宾语 :Do you worry about your lesson
    ② worried 烦恼 be worried about +宾语
    :She is worried about her mother
    15       a few +数名词   (肯定) 点
    few + 数名词: (否定) 没
      a little +数名词 (肯定) 点
    little + + 数名词: (否定) 没
    16    be free   have time      空反义词:be busy have no time
    Are you free tomorrow Do you have time tomorrow
    17 某天介词on 某时刻 at
    :On Sunday at a half past six
    this 接时间介词 this Sunday
    18     What’s up what’s wrong What’s the matter 什事?
    19      forget to do sth     忘记做某事(事没做)
    forget doing sth    忘记做某事(事已做完)
    20     tell sb about sth       告诉某某事
    tell sb sth tell sth to sb 某事告诉某
      asktell sb to do sth 某做某事
    asktell sb not to do sth 某做某事
    21      电话语: ①Who’s this 位? ② Is this …………?
    ③This is ……(speaking) …… ④May I speak to……找……?
    22      go for sth go to do sth 做某事 : go for class go to have class
    23      It’s fun     真趣事
    24 call sb give sb a call 电话某 call sb back     某回电话
    25      I’m afraid sorry (that)  + 句 恐怕…… 起……
    26      I have no time    I don’t have any time 没时间 ( no not any )
    27 be not in be not at home be out      出家
    28 sing a song   sing some songs  唱歌    
    fly a kite    放风筝 draw picture 画画
    play sports 做运动 watch TV   电视
    read books 书 read newspaper 报纸
    29 let sb do sth (接动词原形)某做某事
    30 时间读法读法逆读法: 读法(eleven thirtysix 表示1136)
    逆读法(分钟数等30分 past 分钟数30分to five past ten 表示 1005
    five to ten 表示 9:55half past six 表示6:30 a quarter to six 表示 5:45)
    31 Show sth to sb show sb sth ……某 作名词表示 演出表演
    32 祈句否定句直接句首加Don't
    33    have to  …(接动词原形) …(表客观) must 必须(表观)
    48          It’s time for sth doing sth     It’s time to do sth    该做……时候?
    It’s time for sb to do sth  某做某事时候
    33 next time   次 next week 星期 the next day     第二天
    34 next to… near… ……旁边
    35 get up     起床 go to bed      床睡觉 get sb up 某起床
    36 do one’s homework     做作业
    37 have a picnic      野餐 have class 课
    have a meeting 开会 have a party 举办聚会
    have dinner breakfast lunchsupper    吃正早午晚餐
    have +东西 吃喝……
    have a good time enjoy oneself 玩愉快
    have sb do sth 某做某事 (役动词接动词原形)
    两役动词: make sb do sth let sb do sth
    38    on the weekday        周末
    39     lot of lots of many much             许量
    40     in the sun             阳光
    41    sb like best sb’s  favorite + 种类 is are ……    谁喜欢……
    42      on one’s way to      某……路 on one’s way home 某回家路
    43 Here we are
    44 It’s very kind of you 真太
    45      thanks thank you for + n ving        ……感谢
    46  in the tree    树(外物) on the tree    树(树身长出东西)
    in the wall 墙里 ( window ) on the wall 墙
    1 What do you think of       How do you like ?       认……样?
    例: What do you think of your English teacher
    How do you like your English teacher   
    2 How much be + 语? ( 回答:It’s They’re + 价钱)
    How much is your English book
    问价格 what’s the price of ……
    3  Why not ……(接动词原形) Why don’t you …… 
    (接动词原形)    什做某事呢?
       回答:Good idea          意
    4 What time is it What is the time (回答:It’s +时间)

    Unit5 Topic1
    1 学校门口 at the school gate
    2 学校 come to school
    3 学校 go to school
    4 课 have class have classes
    5 步行 on foot walk to
    6 骑行车 ride a bike ride bikes by bike on a bike
    7 坐公交 by bus take a bus
    8 坐铁 by subway take the subway on the subway
    9 坐飞机 by plane take the plane on the plane
    10 坐汽车 by car in a car take a car drive a car
    11 坐轮船 by ship
    12 坐船 by boat
    13 坐火车 by train on the train
    14 组 in our group
    15 群学生 a group of students
    16 中三 three of us
    17 日 on weekdays
    18 周末 on the weekends at weekends
    19 起床 get up
    20 睡觉 go to bed
    21 早起 get up early
    22 回家 go home
    23 家 get home
    24 动物园 go to the zoo
    25 公园 go to the park
    26 电影 see a movie film
    27 电视 watch TV
    28 晚 in the evening at night
    29 帮助父母 help parents
    30 做某家庭作业 do one’s ( my her his your their)homework
    31 学校 at school
    32 知道解 know about learn about
    33 校园生活 school life
    34 美国学生 an American student
    35 美国 in America in the USA
    36 许学生 many students a lot of students lots of students
    37 少 very few
    38 吃午饭 have lunch
    39 出吃饭 eat out
    40 校期间 on school days
    41 休息会 have a short rest break
    42 午饭 after lunch
    43 某业余时间in one’s free time in one’s spare time
    44 篮球 play basketball
    45 踢足球 play soccer football
    46 弹钢琴 play the piano
    47 弹吉 play the guitar
    48 拉二胡 play erhu
    49 游泳 go swimming go for a swim
    50 划船 go boating
    51 球赛 a ball game ball games
    52 年四次 four times a year
    53 听音乐 listen to music
    54 读书 read books
    55 报 read newspapers
    56 医生 see a doctor
    57 图书馆 go to the library
    58 周两次 twice a week
    59 见朋友 meet friends
    60 天 every day
    61 七点半 at half past seven
    62 会 for a little while for a short time
    63 晚饭 after supper
    64 吃饭 have dinner
    65 吃早饭 have breakfast
    1 I usually come to school by subway
    义句 I usually take the subway to school
    划线部分提问 How do you usually come to school
    go to school by bikego to school
    on a bike ride a bike to schoolride to school
    go home by busgo home on a bustake a bus home
    2 How do you usually often…通常常样…
    3 It’s time for classIt’s time to have class It’s time for having class
    4 What about you How about you
    5 How often … 询问频率 回答频率副词:always usually often sometimes seldom never every day every +时间名词表示频率短语回答
    eg once a day twice a week three times a month
    6 The early bird catches the work (谚语) 笨鸟先飞
    7 Work Study must come first 工作 学必须放第位
    8 Classes begin at eight Class begins at eight
    提问: What time does the class begin What time do the classes begin
    1 look (感官动词) 起面加形容词
    His mother looks very young
    They look very cute
    Her dress looks very nice
    You look very cool in this coat
    2 by 介词
    by 面直接加表示交通工具名词中间词修饰:by bike
    by +动词ing形式表示通某种方式
    People show love to their mothers by giving cards
    You can be a good student by working hard
    3 over (形容词) School is over 放学  Class is over 课
    4 begin
    现分词 beginning 式 began
    begin to do sth begin doing sth
    He begins to write a letter He begins writing a letter
    果begin身分词begin to do sth
    He is beginning to run
    5 listen to 听(动作) hear 听见(结果)
    6 always 反义词 never
    7 话题涉时态般现时句中常频率副词表示频率短语果语三单动词定三单

    Unit5 Topic2
    () 重单词:
    1 borrow指语入 borrow sth from sb
    eg You can borrow this book from the library
    May I borrow your eraser
    lend 指语出 lend sth to sb lend sb sth
    eg Can you lend your car to me
    They often lend us their ball
    2 keep
    keep borrow lend 意思样表示意思 区borrowlend瞬间动词
    keep延续性动词表示段时间 常段时间
    eg You may keep this book for two weeks
    进borrow 出 lend 久 keep
    3 findlook for
    find 找发现强调结果 look for寻找强调程
    eg I’m looking for my shoes everywhere but I can’t find it
    4 return
    return give back return sth to sbgive sth back to sb
    eg Please return this book to Steveplease give back this book to Steve
    eg He will return from America next month
    5 on time 准时强调早迟达
    in time 时强调规定时间前达
    eg We must go to work on time The students can get there in time
    6 Japanese adj 日日日语 n日日语
    eg Two Japanese and three Chinese are swimming in the swimming pool
    7 also too
    两表意思 also句中 too句末
    eg Helen is also a student
    I have long hair and she has long hair too
    8 plan n面图 v计划 plan to do sth
    1 on time 准时
    2 in time 时
    3 in the center of …中央
    4 next to 什隔壁什旁边
    5 at the back of …面(范围)
    6 behind …面(范围外)
    7 in front of… …前面(外部面)
    8 in the front of …前面(部面)
    9 on the left 左边
    10 on the right 右边
    11 show sb around 领某参观
    12 between …and… ……间
    13 from …to… ……
    14 on the shelf 架子 shelf复数形式shelves
    15 do better in sthdoing sth ……方面做更
    do well in sthdoing sth …做
    be good at sthdoing sth …方面擅长
    16 at the moment 现刻
    17 play computer games 玩电脑游戏
    18 a few
    19 the Great Wall 长城
    1 What’s in+sth 表示里什东西
    eg What’s in your purse 钱包里什东西
    What else 什 else
    What else do you have
    Who else什 Where else 什方
    else放疑问词whatwho where等面放something anything nothing somebody anybody nobody面
    eg I don’t have anything else to do I can’t see anybody else in the room
    2 Here are some photos of his
    eg a friend of Sam’s 萨姆朋友 a friend of mine 朋友
    3 love doing sth惯性爱惯
    love to do sth次性动作目前想做事
    eg She loves reading in bed I love to go swimming today
    (1) 现进行时表示正发生进行动作now at the moment等时间状语连
    eg I’m reading a book now
    (2) 现进行时表示前段时间直进行动作
    eg They’re working on a farm this week
    (3) 某行动词现进行时形式表示常常意图安排算含义表时间状语连目前学类动词comegoflyreturn
    eg They are flying to London this afternoon
    We are going to Hong Kong tomorrow
    Steve is coming tomorrow evening
    回答Yes(代)+be No(代)+be+not
    特殊疑问句 What+be+语+doing
    buybuying callcalling
    comecoming drivedriving
    planplanning swimswimming stopstopping sitsitting
    diedying lielying
    (5) 现分词构成:

    Unit 5 Topic 3
    Today Wednesday Monday Tuesday geogrophy Thursday Friday art history math science meeting activity lesson draw learn interesting difficult boring which subject best other friendly February newspaper hard wish story
    1Have a music class音乐课
    2at ten o’clock 十点钟
    3be over (finish) 结束
    4on+星期名词 星期
    5outdoor activities 户外活动
    6work on 致力专心
    7 learn about the past 解历史
    8it’s time for … 该干…
    9be friendly to …友
    10 play with sb 某玩耍
    Play with sth玩弄某物
    11swim in the swimming pool 游泳池游泳
    12draw pictures 画画
    14 every Tuesday and Thursday 周二周四
    15tell sb sthtell sth to sb 某事告诉某
    16 school newspaper 校报
    17and so on 等等
    18 learn sth from …学…
    19 hard work 辛勤工作
    20 thank sb for sth thank sb for doing sth
    21 run on the playground 操场跑步
    22 watch animals动物
    23 play soccer at school 学校踢足球
    24 read a book at home 家书
    25have dinner in the school dinning hall
    1 What day is it today
    It’s Wednesday
    What day …常表示星期提问
    注意:What’s the date… 日期提问
    2 What class are they having
    They are having a music class
    What class 询问什课程 classlesson义
    3 What time does the class begin 什时间开始课?
    At ten o’clock
    begin开始义词start 反义词finishend
    4 How many lessons does he have every weekday
    5 You must like English very much
    6 What do you think of it
    Sometimes it’s difficult and boring so I don’t like it very much
    What do you think of… 相How do you like …
    7 What’s your favorite subject喜欢科目什?
    What one’s favorite… What does sb like best
    8 Why do you like it 什喜欢?
    Because it’s easy and interesting简单趣
    果表示什 Why not… Why don’t you…
    9 My teachers are very friendly to me
    be friendly to sb意思某友
    注意: friendly形容词 友友善副词
    10 It’s time for class Let’s go哦课时间走吧
    It’s time for sth it’s time to do sth 该做某事


    Unit 6 Topic 1
    1 on the second floor 第二层
    ( The building has four floors I am on the first floor)
    2 go upstairs( adv)楼 go downstairs 楼
    3 a moment later 会
    4 play with sb 某起玩 play with sth 玩弄某物
    5 in front of in the front of 区:加the词组表示物体部前面
    6 on the wall 墙 in the wall
    7 on the tree (苹果) in the tree (鸟)
    8 a model plane 模型飞机
    9 play on the computer 玩电脑 (较play computer games 玩电脑游戏)
    1 There be 句型 (翻译出某某物表示种客观存
    have表观拥语结构 There be + 语+介词短语
    肯定句:There is a computer in your study
    否定句: There isn’t a computer in your study
    般疑问句: Is there a computer in your study
    Yes there is No there isn’t
    特殊疑问句:What’s in your study
    ★问数量:How many computers are there in your study
    注There is some milk on the table (处然some milk
    变否定句:There isn’t any milk on the table
    ★原: There is a lamp a computer some books and so on
    2 Welcome to my new home home作n
    (Welcome home home 作adv )
    3 There are so many books on the shelf 书架书啊
    4 Why not go upstairs and have a look Why don’t you……?
    5My dog is playing with my computer 狗玩电脑呢
    6Don’t put them here Put them away放请收起放
    7 You must look after your things必须保东西
    8How many pairs of shoes are there under the bed 床少双鞋子?
    9 There are many beautiful flowers in the garden but there aren’t any trees in it
    10 I love playing on the computer in the study 喜欢书房玩电脑
    (love doing sthlike doing sth 喜欢做某事)
    年月午()季(节)in加 某日午on
    钟点时(刻)日(期)at 周七天均on

    Unit 6Topic 2
    1 农村 in the country 郊区 in the suburb
    2套三居室房子 house with three bedrooms
    3 call sb at +电话号码 拨…某联系
    4 a quiet double room under 300yuan per month 间安静双间月租低300元
    5house with furniture for a family of three 适合三口家家具齐全房子
    6 rent sth to sb 某物租某 rent sth from sb 某租某物
    7 on the street corner 街角
    8 keep money 存钱
    9 寄信 mail (post) letter
    10 see a doctor 医生
    11 month 复数 months
    12 at the end of …头
    13 community service center in our area 带服务中心
    14 be close (adj) to close (adv) to near next to (紧)
    反义词 far from
    15 right now 马立刻 at once
    16 Children’s Day 童节 Teachers’ Day 教师节 Women’s Day 妇女节
    1What’s your home like 家什样?
    what be +…like 询问某某物情况者状况句型What do(does) ……look like?专门问外貌
    It’s an apartment building 栋公寓楼
    2 They live in a big farmhouse in the country 住农村农舍里
    3 What’s the matter with… What’s up with…… What’s wrong with…
    4 I hear you playing the piano听正弹钢琴
    (hear sb do sth 表示听某做某事类似seewatchfind)
    5 I m afraid it’s too loud 恐怕声音点
    I’ m really sorry about that 真抱歉
    6 There are no houses on the right There aren’t any houses…
    (no加数数名词 not any加数名词者数名词复数 not a 加数名词单数)
    7 There are a lot of tall buildings and small gardens in our community
    a lot ofmany much等lots of般肯定句
    8 There are many shops and restaurants close to my home
    My home is close to my shops家附许商店饭店
    9 The parking lot and the train station are not far from here
    停车场火车站离远(nearclose to 反义词far from)
    10 We can call it for help (call sb for sth doing sth)
    11 Are there many people living near your home 许住家附?
    (there be +sb+doing sth表示某某做什)
    12 I can’t hear you the line is bad 听清线路
    13 My kitchen fan doesn't work
    There is something wrong with my kitchen fan
    Something is wrong with my kitchen fan 家厨房排气扇坏
    14 I’ll get someone to check it right now会马派检查
    (get sb to do sth 派某做某事 ask sb to do sth)
    15 Many people are moving from cities to the suburbs
    (move to … move from …to ……搬移动…)
    16 The traffic is heavy and the cost of living is high 交通拥挤生活开销高
    (cost 做名词做动词时语物句型 sth cost sb some money )
    eg The rose costs me 10 yuan
    注:traffic 数名词be动词单数交通量heavybusylittle a little 修饰
    17 There are many houses with big yards in the suburbs
    18 What kind of home do you live in 住什样房子里?

    Unit 6Topic 3
    1 turn left at the first street 第二街口左转
    take the second street(turning) on the left
    2 go across (prep) the bridge cross (v)the bridge 桥
    3 across from …面
    4 on the road 路 on in the street 街
    5 on the corner of the street 街角
    (较in the corner of at the corner of)
    6 between…and ………间
    7 walk on 继续走
    8 public phone 公电话
    9 at the traffic lights 红绿灯处
    10 No right turn 禁止右转 No parking 禁止停车 Go straight 直走
    11 be in danger 处危险中
    12 get hurt 受伤(get 系动词hurt 形容词)
    13 lose one’s life 失某生命
    14 obey the traffic rules 遵守交通规
    15 a ticket for speeding drinking and drivingparking in the wrong place
    making a wrong turn 超速酒驾车乱停车转错弯罚单
    16 make a wrong turn 转错弯
    17 keep quiet in class 课时安静
    1Excuse me is there a bank near here
    Go up (Go along)this street to the end and you will find it on your left
    2 How can I get to the bookstore Could you tell me the way to the bookstore
    Could you tell me how to get to the bookstore
    Where is the way to the bookstore 问路句型
    3 It's about five hundred meters along (adv) on the right
    4 Go along this road until you get to Beisihuan Road
    5 You can’t miss it 会错(miss 表示错表示想念eg She misses her mother )
    6 You need to take bus No 718 then you should change to the No 108 bus at Anzhen Bridge
    注意:(1)need to do sth 需做某事 need sth sb 需某物某(2)should 情态动词加动原
    (3)change to 转 change from A to B A变成B
    (change 作名词表示零钱数)
    (4)路车两种表示方法: bus NO718 者the NO718 bus
    7 How far is it from here (问距离) It’s about ten kilometers away from here
    8 How can we make the roads safe 样道路安全?(make sth sb +adj)
    9.Before(prep) we cross the road we must stop and look both ways
    10 We must never play on the street 绝街玩耍
    We must not play the street
    11 It’s good to help children and old people to cross the road
    帮助孩老马路种助乐行(It’s good to do sth)
    12Wait for your turn when the lights are red

    Unit7 Topic 1
    birthday May celebrate party fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth twelfth twentieth date January March April June July August September October November December alone were born was thousand present shape hill square circle ago machine football special candle surprise
    1 plan to do sth 计划做某事
    2 be born 出生
    3 have a look
    4 just now 刚
    5 use sth for to… 某物作……
    6 do some cleaning 做扫
    1 How do you plan to celebrate it 算庆祝?
    2 When were you born 什时候出生?
    I was born in June 1970 生1970年6月
    3 Were you born in Hebei 出生河北?
    Yes I was
    4 When was your daughter born 女什时候出生?
    5 Was she born in Hebei too 生河北?
    No she wasn’t
    6 Where was she born 出生里?
    She was born in Henan 出生河南
    7 What’s the shape of your present 礼物形状什?
    It’s round 圆形
    8 What shape is it 什形状?
    It’s a rectangle 长方形
    9 What do we use it for 做什?
    We used it to study English 学英语
    10 How long wide is it 长 宽?
    It’s 60 centimeters longwide 60厘米长宽
    1 Would you like to come 想?
    Yes I’d love to 想
    2 What day is it 天星期?
    It’s Thursday 星期四
    3 What’s the date today 天号?
    It’s May 8th 5月8号
    4 Can I have a look(at sth) (…)?
    Sorry I’m afraid you can’t 起恐怕
    1 般时(I)
    般时表示某时间发生动作存状态常 a minute ago yesterday last year in those days just now in 1990等表示时间状语连般时表示常反复发生动作
    :I got up at 630 yesterday 昨天6点30分起床
    My father was at work yesterday afternoon 昨天午父亲班
    He always went to work by bus last year 年总公汽车班
    2 基数词序数词法
    8面减t nine面e
    ve f ty变成tie

    Unit 7Topic 2
    () 重点短语
    1 晚会 at the party
    康康生日晚会 at Kangkang’s birthday party
    2 弹钢琴 play the piano
    踢足球 play soccer
    球类赛 play ball games
    3 唱汉语英文歌曲 sing ChineseEnglish songs
    唱首英文歌曲 sing an English song
    4 跳迪斯科 dance the disco
    跳表演芭蕾舞 perform ballet
    5 玩高兴 have a good time enjoy oneself
    6 花晚会 take these flowers to the party
    花晚会 bring those flowers to the party
    bringtake …to … (方远分)
    7 so many people (people集体名词单复数形)
    水牛奶果汁 so much watermilkjuice
    水学生 some peoplewaterstudents
    8 爬树山 climb trees hills
    9 相 take photos pictures
    某相 take photospictures offor sb
    10 画画 draw pictures
    11 讲说日语 speak Japanese
    日语说单词 say the word in Japanese
    12 做飞机模型 make model planes
    13 户外活动 outdoor activities
    室活动 indoor activities
    14 年前 one year ago
    四年前 four years ago
    15 擅长做某事 be good at +n prondoing
    某方面做 do well in +n prondoing
    某方面做更 do better in +n prondoing
    16 …岁时 at the age of…
    17 某帮助 with someone’s help = with the help of someone
    18 开始做某事 begin to do sth start to do sth
    19 ……困难 be hard for…
    20.想做某事 would like to do sth want to do sth
    1 –Can you count the photos for me 数数片?
    Yes I can No I can’t
    2 –Do you want to sing Chinese songs or English songs
    Chinese songs 中文歌
    3 –Can you dance the disco or perform ballet 会跳迪斯科跳芭蕾舞?
    I can dance the disco 会跳迪斯科
    4 –What else can you do 做什?(else形容词做置定语般放定代词疑问词)
    I can dance and play the guitar 会跳舞弹吉
    5 I can onlyalso sing English songs 会唱英文歌
    6 I can swim a little very well(修饰动词very good)
    会点游泳 游泳游
    I can’t swim at all 根会游泳
    7 I’m sure we’ll have a good time at the party
    (be sure of… be sure to do be sure (that)+句子
    8 –Happy birthday to you 生日快乐Best wishes to you 衷心祝福
    Thank you(very much) Thanks (a lot) (非常)谢谢
    9 When she was five she could only dance a little 五岁时会跳点舞
    10 One year ago she couldn’t do it at all 年前根会做件事
    11 They could do it before but not very well
    12 Zhang Jun can ride a bike this year but he couldn’t do it a year ago
    13 Michael can’t come to school today because he hurt his right leg
    14 I couldn’t play the piano when I was four and I still can’t now
    15 Kangkang is good at playing soccer while Michael does well in basketball
    16 Six years ago there was something wrong with her eyes(there be 时)
    17 She couldn’t see anything She could see nothing
    18 Life was very hard for her when she was young
    19 In English hard means difficult here
    20 No way 没门绝行
    情态动词can could 法
    1 情态动词身种意义单独做谓语动词起构成谓语表示说话语气情感没称数变化
    2 cancould 表示般力could表示力can 表示现力
    3 表示允许某事时cancould
    4 表示提议请求语气could较客气can较肯定
    eg A monkey can’t swim
    She couldn’t draw before
    Could I open the door now
    Yes of course you can
    Could you tell me the way to the hospital

