
    七年级英语力提升Happy Labor Day
    班级_______ 姓名________ 学号 ________
    Day 1 Nothing is too difficult if you put your heart into it 世难事肯登攀
    第三节 语篇补全(5题计10分) 阅读面短文短文选项中选出填入空白处佳选项补全短文
    In September millions of Chinese students get the new Chinese books 36__________________ In Grade 9 about 517 of the texts are about traditional Chinese poems (诗) and articles (文章) 37__________________
    Some parents say that there are too many traditional Chinese poems and articles because the children are too young to understand them 38__________________ They say that though the children can’t understand those poems and articles now they are good for the children one day
    Many people like watching the Chinese Poetry Conference (诗词会) 39______________ From the show we can enjoy the beauty of the poems 40__________________ They think traditional Chinese culture is not only good for their moral (道德) development but also good for their character (性格) It can also teach them how to face the difficulties with a smile
    A More and more people want to get the education (教育) of traditional Chinese culture
    B In the new Chinese books there is much traditional (传统) Chinese culture (文化)
    C It is a show about the Chinese traditional culture
    D In primary school students’ Chinese books there are about 30 of all the texts
    E But others welcome the new books
    第节 完形填空 (10题计15分)
    Mary’s school is a few kilometers from her house Both her parents are busy and 46 drive her to school Every day at 730 she takes a school bus there The bus goes around to pick up students every morning and bring them back 47 every afternoon
    Mary’s parents always set their alarm clock every evening but one morning it didn’t 48 When Mary’s mother opened her eyes it was already 8 o’clock She 49 Mary’s room I’m sorry dear she said but you have to wash and dress very quickly have a quick breakfast and then I can 50 you to school
    But do you know the way to my school Mum
    No but you can 51 my guide can’t you
    Oh yes Mary washed dressed and had a quick breakfast Then they went to school Mary told her mother to turn right here and turn left there In this way she made her mother drive around most of the town 52 they got to her school At last her mother found out that it was not really very 53 from their house
    Why did you let me go such a long way round Mary
    Because I didn’t know 54 else () to get here Mum That’s the way our bus always goes to pick up other children on the 55 to school
    46 A needn’t B mustn’t C can’t
    47 A school B home C town
    48 A work B go C start
    49 A looked at B ran into C looked for
    50 A ride B bring C drive
    51 A be B do C take
    52 A after B before C away
    53 A different B far C right
    54 A what B which C how
    55 A bus B way C road
    第二节 语法填空 (10题计10分) 阅读面短文空白处填入适容括号单词正确形式
    We go to many places every day Why do you 56 _______ (usual) go out Do you walk 57 _______ ride a bike In a modern city there are many places for you 58 _______ (choose) when you go out If you are in a hurry you can take 59 _______ taxi Taxis don’t need 60 _______ (stop) at every bus stop And the driver can take you to any place you want to go 61 _______ going out by taxi costs 62 _______ (many) money So you can also choose to take the underground It is much faster than buses You don’t need to pay a lot 63 _______ it if you go out by underground When you aren’t busy you can’ take a bus and then you enjoy the view of the city on it If you want to be healthy going out on foot or by bike is good for you Walking can make you 64 _______ (health)
    Today many people have cars But do you think it is a good thing to have too many 65 _______ (car) in the street
    第三节 语篇翻译 (5题计10分) 阅读面短文画线句子译成英文中文
    Jennifer and her sister Katie learn how they should care about others at school 66 This gives them a great idea Let’s start a new club at school We can call it THE CARE CLUB says Katie CARE means caring and respecting (尊重) everybody Jennifer agrees (意)
    67 天放学帮助男孩做作业Another day they stay after school to help a little girl learn to read On the weekend they walk a neighbor’s dog and even give the dog a good shower(洗澡) Katie and Jennifer’s parents understand their daughters very well They help their daughters 68 They also love helping others and they are having so much fun doing it
    69 学校里孩子加入俱乐部They raise (筹集) money and buy flowers or cars for sick people to cheer them up 70 Through (通) these small things they learn a lot And they realize that helping other people is really a wonderful thing

    Day 2 Failure is the mother of success   失败成攻母
    第二节 (5题题2分满分10分)
    There are 24 solar terms (节气) in China and the Grain Rain (谷雨) is one of them It is in spring 36 __________________
    This solar term is called the Grain Rain because it is known for rain that helps the grain grow From its name we can guess it means a time of more rain 37 __________________ Or you may get wet
