
    _________he knows a lot about computer[2018年7月试题]
    [答案]Child a she is
    _________he knows a lot about computer[2020年7月试题]
    [答案]Child a she is
    _________he knows a lot about computer[部资料]
    [答案]Child as he is
    _________by the promise of these tiny tubespeople are already working to turn the Space Elevator into a reality[2018年1月试题]
    _________by the promise of these tiny tubespeople are already working to turn the Space Elevator into a reality[2019年1月试题]
    _________by the promise of these tiny tubespeople are already working to turn the Space Elevator into a reality[2021年1月试题]
    _________by the promise of these tiny tubespeople are already working to turn the Space Elevator into a reality[部资料]
    _________no modern telecommunicationswe would have to wait for weeks to get news from around the world[2020年1月试题]
    [答案]Were there
    _________no modern telecommunicationswe would have to wait for weeks to get news from around the world[部资料]
    [答案]Were there
    _________people are no longer worried about whether their food is safe or not can they enjoy a better life[2019年1月试题]
    [答案]Only if
    _________people are no longer worried about whether their food is safe or not can they enjoy a better life[2020年7月试题]
    [答案]Only if
    _________people are no longer worried about whether their food is safe or not_________they enjoy a better life[部资料]
    [答案]Only if……can
    _________the new law is used one dayI hope it will not punish people using 3D printers for personal purposes[2018年7月试题]
    _________the new law is used one dayI hope it will not punish people using 3D printers for personal purposes[2020年9月试题]
    _________the new law is used one dayI hope it will not punish people using 3D printers for personal purposes[部资料]
    _________thinking is the heart of the artistic design[2019年1月试题]
    _________thinking is the heart of the artistic design[部资料]
    _________this multimedia pro duet has some shortcomingsit has also some good points[2019年1月试题]
    _________this multimedia product has some shortcomingsit has also some good points[部资料]

