
    第三题 阅读理解选择题题库
    ★Do you lack friendsDo you want to make more friendsIf soyou may read on

    There’s a certain beauty in being a lonely wolfYou have more time to do the things you want to doBut if you want to make more friendsand do things together with themplease consider these suggestions on how to meet people and form stronglasting friendships

    Spend more time around people and talk to themIf you want to make friendsyou first need to put yourself out in order to meet peopleFriends seldom come knocking on your door while you sit at home playing computer games

    Participate in an online communityYou don’t necessarily need to have a lot of common interests with people in order to make friends with themSocial networking sites such as We chatFacebookTwitterand MySpace are great way to meet new people and learn more about the people you meet
    Join a sports teamA common misunderstanding about this is that you have to be realily good at playing a particular sport in order to make friends with others on the teambut not all teams are so comp eveAs long as you enjoy the sport and support your teammatesjoining a local team could be a great way to make new friends
    [单选题]◆How many ways the author suggests on how to make more friends
    C Two

    [单选题]◆If you want to make more friendsfirst you need to
    Ajoin a club
    Bchat on the internet
    Cput yourself out

    [单选题]◆What is the meaning of the word online in paragraph 3

    [单选题]◆What is misunderstanding about joining a sports team
    AYou have to be good at playing a particular sport
    BYou must enjoy the sport
    CYou must support your teammates

    [单选题]◆The main point of this passage is about
    Ahow to talk with friends
    Bhow to make more friends
    Chow to study English well

    LETTER 1
    ★Dear Ann
    I am going to give a dinner party next monthI want my guests to enjoy themselves and to feel comfortableWhat is the secret of giving a successful party
    LETTER 2
    Dear Mary
    Cook something that would let you spend time with your guestsIf a guest offers to help you in the kitchenaccept the offerIt often makes people feel more comfortable when they can help

    Before serving dinnerwhile your guests make small talks in the living roomoffer them drinksSome guests may like winebut make sure to provide soft drinks for people who don’t

    At the dinner tablelet your guests serve themselvesOffer them a second serving after they finishbut don’t ask more than onceMost guests will take more if they want

    Perhaps the most important rule of all is to be naturalTreat your guests as you want them to treat you when you’re in their homethat isact naturally toward themand don’t try too hard to be politeHave a good time in a pleasant atmosphere
    [单选题]◆From the first letter we learn that Mary_______
    Ais asking for advice on giving a dinner party
    Bknows the secret of giving a pleasant party
    Cis going to attend a dinner party

    [单选题]◆Ann’s first piece of advice is that Mary should_______

    Aget the food ready before the guests arrive
    Bkeep the guests away from the kitchen
    Caccept the guests’ offer to help

    [单选题]◆Ann suggests that Mary offer drinks_______
    Awhile the guests are having small talks
    Bwhen all the guests have arrived
    Cafter the guests finish small talks

    [单选题]◆When having dinnerthe guests are expected to_______
    Aeat their food slowly
    Bhelp the host serve food
    Chelp themselves to more food

    [单选题]◆The most important rule for Mary to follow in treating her guests is to_______
    Abe as polite as she can
    Blet them feel at home
    Cprepare delicious food

    ★England is not a big countryfrom north to south and from east to west it is only about three hundred miles acrossBut for a small country it has a surprising range of climatePeople who have never visited England or who have visited only one part of itoften make the mistake of thinking that it is a cold and wet countryExcept for the summer months of June to Septemberthis is probable true of the North of England and the MidlandIn the southhoweverthe climate is much more pleasant One result is that when people retire form a job in the norththey often prefer to move down to the milder south

    Perhaps the warmest part of the country is the southwestwhich consists of the countries of Devon and Cornwall The warm Gulf Steam flows across the North Atlantic Ocean from the Gulf of Mexico and makes the coastal regions of the southwest of EnglandFlowers and vegetables ripen as much as a month earlier than those elsewhereFarmers in the area obtain a higher price for their vegetables and flowers because they are ready earlierIn winter there maybe probably no snow at all in the southwestThis maybe one of the reasons why the southwest is one of England’s most popular holiday areas
    [单选题]◆The distance from the center of England to the south coast is about______
    Aone hundred miles
    Bthree hundred miles
    Cone hundred and fifty miles