    Unit7 Topic3
    1 at Kangkang’s birthday party康康生日晚会
    2 recite a Chinese poem背首中文诗
    3 perform magic tricks表演魔术
    4 enjoy oneself have a good time玩高兴
    5 dance the disco跳迪斯科
    6 perform kung fu ballet表演功夫 跳芭蕾舞
    7 one of Kangkang’s friends康康朋友
    8 miss the chair没抢着椅子
    9 fall down倒
    10 hurt oneself伤着
    11 at once right now right away立刻马
    12 happen to sbsth发生某某物身
    13 stand up站起 sit down 坐
    14 come back to return to…回
    15 at that time时
    16 play video games玩电子游戏
    17 go to the movies电影 see a movie 电影
    19 lie to sb tell sb a lie tell a lie to sb某撒谎
    20 tell the truth讲真话
    21 talk about谈 talk to……讲话 talk with ……谈话
    22 winlose the game赢输掉赛
    23 have a birthday party for sb某举办生日晚会
    24 buy sth for sb buy sb sth某买某物
    25 bring sth for sb某带某物
    26 by hand手工
    27 each of us中(面动词单数)
    28 sit around围着坐
    29 make a silent wish默默许愿
    30 blow out吹灭
    31 in one breath口气
    32 think over考虑
    33 write down写
    34 in one’s home某家 at home家 at one’s house
    35 come to one’s party参加某晚会
    36 write a letter to sb write sb a letter write to sb某写信
    37 thank sb for sth doing sth thanks for sth doing sth感谢某某事做某事
    38 Best wishes良祝愿
    39 have a big dinner举行丰盛晚宴
    1.How was Kangkang’s birthday party 康康生日晚会样
    It was very nice 非常
    2.You speak Chinese very well 讲汉语真
    3.It’s your turn 该 It’s one’s turn to do sth 轮某做某事
    4.What’s the matter ?What’s the trouble What’s wrong
    5.This way please请边走
    6.We did see a movie 确电影(dodiddoes +动原表强调)
    7.What else did you do at the party 晚会做什?
    8.Why didn’t you tell me the truth 什讲真话?
    ⑴am is般时中变was(was notwasn’t)
    ⑵are般时中变were(were notweren’t)
    ⑶带waswere句子否定疑问变化is am are样否定句waswere加not般疑问句waswere调句首
       否定句:didn’t +动词原形
    :Jim didn’t go home yesterday
    :Did Jim go home yesterday
    :What did Jim do yesterday
    :Who went to home yesterday
    1.般动词末尾加ed:pullpulled cookcooked
    3.末尾元音字母辅音字母重读闭音节应双写末尾辅音字母加ed:stopstopped planplanned trip tripped
    4.辅音字母+y结尾变yi 加ed:studystudied
    amiswas arewere dodid seesaw saysaid givegave getgot gowent comecame havehad eatate taketook runran singsang putput makemade readread writewrote drawdrew drinkdrank flyflew riderode speakspoke sweepswept swimswam sitsat

    Unit8 Topic1
    1 in summerfallspringwinter夏天秋天冬天
    2 make a snowmansnowmen堆雪
    3 take a walkhave a walk散步
    4 In most of China 中国部分区 most 部分
    5 later on
    6 be different from……
    7 come back to life 苏醒复苏复活
    1 询问天气两句型What’s the weather likeHow is the weather
    2 It’s a good timeseason to do sthIt’s a good time for sthdoing sth
    It’s a good time for sb to do sth 某做什事时候
    eg It’s a good timeseason to swim
    3 Why
    4 learn to do sth 学做某事
    eg She is learning to dance
    5 Which season do you like bestWhat’s your favorite season
    6 询问温度 What’s the temperature
    The low high temperature is…
    The temperature is from…to…
    The temperature is between…and…
    7 had better do sth 做某事 had better had缩写’d
    否定形式 had better not do sth
    eg The temperature is high outside You’d better not go out
    8 remember to do sth 记做某事(实际动作未发生)
    remember doing sth 记做某事(实际动作已发生)
    eg You must remember to close the door定记关门(门没关)
    He remembered closing the door 记关门(门已关)
    9 be busy doing sth 忙做某事
    eg He is busy reading
    be busy with sth 忙…
    eg They are busy with housework
    1 表示天气形容词
    rainrainy cloudcloudy snowsnowy windwindy sunsunny fogfoggy
    2 wear be in put on
    ★be in 表示穿着状态
    eg We wear our raincoat on a rainy day(常状态)
    Is she wearing red clothes (暂时状态)
    The girl in pink is my sister
    ★Put on 穿戴强调动作
    eg She put on a red coat and went out
    eg Most students are not here
    3 sunglassesshortsshoespants词通常复数形式
    4 get warm 变暖 get系动词加形容词 类似get cold get fat
    eg The weather gets hot in summer
    5 rain heavily heavy rain snow heavily heavy snow
    strong wind eg The wind blows strongly
    6 last v 延续 eg The meeting lasts for an hour
    adi last Tuesday

    Unit 8 Topic 2
    () 重点词语
    1 the summer winter holiday 暑假寒假
    2 talk about 谈谈
    3 holiday plans 假日计划
    4 want to go 想
    want to do sth would like to do sth 想做某事
    hope to do sth 希做某事
    plan to do sth 计划做某事
    5 around the country 环绕国家
    6 take pictures photos of …相
    7 pass something to somebody 传递某物某
    8 places of interest 名胜古迹
    9 celebrate something with somebody 某起庆祝某事
    10 get together with somebody 某聚会起
    11 go on a trip旅游 go for a holiday 度假
    be on holiday go on holiday 度假
    12 have a good time have a great time have a wonderful time
    have a nice time have fun
    13the Spring City 春城
    14 all the year round 全年
    15 the best time 佳时间
    16 enter someone’s home 进入某家里
    17 take off your shoes 脱鞋子
    18 go out 出 go back 回
    19 point to 指着
    20 eat with your left hand 左手吃东西
    21 Muslin countries 穆斯林国家
    22 touch sb on someplace 触摸某某部位
    23 make the OK sign 做手势
    24 arrive on time 时达
    25 a little late晚点
    26 had better do sth 做某事
    had better not do sth 做某事
    27 a pair of sunglasses 副太阳镜
    28 and so on 等等
    1 The summer holidays are coming 暑假
    2 I hope to get together with them 希起
    3 Each of us has a good plan for the holidays
    4 Can you tell me something about Yunnan
    5 It sounds really interesting and exciting 听起相趣令激动
    6 Different countries have different customs 国家风俗
    7 You shouldn’t eat with your left hand 左手吃东西
    8 You mustn’t point to anything with your foot 千万脚指东西
    9 Guess what I bought for you 猜猜买什
    10I hope you all have a good time 希愉快
    1 How was you trip It was wonderful
    2 How did you travel there By train
    3 How long were you there Only five days
    4 Did you visit any places of interest
    Yes we visited Mount Emei and Jiuzhaigou
    1 What places should I visit in Yunnan
    2 You should visit Dali and Lijiang and you shouldn’t miss Xishuangbanna
    3 When you enter someone’s home you should take off your shoes
    1 Where do you want to go
    2 Who would you like to travel with
    3 How was your trip It was wonderful
    4 What’s the best time to go there
    5 How did you travel there By train
    6 How long were you there Only five days
    7 Different countries have different customs
    8 When you travel in other countries you’d better know the customs of
    those countries

    Unit 8 Topic 3
    1 春节 Spring Festival
    2 元宵节 Lantern Festival
    3 夕夜 New Year’s Eve
    4 母亲节 Mother’s Day
    5 教师节 Teachers’ Day
    6 中秋节 Midautumn Festival
    7 愚节 April Fool’s Day
    8 吃饺子 eat dumplings
    9 包饺子 make dumplings
    10 表演舞龙舞狮 perform lion and dragon dances
    11 许国家 in many countries
    12 互赠礼物 give each other presents give presents to each other
    13 天 on this day
    14 吃元宵 eat sweet dumplings
    15 运 good luck
    16 灯展 watch a lantern show
    17 猜灯谜 guess riddles
    18 团聚 get together
    19 睡觉 go to bed
    20 知道… not…until
    21 午夜 at midnight
    22 迎接新年 welcome the new year
    23 复活 come back to life
    24 开某玩笑 play tricks on sb
    25 互相彼 each other
    26 举行聚会 have a party have parties
    27 某表达爱意 show love to sb
    28 某某物 show sth to sb show sb sth
    29 …做准备 prepare for sth
    30 扫房子 clean the house
    31 购物 go shopping
    32 …装饰 decorate sth with sth
    33 彩灯 colorful lights
    34 安夜 on Christmas Eve
    35 做礼拜 go to church
    36 唱圣诞歌 sing Christmas songs
    37 …挂起 put up
    38 火炉旁边 by the fireplaces
    39 早起 get up early
    40 家庭聚会 have a family gettogether
    41 互相问候 greet each other
    42 件事 a big event
    43 开始做某事 begin start to do sth begin start doing sth
    44 全家 the whole family
    45 守夜熬夜 stay up
    46 农历新年 the lunar new year
    47 压岁钱 lucky gift money
    48 敲门 knock at on the door
    49 某喊 shout to at sb
    50 五劳动节 May Day International Labor Day
    51 七天假期 a sevenday holiday
    52 旅游 go traveling
    53 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival
    54 举行龙舟赛 hold dragon boat races
    55 许方 in many places
    56 吃粽子 eat rice dumplings
    57 国庆节 National Day
    58 全国 the whole country
    59 …首 省会 the capital of …
    60 升旗仪式 watch the national flag go up
    61 赏月 enjoy the bright full moon
    62 恶作剧请客 trick or treat
    63 墙 on the wall

    1 They often eat turkey and Christmas cakes and give each other presents
    give presents to each other
    give sb sth give sth to sb
    类似:lend send bring pass take
    Eg I lent my bike to her I lent her my bike
    send sb sth sent sth to sb 送某某物
    bring sb sth bring sth to sb 某带某物
    take sb sth take sth to sb 某带走某物
    2 It means the end of Spring Festival 意味着春节结束
    the end of …末端 at the end of ……末端(时间空间) by the end of …末端止
    Eg Mr Wang lives at the end of Elm Road
    Children put up stockings at the end of their beds
    We can finish the work by the end of the year
    3 not…until直…
    Eg He came back after 12o’clock last night (not…until改写)
    He didn’t come back until 12 o’clock
    4 prepare for sth 某事做准备get sth ready 宾语准备直接容
    Eg They are preparing for the party this evening
    The students are preparing for the exams
    5 go to church 教堂做礼拜 go to the church教堂
    go to school 学go to the school 学校
    go to hospital病go to the hospital医院
    6 start begin to do sth start begin doing sth
    Eg He started began to study English six years ago
    He started began singing
    7 The whole family gets together for a big dinner
    the whole +单数名词(集体名词) all the +名词
    Eg The whole class is here All the class are here
    The whole world likes football
    8 watch sb sth do 见某物做某事表示动作结果 (全程)
    watch sb sth doing见某物正做某事表示动作正进行
    类似: hear see
    Eg I hear someone singing in the next room
    I often hear him shout to others
    I see an old man selling books in the street
    I sometimes see them play basketball on the playground


    every day等
    ①系动词am is are+表语
    What dodoes+语+do…?:What does she do on Saturday
    ②look listen等提示词
    be动词(am is are)+V—ing
    What isare+语+Ving…?:What are you doing now

    ①yesterday last yearweekmonth
    ②a moment ago just now等
    ①系动词was were+表语
    ①was were 放语前
    ①was were +not
    What did+语+do…?:What did you do last night

    Unit 1 Sports and Games
    Topic 1 Are you going to play basketball
    1 almost(反义词)never 2win(式)won(名词)winner
    3ski(现分词)skiing 4famous(较级)more famous
    5arrive(义词)reach 6leave(式))left
    7popular(高级)most popular 8healthy(义词)fit(名词)health
    () 词组
    1 during the summer holidays 暑假期间
    2 between…and… 两者间
    3 cheer sb on 某加油
    4 prefer doing sth 更喜欢做某事
    5 quite a bita lot
    6 plan to do sth 计划做某事
    7 have a skating club 举办滑雪俱乐部
    8 go skatingskiingbicyclingclimbinghiking 滑雪滑冰骑车爬山远足
    9 arrive inat 达
    10 play against… ……抗较量
    11 for long 久
    12 leave for… 动身…
    13 the day after tomorrow 天
    14 China’s national team 中国国家队
    15 play baseball 棒球
    16 at least 少
    17 What a shame 羞愧
    18 be good at 善做某事
    19 take part in 参加
    20 all over the world 全世界
    21 be good for ……益
    22 a good way 种方法
    23 keep fithealthy 保持健康
    24 relax oneself 放松某
    二 重点句型
    1 What’s your favorite sport What sport do you like best 喜爱运动什
    2 Which sport do you prefer Which sport do you like better 更喜欢什运动
    I prefer skating I like skating better 更喜欢滑雪
    3 Do you skate much Do you often skate 常滑雪
    4 She spends at least half an hour in the gym every day 天少花半时体育馆
    5 She plays baseball pretty well and she is also good at jumping
    6 What kind of sports do you like Which sport do you like 喜欢种运动
    7 Would you like to come and cheer us on 愿意加油?
    8 What are you going to be when you grow up 长做什?
    9 There is going to be a school sports meet next month月场运动会

    三 重点语言点
    1 see sb do sth 见某做某事 强调动作全程常every day often等连
    see sb doing sth 见某正做某事 强调动作正进行
    I saw you play basketball almost every day during the summer holidays
    I often see him draw pictures near the river 常见河边画画
    I saw her go across the street 见马路
    I saw her going across the street 见正马路
    [类似watch hear feel 等类感观动词
    2 join sb 表示 加入某行列 某起
    join + 组织 表示 加入某组织
    take part in 表示 参加出席某活动
    Will you join us
    I will join the skiing club
    She is planning to take part in the high jump
    3 arrive in + 点
    arrive at + 点
    get to + 点 reach + 点
    My uncle arrived in Beijing yesterday
    I arrived at the Great Wall I got to the Great Wall I reached the Great Wall
    注意 reach heretherehome get heretherehome arrive heretherehome
    4 leave… 离开……
    leave for… 动身…离开…
    They are leaving Beijing tomorrow 明天离开北京
    They are leaving for Japan the day after tomorrow 天前日
    5 a few 修饰数名词
    a little 点点 修饰数名词
    There are a few eggs in the basket
    There is a little water in the bottle
    6 how long 表示久(时间) 提问时间段
    how often 表示 常 久次 提问时间频率
    They will stay in Beijing for a week → How long will they stay in Beijing
    He plays basketball twice a week → How often does he play basketball
    7be good at (doing) sth do well in (doing) sth 擅长(做)某事
    She is good at (playing) baseball She does well in (playing) baseball
    8make sthsb + adj 某物(某)某种状态
    keep …sthsb + adj 保持某物(某)某种状态
    Playing soccer can make your body strong
    Swimming can help to keep your heart and lungs healthy
    四 重点语法
    ()be going to 结构 ①表示语进行某行动算意图种算常预先考虑含做某准备意思通常认be going to表达行动会见诸实践
    :I’m going to play basketball with my classmates this Sunday
    She is going to buy a sweater for her mother
    :Look at those clouds It’s going to rain 瞧乌云快雨
    (二) will + 动词原形:表示单纯事实常表时间状语tomorrow soon later next time(weekmonthyear…)等连will not won’t 缩略形式’ll
    ① 表示作出立决定种意图未事先考虑计划时种决定
    :a Please put your things away Tom 汤姆东西收拾
    I’m sorry I’ll do it right away 起马做
    b Would you like coffee or tea 您咖啡茶?
    I will have a cup of teaplease 杯茶
    c Don’t worry I’ll help you 担心会帮
    ② 表示预测指说话法假设推测
    : I’m sure our team will win next time 确信次队会赢
    Maybe she will go to the gym 许会体育馆
    ③ 表示许诺: I’ll do better next time 次会做更
    I’ll visit you tomorrow 明天会
    句式:肯定句:ISheHeThey will go to play baseball soon
    否定句:ISheHeThey won’t go to play baseball soon
    般疑问句:Will youshehethey go to play baseball soon
    回答:Yes Ishehethey will No Ishe hethey won’t
    (三)动词plan come go leave fly等现进行时表示发生事
    : I’m coming
    He is leaving for Shanghai 海
    We are going to Beijing 北京
    Topic 2 Would you mind teaching me
    () 词形转换:
    (1) adj + ly → adv
    loud → loudly soft → softly quiet → quietly
    clear → clearly angry → angrily easy → easily
    fall → fell break → broke lose →lost throw → threw feel → felt
    (3) 1ill (义词)sick (名词)illness 2start(义词)begin
    3far(反义词)near 4smoke(现分词)smoking
    5careless(反义词)careful 6important(较级) more important 7Russia(公民)Russian 8enjoy(现分词)enjoying
    9invent(名词)invention inventor 10indoor(反义词)outdoor
    11century(复数)centuries 12coach(复数)coaches
    13feel (名词)feeling 14tiring(义词)tired

    (二) 词组
    1 have a soccer game 进行场足球赛
    2 fall ill 病倒
    3 be a little far from… 离……点远
    4 right away at once 立刻马
    5 miss a good chance 错机会
    6 getmiss a goal 失分
    7 shame on sb 某感羞耻
    8 do one’s best 某力
    9 say sorry to sb 某说抱歉
    10 be sure to do sth 确定做某事
    11 be angry with… 生某气
    12 with one’s help with the help of sb 某帮助
    13 serve food 菜
    14 turn updown… 调高低(音量)
    15 keep sb doing sth 某直做某事
    16 in a minute 分钟马
    17 on the phone 电话中
    18 take a seat 坐
    19 never mind 紧
    20 a lot of traveling 系列旅行
    21 loveenjoy doing sth 喜爱欢做某事
    22 have a very exciting life 着非常兴奋生活
    23 as well
    24 throw…into… ……投进……
    25 followobey the rules 遵守规
    26 over a century later 世纪
    27 more and more people 越越
    28 feel tired 感疲劳
    29 instead of… 代……
    30 ask sb to do sth 某做某事
    31 make a plan for sb 某订份计划
    32 build up 增进增强
    33 have fun doing sth 乐做…做某事
    34 be important to 某说重
    35 in a minute at once right away 立刻马

    1 Could you please do me a favor Could you help me Could you give me a hand
    2 Would you mind teaching me Would you please teach me 教?
    3 Would you mind not smoking here 里抽烟?
    4 You are always so careless 总样粗心意
    5 I’m very sorry for what I said 说感道歉
    6 We are sure to win next time 次定回赢
    7 Let me buy you a new one Let me buy a new one for you买新
    8 He invented an indoor game for his students so that they could play it even in bad weather 学生发明项室运动便甚恶劣天气玩
    9 And you can throw it with one hand or both hands手两手投掷
    10 I have great fun running and I feel well and look fit 总快乐跑步感健康
    三 重点语言点
    1 ill sick 表示 生病 作表语作表语作定语
    The man is illsick 男病 (作表语)
    He is a sick man 病 (作定语)
    2 Would you mind (not) doing sth 表示 ()做某事介意
    Would you mind coming and checking it 修理
    Would you mind not smoking here 吸烟介意
    3 one of + 名词复数 表示 中…… 语one表单数
    One of my teammates is strong and tall 中队友高壮
    One of my friends likes English 中朋友喜欢英语
    4 miss 错思念遗失
    I missed the last bus yesterday 昨天错班车
    He missed his mother 想念母亲
    My God I missed(lost) my key 天啊 钥匙弄丢
    5 be sure to do sth be sure that + 句子 确定做某事
    We are sure to win next time We are sure that we will win next time
    6 be sorry for… 某事抱歉
    be sorry to do sth be sorry (that) + 句子 抱歉做某事
    I am very sorry for what I said 说话感抱歉
    I’m sorry I lost your book I’m sorry to lose your book抱歉弄丢书
    7.tired adj (感)疲惫 语 I feel tired today 天感累
    tiring adj 令疲劳 语事物 This job is tiring 份工作令疲惫
    类似 excited 感兴奋 exciting 令兴奋
    interested 感趣 interesting 趣
    815yearold 15岁
    15 years old 15岁 He is a 15yearold boy The boy is 15 years old
    类似法 25mile 25 miles
    9 instead 代相反 般单独放句末前面逗号隔开
    instead of…代…………相反
    I won’t go to Shanghai I’ll go to Beijing instead 会海会北京
    I’ll go to Beijing instead of Shanghai
    I drank a lot of milk instead of water 喝许牛奶水
    10 have fun doing sth enjoy doing sth 表示 做……中获乐趣
    I have great fun running I enjoy running总跑步中乐趣
    () 请求回答
    Requests Responses
    Could you please do me a favor Sure What is it
    Will you join us I’d be glad to
    Would you mind teaching me Not at all Let’s go and practice

    Apologies Responses
    I’m sorry I didn’t call you last night Never mind I guess you were busy last night
    I’m sorry I’m late for class That’s OK Please take a seat
    I’m sorry I lost your book It doesn’t matter That book isn’t important to me
    I’m sorry I broke your pen Don’t worry I have another pen
    Topic 3 Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics

    1 join the English club 加入英语俱乐部
    2 host the 2008 Olympics 举办2008年奥运会
    3 fill out 填出
    4 go on 发生进行
    5 all the interesting places 趣方
    6 quite a lot 相
    7 make friends with… ……交朋友
    8 be afraid 恐怕
    9 be free 空
    10 see you then 见
    11 win the first gold medal 赢第枚金牌
    12 get 28 gold medals 获28枚金牌
    13 the winner of the first gold medal 第枚金牌获胜者
    14 every four years 四年隔三年
    15 the mascot for the Beijing Olympics 北京奥运会吉祥物
    16 behave well 举止体
    17 improve the environment 改善环境
    18 plant trees and grass 种植花草树木
    19 a symbol of … 种……象征
    20 stand for 代表
    21 the five parts of the world 世界五部分
    22 do morning exercises 做早操
    23 be fond of (doing) sth 喜欢(做)某事

    1Could you tell me your name 告诉名字
    What’s your name
    2What do you do What’s your job What are you 干什
    3Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics 北京办2008年奥运会
    4 More and more foreign friends ride in my taxi ( take my taxi) now
    5Speaking English will help me a lot 说英语帮助
    6Please fill it out 请填
    7What will the weather be like this weekend How will the weather be this weekend
    8 There will be more roads in Beijing 北京会更马路
    9 When shall we meet 什时候见面?
    10Let’s make it half past six时间定六点半吧

    三 重点语言点
    1 fill out + 名词 填……
    fill + 名词代词+out
    Please fill out this form Please fill this form out 请填张表格
    Please fill itthem out (宾语代词时 放中间) 请()填
    2 be afraid… 恐怕 指礼貌委婉拒绝
    be afraid of… 害怕(做)……
    I’m afraid I won’t be free 恐怕没空
    He is afraid of dogs 害怕狗
    They are afraid of losing the game 害怕输赛
    3 may be …… may情态动词 + be
    maybe 许 maybe副词
    He may be a teacher Maybe he is a teacher 名老师
    He may know her name Maybe he knows her name 知道名字
    4 between 两者间
    among 三者三者中
    The answer is between A and B 答案AB 间
    The winner is among of us 获胜者中
    5 There be 句型般时
    正There will be a sports meeting in our school this weekend
    There is going to be a sports meeting in our school this weekend
    误There will have a sports meeting in our school this weekend
    There is going to have a sports meeting in our school this weekend
    Would you like to go hiking with us 想起远足
    WhatHow about going hiking with us 起远足样
    Why don’t you go hiking with us 什起远足呢
    Why not go hiking with us 什什起远足呢呢
    Let’s go hiking 起远足吧
    Would you mind going hiking with us 介意起远足
    Would you please go hiking with us 起远足

