
    时间:60分钟 满分:100分


    听力部分 (30分)
    ( ) 1 A right B night C light
    ( ) 2 A card B car C hard
    ( ) 3 A work B walk C worker
    ( ) 4 A sorry B carry C heavy
    ( ) 5 A take B make C cake
    ( ) 1 ( ) 2
    A B A B
    ( ) 3 ( ) 4
    A B A B
    ( ) 5
    A B
    ( ) 1 A In the library
    B It’s easy
    C Put them on Shelf A
    ( ) 2 A He is my father
    B There are some apples
    C They are my friends
    ( ) 3 A Yes he did
    B No he doesn’t
    C Yes she did
    ( ) 4 A She has some hamburgers
    B She likes bananas
    C She had some meat
    ( ) 5 A Yes I can
    B Yes please
    C No I can’t
    ( ) 1 Last Sunday I went to the park with my mother
    ( ) 2 My mother wanted to buy a coat for me
    ( ) 3 My mother wanted to buy a yellow dress for me
    ( ) 4 I like blue and white
    ( ) 5 At last my mother bought a blue and white dress for me
    五图 根图片提示写单词(5分)
    1 We go to bed at _________
    2 I have _________ at home every day
    3 Take your _________ It’s raining
    4 My grandpa worked in the _________
    5 He can read and _________
    ( ) 1 A grandchild B students C teachers
    ( ) 2 A night B morning C pocket
    ( ) 3 A light B ask C work
    ( ) 4 A heavy B easy C put
    ( ) 5 A studied B lunch C gave
    A Where 1 ___________(arewere) you yesterday
    B I 2 ___________ (wasam) in the park
    A You look tired
    B Yes I 3 ___________ (wentgo) to bed late
    A What 4 ___________ (dodid) you do
    B I 5 ___________ (playedplay) with my little sister
    ( ) 1 Ms Smart is ___________ English teacher
    A a B an C
    ( ) 2 You can’t ___________ it ___________ China
    A takeof B took to C take to
    ( ) 3 My bag is ___________ I want a new one
    A light B broken C big
    ( ) 4 —Does Sam like hamburgers
    A Yes she does B No he didn’t C Yes he does
    ( ) 5 The box is too heavy ___________ you
    A for B of C at
    ( ) 6 Tom didn’t ___________ Chinese last night
    A study B studied C studys
    ( ) 7 She wants ___________ a yellow Tshirt
    A buys B buying C to buy
    ( ) 8 Yesterday I ___________ with my grandparents
    A is watching TV B watched TV C
    ( ) 9 My father likes ___________ in a school
    A worked B working C works
    ( ) 10 —What did she do
    —She ___________
    A dance B danced C dances
    1 —What did Miss Gao teach
    —She ___________ ___________
    2 Yesterday I ___________ ___________ for breakfast
    3 The bag is light It’ll be ___________ for me to carry
    I will ___________ it
    4 —Let’s make a home ___________
    —That’s a good ___________
    5 My grandpa is ___________ ___________ now
    1 There were some people in the park (改否定句)
    There ___________ ___________ people in the park
    2 He had rice and vegetables today (tomorrow改写句子)
    He ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ rice and vegetables tomorrow
    3 We go to the zoo (改祈句)
    ___________ go to the zoo
    4 I learnt some foreign languages (改般疑问句)
    ___________ you ___________ ___________ foreign languages
    5 She is my aunt (画线部分提问)
    ___________ is she
    Jack and his mother are sitting at the dining table(饭桌旁) They are having lunch
    I don’t like this soup(汤) I don’t want to drink it says Jack He puts down the spoon(汤匙) All right says his mother Don’t drink it
    After lunch Jack and his mother work in the fields They work so hard
    In the evening Jack’s mother gives him a bowl(碗) of soup Oh the soup is very delicious says Jack His mother says It is the same soup
    ( ) 1 Where are Jack and his mother sitting
    A In the room
    B At the dining table
    C On the desk
    ( ) 2 What are they doing at first(起初)
    A Having lunch
    B Watching TV
    C Reading English books
    ( ) 3 Does Jack like this soup at first
    A Yes he does
    B No he doesn’t
    C He likes the soup
    ( ) 4 When do Jack and his mother work in the fields
    A In the morning
    B Before lunch
    C After lunch
    ( ) 5 What does Jack’s mother give him in the evening
    A Another bowl of soup
    B The same cake
    C The same soup
    Mary’s shoes were old and broken Mum wanted to buy her a new pair They went to a department store last Sunday Mary wanted a red pair But Mum wanted a green pair The red shoes were nice but heavy The green shoes were light but small So they bought a white pair They were nice and light They were 15 yuan They were cheap(便宜) Mary likes them very much
    1 Who wanted to buy shoes for Mary
    2 When did they go to a department store
    3 Who wanted a red pair of shoes
    4 Were the green shoes light but small
    5 Which pair did they buy
    1 My grandma watched TV last night
    2 Liu Ying studied hard many years ago
    3 We are going to work in the fields tomorrow
    4 These books are too heavy  
    5 You can't take it to China
    二1 She cooked on a fire
    2 I walked to school many years ago
    3 Sam ate a hamburger for breakfast
    4 We can get information from the CD
    5 It has got a panda on it
    三1 Where can you find books about China
    2 Who are they Amy  
    3 Did your grandpa learn English
    4 What did she have for dinner  
    5 Can I help you
    四 Last Sunday my mother and I went shopping She bought a new dress for me She wanted to buy a yellow one But I don't like yellow I like blue and white So she bought a blue and white dress for me
    1 B 2 C 3 A 4 C 5 A
    二1 B 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 B
    三1 A 2 C 3 A 4 C 5 B
    四1 F 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 T
    五1 night 2 lunch 3 umbrella 4 fields 5 write
    六1 A 2 C 3 A 4 C 5 B
    七1 were 2 was 3 went 4 did 5 played
    八1 B
    2 C 点拨:cancan't接动词原形take sth to sp 意思带某物某
    3 B 
    4 C 点拨:Does Sam 引导疑问句 答句:Yes he does No he doesn't
    5 A
    6 A 点拨:didn't 接动词原形
    7 C 点拨:want to do sth 意思想做某事
    8 B 点拨:yesterday昨天句子般时
    9 B 点拨:like doing sth 意思喜欢做某事
    10 B 点拨:问句答句时态致 选B
    九1 taught Chinese 2 atehad eggs 3 easy take
    4 library idea 5 learning English
    十1 weren't any 2 is going to have 3 Let's
    4 Did learn any 5 Who
    十1 B 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 C
    十二1 Mary's mum  2 Last Sunday  3 Mary
    4 Yes they were  5 They bought a white pair
    Amy Mum my dress is small
    Mum OK I'll buy a new dress for you
    Sales assistant Can I help you
    Amy Yes I want a dress
    Sales assistant What about this one
    Amy It's nice But it's too big for me
    Mum Look at that dress It's red
    Amy Oh it's nice I like it
    Mum OK We'll take it




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