「备课综合」2022-2023学年仁爱版英语九年级下册 Unit 5 China and the World Topic 2 Section A 学案

    He is really the pride of China Section A 学案
    1掌握新单词新词组:thinker wise kindness philosopher inf luence whom unite defent empire forever pass away set up come to an end
    Thinker wise kindness philosopher influence whom unite defeat empire forever
    ⑴……领域 ⑵伟思想家
    ⑷著名哲学家 ⑸ 理名言 ⑹……
    ⑺……重性 ⑻行准 ⑼某三十岁时
    二十岁时 ⑽某余生 ⑾世 ⑿回……
    ⒀……行 ⒁建立成立 ⒂远方 ⒃结束
    3理解列句孔子理名言 翻译出
    ①He who learns but does not think is lost he who thinks but does not learn is in dange
    ②When I walk along with two others I may be able to learn from them
    ③What you know you know what you don’t know you don’t know
    ④Learn the new while reviewing the old
    ⑤Isn’t it a pleasure that friends come to see you from far away
    ⑥Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you
    1 He was born in the year 551BC出生公元前551年
    the year 551BC公元前551年AD公元BC公元前表达 公元公元前…年时AD写年数前均BC应写年数
    2in one’s thirties twenties……意____________________
    3spend cost take pay区
    a __________+spend+时间钱+ (in) __________ sth __________ sth
    b __________+cost+sb+钱
    c __________+takes took+时间+__________sth
    d __________+pay+钱+for sb
    5语法拓展 ①定语句(Attributive Clauses)
    关系代词:who whom whose that which等
    a 关系代词who whom that代先行词句中作语宾语(who that作语who whom that作宾语)
    eg:1) Is he the man who that(句中作语) wants to see you
    2)He is the man who whom that(句中作宾语) I saw yesterday
    b 关系代词whose指物句 中作定语
    (果先行词指物whoseof which代)
    Eg:1) They rushed ove r to help the man whose(句中作__________) car had broken down
    2) Please pass me the book whose (__________) cover is green
    c 关系代词which that代先行词事物句中作语宾语(句中作宾语which that省略)
    eg:1) The bike which that(句中作__________) my sister bought last year appears in the countryside(省略)
    2) The package which that(句中作__________) is on the desk is mine
    四堂反 馈:
    1练表演1a话 2完成2
    ( )1) Don’t talk about such things of _______ you are not sure
    Awhich Bwhat Cas Dthose
    ( )2)Is this the factory _______ you visited the other day
    Athat Bwhere Cin which Dthe one
    ( )3)Is this the factory _______ he worked ten years ago
    Athat Bwhere Cwhich Dthat one
    ( )4)This is the dictionary _______ num gave me for my birthday
    Awhich Bwhat Cwhose Dwhom ( )5)Jack is a young cook _______ wants to improve school dinners
    Awho Bwhose Cwhom Dwhich
    ( )1—Do you know everybody ______ came to the party
    —Almost but I don’t know the one ______ you talked with near the door
    A who B whose that
    C that which D whom
    ( )2He became a famous writer when he was ______
    A in his fifty B in his fifties
    C in fifty years old Din fifties
    ( )3—Have you ever been to the village ______ Taishitun
    —No I have never been there before
    A call B called C to call D calling
    ( )4—Must we go there together at once
    —______ you ______ he goes there only one student is needed
    A Both and B Either or
    C Neither nor D Not only but also
    ( )5—Do you know about Yuan Longping
    —Only a little But Chinese people are proud of the man ______ hybrid(杂交) rice is famous
    Awho Bwhich Cthat Dwhose
    1Everyone may know the girl Her father is called Fang Gang
    2Mei’an is a small village It lies in the northeast of Suzhou
    3He is a friend I can depend on him(whom连成含定语句复合句)
    4The book is really good We should read it(合成句)
    The book is really __________________________________________
    5The woman is my English teacher She is working in the office(合
    六拓展提升:1 回答4a问题然听话核答案
    2听遍完 成4b3学英语方法记忆名名言名名言 趣意蕴丰富知道孔子名言请列出





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