2020-2021学年牛津八年级下册英语导学案27(Unit7-Comic strip&Welcome to the unit)(无答案)

    八年级英语导学案27(Comic Strip & Welcome to the unit)

    1 全世界国际慈善机构
    2 剩零钱 3 做UNICEF慈善组织
    4 家建更世界
    5 贫困区童提供基础教育
    6 致力妇女童等权力
    7 too weak to walk any further
    8 have only 5 kilometres left
    9 have a big lunch after that
    10 work to prevent the spread of some serious disease
    二 预Comic strip话回答列问题:
    1 What is needed for charity

    2 what does Hobo want Eddie to do

    3 What does Eddie want to do first Why

    4 How far will they go

    三 根相关信息完成Part A练(P93)

    ( )1 Don’t worry There’s a little time ________
    A left B leave C leaving D will leave
    ( )2 I used to ________ after 800 but now I am used to ________ before 700
    A getting up getting up B get up get up
    C getting up get up C get up getting up
    ( )3 Jim is ________ hungry ________ finish the work
    A very to B quite to C too to D too not to
    ( )4 Tom told Millie that he ________ a dictionary at her home yesterday
    A leaves B leave C left D has left
    ( )5 Which charity helps blind people
    A ORBIS B The Red Cross C Oxfam D UNICEF
    ( )6 Would you like to donate your pocket money to the poor
    A No I don’t like B Yes of course C No I would like to D Yes I like
    ( )7 Some people in the west part of our country are poor There is no ________ care when they are ill
    Really We are lucky We live a happy life and always keep ourselves ________
    A health health B healthy healthy C healthy health D health healthy
    ( )8 More money ____________ for charity
    A need B needed C is needed D needs
    1 There are wild flowers all over the valley(山谷) all year round _____________(尤)I April and May
    2 Primary students begin to learn the _______________ (基)sills of reading and writing
    3 A child usually receives its early _______________(教育) at home
    4 The Internet makes the ________________(扩散) of information become quicker and quicker
    5 In Mexico women didn’t get the _______________(权利) to vote until 1953
    6 I love the countryside e_________________ in spring
    7 He has the r___________________ to ask for an explanation
    8 In the past parents could not afford the e________________ for their children
    9 In winter the flu s_________________ among people
    10 UNICEF provides b________________ education for their children
    11 Mike I have some bread ________________(leave) Would you like to have some
    12 I am thirsty let me ______________(drink) some water
    13 The young mother ____________(worry) so much about her sick baby that she couldn’t fall asleep at all
    14 My father used to _________________(read) newspapers while eating his breakfast
    15 Nancy __________________(collect) some information about ORBIS hasn’t he
    16 Fresh air __________________(need) for everyone
    ( )1 Rare wild animals are still killed in some areas around the world
    ( )2 Mrs Green has been blind since she was twentyfive years old Now ten years has passed but she still
    ( )3 Children in poor areas don’t have enough food to eat Some of them even have got serious illnesses
    ( )4 Some farmers in Gansu lost much of their wheat crop because of the sandstorms
    ( )5 In Africa women don’t have the same rights as men For example women are not allowed to drive in some countries
    ( )6 almost half of the world’s wetlands have disappeared() because of people’s activities during the past 100 years
    1 该作出决定时候
    2 太虚弱走动
    3 做
    4 口袋里剩50元钱买起块金表
    5 冰箱里剩点面包买点?
    6 定设法全世界贫困童建立更世界
    7 童必接受基础教育
    8 组织志愿者致力妇女童等权力
    I'm the type of guy who believes you can achieve anything you set your mind to if you give it your all and don't give up 1 when I decided to write a novel it didn't matter to me that I had never done anything like that before What did matter to me was that I had a great story in my head a story that needed to be 2
    What I thought would take a couple of months or a couple of years After five months of writing I at last 3 the finish line that magical day when you type THE END Okay so I wrote a manuscript(手稿)The first thing I did was to copy it followed by sending it out to all of my friends who 4 a lot to get creative criticism(批评).And then it was back to rewriting the story Next I hired a professional(专业员)who gave me great 5 which meant more rewriting I soon learned a lesson in writing writing is rewriting There would always be 6 for improvement
    I had rewritten the manuscript time and time again for two years and in the process I learned 7 to write Looking back I had no idea how long it was going to take or how hard it was going to be Writing the manuscript was the easy part while going on the way to write a 8 book was the hard part
    Pursuing(追求)my dreams has made all the difference Life is a journey I can't see what 9 ahead but I know one thing for sure when I look 10 I see the things that I've achieved and I smile with pride
    ( )1 A However B Therefore C Anyway D Otherwise
    ( )2 A made B organized C printed D born
    ( )3 A reached B got C tried D ran
    ( )4 A discussed B understood C read D praised
    ( )5 A confidence B energy C comfort D advice
    ( )6 A room B time C pleasure D experience
    ( )7 A who B when C how D why
    ( )8 A whole B successful C thick D right
    ( )9 A lies B lays C matches D follows
    ( )10 A round B up C behind D forward
    As we all know more 1____________ is needed for charity Hobo found Eddie has some 2____________ money lef so he asks Eddie to go and 3____________ it Eddie says it’s time to have 4____________ Obviously Eddie is making an excuse He doesn’t want to do it He knows that he can buy lots of 5____________ with that money
    Hobo tells him not to 6____________ because they can have a big lunch after that On the way Eddie pretends () to be very 7____________ He tells Hobo that he is too 8____________ to walk any further He wants to have lunch 9____________ But Hobo doesn’t listen to him He says they only have fie 10____________ left Poor Hobo It’s sure that he will gives away his money today
    1 _______________ 2 ______________ 3 _____________ 4 ____________ 5 _____________
    6 _______________ 7 ______________ 8 _____________ 9 ____________ 10 ____________





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