    3D printers have spread from labs to industrial factories_________they are being cheaper and cheaper[部资料]
    3D printing is just at the beginning stageIt is not_________[部资料]
    50 miles southwest of the country_________the famous beautiful mountain[2020年9月试题]
    50 miles southwest of the country_________the famous beautiful mountain[2021年7月试题]
    Absolutelythat movie_________and I must admit that its director is brilliant[2018年7月试题]
    [答案]took my breath away
    Absolutelythat movie_________and I must admit that its director is brilliant[2021年1月试题]
    [答案]took my breath away
    Absolutelythat movie_________and I must admit that its director is brilliant[部资料]
    [答案]took my breath away
    Although plastic surgery is created to improve the looks of a personthere are a certain percentage of_________[部资料]
    Although plastic surgery is created to improve the looks of a personthere area certain percentage of_________ [2018年7月试题]
    Although plastic surgery is created to improve the looks of a personthere area certain percentage of_________ [2020年9月试题]
    Animal farming_________about half of all humancaused greenhouse gases[2018年1月试题]
    [答案]accounts for
    Animal farming_________about half of all humancaused greenhouse gases[部资料]
    [答案]accounts for
    Between 1975 and 1996the number of overseas visitors expanded_________27 on average each year[2020年9月试题]
    By no means_________ready to quit her study[2020年7月试题]
    [答案]is she
    Clever children________knowledge easily[2021年7月试题]
    Combining carbon and supercapacitors_________a perfect marriage[2020年7月试题]
    [答案]seems like
    Combining carbon and supercapacitors_________a perfect marriage[部资料]
    [答案]seems like
    Combining carbon and supercapacitors_________like a perfect marriage[2018年7月试题]
    Considering the needs of the new generationwe propose the concept of the_________network[2018年1月试题]
    Considering the needs of the new generationwe propose the concept of the_________network[2021年1月试题]
    Considering the needs of the new generationwe propose the concept of the_________network[部资料]
    Cosmetic surgery involves_________reshaping the body features[2018年1月试题]
    Cosmetic surgery involves_________reshaping the body features[部资料]
    Doctorplease let me know_________you can reconstruct my face[2019年1月试题]
    Doctorplease let me know_________you can reconstruct my face[部资料]
    Everyone has periods in their lives_________everything seems so hard[2020年1月试题]
    Everything we do has the potential_________creating some bad[2018年1月试题]
    Everything we do has the potential_________creating some bad[2020年1月试题]
    Everything we do has the potential_________creating some bad[2021年1月试题]
    Everything we do has the potential_________creating some bad[部资料]
    Flowers grow well in a warm climateSimilarlytechnology_________in a harmonious society[2019年1月试题]
    Flowers grow well in a warm climateSimilarlytechnology_________in a harmonious society[部资料]
    Had I known the resultI_________you to tell me[2020年9月试题]
    [答案]would not have asked
    Had I known the resultI_________you to tell me[2021年7月试题]
    [答案]would not have asked
    He is still a_________in handling such things[2018年7月试题]
    [答案]green hand
    He is still a_________in handling such things[2020年9月试题]
    [答案]green hand
    He is still a_________in handling such things[2021年1月试题]
    [答案]green hand
    He is still a_________in handling such things[部资料]
    [答案]green hand
    He remotely controls my mobile phone_________he can setup it for me[2019年7月试题]
    [答案]so that
    He would much_________it if you could do him the favor[2018年1月试题]
    He would much_________it if you could do him the favor[2020年1月试题]
    He would much_________it if you could do him the favor[2021年1月试题]
    He would much_________it if you could do him the favor[部资料]
    He_________his baggage among hundreds of others[部资料]
    Helen is fond of light music_________her brother is keen on rock and roll[2020年7月试题]
    Here motely controls my mobile phone_________he can set up it for me[部资料]
    [答案]so that
    I accepted my nose surgerythe________and patient doctor was really helpful during my recovery period[2020年7月试题]
    I accepted my nose surgerythe________and patient doctor was really helpful during my recovery period[部资料]
    I am really_________by fresh ingredientsintricate cooking and diverse traditions of Chinese food[2019年7月试题]
    I am really_________by fresh ingredientsintricate cooking and diverse traditions of Chinese food[2020年7月试题]
    I am really_________by fresh ingredientsintricate cooking and diverse traditions of Chinese food[部资料]
    I couldn't stand London Bloody_________place[部资料]
    I couldn't stand LondonBloody_________place[2019年7月试题]
    I couldn't stand LondonBloody_________place[2020年1月试题]
    I think the benefits of opening up space far_________the damage that we can see[2018年7月试题]
    I think the benefits of opening up space far_________the damage that we can see[2020年1月试题]
    I think the benefits of opening up space far_________the damage that we can see[部资料]
    I was a little scared that it was my first time that I_________had my cosmetic surgery[2019年7月试题]
    I was a little scared that it was my first time that I_________had my cosmetic surgery[部资料]
    I was a little scared that it was my first time that I_________had my cosmetic surgery[2021年7月试题]
    If Gardener_________who will take care of us[2018年7月试题]
    If Gardener_________who will take care of us[2020年1月试题]
    If Gardener_________who will take care of us?[部资料]
    If you have any_________news of my husbandplease let me know[2020年1月试题]