    [单选题]◆England is a country______

    Awith a cold and wet climate
    Bwith a pleasant climate
    Cwith a variety of climate

    [单选题]◆According to the passage______
    Aflowers and vegetables from Devon are on the market one month earlier
    Bfarmers in the southwest grow as many vegetables and flowers as farmers elsewhere
    Cvegetable in Com wall ripen as much as am on the are r than flowers

    [单选题]◆In the north of England and the Midland______
    Ait is cold and wet all the year round
    Bit is warm most of the time in a year
    Conly the summer is not cold and well

    [单选题]◆In winterpeople in Devon and Cornwall______
    Ahardly see any snow
    Bnever see any snow
    Cmay have several feet of snow

    ★In the pastAmerican families tended to be quite largeParents raising five or more children were commonOver the yearsthe size of the family is becoming smallerOne reason for this is an increase in the cost of living

    Generallychildren attend schools for more years than they used tomaking them financially dependent on their families longerMoreoverchildren nowadays are better dressed and have more money to spend on entertainmentThe parents are usually responsible for all the expensesAnd families are less close than they used to beMore and more American mothers work away from homeThe breakup of the family appears when the parents’ divorceA lot of children in the USlive part of their young lives with only one parentChildren grow up feeling unsettled as they are moved between their parentsSingle parents often marry other single parentsIn this type of familyunrelated children are forced to develop brother or sister relationship

    The situations of many American families today are not goodHoweverrecent signs show that things are getting betterThe divorce rate is declining(降低)Perhaps Americans have learned how important families are
    [单选题]◆In the pastAmerican families tended to be__________
    Aquite small
    Bmedium sized
    Cquite large

    [单选题]◆To parents who take the responsibility for children’s expensesthe cost of living increases because_______

    Achildren attend school for more years
    Bchildren are better dressed and spend more money on entertainment
    Call of the above

    [单选题]◆Children whose parents divorced always feel unsettled because__________
    Athey are moved between their parents
    Bthey are forced to develop brother or sister relationship
    Cthey have little money to spend

    [单选题]◆According to the authorthe situations of American families in the future may__________
    Aget better
    Bremain the same
    Cbecome worse

    [单选题]◆The title of the article might be__________
    AAmerican Children
    BAmerican Families
    CAmerican Parents

    ★I used to think education was the most important thing in my lifeRecently my attitude has begun to changealthough I still hold that it is essential for everyone in the world todayAs a top junior student in my collegeI was asked to make a speech on how to learn English wellStanding in front of the audience facing so many freshmenI was tremblingI didn’t remember any word that I had preparedI ran out of the conference room without finishing my speechleaving everyone puzzledI cried that night in my roomfeeling that I was a loserStudying takes so much of my time that I feel unable to really develop myselfI am just storing knowledge yet fail to communicate with othersI have received many awards in schoolbut they don’t necessarily reflect anything about meI don’t know how to socializeWhen I leave school I fear I will be of no use to society

    I realize that everyone has her or his own way of livingI want to change my lifestyleOf course I will keep studyingYet I plan to look for a parttime jobwhich might turn out to be a good chance to get to know societyI still believe that working my hardest does make me happyI will still stay on in collegebut I will not allow it to shelter me from the real world
    [单选题]◆From this passagewe know that the author__________
    Adoes not think education is the most important thing in her life any more
    Bthinks that communication with other people is more important than education
    Crealizes that it is more important to really develop oneself than just to store knowledge

    [单选题]◆By saying that she isa junior studentin her collegethe author means that she is__________
    Aa student in her third year in college
    Ba very young college student
    Cyounger than most students in college