    Unit 2 Keeping healthy
    Topic 1 How are you feeling today
    1 have a colda toothache a fevera cougha backachea stomachachea sore throat the flu sore eyes
    2 take a resthave a rest 休息
    3 not read for too long 书太久
    4 boiled water 开水
    5 stay in bed 卧病床躺床
    6 have a good sleep 睡觉
    7 feel terrible 感觉难受
    8 day and night 日日夜夜
    9 You`d betterYou had better
    10 not so well
    11 not too bad 没什碍
    12 much better
    13 go to see a doctor 病
    14 take have some medicine 吃药
    15 taketo 带
    16 sendto 送
    17 hot tea with honey 加蜂蜜热茶
    18 lie down 躺
    19 look aftertake care of 顾
    20 brush teeth 刷牙
    21 have an accident 发生次意外事
    22 don`t worry 担心
    23 worry about 担心
    24 nothing serious 没什严重没什碍
    25 check over 诊断仔细检查
    26 thank you for 感谢
    27 buyfor 买
    28 notuntil 直
    29 ice cream 冰淇淋
    30 bothand
    31 take some cold pills 吃感药
    32 plenty of 许量
    1 What`s wrong with youhimher?
    句:What`s the matter with
    What`s the trouble with
    2You should see a dentist应该牙医种表达建议句子句式: you`d better(not)how what aboutwhy notdon`t you
    3I`m sorry to hear that听消息难表示情句子
    4You look pale起苍白(1)英语中表示气色苍白whitpale
    (2)look 里译作起作连系动词接形容词:
    You look beautiful起漂亮look法相连系动词 tast sound smell feel :
    The soup tastes very delicious 汤尝起真香
    Your voice sound nice声音听起动
    The flowers smell sweet 花闻起香
    The silk feels smooth 丝绸摸起光滑
    5Shall I take you to the hospital送医院吧?
    Nothank you谢谢
    Shall I do需做?
    take sb to某送某
    6 I`ll take some medicine and see how it goes 算先吃药情况说
    goes里指事情进展it 代指病情:
    How is everything going切进展?
    Everything is going well切进展利
    7You`d better drink hot tea with honey喝加蜂蜜热茶
    tea with honey 加蜂蜜茶with表示种伴状态类似表达:
    some coffee with sugar and milk加牛奶糖咖啡
    some tea without sugar加糖茶
    8Michael had an accident yesterday昨天迈克发生事
    had an accident发生事
    9But my left leg still hurts when I move it挪动脚时点疼
    my head hurts
    10Your Xrays show it`s nothing seriousX光片显示没什严重问题
    nothing serious 没什严重nothing something anything等定代词形容词修饰时形容词位:
    I have something important to say重事情说
    11Stay in bed and don`t move your leg too much躺床总挪动腿
    12Michael`s friends bought some chocolate for him 迈克朋友买饿巧克力
    buy sth for sb双宾语运双宾语时宾前需介词时to时for 动词身关表示动词方to表示动词目 for
    give sth to sb pass sth to sb
    bring sth to sb take sth to sb
    cook sth for sb buy sth for to sb
    13but I couldn`t read them until today直天读
    not until直until 肯定句动词般延续性动词否定句中动词般短暂性动词:
    He will wait for his father until ten o`clock等父亲直10点钟
    He won`t leave until his father comes直父亲回离开
    1 had better 形式法
    1) 固定短语had better具情态意义作情态动词译种形式没称数变化常动词原形提出建议种方式:
    You had better go to see the doctor医生
    You`d better eat a lot of fruit and drink plenty of water吃水果喝水
    2)Had better否定结构 had better not:
    You`d better not eat hot food吃辛辣食物
    You`d better not work today天工作
    2 shall法
    1) 作助动词时英式英语中表示第称连口语中称will:
    this time next week Ishallwill be in New York周时候纽约
    Shall Itake you to the hospital带医院?
    What shall we do this weekend周末作什呢?

    Topic 2 I must ask him to give up smoking
    1 stay up late熬夜
    2 be bad for害
    3 be good for益
    4 too much太分
    5 do morning exercises做早操
    6 keep long fingernails长长指甲
    7 play sports right进行适体育锻炼
    8 go to school without breakfast吃早餐学
    9 have a bath洗澡
    10 take a fresh breath呼吸新鲜空气
    11 read about读关
    12 Ren`ai English Post仁爱英语报
    13 ask sb to do某做某事
    14 give up放弃
    15 read in the sun太阳底书
    16 throw litter about乱扔垃圾
    17 on the lawn草坪
    18 putinto放进
    19 exercise on an empty stomach空腹锻炼
    20 get into进入
    21 keep the air clean and fresh保持空气清新
    22 wash hands before meals饭前洗手
    23 potato chips炸薯条
    1 Staying up late is bad for your health熬夜害健康
    1) stay up late熬夜
    2) be bad for害类似短语: be good for处
    3) staying up late is动名词作语需动词充语时常动词动名词(doing)形式:
    Playing basketball is good for your heath篮球身体处
    Reading in bed is bad for your eyes躺床书眼睛害
    Swimming is my hobby游泳爱
    2 It will keep you active during the day会白天保持活力
    keep sthsb +adj保持某物某某种状态:
    keep your fingernails clean保持指甲干净
    keep our streets clean街道保持干净
    3 Different foods help us in different ways食物作 in different ways译方式
    4 If we eat too little or too much food果吃太少太食物
    little 少没表否定修饰数名词
    a little表示肯定修饰数名词
    little a little类似法 few a few
    a few表示肯定修饰数名词
    5 Walking is good exercise and it is necessary for good health 散步锻炼身体健康必少
    be necessary for说必少 :
    Sunshine is necessary for our life阳光生活说必少
    Food is necessary for life食物生命必需
    1) 情态动词must否定形式 must not
    must 译必须做否定意义必做don`t have to 表示must not :
    ——must I finish it tonight
    ——No you don`t have to
    must not 译作禁止做:
    You must not throw litter about
    Don`t throw litter about处乱扔垃圾
    2) 情态动词may
    May I come in 进?
    You may get a headache when you work too hard工作太累时回感头疼
    You may get a headache when you can`t get enough sleep 睡眠足时会头疼
    enough sleep 充足睡眠
    enough 修饰名词时放前均修饰形容词时般放形容词面:
    strong enough足够强壮

    Topic 3 what should we do to fight SARS

    1 hurry up快点赶快
    2 go ahead(尤指某允许)开始干走前面领先
    3 do more exercise锻炼
    4 do some cleaning做扫
    5 all the time直
    6 have to必须
    7 keep away远离
    8 just a moment稍等会
    9 get through拨通(电话)通
    10 take care of顾
    11 care for顾(病)料喜欢
    12 talk with交谈
    13 enjoy oneself愉快
    14 Chinese medicine中药
    15 since then时起
    16 get lost丢失迷路
    17 on one`s way to某路
    18 by mistake错误
    19 ask for leave请假
    20 healthy food健康食物
    21 crowded places拥挤方
    22 do one`s best力
    23 change clothes often常换衣服
    24 wash hands often常洗手
    25 ringup电话
    26 leave a message 留口信
    27 take a message带口信
    28 callback回电话
    29 take an active part in积极参加
    30 the name of 名称
    31 what do you think of ? 认样?
    32 have a good timeenjoy oneself愉快
    33 next time次
    34 let out出
    35 teach oneself on the Internet网学
    36 be afraid of害怕恐惧
    1 Surego ahead然请问吧
    ahead 意思前里go ahead原意前走里译作继续问问题相go on
    2 Please tell my father to take care of himself 请告诉爸爸顾
    take care of 顾料义词:look after
    tell sb to do sth ask sb to do sth
    want sb to do sth get sb to do sth 表示某做某时事
    3 can I take a message您梢口信?
    take a message 梢口信
    leave a message 留口信
    give a message to 某口信
    4 I`ll tell her when she comes back回告诉
    He`ll phoneme when he arrives in Beijing 北京时回电话
    5 he took an active part in the battle against it积极投身抗击非典战斗中
    against 相抗
    take part in参加加入某种活动中
    take an active part in积极参加:
    You should take an active part in the sports meet in your school应该积极参加学校运动会
    6 He cared for the patients日夜关心着病
    care for sb 关心某
    7 It`s my duty to save the patients 救治病职责
    it`sto do 做某事句式中to do 真正语it 形式语类似句式:
    It`s dangerous to climb the tree怕树危险
    8 Long time no see 久没见
    Haven`t seen you for a long time
    9 I taught myself on the Internet 网学
    1) on the Internet 网络介词on表示网电视收音机里电话里:
    2) on the phone on the radio on tv
    3) teach oneself学义词组: learn by oneself
    10 How often does Mr Brown exercise 布朗先生长时间锻炼次?
    how often频率提问回答 oncetwicethree timesa daya week
    三 语法学
    单数 复数
    myself ourselves
    yourself yourselves
    herself themselves
    The boy couldn`t make the model plane by himself男孩独制作飞机模型
    teach+反身代词表示学 hurt+反身代词表示伤:
    Jane teaches herself English简学英语
    Lily fell down and hurt herself yesterday 昨天莉莉摔伤
    help +反身代词+to表示便吃
    Help yourself to some strawberries please请便吃草莓
    They enjoyed themselves at the party last night昨晚晚会玩开心
    You `d better ask your teacher about it yourself亲问老师

    Unit3 My Hobby
    Topic 1 I love collecting stamps

    hobby 爱 vacation假期 painting 绘画 friendship友谊 knowledge 知识 daily 日 whether 否 such as 例 used to do sth 常常做某事
    take a bath 洗澡 be interested in ……感兴趣
    go dancing 跳舞 go boating 划船 play volleyball 排球 swimming 游泳
    drawing 画画 collecting stamps 集邮 collecting coins 收藏硬币
    listening to pop music 听流行音乐 listening to classical music 听古典音乐
    listening to symphony 听交响乐 walking in the countryside 乡间散步

    1Wow So many stamps(Page 53)哇邮票
    句意:There are so many stamps so many意思so much意思:
    1)There are so many flowers Or So many flowers里花
    2)There is so much water on the table Or So much water桌子水

    2 We can learn a lot about people places history and special times from stamps (Page 53)通邮票学许关文理历史特殊时代知识
    a lot 许量动词very much
    1)She had told me a lot about how to learn English well
    2)Thanks a lot非常感谢
    外a lot of lots of 意思许量名词前肯定句中常代muchmany口语中尤:
    There are a lot of lots of history books in the room屋里许历史书
    There is still a lot of lots of snow on top of the house房许雪
    We have had a lot of lots of fruits 吃许水果
    a lot oflots of间没区数名词数名词连数名词连时动词单数数名词连时动词复数见述例句

    3Would you like to collect any of these things (Page 53)想集面东西
    would you like to +动词原形表示想……
    1) Would you like to have a cup of coffee 想杯咖啡?
    2)Would you like to have something to drink?想点喝?
    any 疑问句条件句中翻译什
    1)Are there any letters for me 信?
    2)If you have any trouble please let me know 果什困难请告诉

    4 What things do you love collecting (Page 53)喜欢集什东西?
    love + doing表示喜欢爱like+ doing表示:
    1)I love listening to the music爱听音乐
    2)I love skating喜欢溜冰

    5I am interested in playing sports (Page 54)运动感兴趣
    be interested in (doing) sth ……感兴趣
    1)I am interested in reading books读书特感兴趣
    2)Jack is interested in football杰克足球感兴趣

    6What do you often do in your spare time (Page 55)
    in one’s spare time 业余时间闲暇际in one’s free time换
    1)I shall do it in my spare time 会业余时间做件事
    2)In my free time I often go to the movies闲暇际常电影

    7 I often go fishing (Page 55)常钓鱼
    go + doing表示做某事
    go +ving结构常体育活动业余娱乐活动
    1)Let’s go fishing next Sunday星期天钓鱼吧
    2)Are you going hiking this weekend周末算远足?
    外:go hunting 猎 go shooting 射击 go swimming 游泳
    go bathing 沐浴 go shopping 购物 go climbing 爬山

    8And I do a lot of reading (Page 55)通常阅读书籍
    英语中少do + doing结构表示干某事:
    散步 do some walking do a lot of walking
    读书 do some reading do a lot of reading
    洗衣服 do some washing do a lot of washing
    买东西 do some shopping do a lot of shopping
    清扫 do some cleaning do a lot of cleaning

    9.Im a movie fan (page 55)电影迷
    a film football star fan
    时fan作名词风扇意思:electric fan 电扇

    10.I also rent VCDs and watch them at home (Page 55)
    watch 观注视:
    1) I like to watch TV喜欢电视
    2) Are you going to play or watch参加赛?

    11Why not go out and do some outdoor activities (Page 55)
    省略句全句说成Why shall we not go out and do some outdoor activities常口语中征求方意见表达建议种句子必须文:
    1)Why not meet at the school gate校门口见面?
    2)Why not run a little faster什跑快点呢?
    some疑问句中 表示希肯定回答:
    1)Would you like to give us some good advice请建议?
    2)Would you like some coffee or tea请问想喝咖啡茶?

    12Maybe I need a change (Page 55) 许需改变
    maybe 许概:
    1)Maybe he will come maybe he won’t许许
    2)—Is that true真?
    —Maybe I am not sure许敢肯定

    13My interests are changing all the time (Page 56) 兴趣爱总断改变
    all the time总直:
    1)Why are you playing all the time 什总玩啊?
    2)Look at these monkeys they are jumping all the time

    14 And I wasn’t interested in sports at all (Page 56)运动点兴趣没
    notat all 点……全然:
    1)I didn’t mind it at all 点意
    2)—Thank you for helping me谢谢帮助
    —Not at all没关系
    3)He didn’t know that at all 事知

    15 But now my hobbies are sports like soccer and swimming (Page 56)
    like …………:
    1)He swims very quickly like a fish游泳非常快条鱼
    2) The cake is round like a moon块蛋糕圆月亮样

    16 I never miss any important soccer games (Page 56)
    never 未未表示否定:
    1)I have never met him before前未见
    2) You have never been to the Great Wall have you未长城?

    17 I used to know little about paintings (Page 56)太懂绘画
    littlefew含否定意思表示少little相not much few相not manylittle数名词连 few数名词复数连:
    1)I have little time时间少
    2) I understood little of his speech话没明白少
    3) Few of the students passed the exam没学生考试格
    Few people would agree with him没少意
    a littlea few含肯定意思表示(然少):
    1)I know a little French少懂点法语
    2) There’s a little water in the glass杯子里点水
    3) Can you stay a few days longer呆天?
    4)I still have a few friends in Beijing北京朋友

    18 I enjoy listening to rock music (Page 56)喜欢听摇滚音乐
    like love enjoyprefer四词喜欢意法试较:
    1)In England many people like fish and chips
    2)Jack likes playing football杰克爱踢足球
    3)I don’t like to eat apples now现想吃苹果
    1)Father loves his work爸爸热爱工作
    2)I love watching TV爱电视
    3)Children love to play this game孩子爱做种游戏
    4)We all love our great motherland热爱伟祖国
    enjoy意喜欢欣赏含乐享受……乐趣意名词代词动名词作宾语enjoy oneself表示玩愉快意
    1)The Greens enjoy living in China格林家喜欢中国居住
    2)Did you enjoy yourself in the zoo动物园玩愉快?
    3)Many foreigners enjoy Chinese food外国喜欢中国菜
    1)Which do you prefer tea or coffee较喜欢喝茶喝咖啡?
    2)I prefer walking to cycling喜欢步行胜骑单车
    3)My brother likes Maths but I prefer English

    19Did you use to go swimming during summer vacations (Page 57)
    during ……期间……时候:
    1)The sun gives us light during the daytime太阳白天阳光
    2) He called to see me during my absence时候访

    20.I used to do that in the pond in front of my house ( Page 57)
    in front of ……前面指物体外部前面in the front of ……前部指物体部前面前部注意区试较:
    1)There is a tall tree in front of my house家房前棵树
    2)Don’t stand in front of me I can’t see the blackboard
    3)The teacher is giving a lesson in the front of the classroom
    4) The driver is sitting in the front of the car司机坐汽车前面

    21.Nobody I taught myself ( Page 57) 没学
    teach oneself 学修teach动词教授教……动词常反身代词:enjoy oneself 愉快 help oneself 便吃()……:
    1)She teaches history in our school学校教历史
    2)She taught his son English when he was 3 years old子3岁时教英语
    3)Did you enjoy yourselves in the party舞会玩愉快?
    4)Help yourself to some fruit请便吃水果吧

    22When they are free people usually do what they like (Page 58)
    free 空空闲 be free换have time:
    1)Are you free this evening Do you have time this evening 天晚空?
    2)If I am free I am going to visit the museum If I have time I am going to visit the museum果时间算参观博物馆

    23They also paint pictures or collect things such as coins dolls or stamps (Page 58)
    such as …………诸……:
    1)We study several subjects such as Chinese maths English and physics
    2)I can name some animals in the zoo such as tiger wolf fox and so on

    24.When people become old hobbies can keep them healthy When people are sick hobbies can help them get well sooner(Page 58)
    句中become keep be get系动词系动词基法加形容词做表语系动词分两类:表示状态表示状态变化
    1)be seem appear等
    2)感官动词变化翻译成中文通常翻译成……起系动词:look sound feel taste smell等
    3)物动词转化系动词:stand keep prove remain
    系动词表示状态变化包括:become go get grow turn fall等:
    1)Coffee smells nice咖啡闻起香
    2)After hearing that his face went red听完脸红
    3)The days get longer and longer in spring春天白天变越越长

    24.I call him Pink pig The color of his skin is light pink ( Page 59)
    1)Which dress do you like the light one or the dark one
    2)It is dark now Let’s go home quickly 天黑快点回家吧

    25.Pink likes to have a bath( Page 59) Pink喜欢洗澡
    have a bath 洗澡
    短语have a bath动词bathe意思样前者表示限时间里进行某项活动:
    游泳 have a swim 谈谈 have a talk
    洗洗 have a wash骑马 have a ride
    have a look休息 have a rest
    26How do you take care of them ( Page 59)样顾?
    take care of 顾类似说法look after:
    1)The girl is too young to take care of herself姑娘太顾
    2) The old man is taken good care of by his children位老孩子精心顾着
    3)My mother is ill I have to look after her at home妈妈病家顾
    4)You must look after your things 必须东西

    1I used to listen to rock music but now I collect telephone cards and paintings (Page 53)
    used to do sth 结构表示惯(常反复发生动作)状态(暗含意思现已复存)种形式式称used to否定形式:used not to dodidn’t use to do疑问句Used you to Did you use to:
    1)I used to go to school on foot
    2)Mary used to sleep late
    3)I used to walk along the road after supper
    4)He used not to like Peking opera but now he’s very fond of it
    现数口语中太正式书面语中否定句疑问句常do 连形式例:
    1)I didn’t use to like skating but now I like it very much
    2)Did you use to go there常?
    3)There used to be a theatre here didn’t there前里座剧院?
    外注意be used to doing sthused to do sth区:
    be used to doing sth 惯……适应……
    1)He is used to working hard 惯努力工作
    2)He used to bring me roses when he came to see me 时常带玫瑰花
    3)I’m used to doing jogging in the morning now 惯早慢跑
    be used to do sth某物做某事:
    1)Wood is used to make paper 木材生产纸张
    2)Computers can be used to do a lot of work now 电脑做许事

    2 Collecting stamps must be great fun (Page 53)集邮肯定趣
    1)Your brother must be in the school I saw him just now
    2)Your friend must have left for Nanjing yesterday
    3) She thought that her present must be in the box礼物定盒子里
    4) You must be thirsty after a long walk走长路定渴
    5) It must be ten o’clock now现肯定10点钟
    must表示必须时否定回答don’t have to意思需
    1)Must I pay back the money right now No you don’t have to
    2)You must listen to the teacher carefully in class
    1)I’ve seen what she is talking about so she can’t be telling lies
    2)Yesterday I received a letter from him so he can’t be here
    must not意思绝许禁止:
    1)You must not smoke in the hospital绝医院里吸烟
    2)You must not cross the road when the traffic lights are red

    3He doesn’t mind whether they’re good or not ( Page 59)
    句whether引导宾语句whetheror not否……:
    1)You have to get up early everyday whether it rains or not
    2)Whether we go or not matters little否关系
    1)I want to know if whether it is going to rain tomorrow
    2) He asked me if whether Li Ping was at home问李否家
    3) He didn’t understand if whether the stranger told a lie
    whether 紧接or notif般
    Let me know whether or not you can come
    Whether this is true or not I can not say
    I haven’t decided whether to go to the cinema or to stay at home
    I haven’t settled the question of whether I’ll go back home否回家没定

    Topic2 I like pop music
    pity遗憾 concert 音乐会 violin 提琴 sweet 悦耳
    continue doing sth 继续做某事 be born 出生 set up 建立
    classical music 古典音乐 folk songs 民歌 stage name 艺名
    everyday life 日常生活 be famous for ……著名 look for 寻找

    二 重点句型
    1.And it sounds great (Page 61) 听起极
    sound 系动词听起系动词常形容词连

    2What kind of musical instrument can you play (Page 62)会弹什种类乐器?
    kind 种类类型意思:
    a kind of 种all kinds of种样 what kind of 什类型
    1)Dumpling is a kind of Chinese food饺子种中国食品
    2)There are all kinds of books in Beijing Library北京图书馆种样图书
    3)What kind of room would you like a double room or a single room

    3We have guitar violin piano and drum lessons for just 240 each (Page 62)
    each副词 :
    1)These books cost a dollar each书美元
    2)He gave the boys a shilling each孩子先令

    4.What do you do in your free time (Page 63) 闲暇际干什?
    in one’s free time 闲暇际

    5.Classical music is serious music (Page 64) 古典音乐种严肃音乐
    serious 形容词严肃认真严重:
    1)He is a serious worker 工作认真
    2) It’s nothing serious says the doctor You’ve got a little cold

    6.Pop music often comes and goes easily (Page 64) 流行音乐快快
    come and go easily 翻译匆匆:
    1)Money is something that comes and goes easily钱东西快快
    2)Rain in June comes and goes easily六月雨快快

    7.They are very popular among young people (Page 64)年轻中流行
    among 介词……中……中间三者三者between介词……中……中间意两者间:
    1)Among the family Lin Tao is the youngest全家中林涛
    2)Tom runs fastest among the boys in his class
    3)Mary is sitting between the twins玛丽坐双胞胎中间
    4)The football game is between Chinese team and Japanese team

    8 Guo Lanying Song Zuying and Tenger are famous for their folk songs (Page 64)
    be famous for……著名 ……出名:
    1) Gui Lin is famous for the stone forests桂林石林著名
    2)China is famous for its long history中国悠久历史闻名
    3)Beijing Library is famous for having a large number of books

    9.It is one of the most famous rock bands in the world (Page 65)
    one of ……常one of + 高级 +名词复数结构中:
    1)Changjiang River is one of the longest rivers in the world
    2) English is one of the most difficult subjects this term
    3)Liu Xiang is one of the fastest runners in the world

    10.In the fall of 1976 a 14yearold high school student Larry Mullen looked for some musicians 1976年秋天14岁中学生Larry Mullen寻找音乐家
    2)14yearold 数词名词间连字符名词复数:
    a threeleg chair 三条腿椅子
    the tenth fiveyear plan 第十五年计划
    3)look for 寻找强调寻找程find找强调找结果:
    1)—What are you doing 干什?
    — I’m looking for my bike key找行车钥匙
    2)—What are you looking for找什?
    —I’m looking for my cat找猫
    —Can you find it找没?
    —No I looked for it everywhere but I can’t find it anywhere