    38 __________________ When the spring rain falls farmers begin to grow crops Farmers often say Spring rain is as precious (珍贵) as oil It brings farmers hope for a good year ahead
    People also have special activities at this time In the northern part of China people like to eat Chinese toon (椿牙) mixed with eggs 39 __________________ And it is a kind of healthy food In South China the tea leaves are picked 40 __________________ Drinking tea at this time of year has also become a tradition in these places
    A They are called Grain Rain tea
    B But this is a great time for planting crops
    C And it is usually on or around April 20 every year
    D The food made in the time of Grain Rain tastes wonderful
    E So you may need to bring an umbrella with you when you go out
    第节 (10题题15分满分15分)
    In a forest there lives an owl (猫头鹰) All the animals know that he is the 41 among all of them So they often go to him and tell him their 42 Then the owl teaches them what they should do
    One day a little bird goes up to the owl She is 43 What’s wrong with you asks the owl I am very 44 I don’t want to be a bird the bird says 45 don’t you want to be a bird asks the owl I am so small and weak and useless she cries I want to be big and 46 like the lion He is very important but I am not Then the owl says 47 to the bird At once the bird goes away One week 48 the bird comes back Oh thank you very much You are a very clever owl she says to the owl I am very happy now Every day I 49 at the top of the tallest tree and watch out for lions and tigers When they come near I shout 50 Then my friends all run and hide They are very thankful to me I am useful and important now
    The clever owl smiles and says No one in the world is useless
    41 A laziest B happiest C cleverest
    42 A stories B lives C problems
    43 A flying B crying C laughing
    44 A unhappy B lucky C relaxed
    45 A How B Why C What
    46 A fat B rich C strong
    47 A something B anything C nothing
    48 A ago B later C earlier
    49 A jump B climb C sit
    50 A happily B carefully C loudly
    第二节 语法填空 (10题题1分满分10分)
    Jacob is always late for class It’s only 10 51 _______ (minute) walk from his home to school but he 52 _______ (usual) needs 20 minutes So he always 53 _______ (arrive) late for class One day Jacob is late again He meets his math teacher Mr Smith 54 _______ the hallway Mr Smith asks him 55 _______ are you always late for school Jacob
    Sorry Mr Smith Every time I walk to school I see a sign (指示牌) It says School — Go slow (慢行)’ So I have to walk 56 _______ (slow) and I have 57 _______ (spend) more time getting to school Jacob says
    The teacher laughs and asks But why aren’t your 58 _______ (classmate) late for school Jacob says 59 _______ they don’t follow traffic rules
    The teacher says Following traffic rules is 60 _______ (importance) But I’m afraid I have to tell you that the sign is for drivers to follow
    第三节 (5题题2分满分10分)
    There are many small villages in the Taihang Mountains 61 It’s difficult for Mr Yang to get to these villages 62 杨先生天样抵达村庄?
    Mr Yang is a postman (邮递员) The 60yearold man needs to send different things to people in the mountains Every day his work starts early in the morning — usually at 5 am First he gets to the post office to take these things 63 然抵达村庄花费10时Mr Yang says People want to get their things at the first time so I can’t be late And I must make sure they are well in my hand 64 When his work is over it’s always 900 pm
    During the 30 years Mr Yang travels about 200000 km in the mountains 65 Many pairs of his shoes are bad Mr Yang is going to retire (退休) He hopes someone can do his job after he stops working

    Day 3 Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise
    第二节 短文理解: B
    Are you curious (奇) about how busy students are in the United States Well we are always busy We have a lot of homework but not as much as Chinese students do But we are not just busy working on our studies As the saying goes All work and no play makes Jack a dull (呆滞) boy
    First we have afterschool clubs We finish school early around 240 pm Then we go to our clubs from 3 pmto 4 pm There are several kinds of clubs such as those for arts sports and culture I love afterschool clubs because I can learn more and make more friends there
    Another kind of common afterschool activities is playing on school sports teams These teams train hard so they can win games against other teams during the competitive season (竞争激烈赛季) I have a friend who is on a girls’ basketball team It is the basketball season now so she trains every day after school from 3 pmto 8 pm There is just a onehour break
    The school bands rehearsal (排练) is also held after school I am in the school band We rehearse once a week every Monday from 4 pmto 7 pm