    [单选题]◆The author thinks the awards she has received__________
    Ashow that she is a top student
    Bshow how much time she has spent in learning
    Cdon’t necessarily reflect her real self

    [单选题]◆The author fears that she will be of no use to societymainly because__________
    Ashe feels she is a loser
    Bshe does not know how to communicate with others
    Cstudying takes too much of her time

    [单选题]◆Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passagewhen the author says that she wants to find a parttime job
    AThe job might enable her to get to know society
    BShe wants to change her lifestyle
    CWorking part time while studying will make her happy

    ★Midautumn Day is for families to get together in ChinaPeople show their thanks for the year’s harvest and pray for another year of good harvestMoon cake is a traditional gift and food that people give each other during the festival

    Midautumn Day was a harvest festival longtime agoThe story goes as follows
    Longtime ago there were 10 badly behaved suns in the skyHouyi a capable archer shot down nine of them to save the people and the earth

    The hero Houyi went to the Kunlun Mountains and gained a pill from Xi Wang mu the Goddess of the West Xi told him that he would never die after he took the pillWhen he came back home he gave it to Chang’s his wife asking her to keep it safe

    While Houyi was away an evil follower tried to stealth epilChang’s put it into her mouth and immediately floated to the moon

    Houyi cried for the loss of his wifeHe laid a table in his yard and put out some of Changes favorite foodsMoon cakes are among themPeople then followed and prayed to Chang’s now a goddess to bring them happiness and bountiful harvests
    [单选题]◆Midautumn Day is for families to in China

    Aget together
    Bhave a dance
    Cgo to parks

    [单选题]◆One traditional gift and food that people give each other during the festival is the______
    Bmoon cake

    [单选题]◆Why did Houyi shoot down nine suns
    AIn order to be a hero
    BIn order to have fun
    CIn order to save the people and the earth

    [单选题]◆Chang’s put the pill into her mouth because______
    Aan evil follower wanted to steal the pill
    Bshe would never die after she ate the pill
    CHouyi asked her to take the pill

    [单选题]◆Which of the following statements about Chang’s is not true
    AMoon cakes are among Chang’s favor to foods
    BChang’s floated to the moon after she ate the pill
    CChang’s was very selfish because she ate the pill

    ★One study in the United States found that thirtyeight percent of foreign students said they had no close American friends

    Elisabeth Gareis teaches in the Department of Communication Studies at Baruch College in New YorkShe says efforts on how to improve relationships between foreign and American students have yet to be studied in detailBut she says these efforts should begin with the college or university and that these institutions have been working harder

    MsGareis suggests that students should be encouraged to take part in different activitiessuch as taking walksgoing on bike ridesfield or camping tripsand attending parties s poring events or film festivals She says such activities should beheld repeatedly throughout the school term to bring students together
    She also suggests that foreign students share housing with American studentsShe says if the news students make friends as they begin school they wilco me to feel part of the life and traditions of the universityas well as create long lasting friendships throughout their university career
    [单选题]◆According to paragraph onewhat was the percentage of foreign students had no close American


    [单选题]◆Who should work harder on improving the relationships between foreign and American students
    AAmerican students
    CThe college or university

    [单选题]◆Which way is a good way to improve the relationship
    AStay at domitory all day
    BPlay with students from home country
    CTake part in some activities with local students

    [单选题]◆Does MsGareis say the activities shouldn’t beheld repeatedly throughout the term
    CNot mentioned

    [单选题]◆What is the best title for the passage
    AHelping International Students Make Friends
    BHow to Study Overseas
    CHow to Take Part In Friends’ Party

    ★Sank police were investigating a possible child luring case near a primary school

    It happened on Tuesday afternoonduring the lunch hourMarya student of John Lake School was approached by two men in a black vanShe refused and ran awayWhen she arrived at schoolshe reported it to the school staff

    The schools and the police took it seriouslyThe schools wrote a letter to parents immediatelyinforming them of the case and making safety suggestionsPolice are looking into the matter