    11.He wanted to form a band (Page 65)想组建乐队
    want to 想做某事want to + 动词原形:
    1) I want to be a doctor when I grow up长想名医生
    2) People want to live on the moon some day想天住月球
    3) What do you want to do this Sunday星期天想干什?
    常want sb to do sth表示想某做某事:
    1)He wants me to help him with his lessons想帮学功课
    2) His parents wanted him to clean the room after school
    3) The teacher wanted her to speak louder when she answered the question

    12.He found 3 boys and they set up a band (Page 65)
    set up 组建创办:set up housekeeping组织家庭

    13The four members are still close friends after many years (Page 65)
    close 亲密:
    a close friend亲密朋友

    14They continue making music (Page 65)继续创作音乐
    continue + to do sth doing sth n继续做某事:
    continue to readwriting a story 继续阅读写作事
    15.And people all over the world still enjoy their music very much (Page 65)
    all over the world 全世界

    16.When he was eight his father asked a music teacher to teach him to play the piano
    (Page 67)八岁时候父亲请位老师教授弹奏钢琴
    句子中ask意思请求求常ask sb to do sth某做某事:
    1)I often ask my uncle to help me with my maths常请叔叔帮学数学
    2)My grandfather always asks me to get up at six in the morning
    tell sb to do sth 告诉某做某事
    want sb to do sth想某做某事
    teach sb to do sth教某做某事
    play the piano 弹奏钢琴英语中表示弹奏演奏乐器时乐器前面加定冠词the:
    play the guitar弹吉
    play the piano弹钢琴
    play the violin拉提琴
    play the drums 敲鼓
    play football踢足球
    play basketball篮球
    play bridge cards桥牌
    play chess棋

    17.He says violin music is his favorite and it makes him happy (Page 67)
    make +n+adj结构: The news made us very exciting 消息激动


    1 What a pity (Page 61)真遗憾
    what + a an +(形容词)+数名词单数
    what +(形容词)+数名词复数数名词:
    1)What a stupid question愚蠢问题啊
    2)What lively boys they are 活泼男孩子啊
    2 What are you going to do this Sunday evening(Page61) 周日晚想干什1)be going to 般时种表达方法表示
    i) 现算做某事 Tom is going to Beijing with his father next week
    ii) 说话根已迹象认发生某事 There are a lot of dark clouds It’s going to rain
    2) be going to句式基结构
    肯定句语+be going to … eg He is going to stay at school
    否定句语+be + not +going to… eg I’m not going to the library this afternoon
    般疑问句 Be +语+going to… eg Are you going to play tennis next week
    3)be going to there be 结构时There be going to be + 语+形式
    There is going to be a football game tomorrow
    4)be going to 连时间状语 next weekmonthyear tomorrow the day after tomorrow this evening in the future等

    Topic3 The movie is so wonderful

    pleasant令愉快 handsome英俊 agree with sb 某法致
    take a shower洗澡 answer the phone 接电话 do some cleaning 扫卫生
    knock at 敲 too…to太… talk about谈关
    1.I called you but nobody answered the phone (Page 69)
    answer the phone 固定词组翻译接电话
    1) What shall I answer样回答呢?
    2) Have you answered his letter 回信?
    3) Answer the door please Jack Someone is knocking at the door

    2.Oh I was taking a shower (Page 69) 淋浴
    take a shower淋浴动词have代take:
    洗澡 take a bath have a bath
    休息take a resthave a rest
    take a lookhave a look
    散散步take a walkhave a walk

    3.Yeah I think so (Page 71)样认
    — Is he at home 家?
    — Yes I think so 想家
    I think so否定形式般I don’t think so例:
    —Do you think classical music is very popular in China
    —No I don’t think so 认流行

    4.And I also like the young man with light hair (Page 71)
    a coat with two pockets两口袋衣服
    a girl with blue eyes碧眼女郎
    a woman with an angry look in her eyes眼里怒色女子

    5.He is so handsome (Page 71)非常帅
    1) I’m so glad to see you高兴见
    2) It was so kind of you 真
    3) There was so much to do事做

    6.I agree with you (Page 71)意意见
    agree with sb意某法:
    I don’t agree with her

    7 You look very sad (Page72) 起伤心
    look系动词翻译起look做系动词面接形容词动词分词名词介词短语as if句做表语:
    1)Tom looks very strong 汤姆起非常强壮(形容词做表语)
    2)Amy looks a fool 埃米起傻瓜(名词做表语)
    3)You look like your mother 起母亲(介词短语做表语)
    4)It looks as if we’re going to win this game 起似赢场赛(句做表语)

    8There’s nothing serious (Page 72)没什严重事(没事)
    nothing serious 没事注意结构法修饰代词something anything nothing somebody anybody nobody等形容词放修饰词面句中serious放nothing面:
    1) Would you like anything else点什?
    2) I’ll tell you something important告诉件重事
    3) There is nothing wrong with the computer台电脑没毛病

    8.Well Miss Wang was angry with me (Page 72)王老师生气
    注意be angry 介词:
    be angry with + sb 生某气
    be angry at + sb 某言行气愤
    be angry about + sth 某事生气 :
    1) He was angry with himself for having made such foolish mistakes
    2) He was angry at being kept waiting旁久等生气
    3) He was angry about so much traffic in the street 街车辆气恼

    9In the early 1800s Sunday was the holy day (Page 73)

    10In the US workers called themblue Mondays(Page 73)
    1)They felt rather blue after the failure in the football game
    2)—She looks blue todayWhat’s the matter with her
    —She’s in holiday blue

    11 Then decide how you are going to spend your weekend (Page 74)
    spend度花费(时间金钱)结构:spendon sth spend(in)doing sth :
    1)He spent 5 yuan on the post card 买张明信片花5元钱
    2)They spent three days looking for the lost sheep on the hill

    12 Did you have a good time (Page 76) 玩高兴?
    have a good time enjoy oneself愉快玩高兴类似说法have a great time have a nice time have a wonderful time

    三语法学 I was doing some washing I was doing some cleaning (Page 69)
    洗衣服 扫卫生句进行时
    1 进行时表示某时刻正进行发生动作表示段时间活动阶段正进行动作
    He were watching TV at 800 last night
    They were writing a book last month
    3 进行时be (waswere)+动词ing 形式构成
    肯定句语+waswere +doing +…
    否定句 语+wasn’tweren’t +doing +…
    般疑问句 WasWere+语+doing+…
    肯定回答Yes 语+waswere
    否定回答No 语+wasn’tweren’t
    They were studying English at this tine yesterday
    They weren’t studying English at this time yesterday
    Were they studying English at this time yesterday
    Yes they were No they weren’t

    Unit 4 Our World

    Topic1 we share the world with plants and animals
    1 share…with ……享
    2 play with 玩弄玩耍
    3 in danger 危险中
    4 feed on ……食
    5 think about 考虑思考
    6 enjoy nature 享受然
    7 at night 晚
    8 in the daytime 白天
    9 summer vacation 暑假
    10 thousands of 成千万
    11 in fact 事实
    12 find out 查明发现
    13 in nature 然界
    1Plants are more beautiful than animals 植物动物更漂亮
    2The plants stay green longer there 植物更长时间保持绿色
    3The rainforests are very important to us (热带)雨林重
    4Water is necessary for all plantsIt is the most important thing to all living thingswe must save every drop of water 水植物必需生物重必须节约滴水
    5Isn’t it interesting? 趣呀?
    6It is one of the most dangerous fish in the world 世界危险鱼
    7It is so strange 太奇怪
    1 规变化:
    (4)辅音字母+y结尾双音节词先改yi加er est:happy—happier—happiest
    (5)部分双音节词音节词前面加moremost构成较级高级:careful—more careful—most carefulbeautiful—more beautiful—most beautiful
    1 较级A<BA>B常than搭配出较二容mucha little修饰.
    2 三者三者较高级般出较范围.:of(in)+…
    (1)例句:①I’m happier than you 更快乐
    ②Plants are much more beautiful than animals 植物动物漂亮  
    (2)例句:①The boy is the tallest in my class 男孩班高
    ②Lesson Two is the most important of all 第二课中重 
    Do you like plants or animals
    What are you thinking about
    Why do you think so
    What kind of wild animal is the most dangerousthe tigerthe snake or the bear
    Why must we save every drop of water    

    Topic 2 What can robots do for us
    1take the place of 代取代
    2instead of 代……
    4seem to do 似
    5call for 求
    6wake sb up 某醒
    7see sbdoing sth 见某正做某事
    8use sth for sthdoing sth 利某物做某事
    9spend…on… ……花费时间金钱
    10be sure of 确信
    11these days 现目前
    12in alphabetical order 字母表序排列
    13look up 查阅
    14pay attention to 注意专心
    15begin with ……开始
    16and son on 等等
    17switch on 开(电灯机器等)
    18ask (sb)for sth …………
    1 I’m sure robots can do some work better than humans 确信机器更做某工作
    2 I saw a UFO while I was walking down the street yesterday 昨天着街道走时见明飞行物
    3 It looked like a plate 盘子
    4 Until noweven the scientists are not sure whether there are UFO 直现甚科学家确信否明飞行物
    5 We can shop without going out of our houses 出家门购物
    6 We can use the Internet for finding a job 网络找工作
    7 We shouldn’t spend too much time on it应该特网面花费太时间
    8 When you look up a word in the dictionarypay attention to the first letter of the word 字典里查单词时候注意单词第字母
    肯定句:The robots are making a car now 机器正生产汽车
    否定句:We are not studying on the Internet 没互联网学
    疑问句:Is the teacher looking up the word in the dictionary?老师正词典中查词?
    特殊疑问句:Who am I talking to?谁谈话? 
    肯定句:When he came inI was writing a letter进时写封信
    否定句:They weren’t watching TV while she was reading 读书时没电视
    疑问句:Was the UFO flying to us at 8 last night 昨晚8点UFO飞?
    特殊疑问句:What were you drinking while we were sleeping睡觉时喝什?
    (二)be sure结构表示肯定肯定be sure般表示肯定be not sure(whetherif)表示肯定
    be sure面定式宾语句定式般译定……宾语句译确信……

    We are sure to repair the TV well 定修台电视机
    I’m sure you can finish your work 确信完成工作
    Are you sure whether(if)he switched the computer on 确信开没开电脑?
    Could you tell me something about robots
    Can robots take the place of humans
    Are you sure there are UFOs
    YesI’m sure
    NoI’m sure whetherif there are UFOs
    What do you often do on the Internet

    Topic 3 There are many old city walls in Beijingaren’t there

    1 more than 超
    2pull down 推倒拆毁
    3heavy traffic 交通繁忙
    4wear out 磨损坏
    5used to do sth 常常做某事
    6do one’s best (某)努力
    7live models 真模型
    8the ancient world 古代
    9be made up of ……组成
    10join…together ……连起
    11regard…as… ……作
    12be worn out 损坏
    二 重点句型
    1Lots of them were pulled down in the 1960s 中许二十世纪六十年代拆毁
    2People thought them useless 认没
    3It’s really too bad 太遗憾
    4We are doing our best to protect and rebuild the old city walls 正全力保护重建老城墙
    5It is one of theseven wondersof the ancient world still standing 现存古代七奇迹
    6It took 100000 people over 20 years to build it 修建花10万二十年时间
    7Since then people regarded the Great Wall as a symbol of the Chinese nation 长城作中华民族象征
    8Every year many people find great pleasure visiting the wall年许参观长城中极乐趣
    三 语法学
    There are many pyramids in Egypt aren’t there埃许金字塔?
    Sally visited the Great Wall last monthdidn’t she萨莉月参观长城?
    He doesn’t realize the importance of saving water does he没意识节约水重性?
    特例点拨:①I’m your good friend aren’t I朋友?I don’t think you can rebuild the house can you认重修座房子?(I don’t think…说think容句变化)
    ②陈述部分nobody nothing never no few(没)little(没)hardly()等否定半否定词时视否定句根反意疑问句应规律疑问部分肯定形式:There is nothing in the roomis there屋子里什没?
    Maria never supports me does she 玛丽亚未支持?
    He had few apples did he 没苹果?
    ③祈句反意疑问句:肯定否定通常祈句加will you:
    Please close the door will you请关门?
    Don’t tear down the old walls will you拆毁古墙?
    Let’s开头祈句shall we:
    let’s make a survey shall we做调查?
    四 交际语:学英语描述谈中外名胜古迹
    How many great wonders of the world do you know
    I know some wonders
    Do you know these places of interest
    What is it
    Where is it
    Why is it famous
    Do you know any more information about it

    Unit 5 Feeling Happy
    Topic 1 Why all the smiling faces
    happyunhappy sad luckyunlucky poorrich kindcruel
    popularunpopular smartstupid silly interestingboring
    excited感兴奋 surprised 吃惊 happy 快乐
    unhappy sad 伤心 angry mad 生气 worried 担心
    afraid frightened 害怕 disappointed 失 proud 豪
    lonely 孤单 nervous 紧张安 interested 感趣
    (三) 重点词组
    1 one of my favorite movies 喜欢电影
    2 spend the evening 夜
    3 say thanks goodbye hello to sb 某道谢道问
    4 tell a short story 讲事
    5 a ticket to… 张…票
    6 wish to do sth 希做某事
    7 get enough sleep 足够睡眠
    8 win a medal 获枚奖牌
    9 feel proud lonely 感豪孤单
    10 set a table for… ……摆餐具
    11 have a temperature have a fever 发烧
    12 be able to do sth 力做某事
    13 ring up ……电话
    14 care for look after take care of 顾
    15 because of
    16 cheer up cheer on ……振奋高兴起 ……喝彩加油
    17 play the role of sb 扮演某角色
    18 be on 演 放映
    19 at first 首先
    20 fall into 落入
    21 be afraid of doing sth 害怕做某事
    22 in the end at last
    23 go mad 发疯
    24 come into being 形成
    25 be full of 充满…
    26 be popular with… 受……喜爱
    27 make peace with sb ……讲
    28 endbegin with… ……结尾开始
    二 重点句型重点语言点
    1 How nice 真太
    What a shame 真惜 =That’s too bad
    What bad news 糟消息
    1) How + adj adv + 语 + 谓语 How moving the movie is How fast the boy runs
    2) What + aan + adj + n (数名词单数) + 语 + 谓语 What a big apple (it is)
    3) What + adj + n(数名词复数数名词) + 语 + 谓语
    What interesting stories (they are) What hard work( it is)
    2 Because he can’t get a ticket to The Sound of Music 没买音乐声票
    to 表常见搭配:
    a ticket to The Sound of Music 张音乐声票
    the answer to the question 问题答案
    the key to the door 门钥匙
    the way to……路
    3 I think Mr Lee likes it very much and really wishes to watch it 认李老师非常喜欢确想 wish hope to do sth希做某事
    wish 相关结构 wish hope + that引导句
    I wish hope (that) we will win
    说wish sb to do sth 说hope sb to do sth
    4 I’ll ring up Michael later 稍电话迈克
    ring up sb call ring phone sb give sb a ring call telephone make a telephone to sb
    宾语代词时 放中间 ring mehimher up
    5…since they were not able to go ……然
    canbe able to 二者表会指般力时常互换:
    He canis able to work out the problem 算出道难题
    区 can 现式式(could)没数变化be able to 时态数变化 I She couldn’t swim three years ago but now I She can
    三年前 会游泳 现
    I will be able to see him next week 周 会
    They were He was able to climb the mountain but now they aren’t He wasn’t They’re He was too old 爬座山 现 太老
    6 I’m sure Mr Lee will be surprised and happy 确信李老师会惊奇高兴
    be surprised 感惊奇 语般
    be surprising 令惊奇 语般物
    类似:interested interesting excited exciting bored boring
    7 The lonely father often became angry because of the noisy children 孤独父亲常吵吵闹闹孩子发怒
    because of 介词短语常名词短语:
    He didn’t come to school because of his illness because he was ill
    We didn’t go there because of the heavy rain because it rained heavily
    8 Maria was able to cheer up the family by teaching them to sing lively songs…
    by 介词指通(某种方式)面名词代词形容词动名词
    9 What did Maria go to the Von Trapp family for Why did Maria go to the Von Trapp
    10 … and the mother was so worried that she looked for him everywhere …
    so + adj adv + that + 句子 指…致
    三 重点语法
    1.系表结构:Linking verb + adj 常见连系动词
    1)be 动词:He is helpful They are tired
    2) 表 …起:look起 sound听起 taste尝起feel摸起等等
    3)表状态变化连系动词:get 变 turn 转变 go变 become变成 等等
    In summer the days get longer the weather gets warmer
    In fall the leaves turn yellow The mother went mad
    He became angry
    2.because 引导原状语句 because 回答why提问问句表示原语气强般句面强调果关系
    Mr Wang looks tired because he worked late last night and didn’t get enough sleep
    Kangkang is disappointed because his best friend is not able to come
    Why do they feel proud
    Because a player from their country won a medal

    Topic 2 Why is Beth crying
    1badly(反义词)well 2shy(高级)shyest
    3understand(式)understood 4anxious(义词)worried
    5satisfaction(形容词)satisfied 6surprise(形容词)surprised
    7suggestion(动词)suggest 8stranger(形容词)strange
    9advice(义词)suggestion 10either(义词)too
    11humorous(名词)humor 12sad(名词)sadness
    13unfair(反义词)fair 14hit(式)hit
    ( 1 ) be + 形容词+ 介词 结构
    be worried about ……感担心 焦虑
    be anxious about ……感焦虑
    be glad about ……高兴
    be nervous about ……紧张
    be strict with sb 某严格
    be strict in about sth 某事严格
    be patient with ……耐心
    be pleased satisfied with ……满意
    be bored with ……烦闷
    be popular with 受……欢迎
    be angry withat sb 某生气
    be angry at about sth 某事生气
    be surprised at ……惊奇
    be mad at ……气愤
    be excited at ……兴奋
    be interested in ……兴趣
    be tired of ……疲倦
    be afraid of ……害怕
    ( 2 ) 课文词组
    1 do badly in 某方面表现差
    2 talk with sb have a talk with sb 某谈谈
    3 over and over again 反复
    4 wait in line 排队等候
    5 fall behind 落
    6 get sb to do sth 某做某事
    7 at one’s age 某年龄时
    8 try to eat less highenergy food 少吃高量食品
    9 calm down 冷静 镇静
    10 have bad experiences 历
    11 give…a hand 帮助
    12 in one’s teens 某十岁时(1319岁)
    13 happen to sb 发生
    14 move to spl 搬某处
    15 get used to (doing) sth 惯(做)某事
    16 be make friends with ……交朋友
    17 join in 参加(活动)
    18 fit in 接受相处融洽
    19 deal with 处理 处置
    20 fail to pass an exam fail an exam 考试格
    21 lose a friend or relative 失朋友亲戚
    22 refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事
    23 argue with sb 某争
    24 have a normal life 正常生活
    1 Anything wrong Is there anything wrong 什麻烦
    something bad 事情 everything new 切新事物
    2 What seems to be the problem 似什问题
    seem to do sth 似做某事 常 It seems that + 句子 转换
    He seems to know her name It seems that he knows her name 似知道名字
    seem + adj 似(样) 构成系表结构
    You seem sad You seem (to be) sad It seems that you are sad似伤心
    3 What is the teacher like 老师什样
    What’s sb like 常询问品质性恪
    What’s Beth like She is shy and quiet
    What does sb look like 常询问长相
    What’s Beth look like She is nice with big eyes
    be like look like 常互换
    He looks like his mother He is like his mother 起父亲
    4 It is important to talk to someone else 交流重
    句型 It is + adj + to do中 It形式语真正语面动词定式
    It is normal to feel tired after a long trip长途旅行感疲劳正常
    It is dangerous to swim in the sea 海里游泳危险
    5 … but I don’t know how to get other students to talk with me 知道样交谈
    get sb to do sth ( ) 某做某事 相 ask tell sb to do sth者说 let make sb do sth
    6 It usually takes me a long time to become happy again 通常花长时间重新快乐起
    句型 It takes sb some time to do sth 花某某时做某事
    It took me three days to finish this work 花三天时间完成项工作
    7 It is said that… 说……
    8 when something bad happens to us 事情发生身时
    sth happens to sb 指某事发生某身 种惯句型
    A serious accident happened to his brother yesterday
    happen to do sth 指 碰巧做某事
    I happened to see my friend Jim in the street yesterday
    9 How time flies 光阴似箭 How quickly the time flies 简略句
    10 I have to get used to everything new 适应切新事物
    get be used to (doing) sth 惯(做)某事 中介词
    He can’t get used to the weather here 惯天气
    I am used to getting up early 惯早起
    used to do sth 指 常做某事
    He used to listen to the pop songs but now he listens to the folk songs
    11 I try to join in activities of many kinds 量参加式样活动
    join in sth 指参加……活动 相take part inbe in
    join 指 参加某组织团体
    12 How does Jeff deal with his sadness 杰夫样处理忧伤
    How…deal with 样处理 相What …do with
    1) 表示两者某方面程度相等时句型 as + 形容词副词原级 + as + 较象 表 ……样
    Celia is as patient as Sue 西莉亚苏样耐心
    Jim draws as well as Tom 吉姆画汤姆样
    2) 表示某某物某方面物时句型 not + asso + 形容词副词原级 + as + 较象 表 ……
    Jim isn’t as tall as Tom Tom is taller than Jim 吉姆汤姆高 汤姆吉姆高
    Jim doesn’t studies as hard as Tom Tom studies harder than Jim 吉姆汤姆学努力 汤姆学吉姆努力
    The roads here are not as clean as those in our hometown 路家乡路干净
    Topic 3 Michael is feeling better
    ( ) 词形转换
    1tense(义词)nervous 2true(副词)truly 3expression(动词)express
    4 husband(应词)wife 5 choice(动词)choose 6 relax(形容词)relaxed
    7thought(动词)think 8 decision(动词)decide 9safe(名词)safety
    ( 二 ) 重点词组
    1 have a bad cold 患重感
    2 get injections 针注射
    3 follow the doctor’s advice 遵医嘱
    4 stay at home alone 独呆家里
    5 come over to 便访
    6 at the end of the month 月底
    7 take it easy 急慢慢放轻松点
    8 take turns to do sth 轮流做某事
    9 be happy for sb 某高兴
    10 in a goodbad mood 处坏情绪
    11 staykeep angry 保持生气(状态)
    12 smile at life 笑生活
    13 plan a surprise 计划惊喜
    14 make masks with different expressions 制作具表情面具
    15 put on a short play 表演短剧
    16 prepare for ……做准备
    17 get along with ……相处
    18 look up into the sky 抬头天空
    19 at midnight 半夜
    20 on the way home 回家路
    21 give a speech 演讲
    22 try out 尝试试验
    23 in high spirits 兴高采烈
    24 think over 仔细思考
    25 bring back a sense of safety 找回安全感
    1 I’m feeling even worse 甚觉更糟
    much a little even常修饰较级
    He is much older than me
    Jim is a little taller than Tom 吉姆汤姆高点
    2 I’m afraid of catching SARS 害怕患非典
    I’m afraid of getting injections 害怕针
    be afraid of (doing ) sth 表害怕(做)某事物
    I am afraid of snakes 害怕蛇
    He is afraid of swimming 害怕游泳