    Finally a lot of us do volunteer work on the weekend We need 15 to 20 volunteer hours each term I often go to the food bank which is a food donation (捐献) organization to work as a volunteer I’m usually pretty tired after I finish volunteering each week The work is sometimes boring but I know I’m working for the good of society (社会) So I enjoy it
    31 How many kinds of afterschool activities are mentioned in the passage
    A Three B Four C Five
    32 What afterschool activity should I choose if I’m free only from 3 pm to 8 pm on Monday
    A Art club B Basketball team C School band
    33 Why do the students in the sports team train hard
    A To win the game B To make teachers happy C To get better grades
    34 What can we get from the passage
    A American students have more homework than Chinese students
    B American students have a lot of afterschool activities to attend after school
    C American students must attend 3 or more kinds of afterschool activities
    35What would be the best title for the passage
    A Are American Students Busy
    B Are American Students Tired
    C Are American Students Bored

    第节 完形填空 (10题计15分)
    My name is Steve I’m a Chinese boy I’m fourteen years old I study in a middle school There are many 41 in my school For me I join 42 clubs the guitar club the dancing club and the basketball club
    First there are many 43 at the guitar club and most of them are boys They think playing the guitar can make 44 cool And I 45 think so Second I join the dancing club 46 I want to learn street dancing (街舞) at the club Street dancing is my favorite And I will learn 47 Chinese folk dance too Today there is a 48 of street dancing at the art festival I’m happy that I can dance well 49 all the students and teachers Third there is no need to 50 that most boys like basketball It’s a healthy sport I like it and I want to be a basketball player like Kobe Bryant
    41 A games B subjects C clubs
    42 A five B two C three
    43 A teachers B girls C students
    44 A us B them C him
    45 A really B also C all
    46 A so B or C because
    47 A some B any C no
    48 A photo B show C dancer
    49 A with B to C for
    50 A talk B say C speak
    第二节 语法填空 (10题计10分)
    Most children like watching TV It’s very 51 _______ (interest) By watching TV they can see and learn a lot and know 52 _______ (much) things about their country and the world Of course they can also learn over the radio But they can learn 53 _______ (good) and easily on TV Why 54 _______ they can hear and watch at the same time But they can’t see 55 _______ (something) over the radio
    TV helps to open children’s eyes TV helps to open 56 _______ (they) minds (智力) too They learn newer (更新) and better ways of 57 _______ (do) things They may find the world is now smaller than before (前)
    Many children watch TV only 58 _______ Saturday or Sunday evening They are always busy with their 59 _______ (lesson) But a few children watch TV every night They go to bed very late They can’t have 60 _______ good rest How about you and your friend
    第三节 语篇翻译 (5题计10分)阅读面短文画线句子译成英文中文
    Dear Jane
    How’s your winter vacation going in Europe How’s the weather there Are you having a good time
    These days I stay at home for about a month and take some training (特训) classes in Changsha 61 坐飞机长沙需花约时To help me study hard 62 my parents make a lot of study rules for me At 600 I must get up and make my bed 63 妈妈认吃顿丰盛早餐利健康So I have to eat lots of vegetables and drink much milk From 800 to 1730 I need to listen to the teachers carefully in online classes and take notes for different subjects After dinner my father tells me to take a walk or exercise with him in the neighborhood In the evening I must finish my homework on time At ten o’clock I should go to bed 64 Sometimes I either watch some interesting shows or play computer games in my free time I really have a good time doing these activities
    Every day I spend much time studying and doing my homework 65 On weekends I often have to practice playing the guitar for half an hour Rules rules rules There are so many study rules at my home on a vacation I must follow them to help me to be a good child My parents are so strict with me So sometimes I can’t relax
    I’m looking forward to your reply

    Day 4 I have no secret of success but hard work 成功秘诀努力干
    第二节 语篇补全 根短文容短文选项中选出填入空白处佳选项(5题计10分)
    If you want to be successful you should learn how to start your day Although you cannot finish all your things in one day starting your day in a right way is still important 36
    Do you know an old saying 37 This means that people who get up early can have a good start and are more likely () to succeed So get up an hour early
    38 although your breakfast is ready sometimes you may still want to look at your phone and check WeChat first and quickly Well you’d better () not