    If you have any_________news of my husbandplease let me know[部资料]
    If you want to download this appyou need to connect your mobile phone_________Internet first[部资料]
    It is difficult for her to make the final decision now_________she is in a delicate situation[2020年7月试题]
    It is hard for any woman to resist_________herself more beauty[2019年7月试题]
    It is hard for any woman to resist_________herself more beauty[2020年1月试题]
    It is hard for any woman to resist_________herself more beauty[部资料]
    It is known to all that a lot of South Korean_________accepted plastic surgery[2019年1月试题]
    It is known to all that a lot of South Korean_________accepted plastic surgery[2019年7月试题]
    It is known to all that a lot of South Korean_________accepted plastic surgery[2020年1月试题]
    It is known to all that a lot of South Korean_________accepted plastic surgery[部资料]
    It is the ability to do the job_________matters not where you come from or what you are[部资料]
    It is_________an interesting story that I want to read it again[2018年1月试题]
    It is_________an interesting story that I want to read it again[2018年7月试题]
    It is_________an interesting story that I want to read it again[2020年7月试题]
    It is_________an interesting story that I want to read it again[2021年1月试题]
    It is_________an interesting story that I want to read it again[部资料]
    It__________me that I had a choice[部资料]
    Janet believes that some illegal traders only________making money[2021年7月试题]
    [答案]cared about
    Modern Meadow is a start up that engineers tissues to create labgrown_________meat[2021年1月试题]
    Modern Meadow is a startup that engineers tissues to create labgrown_________meat[部资料]
    My assistant will now_________the machine in action[部资料]
    My assistant will now_________the machine in action[部资料]
    No one had enough foresight to_________the winner[2019年7月试题]
    No one had enough foresight to_________the winner[2021年1月试题]
    No one had enough foresight to_________the winner[部资料]
    Our part of the mission is nearly complete and the new crew will_________for us[2018年7月试题]
    [答案]take over
    Our part of the mission is nearly complete and the new crew will_________for us[2019年1月试题]
    [答案]take over
    Our part of the mission is nearly complete and the new crew will_________for us[2020年1月试题]
    [答案]take over
    Our part of the mission is nearly complete and the new crew will_________for us[部资料]
    [答案]take over
    She is_________tall as you are[2020年1月试题]
    She is_________tall as you are[部资料]
    She is_________tall as you[2021年1月试题]
    She’s been interested in computer science_________she was eight[部资料]
    She's been interested in computer science_________she was eight[2018年1月试题]
    She's been interested in computer science_________she was eight[2020年9月试题]
    She's not very optimistic_________the development of 3D printing[2018年7月试题]
    She's not very optimistic_________the development of 3D printing[部资料]
    So far as I'm________some other arrangement would have been satisfactory[2021年7月试题]
    So little_________about chemistry that the lecture was completely beyond me[2020年9月试题]
    [答案]did I know
    So little_________about chemistry that the lecture was completely beyond me[2021年7月试题]
    [答案]did I know
    So_________that millions of people queue to buy it[2018年1月试题]
    [答案]popular is the smart phone
    So_________that millions of people queue to buy it[2021年1月试题]
    [答案]popular is the smart phone
    So_________that millions of people queue to buy it[部资料]
    [答案]popular is the smartphone
    Some experts think reading is the fundamental skill upon_________school education depends[2019年7月试题]
    Some experts think reading is the fundamental skill upon_________school education depends[部资料]
    Some illegal traders care about nothing but_________ [2020年1月试题]
    [答案]making money
    Some illegal traders care about nothing but_________[部资料]
    [答案]making money
    Someone invented the 3D printer many years ago_________I don’t remember who
    Someone invented the 3D printer many years ago_________I don't remember who[2020年9月试题]
    Someone invented the 3D printer many years ago_________I don't remember who[2021年7月试题]
    Spaceships are stocked with a variety of_________foods[2019年1月试题]
    Spaceships are stocked with a variety of_________foods[2020年7月试题]
    Spaceships are stocked with a variety of_________foods[部资料]
    Success can breed successif you_________it[2018年1月试题]
    [答案]take advantage of
    Success can breed successif you_________it[部资料]
    [答案]take care of
    The atlas is normally kept by the big window but now it is_________to the wall right next to Broccoli[2019年7月试题]
    The atlas is normally kept by the big window but now it is_________to the wall right next to Broccoli[部资料]
    The BBC has just successfully demonstrated a_________radio transmission system[部资料]
    The box is_________hold these things[2019年7月试题]
    [答案]too small to
    The box is_________hold these things[部资料]
    [答案]too small to
    The box is________hold these things
    [答案]too small to
    The Cheetah robot made by MIT's scientists can jump over hurdles while________[2021年7月试题]
    The Cheetah robot made by MIT's scientists can jump over hurdles while_________[2019年7月试题]
    The Cheetah robot made by MIT's scientists can jump over hurdles while_________[2020年9月试题]
    The Cheetah robot made by MIT's scientists can jump over hurdles while_________[部资料]
    The company________a working prototype on September 3atits annual Technology Innovation Conference in Beijing[2021年7月试题]
    The current death rate is reduced_________10 compared with that of the year of 1980