    3 I stay at home alone 独呆家中
    alone 表示 单独独 指客观作表语做定语
    lonely表示 孤单 寂寞 指观 作表语做定语
    He lives alone but he never feels lonely 生活感孤单
    He is a lonely man 孤独
    a lonely road 条偏僻道路
    4 If we have time we’ll come over to see you again 果时间会便
    If we are always sad and worried we’ll become angry easily 果老伤心焦虑话会容易生气
    If we stay angry for too long we’ll be ill 果长时间生气话会生病
    5 I feel so lonely that my eyes are full of tears感孤独致热泪盈眶
    6 Suddenly the bus stops and can’t move any more突然公汽车停动
    not…any more no more 表 …… 指次数
    not…any longerno longer表 …… 指时间
    You aren’t a child any longer You are no longer a child孩
    We didn’t visit him any more We visited him no more 拜访
    1 make + 宾语 + 形容词 某样
    It makes me so tense ( Page 17)
    The nurse there makes me nervous ( Page 17)
    We should do something to make him happy again ( Page 19)
    Illness can make us sad and worried ( Page 19)
    It sometimes makes us afraid ( Page 19)
    Sometimes it makes me happy ( Page 20)
    Sometimes it makes me sad ( Page20)
    I think it can make me happier ( Page 20)
    And orange will make us happier white will make us helpful…( Page 21)
    Bright colors make me happy ( Page 22)
    Dark colors make me sad ( Page 22)
    Rainy days make me sad ( Page 22)
    They make me angry ( Page 22)
    2 make sb do sth () 某做某事
    Some programs on TV make me want to sleep ( Page 18)
    Many things can make our feeling change ( Page 19)
    That will help make him or her get well soon ( Page 19)
    They can make me feel very sad ( Page 20)
    Our clothes can make us feel better about ourselves ( Page 21)
    If one color can’t make us feel better maybe another will ( Page 21)
    Rock music always makes me want to dance ( Page 22)
    Sad movies always make me cry( Page 22)
    When I am happy loud rock music makes me more excited and active ( Page 22)
    But when I am unhappy loud music makes me feel bored and angry ( Page 22)
    Talking with others can make you feel less lonely and… ( Page 23)

    Unit 6 Enjoying Riding
    Topic 1 We’re going on a spring field trip
    ()  词形转换
    1 cycle (名词)bicycle(现分词)cycling 2 vehicle(义词)transportation
    3 journey (义词)travel 4 raise(现分词)raising(名词)raiser
    (二) 重点词组
    1       go on a spring field trip 春游
    2       a twoday visit to Mount Tai 期两天泰山游
    3       make a decision 做出决定
    4       work in groups 组合作
    5       find out 查找弄清
    6       bring back 带回
    7       decide on sth 某事做出决定
    8       take too long 花太久(时间)
    9       book some ticketsrooms 预定车票房间
    10   the hardsoft sleeper 硬卧软卧
    11   pay for 付款
    12   make hotel reservation 预定酒店房间
    13   many kinds of rooms 许类型房间
    14   the best time to do sth 做某事佳时间
    15   work out the cost 估算算出费
    16   dogo fund raising raise money funds 筹集资金
    17   come up with 产生想出赶
    18   get to (call home) 达(电话回家)程度
    19   order and serve a special lunch 安排服务段特殊午餐
    20   sell newspapers old books flowers 卖报旧书花
    21   organize a show 组织场展示会
    22   not…any longer no longer
    23   enjoy a good trip 享受愉快旅行
    24   at the foot of… …脚
    25   count the students 点名
    26   look at appreciate the night scene 欣赏夜景
    27   rent coats 租衣
    28   see the sunrise 日出
    29   land safely 安全着陆
    二   重点句型重点语言点
    1 … we will go on a twoday visit to Mount Tai …泰山进行期两天旅行
    twoday 两天 带数字复合形容词复合形容词连字符号连接时名词单数:a 14yearold boy 十四岁男孩 a 100meter race 百米赛跑
    a twoday visit 期两天旅行
    2 We will make the decision together 起作出决定
    make a decision decide 做决定
    decide (not) to do sth 决定()做某事
    decide on sth 某事做出决定
    3 Going by train doesn’t cost as much as by plane and going by bus is not as comfortable as by train 搭火车费没搭飞机高搭公车搭火车舒适
    going by train 动名词短语句中做语
    cost 表花费(金钱时间)时语必须事物常句型 sth costs (sb) some moneytime中:This bike cost me 300 yuan 书花三百元钱
    Finishing the homework costs me two hours a day 通常天做完作业花两时
    4       We’ve got tickets at ¥ 120 for the hard sleeper and ¥ 180 for the soft sleeper票价硬卧票120元软卧票180元
    at 句中表……价格 We’ve got tickets at ¥80 for The Sound of Music
    5.I want to book 10 rooms with two single beds … 想订10间两张单床房间…
    with 结构句中作定语修饰前面名词表特征:
    a girl with light hair 金发女郎 a boy with big eyes 眼睛男孩
    6.  My school in America raised a lot of money for our band trip last year 年 美国学校团队筹集钱
    raise 物动词表示筹集外表举起升高般指某物低处抬高高处:
    She raised her hand 举起手
    He raised his glass to Mr Li举杯李先生祝贺
    rise 物动词表示升升起涨般指事物身低处移高处:
    The sun rises in the east 太阳东边升起
    The river price rose 河水涨
    7 Some schools come up with great fund raisers … 学校产生出伟集资者……
    come up with 表示想出产生 赶 :
    Suddenly he came up with a strange idea 突然间想出奇怪意
    We came up with the train in time 时赶火车
    8 It takes students one yuan each to buy tickets for a draw to become king or queen for a day 学生想成 日国王 日王 花元钱买票参加抽奖
    句型It takes sb some money time to do sth花某少钱时间做某事
    9 The student sits in the principal’s chair for the day and even gets to call home using the principal’s cell phone 学生坐校长座位甚(达)校长手机电话回家(程度)
    get to + 点表达某处:They always get to school on time 总时校
    get to do 表达做某事(程度) 开始(感觉认识成):
    After a time you get to realize that these things don’t matter 段时间会觉事情紧
    三   重点语法
    ()  结果状语句
    1)      … so … 常because 引导原状语句转换
    We don’t have much money so we should go fund raising
    Because we don’t have much money we should go fund raising
    Helen is worried about her trip cost so she is sad海伦担心旅行费难
    Helen is sad because she is about her trip cost 海伦难担心旅行费
    2)      … so … that … … 致… 结果表否定时常too + adj adv +to do sth句型转换
    a)      语 + be + so + adj + that + 句子
    eg I was so tired that I couldn’t go on any longer I was too tired to go on any longer
    The cost is so expensive that we should raise money
    b)      语 + 实义动词+ so + adv + that + 句子
    eg He plays basketball so well that we all like to play with him
    He got up so late that he couldn’t catch the bus 起床迟致赶车
    He got up too late to catch the bus 起床起太迟赶车
    3)      … so that … 结果
    eg Jane often makes noise so that I can not fall asleep
    (二)  动词定式
    1) 作表语 常系动词
    Your group’s task is to find out the cost to go by train
    She seems to be happy 似快乐
    2) 作语 常it(形式语)代 定式放面做真正语
    It is hard to say 难说
    It is important to learn English well 学英语非常重
    4)      作宾语 常want like hope begin try forget learn plan decide need 等物动词构成动宾结构
    I want to buy some books 想买书
    She likes to join the English Club 喜欢加入英语俱乐部
    We hope to be teachers 希成教师
    Don’t forget to call me 忘电话
    5)      作宾补
    6)      作定语常修饰名词代词
    I have some exciting news to tell you 令激动消息告诉
    I want something to drink 想喝东西
    Can I help you What can I do for you
    Yes I want would like to book …
    Which kind of ticket o you want the hard sleeper or the soft sleeper
    What kind of room do you have
    How many do you want
    How much does …cost
    May I have your name and your number
    Topic 2 Let’s go exploring
    ()   词形转换:
    1 death(动词) die 2 east(形容词) eastern 3 west(形容词) western
    4 south(形容词)southern 5 north(形容词) northern 6 kneel(式) kneltkneeled
    7 crowd(形容词) crowded 8 huge(义词) large 9 push(反义词)pull
     10 step(式)stepped 11 sight(动词) see 12 beat(式) beat
    13 slap(式) slapped 14 satisfy(形容词) satisfied 15diary(复数)diaries
    16 destroy(式) destroyed 17 inside(应词) outside 18 historical(名词) history
    1       receive a postcard 收张明信片
    2       have a vacation 度假
    3       cost too much 花费太贵
    4       plan a trip 计划旅行
    5       come along with sb 某起
    6       go to the cinema 电影院
    7       look forward to (doing) sth 期做某事
    8       go camping 野营
    9       in the old days 古代
    10   in one’s life 某生
    11   survey the area 调查勘探某区
    12   face south 坐北南
    13   have mountains at the back 背群山
    14   plan some exciting adventures 计划令激动险活动
    15   go on a cycling trip 进行骑车游
    16   spread over 散开
    17   on both sides of the way 路两旁
    18   be in pairs 成双成
    19   kneel down 跪
    20   two and a half hours 两半时
    21   be crowded with 挤满…
    22   be surprised at …感惊讶
    23   take out sth 出某物
    24   elbow one’s way 肘推开路
    25   take a closeup picture of… 拍……特写
    26   push out 挤出推出
    27   step on one’s toes 踩某脚趾
    28   out of sight 见
    29   flash through one’s mind 脑中闪现
    30   pour down 流倾泻
    31   slap sb on the back 拍某背
    32   as soon as …………
    33   give sb a big hug 某拥抱
    34   pack one’s backpacks 包
    35   do the last safety check 做安检
    36   take each other’s pictures 互相拍
    37   have fun doing sth 做某事乐趣
    38   treat sb to sth ……招请客
    39   tell sb about sth 告诉某关某事
    1       I’m looking forward to meeting him 正盼
    look forward to 表 期 盼 to介词面应名词代词动名词常进行时态:
    I’m really look forward to summer vacation 真期着暑假
    They are looking forward to solving the problem 正期着问题解决
    2. …and 12 stone officials on both sides of the way
    on both sides of the way on each side of the way 路两旁
    3       Dinglig is to the southwest of Kangling 定陵康陵西南方
    方位介词 in on to
    in表范围 on表两处相接 to 表范围
    Fujian is in the southeast of China 福建中国东南部
    Jiangxi is on the west of Fujian 江西福建西面
    Japan is to the east of China 日中国东边
    4       We were having fun exploring when I noticed Darren wasn’t beside me
    have fun doing sth 表做某事乐趣
    You’ll find you have fun learning English 会发现学英语乐趣
    ()   时间状语句
    1       引导词
    a)        when while as ……时候
    when 短暂性动词延续性动词
    while 延续性动词
    as 口语强调 时间 前
    eg The students were talking in the classroom when the teacher came in
    While the students were talking in the classroom the teacher came in
    Mother always sings as she cooks dinner for us 妈妈总边做饭边唱歌
    b)        until not…until
    until 直……止句谓语动词延续性动词
    not…until 直…… 句谓语动词常短暂性动词
    eg I will stay here until the rain stops
    I won’t leave here until the rain stops
    c)        after …… before……前 as soon as …………
    eg I went to sleep after I finished my homework
    I finished my homework before I went to sleep
    As soon as the bell rings the students will go into the classroom
    2       时态
    a)        句般时时 句常某种时态
    eg While the students were talking in the classroom the teacher came in
    I went to sleep after I finished my homework
    b)        句般时时 句般现时
    eg As soon as the bell rings the students will go into the classroom
    I will stay here until the rain stops
    (二)   定式作目状语修饰谓语动词表行目
    They organize a show to raise money 筹钱组织场展示会
    Kelly arrived at the airport early to see Maria off 凯丽早早机场玛丽亚送行
    Would you like to come to China for your vacation 想中国度假?(表邀请)
    Would Will you help me plan a trip 帮计划旅行?(表请求)
    Could Can you come along with us 起?(表邀请请求)
    Should we take him there 带?(表建议)
    How about taking him to the Ming Tombs带十三陵样?(表建议)
    Topic 3 Cycling is fun
    ( ) 重点词组
    1       cross the street 横穿街道
    2       obey traffic rules laws 遵守交通规法规
    3       save money and energy 节省资金源
    4       avoid air pollution 避免空气污染
    5       need less space 需更少空间
    6       warn sb about sth 提醒某心某事
    7       a sharp turn to the left 左急转弯
    8       slow down 减速
    9       knock into… 碰撞……
    10   avoid doing sth 避免做某事
    11   call 122 hotline 播122热线
    12   send sb to spl 送某某处
    13   have strict traffic rules 严格交通规
    14   receive a call from sb 收某电话
    15   learn …by heart 心学……
    16   wear a bicycle helmet 戴着行车头盔
    17   go on special bike paths 特殊行车道行走
    18   break the traffic rules 违反交通规
    19   get a fine 处罚
    20   encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某做某事
    21   pay attention to (doing) sth … 注意(做)某事
    22   on the leftside of the road 路左手边
    23   need less space 需更少空间
    24   hundreds of millions of 亿
    25   go through 穿穿越
    26   come to 涉
    27   not…but… ……
    28   return to 返回…
    29   win the bicycle race 获行车赛胜利
    30   since then
    31   one of the top oneday racers 日成名顶尖赛手
    32   according to ……言
    33   be famous for ……出名
    34   fight off 力击退 克服
    35   break a record 破记录
    1       I want to tell you about a bike accident and warn you about the crazy traffic想告诉行车事提醒心混乱交通
    warn sb about sth 提醒某心某事 :
    The teachers warn the students about the steps 老师提醒学生心台阶
    He warned me about the cruel dog 提醒心恶狗
    2.He knocked into the wall to avoid hitting the truck 避免撞卡车撞墙
    knock into 撞碰
    He knocked into the old man when he was running 奔跑时撞墙
    avoid doing sth 避免做某事
    We should avoid making mistakes 应避免犯错误
    3.… the 122 hotline received a call from a truck driver 122热线接卡车司机电话
    receive a letter from sb hear from sb 收某信
    4.I agree with you 意法
    agree with 意某(法 意见)语通常事物
    agree to 表示意赞成面表示想法建议计划等词
    eg I agree with what he said 意讲话
    He didn’t agree to our idea 意想法
    5.If you break the traffic rules you will get a fine 果违反交通规会受处罚
    fine 名词动词
    He got a ¥50 fine for parking the wrong places 乱停车罚款五十元(名词)
    The policeman fined him 50 yuan 警察罚五十元(动词)
    6.Don’t forget to pay attention to the rules 忘注意交通规
    pay attention to (doing) sth 注意做某事
    We must pay attention to obeying the rules 必须注意遵守交通规
    7.  Five years ago Spain’s Oscar Freire won the bicycle race 五年前西班牙奥斯卡 弗莱尔获行车赛胜利
    win 面通常赛竞赛名次战争表获胜
    beat 面通常表战胜
    eg He won the first in the match 赛中获第名
    At last he beat everyone 击败
    条件状语句 if 引导表 果
    1       时态 句般时态具含义 句常般现时
    If you break the traffic rules you will get a fine
    If it rains tomorrow we won’t hold the sports meeting
    If you drive a car in Britain you must be careful
    2       祈句 + and + 陈述句 常转换成肯定条件句
    祈句 + or + 陈述句 常转换成否定条件句
    Hurry up and you will catch the bus If you hurry up you will catch the bus
    Hurry up or you won’t catch the bus If you don’t hurry you won’t catch the bus
    Be careful or a car may hit you If you aren’t careful a car may hit you
    Review of Units 5—6
    1       keep one’s mind on doing sth 专心做某事
    2       look out be careful 心
    3       stay on the side 站旁边
    4       have a bird’s eye view of… 鸟瞰
    5       ask for 询问
    6       on the second day 第二天
    7       keep feelings inside 情感藏心

    Unit 7 Organizing a Food Festival
    Topic 1 We need to make some money
    () 词形转换:
    1success(形容词)successful 2invitation(动词)invite 3tooth(复数)teeth
    4friendly(较级)more friendly 5Russia(形容词)Russian 6Africa(形容词)African
    7India(形容词)Indian 8sandwich(复数)sandwiches
    9supply(复数)supplies 10post(名词)poster
    1 hear of 听说
    2 make money 挣钱
    3 be pleased to do 高兴做某事
    4 think about 思考思索
    5 think over 仔细考虑
    6 make a poster 做海报
    7 Organize a Food Festival 举办美食节
    8 turn to sbsth 求助求教
    9 chat with sb 某交谈聊天
    10 what’s more
    11 never mind 没关系
    12 work hard at ┅┅方面努力学
    1Do you know about Daniel Igali 知道丹尼尔·艾格雷?
    know about解know a lot about…某事解深know a little about…某事某解know知道认识意:
    I know her认识I know about her解二者意思
    2I have heard of him未听说
    hear of sbsth听说某某事
    hear + that句听说知
    hear from sb收某信
    hear听见 listen注意听
    3I’ll think over how we should organize the food festival仔细考虑应该样组织次美食节活动
    think over仔细考虑
    think ofabout考虑思考
    think of 想起意
    4Let’s try our best to make it successful力成功举办次美食节活动
    ①try one’s bestdo one’s best力努力
    ②make sbsth successful ……获成功
    5What’s more I’m sure that selling rice and dumpling dishes can make a lot of money
    ①What’s more (口语)更甚者
    She is a beautiful girl What’s more she is friendly to us
    ②selling rice and dumpling dishesving分词短语做语
    6It’s a pleasure
    感谢答语:That’s OkThat’s all rightYou’re welcomeMy pleasure
    7May I invite you to our food festival
    Invite sb to some place邀请某某处
    Invite sb to do sth邀请某做谋事 :
    May I invite you to go shopping with me
    8Extension six zero zero six please 请接分机号6006
    相Can I have extension six zero zero six please
    Please dial extension six zero zero six
    9Keep trying继续努力吧
    Keep(on)doing sth继续重复做某事
    Keep sbsthdoing sth 某持续做某事某事持续进行 :
    He kept writing all the night整晚写作
    I’ll try not to keep you waiting会量久等
    10It has very few school supplies学校设施简陋
    句中supplies作名词:very few school supplies里supplies名词复数
    The school supplies books forto the childrenThe school supplies the children with books
    学校提供孩子书籍:supply sthtofor sbsupply sb with sth
    11Our students will sell many delicious international foods in order to raise money for a village school in Nigeria
    ①in order to…意……引导动词定式短语作目状语否定结构 in order not to so as to正式so that代:
    He’ll try his best to work hard in order toso as to catch up with his classmates
    He’ll try his best to work hard so that he can catch up with his classmates
    ②raise money集资筹款
    二 宾语句
    宾语句句中起宾语作作动词宾语作介词定式分词动名词某形容词宾语宾语句连词that whether if 代词who whose what which副词when where how why等引导现先着重介绍连词that引导宾语句面举例说明:
    I think he will be all right in a few days 想天会
    I’m afraid (that)you are wrong 恐怕错
    I don’t think(that)you are right 认
    I hope that you’ll be better soon 希快康复
    I heard that he joined the army 听说参军
    I’m glad that you are ready to help others 高兴乐意帮助
    (1)引导词 (2)时态(时态致) (3)语序(陈述)
    三 征求方意见提建议句型
    (1) Shall I (we) …… 常提供帮助提出建议求指示征求意见常译()……? :Shall I (we) open the window ()窗户开?
    (2) May I…… 常征求方意见句子中常译……? :May I invite you to organize the Food Festival with me 邀
    (3) Will you …… 常请求方完成某动作时征求方意见常译请……?:
    Will you please call me this evening
    (4) Would you like to…
    Would like to do sth
    Would you like to eat another moon cake
    26 日常交际语:谈社交活动中关常见日常交际语
    Shall we have a food festival to make money for his school
    May I invite you to our food festival
    I’d love to but I’m afraid I have no time
    Will you please tell me something about…
    What’s up
    Thank you for inviting me to your food festival
    Topic2 Cooking is fun
    . 重点词汇:
    1cook(名词)cookcooker 2fine(副词)finely 3gentle(副词)gently
    4noise(形容词)noisy 5noisy(副词)noisily 6hot(名词)heat
    7polite(反义词)impolite 8proud(名词)pride
    1be ready to do sbsth 乐意准备做某事
    2be kind to sbsth 某某物友
    3slice…finely 精细……切
    4for a few minutes 会
    5fill…with… ……装满
    6drink to somebody ……干杯(祝酒)
    7finish doing 做完某事
    8sit down at the table 坐桌子旁边
    9at table 吃饭餐
    10start with ……开始
    11raise glass 举杯
    12take a sip 喝口
    13around the worldall over the worldin the world 世界
    1You often teach me to be kind to the poor and the old
    ①teach sb to do sth教某()做某事
    ②be kind to do sth kind形容词译善某
    2Would you like me to help you 需帮忙?
    该句表示客气请求相Would you like + to do…Will you please + do…
    外like sb to do sth里like动词相want译某做某事
    3It’s very kind of you 真太
    该句等You are very kind
    4After that fill bowels 70—80 full with bone soup slowly
    fill …with……装满fill作动词构成be filled with等be full of译充满装满 :
    Fill the glass with water杯子里注满水(强调动作)
    The glass is filled of water The glass is full of water
    5It’s not impolite to smoke during a meal in France 法国吃饭时吸烟礼貌 During介词常名词短语while连词常句:
    What did you do during the summer holiday 暑假期间做什?里while代
    6what does the dinner start with 晚餐先吃什?
    beginstart with ……开始:Let’s start our class with Unit 1
    7Never drink too much during a dinner 餐时千万喝太
    too much 修饰数名词too many修饰数名词much too修饰形容词副词:too much water太水too many trees太树木much too tired太累
    8In parts of India they use their fingers and bread to pick up the food 印度区手指面包抓食物
    里pick up译抓起拾起外(车)接(物)意:
    I’ll come to pick you up会开车接
    I don’t know ifwhether it is fine tomorrow(语序必须陈述句)
    Do you know ifwhether he’ll come
    I don’t know ifwhether he’ll come(宾语句时态)
    Δ较If he comes tomorrow let me know(条件状语句现时态)
    Δ注:if引导状语句译果引导宾语句译否等whether宾语句面or not时般whetherif
    2.掌握懂正确应It is+adj + to do sth句型
    It is+adj + to do sth句型中it形式语真正语动词定式通常语太长避免头重脚轻it 作形式语动词定式置:
    It is necessary to study English hard
    It’s polite to smoke during a meal in France
    What’s the most popular in your restaurant
    What’s your favorite Chinese dish
    Would you like me to help you Of course It’s very kind of you
    How do you to make it
    It sounds difficult
    Well done