    Drink a glass of water 39 Health is one of the most important for us Then we can study or work better
    Exercise in the morning Some people may not agree with this one 40 It may waste your time Experts (专家) suggest doing exercise in the morning because by the end of the day you may not have the time or energy to exercise Doing exercise in the morning prevents that from happening
    A Don't check We Chat
    B Drinking water in the morning can speed up our body's metabolism (新陈代谢)
    C The early bird gets the worm
    D Some people like to exercise after work
    E Here are some ideas on how to start your day right
    36 37 38 39 40
    Ⅲ 语言运(三节25题计35分)
    第节 词语填空 通读面短文掌握意然题中ABC三选项中选择佳答案(10题计15分)
    Mike was a cute good boy but he had one 41 habit He ate lots of candies He loved candies very much He 42 asked his father for candies His father thought hard about how to 43 the child from asking for so many candies
    A great man lived nearby The boy’s father decided to (决定) 44 the boy to him because he believed the great man can make the child give up (放弃) 45 One day the father visited him and asked the great man for help 46 the great man liked candies himself He told the father to bring his son back 47 a month
    During this month the great man tied to give up eating candies At last he 48 it When the boy and his father came back a month later the great man had a talk with the boy From then on the boy 49 ask for candies any more The boy’s father felt surprised Why didn’t you ask my son to give up candies when we came to you a month ago The man answered 50 could I ask a boy to give up candies when I loved candies myself
    A person’s example is always more important than words We shouldn’t ask others to do what we can’t do ourselves
    41 A good B bad C different
    42 A never B seldom C always
    43 A show B stop C teach
    44 A take B bring C let
    45 A words B candies C himself
    46 A But B And C Or
    47 A before B after C for
    48 A decided B stopped C did
    49 A sometimes B never C still (然)
    50 A how B why C what
    第二节 语法填空 阅读面短文空白处填入适单词括号单词正确形式填空(10题计10分)
    Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is the CEO of Facebook Do you want 51 (know) what his life is like
    After 52 (wake) up (醒) at 8 am Zuckerberg turns to his phone to check Facebook and messages right away Then he goes to the gym (健身房) and does some 53 Sometimes Zuckerberg runs outside His favorite running partner is his pet dog Beast Zuckerberg runs to keep 54 At the same time he helps 55 (walk) the dog He kills two birds with one stone
    After that Zuckerberg always takes a 56 (quickly) shower and gets ready for the day Zuckerberg never wastes times on small things Being a successful businessman he likes to keep the rest of his life pretty simple (简朴) He eats 57 early and simple breakfast And for the 58c he is always in jeans a gray Tshirt and a pair of sports shoes As for the way he goes somewhere he enjoys walking to places that are not far away
    Most people work about 40 hours a week 59 it is usual for Zuckerberg to work 5060 hours every week Although he spends a lot of time in the office Zuckerberg is very much a family man
    After marrying He always spends time learning Chinese along with his two daughters He is also interested in taking nice long vacations with his family And he tries to read a new book every two weeks He is trying to find a good balance (衡) 60 work and life
    第三节 语篇翻译 阅读面短文划线部分译成英文中文(5题计10分)
    61 How do you get to school every day By bike or on foot Maybe you can try a new waytaking a S’Cool Bus The S’Cool Bus is also called the bike bus It's from the bike kingdomthe Netherlands(荷兰) It is all about green lifestyle sport and sharing 62 It’s interesting for kids to take it to go to school
    Also it's very safe (安全) The bike bus has a driver and eleven seats for kids Each one has a helmet and safety belt (头盔安全带) There is also a roof(车顶)onthe bus It makes kids feel comfortable on hot days or rainy days
    Taking the bike bus is one of the greatest ways for children to get to school Kids can learn about the streets and the city very well 63 And they can also take it to relax
    Peter an 11yearold student becomes a big fan of the bike bus Now the S'Cool bus is my favorite means of transportation It makes the long journey short 64 现学校花费 15 分钟 Parents can also save (节约) money because it only takes them two dollars a time At the same time they only need to pick up their children after school 65 帮助节约时间
    The S'Cool Bus is becoming more and more popular in some countries like Germany and France Its creator Thomas Tolkamp says hope can sell the bike bus to more countries in the future I think it will work well in other countries





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