    The plastic surgeon may provide several plans for your facial_________[部资料]
    The problem is uneven distribution_________870 million suffering from hunger[2019年1月试题]
    The problem is uneven distribution_________870 million suffering from hunger[部资料]
    The reason why he didn’t come to school was_________he was ill[部资料]
    The reason why he didn't come to school was_________he was ill[2019年1月试题]
    The reason why he didn't come to school was_________he was ill[2020年7月试题]
    The scientist spoke confidently_________impressed me most[2018年1月试题]
    The scientist spoke confidently_________impressed me most[2020年9月试题]
    The scientist spoke confidently_________impressed me most[2021年7月试题]
    The scientist spoke confidently_________impressed me most[部资料]
    The speed with which digital cameras can takeprocess and_________an image is phenomenal[2021年1月试题]
    The speed with which digital cameras can takeprocess and_________an image is phenomenal[部资料]
    The technology has several advantages_________earlier attempts to engineer meat in vitro[部资料]
    [答案]in comparison to
    The________on international economic problems met in Geneva last Monday[2021年7月试题]
    There are_________calls for lawmakers to consider copyright laws[2018年1月试题]
    There are_________calls for lawmakers to consider copyright laws[部资料]
    There are_________calls for lawmakers to consider copyright laws[2021年7月试题]
    There will be a space hotel in Barcelona Island_________you can experience space travel by viewing lifelike galaxies through cabin windows[部资料]
    They are trying to make a new productthe world's smallest_________robot[2020年9月试题]
    They are trying to make a new productthe world's smallest_________robot[2021年7月试题]
    They are trying to make a new productthe world's smallest_________robot[部资料]
    They are_________make an announcement later on today[2018年1月试题]
    [答案]expected to
    They are_________make an announcement later on today[部资料]
    [答案]expected to
    They built a robot capable of_________spoken commands[部资料]
    They should never try to pursue profit_________health and life of people[2019年7月试题]
    [答案]at the expense of
    They should never try to pursue profit_________health and life of people[部资料]
    [答案]at the expense of
    This 3D printer was designed_________produce snacks[部资料]
    This is a highly_________new heating system[2021年1月试题]
    This is a highly_________new heating system[部资料]
    Thisthey arguewill be essential to_________the needs of a booming population in decades to come and avoiding starvation[2018年7月试题]
    Thisthey arguewill be essential to_________the needs of a booming population in decades to come and avoiding starvation[2020年7月试题]
    Thisthey arguewill be essential to_________the needs of a booming population in decades to come and avoiding starvation[2021年1月试题]
    Thisthey arguewill be essential to_________the needs of a booming population in decades to come and avoiding starvation[部资料]
    To masked me to go to play football and_________[2018年7月试题]
    [答案]so I did
    Tom asked me to go to play football and__________[部资料]
    [答案]so I did
    Tom can speak French_________[2018年1月试题]
    [答案]So can Jack
    Tom can speak French__________[部资料]
    [答案]So can Jack
    Touch_________3D maps help the blind too much[2019年1月试题]
    Touch_________3D maps help the blind too much[部资料]
    We trust this new product of ours will_________to your market[2019年7月试题]
    We trust this new product of ours will_________to your market[2020年7月试题]
    We trust this new product of ours will_________to your market[2021年1月试题]
    We trust this new product of ours will_________to your market[部资料]
    We_________to deliver the goods within a week[2018年7月试题]
    We_________to deliver the goods within a week[2019年7月试题]
    We_________to deliver the goods within a week[部资料]
    We'll never forget_________in New York last year[2020年7月试题]
    [答案]our meeting a few friends
    What's_________issue here is the difference between cosmetic and plastic surgery[2018年1月试题]
    What's_________issue here is the difference between cosmetic and plastic surgery[2020年9月试题]
    What's_________issue here is the difference between cosmetic and plastic surgery[部资料]
    When we were students we_________often stay up all night[2019年1月试题]
    When we were students we_________often stay up all night[2020年9月试题]
    When we were students we_________often stay up all night[部资料]
    You can have eggs_________or hardboiled[2019年7月试题]
    You can have eggs_________or hardboiled[2020年1月试题]
    You can have eggs_________or hardboiled[部资料]
    You can turn on the toy robot by_________this button[2018年7月试题]
    You can turn on the toy robot by_________this button[部资料]
    You will get your cosmetic surgery on your nosePlease tell me if you like this medical plan_________[2019年1月试题]
    [答案]or not
    You will get your cosmetic surgery on your nosePlease tell me if you like this medical plan_________[2020年1月试题]
    [答案]or not
    You will get your cosmetic surgery on your nosePlease tell me if you like this medical plan_________[部资料]
    [答案]or not
    You will quickly get used to_________this new digital camera[2020年7月试题]
    You will quickly get used to_________this new digital camera[部资料]
    You_________the Inceptionsince I remember once you discussed its main plot with Cathy[2019年1月试题]
    [答案]must have watched
    You_________the Inceptionsince I remember once you discussed its main plot with Cathy[2020年9月试题]
    [答案]must have watched
    You_________the Inceptionsince I remember once you discussed its main plot with Cathy[部资料]
    [答案]must have watched