    Topic3 A wonderful food festival
    1sell (名词)sale 2buy (反义词) sell 3else (义词)other
    4regular (副词)regularly 5noisily (较级)more noisily
    6neatly (高级)most neatly
    1shine brightly 阳光灿烂
    2many different delicious food 种口食物
    3on sale 市出售
    4kind―hearted 心善良
    5a table for two 张双桌
    6have the billgetpay the bill 结帐付帐
    7go Dutch 付帐AA制
    8main course 食菜
    9go well 进展利
    10sell well 卖
    11be worth doing… 值做……
    12send to… ……寄
    13send for… 派请
    14keep a balanced diet 保持日常饮食均衡
    15not only…but also… ……
    16not all 非
    1enjoy yourselves 祝玩开心
    enjoy oneself 相have a good nicegreatwonderful time
    2Anything else ?
    else译常修饰疑问词定代词放修饰词面:what else who else nobody else something else等other表示修饰名词:some other peopleother修饰名词peopleelse代
    3The Beijing roast duck smells nice and tastes nice too 北京烤鸭闻起香尝起香
    ① 里smelltaste系动词面加形容词nice表语构成系表结构系动词+adj构成系表结构类动词look feel sound seem get turn become grow make keep等
    ②too also as welleither 表示法:
    常逗号隔开as well口语句末3词否定句either
    He also plays the piano弹钢琴
    He is a worker too 工
    He plays the guitars as well弹吉
    He was not there either里
    4We must remember that we should eat not only our favorite food but also other healthy food
    not only…but also………种结构属称句型求onlyalso
    She not only reads English but also speaks French 仅懂英语说法语
    5The more regularly we eat the healthier we are饮食越规律身体越健康The+较级……the+较级……表越……越:
    The more trees we plant the more beautiful our city is
    6Not all students have a regular breakfast非学生早餐饮食规律
    Not all译成非部分否定:
    Not all students like swimming 学生喜欢游泳
    三 语法学:
    1宾语句第三种类what which whose whom who where when why how等引导应注意语序变化(宾语句陈述语序)类宾语句特殊问句转变wh–特殊疑问词引导意义疑问词身含义:
    Tell me what you want告诉想什?
    Can you hear what I said 听见说什?
    You may ask him when he come问什时候
    Do you know who will come at the meeting知道谁参加会议?
    Tell me how she looked after her operation告诉术恢复样
    注意:(1)宾语句语序必须陈述语序尤注意whether ifwh–疑问句引导宾语句语序语谓语序:
    Do you know why winter is colder than summer知道什冬季夏季冷?
    I don’t know who all those people are知道谁
    He asked me which my favorite Chinese dish was问喜爱中国菜样
    Did you know who they were知道谁?
    (3)宾语句动词think believe suppose except等面表示认句子否定句称否定前移:
    I don't think you are right认
    You don't think he is right do you 认?





    more slowly
    most slowly
    more carefully
    most carefully


    (2) 副词较等级法
    a 级较:表示两者某方面程度相时as+副词原形+as句式表示前者者时not so(as)+副词原形+as句式
    The boys are listening as carefully as the girls 男生女生样认真听
    He didn’t dance so(as) well as Jim 跳舞没吉姆跳
    b较级:表示方程度方更高时副词较级+than句式句式中than前动词相时通常助动词代面动词该动词助动词省略副词较级前常much a little still even表示更……作判断较级:
    I sing better than she (does) 唱歌唱
    My brother did much better in his lessons than I哥哥功课学
    Maria speaks English (the) best in our class 班玛丽亚英语讲
    He studies (the) hardest of the three boys 三男孩中学功
    Here is the menu for you
    May I take your order
    Would you like to try…start with…
    I’d like…please
    Which kind of drink would you like beer wine or tea
    Anything else
    No that’s all
    May I have the bill
    Let’s go Dutch
    Unit 8
    Topic 1 What a nice coat
    . 重点词汇短语:
    belt腰带 blouse宽松衣 boots 靴子 cap 帽子
    coat外套 dress套裙 gloves手套 hat 帽子
    jacket夹克 jeans牛仔裤 pants裤子 raincoat雨衣
    scarf围巾 shirt衬衣 shoes鞋子 shorts 短裤
    skirt裙子 socks 短袜 stockings长袜 suit套服
    sweater毛衣 tie领带
    briefcase公文包 purse钱包 umbrella雨伞 wallet 皮夹
    small号 medium 中号 large 号 extra large特号
    1on the first floor 楼
    2get…from… ……中……
    3shopping center 购物中心
    4catch one’s eye 吸引某注意
    5go with… ……相配
    6on special days 特殊日子
    7in fact 事实实际
    8thanksgiving Day 感恩节
    9depend on 赖相信
    10It’s said that 说
    11Santa Claus 圣诞老
    12the same…as… ……样
    13protect…from… 保护……受……
    14as well as
    15be made offrom ……制成
    二. 重点句型:
    1what’s it made of什做成?
    be made of意……制成(出原料)类似结构短语
    be made from……制成(出原料)
    be made in 某物生产某
    be made up of……组成
    be made into……作成某产品:
    The table is made of wood张桌子木头制成
    Paper is made from wood纸木材做成
    The TV set is made in Japan台电视机日产
    The medical team is made up of ten doctors支医疗队十位夫组成
    Bamboo can be made into walking sticks and fishing rods
    2The weather is getting warmer and warmer天气变越越暖
    The little tree is getting taller and taller棵树越越高
    音节形容词副词样表达more and more+adjadv:
    The girl becomes more and more beautiful
    3We can get cotton from plants and get wool silk and leather from animals
    get sth fromsthsb某事某处获某物
    4A…caught her eye……引起注意:catch one’s eye 意吸引某注意:
    Can you catch the teacher’s eye
    5What the people there wear depends on their likes and dislikes
    depend on 意赖:
    We depend on our hard work努力工作
    6Some people prefer to dress formally…宁扮正式
    prefer 宁肯更喜欢…… prefer A to B like A better than B
    I like prefer singing I like singing better更喜欢唱歌
    I prefer swimming to skating起滑冰更喜欢游泳
    7While many South American people have the same way of dressing as Australia
    Michael is interested in music while his brother prefers PE
    the same… as ……样相反义词:be different from………样:
    My idea is the same as yours but it’s different from his意样样
    8People first started wearing clothes to protect themselves from the sun wind rain and cold早穿衣服
    protect …from sthdoing sth 阻止……做……
    The trees can protect the sand from moving树防止沙子前移
    Try to protect your skin from the sun量保护皮肤受太阳暴晒
    三. 语法学:感叹句
    What a nice day it is 天气
    What a good boy he is 男孩
    How silly you are 真傻
    How beautiful it is 美啊
    What +a(an)+名词单数+语+谓语
    What +形容词+数名词复数数名词+语+谓语
    How +形容词+语+be
    How +副词+语+动词
    What an interesting book How interesting
    ( 4) what how引导感叹句间转换
    What a beautiful girl she isHow beautiful the girl is
    How delicious the food isWhat delicious food it is

    Topic2 What would you like to wear
    . 重点词汇:
    1school uniform 校服
    2allow sbto do sth 允许某做某事
    3make a survey 做调查
    4be in need 需时
    5take off 脱脱掉起飞
    6on every occasion 场合
    7have a business meeting 开商务会议
    8dress for ……穿衣服扮
    9in fashion 流行时尚
    10out of fashion 流行时
    11advise sb(not) to do sth 建议劝告某()做某事
    12at other times 余时候时候
    二. 重点句型:
    1I don’t like uniform because they will so ugly on us
    look so ugly on us意穿身起丑
    2I think our school should allow us to design our own uniform
    allow允许许allow sb to do sth允许某做某事:
    MrWang allows us to play football王老师允许踢足球
    3They are good for patients
    be good for ……益be bad for ……坏处be good at 擅长
    4Secondpatients can find easily when they are in need
    be in need 需 need义:
    When you are in need you can call me需时候电话
    5You should take off your shoes when you enter someone’s home in Japan
    take off意脱脱掉反义词组put on take off表示起飞
    The plane will take off in an hour飞机时起飞
    6But now most of us can dress for ourselves
    dress for……穿衣服
    put on穿(戴)动作反义词take off
    wear have …on be on…穿(戴)着状态
    dress sboneself穿衣服dress up穿盛穿乔装扮
    7It’s wellknown that uniforms are not popular but useful
    ①It’s well known…意众周知:
    It’s well known that this song is very popular 众周知首歌流行
    ②not…but… …………
    He isn’t a teacher but a doctor老师医生
    三. 语法学:
    ① to do动词口诀
    (hope wish would like want learn agree)
    需决定选to do
    (need decide choose)
    (begin start like prefer love hate)
    to do doing意
    (forget remember stop go on try)to do意
    (order warn ask tell invite teach sb to do)
    (wishwant would like get allow sb to do)
    (see look at watch notice observe make let have)
    (hear listen to feel (to)help)
    ② do动词口诀
    (hear listen to see look at watch notice feel make let have help please had better why not)
    Topic3 Let’s go to see the fashion show
    . 重点词汇:
    1 fashion show 时装表演时装秀
    2 Tshaped stag T型台
    3 in the center of ……中心
    4 high fashion 高级时尚
    5 in the world of ……领域
    6 wedding dress 婚纱
    7stand for 代表
    8get one’s name 名
    9be known to ……知
    10be designed as ……设计
    11except for ……外
    1There is going to be a fashion show in fashion show in Xidan Shopping center
    There is going to be…There be结构时表示某举行某项运动某物:There is going to be a football match in our school next weekThere will be a football match in our school next week学校周场足球赛
    there isare going to bethere will be
    2 Here come the models 模特走
    :Here come Mary 玛丽
    Here come the bus 车
    :Here she comes
    Here it is
    3 The Tang costume stands for Chinese history and fashion culture
    stand for意代表:It stands for Olympics代表着奥林匹克
    4 The socalled Tang costume got its name because China became known to other countries during the Han and Tang Dynasties谓唐装中国汉唐时期开始文明世名
    (2)get one’s name名
    :The village got its name from the lake in it村庄村湖泊名
    5 Chinese fashion is different from not only western fashion but also fashion from other Asian countries such as Japan and Korea中国时装仅西方国家亚洲国家日韩国等
    (1) be different from……
    (2)not only …but also意……
    (3)such as例说
    6 Today the Tang costume can be designed as formal or casual clothes现唐装设计成正式款休闲款
    be designed as设计成 :They decided that the theater will be designed as a palace决定剧院设计成宫殿模样
    7 Todayfew people wear kimonos except for special occasions like weddings and national celebrations
    except for……外 :The roads were clear except for a few cars
    样善做贡献?(Whathow about doing be good atdo well in doing make a contribution to doing)
    阻止放弃练(stopprevent keep sb from doing give up doing practice doing)
    难宁介意(have problems doing prefer doing sthto doing sth mind doing)
    建议花时忙完成(suggest doing spend doing be busy doing finish doing)
    禁信心(keep sb doing sth can’t help doing have confidence in doing)
    继续展想未(keepkeep on doing look forward to doing feel like doing)
    惊喜满意兴奋(be amazedsurprised at doing be pleasedsatisfied with doing
    be excited about doing)
    (be worth doing enjoy doing have fun doing)

    mood feeling spirit emotion什区
    mood侧重 心情情绪般短语
    bad mood 坏心情坏情绪
    in the mood 兴致勃勃
    in a good mood 心情心情
    in a bad mood 心情处情绪中
    :He is in a good mood because of the pleasant weather 天气心情
    feeling 侧重感觉触觉感情情绪 心深处真实感觉
    :A feeling of shame came over her 突然产生种害羞感觉
    spirit 侧重(相肉体言)精神心心灵
    :What a noble spirit this is 高尚精神
    emotion 侧重心情感常短语:
    with emotion 激动感动
    emotion quotient (EQ) 情商
    emotion quotient (eq) 情商
    :Don't hold your emotion in cry if you want to

    Unit 1 The Changing World
    Topic 1 China has developed rapidly in recent years
    () 词形转换
    1 training (动词) train训练 2 whole (音词) hole 3 tidy (义词) clean
    4 develop (名词) development(形容词)developed发达 developing发展中
    5 rapid (副词) rapidly 6 old (较级) older elder 7 recent (副词) recently
    8 narrow (反义词) wide 9 title (义词) subject
    (二) 重点短语
    1 have a good summer holiday 愉快暑假
    2 come back from… ……回
    3 work for … ……工作
    4 feel sorry for… ……深表情
    5 a disabled children’s home 家残疾童养育院
    6 the whole holiday 整假期
    7 tell stories to kids 孩讲事
    8 learn…from ……中学
    9 feed a child 喂孩
    10 do farm work 干农活
    11 go to summer classes 暑期班
    12 write an article about… 写篇关……文章
    13 have a hard happy life 着艰苦 幸福生活
    14 in the past future
    15 in detail 详细
    16 at sunrise 日出时
    17 have no chance to do sth 没机会做某事
    18 afford ( to do) sth 担负起(做)某事
    19 give support to sb 某帮助支持
    20 get a good education 获良教育
    21 search…for… ……搜索……
    22 have little food to eat 吃饱
    23 dress warmly 穿暖
    24 with the development of… 着……发展
    25 have a balanced diet 饮食均衡
    26 play musical instruments 演奏乐器
    27 sleep in the open air 户外睡觉
    28 study go abroad 国外学 出国
    29 enter win lose a competition 参加 赢 输掉赛
    30 enjoy Beijing Opera 欣赏京剧
    31 used to do sth 常做某事
    32 at sunrise 日出时
    33 go hungry 变饿
    34 fall ill 病 患病
    35 divide …into… ……分成……
    36 feel satisfied with… ……感满足
    37 see … oneself 亲眼见……
    38 make progress 取进步
    39 thanks to 亏 幸亏
    40 stand for 代表
    41 with the help of… ……帮助
    42 draw up an outline 拟定提纲
    1 You have just come back from your hometown 刚刚家乡返回
    2 There goes the bell The bell is ringing 铃响
    3 Have you spent the whole holiday working here 整暑期里工作?
    4 Is that so 真样?
    5 Can you describe it in detail 详细说说?
    6 Our job was to grow cotton(作表语)工作种植棉花
    7 I had to divide my money into two parts 钱分成两份
    8 He has seen the changes in Beijing himself 亲眼目睹北京变化
    9 I think it is important to remember the past live in the present and dream about the future 认记住立足现展未非常重
    10.Thanks to Because of the government’s efforts政府努力
    1 Though I had no time to travel I still felt very happy this holiday
    though 属连词引导步状语句表然but连:
    Though he is poor he is happy He is poor but he is happy
    2 Could you please tell me something about Chinese teenagers 请告诉关中国青少年事情?
    Could Would you please (not) do sth? 请()做某事? :
    Could you please turn down your radio 请收音机声音调低?
    Would you please not play football here 请踢球?
    3 Parents couldn’t afford education for their children 父母供起孩子学
    afford 常can could be able to 连尤否定句疑问句表负担起(做)某事抽出(时间) (can’t couldn’t) afford (to do) sth :
    We can’t afford (to buy ) this house because we don’t have enough money
    He felt he couldn’t afford any time to play football 觉没时间踢球
    4 Our government gives support to poor families 政府贫困家庭提供帮助
    give support to sb give sb support 某提供帮助 支持
    She had to support her family at the age of ten 十岁时养家
    His parents supported him in his decision父母支持决定
    The two sticks support the tree 两根木棍支撑着棵树
    5 Why not go and search the Internet for some information
    search sp for sth 搜查某寻找某物
    search sb for sth 搜身查找某物
    search for sth sb look for sth sb 搜寻某物 某 :
    The villagers searched the woods for the lost children村民树林里寻找失踪孩子
    The police searched the man for the stolen money 警察搜男身查找偷钱
    He is searching looking for his missing keys 寻找丢钥匙
    6 I used to be a chilld laborer 前童工
    used to be do… 常做……
    be used to do sth be used for doing sth 做某事
    be get used to (doing ) sth 惯(做)某事 :
    I used to be a Chinese teacher 名语文老师
    I used to swim in this river 常条河中游泳
    Knives are used to cut things knives are used for cutting things 刀子砍东西
    We are used to getting up earlier now 现惯早起
    7 We often went hungry because the boss didn’t give us enough food to eat
    The food on the table went bad 桌面食物变坏
    8 One part was used to help support my family to help send my elder brother to school 部分钱供养全家部分供哥哥学
    a) one part…the other (part) …部分……部分……
    b) elder brother 哥哥
    elder 作形容词时 old较级 般表示家庭成员出生序句中作定语than连 older表年龄较 than连
    His elder sister is two older than he 姐姐两岁
    作名词时 表 长者 前辈 祖先
    Their customs were handed down by the elders
    9 But China has developed rapidly in recent years 年中国发展迅速
    in recent years 表 年常完成时连
    She has learnt a lot of knowledge in recent years 年学许知识
    10 China has made such rapid progress 中国已取迅速进步
    progress 数名词 make progress 取进步
    make some much great progress 取 许 巨进步
    11 What has happened to Beijing’s roads now 现北京公路发生什变化?
    sth happen to sb 某发生某事 :
    If anything happens to him let me know 万什测请通知
    A little accident happened to her yesterday 昨天发生点意外
    12 They express the rich culture of China as well 表达丰富中国文化
    as well too also均表
    as well 口语句末逗号隔开
    too 口语句末逗号隔开
    also 较正式句末
    either 否定句表too 应 :
    He likes sports as well He likes sports too He also likes sports 喜欢运动
    He didn’t come either 没
    动作 + 现结果 强调结果:
    I have bought a new bike ( I bought a new bike and I have a new bike now)
    构成形式: 助动词have has + 动词分词
    1.肯定句: I have seen the film 已部电影
    否定句: I haven’t seen the film 没部电影
    般疑问句: Have you seen the film 部电影?
    回答: Yes I have No I haven’t 没
    特殊疑问句: What have you done 已做什?
    2.肯定句: He has finished the task 已完成务
    否定句: He hasn’t finished the task 没完成务
    般疑问句: Has he finished the task 已完成务?
    回答: Yes he has 完成 No he hasn’t 没完成
    特殊疑问句: What has he finished 完成什?
    (二)have has been to have has gone to
    have has been to + 某 某说话时已回
    have has gone to + 某 说明某 说话时没回 :
    I have been to Beijing twice 北京两次
    Where is Jim 吉姆?
    He has gone to the library 图书馆
    Topic 2 What has happened to the population
    1 possible (反义词) impossible 2 rise (分词) rose
    3 conclude (名词) conclusion 4 medicine (形容词) medical
    5 difficult (名词) difficulty 6 less (反义词) more
    7 excellent (义词) great good 8 different (名词) difference
    9 come (式) came (分词) come 10 see (式) saw (分词) seen 11 peace (形容词) peaceful
    1 get lost 走失迷路
    2 hate to go shopping 讨厌购物
    3 hear from sbreceive get a letter from sb 收某信
    4 be abroad 国外
    5 at least 少
    6 take place happen 发生
    7 China’s onechild policy 中国独生子女政策
    8 be strict with sb 某求严格
    9 the population of China 中国口
    10 live longer 活更长
    11 medical care 医疗保健
    12 control the population 控制口
    13 be known famous as ……闻名
    14 work well in doing sth 做某事方面功效
    15 have a long way to go 长路走
    16 be short of 缺乏……
    17 one of the greatest problems 问题
    18 be in trouble 陷入麻烦中 困境中
    19 prefer boys to girls 重男轻女
    20 offer sb a good education 提供某良教育
    21 a couple of
    22 even though even if
    23 have a lot of pressure 许压力
    24 the differences between A and B AB间区
    二 重点句型
    1 We got lost and couldn’t find each other 走失互相找方
    2 It seems that their living conditions were not very good 似生活条件
    3 It is possible that Kangkang’s father was the only child in his family
    4 One answer is known as the onechild policy 中项众周知措施独生子女政策
    5 And even though we have made a lot of progress we have big pollution problems in the
    city 然已取进步存严重城市污染问题
    1. I really hate to go shopping 真讨厌购物
    So do I
    So do I 倒装句表示前面提肯定情况样适合外体表某某样结构so + be 情态动词 助动词 + 语 :
    Jim is a student so is Tom 吉姆名学生汤姆
    Jim can swim so can Tom 吉姆会游泳汤姆会
    Jim likes sports so does Tom 吉姆喜欢运动汤姆喜欢
    表前面样面样时结构 neither nor + be 情态动词 助动词 + 语 :
    Jim wasn’t Chinese neither nor were they 吉姆中国
    Jim can’t speak Japanese neither can I  吉姆会说日语会
    Jim didn’t go there neither did I  吉姆没没
    Jim is a good student So he is 吉姆名学生确
    Jim swims well So he does 吉姆游泳确
    2.At that time China was the country with the largest population in the world
    population数名词表示口少 large small修饰提问口what :
    The population of Shanghai is larger than that of Beijing 海口北京
    What’s the population of China How many people are there in China
    3 Great changes have taken place in China 中国发生巨变化
    take place 指必然性发生计划安排举行:
    The meeting will take place next Friday 会议周五举行
    happen 指偶然没预料发生结果带幸麻烦:
    The accident happened yesterday 事发生昨天
    4 The population has increased a lot 口增长发
    increase 作物动词作物动词含义增长增加加强等
    increase by… 指增加…… increase to…指 增加……
    5 … and about one fifth of the people in the world live in China
    one fifth 分数表达法英文分数表达法:分子基数词分母序数词先读分子读分母分子1时分母序数词变复数直接词尾加s:
    one fourth 四分 three fourths 四分三
    one second 二分 two thirds 三分二
    6.It has worked well in controlling China’s population
    work well in doing sth 表……方面功效
    Doing eye exercises works well in protecting our eyesight
    7 Because of our large population we are short of energy and water
    be short of… 表 缺乏……
    She is always short of money at the end of every month 月底总缺钱
    be short for… 表……缩写
    TV is short for television TVtelevision缩写形式
    8 Can all Chinese families offer their children a good education
    offer 表(动)予 提供
    offer sb sth 提供某某物 :
    I offered him a glass of wine 敬杯酒
    offer to do sth (动)提出做某事 :
    She offered to cook for her mother 提出帮妈妈煮饭
    9 I can’t go shopping in big stores unless I travel for a couple of hours
    a) unless if not 表非… 果引导条件状语句:
    I won’t go unless I hear from you I won’t go if I don’t hear from you
    Unless Bill studies hard he’ll fail in the exam 果尔努力 会通考试
    b) a couple of… 表 件事
    a couple of years ago 年前 a couple of students 学生
    couple 指两件类东西
    a couple of watches 两手表 five couples of cats 五猫
    pair 指两件分开东西指两件互相连东西(鞋子袜子等)指两部分构成件东西(裤子剪刀等):
    a pair of shoes 双鞋子 a pair of pants 条裤子
    1.already yet
    already 已(肯定陈述句):
    He has already gone home 已回家
    yet 已 (否定句疑问句):
    Have you found him yet 已找?
    I haven’t finished my homework yet 没完成作业
    ※ already 疑问句表出意料惊奇
    Have you finished your homework already 难道已完成作业?
    2.ever never
    ever (疑问句问初次历):
    I have ever been abroad 出国
    I have never seen him before
    Has he ever been abroad 出国?
    No never
    just 刚刚(肯定句位谓语动词前):
    I have just tried to call you 刚刚电话
    before 前(般位句末常never呼应) :
    He says he has never seen such beautiful scenery before