    Police responded to the case as soon as they received the reportIt’s a matter of public safetysaid the police spokespersonWe want to make sure everybodyincluding kidsadults and people out and about are safeSowe take this very seriously

    Police were making some safety suggestions for the studentsPolice asked students to always be on their guard when walking to schoolKids were encouraged to walk in pairs and walk in the daylight where it’s well litOne of the police officer said… Students should try to walk where there are people aroundand always let somebodyyour family or friendsknow where you are going

    [单选题]◆The two men in the black van_______
    Aknew Mary
    Bwas the school staff
    Cprobably wanted to lure Mary

    [单选题]◆Mary is probably a_______school student

    [单选题]◆_______too the case seriously
    AThe schools
    BThe police
    CBoth of the above

    [单选题]◆In order to be safe when going to schoolkids should _______
    Ago to school on their own
    Btake selfdefense sprayers(卫喷雾器)
    Cnot tell anyone where they’re going

    [单选题]◆This case indicated that_______should pay attention to the safety problems
    Athe public
    Bthe parents
    Conly school kids

    ★Social workers help people overcome problems and make their lives betterIf people are homelesssickor having family problemssocial workers will work with themIf students have trouble in schoolsocial workers help them too

    Social workers help these people in different waysOne way is to find resources for peopleThey find out what kinds of help people needThenthey setup programs to meet the needs of the individualThey may focus on child abusepovertyviolenceand other problemsFor someone with family difficultiessocial workers may find a parenting class or a support groupFor a homeless personthey may find a place for them to live and a career training programFor a studentthey may find a mentor or a learning disability expert

    Many social workers give counselingThey talk to people about their lives and help them understand and solve their problems and to make plans

    Most social workers spend the day in an officeSome travel to the people they helpSometimesthey meet with people in the evening or on weekendsSocial workers can be very busy when they are helping many people at once

    [单选题]◆According to the textwhat is not social workers’ job
    ATo help people with family problems
    BTo make people’s lives better
    CTo do the housework for people

    [单选题]◆For someone with family problemssocial workers will__________
    Afind them a place to live
    Bfind them a career training program
    Cfind them a parenting class

    [单选题]◆Social workers build__________to provide the help for people in need

    [单选题]◆Which of the following sentence is not true
    ASocial workers give some advice to people
    BMost social workers think of their job as boring
    CSocial workers may help many people at a time

    [单选题]◆The main point of this passage is about__________
    AHow busy social workers are
    BHow social workers do their job
    CHow tired social workers are

    ★Ten workers in China pushed their boss’s car three miles home after an office party because they were all too drunk to driveThe group was enjoying a meal at a restaurant in downtown ChangchunJilin Province(northeast China) When the party was overBoss Zhang Fei found that he was too drunk to driveThen suddenly they realized nobody had stayed sober enough to drive his car

    Drinkdriving was listed as a dangerous offence in China in 2014espwhen the driver is drunkThose who break the law will have their driving license revokedface a heavy fine and maybe put in jailZhang did not want to leave his car downtown and it was too late to e all out another driver to drive the car for himSomeone then suggested they push the car homeand said that the exercise would do them all goodThusall ten quickly agreed and set off with Zhang at the wheelAll ten workers pushed their boss’s car home through the city streetslaughing and singing during the 45minute journeyPassersby were shocked to see the group

    Traffic officers said that as long as the car’s engine was not runningit would not be classed as drinkdriving under the lawHoweverit is still very dangerous for so many people to push the car along the roadas it may cause traffic ace idents

    [单选题]◆__________workers in China pushed their boss’s car home in__________minutes

    [单选题]◆Drinkdriving has been regarded as a dangerous offence in China since__________

    [单选题]◆Those who break the law may__________
    Anot have their driving license revoked
    Bnot face a heavy fine
    Cbe put in jail

    [单选题]◆People pushing the car along the road would not be classed as drinkdriving because_______
    Athe car engine was not running
    Bthose people didn’t drink
    Cthere were no police on the road