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    说明:更新至2021年7月试题。_________,he knows a lot about computer.[2018年7月试题][答案]Child a she is_________,he...

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    说明:更新至2021年7月试题。―___________________.[2020年9月试题]―Can you tell me something about your new product...

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    国开电大本科《理工英语4》机考题库第二大题 词汇与结构说明:更新至2022年7月试题,适用于2023年1月期末期末一体化、纸质考试。3D printers have spread from ...

    897    0


    说明:资料整理于2023年4月,适用于国开电大期末机考考试。3D printers have spread from labs to industrial factories,_________...

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    2021年1月试题及答案二、词汇与结构(共计30分,每小题2分) 6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。6.Consider...

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    说明:资料整理于2023年4月,适用于国开电大本科期末机考考试。AA child’s character is greatly influenced by his home_________.A...

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    国开电大本科《人文英语4》机考题库[珍藏版]说明:资料整理于2023年4月,适用于国开电大期末机考考试。第二大题 词汇与结构AA police officer claimed that th...

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    1388国开电大本科《理工英语4》期末纸质考试(第二大题词汇与结构)题库(分学期版)2021年7月试题及答案6.Someone invented the 3D printer many yea...

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    586    0


    说明:更新至2021年7月试题,可以根据试题首字母音序查找试题及答案。______________had the bell rung____________ the students took ...

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    1389国开电大本科《管理英语4》历年期末考试(第二大题词汇与结构)题库(排序考试版)说明:可以根据试题首字母音序查找试题及答案。_________CEO s spend planning,t...

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    1390国开电大本科《人文英语4》历年期末考试(第二大题词汇与结构)题库(排序考试版)说明:根据试题首字母音序查找试题及答案。_________extravagant eating and d...

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    A01 A_________designer is needed.A.full-time B.full timeC.full timing [答案]AA01 A_________designer...

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    1388国开电大本科《理工英语4》历年 期末考试(第一大题交际用语)题库


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    A01 Although he has sought to find a peaceful_____,he is facing more pressure from his business r...

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    国开电大本科《人文英语4》机考题库说明:资料整理于2023年2月,适用于2023年2月底3月初期末机考考试。第二大题 词汇与结构A01 A police officer claimed th...

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    A01 A child’s character is greatly influenced by his home_________.A.caseB.environmentC.situation...

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    首字母A◆________a good listener is very important when you are looking after them.A.BeingB.BeC.As[答案...

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    首字母A__________a vacation is always a good way to get relaxation and refreshment.A.TakeB.Being tak...

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    首字母A◆A new computer______a lot of money.A.spendsB.takesC.costs[答案]C◆A pair of spectacles_______wh...

    420    0




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