    Topic 3 The world has changed for the better
    () 词形转换
    1 homeless(名词) homelessness 2.fair (反义词) unfair 3 disobey (反义词) obey
    4 succeed (名词) success (形容词) successful 5 excited (动词) excite
    6 French (国家) France (公民) Frenchman
    (二) 重点短语
    1 help homeless people 帮助家
    2 in need 需(食物钱)
    3 decide on (doing ) sth 决定(做)某事
    4 provide sb with sth 某提供某物
    5 come for a visit 参观
    6 be successful in (doing) sth 成功做某事
    7 getfind jobs 获 找工作
    8 feel good about oneself 感觉良
    9 take drugs 吸毒
    10 give sb a good chance to do sth 某做某事次机会
    11 end the war 结束战争
    12 live a happy life 着幸福生活
    13 smile on one’s face 脸露出笑容
    14 Project Hopes 希工程
    15 at home and abroad 国外
    16 in poor areas 贫困区
    17 receive a good education 受良教育
    1 It trains them so that they can find jobs again 培训便次找工作
    2 I think it is important for these people to feel good about themselves
    3 … you will get used to it …会惯
    4 You must come for a visit 定参观
    5 Then you can see New York for yourself 然纽约
    6 If anyone takes drugs or disobey the other rules he can’t stay in the program
    7 The money is used for children’s education in poor area
    8 With the money it has built thousands of schools and libraries and trained 2300 teachers
    1 Well once they find people in need they decide on suitable ways to help them
    a) once 属连词表旦…………句现时态(包括般现时现进行时现完成时)句般时者句均某种时态:
    Once you become interested in playing computer games you’ll have trouble giving them up
    Once he arrives here he will know the whole thing 旦会知道整件事
    She told him once she arrived she would call him 告诉旦会电话
    b) decide on (doing ) sth 决定(做)某事 相 decide to do sth :
    They decided on spending the holiday in Hainan 决定海南度假
    They decided to spend the holiday in Hainan
    2 The government provides homeless people with nice homes
    provide sb with sth provide sth for sb 提供某某物
    The school provided the students with food 学校学生提供食物
    The school provided food for the students
    3 I think it’s a wonderful place to live in 认居住方
    to live in 动词定式修饰前面名词place 定式中动词物动词者定式修饰名词代词定式动作点工具等定式必须相应介词 :
    There is nothing to worry about 没什担心事
    I need a pen to write with 需笔写字
    4 It is famous because it has been so successful in helping homeless people return to normal lives
    be successful in doing sth 成功做成某事 相 succeed in doing sth :
    He was successful in passing the exam 成功通考试
    They were successful in climbing Mount Huang 成功登黄山
    5.In the past sixteen years Project Hope has raised about 3 billion yuan
    in the past + 干时间表干时间现完成时:
    They have learnt about 500 English words in the past two months
    You have grown up a lot in the past three years 三年长许
    () 直接引语间接引语
    What are you readingJane Maria asked
    Maria asked Jane what she was reading
    1. 直接引语变间接引语时引导词根句子类型变化
    She said I’m very glad to have such a chance
    →She said (that) she was very glad to have such a chance
    2)果般疑问句时whether if:
    Maria asked Jane Can they get good food and medicine
    →Maria asked Jane whether if they could get good food and medicine
    3)果特殊疑问句时相应疑问词what where which how等:
    Maria asked Jane What are you reading
    →Maria asked Jane what she was reading
    4)果祈句时动词ask tell order引导定式结构:
    Mother said to me Try again→ Mother asked me to try again
    Don’t be afraid Tom said to Dick→Tom told Dick not to be afraid
    2. 语序变化:句律陈述语序
    3. 时态变化
    He says I’m tired→ He says he is tired
    He will say The boy was lazy→ He will say the boy was lazy
    He said I’m sorry→ He said he was sorry
    The teacher told us The earth moves around the sun
    → The teacher told us the earth moves around the sun
    4. 称变化:
    The teacher said John you must bring your book to the class
    → The teacher told John that he must bring his book to the class
    5. 时间状语变化:now→then today→that day tonight→that night
    this morning→that morning ago→before yesterday→the day before
    last night→the night before the day before yesterday→two days before
    tomorrow→the next day next week→the next week
    6. 点状语变化:here→there
    7. 指示代词变化:this→that these → those
    8. 动词变化:come → go bring → take
    1 合成词:两者更独立单词组合成单词 :
    motherland basketball filmmaker birthday hometown greenhouse etc
    2 派生词:词通加前缀缀构成新词 :
    dis un im 表示 :
    dislike(喜欢) disappear(消失) disagree (意)disobey(遵守)
    unhappy(快乐) unfair(公) unlike() unfriendly(友)
    impolite (礼貌) impossible()
    re 表示重复 :
    retell(复述) review(复) rewrite(重写) return(重返)
    super 表示超 :
    supermarket(超市) superman(超) superstar(超级明星)
    mis 表示错误 :
    mistake(错误) misunderstand(误解)
    2) 常见缀:
    名词缀:er or ness tion ment :
    worker(工) player(选手) teacher(教师) driver(司机)
    visitor (参观者) inventor(发明者) translator (翻译者)
    question(问题) invention (发明) education (教育) organization(组织)
    movement(运动 ) agreement(意) development(发展)
    形容词缀:ful ous less able y :
    useful () careful(认真) helpful (帮助) successful(成功)
    dangerous(危险) famous (著名) delicious (口) serious(严肃)
    homeless (家) careless(粗心) useless()
    changeable (易变) countable(数)
    cloudy (云) windy (风) sleepy(困倦) rainy(雨)

    Unit 2 Saving the earth
    Topic 1 I can’t stand the environment here
    () 词形变换
    1 produce(名词) producer 2 breathe (名词) breath 3 manage (义词) try
    4 soil (义词) earth 5 waste (反义词) save 6 harm (形容词) harmful
    7 die (名词) death (形容词) dead 8 downstairs (反义词) upstairs
    9pleasant (反义词) unpleasant 10 change (形容词) changeable
    (二) 重点词组
    1 stand improve protect the environment 忍受改善保护环境
    2 produce terrible gas 产生难闻气味
    3 manage to do sth 设法做某事
    4 in a good bad mood 情绪差
    5 feel uncomfortable 感舒适
    6 pour waste into river 废水倒入河里
    7 something useful 事物
    8 be harmful to sb sth 某某物害
    9 the look of our cities 城市面貌
    10 see fish swimming 鱼游游
    11 at present 目前
    12 shout at sb 某喊斥责某
    13 stop making so much noise 停止发出噪音
    14 disturb others 扰
    15 a kind of pollution 种污染
    16 be sorry for doing sth 做某事感抱歉
    17 from now on 现起
    18 in noisy conditions 吵杂条件
    19 become deaf 变聋
    20 quite a few 相
    21 no better than ()……样差
    22 cause high blood pressure 引发高血压
    23 in strong changeable light 强烈易变光线
    二 重点句型
    1 It is difficult for me to breathe 说难呼吸
    2 How long have you been like this 处样状态久?
    I have been like this since last month 月直样
    3 It is a beautiful place with flowers and grass 花草美丽方
    4 All the flowers grass and fish have gone 花草鱼没
    5 It smells terrible 难闻极
    6 There are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the river
    7 It’s our duty to protect the environment 保护环境职责
    8 I have been at this school since last year for one year
    9 Noise is a kind of pollution and it is harmful to our ears
    1 I can’t stand the environment here 法容忍环境
    stand 表容忍忍受接名词代词动名词做宾语
    : I can’t stand that man he talks too much
    Can you stand the pain 忍住痛?
    I can’t stand waiting any longer 等
    2 What do you mean by sth 某物什意思呢
    What’s the meaning of sth
    What does sth mean
    3 I hope I can move from here soon 希早点搬走
    I hope to move from here soon 希早点搬走
    4.There are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the river
    There be + sb sth + doing sth 表某 某物正做某事
    : There are some birds singing in the tree 树鸟歌唱
    There is a little girl crying in the street 街女孩哭
    5.stop doing sth 停止做(正进行)事
    stop to do sth 停做(件)事
    :It’s late They will stop working and (stop) to have supper
    The students stopped talking and to listen to the teacher
    6.I’m sorry for making so much noise 抱歉弄出噪音
    be sorry for doing sth 表做事感抱歉
    be sorry to do sth 表前事感抱歉
    :I’m sorry for waking you up yesterday 抱歉昨天弄醒
    I’m sorry to trouble you 抱歉扰
    I’m sorry to hear that 听(消息)感遗憾
    7. …not all people know that noise is also a kind of pollution
    not bothall every every 派生词连时表部分否定
    :Not everybody knows this secret 知道秘密
    Nobody knows this secret 没知道秘密
    I don’t know all (of) your names 名字知道
    I know none of your names 知道名字
    8 Recently it was reported that many teenagers in America can hear no better than 65yearold people do…
    no better than… 表……()样差 ……做
    Lucy did no better than Lily in the exam 露西莉莉考样糟
    Lucy almost did as badly as Lily in the exam
    现完成时中延续性动作状态for since 引导段时间状语搭配
    a)for + 时间段 since + 时间点 表段时间常How long 提问
    How long have you been like this
    I have been like this since last month for a month
    How long have you lived in Changle
    I have lived in Changle for ten years since ten years ago
    b) 句中含非延续性动词改相应延续性动词状态
    :I bought this TV three days ago I have had this TV for three days
    His cat died yesterday His cat has been dead since yesterday
    ※ 常见非延续性动词转换成延续性动词:
    come—be here go—be there close—be closed open—be open
    buy—have borrow —keep leave—be away begin—be on
    finish—be over die—be dead etc
    Topic 2 How does pollution hurt the earth
    1 none (反义词) all 2 both (反义词) neither 3 rubbish (义词) litter
    4. teal (式) stole (分词) stolen 5 spit (式分词) spat
    6 behave (名词) behavior 7 prevent (义词) stop 8 although (义词) though 9 pollute (句词) pollution 10 completely (形容词) complete
    1.read this article 篇文章
    2.here and there everywhere 处
    3.care for look after take care of 顾
    4.give some advice to … 提出建议……
    5.set one’s mind to sth 集中精力…… 心……
    6.protect nature 保护然
    7.wash away 走
    8.blow away 吹走刮走
    9.turn into change into 转变成
    10.die out 灭绝绝迹
    11.stop prevent …(from) doing sth 阻止……做某事
    12.keep…from doing sth 阻止……做某事
    13.move toward… ……移动
    14.cut down 砍倒
    15.run away 跑走 流走
    16.cut off 中断
    17.on the earth 球
    18. be in danger of (doing) sth 处做某事危险中
    19.destroy harm pollute the environment 破坏损害污染环境
    20.have a quiet life 着静生活
    21.plenty of 量
    22.come to realize 开始意识
    23.have a cleanup 扫
    24.one after another 接着
    25.on recycled paper 生纸
    26.enter the competition 进入赛
    27.offer one’s suggestion 提供某建议
    1. But the government has done something useful to protect the environment
    2. We shouldn’t leave rubbish here and there everywhere
    3. Don’t step on the grass or pick the flowers around us
    4. Everyone should care for look after take care of wild animals and plant more trees 应保护野生动物种树
    5. We should do everything we can to protect the environment
    6. Nothing is difficult if you set your mind to it
    7. The wind is blowing strongly with lots of sand 风夹着沙子猛烈刮着
    8. They are dying out because of all kinds of pollution
    9 It caused Harbin City to cut off its water supply for five days
    导致哈尔滨市断水5 天
    10 Some things we’ve done are very good while some are not good for the earth
    11 As a result many rivers and lakes are dead now
    三 重点语言点
    1 It says that China has become the world’s largest producer and user of coal
    sth + says that… 句型中语事物say表文字数字说明信息:
    It says Happy New Year on the card 卡片写着新年快乐
    The clock says that it is 2000 now 面钟显示现20:00
    2 As we know none of us likes pollution 众周知没喜欢污染
    noneno one 区:
    a) none 全指指物常of 短语 作语时谓语动词单数复数no one指of 短语 作语时谓语动词作单数:
    He has read none of these books(指物)书没
    None of my friends like likes drawing(指)朋友没喜欢画画
    No one is here 没
    b) none回答how many much问题no one回答who问题 :
    A How many students come to school by taxi B None
    少学生搭出租车学? 没
    A How much water is there in the bottle B None
    瓶子里少水? 点没
    A Who is in the room B No one
    3. It has become a big problem recently已成严重问题
    I haven’t heard from him recently 没收信
    She has read some books on history recently 关历史书
    4. When it rains the soil will be washed away雨时土壤会走
    will be +分词般时动语形式:
    The earth will be blown away by the wind 泥土会风刮走(动语态)
    The wind will blow away the earth 风会泥土刮走(动语态)
    5.A lot of rich land has changed into desert leaving only sand
    a) change… into… turn… into… …(转)变成… :
    Please change turn English into Chinese 请英语变成汉语
    When the traffic lights change turn into green we can go
    b) leaving only stand现分词短语作状语 表伴:
    The children went away talking and laughing
    The girl is looking for her mother crying loudly
    6.Trees can stop the wind from blowing the earth away They can also prevent the sand from moving toward the rich land 树防风固土阻止风沙吹进良田
    Trees can keep water from running away 树防止水土流失
    stop prevent sb sth (from ) doing sth 阻止 防止 某某物做某事
    keep sbsth from doing sth 阻止 防止 某某物做某事
    7 Although we have built the Great Green Wall we still need to work hard to protect the environment 已建绿色长城需致力保护环境
    although 连词表然 引导步状语句相though though正式but时连:
    Although the question is difficult he can still answer it
    9. And some animals are in danger of disappearing completely
    And some animals are in danger of dying out 动物濒灭绝
    in danger of ( doing ) sth 处做某事危险中 :
    They are in danger of losing their lives 正处失生命危险中
    9 You may either take a bus or a taxi 搭公车者搭出租车
    a) either…or… ………… 者……者…… 列连词连接等结构连接语时根原:
    You may come either today or tomorrow 天明天
    We can either sing or dance 唱歌者跳舞
    Either you or he is right
    b) either 单独时代词表二者指指物作语时谓语动词作单数:
    A:Would you like coffee or tea B Either is OK
    Either of us is right 俩中
    () 定代词:
    指:someone somebody anyone anybody no one nobody everyoneeverybody
    指物:something anything nothing everything
    指点:somewhere anywhere nowhere everywhere
    1. some复合代词副词常肯定句:
    I saw someone in the room 见房间里
    There is something in the woods 树林里什东西
    He has gone somewhere warm for his holiday 暖方度假
    2. any复合代词副词常否定句疑问句:
    I didn’t see anyone in the room 没见房间里
    There isn’t anything in the woods 树林里没什东西
    He hasn’t gone somewhere warm for his holiday没暖方度假
    3. no 复合代词副词表全否定:
    I saw nobody in the room 见房间里没
    There is nothing in the woods 树林里没什东西
    4. every 复合代词副词代全部:
    Everyone is here 家
    It seems he knows everything 似知道切
    ※ some复合代词副词疑问句中时表希方肯定回答表请求:
    Would you like something to drink 点喝东西?
    ※ any复合代词副词肯定句时表:
    If people spit anywhere in public they should be punished
    ※ 定代词作语时谓语动词单数形式:
    No one knows this secret 没知道秘密
    Everything goes well 切进展利
    ※ 果定语修饰定语应放定代词定副词:
    I have something important to tell you 重事告诉
    There is nobody strange here 没陌生
    ※ no not any → nobody not anybody nothing not anything
    She didn’t say anything She said nothing 什没说
    There is nobody strange here There isn’t anybody strange here

    Topic 3 Let’s be greener people
    1 organization(动词) organize 2recycle(动名词) recycling
    3 follow(形容词) following 4electricity(形容词) electric
    5 move(名词) movement 6 quick(副词) quickly
    7 environment(形容词) environmental 8 protect(名词) protection
    1 environmental protection 环境保护
    2 work for… ……工作
    3 spread message about… 宣传关……
    4 reduce the waste air pollution 减少浪费 空气污染
    5 both sides of … ……两面
    6 rather than ()………
    7 not only…but also… 仅…………
    8 save money energy electricity 省钱 源 电
    9 be supposed to do sth 应做某事
    10 travel a short distance 短途旅行
    11 put…into… ……放入……
    12 take up a lot of space 占许空间
    13 produce power from… ……获量
    14 run the car 发动汽车
    15 push…forward up down 推……前
    16 power machines 发动机器
    17 produce electricity by doing sth 通做某事发电
    18 the movement of water 水流动
    19 be used for doing sth 作做某事
    20 take a quick shower 快速淋浴
    21 make a short journey 短途旅行
    22 pick the litter up 捡起垃圾
    23 try harder 努力
    24 produce a short oral report 作简短口头报告
    1.Let’s be greener people 做环保者吧
    2.…my main job is to help spread message about protecting the environment
    3.It’s kind of you to do that 样做真太
    4.Would you like to be a greener person 想成名绿色者?
    5.Easier said than done 说容易做难
    6.Actions speak louder than words 百说干事实胜雄辩
    7.Of all the rubbish about 35 percent can be recycled while the rest can’t
    8 They work well but they are slow and can’t run for long
    1 We all know that you’re working for some organizations that protect the environment 知道环保组织工作
    work for… 表……工作
    He works for a foreign company in Shanghai 海家外资公司工作
    2 We should use both sides of paper and reuse plastic bags rather than throw them away 应该纸两面塑料袋次轻易扔掉
    a) both 修饰复数名词 either 修饰单数名词 :
    There are a lot of trees on both sides of the road
    There are a lot of trees on either side of the road 路两边许树
    b) rather than 表()……连词 连接等结构 相instead of I like coffee rather than tea I like coffee instead of tea
    He likes listening to music rather than instead of singing
    He wants to go today rather than instead of tomorrow
    I did my homework rather than watched TV
    I did my homework instead of watching TV
    rather than位句首时 动词原形受句中谓语动词时态影响:
    Rather than do it by myself I didn’t ask for help
    宁干 没请帮忙
    3 Everyone is supposed to do it 应该样做
    be supposed to do sth指(规定惯安排等)应做某事必须做某事相should 否定句时表允许 :
    Teachers are supposed to should know a lot 老师应该知道
    You are not supposed to smoke here 里允许抽烟
    4 First you ought to turn off the lights when you leave a room
    ought to 情态动词 表 应该 应 语气 should 强指道义应该做事时含责备督促语气should 指观感责义务做:
    You ought to help your mother do some housework应该帮妈妈做家务
    We should study hard应该努力学
    You oughtn’t to get up so late in the morning早晨应该起晚
    Ought I to tell her the bad news 该告诉坏消息?
    Yes you ought No you oughtn’t
    1.表示列关系常连接词and not only…but also…等:
    His father is a teacher and his mother is a doctor
    Mr Green can not only drive a car but also repair it
    2.表示转折常连词but while等:
    I bought my sister a present but she didn’t like it
    Tom does housework every day while his sister does nothing
    3.表示选择关系常连词or either…or…等:
    He speaks French or perhaps he understands it
    Either he could not come or he did not want to

    4 表示果关系常连词so for等:
    Her mother is ill so she has to stay at home and look after her mother
    The ground is very wet for it rained last night
    Unit 3 English around the world
    Topic1 English is widely spoken around the world
    1be able tocan 够会
    2can’t wait to do sth迫急做某事
    3have a (good) chance to do sth()机会做某事
    4practice doing sth练做某事
    5be made by………制做
    be made offrom………制成be made in…某制造
    6on business出差
    7be similar to………相似
    9have nosome trouble (in) doing sth做某事没困难
    10once in a whilesometimesat times偶尔间
    11wheneverno matter when时
    12as well as
    13mother tongue 母语
    14take the leading position处领先位
    15encourage sb to do sth鼓励某做某事
    16call for号召

    1Disneyland is enjoyed by millions of people from all over the world世界数百万喜欢迪斯尼乐园
    2I hope I can go there one day 希天
    3English is widely spoken around the world英语世界广泛
    4It is also spoken as a second language in many countries
    5It is possible that you will have some trouble会遇麻烦
    6It’s used as the first language by most people in America Canada Australia Great Britain and New Zealand
    7And two thirds of the world’s scientists read English
    :We clean the classroom扫教室
    :The classroom is cleaned (by us)教室()扫
    1. 动语态构成:助动词be+物动词分词+(by+宾语)
    :The glass is broken by that boy玻璃杯男孩破
    :English is widely spoken around the world (肯定式)
    English is not widely spoken around the world (否定式)
    Is English widely spoken around the world (疑问式)
    Yes it isNo it isn’t
    2. 动语态法:(1)没指明动作执行者者知道动作执行者情况动语态:This coat is made of cotton件衣棉制(2)强调动作承受者执行者时动语态:Her bike is stolen行车偷
    3. 动语态转换:

    (1) People grow rice in the south Rice is grown (by people) in the south
    (2) She takes care of the baby The baby is taken care of (by her)

    1You’ll have a good chance to practice speaking English there
    You’re right
    2But I’m not good at English I’m a little afraid
    Don’t worry
    3Is Spanish similar to English
    Not really
    Topic 2 English is spoken differently in different countries
    1by the way 便说
    2depend on取决…………
    3be different from……
    4succeed in成功达成
    5make yourself understood表达意思
    6on one’s way to 某……路
    7see sb Off……送行
    8leave for…前某leave…for…离开…………
    9in twenty minutes二十分钟
    10written English笔头英语oral English英语口语
    11generally speaking般说致说
    12as for sbsth某某物
    13be close to………
    14in person身体外貌亲
    15be found of…爱……
    16be forced to do sth迫做……force sbto do强迫某做某事
    17even worse 更糟
    1 Is Australia English the same as British English
    2English is spoken differently in different Englishspeaking countries
    3 For example there are differences between British English and American English例英式英语美式英语间点
    4 I can’t believe that I’m flying to Disneyland简直敢相信飞迪斯尼乐园
    5I hope I won’t have any difficulty希会遇什困难
    6Whenever you need help send me anmail or telephone me
    7Not only children but also adults enjoy spending their holidays in Disneyland青少年成年喜欢迪斯尼乐园度假
    三 语法学
    :come go arrive leave fly start begin return open die
    例:I’m going走
    When are you starting什时候动身?
    Don’t worry The train is arriving here soon着急火车马
    :My uncle is meeting us tomorrow叔叔明天会见
    She is buying a new bike soon久买辆新行车

    1I can’t follow you Can you speak more slowly please
    2Oh it sounds interesting
    3If you want to succeed in making yourself understood you need to know some of these differences
    4What’s up The foreigner is asking for a ride
    5Generally speaking American English is different from British English in pronunciation and spelling
    Topic 3 It’s important to learn English well
    1in public公场
    2at timessometimes时
    3feel like doingwould like to do想做……
    4give up sthdoing sth放弃
    5turn to sb for help求助某
    6give sb some advice onabout…某关……建议
    7be weak in……方面差be good at……方面
    8be afraid of doing sth害怕做某事
    9make mistakes犯错误
    10take a deep breath深呼吸
    11the best time to do做某事时间
    12do some listening practice做听力训练
    13reply toanswer回答
    14advise sb to do建议某做某事(名词advice)
    二 重点句型
    1Could you make yourself understood in the USA
    2I don’t know what to do知道该办?
    3At times I feel like giving up时想放弃
    4Try to guess the meanings of the new words and get the main idea of the article量猜测生词意思理解文章意
    5I dare not answer questions in class because I’m afraid of making mistakes敢课堂回答问题困害怕犯错误
    6It’s an honor to talk with all of you座位交谈荣幸
    7But remember to choose the ones that fit you best
    8I insist that you practice English every day
    9Believing in yourself is the first step on the road to success
    三 语法学
    wh +to do
    wh指when where which who(m)how等连接词动词定式连wh +to do结构种结构句中常作语表语宾语作宾语时转换宾语句(谓语动词说wh +to do定式动词动作尚未发生动作转换成宾语句时通常须加情态动词时表示未)
    :I don’t know what to doI don’t know what I should do
    She can’t decide which to buyshe can’t decide which she will buy
    :I don’t know what I should doI don’t know what to do
    果致转换I want to know what Mary will do(说I want to know what to do)