    [单选题]◆We can infer from the passage that drinkdriving__________the law
    Ais not against
    Bis against
    Chas nothing to do with

    ★The United States is a very large countryIt has many different kinds of landscapes and different kinds of people

    In the Eastthe countryside is green and freshHere are some of the first states and some of the big citiesNew York and the capital Washington DCare in the East
    In the Souththere is the beautiful city of New Orleansthe capital of jazzIt is sometimes hot hereand the people here are very different from those in the East

    The Central Plains of the United States are fertile with big fields of wheat and com

    In the SouthWest it is often hot and dryBut the deserts and mountains are beautiful And Califomiaon the West Coastis famous as aparadisestate

    The weather in the MidWestnear the Great Lakesis often cold and windyand there is a lot of snow in winter

    [单选题]◆Which of the following does the United States have
    ADifferent kinds of People
    BDifferent kinds of Food
    CDifferent kinds of Movies

    [单选题]◆Which one is the capital of the United States
    BWashington DC
    CNew York

    [单选题]◆New Orleans is famous for its_____________
    CVapor wave

    [单选题]◆What are the main crops in the central United States
    ARice and Wheat
    BCorn and Rice
    CCorn and Wheat

    [单选题]◆Which part of the United States is usually hot and dry

    ★Top students from across the country won the Academy Excellence Awards in 2012The Awards celebrate the academic achievements of middle school students

    This yearthere were entries from more than 4000 students from 300 schools across England in response to questions set by Nottingham academics

    The Team Award went to five students from The King Edward VI Camp Hill School in BirminghamThey won a weeklong trip to Malaysia

    One of the organizers commented:The winners of the Academy Excellence Awards should be very proud of their achievementsThey have shown real talent and passion in their subjects and will no doubt go on to do great things

    Professor David Green awayViceChancellor of The University of NottinghamsaidSpecial congratulations go to the winnerswhose work has demonstrated not only a high level of academic excellencebut also creativity and original thought

    [单选题]◆What did the Awards celebrate
    AAcademic achievements of middle school
    BAnniversary of a middle school
    CGraduation ceremony of a middle school

    [单选题]◆What does the wordentriesin the second paragraph mean

    [单选题]◆Which school won the Team Award
    AA middle school in Nottingham
    BThe King Edward VI Camp Hill School
    CThe King Edward V School

    [单选题]◆What’s the reward of the Team Award
    AA weeklong trip to Malaysia
    BFive thousand dollars
    CA certificate

    [单选题]◆What’s the organizer’s attitude toward to the Award

    ★What do I do at the party

    You should always offer to get drinks for other people when you go to get a drink for yourself You should introduce yourself to new people in the groupYou should avoid personal questions ab family until you know them betterGood topics of conversation are filmsbookstelevision program holidaysjobsthe town you are inetc

    You should ask for permission to smokesayIs it alright if I smokeOrbetteryou should go outside to smokeMany people don’t like the smell of smoke inside
    What do l do when I leave

    If you are not a close friend of the hostsyou shouldn’t be the last to leave
    You should sayThank youto the hosts and say It was a lovely partyI really enjoyed myself And then you should go back to people you talked to and sayI was very nice to meet you
    [单选题]◆When you go to get a drink for yourselfyou should______
    Aintroduce yourself first
    Boffer to get drinks for other people in the group

    Cask for permission

    [单选题]◆You should not talk about______with new people
    Athe town you are in
    Btelevision programs
    Cpersonal questions about family

    [单选题]◆People don’t lie the smell of smoke insideso you should______
    Anot smoke before you go to a party
    Bgo outside to smoke
    Csmoke in the kitchen

    [单选题]◆______get drinks for other people at a party
    AYou should always offer to
    BYou should never
    CYou should say sorry if you

    [单选题]◆You sayIt was very nice to meet youwhen you______
    Ameet other guests
    Bleave other guests
    Cmeet your hosts




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