    1… but I hate to speak English in public
    You’d better not
    2I know it’s very important to learn English well But it’s difficult for me
    Me too
    3Have you ever had any difficulties in studying English
    4… could you give us some advice on how to learn English well
    You’d better follow the tape and do some listening practice
    I think the best time to remember new words is in the morning
    Unit 4 Fantastic Science
    Topic 1 The spaceship is so magical
    1 successful(副词) 2 proper(副词)
    3 completely(动词) 4 leader(动词)
    5 succeed(名词) 6 hero(复数)
    7 physics(形容词) 8 fix(义词)
    9 introduce(名词) 10 far(较级)
    1 go around 环绕
    2 send…into…
    send up…into… ……送入
    3 congratulations on sth 祝贺某事
    4 be proud of ……豪
    5 be moved by ……感动
    6 ThanksThank you for +nving sth 感谢某做某事
    7 have physical examinations 做体检
    8 in goodbad health 处()身体状态
    9 can’t help doing 情禁做……
    10 take turn to (do sth) 轮流(做某事)
    11 no doubt 疑
    12 as well as ……外
    13 for instanceexample 例
    14 work on 做……(方面)工作
    15 depend onupon 赖
    16 turn on 开
    17 turn off 关掉
    18 turn up 开
    19 turn down 关
    20 click on 鼠标点击
    21 look forward to doing sth 期做某事
    1 Now big plans are being made to send up more satellites and even build a space station
    (1) 句子are being made现进行时动语态结构be being+分词
    (2) 动句中宾补果带to定式时变成动句成补定式必须带to常见带to复合宾语动词seefeelhearmake等
    2 I’m moved by what Yang Liwei did
    (1) What Yang Liwei did
    (2) be moved by ……感动 :
    The students are moved by the old man’s story
    3 Generally speaking we are in good health now
    (1) generally speaking 般说体概
    (2) in goodbad health 处()身体状况
    He has a cold he is always in bad health
    4 We couldn’t help looking at the earth again and again
    (1) can’tcouldn’t help doing sth
    I can’t help crying 忍住哭
    (2) again and again 屡次:
    The teacher has told him again and again老师已屡次讲
    5 I was able to fall asleep as soon as I got into the sleeping bag
    We took turns to have a rest
    take turns to (do sth) 轮流(做某事)
    The Browns take turns to look after the baby
    6 It has proved that China has made great progress in developing its space industry 证明中国航天业发展已取巨进步
    It has proved that…
    7There is no doubt that computers are widely used by workers in business and technology
    There is no doubt that… 译 毫疑问
    There is no doubt that we should protect the environment
    8 Computers have made the world smaller like a village
    make+宾语+形容词 ……样 :
    We’ll try our best to make our country more and more beautiful
    Thanks for your introduction
    Pleased to meet you
    Nice to meet you
    It’s an honor to interview you now
    What do you think of ShenZhou VI
    What are your thoughts about ShenZhou VI
    宾语补足语 宾语补足语补充说明宾语宾语起构成复合宾语作宾语补足语名词形容词副词介词动词定式等
    1We call him Jim(名词)
    2We must keep our school clean every day(形容词)
    3Call him in please(副词)
    4Leave it on the desk(介词短语)
    1带to定式作宾语补足语常见类动词:ask tell get teach want invite like allow wish encourage等:Tell Jane to sing us a song简唱支歌
    2带to定式作宾语补足语常见类动词感(feel)二听(listen to hear)三(make let have)四(look at see watch notice):Let’s have a rest休息会
    He was seen to leave the room with a book in his hand见手着书离开房间
    3带to带to动词定式作宾语补足语 类动词help:
    Can you help me (to) wash my clothes
    1现分词作宾语补足语常表示正发生动作类补足语动词:see watch hear等:
    I hear somebody singing in the next room
    You need to have your hair cut

    Topic 2 When was it invented
    1 be used for +ving 做……
    2 come true 实现
    3 It’s said that 说
    4 duringin one’s life 某生
    5 be known as ……(身份)著名
    6 knowsay for certain 确切知道肯定说
    7 all the time 直总
    8 no longernot…any longer
    (no more not…any more)
    9 as long as
    10 as far as …………
    11 make a great contribution ……作出巨贡献
    12 the rest of the time 余时间里
    13 at any time 时候
    1 Because I’m not allowed to play computer games
    allow 允许准许意思常种形式:
    (1) allow +nprep :
    We can’t allow such a thing
    (2) allow sb to do sth 允许某做某事 :
    She allowed me to go fishing
    (3) allow +doing sth 允许做某事 :
    We don’t allow smoking in the readingroom
    (4) be allowed to do sth :
    The students are allowed to play games on the play ground after school
    2 How do you say this in English
    意思What’s this in English相
    3 It’s made from wood
    (1) be made in ……方制造接表示点名词
    (2) be made of ……制造表示原材料未化学变化出原材料
    (3) be made from ……制造表示原材料化学变化已出原样
    (4) be made by ()……()制作接表示名词代词
    (5) be made into (某物)制成……
    (6) be made up of ……组成 :
    The TV set is made in Japan
    These houses are made of stones
    Paper is made from wood
    Was this cake made by your mother
    Metal can be made into all kinds of things
    The medical team is made up of ten doctors
    4 It’s used for helping us to improve our English
    (1) be used for+ving
    be used to do ()做……
    (2)be used as ()作……强调作工具手段
    (3)be used by ……by物强调者
    Pens are used for writing
    Wood is used to make paper
    English is used as a foreign language in China
    Recorders are often used by English teachers
    5 People are surprised at the rapid development of robots
    句子中be surprised at…系表结构
    表示……感惊讶be surprised by…动语态形式表示……惊讶:
    I am surprised at you
    The manager was surprised by what he saw on the computer
    6 They will no longer want to be our servants but our masters
    no longer(通常动词前)not…any longer not…any more(非正式文体中)表示(……)现…… :
    She no longer lives here
    She doesn’t live here any longer( any more)
    7 This method worked well at night as long as the weather was good and the stars could be seen
    work well 效 as long as
    What’s it made of from
    Whenwhere was it made
    It was invented in 1879
    What will our future be like
    I hope your dream will come true
    1 般时动语态
    When was it made 什时候制造?
    It was made in 19801980年制造
    When was the digital camera invented
    It was invented in 1975
    Topic 3 Perhaps people will fly to Mars
    1travel by spaceship 宇宙飞船旅行
    2in the future
    3in order to
    4on the radio 通收音机
    5take part in 参加
    6grow up 成长长
    7prefer…to 喜欢……胜……
    8What’s worse 更糟糕
    9be worth it 处值干
    10at a distance of 相隔
    11send sb a message 某发送信息
    1 I don’t think aliens can be found in space
    (1)think believe suppose imagine expect等动词宾语句含not否定词时该否定应移句否定句谓语动词:
    I don’t think it will rain tomorrow
    He supposes they won’t win the game
    (2)can +be +分词情态动词构成动语态:
    This can’t be done in a short time
    2 It has been two days since we landed on Mars
    :It is(has been) three years since we left school
    3 What’s worse our water supplies were very low
    What’s worse 更糟糕类似结构:What’s more 更甚者更重
    4 It’s a quarter as big as the earth
    :This box is three times as heavy as that one
    5 Mars goes around the sun at a distance of about 228 million kilometers
    (1)at a distance of 相隔
    (2)at a distance 远处:
    The moon goes around the earth at a distance of 380000km
    The police followed him at a distance
    二 日常交际语
    Sound great What is it about
    What fun I can’t wait
    You think man can live in space one day
    I Think so I hope I can live there one day
    1情态动词动语态情态动词+be+物动词分词构成:Aliens can not be seen on the earth
    Other planets may be visited soon in the future
    Scientific research should be done carefully
    These trees must be watered in time

    first(ly)second(ly)then finally suddenly immediately
    after until the moment while
    in front of across above nearby at the back of next to on one side…on the other side
    on one hand…on the other hand for one thing…for another
    but however yet while though otherwise rather than no matter what on the other hand
    because of thanks to because since as for thisthat reason as a result so therefore
    as long as if unless if necessary
    besides in addition not only…but also as well what’s morewhat’s worse
    for exampleinstance such as like namely in other words
    as far as I know there is no doubt that I’m not sure that
    It’s certain that as we know It’s known to all that…
    in a word next to in short in general in all to sum up
    Generally speaking therefore

    Unit 5 Knowing about China
    Topic 1 How much do you know about China
    1 live with sb某起居住
    2 places of interest名胜
    3 millions of成百万千万数百万计
    4 all over around throughout the world世界
    5 such as例(名词短语)
    6 the birthplace of………发源
    7 a number of许(饰复数名词做语时谓复)
    8 the number of……数量(饰复数名词做语时谓单)
    9 fetch sb sth/fetch sth for sb 某取某物
    10 go through穿
    11 lie in位 lie on 毗邻 (接壤)lie to 位……附 (接壤)
    12 be worth doing sth.值做某事
    13 hear of听说
    14 make one’s dream come true realize one’s dream实现梦想
    15 lose oneself in…沉浸……
    16 above……方 on ……(表面)
    17 over……(垂直)正方(表跨越覆盖)
    18 not only…but also…仅…………(领原)
    19 the surrounding area of周边区
    20 be surrounded with by flowers花朵包围
    21 be surrounded on three sides by mountains三面环山
    22 the home of……乡
    23 be known/famous as 作……著称
    24 be known/famous for ……著称
    25 connect A with B AB连接联系起
    26 regard…as ……作
    27 go on a visit to visit 参观……
    28 break down损坏分解抛锚
    29 take away走
    30 be covered with……覆盖
    31 do outdoor activities做户外活动
    32 at the same time时
    33 serve as … 作充担
    (1)It’s two years since Mr and Mrs Green came to China
    Mr and Mrs Green have been in China for two years
    (1)They're the birthplaces of Chinese culture.中国文化发源
    (2)…I can fetch you Guide to China.It’s a book which introduces China in detail.
    (3)Tibet is in the southwest of Chinaisn't it
    (4)…they are well worth visiting.
    (5)That’s the most fantastic place that I have ever heard of.
    (6)The scenery is so attractive that visitors often lose themselves in it.
    (7)Hong Kong is known as the Oriental Pearl and Shopping Heaven.
    (8)People's way of life in the north is quite different from that in the south.
    (9)…but people in the south travel not only by land but also by water.
    The west Lake has become famous not only because of its special scenery but also because of some beautiful poems that were written by Bai Juyi and Su Donpo
    语:The West Lake
    谓语动词:has become (系动词)
    not only … but also… 列连词连词虚词句子中担成份句子中连接两状语because of …
    because of its special scenery … because of some beautiful poems that were written by Bai Juyi and Su Dongpo 整作副词作状语修饰形容词famous
    that were written by Bai Juyi and Su Dongpo 部分作定语句修饰poems

    Topic 2 I’m becoming more and more interested in China’s history

    1 in the field area of ……领域
    2 learn from sb.某学
    3 at the age of……年龄
    4 in one's thirties某三十岁时
    5 be proud of……傲……骄傲
    6 take pride in……傲……骄傲
    7 be the pride of……骄傲
    8 die of死……
    9 search the Internet网搜索
    10 search +某+for sth 搜查某找某物
    11 as soon as…………
    12 take an active part in积极参加
    13 set up建立创立
    14 bring down推翻
    15 pass away世消失
    16 be full of充满……
    17 give a lecture演讲讲课
    18 achieve the victory of取……胜利
    19 wipe out彻底消灭全部摧毁
    20 succeed in doing成功做……
    (1)He was a great thinker who had many wise ideas and thoughts about nature and human behavior.
    (2)He spent the rest of his life teaching and writing.
    (3)…the Chinese people are proud of.
    (4)It's hard to believe
    (5)When he was in his thirtieshe took an active part in the battle against the Qing dynasty.
    (6)UnfortunatelySun Yatsen broke down from hard work and passed away full of regrets on March 12th 1925.
    (7)…the Red Army succeeded in arriving in Gansu Province in 1936.
    (8)Confucius Was a great man whose sayings are still very famous.

    (1)spend语必须 常结构:(1) spend time /money on sth ……花费时间(金钱)例:I spent two hours on this maths problem 道数学题花两时(2) spend time / money (in) doing sth 花费时间(金钱)做某事例:They spent two years (in) building this bridge 造座桥花两年时间
    (2)cost语物某种活动 表示值 常见法:(1)sth costs (sb) +金钱某物花(某)少钱例:A new computer costs a lot of money 买台新电脑花笔钱(2) (doing) sth costs (sb) +时间某物(做某事)花(某)少时间例:Remembering these new words cost him a lot of time 花量时间记住单词
    (3)take面常双宾语 常见法种:(1) It takes sb +时间+to do sth 做某事花某少时间例:It took them three years to build this road 三年时间修完条路(2)doing sth takes sb +时间做某事花某少时间例:Repairing this car took him the whole afternoon 花午修车
    (4)pay基法:(1) pay (sb) money for sth 付钱(某)买……例:I have to pay them 20 pounds for this room each month 月付20英磅房租(2)pay for sth 付……钱例:I have to pay for the book lost 赔丢失书款(3)pay for sb 某付钱例:Don’t worry I'll pay for you 担心 会付钱(4)pay sb 付钱某 例 They pay us every month月报酬(5)pay money back 钱例:May I borrow 12 yuan from you I'll pay it back next week 12块钱?周(6)pay off one's money清钱

    Topic 3 The dragon has become a symbol of the Chinese nation

    1 show (sb)aroundround someplace带领(某)参观某
    2 show sb sth show sth to sb 某物某
    3 in the year of the dragon 龙年
    4 a symbol of……象征
    5 play an important part in……中起重作
    6 promise (sb) to do sth(某)承诺做某事
    7 encourage sb to do sth鼓励某做某事
    8 eitheror 者……者
    9 not as/so…as………样……
    10 both…and…两者……
    11 neither nor …………
    12 play chess棋
    13 in memory of…纪念…
    14 depend on取决信赖
    15 fight against+事物名词反……斗争
    16 fight against+国家……战斗
    17 fight for+抽象名词 (事业真理权利)斗争
    18 win+赛战斗奖品 赢……获……
    19 be similar to ……相似
    20 be the same as……样
    21 the writer and speaker作家兼演说家
    22 at the end of……末端头by the end of……止
    (1)That's correct
    (2)It also plays an important part in Chinese festivals.
    (3)My elder brother was born in the year of the dragon…
    (4)…but I can't play it as well as my father. .
    (5)Neither my mother nor my father likes it…
    (6)People invented Chinese chess in memory of the famous battle.
    (7)China is the home of teawhich has more than 4000 years of history.
    (8)Tea from Chinaalong with silk and porcelainbegin to be known by the world over a thousand years ago and has been an important Chinese export since then.
    (9)A friendship between gentlemen is like a cup of tea.
    both...and…either...or...neither...nor…not only...but also...
    eg.(1)Either Beihai Park or Shichahai is a good place to visit.
    (2)Both my father and I like it very much.
    (3)Neither my mother nor my father likes it.

    Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship
    Topic 1 I would rather watch sports shows than those ones
    三 重点短语
    1take part in 参加
    2in one’s spare free time 某业余时间
    3agree with sb意某意见
    4be ready to do sth准备做某事乐做某事
    5win a prize获奖品
    6 give sb a sudden attack on the(部位) 某…突然袭击
    7be tired of………感厌烦
    8from then on 时起
    9order sb to do sth命令某做某事
    10fall in love (with sb) 某相爱
    11in total总计
    12once upon a time前long long ago
    13be angry at sth 某事感生气
    14keep secrets 保守秘密
    15pay attention to…注意
    16a homeless running lucky dog丧家犬走狗幸运
    17stand for 代表
    18have a huge bad influence on………方面起巨 坏影响
    19ways of doing sth 做某事方式
    20keep…away from… ……远离……
    21a waste of time 浪费时间
    22do research 做研究
    23support one’s view 支持某观点
    四 重点句型
    1It’s nothing没什
    2It is hard for me to learn to play Chinese chess
    3I’m tired of watching those shows 节目感厌烦
    4Which program do you prefer TV plays or sports shows
    5I would rather watch sports shows 更喜欢运动节目
    So would I
    6The mother of the land was quite angry at what he said
    7Whenever scorpions appeared hunters would hide
    8As we know there are differences between western culture and Chinese culture
    众周知 中西方文化存着
    1 I would rather watch TV shows than sports shows 宁愿电视剧愿运动节目
    would rather…than…表 宁愿……愿 prefer…to…义结构
    前者 would rather do sth than do sth would do sth rather than do sth…者 prefer doing sth to doing sth prefer to do sth rather than do sth
    eg I would rather stay at home than go out I prefer staying at home to going out I would stay at home rather than go outI prefer to stay at home rather go out宁愿呆家中愿出
    2 Was his wife still alive 妻子活着
    alive 表 活着 常修饰修饰物 般作表语宾补
    living 义 修饰 修饰物 句中作定语作表语
    eg The old woman is still aliveliving(作表语) 老活着
    The king wanted to keep Gulliver alive(作宾补) 国王想格利佛活着
    There is no living things on Mars(作定语) 火星没生物
    3 She ordered a scorpion to hide in the dark to attack him
    order sb to do sth 命令求某做某事
    order sth for sb sth 某 某物订购某物
    eg The doctor ordered me to stay in bed 医生命令呆床休息
    He often orders books for his son 常子订书
    She ordered a suit for her dog 狗订购套衣服
    4 However sometimes you do not forgive others然 时会原谅
    forgive sb sth 原谅某某事
    forgive sb for doing sth 请求原谅做事
    eg She could forgive him anything 会原谅事
    Please forgive me for disturbing you 请原谅扰
    5 But in western countries dogs are considered honest and good friends of humans
    西方国家 狗认诚实 类朋友
    honest 作形容词 表 诚实 正直 句中作定语 表语宾补
    He is an honest man The man is honest
    固定搭配 be honest with sb 某坦诚相
    to be honest 说实话 老实说

    Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in Chinese literature

    1work hard at………方面努力工作
    2works of art艺术作品
    3according to根
    4the introduction to the painting 画介绍
    5express strong feelings 表达强烈情感
    6in the distance 远处
    7make up one’s mind to do sht定决心做某
    8express the real meaning of friendship 说明友谊真正含义
    9walk through the desert穿沙漠
    10have an argument争辩吵
    11slap sb in the face 某计耳光
    12with the help of+ with one’s help某帮助
    13keep on doing sth 继续做某事
    14take a bath 洗澡
    15get stuck in 陷入……
    16can’t help doing sth情禁做某事
    17erase…from… ……中抹擦掉
    18be good at hiding 善隐身
    19save one’s life救某命
    20catch up with追赶

    1 It is a pity that he died when he was very young 遗憾 英年早逝
    2 What (do you think) are the most important things I need to know about paintings
    认关绘画 需知道重事情什
    3 Well that depends on what kind of paintings you want to learn
    4 Then you can decide whether you want to become a painter or not(宾语句)
    5 It says here that Gu Kaizhi is quite good at painting figures( 宾语句)
    6 The way he shows things in the distance is different from the way Gu Kaizhi does(定语句)
    7 Perhaps that is the reason why I prefer to paint landscapes(定语句)
    8 … it was Sandy and Pigsy who helped the Monkey King win every battle(定语句)
    9 One tree can’t make a forest 独木成林
    10 But without saying anything he wrote in the sand 什没说写沙子中

    1 paint draw 具 绘画含义区
    paint 表示颜料等画带色彩画 油画水彩画画正式肖画
    draw 表蜡笔铅笔钢笔等种笔画通常画较简单
    eg He is drawing a horse on the blackboard 正黑板画匹马
    The artist painted in water colors 画家水彩作画
    2 I want to know if it is difficult to be an artist I wonder if it is difficult to be an artist 想知道成艺术家否难
    If you work hard at painting it won’t be difficult for to succeed 果努力画画说成功难
    前句中if表 否引导宾语句 句中if表 果引导条件状语句
    3 The shorter boy got stuck in the mud and started to sink…子男孩陷进泥里开始沉……
    get stuck 系表结构 stuck分词作表语 表动
    4 However when someone does something good for you you should carve it on a stone from which the wind can never erase it(定语句) 然 做益事情 应刻石头 样决会风抹掉
    erase…from… …………清 抹掉句中定语句关系代词介词which that
    eg What can we learn about by reading books in which heroes fight against their enemies 通书中英雄物抗敌书解什呢

    Topic 3 I will remember our friendship forever

    1graduate from………毕业
    2a graduation ceremony 毕业典礼
    3prepare for……做准备
    4first of all 首先(强调事物排列序时间先)
    5at first 起初先(指事情开始发展差异)
    6above all首先(强调事物重性)
    7pass the final examination 通毕业考
    8think back on to…回想起追忆
    9have a class gettogether 开学聚会
    10with pleasure 乐意
    11send photos to each other互赠相片
    12dozens of… 十……
    13as the saying goes 常言道
    14a large package of…袋子……
    15beg your pardon请求原谅
    16go camping 野营
    17last forever 永远持续
    18have many unforgettable memories of…拥许……难忘记忆
    19get along well with………相处融洽
    20to one’s joy 令某高兴
    21chat with sb 某聊天
    22take photos with sb某合影
    23come to an end 结束
    24continue to do sth 继续做某事
    25hurry up 赶快
    26any time now 时马
    27head back home 动身回家回家路走
    28have a great future 拥美未
    29give a big hug to sb 某紧紧拥抱
    30have a safe flight 旅途安
    31keep our dreams alive 梦想常
    32bring about带引起导致

    1 How time flies 光阴似箭
    2 It’s a piece of cake 菜碟(容易做事)
    3 We have worked so hard that we will be able to pass it easily努力学致轻易通
    4 I will say I have learned not only how to study but also how to be a man
    5 Where there is a will there is a way 志者事竟成
    6 Although they are cheap they are valuable to remember our friendship
    7 As the saying goes It’s the thought that counts 常言道礼轻情义重
    8 I just want to beg your pardon 想请求原谅
    9 You don’t need to say sorry for anything需事说抱歉
    10 Here she comes

    1 This weekend we’ll graduate from Ren’ai International School周末仁爱国际学校毕业
    1) graduate 作动词表 毕业相leave school名词形式graduation
    eg He graduated in 1999 He left school in 1999
    2) graduate from + 学校 表 某学校毕业 graduate in + 专业 表 毕业某专业
    eg He graduated from Peking University last year 年北京学毕业
    He graduated in English at a famous University毕业名牌学外语专业
    3) 作名词时表毕业生
    eg He is a history gradute 历史系毕业生
    Each graduate will receive a piece of paper called a diploma毕业生会收张毕业证书
    2 Thinking back on these three years I learned if I want to succeed I must study hard first
    think back on to 回想起追忆 :When I think back onto those things I miss my friends a lot
    3 …and write some words on the blackboard with color chalks彩色粉笔黑板写句话
    1)chalk 粉笔数名词表示支粉笔时a piece of chalk
    a chalk
    4 I’ve got dozens of cards 准备许贺卡
    1) dozen作数名词意()十二十许Give me a dozen please 请
    2) 数词连面名词时dozen加sof
    eg two dozen eggs 两鸡蛋 three dozen apples 三苹果
    3) dozen加s时常of连意十许表明确数目
    dozens of… 十 hundreds of…百成百千 thousands of…千成千万
    5 What I will remember are all the good times we’ve spent together记度美时光
    time 表示 (倒霉艰难)时光时日岁月次数时数
    We had a good time yesterday 昨天玩愉快
    It’s best to forget the bad times and just remember the good ones
    You should make good use of your time利时间
    6 to one’s joy 某高兴 to one’s surprised 某惊讶
    eg To my joy I became the owner of an MP3 last week
    To our surprised Jim didn’t pass the exam 令惊讶吉姆没通考试
    7 take photos of sb 某拍 take photos with sb 某合影
    8 It means change and leaving behind unforgettable faces and places
    9 意味着变化意味着忘面容方留记忆深处
    leave…behind 忘带遗忘……抛面
    I think I left my glasses (behind) at home 想眼镜忘家里
    She knew that she had left childhood behind 知道童年已复返
    10 I’m sad to be here watching you all head back home 里着动身回家真点伤心
    head 作动词表 (某方)行进 head back home 回家路行进 head for………行进
    eg She headed for the door 着门口走





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